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0 PNP Character Sheet

Character Name Aybram Kolt

_____________________ Height 5' 6''

Age 16
_____________________ Weight 110 lbs

Sex M
_____________________ Eyes Grey

Race Human
_____________________ Hair Dark Brown

Karma Alignment True Mortal

_____________________ Vault Points _____________________

Perk Per Level 1

_____________________ Caps _____________________

Level _____________________ Experience Points _____________________

Traits Gifted, Small Frame

Primary Statistics
Statistic Total +/- Base Minimum Maximum

Strength (ST) ____ ____ 5

____ 0
____ 10

Perception (PE) ____ ____ 10

____ 0
____ 10

Endurance (EN) ____ ____ 5

____ 0
____ 10

Charisma (CH) ____ ____ 3

____ 0
____ 10

Intelligence (IN) ____ ____ 10

____ 0
____ 10

Agility (AG) ____ ____ 10

____ 0
____ 10

Luck (LK) ____ ____ 5

____ 0
____ 10

Secondary Statistics
Statistic Total +/- Base Formula

Action Points ____ ____ 10

____ 5 + (AG / 2, Round Down)

Sequence ____ ____ 10

____ 1d20+AG

Critical Chance ____ ____ 5____ LK

Melee Damage ____ ____ 1____ (ST)-5, Minimum 0

Electricity Resistance ____ ____ 30

____ None

Gas Resistance ____ ____ 0____ None

Poison Resistance ____ ____ 25

____ EN x 5

Radiation Resistance ____ ____ 10

____ EN x 2

Limb Resistance ____ ____ 2____ EN / 2, Round Down

Detection Range ____ ____ 20

____ PE x 2

Skill Points Per Level ____ ____ 35

____ 5 + (IN x 3)

Implant Limit 1 EN / 3, Round Down

FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet

Combat Skills
Skill Tagged Total +/- Base Formula
Archery ____ ____ ____ 15
____ ST + PE + AG
Big Guns ____ ____ ____ 15
____ ST + PE + AG
Energy Weapons ____ ____ ____ 15
____ 5 + PE + PE
Melee Weapons ____ ____ ____ 05
____ ST + AG
Small Guns X
____ ____ ____ 45
____ 5 + PE + PE
Throwing ____ ____ ____ 05
____ ST + AG

Traps ____ ____ ____ 20

____ PE + AG + IN
Unarmed ____ ____ ____ 05
____ ST + AG

Support Skills
Skill Tagged Total +/- Base Formula
Animalism ____ ____ ____ 13
____ IN + CH + AG
Blacksmith ____ ____ ____ 15
____ ST + PE + AG
Barter ____ ____ ____ -4
____ CH + CH
Charm ____ ____ ____ 1
____ 5 + CH +CH
Computer Science ____ ____ ____ 10
____ PE + IN
Deception ____ ____ ____ -4
____ CH + CH
Detection ____ ____ ____ 10
____ PE + PE
Doctor ____ ____ ____ 10
____ PE + IN
Gambling ____ ____ ____ 5
____ 5 + LK + LK
Gunsmith X
____ ____ ____ 30
____ IN + PE + AG
Insight ____ ____ ____ 13
____ CH + IN + PE
Intimidation ____ ____ ____ 1
____ 5 + CH + CH
Investigation ____ ____ ____ 13
____ PE + CH + IN
Lockpick X
____ ____ ____ 35
____ 5 + PE + AG
Nature Sciences ____ ____ ____ 15
____ 5 + IN + IN
Pilot ____ ____ ____ 20
____ AG + PE + IN
Repair X
____ ____ ____ 30
____ IN + IN
Robotics ____ ____ ____ 10
____ IN + IN
Sleight of Hand ____ ____ ____ 10
____ PE + AG
Sneak ____ ____ ____ 15
____ 5 + AG + AG
Survival ____ ____ ____ 5
____ 5 + EN + IN

Background Perks: Young Defender +20 small guns, Tinkerer +10 Repair and Lockpick
FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet

Current Hit Points ______
Total Hit Points 30
Armor Class ______
Rads ______


Damage Type Total DT Total DR +/- DT +/- DR Base DT Base DR
Normal ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Laser ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Fire ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Plasma ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Explosion ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Condition Marks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Successful Hits ____ / ____

Armor Notes
FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet

Weapon Name _____________________ Damage Dice ____________

Skill __________________________ Bonus Damage ____________

AP Cost - Single ________ Ammo ____________
AP Cost - Targeted ________ Ammo Type ____________

AP Cost - Burst ________ Rounds _____ / _____

AP Cost - Reload ________ Damage Multiplier ____________

Condition Marks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Weapon Notes

Weapon Name _____________________ Damage Dice ____________

Skill __________________________ Bonus Damage ____________

AP Cost - Single ________ Ammo ____________
AP Cost - Targeted ________ Ammo Type ____________

AP Cost - Burst ________ Rounds _____ / _____

AP Cost - Reload ________ Damage Multiplier ____________

Condition Marks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Weapon Notes
FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet
Weapon Name _____________________ Damage Dice ____________

Skill __________________________ Bonus Damage ____________

AP Cost - Single ________ Ammo ____________
AP Cost - Targeted ________ Ammo Type ____________

AP Cost - Burst ________ Rounds _____ / _____

AP Cost - Reload ________ Damage Multiplier ____________

Condition Marks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Weapon Notes

Weapon Name _____________________ Damage Dice ____________

Skill __________________________ Bonus Damage ____________

AP Cost - Single ________ Ammo ____________
AP Cost - Targeted ________ Ammo Type ____________

AP Cost - Burst ________ Rounds _____ / _____

AP Cost - Reload ________ Damage Multiplier ____________

Condition Marks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Weapon Notes
FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet
Total Carry Weight Current Carry Weight Bonus Carry Weight

___________ ___________ ___________

Item Amount Weight

____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______

FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet

Item Amount Weight

____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______


____________________________________________________________ _______ _______

FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet

Vehicle Name _______________________ Vehicle Type _______________________

Damage Type Total DT Total DR +/- DT +/- DR Base DT Base DR

Normal ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Laser ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Fire ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Plasma ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Explosion ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Condition Marks __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Successful Hits ____ / ____
Armor Class ____

Front Back Left Right Top Bottom

Vehicle Resistance ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Vehicle Notes
FALLOUT 4.0 PNP Character Sheet

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