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Lesson 4 “Notable New Yorkers”

Lesson Day
Duration: 60 minutes

In this lesson, students will be learning the essential skill of researching historical
How will this lesson support the learning
goal? and influential figures in New York’s society. Students will be able to formulate
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) their own “big questions” about their influential figure and conduct research to find
those answers. This lesson will also include a small oral presentation, in which
students will become comfortable with presenting in front of the class, along with a
creative aspect, in which they will be given the option to create a poster if they

Standard - 8.1.4.C - ​Identify a specific research topic and develop questions relating
PA Standards and Other Appropriate
Professional Standards to the research topic. (Reference RWSL Standard 1.8.3 Research)
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)​ ​or
Standard - 8.1.4.B - ​Distinguish between fact and opinion from multiple points of
view, and primary sources as related to historical events.
List the Pennsylvania Standard(s) relevant for
this lesson
Standard - CC.1.4.4.S - Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research, applying grade-level reading standards for
literature and informational texts.
Standard - CC.1.4.4.V - Conduct short research projects that build knowledge
through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

Students will be able to independently complete research on a famous New Yorker

(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) by locating at least 4 facts from credible sources.

Taking into consideration the learning goal,

Students will be able to accurately present 3 facts from their research on their famous
what is the objective(s)
New Yorker orally while providing where the information was located.
of this lesson​ that will support the progress
toward the learning goal?
Students will be able to describe why their famous New Yorker is important to the
The statement should be directly observable history of New York and/or the US.
(use verbs that can be measured).

● Notable - Someone who is worthy of attention; remarkable.

Academic Language
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and ● Symbol - An object that represents something else.
Pedagogy) ● Credible - Trustworthy, or reliable.
What language will students be expected to
utilize by the end of the lesson? Consider
Language function and language demands (see
Lesson Plan User Guide).
What key terms are essential?
What key terms are essential to develop and
extend students’ academic language?
What opportunities will you provide for
students to practice the new language and
develop fluency, both written and oral?
● Benjamin Franklin facts for teacher use and class projection
Materials/Resources ●
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) ● Smartboard
● Current event
What texts, digital resources, & materials will
be used in this lesson? How do the materials
align with the learning objective/outcomes? If malala-yousafzai/
appropriate, what educational technology will ● Books on notable New Yorkers
be used to support the learning outcomes of this ● List of notable New Yorkers to present
lesson? How do the resources support the ○ Eleanor Roosevelt
learning objectives? ○ Franklin D. Roosevelt
Cite publications and any web resources. ○ Sojourner Truth
○ Mark Zuckerberg
○ Elizabeth Cady Stanton
○ Al Capone
○ Lucille Ball
○ Lou Gehrig
○ Michael Jordan
○ Christina Aguilera
○ Frances Albrier
○ Ruth Bader Ginsburg
○ Neil deGrasse Tyson
○ Julia Ward Howe
● Poster paper (optional)
● Art Materials (optional)
● Teacher will begin the lesson by sparking a brainstorming session with the students.
In this setting, the brainstorming will occur as a class.
Anticipatory Set
● T will say ​“Friends, today I want to talk with you about notable people in our
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and
society and the world around us. It is important to learn about different people in
our society and the world around us to see who is doing great things in the world!”
____ minutes ● T will say ​“Let’s make a list together of some notable people that we know. To get
How will you set the purpose and help students us started, I am going to put up a notable person that I am thinking of, which is
learn why today’s lesson is important to them Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity by using lightning and
as learners? a kite.”
How will you pique the interest or curiosity ● T will say “Next to Benjamin Franklin’s name, I am going to draw an lightning bolt
regarding the lesson topic? which will represent why we would consider him to be important in our society.”
How will you build on students’ prior ● T will say​ “Would someone like to come up to the smartboard and write the name of
knowledge? the first notable person that comes to their mind?” T ​ will wait for volunteers.
How will you introduce and explain the ● T will say ​“Yes! [insert notable name here] is a great example of a notable person
strategy/concept or skill? in our society. Can you draw a symbol next to their name to represent what this
Provide detailed steps person is known for?”
● T will allow each student to come up to the board and write the name of a notable
person. T will assist with spelling if needed, although spelling will not affect this
lesson. T will allow time for each student to finish their small drawing of their
corresponding symbol. T will begin asking for more volunteers while the previous
student finishes on the smartboard.
● T will say​ “Wow class! Look at our awesome list of notable people in our society
and the world around us. We have so many different people and many different
symbols that represent these notable people.”
● T will say ​“Let’s take another minute to review our list. We each were able to add a
notable person to our list on the smartboard and include a symbol that explains why
we remember them. Take a second and think to yourself about the notable person
you added to this list. Do you know everything about this person? Is there anything
you are still wondering about this person?”
● T will say ​“When I look at my addition to the list, which was Benjamin Franklin, I
would like to know if he invented anything, where he is from and also his
educational background. In order to find this out I would need to do further
research on Benjamin Franklin to find out the answers to the questions that I have.”
● T will ask the class ​“Does anyone have any ideas as to how I might find this
● Anticipated responses are to look it up, find a book, use a website/article
● T will say “​Those are all great ideas! Let’s see if we can find some more
information about Benjamin Franklin today!”

