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13 Jul 2019 Page 1 of 9

Intern Name: Neely Parsons

Internship: SEDU 495 - 002

Submitted: Mar 8, 2019 Supervisor(s):

John Ziegler
Course/Term: SEDU 495 - 2 : STUDENT TEACHING ( Spring 2019 ) Mentor(s):
Assessor: John Ziegler (Supervisor) Site:
Springs High
School 7 to
12, 641
PA 16403
Comments: Neely Parsons completed the requirements of a student teaching placement during the Spring 2019 semester. She taught social Subject(s):
studies to students attending Cambridge Springs Junior Senior High School in Cambridge Spring, PA. I had the opportunity to visit the Social
classroom and observed her teach on several formal occasions. I offer this justification based on observations, classroom evidence, and Studies
conferences held with both Neely and the cooperating teacher, Bethany Kissel. Ms. Parsons developed daily and weekly lesson plans. The
plans included goals, objectives, procedures, instructional adaptations, and methods of assessment. Lesson procedures called for maximum
student involvement. The plans helped to translate lesson goals into learning activities that enabled Jamie to assess student mastery based
upon accuracy, consistency, and fairness. She was also able to collaborate with the regular classroom teacher to obtain optimum planning for
the students. Neeely’s instructional delivery, instructional pace, enthusiasm, choice of activities, and transitions all contributed to successful
lessons and engaged the students. Ms. Parsons kept students motivated by using hands on activities and a standards-based approach rich in
content, instructional delivery, and interactivity. Furthermore, Ms. Parsons showed a high level of professionalism. She was congenial and
demonstrated cooperation throughout the entire student teaching placement.
9th, 10th,
11th, 12th

PDE 430 1st Placement - V1 (201720)

Exemplary (3.000 pts) Superior (2.000 pts) Satisfactory (1.000 pts) Unsatisfactory N/A
Candidate consistently and Candidate usually and Candidate sometimes and Candidate rarely or never
thoroughly demonstrates extensively demonstrates adequately demonstrates and inappropriately or
indicators of performance: indicators of performance: indicators of performance: superficially demonstrates
Knowledge of content; Knowledge of content; Knowledge of content; indicators of performance:
Knowledge of pedagogy; Knowledge of pedagogy; Knowledge of pedagogy; Knowledge of content;
Knowledge of PA K-12 Knowledge of PA K-12 Knowledge of PA K-12 Knowledge of pedagogy;
Standards; Knowledge of Standards; Knowledge of Standards; Knowledge of Knowledge of PA K-12
students and how to use students and how to use students and how to use Standards; Knowledge of
this knowledge to impart this knowledge to impart this knowledge to impart students and how to use
instruction; Use of instruction; Use of instruction; Use of this knowledge to impart
resources, materials, or resources, materials, or resources, materials, or instruction; Use of
technology available technology available technology available resources, materials, or
Planning & through the school or through the school or through the school or technology available
Preparation district; Instructional goals district; Instructional goals district; Instructional goals through the school or
1/4 (25%) that show a recognizable that show a recognizable that show a recognizable district; Instructional goals
INTASC-2013.7 sequence with adaptations sequence with adaptations sequence with adaptations that show a recognizable
for individual student for individual student for individual student sequence with adaptations
needs; Assessments of needs; Assessments of needs; Assessments of for individual student
student learning aligned to student learning aligned to student learning aligned to needs; Assessments of
the instructional goals and the instructional goals and the instructional goals and student learning aligned to
adapted as required for adapted as required for adapted as required for the instructional goals and
student needs; Use of student needs; Use of student needs; Use of adapted as required for
educational psychological educational psychological educational psychological student needs; Use of
principles/theories in the principles/theories in the principles/theories in the educational psychological
construction of lesson construction of lesson construction of lesson principles/theories in the
plans and setting plans and setting plans and setting construction of lesson
instructional goals. instructional goals. instructional goals. plans and setting
instructional goals.
