Voice of God in Prayer

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Voice of God in Prayer

10 July 2019 | PRAYER


The Voice of God in Prayer

Beautiful things happen when our personal prayer with God is led by the Spirit of God. It is
important that we know the voice of the Lord in prayer and we need to discern the voice of
God while praying. 

We hear about the Holy Spirit leading in preaching, in our ministry and our personal life. What
about the Holy Spirit, leading us in our personal prayer time? It is vital that the Holy Spirit
leads us in our personal prayer. We will see more fruit  of our personal prayer when we
discern the voice of God in our personal prayer time. Not only when we discern the leading
of the Spirit, but also when we pray according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It is a waste of time, when we do not follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in prayer. The Holy
Spirit desires to lead us in our personal prayer. We need to have an open heart, to listen to
what the Spirit of the Living God is saying in prayer.

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but
that very Spirit intercedes with signs too deep for words,” (Romans 8:26).
“And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit
intercedes for the saints according to the will of God,” (Romans 8:27).

There is a big role that the Holy Spirit plays in prayer. One of the reasons is because the Holy
Spirit knows the Will of God in every situation. When we pray, He does speak to us through
various means; it can be through spontaneous thoughts, inner promptings, audible voice of
the Holy Spirit, through the written Word of the Lord, or the inspired Word of the Lord.

The voice of the Lord can came through visions while praying; it can come through dreams
after praying, while sleeping. 

The voice of God can come through the Word of Knowledge, the Word of Wisdom, the Gift of
Tongues with the Interpretation of Tongues, and the Gift of Discerning the Spirits, through
the Gift of Prophecy and through others.

Basically we need to learn to recognize the voice of God, through the spontaneous thoughts,
inner promptings, audible voice of the Spirit,  and the written Word of the Lord.

Spontaneous thoughts are strings of thought or strings of words that passes through our
mind. They can be the inspired thoughts from God. 

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. For as the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than
your thoughts,” (Isaiah 55:10).

Many times, these spontaneous thoughts come as an interruption to our thought patterns.
They come very gently, but they interrupt our thoughts. There is nothing wrong in praying
those thoughts or images that come in. While praying fervently these thoughts can come
into our mind, and we need to recognize them.

And the second method, by which the Lord reveals us His Will while praying, is an inner
prompting.  A nudge of the Spirit can come to prompt us to pray for a particular person or
place or situation. Or the promptings can come to direct us, what to pray for a person, place
or a situation. We need to recognize these promptings, and pray as the Spirit leads.

And the third method is the audible voice of the Spirit. It is the voice that can be heard very
clearly. Sometimes we might feel, as if someone has spoken from outside. It will be heard in
our ears. It will be more like an order to pray. The audible voice cannot be mistaken, because
there will be a voice of command in it. 

And the fourth method is, the Holy Spirit quickens the written Word of God, while reading the
Bible, and also brings into our mind the Scriptures while praying intensively. The Scriptures
are given to us to give us a sense of direction while praying. Sometimes it is for backing our
prayer with the life-giving Word. Sometimes it is given to us for increasing our faith level
while praying. Sometimes, it is given to us to dispel the darkness in the areas we are praying;
it is like a door being opened for us to pray. Sometimes the Word does come to us, as an
answer to our prayer.

And the fifth method, is through images or visions. The Spirit of God brings images into our
mind, of people, places or situations we need to pray for. God wants us to know the
mysteries of the Kingdom; that is why He brings visions into our life. In the prophecy of the
Prophet Joel we find that ‘visions’ are part of the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

“Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dreams, and your young men shall see visions,” (Joel 2:28).

Many times when we think about visions, we think that visions manifest like watching
television or movies. That is not always correct. Visions can also come through images. A
vision is a scene which God wants us to see. While praying, the Spirit of the Lord can bring

To lead us to pray. 

To give us a direction to pray. 

To show us the result of the prayer. 

We need to pray for the eyes of our heart to open, so that we might see.

And the sixth method is through dreams. The Lord does speak through dreams. The Holy
Spirit can lead us through dreams to pray. He can also show us the result of prayer through
dreams. There are many types of dreams, some are direct and simple to understand, some
are more of symbolic in nature, and some need interpretation to understand. The Lord does
reveal areas we need to pray for, through dreams.

And the seventh method is through the Gift of Prophecy. The Lord does speak through
prophetic gifts.  Utterance to prompt us to pray do come through this gifting. Many times
when prophetic people speak under the guidance of the Spirit, directions do come regarding

And the eighth method is through the Gift Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues. When both
the gifts are manifested, we can hear the Lord speaking to us. Leading in prayer do come
through these giftings.

And the ninth method is through the Word of Knowledge. While praying with persons gifted
with the Word of Knowledge, the Spirit of God does reveals to us the areas we need to pray

And the tenth method is through others. Sometimes wisdom from God does flow from
others, directing us to pray. “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy,” (James

And the eleventh method is through others’ needs. When people approach us to pray for
them, it can be the Holy Spirit who has sent them to us. We need to pray for them. It is not
always necessary, to pray as they have said, but to pray as the Spirit leads, and in the light of
God’s Word.

And the twelveth method is through circumstances. Many times, the Holy Spirit can lead us
to pray by giving us a burden regarding certain circumstances. The Spirit of God can put
slight pressure on our spirit, a sorrow for certain situations, people and the world.

There are thousands of methods through which the Lord speaks to us. What is important is
that we walk close to the Living God, to know His leading.

Anxiety, worries, lust, worldliness, pride, disobedience to God’s Word, bitterness etc., can
stifle us from hearing God accurately. Being connected to wrong ideas, relationships
contrary to the Word of God, false principles etc., can lead you to wrong guidance. Too much
of talking will make us insensitive to the voice of the Spirit. You must make sure that you are
not plugged into any source other than Jesus Christ; living in the same principles lived and
taught by Jesus. Being plugged into the spirit of the world, the spirit of lust, the spirit of
pride, the spirit of bitterness, self-ambition, unfilled desires etc., will link you into a wrong

As long as you abide in Jesus Christ, in the principles He taught and lived, you can be safe.
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never
walk in darkness but will have the light of life,” (John 8:12). Abiding in wrong relationships and
ideas can plug you into wrong sources of power. Bitterness, false information, judgmental
attitude, jealously, anger against others, insecure feelings, inner wounds etc., can cause
false leadings in prayer. It is just a waste of time and abuse of the anointing and authority
that God has bestowed on us. In all things make sure that it is not as ‘I will’ but as ‘God wills’.
Praying without the love of God in our hearts and lips will stifle the anointing in our lives in
the long run.

Let us learn to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in prayer, which will lead us to holiness,
peace, love, joy, gentleness and righteousness and blessings.

The know more about the leading of the Spirit of God, read by books "THE AMAZING HOLY











WORSHIP GOD antonythomas.in

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