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Extra First Class COC Courses (Part “B”)

Subject: B3-Naval Architecture

Title: Assignment B of B-3

Student Name and Number: Rohit Seth, TMI/EFCE/2017/02

ASSESSOR(S): Prof. Bhaskar Walimbe



Fig 1: Static water pressure loading

Fig 2: Transversely framed Double bottom a) Bracket Floor b) Solid Floor
Fig 3: Hogging condition
Fig 4: Sagging condition
Fig 5: Framing systems a) transverse b) Longitudinal c) Combined
Fig 6: Racking movement
Fig 7: Deck Beams
Fig 8: Pounding region
Fig 9: Transverse fore end showing panting stringers
Fig 10: Panting stringer Beams.
Fig 11: Localized Loads tending to distort ship’s structure.
Fig 12: Machinery Space double Bottom
Fig 13: Fore End Construction
Fig 14: Shallow water resistance


The ship at sea or lying in still water is constantly being subjected to a wide variety
of stresses and strains. The forces may be classified as static and dynamic. Static
forces are due the differences in weight and buoyancy which occur at various points
along the length of the ship. Dynamic forces result from the ship’s motion in the sea
and the direction of the wind and waves. These static and dynamic forces create
longitudinal, transverse and local stresses in the ship’s structure. Longitudinal
stresses are greatest in magnitude and result in bending of the ship along its length.

Transverse stress

A transverse section of a ship is subjected to static pressure from the surrounding

water in addition to the loading resulting from the weight of the structure, cargo, etc.
Although transverse stresses are of lesser magnitude than longitudinal stresses,
considerable distortion of the structure could occur, in the absence of adequate

Fig 1: Static water pressure loading

The parts of the structure which resist transverse stresses are transverse bulkheads,
floors in the double bottom (where fitted) , deck beams, side frames and the brackets
between them and adjacent structure such as tank top flooring or margin plates.

Transversely framed double bottom

When transversely framed, the double-bottom structure consists of solid plate floors
and bracket floors with transverse frames. It consists of transverse bulb angle
sections stiffening the shell and inner bottom plating. Vertical support is provided by
brackets at the side shell and centre girder, any side girders and intermediate struts.

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Fig 2: Transversely framed Double bottom a) Bracket Floor b) Solid Floor

Longitudinal stress

Ship’s experience hogging or sagging stress due to uneven loading or wave riding.

Fig 3: Hogging condition

Fig 4: Sagging condition

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Longitudinally framed double bottom:

This is the system favoured as a result of tests and it provides adequate resistance to
distortion on ships of 120 m in length or greater. Offset bulb plates are used as
longitudinal stiffeners on the shell and inner bottom plating, at intervals of about
1 m. Solid floors provide support at transverse bulkheads and at intervals not
exceeding 3.8 m along the length of the ship. Brackets are fitted at the centre girder
and side shell at intermediate frame spaces between solid floors. Channel bar or
angle bar struts are provided to give support at intervals of not more than 2.5 m
where solid floors are widely spaced.

Fig 4: Longitudinally framed double bottom a) Bracket Floor b) Solid Floor

To counteract longitudinal and transverse stress the ships can have either a
longitudinal framing or a transverse framing. A combined framing can also be used.

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Fig 5: Framing systems a) transverse b) Longitudinal c) Combined

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Dynamic stress

When a ship is rolling it is accelerated and decelerated, resulting in forces in the

structure tending to distort it. This condition is known as racking. The brackets and
beam knees joining horizontal and vertical items of structure are used to resist this

Fig 6: Racking movement

Fig 7: Deck Beams

Localized Stress

a) Slamming or pounding
Pounding or slamming results from the ship heaving or pitching, thus causing the
forward region to 'slam' down on to the water. Additional structural strength must be
provided from the forward perpendicular aft for 25-30% of the ship’s length. The
shell plating either side of the keel is increased in thickness, depending upon the
ship's minimum draught. The frame spacing is reduced, fun- and half height
intercostal side girders are fitted and solid floors are installed at every frame space.

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Fig 8: Pounding region

b) Panting

Panting is an in-and-out movement of the shell plating resulting from the variations
of water pressure as waves pass along the hull and when the vessel pitches. The
structure must be strengthened for 15-20% of the ship’s length from forward to the
stem. This stiffening is made up of horizontal side stringers, known as 'panting
stringers', fitted at about 2 m intervals below the lowest deck.

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Fig 9: Transverse fore end showing panting stringers

Fig 10: Panting stringer Beams.

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Localised loading
Heavy weights, such as equipment in the machinery spaces or particular items of
general cargo, can give rise to localized distortion of the transverse section.
Arrangements for spreading the load, additional stiffening and thicker plating are
methods used in dealing with this problem.

Fig 11: Localised Loads tending to distort ship’s structure.

Machinery space double bottom

The construction of the double bottom in the machinery space regardless of framing
system has solid plate floors at every frame space under the main engine. Additional
side girders are fitted outboard of the main engine seating, as required.