Lesson Plans: Types, Titles and Numbers During this placement, I taught seventh grade world cultures. The units I taught were primarily
focused on Asia. The two units focused on Japan, the Koreas, and Southeast Asia. During the units, students continued to practice reading
a map and locating the different countries and regions. During the units, students participated in lecture- discussions, map activities, and
projects. The students also watched a documentary about North Korea and participated in a discussion of the country after the video. World
Cultures: Unit 1: Introduction to Japan and the Koreas, 2/ 5/ 2019 Unit 1 Japan’s Land, 2/ 6/ 2019 Unit 1: Japan’s History and
Government, 2/ 7/ 2019 Unit 1: Japan’s Economy, 2/ 8/ 2019 Unit 1: Japan’s People and Culture, 2/ 11/ 2019 Unit 1: Japan’s People and
Culture Continued, 2/ 12/ 2019 Unit 1: The Korean History, 2/ 13/ 2019 Unit 1: North Korea Documentary, 2/ 14/ 2019 Unit 1: North Korea
Documentary Continued, 2/ 15/ 2019 Unit 1: Japan and the Koreas Review, 2/ 19/ 2019 Unit 1: Japan and the Koreas Review Game, 2/
20/ 2019 Unit 2: Introduction to Southeast Asia, 2/ 22/ 2019 Unit 2: Mainland Southeast Asia, 2/ 25/ 2019 Unit 2: Island Southeast Asia,
2/ 26/ 2019 Unit 2: Introduction to Brochure Project, 2/ 27/ 2019 Unit 2: Brochure Work Day 1, 2/ 28/ 2019 Unit 2: Brochure Project Work
Day 2, 3/ 1/ 2019 Unit 2: Travel Brochure Student Presentations, 3/ 4/ 2019 Unit 2: Southeast Asia Review, 3/ 5/ 2019 Unit 2: Southeast
13 Jul 2019 Page 2 of 9
Day 2, 3/ 1/ 2019 Unit 2: Travel Brochure Student Presentations, 3/ 4/ 2019 Unit 2: Southeast Asia Review, 3/ 5/ 2019 Unit 2: Southeast
Asia Review Game, 3/ 6/ 2019 Resources/ Materials/ Technology Listed below are the resources that I used in the classroom to deliver the
content. These resources include presentation software, SMART boards, and online resources. The intention of these resources was to
engage students in new and innovative ways. Textbooks: Our World Today: Richard G. Boehm, 2003 Websites: YouTube o This website
was used during different lessons to introduce the topic for the day. It gave students on overview of what they would be learning about. Google Classroom o This
website allowed me to post online what students worked on in class each day. I was able to upload copies of the assignment and
presentations for parents or students who were absent. Quizlet o This website was used as a study tool for the students. I also used the
“live” version of this resources as a review game for the students. Nearpod o This resource is a presentation software that displayed notes
on each of the student’s iPad’s. I used this resource each time I presented notes to the students. Boards: SMART Board o I often utilized
the SMART board that was at the front of the classroom. This was used to display notes or the Quizlet review games. Bulletin Board o I
created a bulletin board for the classroom that displays the five themes of geography. This bulletin board was interactive and students could
left up the signs to read the definition of each theme. Hands- on Material: iPads Worksheets Map activities Test: Japan and the Koreas
Test: Southeast Asia Games: I used a variety of games to review the content with the students. On of the games that I created was inspired
by the game “Heads Up.” Students were given strips of paper with different vocabulary terms on them. With a partner, they had to describe
each of the terms as they held it up to their forehead. Another review game I used was Quizlet live. The students really enjoy this review
game. This game requires students to answer practice questions with team members until one team gets them all right. Assessment Material:
Informal: Group Discussion: I often used group discussions as a way to gage student understanding of the topic. This was a time that
students could discuss what they knew or what they still needed help with. I was able to assess the student’s based on the discussion. Exit
Slip: I used exit slips throughout my lessons to see if student were understanding the vocabulary terms and definitions. It served as a quick
way to know if students were understanding the content. Matching Activity: I used this activity to gage students understanding of the terms
“export” and “import.” This also served as an introduction to Japan’s economy and resources. Bell Ringer: This technique was used as a way
to begin class and get the students focused and ready to discuss the content. I was able to use these bell ringers as a way to gage student
understanding of the content and vocabulary. Study Guides: Both units that I taught, I used study guides as a tool to gage student
understanding. If students were not understanding the study guide or having difficulty answering the questions, I knew that I need to go back
through and reteach. The study guides also were beneficial to the students because the students could use them to study for the test.
Review Games: I used review games as a way to gage student understanding and if I noticed that students were having difficulty, I took that
as an opportunity to go back through and reteach. Notes: I required that students took notes during the presentations so that I ensured that
all students were getting the necessary material to be successful in my classroom. These notes then served as a study tool for the students
when it came time for the tests. Formal: Homework: Students received homework questions in the form of multiple choice after each lesson.
These assignments were collected and graded. Test: The students took a test after each of the units I taught. The tests were collected and
graded for accuracy each time. Test included multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, and extended response. Project:
Students complete a project during Unit 2. This project was collected and taken for a grade based on criteria given to the students. Map
activities: Students received and completed two map activities during my time at the school. The students filled out two maps using given
cities, rivers, and mountains. These maps were collected and given a grade. Information About Students: Cambridge Springs Jr. and Sr. High
School has 481 students enrolled in grades 7- 12. The student body is made up of 56 percent male and 44 percent female. This school is
predominately white, with only 5 percent of its student population identifying as a minority. The school has a high percentage of
eeconomically disadvantage students, coming in at almost 42 percent. The school has eight periods during their school day, each class
lasting 42 minutes. The school utilizes a one- to- one environment where each student has received an iPad to conduct schoolwork with.
Students use online resources such as Google Classroom and Edustar to check grades, assignments, and stay up to date in their classes.
There are 80 students in the 7th grade at Cambridge Springs Junior High School. The class size ranges from 14- 24 students. Each of the
classes I teach are inclusion classes so I have a variety of levels in each class. Some students are deaf or hard of hearing and require an
ASL interpreter to assist the students. 2nd Period: Second period is one of my tougher classes in terms of classroom management. The
students in this class are talkative and require refocusing several times during each lesson. I have to stop and ask students to refrain from
talking when I am often. Some students seem to have trouble with their attitude. Overall, the students are great. 3rd Period: Third period is a
larger class but they are often on task and focused. This class as a group asks higher- level questions and are easy to engage in the lesson.
