A Report On "New Business Idea": Course Name: Brand Management Course Code: 425

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Report On

Course Name: Brand Management

Course Code: 425

Submitted To
Muhammad Ismail Hossain


Department of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Submitted By
Group: Mediocres

20th Batch

Department of Marketing

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Group Profile

Group Name: Mediocres


1 Fatema Tuz Zohora 4

2 Md. Shohidul Islam 32

3 Papia Khanom 56

4 Umma Fatema Akter 84

5 Yesmin Sultana 86

6 Moonmoon Biswas 90

7 Ramiz Ahmed ( Group leader ) 94

8 Md. Sabbir Hossain 102

9 Md. Shariful Islam 122

10 Nishat Tasnim 168

11 Morshed Alam 190

Letter of Transmittal

25 November, 2017
Muhammad Ismail Hossain
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of the report based on a new business idea.

Dear Sir,

With due veneration and humble submission, we are very delighted to submit the paper on a new
business idea as the course material. Our main incentive is to prepare this term paper according to
your guidelines in accordance with your instructions. We have tried our best to make our work as per
your structures and hope we believe we have done an adequate job considering our level of
experience and expertise and are able to relate the fundamental things.
We are extremely grateful for the opportunities that you gave us to express our innovative ability and
we earnestly hope that you will like the work that we have done. Furthermore, we stand by to answer
all queries regarding our work and pledge that is a unique production culminated by the
amalgamation of our varied skills and hard work.

Sincerely Yours
Group: Mediocres
Sec: B
Batch: 20th
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka.

Table of Content

1. Executive Summary 5
2. Service 6-7
3. Future Plan 8
4. Marketing Analysis 9-10
5. Strategy and implementation 11
6. Marketing Activities 12
7. Research 13-18
8. Business Model 19
9. Working Method 20
10. Organizational Structure 21
11. Food Menu 22
12. Financial Plan 23-24
13. Break Even point 25
14. Conclusion 26

Executive summary

Our assigned age group is 46-55. As per our research the highest number of people suffering from
diabetic at this age. When we observe the life style of some of the diabetic patient we found some of
the problems they are facing. Firstly, they are unable to maintain a routine life. Secondly, they do not
get healthy food in proper time what they needed because there is no specialized restaurant which is
working for the diabetic patients. Finally, most of the diabetic patients are suffering from frustration
due to different restrictions they have to follow. They want to share their experience with someone
like them. Considering all these three problems we are planning a package of solutions. Firstly, we
plan to develop an apps through which diabetic patient can maintain a routine life. The apps will
remind them when to wake up, when to walk, when to take breakfast and so on. Secondly, we plan
to establish a Diabetic Club in Dhanmondi which will provide them a platform where they can
interact with other people like them. Through our club we offer them regular check up and breakfast,
seminar and so on. Thirdly, who are not the members of our club but they need healthy food
according to their diet chart, we offer home delivery service for the diabetic patient within the
Dhanmondi area. We will charge 25 taka per delivery.


A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible
and does not result in the ownership of anything such as hotel (hospitality services) banking, home
repair services etc.

Our selected business is service based business.

Identifying problems:

Our business idea came from such problems

i) Fail to maintain routine life style:

Our targeted age people lead a busy life as they are engaged with job or service. Those who are housewives
don’t get the opportunity to take care of their health properly. As we all know diabetic patients need to
maintain a routine life. They need to take regular exercise. They need follow a balance diet chart. But we
mentioned earlier, this age group lead busy life that’s why the fail to take regular exercise. They forget to take
food timely due to work pressure.

ii) Don’t get healthy food according to their diet chart:

Those who are working on office or outside they don’t get healthy food according to their diet chart. As we all
know diabetic patient need to take food on a measured quantity but on a regular basis. But there is no
specialized restaurant f in Bangladesh for the diabetic patients. That’s why diabetic patients are forced to take
junk food which is not healthy at all. They can’t control their diabetic level lack of healthy food.

iii) Suffering from frustration:

Diabetic patients need to follow some restriction in order to control their diabetic level. Sometimes
they become bored of following such routine life. They want to share their experience with someone
like them. But in this busy city life they don’t get such opportunity to make a social gathering of all
diabetic patients.

Solution of the problems:

Considering all these problems faced by diabetic patients, we are come up with some solutions.

I) Develop an app:

We are planning to develop an app for the diabetic patients. The app will work as a reminder for them to
maintain their routine life. For example, in the morning the app will help remind them to walk up, to walk
timely and remind them to take food at a regular interval. So the app will serve as alarm purpose to tell what
to do when to do. By the help of this app diabetic patient will be able to maintain a routine life.

