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Transcription of the Interview

Researchers: Good morning everyone! after choosing your best photo, we

the researchers will ask you some questions regarding to it. Okay let’s start

Participant 1

Researcher: Good afternoon Mr. DV, I assumed that you already know that
I’m here to conduct an interview since you are one of our respondents. In
the photo that you have been taken, “what can you see”?

Participant: Drums

Researcher: what’s really happening here?

Participant: I always feel glad whenever I saw drums. I feel like I’m always
in the midst of performing. Drums are my buddies in my performances.

Researcher: How does this relate to our lives?

Participant: I can relate these things to my life as a performer because as a

member of marching band I am also a dependent person just like this drums
do. This drums needs to associate with the other instruments to produce a
better sound. I need the help coming from my mentor and co-members to
increase my learning as a performer.

Researcher: Why does this problem or this strength exist?

Participant: This drums are somewhat my weakness regardless on how could

I arrange myself into a better one, where would I start, but as time goes by
these serves as my strength because if I already set myself I am now
confident that I can perform well in every performance.

Researcher: What can we do about this?

Participant: Even though I think I can do my role in marching band, I still

need other people to enhance my learning to become a fully grown
performer. I am confident that one day I will be able to reach my dreams in
part with this instruments.
Participant II

Researcher: Good Aft Miss, I assumed that you already know that I am
conducting an interview for our research purposes, since you are a
performer in a cultural performing group (SIRANG), you are one of our
respondents. in the photo that you have taken “What can you see?”

Participant: Ocean

Researcher: What’s really happening here?

Participant: Whenever I see ocean, I feel like I am on a calm stage, wherein

I am able to expand myself.

Researcher: How does this relate to our lives?

Participant: Ocean represents of who I am and what I am as a performer.

Performing in the theatre are not simply performing but you also are
expressing yourself also. Sometimes, ocean is calm, sometimes the waves
are unpredictable like when I perform I use different characters from simple
character to complex so that I can see the progress of my performance.

Researcher: Why does this problem or this strength exist?

Participant: I consider this as strength like what “Sir Lianza” said, the ‘true
and real artist are those who are organic’ which means you must be natural
like an ocean, you must go with the flow, don’t hesitate to make something
new and be yourself, those aspects that I’ve mentioned are ways to get the
attention of your audience.

Researcher: What can you do about this?

Participant: Since it was my strength it serves as my avenue to grow more

on my craft.
Participant III

Researcher: Good afternoon lian, I hope your aware that we’ll be conducting
an interview alright? So in this photo, what can you see?

Participant: I can see a saxophone.

Researcher: What’s really happening here?

Participant: Saxophone is one of the group of single-reed woodwind and this

instrument gives harmony in every piece.

Participant: Like saxophone, my purpose in life is to be a model, motivator

and to be a luster that shines.

Researcher: Why does this problem or strength exist?

Participant: it is a strength to me because it relieves stress and when played

it sounds cool.

Researcher: What can you do about this?

Participant: Saxophone is just like me as an individual, we have the same

goal and that goal is to amuse and to inspire everyone to enjoy life as it is.

Participant IV

Researcher: Hi! It’s good to see you again! So, we’ll now start our interview.
Based on you best photo, what can you see?

Participant: a microphone

Researcher: What’s really happening here?

Participant: It serves as the instrument in showing my talent to everyone.

Researcher: How does this relate to our lives?

Participant: It relates to my life as a performer on stage because

microphone serves as a tool for me to verbalize my feelings and emotions.

Researcher: Why does this problem or strength exist?

Participant: This thing witnessed all my struggles and problems that I have
endure for me to be a better and thriving singer. When I see somebody
perform on stage, I imagine myself performing too.

Researcher: What can you do about this?

Participant: As a singer performer, the only thing that I can do to my talent

is to rehearse in order to become a more skilled performer.

Participant V

Researcher: Hello! How are you? Based on your best photo, what can you
see there?

Participant: it’s a ring

Researcher: What’s really happening here?

Participant: This symbolizes me as a performer. Once you enter a

performing group you really have to be dedicated and committed to that
particular group because it needs full attention for the betterment of my

Researcher: How does this relate to our lives?

Participant: I relate this ring as a student and performer in a way that this
ring symbolizes of being committed to something.

Researcher: Why does this problem or strength exist?

Participant: I became a performer because this is what my heart desires and

I love performing on stage because singing is my passion.

Researcher: What can you do about this?

Participant: As a singer performer, all I can do is to make my talent as my

instrument to deliver my sentiment as a person and performer.
Participant VI

Researcher: Hi Good morning, at this part I’m going to ask you some
questions about your best photo,

Participant: okay

Researcher: looking at your best photo, what can you see there?

Participant: a stage

Researcher: What’s really happening here?

Participant: It’s a place where we, performers perform.

Researcher: How does this relate to our lives?

Participant: it’s a particular point in the development of skills and where I

can express my feelings through dancing or singing.

Researcher: Why does this problem or strength exist?

Participant: This stage is a strength to me because it makes me feel that I

belong to this world.

Researcher: What can you do about this?

Participant: By this stage, it makes me realize that life is nice especially

inspiring someone with talent that God has given me.

Participant VII

Researcher: Hi! What can you see here?

Participant: a microphone

Researcher: What’s really happening here?

Participant: A microphone is used in any event especially in singing.

Researcher: How does this relate to our lives?

Participant: Just like microphone, it relates to our life through voicing out
our emotions, feelings and showcasing my talent and skills.

Researcher: Why does this problem or strength exist?

Participant: It both exist as problem and strength. Problem because what if

we carelessly voice out what we feel to someone even if it already hurts? So
we must be careful enough and limit what we say. Strength because we all
have the power or rights to say what we feel and show our talent. It also
boosts my confidence whenever I face a crowd and be a passionate one.

Researcher: What can you do about this?

Participant: Enhance my skills.

Participant VIII

Researcher: What can you see?

Participant: a plant

Researcher: What’s really happening here?

Participant: the plant is starting to grow little by little.

Researcher: How does this relate to our lives?

Participant: A plant doesn’t easily grow healthy unless we feed it and take
good care of it. Just like a plant, it relates to our life as a young performer
wanting to grow or show the world what we have and what we are capable

Researcher: Why does this problem or strength exist?

Participant: It is a strength because it helps me to fully grow face the

challenges a performer may take.

Researcher: What can you do about this?

Participant: Improve my talent.

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