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I. Identify


In a property law, doctrine pertaining to properties

next to a waterway that governs the use of surface water
and gives all owners of land contiguous to rivers, streams,
lakes, and ponds equal rights to the water, whether the
right is exercised or not. The riparian right is
usufructuary, meaning that the landowner does not own the
water itself but instead enjoys a right to use the water
and its surface. Riparian rights are not ownership rights
but rights of access to the water such as for drinking
water, bathing, or irrigation.


Ground water Law involves many issues, including the

distinction between percolating groundwater and surface
water, the definition of basin boundaries, the interrelated
concepts of safe yield and overdraft, and the different
categories of groundwater rights. On the other hand, it is
closely connected to land and ownership of land it is also
often vital for public water supply systems and supporting
ecosystems of high public value. The amount of groundwater
right is based on the size of the surface area where each
landowner gets a corresponding amount of the available
water. Once adjudicated, the maximum amount of the water
right is set, but the right can be decreased if the total
amount of available water decreases as is likely during a
drought. Landowners may sue others for encroaching upon
their groundwater rights, and water pumped for use on the
overlying land takes preference over water pumped for use
off the land. The Rule of Capture provides each landowner
the ability to capture as much groundwater as they can put
to a beneficial use, but they are not guaranteed any set
amount of water. As a result, well-owners are not liable to
other landowners for taking water from beneath their land.
State laws or regulations will often define "beneficial
use", and sometimes place other limits, such as disallowing
groundwater extraction which causes subsidence on
neighboring property.

In drainage law it is a specific area of water

law related to drainage of surface water on real property.
It is particularly important in areas where freshwater is
scarce, flooding is common, or water is in high demand for
agricultural or commercial purposes. They tackle about how
and what are the rules of having a freshwater in your area
and how it should be used. It means that a neighboring
property has the right to use any pipes and drains on the
property for the flow of water and drainage. There is
probably a drain and pipe that runs over the property
leading to the neighboring property and the property owner
is obliged to allow the neighbor to use this drain and
water supply pipe and is not permitted to cut off this
supply to the neighbor.

II. Applying Engineering Knowledge

I. Solving Scarcity of Water

Since water treatment is hard to have, the scarcity of

water can be prevented through usage control of water to
community. The localized barangay must be guided properly
in commercial use. Collection of waste water should have
water treatment to increase water consumption of
communities. Every house should have water catchment and be
directed to water treatment plant.

II. Solid Waste Management

The common problem that our communities have been

facing right now is uncontrolled disposal of waste. As an
engineer, I suggest having a small landfill in every
barangay, enough garbage trucks to collect the waste,
scheduled collection of waste, proper segregation and
disposal of waste must be strictly monitor and maintain.
Proper use of plastic material must be applied. Recyclable
materials should be used as eco-friendly materials.
Monitoring of drainages must be done to prevent clogging
during flood. A strict implementation of the rules would
make a community better and disciplined.

III. Flood Reduction

Common flood problems are happened in crowded area and

many establishments like cities. Improper disposal of
garbage’s is the first subject in dealing flooding. The
canals were clogged due to garbage’s. I suggest that the
drainages should be monitored in case of clogging to
maintain the flow of waste water to the discharge area. In
streams and rivers, the dwellers near the river should be
relocated or must be away 10-20 meters to prevent damages
and secure human lives during flooding. Proper concrete
drainages in every house must be installed to prevent
contamination of groundwater.

III. In Handling Drainage Project, As an Engineer,

which is advisable to have?

The function of culvert is an important part in controlling

waterways and waste waters. This is most commonly used in
roads, bridges, tunnels and etc. Some advantages are:
 Safe and stable method for stream crossing.
 Can accommodate wildlife and protect stream health.
 Can reduce expensive erosion and structural damage.
 Low cost.
 Low maintenance.
 Prevent ErosionPrevent Flooding
 Allow Water to Flow
 UnobstructedDivert Water for Farming/Engineering Purposes
Maintenance considerations are applied to avoid
disfunction of the structure:
 Keep culvert inlets free of debris to allow water
 Check culvert bodies periodically and remove sediment.
 Check culvert outlets for erosion

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