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1.3 How 1.3 How Did We Get Here?


Newspaper advertisements and television broadcast are the two different types of
mass communication that I’ve choose.

· The role of Newspaper advertisements are:

- Helped the Europeans stay connected with events back home.

- Helped give expression to their own culture.

- Helped forge a sense of national identity by treating readers across the country as
part of one unified group with common goals and values.

· The role of Television broadcast

- They controlled over 90 percent of the news programs, live events, and sitcoms
viewed by Americans.

- Propelled by prosperity, advertising and increasingly powerful networks, flourished.

Ø Yes, the type of media suit the social role.

Ø The creators of this particular message present it in the particular way, and in this
particular medium so that the information will disseminated from distant places and

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