The students work diligently and are able to accomplish most of their class work in the time given. 4th Period: Fourth period is more of a mix
between my second and third period classes. They seem to be on task some days and off task other days. I have a group of girls that sit near
each other that have struggled with the talking when I am. They often require me to stop and ask them to refrain from talking. Overall, they
are a good group of students even though they can be hit or miss. 8th Period: Eighth Period is my smallest class but also on of the harder
classes to get focused. The students interactive very well with each other which is a good thing, but it can cause some issues when trying to
get them focused. The students usually work very well and only need occasional reminders to keep working. Student Teacher Interview: Every
time I met with either my cooperating teacher or University Supervisor, I made sure I listened carefully and took their advice and suggestions. I
communicated daily with my cooperating teacher about ideas, suggestions, tips, and tricks that I could use to better my instruction. I often
had lengthy meetings after my observations with Dr. Ziegler to discuss my progress as a student teacher and was given many great tips and
suggestions to improve my instruction. With Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019: This was my first formal observation conducted by Dr. Ziegler. After he
observed my lesson, we met after the class period and discussed ways I could improve my instruction. We discussed ways to improve my
“hook” and how to provide a lesson closure that comes full circle for the students. 2/ 7/ 2019: After this formal observation, Dr. Ziegler and I
met and discussed the progress I have made since beginning my student teaching. We talked about how I have improved not using the filler
words “guys” and “so.” Dr. Ziegler and I also discussed how to get more student interaction during my lesson. 2/ 13/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler
completed a formal observation of my lesson on this date. After class we discussed how I can assess the student’s prior knowledge and
ensure I am getting all students to participate in my lesson. With Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Kissell and I would discuss my lessons at the end
of each day that I taught. I often asked questions about what to do and how to improve my lessons. Mrs. Kissell helped me improve my
classroom management and helped me find my voice within the classroom. My cooperating teacher was also very organized and I was able to
pick up on some of the organizational skills she has to improve my own organization. Observation by Mrs. Kissell (Cooperating Teacher) 2/ 6/
2019: Formal Observation 1 2/ 26/ 2019: Formal Observation 2 3/ 7/ 2019: Formal Observation 3 Weekly Goals with Supervisor: Week
one: 1/ 16/ 2019 Week two: 1/ 24/ 2019 Week three: 2/ 1/ 2019 Week four: 2/ 8/ 2019 Week five: 2/ 15/ 2019 Week six: 2/ 22/ 2019
Week seven: 3/ 1/ 2019 Classroom Observations: During this placement, I was observed often by both my cooperating teacher and University
Supervisor. Both Mrs. Kissell and Dr. Ziegler gave me advice and ways I could improve my instruction. Through meetings with both of them, I
have been working on becoming the best educator for my students. I observed a learning support classroom while I was here at Cambridge
Springs as well as another social studies classroom. I am interested in continuing my education in special education as a result of the special
education teacher, Mrs. Goldsmith. The observation dates are included below. Formal Observations by Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019 (8th Period)
2/ 7/ 2019 (4th Period) 2/ 13/ 2019 (4th Period) Formal Observations by Cooperating Teacher: 2/ 6/ 2019 2/ 26/ 2019 3/ 7/ 2019
Observation by Candidate of Other Teachers: Mrs. Goldsmith, Special Education: 1/ 17/ 2019 Mr. Werkmister, Social Studies: 3/ 7/ 2019
Resource Documents: All lesson plans, worksheets, reflections, and feedback can be found in my student teaching binder. My binder is kept
up to date with all of the resources that I use during my lessons. All reflections can be found after the corresponding lesson plan in my
student teacher binder. Reflections were written at the end of the day and placed in my binder. I have completed the Instructional
Assessment Plan (IAP) for Unit 1: Japan and the Koreas and have submitted it to Livetext. Each lesson was prepared using the PA
Standards Aligned System (PA SAS) to ensure students were meeting the common core requirements. Objectives for this placement were
13 Jul 2019 Standards Aligned System (PA SAS) to ensure students were meeting the common core requirements. Objectives for this placementPage were3 of 9
written using Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised Wheel. Other: All necessary documents have been saved and kept in my student teaching binder.
All lesson plans were prepared 48 hours in advanced and submitted to the cooperating teacher to review. My cooperating teacher, Mrs.
Kissell, signed each lesson lan once she read and approved of them.
Candidate consistently and Candidate usually and Candidate sometimes and Candidate rarely or never
thoroughly demonstrates extensively demonstrates adequately demonstrates and inappropriately or
indicators of performance: indicators of performance: indicators of performance: superficially demonstrates
Expectations for student Expectations for student Expectations for student indicators of performance:
achievement with value achievement with value achievement with value Expectations for student
placed on the quality of placed on the quality of placed on the quality of achievement with value
student work; Attention to student work; Attention to student work; Attention to placed on the quality of
equitable learning equitable learning equitable learning student work; Attention to
opportunities for students; opportunities for students; opportunities for students; equitable learning
Appropriate interactions Appropriate interactions Appropriate interactions opportunities for students;
between teacher and between teacher and between teacher and Appropriate interactions
Classroom students and among students and among students and among between teacher and
Environment students; Effective students; Effective students; Effective students and among
1/4 (25%) classroom routines and classroom routines and classroom routines and students; Effective
INTASC-2013.2, procedures resulting in little procedures resulting in little procedures resulting in little classroom routines and
INTASC-2013.3 or no loss of instructional or no loss of instructional or no loss of instructional procedures resulting in little
time; Clear standards for time; Clear standards for time; Clear standards for or no loss of instructional
conduct and effective conduct and effective conduct and effective time; Clear standards for
management of student management of student management of student conduct and effective
behavior; Appropriate behavior; Appropriate behavior; Appropriate management of student
attention given to safety in attention given to safety in attention given to safety in behavior; Appropriate
the classroom to the extent the classroom to the extent the classroom to the extent attention given to safety in
that it is under control of that it is under control of that it is under control of the classroom to the extent
the student teacher; Ability the student teacher; Ability the student teacher; Ability that it is under control of
to establish and maintain to establish and maintain to establish and maintain the student teacher; Ability
rapport with students. rapport with students. rapport with students. to establish and maintain
rapport with students.