II) Establish a diabetic club in Dhanmondi:

We will establish a “Diabetic Club” through which this type of people can get a chance to interact with each
other. We will offer regular breakfast, check up and doctor consultancy and seminar.

III) Food delivery for diabetic patients:

We will use one of our office rooms as a kitchen to prepare food for diabetic patients. Our club members can
avail this food from 7 am to 7 pm. Besides we will offer home delivery service offering only special food for
the diabetic patients initially in the dhanmondi area. Anyone can order food from 9 am to 7 pm. by using our
app or through phone call. We will charge 25 taka per delivery.

Future plan

Phase 1: At first we will start our club and food delivery services only in Dhanmondi but after
achieving break even we have a plan to expand our service. As initially we are covering Old Dhaka
so we have a plan to operate in new Dhaka like Uttara. As we all know Motijil is a big gather of
office going people so we have plan to establish our club besides “Romna park” so these can come
to the club before going to the office or when they return back from their office.

Phase 2: As a business prospective we will pan to do everything for making profit but after
achieving a sustaining growth we have plan to spread our service throughout the country. We have
an aim to work as a “Diabetic Foundation. We have a plan to work for the rural diabetic patients for
free of cost.

Phase 3: Set an international level of our organization. As we said we have a plan to work for the
rural people free of cost. But it’s not possible for us rendering such kind of free services in the long
run. So we will communicate with the “Diabetic Foundation” in other countries. By communicating
with the different NGO’s we will try to gather fund for our social work.

Market Analysis Summary

Target Market Strategy:

Our target market age is 46-55. We observed the life style of this age group for weeks and discover a
problem. The large number of diabetic patients in Bangladesh is belonging to this age group. That’s
why focused this age group and plan to serve the diabetic patients. As we are doing this for profit
that’s why initially we choose Dhanmondi area as people living in this area are mostly affluent class
and they are very much conscious about their health.

Market Need:
As we talked to our target market people we found out they have three types of problem. Firstly, they
are unable to maintain a routine life. Secondly, they do not get healthy food in proper time what they
needed because there is no specialized restaurant which is working for the diabetic patients. Finally,
most of the diabetic patients are suffering from frustration due to different restrictions they have to
follow. They want to share their experience with someone like them.

Market Growth:

We are planning to start our club with 60 members. We will offer home delivery service within
Dhanmondi area and set a target to serve 100 customers per day. According to our survey we expect
500 people will initially use our app.

Key customers:

Our key customers will be the affluent class diabetic people of Dhanmondi area who can afford the
membership fee and monthly fee of our club. In case of our food delivery service, it’s not limited only with the
affluent class because we will set price which medium and affluent class can afford.

Future Market:

In future we have a plan to operate our club in Uttara and Dhanmondi. We also expand our food delivery
service in Dhaka city. So expect that our initial growth will be double in future.


Actually there is no club in our country which offers a full range of service for the diabetic patients like we
planned so in one sense there are no competitors at present. We think our main competitors will be Birdem
Diabetic Association of Bangladesh and Diabetic association of Bangladesh operated by Dr. Muhammad
Ibrahim. But we are unique because we are offering a full range of regular service for the diabetic patients.

Strategy and Implementation

(1)Location: Our selected location is Dhanmondi area.

(2) Technology: We have to use several technologies.

(a) Computer: At first use have to use computer to make a website and our members also need
this device to know about our club and food delivery service.

b) Internet: We also need internet connection for our business. For home delivery service
customers need internet to order food.

c) Application: we also develop an application. This app will help diabetic patients to maintain a
routine life style.

d) Mobile: Smart phone is another essential tool of our business. Our members install our app in
their smart phone and can order food through this app.

(3) Logistics: we need to motor bike for our home delivery service.

(4) Space for Club: We will rent a 1500 square feet space where we will establish our club. We
also prepare food for the home delivery service in that place.

(5) Mile stone: We are planning to start our club with 5o members. We have set a target to serve
100 home delivery services per day. We expect around 500 people will use our app to maintain their
routine life.

