Acting Out The Crucible

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Acting out The Crucible

You will be divided into groups of four and be asked to act out an
important scene in The Crucible. You will all be graded on this project.
The criteria are revealed later on this page. Each group will have the
opportunity to pick the scene of their choice. The scenes are as

 Act I / Group 1 Pages 186-189

 Act II / Group 2 Pages 202-205
 Act III/ Group 3 Pages 224-227
 Act IV/ Group 4 Pages 238-240

Note: Each group may change the scene around any way they choose.
You may make it into a spoof or change lines around. You may even
want to combine several characters into one.

You will have one class periods in which to prepare.

When first getting into your group, you need to look for the following:

 How many parts are there?

 How many male and female parts are there? A male may play a
female and vice versa. You may have to delete some characters
because there are so many.
 What sorts of props will be needed? Your group will be
responsible for that.
 Where does the scene take place

You will be graded on the following:

 Participation:Did everyone take an active role in the

production? Not everyone needs to actually act in the scene, but
everyone needs to have some sort of job. (15)
 Props/Scenery/Costumes: Do you make an attempt to make the
scene authentic through physical objects? (10)
 Effort/Enthusiasm: You will not be judged on your acting ability.
Remember, everyone will make a fool out of himself or herself.
The trick is not to care, but to try to become your character. (15)
 Preparation: Does it appear that you have worked on your part?
Are you prepared and do you appear to know what you are
doing? (15)

We will assign days for your group to perform.

The Crucible Rubric

Group # __________________

Area Points Comments

Participation 15

Props/Scenery/Cost 10

Effort/Enthusiasm 10

Preparation 15

Message or Point 20

Grade:___ /70

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