13 Jul 2019 Page 4 of 9
Classroom Observations: Formal Observations by Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019 (8th Period) 2/ 7/ 2019 (4th Period) 2/ 13/ 2019 (4th Period)
Formal Observations by Cooperating Teacher: 2/ 6/ 2019 2/ 26/ 2019 3/ 7/ 2019 Observation by Candidate of Other Teachers: Mrs.
Goldsmith, Special Education: 1/ 17/ 2019 Mr. Werkmister, Social Studies: 3/ 7/ 2019 Informal Observations/ Visits: 3/ 4/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler
stopped in to thank Mrs. Kissell for having me in her classroom and ask if she had any questions as we prepared for me to leave for my next
placement. Dr. Ziegler then met with me briefly to see if I had any final questions as my first placement comes to a close. Student Teacher
Interviews: With Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019: This was my first formal observation conducted by Dr. Ziegler. After he observed my lesson, we met
after the class period and discussed ways I could improve my instruction. We discussed ways to improve my “hook” and how to provide a
lesson closure that comes full circle for the students. 2/ 7/ 2019: After this formal observation, Dr. Ziegler and I met and discussed the
progress I have made since beginning my student teaching. We talked about how I have improved not using the filler words “guys” and “so.”
Dr. Ziegler and I also discussed how to get more student interaction during my lesson. 2/ 13/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler completed a formal
observation of my lesson on this date. After class we discussed how I can assess the student’s prior knowledge and ensure I am getting all
students to participate in my lesson. 3/ 4/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler stopped in to thank Mrs. Kissell for having me in her classroom and ask if she
had any questions as we prepared for me to leave for my next placement. Dr. Ziegler then met with me briefly to see if I had any final
questions as my first placement comes to a close. Meetings with Cooperating Teacher to Discuss Weekly Analysis/ Goals: Week one: 1/ 16/
2019 Week two: 1/ 24/ 2019 Week three: 2/ 1/ 2019 Week four: 2/ 8/ 2019 Week five: 2/ 15/ 2019 Week six: 2/ 22/ 2019 Week
seven: 3/ 1/ 2019 Visual Technology: During my lessons, I used technology that would catch the student’s eye and engage them with the
content. To do this, I used a variety of technology that is listed below. SMART Board: I used the SMART board to project the presentations.
The students were also able to follow along with the presentation on their iPad’s. Chalk Board: I utilized the classroom chalk board to write
the agenda and lesson objectives for students to see each day. YouTube: This website was used during different lessons to introduce the
topic for the day. It gave students on overview of what they would be learning about. o
TEm8WS0eg&t=91s o Google Classroom: This website allowed me to post online what
students worked on in class each day. I was able to upload copies of the assignment and presentations for parents or students who were
absent. Quizlet: This website was used as a study tool for the students. I also used the “live” version of this resources as a review game for
the students. Nearpod: This resource is a presentation software that displayed notes on each of the student’s iPad’s. I used this resource
each time I presented notes to the students. Bulletin Board: I created a bulletin board for the classroom that displays the five themes of
geography. This bulletin board was interactive and students could left up the signs to read the definition of each theme. Resources/ Materials/
Technology: Listed below are the resources that I used in the classroom to deliver the content. These resources include presentation
software, SMART boards, and online resources. The intention of these resources was to engage students in new and innovative ways.
Textbooks: Our World Today: Richard G. Boehm, 2003 Websites: YouTube o This website was used during different lessons to introduce
the topic for the day. It gave students on overview of what they would be learning about.
TEm8WS0eg&t=91s Google Classroom o This website allowed me to post online what
students worked on in class each day. I was able to upload copies of the assignment and presentations for parents or students who were
absent. Quizlet o This website was used as a study tool for the students. I also used the “live” version of this resources as a review game for
the students. Nearpod o This resource is a presentation software that displayed notes on each of the student’s iPad’s. I used this resource
each time I presented notes to the students. Boards: SMART Board o I often utilized the SMART board that was at the front of the
classroom. This was used to display notes or the Quizlet review games. Bulletin Board o I created a bulletin board for the classroom that
displays the five themes of geography. This bulletin board was interactive and students could left up the signs to read the definition of each
theme. Hands- on Material: iPads Worksheets Map activities Test: Japan and the Koreas Test: Southeast Asia Games: I used a variety
of games to review the content with the students. On of the games that I created was inspired by the game “Heads Up.” Students were given
strips of paper with different vocabulary terms on them. With a partner, they had to describe each of the terms as they held it up to their
forehead. Another review game I used was Quizlet live. The students really enjoy this review game. This game requires students to answer
practice questions with team members until one team gets them all right. Other: I created a Classroom Management Plan for my placement at
Cambridge Springs Jr. High School. My goal for my classroom management plan was to establish a community of learners that students feel
comfortable in. This was a difficult task due to some of the class sizes but students interacted well with one another. I maintained
professionalism before, during, and after school. I made it a point to ensure that I was interacting with the students before class started,
asking them how their day was or talking about what they had planned after school or on the weekend. I wanted my students to look at me
not only as their teacher but as a human who enjoyed many of the same activities as they did. I felt that I was able to do this while remaining
professional at all times. I made sure that I held the same rules and standards that Mrs. Kissell had set forth for the students. Verbal warnings
were given to students when rules were not followed. Fortunately, I did not have any major behavior problems during my experience. The
common problem was excessive talking during the lessons which was easily shut down by a verbal warning.
