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Q: Tell me a little about yourself.

My strengths are quick learner, good listener, positive minded the best strength in me is "I never neglect any
opportunity for my improvement and I have faith in my effort". That's all about me sir, thank you.

Q: What are your strengths?

Ans#1: I am adaptable, so I can handle any type of people and situations and also bring out the best from them
in spite of conflicting situations or opinions. I am a quick learner, so I can learn any subject quickly and analyze
my job and add value to it as well as I can identify the problem and solve them faster and better.

Ans#2: My greatest strength is my ability to work with many different people. I enjoy learning from everyone I
meet, and in this position I believe that will enhance my ability to perform on the team.

Q: What are your weaknesses?

Ans#1: At times even when I need help, I try to solve my own problems instead of asking a co-worker who might
know the answer. This would save me more time and I would be more efficient. I’m working on knowing when it
would be beneficial to ask for help.

Ans#2: I believe one of my weaknesses is my impatience. Whenever I work in a team and any of the team
members don’t perform up to the expectation, I get impatient and annoyed. I understand if they are working
hard and if their portion is difficult, but sometimes a person can’t do the assignment due to incompetence and
laziness. I know I can help out by explaining things to some people and encouraging lazy people by reminding
them of deadlines. I know it’s bad to be impatient, but I’m definitely working on it.

Q: What are your short term goals?

Ans: My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the knowledge and strength I have. I want to
participate in the growth and success of the company I work for.

Q: What are your long term goals?

Ans#1: I want to become a valued employee of a company. I want to make a difference and I'm willing to work
hard to achieve this goal. I don't want a regular career, I want a special career that I can be proud of.

Ans#2: My long term goal is to become director of a company. I know it sounds a little too ambitious but I’m
smart and willing to work hard a lot.
Q: What do you want to be doing five years from now?

Ans#1: My goal is to become a lead in five years. Although not everyone gets promoted to this level, I believe I
can achieve this goal through hard work.

Ans#2: Although I really enjoy working as a Site Engineer, I want to eventually become a manager. I want to
continue gaining experience, and after learning many different aspects, I see myself in management.

Q: If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

Ans: I have high expectations and I have these expectations on others. I think if I was more understanding, I
could help other workers improve instead of being disappointed.

Q: What does success mean to you?

Ans#1: If my contribution has positively benefited my company, than that’s “Success” for me. From the personal
front, success to me is fulfilling my parents dream.

Ans#2: Success means to produce high quality work before the deadline.

Q: What does failure mean to you?

Ans: I think failure is not reaching your potential. If you do not use the resources you have and the resources
around you, that's failure because the work or goal could have been done better.

Q: How do you handle success?

Ans: I give myself quick pat on the back and move on the next project. Of course, I take the time to figure out
what helped me succeed and use that experience to help me the next time.

Q: How do you handle Failure?

Ans: I give myself a short time to feel sad, but I don’t dwell on it. Without spending too much energy on it, I
always try to figure out where things went wrong. If I don’t do that, I won’t know what I need to do to succeed
next time.

Q: Are you an organized person?

Ans#1: I believe I'm very organized. I like to organize my work by priority and deadlines. I do this so I can
produce the highest quality work in the amount of time I have.

Ans#2: I'm a very organized person. I like to know exactly what I'm going to do for the day and the week. So I
outline my tasks and organize my work load. By doing so, I can organize my time and work better.

Q: In what ways are you organized and disorganized?

Ans: I'm very organized with my time and work, but my desk is a little disorganized.

Q: Do you manage your time well?

Ans: I manage my time well by planning out what I have to do for the whole week. It keeps me on track and
evens helps me to be more efficient.

Q: How do you handle change?

Ans#1: I'm good at dealing with change because I'm flexible with my work and abilities. I'm not afraid of learning
new and difficult things. Whenever I'm faced with a change, I'll put in extra effort to make the change a smooth

Ans#2: I handle changes smoothly. Whenever there's a change of any sort, I analyze the situation and I always
try to find ways I can contribute to the change in a positive way.

Q: How do you make important decisions?

Ans#1: I gather all the information I can find and based on the information, I'll come to the best decision I can. If
I know a coworker was in a similar situation, I wouldn't hesitate to find out the results to make sure my decision
is the best one.

Ans#2: I evaluate the situation before I decide what I need to do. If there is someone who has had experience
with similar situations I’m not afraid to ask for advice.

Q: Do you work well under pressure?

Ans#1: I work well under pressure because I don’t panic. I use the pressure to help me work more efficiently. I
maintain self control and work as efficiently as possible. At times, I try to prioritize and plan as much as I can.
Ans#2: Yes, I usually find it stimulating. However, I believe in planning and proper time management to reduce
panic headlines within my area of responsibility.

