My Animals

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Exercise 1
Do you remember these animals? Read and tick the correct answer.

a) It’s a duck...... a) It’s a dog...... a) It’s a bird...... a) It’s a spider......

b) It’s a hen...... b) It’s a mouse...... b) It’s a bat...... b) It’s an ant......

Exercise 2
What can animals do? Listen to the teacher and number the pictures.

1. FLY



4. RUN


Exercise 3
Replace the pictures with words. Read and complete the sentences with the correct words.

dog fish ant bird run swim fly climb

a) It is a 1................ and it can 2................

b) It is a big 3................ and it can 4................

c) It is a little 5................ and it can 6................

d) It is a 7................ and it can 8................

Exercise 4
Read and colour the correct answer.

a) A horse can climb run fly

b) A cat can fly climb swim

c) A duck can jump swim run

d) A spider can fly jump climb

Exercise 5
True or false? Read and V or X.

a) A hen can fly. .....

b) A sheep can run. .....
c) A spider can swim. .....
d) A goat can jump. .....
e) A fish can climb. .....

Exercise 6
Crossword puzzle. Read the sentences, complete them and fill in the puzzle.


1. I am a duck and I can ...............

2. I am a horse and I can ...............
3. I am a cat and I can ...............
4. I am a mouse and I can ...............

A – B: __ __ __ __ __ __

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