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uk | Socialist Party UCU Bulletin | Fund Our Future Demo


Lecturers, students and public sector
unions unite!
ocialist Party members in the
University and College Union
(UCU) fully support the national
demonstration organised jointly by the
University and College Union and the
National Union of Students. This is an
excellent step forward in the battle to
defend universities and colleges from
the onslaught planned by the ConDem
ATTACKS ON UCU MEMBERS If a national strike against job losses public funding for teaching and research -
Cuts to universities and colleges are contravenes the viscious anti-trade union demands that could win wide support.
proposed that are the most viscous of any laws then each university and college
previous government – including Thatcher! • Defend universities and FE Colleges
should ballot for action on the same day. agaisnt Con-Dem cuts
There is no doubt that in practice this means Such action could defeat the employers.
the planned privatisation of the university • No to privatisation of the university
sector!! So, while students face massive OPPOSE THE sector
fees increases, reduced contact hours INCREASE IN TUITION FEES
• Defend our jobs, pensions and pay with
and poorer resources, staff face attacks For all the election promises of the Lib
national strike action if necessary.
on jobs, pensions, workloads and pay. For Dems to oppose tuition fee increases, they
have now embraced the Tory agenda with • No to tuition fees.
university and college staff, the pensions
plans to allow £9,000 per year tuition fees • Defend the Education Mainetnance
issue has incensed all union members,
for undergraduate courses - £27,000 for Allowance (EMA) for 16 - 18 year olds.
threatening currently to devastate the
Universities Superannuation Scheme. a 3 year degree course! On this basis not
only will working class students be barred Where next for the fight against
And all this because we are asked to entirely from the elite Russell Group of fees and cuts?
pay for a crisis caused by the greed and universities, but the daughters and sons JOIN US TO DEBATE THE WAY
recklessness of bankers and the rich! of professional workers and the better
Whilst the Labour Party’s only answer is FORWARD AFTER THE DEMO
paid will not be able to afford this - or
to do the same as the Tories and Liberals, Speakers include:
at least face massive debts for years to
but slightly slower!! come. Disgracefully, post-graduate and Dave Beale, Manchester Uni UCU
UCU ACTION NEEDED TO non- European students are likely to pay (personal capacity)
DEFEND JOBS AND PENSIONS even more. Ben Robinson, Youth Fight for Jobs
UCU needs to ensure that national action is BUILD LINKS WITH Claire Laker, Socialist Students
taken over jobs, pensions and privatisation, ANTI-CUTS CAMPAIGNS MEETING TODAY, 2:30PM
to protect a system of education and UCU and NUS need to build links with local
research that it took centuries to build up
The Jugged Hare Pub (meeting room
and national anti-cuts campaigns and upstairs), 172 Vauxhall Bridge Road,
and which, through public funding, was other TUC-affiliated unions To demand the
able to enhance the lives of thousands. complete abolition of fees and enhanced
Greater London SW1V 1DX

EMAIL, OR TEXT YOUR NAME AND POSTCODE TO 07984 027754 | Socialist Party UCU Bulletin | Fund Our Future Demo

Build the anti-cuts movement…

Back the PCS’s fight for a national
demo in 2010
he PCS NEC has published it’s should be held this year in late November October – will have an important role to play
response to the Comprehensive or early December, in addition to the demo in building support for a demonstration.
Spending Review. In it they express next March. We will be discussing this Nothing will be finalised before the TUC
their determination that a national demo with other unions and will propose at the Public Services Liaison Group on 8
against cuts be called before Christmas, TUC Public Sector Liaison Group meeting November. However, the Socialist Party is
saying: on 8 November that the TUC call such a confident the PCS and other unions are
“The TUC has now confirmed 26 demonstration. determined that a national demonstration
March 2011 as the date for a national “A further branch briefing will follow, against cuts and youth unemployment will
demonstration against the Coalition once the date is agreed for this earlier take place this year.
Government’s agenda of cuts and demonstration.” The Socialist Party appeals to all trade
privatisation. The Socialist Party welcomes the PCS’s union branches to pass the motion below
“PCS had argued strongly for an earlier decision and is confident that such a appealing to their trade union executives
national demonstration to coincide with demonstration will receive widespread and the TUC general council to support the
the CSR. Despite that not being agreed, support from across the trade union PCS’s call for a demonstration.
PCS members played an active role in movement. The National Shop
the success of local demonstrations on Stewards Network ATION IN
23 October across the UK, including in – which lobbied MODEL MOTION FOR A
Edinburgh, London, Cardiff, Wrexham, the TUC Congress r organisation)
Bristol, Leeds, Sheffield, York, Cambridge, supporting the (Amend as necessary for e, campaign)
stu nt union, workplac
Norwich and elsewhere. PCS’s call for a This (name of TU body, ste rity package
in the £81 billion au
national demo is opposed to every cut ve rnm en t.
“At its special meeting on 26 October, the naire Con-Dem go
NEC agreed, given the speed with which and then helped demanded by this millio
the Government’s cuts will impact and the initiate the London We will not accept
demonstration • a million job cuts
success of the 23 October marches and s
and others on 23 • doubling of student fee
protests, that a national demonstration lfa re be nefits
• drastic cuts to we
ns ion ag e to 66 and beyond.
• increasing the pe
• mass privatisation of se r-
ts wil l only be defeated by powe
We believe that these cu an d ba cke d up
the trade unions,
ful united action led by claimants,
of service users, welfare
together with campaigns
d others.
students, pensioners an nounced
C ge ne ral co un cil me t on the day Osborne an
The TU national
ug hte r of pu bli c se rvi ces and agreed to call a
the sla
demo in March 2011. scale and
do es n't sh ow the urg ency necessary given the
depth of the attacks. mmittee (or
r National Executive Co
We therefore call on ou en cy meeting
dy) to call an emerg
appropriate national bo tra de unions to
the PCS and other
immediately, to contact ns tra tio n before
a national demo
coordinate the calling of tion.
suitable date for joint ac
Xmas and to discuss a

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