Q: Are you better at anticipating or reacting to problems?

Ans: I think it's good to be good at both. But in my experience, I realized I react to problems better. Whenever
I'm faced with a new problem, I know what steps to take to deal with the problem.

Q: Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks?

Ans#1: I see myself as a risk taker. But before taking the risk, I always evaluate all other options, weigh the pros
and cons of success and failure, and after careful consideration, I would definitely take a risk if the rewards were
high enough.

Ans#2: I’ll take risks, but I always proceed with caution, so I guess I fall somewhere in between. I like to see what
my odds are before I take a risk. I also want to know that I stand to gain or lose.

Q: Why should I hire you?

Ans#1: I believe I’m the perfect fit for this position. I’m very detail oriented, and I organize my work and time
very efficiently. But what makes me unique? If I were in your position I would hire myself because of the passion
for this industry and my optimistic personality. I want to make more of an impact than just doing my job. I don’t
want to blend in with the company; I would rather want my addition to improve it.

Ans#2: I'm a perfect fit for this position. I have the experience and the traits you are looking for. On top of that,
I'm a great team player that gets along with everyone.

Q: Why do you want to leave your current job?

Ans#1: I was looking for a position like this which is an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am not
able to fully utilize them in my present job as there is very limited scope of growth. I am interested in a new
challenge and an opportunity to use my technical skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the

Ans#2: I want to find a company with more opportunities. My previous company was very small and didn't have
opportunities for growth. After learning about the work environment here, I felt this is exactly the type of place I
want to work.

Q: What Is Your Salary Expectation?

Ans#1: If I am the right person for you, I’m sure you’ll make a fair offer to appropriate to my job responsibilities,
experience, and ability to do the job successfully.

Ans#2: I would expect to be paid competitively and commensurate with the level of skill, experience and
responsibility that this particular job requires.

Q: Do You Prefer To Work Alone Or As A Team Player?

Ans#1: I believe both are two sides of the same coin. They can never be isolated. A man has to work individually
and also as a team player. The value of teamwork is the emergence of new ideas and creative solutions as well
as sharing of the work load. So I prefer to work both as an individual and as a team member.

Ans#2: I would like to work in an environment where there is a blend of both. Its great working in teams while
sharing and learning ideas with each other, but it’s also great to sit at my own desk and work hard productively.
Therefore I would like to work independently towards a team goal.

Q: Why Do You Want To Work For Us?

Ans: I am not looking for just another paycheck. I enjoy my work and I am proud of my profession. I believe your
company has superior service and reputation. I share the values that make this possible, which should enable
me to fit in and complement the team. I believe that the company can provide me with a stable and happy
working environment. I think that your company has that reputation and that such an atmosphere would
encourage my best work

Q: Are you willing to relocate or travel?

Ans: Sir, it depends upon company requirement. If it is in company interest to relocate or travel me. Then I do
not have any problem, because I m working for it. I always find myself interested in new things, because I always
try to learn from new things.

Q: What Do You Know About This Company?

Ans: I learned that this Company has a great work environment and is an employee oriented. It’s a place where
strong contributors are rewarded. I want to work for a company with opportunities and I know this company will
definitely provide me.
Q: What Do You Seek From A Job?

Ans#1: I seek three things from the job: Competence, Challenging Roles and learning opportunities. I want a
position where I can apply my skills and abilities at par so that I can add some value to the organization.

Ans#2: Great learning opportunities, challenging roles, rational career progression and good job satisfaction. I
would also like to work for an organization that gives me an opportunity to serve the organization.

Q: Why did you apply for this job?

Ans#1: I decided to apply because I really like the vision of your company and the possibilities for me there. It is
a role where I can use my full potential and really help your company to grow.

Ans#2: I really like the job description and the working duties for this position. I believe that I am the perfect
match for the job and can be an asset for your team.

Q: What are your biggest achievements so far?

Ans#1: I became a better person over the years. I learned to listen to the others and see the good in people. I
consider this as my biggest achievement.

Ans#2: Although I feel my biggest achievements are still ahead of me, I am proud of my involvement with
Jumeirah Lake tower project. I made my contribution as part of that team and learned a lot in the process. We
all did it with hard work, concentration, and an eye on the bottom line.

Q: What characterize a good boss / colleague from your point of view?

Ans: There is nothing like an ideal boss for me. I simply focus on my job and on my performance and try to avoid
any conflicts with other employees.

Q: What motivates you / how do you motivate the others?