13 Jul 2019 Page 5 of 9
Candidate consistently and Candidate usually and Candidate sometimes and Candidate rarely or never
thoroughly demonstrates extensively demonstrates adequately demonstrates and inappropriately or
indicators of performance: indicators of performance: indicators of performance: superficially demonstrates
Use of knowledge of Use of knowledge of Use of knowledge of indicators of performance:
content and pedagogical content and pedagogical content and pedagogical Use of knowledge of
theory through his/her theory through his/her theory through his/her content and pedagogical
instructional delivery ; instructional delivery ; instructional delivery ; theory through his/her
Instructional goals Instructional goals Instructional goals instructional delivery ;
reflecting Pennsylvania K- reflecting Pennsylvania K- reflecting Pennsylvania K- Instructional goals
12 standards ; 12 standards ; 12 standards ; reflecting Pennsylvania K-
Communication of Communication of Communication of 12 standards ;
procedures and clear procedures and clear procedures and clear Communication of
explanations of content; explanations of content; explanations of content; procedures and clear
Use of instructional goals Use of instructional goals Use of instructional goals explanations of content;
that show a recognizable that show a recognizable that show a recognizable Use of instructional goals
sequence, clear student sequence, clear student sequence, clear student that show a recognizable
Knowledge &
expectations, and expectations, and expectations, and sequence, clear student
1/4 (25%) adaptations for individual adaptations for individual adaptations for individual expectations, and
INTASC-2013.6, student needs ; Use of student needs ; Use of student needs ; Use of adaptations for individual
INTASC-2013.8, questioning and discussion questioning and discussion questioning and discussion student needs ; Use of
INTASC-2013.5, strategies that encourage strategies that encourage strategies that encourage questioning and discussion
many students to many students to many students to strategies that encourage
participate ; Engagement participate ; Engagement participate ; Engagement many students to
of students in learning and of students in learning and of students in learning and participate ; Engagement
adequate pacing of adequate pacing of adequate pacing of of students in learning and
instruction ; Feedback to instruction ; Feedback to instruction ; Feedback to adequate pacing of
students on their learning; students on their learning; students on their learning; instruction ; Feedback to
Use of informal and formal Use of informal and formal Use of informal and formal students on their learning;
assessments to meet assessments to meet assessments to meet Use of informal and formal
learning goals and to learning goals and to learning goals and to assessments to meet
monitor student learning; monitor student learning; monitor student learning; learning goals and to
Flexibility and Flexibility and Flexibility and monitor student learning;
responsiveness in meeting responsiveness in meeting responsiveness in meeting Flexibility and
the learning needs of the learning needs of the learning needs of responsiveness in meeting
students ; Integration of students ; Integration of students ; Integration of the learning needs of
disciplines within the disciplines within the disciplines within the students ; Integration of
educational curriculum. educational curriculum. educational curriculum. disciplines within the
educational curriculum.
13 Jul 2019 Page 6 of 9
Classroom Observations: Formal Observations by Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019 (8th Period) 2/ 7/ 2019 (4th Period) 2/ 13/ 2019 (4th Period)
Formal Observations by Cooperating Teacher: 2/ 6/ 2019 2/ 26/ 2019 3/ 7/ 2019 Observation by Candidate of Other Teachers: Mrs.
Goldsmith, Special Education: 1/ 17/ 2019 Mr. Werkmister, Social Studies: 3/ 7/ 2019 Informal Observations/ Visits: 3/ 4/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler
stopped in to thank Mrs. Kissell for having me in her classroom and ask if she had any questions as we prepared for me to leave for my next
placement. Dr. Ziegler then met with me briefly to see if I had any final questions as my first placement comes to a close. Assessment Material:
Throughout my lessons, I used a variety of informal and formal assessments. I used these to gage student understanding. They served as a
tool for me to assess whether I needed to reteach content or if the students understood the information that was given to them. Informal:
Group Discussion: I often used group discussions as a way to gage student understanding of the topic. This was a time that students could
discuss what they knew or what they still needed help with. I was able to assess the student’s based on the discussion. Exit Slip: I used exit
slips throughout my lessons to see if student were understanding the vocabulary terms and definitions. It served as a quick way to know if
students were understanding the content. Matching Activity: I used this activity to gage students understanding of the terms “export” and
“import.” This also served as an introduction to Japan’s economy and resources. Bell Ringer: This technique was used as a way to begin
class and get the students focused and ready to discuss the content. I was able to use these bell ringers as a way to gage student
understanding of the content and vocabulary. Study Guides: Both units that I taught, I used study guides as a tool to gage student
understanding. If students were not understanding the study guide or having difficulty answering the questions, I knew that I need to go back
through and reteach. The study guides also were beneficial to the students because the students could use them to study for the test.