Marketing Activities

Advertising: we segmented our age group diabetic patients based on location. So advertisement for our
club and home delivery service will be limited only in the Dhanmondi area. We will give advertisement for
our apps throughout the Bangladesh. We are planning to use the following advertising tools:

Postering and leaflet: We can use poster on Dhanmondi Park and Romna Park where diabetic patients
usually walk in the morning. We will send leaflet to every house in Dhanmondi through daily newspaper. Our
home delivery food is for the busy diabetic patients so we can send leaflet to every office

Print media: people aging 45-56 mostly read newspaper regularly. So we will provide advertisement on
daily newspapers about our detail activities.

Facebook advertising: We will give advertisement of our app on the facebook. Those who are using
facebook may be interested in using apps.

One to one marketing: We will collect data about the diabetic patients in the Dhaka city from
different hospitals and Doctor Chambers. Then we will separate the Dhanmondi residential area patients and
try to contact them separately.

Branding: “Bloom the life” is our tagline. We use the top diabetic specialist doctors and Abul Hayat as
our brand ambassador to promote our brand. We will apply strategic brand management process for branding
our organization which we have already discussed in our presentation.

Marketing Research

We were conducted research on every aspects of our business plan. We talked to different people about
pricing, expected service and so on. We will conduct this on a regular basis to improve our bossiness model.

A survey on our activities




Contact Number…………………..

We would like to develop an app “Care ring” for Diabetic patients to maintain their daily life
according to routine. You can also order food through our app. We are also planning to
establish a “diabetic club” which will offer you a regular health checkup, concealing and so on.

We are seeking your valuable opinion on these following issues—

1. Do you think this app will be helpful for diabetic patients?

(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

2. Do you think our food delivery service will contribute to your diet chart?
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral

(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

3. What will be your opinion regarding breakfast price (Taka)?

(a) 100
(b) 50
(c) 65
(d) 40
(e) 85

4. What will be your opinion regarding launch price (Taka)?

(a) 95
(b) 120
(c) 135
(d) 150
(e) 165

5. Would you like to take our food delivery system?

(a) You don’t like this offer
(b) Not interested
(c) Neutral
(d) Interested
(e) Highly interested

6. What would be your preference about club location?

(a) Dhanmondi
(b) Ramna
(c) Uttara
(d) Khilgao
(e) Banani

7. We have decided to charge taka 10000/- for membership (per person) & taka 5000/- for
monthly charge (per person). Do you think it’s affordable?
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

8. You can contact doctor through our club. On which day you prefer to contact?
(a) Friday morning
(b) Friday Evening
(c) Saturday morning
(d) Saturday evening
(e) Thursday evening

9. Would you like to be a member of our club?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Not decided yet

10. Would you like to suggest something to our existing services?

In our sample survey of 50 participants we have found that:

1. Do you think this app will be helpful for diabetic patients? Participants

Strongly Disagree 3
Disagree 8
Neither disagree nor agree 13
Agree 20
Strongly Agree 6
Total 50

2. Do you think our food delivery service will contribute to your Participants
diet chart

Strongly Disagree 2
Disagree 10
Neither disagree nor agree 7
Agree 18
Strongly Agree 13
Total 50
3. What will be your opinion regarding breakfast price (Taka)? Participants

100 0
50 27
65 7
40 12
85 4
Total 50

4. What will be your opinion regarding launch price (Taka)? Participants

95 27
120 13
135 7
150 2
165 1
Total 50

5. Would you like to take our food delivery system? Participants

I don’t like your offer 4

Not interested 7
Neutral 11
Interested 23
Highly interested 5
Total 50

6. What would be your preference about club location?

Romna 10
Uttara 8

Khilgaon 0

Bonani 3

Total 50

9. Do you want to be a member of our Participants

Yes 18
No 23
Not decided yet 9
Total 50

7. We have decided to charge taka 10000/- for Participants
membership (per person) & taka 5000/- for
monthly charge (per person). Do you agree that it’s
Strongly disagree 8
Disagree 11
Neither agree nor disagree 12
Agree 17
Strongly agree 2
Total 50

8. You can contact doctor through our club. On
which day you prefer to contact?

Friday morning 19

Friday evening 8
Saturday morning 15
Saturday evening 5
Thursday evening 3
Total 50

Business Model

Business Model


Working Method

1. For care ring we have to develop an app.

2. We have to buy internet domain for developing our website.

3. We need to register our company by following all the procedure of private limited company.

4. We need to collect tax number from City Corporation

5. We have to rent 1500 square feet space for operating our club and home delivery service.

6. We have to buy motor bike for home delivery service.

7. We have to buy furniture for our club.

8. We have to buy kitchen set up for home delivery service.

9. We have to conduct interior design in our club.

10. We have to appoint a manager, a nurse, a sheaf, a sheaf assistant and a cleaner and two delivery boys.

11. We have to make a proper advertising for our activities.

12. We will select a diabetic specialist and Abul Hayet as our brand ambassador.

Organizational Structure

An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and
supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims.