Ans: I want to feel important in my job, do a good job for my employer. This is very important for me, to see a
purpose in my job. It naturally motivates me to work hard and try to become better every day.

Q: When are you able to start?

Ans#1: I am ready to start as soon as possible.

Ans#2: There is a one month notice period in my company. However, I have very good relations with my boss so
I am sure I can negotiate it and start earlier.

Q: Do you have any questions?

Ans#1: What are the next steps of the recruiting process?

Ans#2: Can you tell me something more about the working environment?

Ans#3: What are the goals of your company in long term horizon?

Q: Do others think of you as a leader?

Ans: I believe those who have seen me in action are confident in my ability to lead them.

Q: What did you dislike about your last job?

Ans: I really liked everything about the job. The reason I left is to find a position where I can make a greater
contribution and a greater intellectual challenge.

Q: Can you describe your ideal work environment?

Ans: I want to work in an environment where I can use my presentation skills to help the company increase its
client roster. It’s important that I work in a fast-paced environment because I like being busy. I want to work
somewhere where employees are recognized for their contributions.

Q: Do you consider yourself a leader?

Ans: I am willing to take on responsibility, I am persuasive, and I can delegate. All these qualities make me a
good leader. If a situation calls for someone to take charge, I will certainly step forward.

Q: What pet peeves do you have about coworkers?

Ans: Too much negativity always bothers me. I think you’re going to complain you should be able to offer some
solutions to fix the things you think are wrong.

Q: What do you, as an employee, owe your boss and what does your boss owe you?

Ans: I owe my boss hard work, respect and honesty. My boss owes me respect, honesty and recognition for my
hard work.

Q: What do you expect from a supervisor?

Ans: I would like to be able to go my manager if I have an issue or idea and to be able to feel comfortable to
expressing my thoughts. I would also expect my supervisor to be open and honest with me and to let me know if
there is anything I could do to improve upon or do differently in my work.

Q: Are you a procrastinator or do you like to get things done?

Ans: Though I’ve been known to procrastinate on occasion, I don’t make a habit of it. When someone hands me
a project that needs to be done in a timely fashion, I will get it done.

Q: Why did you resign?

Ans: I resigned from my job because I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my skills and
experience in a different capacity than I have in the past.

Q: What have you learned from the jobs you have held?

Ans: More than anything, I have learned that what is good for the company is also good for me. So, I listen very
carefully to directions and always keep my superiors informed of my actions.

Q: How long would you stay with our company?

Ans: I take directions well and love to learn. As long as I am growing professionally, there is no reason for me to
make a move. How long do you need me to be of use there?

Q: How do you handle tension?

Ans: Tension is caused when you let things pile up. It is usually caused by letting other areas of responsibility slip
by for a period of time. I find that if you break those overwhelming tasks into little pieces, they aren't so
overwhelming anymore. So I suppose, I handle tension by handling the causes of it, by not letting things slip in
other areas that can give rise to it.

Q: What kind of people do you find it difficult to work with?

Ans: People who have a blatant disregard for others and do not follow procedures or are slackers -the occasional
rotten apples who don't really care about the quality of their work. They are long on complaints but short on

Q: (follow-up to the previous question) How will you handle these people?

Ans: I would stick to my guns, stay enthusiastic, and hope some of it will rub off. If no amount of good effort on
my part solves the problem, I will still maintain cordial relations. Life is too short to be affected by people who
always think their cup is half empty.

Q: What do you think of your last boss?

Ans: I liked him as a person, respected him professionally and appreciated his guidance.

Q: Were there things that your supervisor did that you disliked?

Ans: I have never thought of our relationship in terms of like or dislike. I have always thought our role was to get
along together and get the job done. We had a very good relationship as far as I can remember.

Q: Can you take instructions - and criticism - without feeling hurt or upset?

Ans: Yes, I can take instructions - and more importantly, I can take constructive criticism without feeling hurt.
Even with the best intent, I will still make mistakes and at times someone will have to put me back on the right
track. I know that if I expect to rise in the company, I must first prove myself to be manageable.

Q: How do you take directions? How do you handle criticism?

Ans: I take directions well and I believe that there are two types: carefully explained directions -when my boss
has time, and then there's the other, a brusque order or correction. While most people get upset with the latter,
personally, I always believe the manager is troubled with bigger problems and a tight schedule. As such, I take
the direction and get on with the job without taking offense so my boss can get on with his/her job as well. It's
the only way to accomplish our tasks.
Q: Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest.

Ans: Perhaps an 8 or 9, as I always give my best shot, but in doing so, I always increase my skills and therefore
always see room for improvement.

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