Review Games: I used review games as a way to gage student understanding and if I noticed that students were having difficulty, I took that
as an opportunity to go back through and reteach. Notes: I required that students took notes during the presentations so that I ensured that
all students were getting the necessary material to be successful in my classroom. These notes then served as a study tool for the students
when it came time for the tests. Formal: Homework: Students received homework questions in the form of multiple choice after each lesson.
These assignments were collected and graded. Test: The students took a test after each of the units I taught. The tests were collected and
graded for accuracy each time. Test included multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, and extended response. Project:
Students complete a project during Unit 2. This project was collected and taken for a grade based on criteria given to the students. Map
activities: Students received and completed two map activities during my time at the school. The students filled out two maps using given
cities, rivers, and mountains. These maps were collected and given a grade. Student Teacher Interviews: With Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019: This
was my first formal observation conducted by Dr. Ziegler. After he observed my lesson, we met after the class period and discussed ways I
could improve my instruction. We discussed ways to improve my “hook” and how to provide a lesson closure that comes full circle for the
students. 2/ 7/ 2019: After this formal observation, Dr. Ziegler and I met and discussed the progress I have made since beginning my
student teaching. We talked about how I have improved not using the filler words “guys” and “so.” Dr. Ziegler and I also discussed how to get
more student interaction during my lesson. 2/ 13/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler completed a formal observation of my lesson on this date. After class we
discussed how I can assess the student’s prior knowledge and ensure I am getting all students to participate in my lesson. 3/ 4/ 2019: Dr.
Ziegler stopped in to thank Mrs. Kissell for having me in her classroom and ask if she had any questions as we prepared for me to leave for
my next placement. Dr. Ziegler then met with me briefly to see if I had any final questions as my first placement comes to a close. Meetings
with Cooperating Teacher to Discuss Weekly Analysis/ Goals: Week one: 1/ 16/ 2019 Week two: 1/ 24/ 2019 Week three: 2/ 1/ 2019
Week four: 2/ 8/ 2019 Week five: 2/ 15/ 2019 Week six: 2/ 22/ 2019 Week seven: 3/ 1/ 2019 Student Assessment Sheets: Students
received homework after each lesson. Students were given at least five minutes of class time to begin these homework worksheets. All
homework was collected and graded. The homework corresponded with the presentations that were given in class. Students were
encouraged to use their notes and textbook to complete each assignment. Student Work: Student work was collected and looked at or
graded. As a class, we would go over all assignments to ensure that students had the correct answers so when they prepared for the test,
they would have a resource to study with. Student projects were presented during class to their peers. Examples of the homework can be
found in my student teaching binder. Resources/ Materials/ Technology: Listed below are the resources that I used in the classroom to deliver
the content. These resources include presentation software, SMART boards, and online resources. The intention of these resources was to
engage students in new and innovative ways. Textbooks: Our World Today: Richard G. Boehm, 2003 Websites: YouTube o This website
was used during different lessons to introduce the topic for the day. It gave students on overview of what they would be learning about. Google Classroom o This
website allowed me to post online what students worked on in class each day. I was able to upload copies of the assignment and
presentations for parents or students who were absent. Quizlet o This website was used as a study tool for the students. I also used the
“live” version of this resources as a review game for the students. Nearpod o This resource is a presentation software that displayed notes
on each of the student’s iPad’s. I used this resource each time I presented notes to the students. Boards: SMART Board o I often utilized
the SMART board that was at the front of the classroom. This was used to display notes or the Quizlet review games. Bulletin Board o I
created a bulletin board for the classroom that displays the five themes of geography. This bulletin board was interactive and students could
left up the signs to read the definition of each theme. Hands- on Material: iPads Worksheets Map activities Test: Japan and the Koreas
Test: Southeast Asia Games: I used a variety of games to review the content with the students. On of the games that I created was inspired
by the game “Heads Up.” Students were given strips of paper with different vocabulary terms on them. With a partner, they had to describe
each of the terms as they held it up to their forehead. Another review game I used was Quizlet live. The students really enjoy this review
game. This game requires students to answer practice questions with team members until one team gets them all right. Other: During my time
here, I worked on getting students feedback in a timely fashion. I wanted to keep the gradebook up to date as quickly as possible so
students knew were the stood in terms of grades in my class. I utilized many informal assessments to gage student understanding, especially
to check that I was doing a good job of teaching them. My lessons incorporated the PA Standards Aligned System (PA SAS) to structure my
lessons. It was important that I created lessons that met the common core standards for seventh grade geography. These standards helped
to shape the objectives I created using Bloom’s Taxonomy. The Nearpod presentations I used during the lessons incorporated student
involvement by having students participate in classroom polls and quizzes on the content. These polls and quizzes also served as a tool to
informally assess the students. My Instructional Assessment Plan was covering Unit 1: Japan and the Koreas. I used both a pre- assessment
and a post- assessment to gauge student growth. When I compared the two assessments, I found that all students showed growth on the
content. I felt that students’ growth can be attributed to the homework given at the end of each lesson as well as review games that students
participated in during class.