Fig 12: Machinery Space double Bottom

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Fig 13: Fore End Construction

The stem plate construction of curved plates is stiffened at intervals by breast hooks
which are small flange plates fitted horizontally A continuous bulb or flat bar
stiffener may be fitted where the stem plate radius is considerable. Heavier than usual
shell plating may be fitted at the stem plate region.

Superstructures and discontinuities

Sharp discontinuities are to be avoided by the introduction of gradual tapers. Thicker
strakes of deck and shell plating may also be fitted at these points. Any holes or
openings cut in decks create similar areas of high local stress. Well rounded corners
must be used where openings are necessary, and doubling plates may also be fitted.

Steel used

Steel is the basic ship building material .Steel is an iron carbon alloy with carbon
content not exceeding 2%.High tensile steel is used for highly stressed parts.
Aluminium alloy is used for construction of superstructures.

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Estimation of Total resistance of a ship moving in narrow channel

While moving in a narrow channel the ship has an increased total resistance.
The reasons being:
• The flow of water around the bottom of the hull is restricted in shallow water,
therefore the water flowing under the hull speeds up. The faster moving water
increases the viscous resistance on the hull.
• The faster moving water decreases the pressure under the hull, causing the ship to
“squat”, increasing wetted surface area and increasing frictional resistance.
• The waves produced in shallow water tend to be larger than waves produced in
deep water at the same speed. Therefore, the energy required to produce these waves
increases, (i.e. wave making resistance increases in shallow water).
In fact, the characteristic hump in the total resistance curve will occur at a lower
speed in shallow water. The net result of traveling in shallow water is that it takes
more horsepower (and fuel) to meet the required speed. Another more troublesome
effect of high speed operation in shallow water is the increased possibility of running
aground. Just as shallow water will adversely affect a ship’s resistance, operating in a
narrow waterway such as a canal will produce the same effect. Shallow water effect
becomes more pronounced if the water is also restricted in width , since more
displacement flow has to go under the ship .

A method by O. Schlichting is widely used for determining total resistance in

confined waters
In Schlichting’s method:
 The total resistance is divided into viscous resistance and wave resistance
 It is assumed that the wave length in shallow water of depth h at a speed V1
(called as Schlichting’s intermediate seed) is the same as the wave length in
deep water at speed V ∞ in deep water.
 The wave length in deep water at a speed V ∞ is given by

 The wave length in shallow water of depth h at a speed V1 is given by

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 For wavelengths to be equal

 The total resistance in deep water at the speed V∞ is expressed as the sum of
viscous resistance and wave resistance :

 The total resistacne in shallow water of depth h at speed V1 is similarly

 The value of RV1 for shallow water cannot be determined. However , RV1
can be determined at the speed of V1 for deep water by the same method as used
to determine RV∞ at the speed V ∞ in deep water .

 Schlichting experminetally determined a speed Vh in shallow water at which

the measured total resstance RTh is equal to the sum of RVI at the speed V1 in
deep water and Rw∞.

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Fig 14: Shallow water resistance

 The ratio of Vh/V1 is a function of √Ax/h, where Ax is the area of the

immersed maximum cross-section of the ship.

 This Schlichting’s method is extended by Landweber to th resistanc of a ship

in a canal by replacing the depth of water h by the hydraulic radius RH,
which is the ratio of the canal cross section area to the perimieter

 For a rectangular canal of breadth b and depth of water h , the hydraulic

radius is

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 Where p is the perimiter of the maximum immersed section of the ship

 As b tends to ∞, RH also tends to ∞ so that in shallow water of unrestricted

breadt, the hydraulic raduis becomes equal to the depth of the water.

Methodology to reduce ship’s resistance in narrow channel

 Ships to operate as much as possible along the centre of the channel thus
providing enough area for water to flow through the sides.
 Ship speed should be below the critical speed for that channel. Critical speed
depends upon width and depth of the channel.
 Ships with larger beam, twin screws and lesser moulded depth are good in
operation through the restricted waters.

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 ITTC – Recommended Procedures and Guidelines- Analysis of Speed/Power

Trial Data
 Merchant Ship construction : D.A. Taylor
 Ship construction : D.J Eyres
 Ship resistance – M Jovanovich
 Ship resistance in confined water- slide share
 Bhowmik, G.N., Xia, R., Mazumder, S.,B., Soong T., W., "Return Flow in
Rivers due to Navigation Traffic", J. of Hydraulic Eng., ASCE, Vol. 121, No.
12, Dec. 1995.
 Coli_c, V., Experimental investigation of resistance for ships on the
Danubean navigation network in Serbia, and determination of the best
calculation methods based on experimental results (in Serbian), Faculty of
Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade,1993.
 Hofman, M., Radojci_c, D., Ship resistance in shallow water (in Serbian),
Faculty of Me-chanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, 1997.
 Latorre, R., "Shallow River Pushboat Preliminary Design", Journal of
Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 111, No. 4, July,
 Lewis, E.V. ed., Principles of Naval Architecture, Vol. II: Resistance,
Propulsion and Vibration, SNAME, 1988.
 McNown, J.S., "Sinkage and Resistance for Ships in Channels", Journal of
the Waterways and Harbours Division, ASCE, Vol. 102, No. WW3, Aug.

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