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Properties of Cross-Rolled Low Alloy White Cast Iron Grinding Ball

CHANG Li-min' , LIU L i d , LIU Jian-hua3
(1. Analysis and Measure Center, Jilin Normal University, Siping 136000, Jilin, China; 2. Department of Basic Medical,
Tangshan Vocational Technology College, Tangshan 063000, Hebei, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Metastable
Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, Hebei, China)

Abstract: The low-energy , multi-impact fracture resistance and the abrasiveness of the cross-rolled low alloy white
cast iron grinding balls were studied after heat treatments a t residual rolling temperature. Moreover, the means by
which they are damaged and characters of the wear surface were analyzed. The results show that high resistance to
impact fracture and high abrasiveness can be achieved after appropriate heat treatment at residual rolling tempera-
ture. This kind of heat treatment technology has several advantages under low impact and hard abrasive. These re-
sults are very useful for determining the optimized heat treatment technology at residual rolling temperatures.
Key words: low alloy white cast iron; grinding ball; cross rolling; impact fracture resistance; abrasiveness

Low alloy white cast iron has high hardness and to impact fracture and abrasion are discussed.
wear-resistance; however, the material has low duc-
1 Experimental
tility, because the carbide in the structure is distrib-
uted in the form of continuous network, which lim- 1. 1 Experimental material
its its application. Therefore, the method to im- The experimental material is low alloy white cast
prove the toughness of this material has attracted iron. Its composition (mass percent, %) is: C 1. 95,
the interests of the researchers worldwide. The ex- Mn 0. 65, Si 0.85, Cr 2.75, P 0. 034, and S 0.032.
perimental results showed that when white cast iron T h e materials were prepared by melting in a 250 kg
is hot deformed, the network structure of carbide intermediate frequency induction furnace, using pig
breaks and becomes independent blocks, which re- iron, waste steel, and chromium iron as raw materi-
sults in the improvement of the ductility of the white als. Aluminum was added as deoxidant when the
cast iron. Because of the improved ductility of white temperature of the molten metal reached 1 450 "C.
cast i r ~ n [ l - ~ 'it, shows extensive prospects for appli- T h e molten materials were then modified using RE
cation. The appearance of forging white cast iron Si-Fe alloy (0.20%) and were then poured into a la-
grinding ball is of utmost Integra- dle. Finally, it was cast into an ingot with the size
tion of white cast iron under hot working conditions of $50 mm X 80 mm in metal moulds.
with cross rolling grinding balls to make balls is a
novel and valuable method for the improvement of 1.2 Experimental procedure
the properties, productivity, and operating condi- T h e ingot was heated to 1 000 "C in an electric
tions of the grinding ball. But there are only few re- resistance furnace KJX-8-13 and was held at this
ports that explain how to roll the material that has temperature for 40 min. It was then cross rolled into
permanent brittleness into balls. Although experi- $50 mm grinding ball ( t h e deformation amount
ments have shown that it is possible to make low al- measured is about 35% in the course of shaping of
loy white cast grinding ball using cross rolling, its the grinding ball, which is controlled by the hole
property has not been elucidated. In this study, the model). Following the cross rolling, the heat treat-
mechanical property of the ball, especially the resistance ment was carried out with residual rolling tempera-

Foundation Item: Item Sponsored by Guiding Program of Science and Technology Research of Jilin Province of China (20000513)
9iography:CHANG Likmin(1966-), Male, Doctor, Professor; E-mail: aaaa2139B.163. cam; Revised Date: February 27, 2006
J o u r n a l of I r o n a n d Steel R e s e a r c h , International Vol. 1 4