13 Jul 2019 Page 7 of 9
Candidate consistently and Candidate usually and Candidate sometimes and Candidate rarely or never
thoroughly demonstrates extensively demonstrates adequately demonstrates and inappropriately or
indicators of performance: indicators of performance: indicators of performance: superficially demonstrates
Knowledge of school and Knowledge of school and Knowledge of school and indicators of performance:
district procedures and district procedures and district procedures and Knowledge of school and
regulations related to regulations related to regulations related to district procedures and
attendance, punctuality attendance, punctuality attendance, punctuality regulations related to
and the like ; Knowledge of and the like ; Knowledge of and the like ; Knowledge of attendance, punctuality
school or district school or district school or district and the like ; Knowledge of
requirements for requirements for requirements for school or district
maintaining accurate maintaining accurate maintaining accurate requirements for
records and communicating records and communicating records and communicating maintaining accurate
with families ; Knowledge with families ; Knowledge with families ; Knowledge records and communicating
of school and/or district of school and/or district of school and/or district with families ; Knowledge
events ; Knowledge of events ; Knowledge of events ; Knowledge of of school and/or district
district or college’s district or college’s district or college’s events ; Knowledge of
professional growth and professional growth and professional growth and district or college’s
development opportunities development opportunities development opportunities professional growth and
Professional ; Integrity and ethical ; Integrity and ethical ; Integrity and ethical development opportunities
Qualities behavior, professional behavior, professional behavior, professional ; Integrity and ethical
1/4 (25%) conduct as stated in conduct as stated in conduct as stated in behavior, professional
INTASC-2013.10, Pennsylvania Code of Pennsylvania Code of Pennsylvania Code of conduct as stated in
INTASC-2013.9 Professional Practice and Professional Practice and Professional Practice and Pennsylvania Code of
Conduct for Educators; Conduct for Educators; Conduct for Educators; Professional Practice and
and local, state, and and local, state, and and local, state, and Conduct for Educators;
federal, laws and federal, laws and federal, laws and and local, state, and
regulations ; Effective regulations ; Effective regulations ; Effective federal, laws and
communication, both oral communication, both oral communication, both oral regulations ; Effective
and written with students, and written with students, and written with students, communication, both oral
colleagues, colleagues, colleagues, and written with students,
paraprofessionals, related paraprofessionals, related paraprofessionals, related colleagues,
service personnel, and service personnel, and service personnel, and paraprofessionals, related
administrators ; Ability to administrators ; Ability to administrators ; Ability to service personnel, and
cultivate professional cultivate professional cultivate professional administrators ; Ability to
relationships with school relationships with school relationships with school cultivate professional
colleagues; Knowledge of colleagues; Knowledge of colleagues; Knowledge of relationships with school
Commonwealth Commonwealth Commonwealth colleagues; Knowledge of
requirements for continuing requirements for continuing requirements for continuing Commonwealth
professional development professional development professional development requirements for continuing
and licensure. and licensure. and licensure. professional development
and licensure.
13 Jul 2019 Page 8 of 9
Classroom Observations: Formal Observations by Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019 (8th Period) 2/ 7/ 2019 (4th Period) 2/ 13/ 2019 (4th Period)
Formal Observations by Cooperating Teacher: 2/ 6/ 2019 2/ 26/ 2019 3/ 7/ 2019 Observation by Candidate of Other Teachers: Mrs.
Goldsmith, Special Education: 1/ 17/ 2019 Mr. Werkmeister, Social Studies: 3/ 7/ 2019 Informal Observations/ Visits: 3/ 4/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler
stopped in to thank Mrs. Kissell for having me in her classroom and ask if she had any questions as we prepared for me to leave for my next
placement. Dr. Ziegler then met with me briefly to see if I had any final questions as my first placement comes to a close. Assessment Material:
Throughout my lessons, I used a variety of informal and formal assessments. I used these to gage student understanding. They served as a
tool for me to assess whether I needed to reteach content or if the students understood the information that was given to them. Informal:
Group Discussion: I often used group discussions as a way to gage student understanding of the topic. This was a time that students could
discuss what they knew or what they still needed help with. I was able to assess the student’s based on the discussion. Exit Slip: I used exit
slips throughout my lessons to see if student were understanding the vocabulary terms and definitions. It served as a quick way to know if
students were understanding the content. Matching Activity: I used this activity to gage students understanding of the terms “export” and
“import.” This also served as an introduction to Japan’s economy and resources. Bell Ringer: This technique was used as a way to begin
class and get the students focused and ready to discuss the content. I was able to use these bell ringers as a way to gage student
understanding of the content and vocabulary. Study Guides: Both units that I taught, I used study guides as a tool to gage student
understanding. If students were not understanding the study guide or having difficulty answering the questions, I knew that I need to go back
through and reteach. The study guides also were beneficial to the students because the students could use them to study for the test.
Review Games: I used review games as a way to gage student understanding and if I noticed that students were having difficulty, I took that
as an opportunity to go back through and reteach. Notes: I required that students took notes during the presentations so that I ensured that
all students were getting the necessary material to be successful in my classroom. These notes then served as a study tool for the students
when it came time for the tests. Formal: Homework: Students received homework questions in the form of multiple choice after each lesson.