● T will say ​“Can anyone tell me what those questions were that I had about
Instructional Activities
Benjamin Franklin?”
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and
● Anticipated response is​ if he invented anything, where he is from and also his
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) educational background.
● T will say “​Right! These are the main questions that I have about the person I am
Exploration (Model): How will students explore researching. I am going to write them on the board so that I do not forget what I am
the new concepts? How will you model or trying to find. I am going to see if I can find some of this information in an article.”
provide explicit instruction? ○
Guided Practice: How will you provide support ● T will say ​“I am going to read through this article aloud to see if we find any
to students as they apply the new concept? How information.”
will you allow them to practice (with teacher ● T will pull up an article about Ben Franklin on the smartboard.
support)? ● T will read the first few paragraphs aloud. Teacher will model thinking aloud in
order to find the answers to the questions presented at the beginning of the lesson.
Independent practice: How will students review ● T will say “​Now that we have looked at my notable person, let’s take a look at a list
and solidify these concepts to be able to use this of notable New Yorkers!”
new knowledge? How will you monitor and ● T will put a list of New Yorkers on the smartboard.
provide feedback? ● T will say ​“I want each of you to pick one person off of this list of some notable
Provide detailed steps. New Yorkers that I put together. Individually, you will conduct research on this
person to find the answers to some big questions about this person. Some important
things to research would be, what is this person's contribution to the state of NY,
what is their occupation, what is their educational background, and also did they
invent anything or win any awards.”
● T will say “​Once you have chosen your notable New Yorker, I want you to develop
four big questions that will guide your research process, just like I did with Ben
Franklin. One of those questions needs to be, “Why is this person important to the
state or history of NY?”. When you have chosen a person and you have some
questions prepared, please raise your hand and I will come over to assist you in
finding an online resource to look through.”
● T will meet with each student individually and help them find a credible source for
their notable New Yorker research. There will not be a classwide discussion on
credible sources yet, but this will be introduced in this one-on-one conversation.

Independent Practice:
● T will allow the remainder of the class for students to conduct their research and
create posters (optional).
● T will assist students in the process of researching by going through the classroom
and checking with each student to monitor their progress.
● T will allow this lesson to continue into the next day if needed.
● T will say ​“Once you feel like you have completed your research, or are almost
finished, I want you to think of three of the four pieces of their information that you
found to share with the class. Each person will share their response on why their
New Yorker is important to the state or history of NY, along with two other pieces of
information, which is up to you!”
● T will have students present when they are completed, and will allow presentations
the next day if students need additional time.
● T wil say “​Alright my friends! Now that we have all finished our research, we are
going to present our information about our notable New Yorkers to the class. If you
made a poster, please have a friend next to you hold it for you while you present.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
Please tell us why your person is important to the state or history of NY, and two
___ minutes other facts that you found while researching.”
How will students share or show what they ● T will say “​After each student presents, please give them a round of applause for
have learned in this lesson? their hard work!”
How will you restate the teaching point and ● T will allow each student to present. At the end of the presentations, T will say
clarify key concepts? “Everyone did an awesome job presenting their information on their notable New
How will you provide opportunities to extend Yorker! We had the opportunity to learn about many new people, as well as maybe
ideas and check for understanding? some we have heard about before, but now we know how important they are to the
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson? state and history of NY!”
● For students who are below 4th grade comprehension level, specific articles will be
located through the use of, which allows the teacher to find grade
specific articles discussing the same topic.
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
● For students who are above 4th grade comprehension level, they will be encouraged
What differentiated support will you provide for to conduct research through a historical document, if possible. This will push their
students whose academic development is below reading to challenge their skills in comprehension.
or above the current grade level? ● This lesson offers opportunities for each student to conduct research at their own
What specific differentiation of content, pace, as well as at their own level. With assistance from the teacher, each student
process, products, and/or learning environment will be able to find an article or book at their reading level to find answers to the
do you plan to employ to meet the needs of all “big questions” that they create.
of your students?​ ● This lesson also offers the opportunities for each student to conduct research while
How does your lesson support student accessing their strengths. Students will not be required to create a poster along with
differences with regard to linguistic, academic, their research, as not each student will feel the need to access their creative funds of
and cultural diversity? knowledge. Another important aspect of this lesson is that the research is student
directed in which students are finding the answers to their own questions, which
How will your lesson actively build upon the
gives them a sense of independence and freedom with their work. This will boost
resources that linguistically and culturally
engagement through this lesson.
diverse students bring to the experience?
How will your lesson will be supportive for all
students, including English Language Learners,
and build upon the linguistic, cultural, and
experiential resources that they bring to their
How will your lesson is designed to promote
creative and critical thinking and
● For students with a lower comprehension level than 4th grade, the teacher will
provide them an article at their reading level to support their needs
● For students have a visual impairment, recordings of reading material will be
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
provided to support their research.
What classroom ​accommodations​ do you plan
to employ to increase curriculum a​ ccess​ for
students identified with special education needs
or 504?
Describe how these accommodations align with
the current Individualized Education Plan
(IEP) for each student as applicable (avoid
using actual names of students).

● For students with a cognitive disability, they will find only one additional fact about
their notable New Yorker.
● For students with anxiety towards presenting in front of the class, they will only
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
present their information to the teacher in a one-on-one setting.
What c​ urricular modifications​ and/or changes
in p​ erformance standards​, if any, do you plan
to employ to facilitate the participation of
students identified with special education
The teacher will assess the students in an informal manner using a checklist.
The teacher will check with each student to see if they have researched at least 4 facts.
Assessment (Formal or Informal).
The teacher will have each student present 2 facts that they found orally.
(1f: Assessing Student Learning)
The teacher will have each student present why their notable New Yorker is important to the
How will you and the students assess where the state or history of NY orally.
learning objectives, listed above, were met? See example below:
Each formal or informal assessment should
describe how it is aligned to the above
Name Research 4 facts Present 2 facts Why New Yorker
is important

Student 1 ✓ ✓ ✓

Student 2 ✓ ✓ ✓

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