ture according to the technology listed in Table 1, ried out using M L D 1 0 dynamic wear test machine to
and its hardness was then measured. test its resistance to impact wear. All samples were
Wind cooling : Wind cooling involves winding found at the same site of each grinding ball, and
with air blower; concentration of the SSTlOl cool- their sizes were 10 mmX 10 mmX30 mm. The impact
ing media is 1. 2 % and the cooling capacity is be- energy is 3.5 J. The abrasive in the test was hard ab-
tween that of water and No. 20 oil. rasive (No. 80 Al,O,) and soft abrasive (No. 60 ce-
The low-energy impact fracture resistance of ment wrought material). During the test, the time
the grinding ball treated under different conditions taken by hard and soft abrasive are 10 and 30 min,
was tested using self-made drop ball test machine. respectively.
The procedure is as follows: 25 balls as a group, T h e metallographic microstructure, crack initi-
were dropped from a height of 3. 5 m and 4. 2 m re- ation and propagation of the spalling lump, fracture
spectively, and these balls were allowed to fall on surface, and characteristics of abrasion surface are
another ball until the ball was crushed or surface observed under NEOPH21 metallographic micro-
shelled off. ( T h e mass of the shelled lump was grea- scope and KYKY lOOOB scanning electron micro-
ter than 100 mg. ) T h u s , N is the number of times scope. T h e results are compared with those of the
that the ball is dropped, which is the average of cast ball, which, with the same compositions, are
three grinding ball crushings. Abrasion test was car- cast in metal model and tempered at 200 "C for 2 h.

Table 1 Heat treatment with residual temperature of cross rolling


Number Heat treatment with residual temperature HRC

1 Castflow-temperature tempering (200 C
' for 2 h) 42-44
2 Air cooling after cross rolling+ low-temperature tempering (200 'C for 2 h) 41 -43
3 Air cooling after cross rollingfhigh-temperature tempering (500 'c for 2 h) 41-43
4 Wind cooling after cross rolling+low-temperature tempering (200 'c for 2 h) 48-50
5 Wind cooling after cross rollingfhigh-temperature tempering (500 'C for 2 h) 48-50
6 ' for 2 h)
SSTlOl cooling after cross rolling+ low-temperature tempering (200 C 54-56
7 SSTlOl cooling after cross rolling+high-temperature tempering (500 'c for 2 h) 50-51

smaller than those tempered at high temperature.

2 Results and Analysis
Fractures appeared on the whole body of the ball
2.1 Impact fracture resistances under low energy tempered at low temperature whereas the ball tem-
and repeated impacting pered at high temperature is shelled off only on the
Various heat-treatment conditions of the cross- surface. Besides, the cooling conditions after the
rolling grinding ball result in different drop ball ex- cross rolling influences the result of the ball-on-ball
perimental numbers and different fracture forms impact tests. T h e quicker the cooling rate, the fe-
(Table 2). The drop ball experiment numbers of wer the test numbers of the drop ball experiment,.
the grinding ball tempered at low temperature is and the bigger the fracture trend. As shown by the

Table 2 Result of ball-on-ball impact tests

Number Characteristics of fracture surface
3. 5 m 4. 2 m 3. 5 m 4. 2 m Form of fracture
1 28 147 25 105 1 1 Central crack Plain fracture surface, the structure is rayed
2 32 468 28 170 0. 89 0.89 Central crack Plain fracture surface, the structure is compact
3 38 895 33 286 0.72 0.75 Small spalling T h e thickness of spalling is I. 5-4 mm
4 32 115 26 954 0.88 0. 93 Central crack Plain fracture surface, the structure is compact
5 38 602 32 528 0. 73 0. 77 Small spalling T h e thickness of spalling is 1. 5-4 mm
6 28 342 25 185 0. 99 1 Central crack Plain fracture surface, the structure is compact
Plain fracture surface, the structure is compact,
7 32 717 27 247 0.86 0.92 Small spalling
the thickness of spalling is 1. 5-4 mm
Note: Relative fatigue fracture capacity ( B ) is cast ball number/cross rolled ball number.
No. 5 Properties of Cross-Rolled Low Alloy White Cast Iron Grinding Ball 49