These assignments were collected and graded. Test: The students took a test after each of the units I taught. The tests were collected and
graded for accuracy each time. Test included multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, and extended response. Project:
Students complete a project during Unit 2. This project was collected and taken for a grade based on criteria given to the students. Map
activities: Students received and completed two map activities during my time at the school. The students filled out two maps using given
cities, rivers, and mountains. These maps were collected and given a grade. Student Teacher Interviews: With Supervisor: 1/ 24/ 2019: This
was my first formal observation conducted by Dr. Ziegler. After he observed my lesson, we met after the class period and discussed ways I
could improve my instruction. We discussed ways to improve my “hook” and how to provide a lesson closure that comes full circle for the
students. 2/ 7/ 2019: After this formal observation, Dr. Ziegler and I met and discussed the progress I have made since beginning my
student teaching. We talked about how I have improved not using the filler words “guys” and “so.” Dr. Ziegler and I also discussed how to get
more student interaction during my lesson. 2/ 13/ 2019: Dr. Ziegler completed a formal observation of my lesson on this date. After class we
discussed how I can assess the student’s prior knowledge and ensure I am getting all students to participate in my lesson. 3/ 4/ 2019: Dr.
Ziegler stopped in to thank Mrs. Kissell for having me in her classroom and ask if she had any questions as we prepared for me to leave for
my next placement. Dr. Ziegler then met with me briefly to see if I had any final questions as my first placement comes to a close. Meetings
with Cooperating Teacher to Discuss Weekly Analysis/ Goals: Week one: 1/ 16/ 2019 Week two: 1/ 24/ 2019 Week three: 2/ 1/ 2019
Week four: 2/ 8/ 2019 Week five: 2/ 15/ 2019 Week six: 2/ 22/ 2019 Week seven: 3/ 1/ 2019 Written Documents: After each lesson I
taught, I wrote a reflection based on things that I could improve on or that I felt I did well at. These reflections can be found in my student
teaching binder. My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Kissell approved all of my lesson plans before I taught them. She signed them once she
approved of them and then I placed them in my student teaching binder. Both Mrs. Kissell and Dr. Ziegler completed formal observations of
me that they have uploaded into Livetext. I was thankful for the critique from both Dr. Ziegler and Mrs. Kissell because it has helped me
sharpen my teaching skills so that I can continue to grow as an educator. Student Assessment Sheets: Students received homework after
each lesson. Students were given at least five minutes of class time to begin these homework worksheets. All homework was collected and
graded. The homework corresponded with the presentations that were given in class. Students were encouraged to use their notes and
textbook to complete each assignment. Student Work: Student work was collected and looked at or graded. As a class, we would go over all
assignments to ensure that students had the correct answers so when they prepared for the test, they would have a resource to study with.
Student projects were presented during class to their peers. Examples of the homework can be found in my student teaching binder.
Resources/ Materials/ Technology: Listed below are the resources that I used in the classroom to deliver the content. These resources include
presentation software, SMART boards, and online resources. The intention of these resources was to engage students in new and innovative
ways. Textbooks: Our World Today: Richard G. Boehm, 2003 Websites: YouTube o This website was used during different lessons to
introduce the topic for the day. It gave students on overview of what they would be learning about.
TEm8WS0eg&t=91s Google Classroom o This website allowed me to post online what
students worked on in class each day. I was able to upload copies of the assignment and presentations for parents or students who were
absent. Quizlet o This website was used as a study tool for the students. I also used the “live” version of this resources as a review game for
the students. Nearpod o This resource is a presentation software that displayed notes on each of the student’s iPad’s. I used this resource
each time I presented notes to the students. Boards: SMART Board o I often utilized the SMART board that was at the front of the
classroom. This was used to display notes or the Quizlet review games. Bulletin Board o I created a bulletin board for the classroom that
displays the five themes of geography. This bulletin board was interactive and students could left up the signs to read the definition of each
theme. Hands- on Material: iPads Worksheets Map activities Test: Japan and the Koreas Test: Southeast Asia Games: I used a variety
of games to review the content with the students. One of the games that I created was inspired by the game “Heads Up.” Students were
given strips of paper with different vocabulary terms on them. With a partner, they had to describe each of the terms as they held it up to their
forehead. Another review game I used was Quizlet live. The students really enjoy this review game. This game requires students to answer
practice questions with team members until one team gets them all right. Other: Every morning, I participated in the districts Professional
Learning Community (PLC). Most of the time I observed these meetings and did not participate. On occasion, the student teachers were
given an opportunity to participate in the discussion. Some of these meetings were school- wide, department, or grade- level based.
Intervention Meetings: 3/ 7/ 2019: I observed an intervention meeting between 7th grade faculty, administration, a student, and a parent.
This meeting was discuss the student’s behavior and academic performance and to come up with a solution. After School Tutoring: Every
Wednesday, students are given the opportunity to stay after school and receive help from the teachers. I stayed after school every
Wednesday that I was here and helped students with their homework or catch them up on assignments that they have missed. I felt that
attending this additional school events were a great way to get more involved with the school and get a real feel for what a teacher does. I
enjoyed seeing the PLC and how they operated, after learning about them in school. I feel that this experience has exposed me to the world
of teaching and I have become a better educator in the eight weeks I have been at Cambridge Springs Jr. High School.
13 Jul 2019 Page 9 of 9
Overall Rating The candidate consistently The candidate usually and The candidate sometimes The candidate rarely or
Please be and thoroughly extensively demonstrates and adequately never and inappropriately
sure to place demonstrates indicators of indicators of performance. demonstrates indicators of or superficially
your performance. performance. demonstrates indicators of
Justification for performance.
Overall Rating
in the
comment box.
By clicking this box I am
Supervisor electronically affixing my
Signature signature to this PDE 430
Neely Parsons completed the requirements of a student teaching placement in SEDU 495 during the Spring 2019 semester. See comments
listed above for more information.
12.000 pts | 100 %

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