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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STCW Circular 2018 - 08 To A ALL SEAFARERS, MANNING AGENCIES, SHIPPING COMPANIES, MARITIME TRAINING _ INSTITUTIONS, MARITIME HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND OTHER MARITIME INDUSTRY = STAKEHOLDERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : REVISED RULES AND MANDATORY MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS IN THE ASSESSMENT OF COMPETENCE OF SEAFARERS UNDER THE RELEVANT PROVISIONS OF CHAPTERS II AND IV OF THE STCW CONVENTION, 1978, AS AMENDED Pursuant to Presidential Decree (PD) No. 474, Republic Act No. 10635 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and the Intemational Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (STCW Convention, 1978, as amended), the following rules and requirements are hereby adopted and promulgated: Article | OBJECTIVE Section 1. The objective of this Circular is to prescribe the rules and mandatory minimum requirements in the assessment of competence as Masters, Chief Mates and Officers In Charge of a Navigational Watch under Chapter II, and GMDSS Radio Operator under Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended. Article Il COVERAGE Section 2. This Circular shall cover candidates applying for assessment of competence as Masters, Chief Mates and Officers In Charge of a Navigational Watch under Chapter Il, and GMDSS Radio Operator under Chapter IV of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended. 6" Floor Parkview Plaza, 984 Taft Avenue cor T.M. Kalaw, Ermita, Manila, Philippine Tel. No. (632) 774-3421 or 28 Email: Fax No. (632) 554-0122 Arti DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 3. For purposes of this Circular, the terms below shall be defined as follows: 9) h) d k) Administration - means the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA); Approved - means approved by the Administration; Assessment of Competence - refers to the process of collecting evidence through theoretical examination and practical assessment of the knowledge, understanding and proficiency, gained from the following: approved education and training; approved training ship experience; approved laboratory equipment training, or approved in-service experience, and making judgments on whether competency has been achieved to confirm that an individual can perform the standards in the relevant table of competency; Assessment Center (AC) - refers to an institution duly accredited by the Administration to conduct practical assessment of competence required under this Circular; Assessor - refers to a person duly qualified and accredited by the Administration to conduct assessment of competence of a candidate for certification under the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended; Candidate - refers to a person who intends to apply for assessment of competence under this Circular; Certificate of Passing the Practical Assessment - refers to the document issued by the Assessment Center to the candidate after passing the practical assessment; Certificate of Passing the Theoretical Examination - refers to the document issued by the Administration to the candidate after passing the theoretical examination; Function - means a group of tasks, duties and responsibilities as specified in the STCW Code, necessary for ship operation, safety of life at sea or protection of the marine environment; Laboratory Equipment - refers to the actual equipment or parts thereof used as an aid in the conduct of practical assessment of competence; Practical Assessment - refers to the method of assessment of competence with the aid of laboratory equipment or simulator to assess the ability of the candidate by performing the required task(s) prescribed by the Administration to demonstrate a particular level of competence; Practical assessment scenario - refers to the tool used for the candidate to demonstrate competence under a function(s) during practical assessment; Page 2 0f9 m) Remedial Assessment - refers to the first re-sit wherein the candidate repeats assessment by taking a different set of theoretical examination on the function(s) or practical assessment scenario(s) where the candidate failed; n) Removal Assessment - refers to the second re-sit wherein the candidate repeats assessment for the second time by taking another set of theoretical examination on the function(s) or practical assessment scenario(s) where the candidate failed; 0) Retake - refers to repeating the whole assessment by taking ALL functions covered by theoretical examination or ALL scenarios required for the practical assessment after completing the mandatory refresher training; p) Standard of Competence - means the level of proficiency to be achieved for the proper performance of functions on board ship in accordance with the internationally agreed criteria as set forth herein and incorporating prescribed standards or levels of knowledge, understanding and demonstrated skill q) Table of Specification (TOS) - refers to the master plan for the development of theoretical examination where the content areas listed are drawn from the table of competences of the STCW Code taking into consideration the thinking skills based on the universally accepted taxonomy of learning; and 1) Theoretical Examination - refers to the method of assessment of competence through computer-aided test of the candidate's knowledge, understanding and proficiency as listed in Column 2 of the particular table of competence of the STCW Code. Article IV GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 4. The conduct of assessment of competence under this Circular shall be in accordance with the following Sections of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended: a. Section AIM — for assessment of competence of Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch who intend to serve on seagoing ships of 500 gross tonnage or more: i. The candidates shall be required to demonstrate the ability to undertake the task, duties and responsibilities at the operational level listed in Column 1 of Table A-II/1; ii, The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency required for certification is listed in Column 2 of Table A-II/1; Page 3 019

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