relative fatigue fracture capacity ( B ) , the higher the in the form of network, which cuts apart the matrix.
height of drop ball, the larger the impact energy, Besides, .the three-dimensional space network struc-
and the smaller the difference of the resistance to re- ture makes the free revolving, which lightens the stress
peated impacting fatigue fracture between cross- concentration when impacted, difficult. As impact pro-
rolled ball and cast ball. T h e final result is that the ceeds, the stress is concentrated at the sharp place of
dropping number of cross-rolled ball is greater than carbide, which results in the initiation of cracks.
that of the cast ball. But the grinding ball after high-temperature
As shown in macro-observation studies, the mi- rolling not only reduces cast defect (loose), but also
crostructure of fracture surface of the cross-rolled crushes the network carbide and forms isolated lump
ball is obviously more compact than that of the cast (Fig. 3 ) , which protects the continuity of the matrix
ball, and there is no evidence of cast defect in the and alleviates the stress concentration and the initia-
cross-rolled ball. SEM observation of the spalling tion of cracks. Meanwhile, fine carbide is precipita-
from the grinding ball fractured in ball-on-ball im- ted in the matrix, which hinders the propagation of
pact tests shows that the cracks are centralized over the cracks and improves its toughness. The main
the range of 100 pm on the surface of the grinding reason for this is that the impact fracture resistances
ball. The cracks are initiated on the carbide or on under lower energy and the repeated impacting of
the interface between the carbide and matrix, and cross-rolled ball are better than those of cast ball.
then propagated and converged (Fig. 1). T h e frac- T h e quicker the cooling rate after rolling and the
tured surface of the cast ball showed the classical lower the tempering temperature, the stronger is the
cleavage fracture whereas the partial region of the integral fracture tendency of the grinding ball, which
cross-rolled ball showed the meta-cleavage fracture. shows as the decrease of the number of the ball-on-
The cross-rolled ball has fine grain size. Tear ridge, ball experiment (Table 1). As shown from the test
and clear and tough nest appear in some small re- results, the integral fracture of the grinding ball is
gions (Fig. 2 1 , which indicates that more energy is formed before the lump spalling. Although the grinding
required for the formation of fracture, i. e. , the balls cooled by SSTlOl are tempered at 500 " C , the
toughness of the cross-rolled ball is better than that integral fracture phenomenon still exists. It indicates
of the cast ball. that the residual stress in the ball is the main reason
Stress under impact load is caused because of for the initiation of fracture.
the brittle nature of the carbide in the grinding ball. From the test result, it can be observed that the
Cracks are initiated inside the carbide when the larger the impact energy, the smaller is the difference
stress is beyond its limit intensity. Moreover, the
plasticity of the carbide and matrix are different, so
are their resistances t o plastic deformation. T h u s , it
easily causes stress concentration at the interface and
results in the formation of cracksCg1.After repeated
impacts, the cracks that have been initiated propa-
gate continually and join together, which results in
lump spalling. The carbide in cast ball mostly exists
( a ) Cast ball; (b) Cross-rolled ball (No. 5)
Fig. 2 Morphologies of balls after impact fracture

(2) Cast ball: f b ) Cross-tolled hall (No. 5 )

Fig. 1 Morphologies of crack Fig. 3 Morphologies of different balls
* 50 * Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International Vol. 14