Designation Name

CEO Ramiz Ahmed

Head of Finance Yeasmin Sultana

Strategy Development Nishat Tasnim, Md. Shohidul Islam

IT specialist Md. Morshed Alom, Md. Shariful Islam.

Public Relation Moonmoon Biswash, Papia khanom

Head of Marketing Md. Sabbir Hossain

Partnership and Sustaining Umme Fatema Akter, Fatema-Tuz-Zohora

Advisor Head of Diabetic , Dhaka Medical

Head of Diabetic, Birdem Hospital

Food Menu

Delivery charge for each order 25 taka. The price given below is excluded from delivery charge.

Breakfast (7:30 am 10:30 am)

Package 1 Taka Package 2 Taka

Bread with diabetic jam ( 3 pieces) 24 Ruti ( 4 Piece) 24
Boiled egg 10 Vegetable 10
Green Tea 16 Banana 6
Tea with diabetic sugar 10
Total 50 Total 50

Refreshment (11 am – 12:30 pm)

Package 1 Taka Package 2 Taka

Cucumber slice ( 5 pieces) 20 Diabetic special Yogurt 20
Sugar Free Biscuit 10 Muri (parched Rice) 10
Total 30 Total 30

Launch (12:30 pm - 2:30 pm)

Package 1 Taka Package 2 Taka

Boiled Rice 15 Vegetable Soup 50
Mixed Vegetable 15 Strawberries 30
Chicken 50
Total 80 Total 80

Snacks (4 Pm – 7:30 Pm)

Package 1 Taka Package 2 Taka

Vegetable Nodules 30 Cinnamon Roll 25
Peanuts 20 Mushroom Salad 25
Total 50 Total 50

Financial plan
Fixed Cost
Purpose of cost Cost ( Taka)

Internet Domain Cost 6000

Internet Storage Cost 8000

Web Designing Cost 5000

Application Development Cost 5000

Space Rent ( Advance) 40,00,000

Logistic ( Two motor bike) 1,50,000

Furniture 1,50,000

Kitchen set up 1,50,000

Interior Design 1,00,000

Advertising and Branding 3,50,000

Other expenses 76,000

Total 50,00,000

We will not start our club with not less than 60 members. We will charge 10,000 per membership.
So, through membership fee our revenue will be 600,000. From total fixed cost we will deduct
600000 because these are the membership fees (fixed) which we will get only at once.

Total Fixed cost = 5000000

Membership fees = 600000

Net investment= 4400000

At present bank interest rate is 5%. If we keep 4400000 taka in bank we will get monthly interest
(4400000x5%÷ 12) =18,333 taka. So if we will attain net income more than the monthly interest
rate 18333, we will be able to continue our business.

Monthly Variable cost/Operating cost

Purpose of cost Cost

Staff salary ( manager, cleaner, sheaf & assistant, two 10,000+5,000+20,000+20,000+10,000=65,000

delivery boy, nurse)
Fuel cost for bike ( per day 180) 180X30= 5,400

House rent ( monthly) 40,000

Utility expenses( water, gas, electricity) 15,00+1500+2000= 5,000

Seminar arrangement (monthly two seminar) 10,000

Doctor Fee ( two doctor , monthly 4 days 50,000

Food delivery & Members food cost 2,30,000

Total 405,4000

Income statement
Debtor Creditor

Description Taka Description Taka

Monthly fee (5000X60) 300000
Monthly operating expenses 405400
Service Charge for home delivery 75,000
Net income
44,600 Profit from food delivery 5,000
450,000 450,000

So our net income will be 44600 which are more than the monthly interest amount (18333) of net
investment 4400000. So we can continue our business.

Break Even Point
Revenue Amount
First 2 year (44600 X 24) = 1,070,400

3rd & 4th year (89200 X 24) = 2,140,800

5th year & 2 months (133800 X 140=1,873,200

Break even of 50,00,000 50,84,400


We believe that this is a unique business idea which can solve the problems faced by the diabetic
patients. We were trying to consider all the opinions provided by respondent during survey. We hope
our app will help them to maintain a routine life. We will try to give them full range of services
through our club. In our future we have a plan to expand our organization. From social responsibility
prospective we will try to do something for the rural people after achieving a sustainable growth.


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