in the repeated impact fracture resistances between deformation of subsurface and causes the stress cen-
the cross rolled ball and the cast ball. It shows that tralization at the interface between the bottom of the
the modification of the appearance and the distribu- convex carbide and the matrix, which initiates cracks
tion of the carbide can improve its toughness, but and causes lump spalling and low abrasiveness. T h e
the effect under large impact energy is not very obvi- carbide in the cross-rolled balls exists in the form of
ous as that under low impact. This may be mainly isolated lump, and its distribution is relatively hom-
attributed to the brittleness of material. I t can be ogeneous. Meanwhile, the hard granulated carbide
predicted that the cross-rolled low alloy white cast i- precipitates from the matrix, which hinders the
ron grinding ball has greater advantage over cast ball stress concentration and the initiation and propaga-
under low impact energy. tion of cracks. Therefore, the trend of spalling is re-
duced and its abrasiveness is improved. T h e lower
2. 2 Abrasiveness the tempering temperature, the bigger the inner re-
It can be observed from Table 3 that the abra- mains stress. Thus, it is easy to initiate cracks, which
siveness of the cross-rolled ball is better than that of can be peeled during impact wear, which is the rea-
the cast ball, regardless of whether it is under the son of its poor abrasiveness. It can be observed from
hard abrasive or the soft abrasive test. Heat treat- the appearance of the wear that the spalling blocks of
ments with residual temperature considerably affect the cross-rolled ball are smaller than that of the cast
the abrasiveness of the cross-rolled ball. T h e abra- ball and its amount is fewer. It implies that the wear
siveness is better when the cooling rate is faster and of grinding ball concludes not only a kind of micro-
the tempering temperature is higher. It shows that cutting of the abrasive onto the surface of sample,
the cross-rolled ball has better advantages under but also the fatigue spalling. Therefore, the hard-
hard abrasive than under soft abrasive. ness of the cast ball is close t o that of the cross-
Because the abrasiveness of low alloy white cast rolled ball, but its abrasiveness is lower.
iron matrix is not so good as that of carbide, the car- T h e carbide has the ability of resisting the im-
bide after wearing becomes convex when compared pact of soft abrasives, such as the cement wrought
with the matrix. T h u s , the convex carbide will be material. Even after repeated impact of cement
impacted by the abrasive. T h e carbide has no resist- wrought material, the carbide is not fractured. Its
ance to the impact of A1203 abrasiveC9] ; therefore, trend of spalling is relatively smaller than that of the
the fracture of carbide results in lump spalling under hard abrasive. Its wear mechanism is mainly cut-
repeated impact of abrasives. T h e carbide in cast ting. Therefore, the advantages of the cross-rolled
balls exists in the form of continuous network, and balls, in the case of the cement wrought material, is
its distribution is not homogeneous; therefore, the not so good as that of the hard abrasive.
abrasive can be easily thrust into the matrix where With the increase in the cooling rate after roll-
the distance of carbide is larger. T h u s , these sites ing, the hardness of the matrix increases and the
wear out first and result in the formation of convex wear weightlessness of the matrix under the same
carbide. T h e continuous network of carbide limits the wear condition decreases. Meanwhile, it matches well
with the hardness of carbide, which is favorite to sup-
Table 3 Result of wear tests port the carbide. Thus, the tendency to lump spalling is
Wear weightlessness
reduced. The grinding ball cooled in SSTlOl has the
amount/mg highest hardness and abrasiveness, which has been
Hard Soft Hard Soft supported by the wear appearances (Fig. 4).
abrasive abrasive abrasive abrasive In general, the resistance to impact fracture and
1 123 46 1. 00 1. 00 the abrasiveness of the cross-rolled ball is superior to
2 94 41 1. 3 1 1. 12
that of the cast ball made from the same materials.
3 90 40 1. 37 1. 1 5
Heat treatments with residual temperature can be a
4 78 32 1. 58 1.44
means that can be used to modify its properties to
5 75 30 1. 64 1. 53
6 63 24 1. 95 1. 92
meet the needs of different working conditions.
7 70 27 1. 76 1. 70
3 Conclusions
Note: Relative abrasiveness ( E ) =wear weightlessness amount of
cast ball/wear weightlessness amount of cross-rolled ball (1) T h e cross-rolled bail under low-energy re-
No. 5 P r o p e r t i e s of Cross-Rolled Low Alloy White Cast I r o n G r i n d i n g Ball 51

( a ) Hard abrasive (No. 51; (b) Soft abrasive (No. 5); (c) Soft abrasive (No. 7)
Fig. 4 Morphologies of wear surface of cross-rolled ball

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