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JOANNE MARIE S. GARCIA, RN, MAN… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Oncology defined

• Branch of medicine that deals

with the study, detection,
treatment and management of
cancer and neoplasia… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• A disease resulting from the

uncontrolled growth of cells,
which causes malignant cellular
tumors.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• In the Philippines, cancer ranks third
in leading causes of morbidity and
mortality after communicable
diseases and cardiovascular diseases
• In the Philippines, 75% of all
cancers occur after age 50 years,
and only about 3% occur at age 14
years and below… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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•If the current low cancer
prevention consciousness persists,
it is estimated that for every 1800
Filipinos, one will develop cancer
•most Filipino cancer patients seek
medical advice only when
symptomatic or at advanced stages:
for every two new cancer cases
diagnosed annually, one will die
within the year… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• The top cancer sites in the Philippines
include those cancers whose major causes
are known (where action can therefore be
taken for primary prevention), such as
cancers of the lung/larynx (anti-smoking
campaign), liver (vaccination against
hepatitis B virus), cervix (safe sex) and
colon/rectum/stomach (healthy diet).
Except for the liver, the top Philippine
cancer sites are also the top cancers
worldwide… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Cancer Yearly Morbidity & Mortality by
Sex & Site… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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What Is a Tumor?

• A tumor is an abnormal lump or

growth of cells. When the cells in
the tumor are normal, it is
benign.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Definition of Benign Tumors:

• Noncancerous. If the cells are

not cancerous, the tumor is
benign. It won't invade nearby
tissues or spread to other areasof the
body (metastasize)Benign
tumors usually don't recur once
removed, but if they do
it is usuallyin the same place.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Definition of Malignant Tumors:
• A malignant tumor (cancerous
tumor) is one that is invasive and
can spread to other parts of the
body.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Comparison of Benign & Malignant Tumors

Characteristic Benign malignant

Cell characteristic Well differentiated Undifferentiated little
Resemble normal cells resemblance on normal
Local Invasion Grows by expansion Grows at the periphery,
Not infiltrate the infiltrate and destroys
surrounding tissue the surrounding tissue

Rate of growth Slow, may come to a Erratic & may be slow to

standstill or regress rapid, fast
Metastasis absent Access to blood,
lymphatics and other
areas… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Benign Malignant

General localized Anemia, weakness, weight loss


Tissue No tissue damage Extensive tissue damage

Ability to Does not usually cause Usually causes death
cause death
death… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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well-differentiated… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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poorly-differentiated… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Proliferative Growth Patterns
• Cell proliferation
• is the process by which cells divide &
reproduce . In normal tissue, cell
proliferation is regulated so that the
number of cells actively dividing is
equal to the number of cells dying or
being shed. Abnormal cell
differentiation & growth results in an
abnormal mass of tissue, called
NEOPLASM… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• NEOPLASIA means “new growth” &
refers to an abnormal mass of tissue
characterized by autonomous , excessive
& uncoordinated growth.
• Although they are not synonymous, the
terms neoplasm & tumor are often used
interchangeably . Neoplasms are
classified as BENIGN OR
• Cancer is the common term for all
malignant tumors… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Benign Growth Patterns

1. Hypertrophy
2. Hyperplasia
3. Metaplasia
• Ex. Metaplasia
• substitution of columnar epithelial cells of the
respiratory tract by squamous epithelial cells in
response to inhaled irritants such as cigarette
smoke. The process is reversible if the stimulus is
removed or metaplasia may prgress to dysplasia
if the stimulus persists.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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4. Dysplasia
• reversible if stimulus is removed.
• Dysplasia often precedes a tissue’s
becoming cancerous, & some forms
of dysplasia are as pre-cancerous
lesions”… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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1. Oncogene – cancer genes that alter

normal genes
2. Proto-oncogenes – a normal gene
w/c when altered by mutation ,
becomes an oncogene. It regulates
programmed cell death (
apoptosis)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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3. Anaplasia – no resemblance to
tissues of origin
4. Mutation – occurs when a DNA gene
is damaged or changed as to alter the
genetic message carried by that gene.
5. Mutagen – is an agent of substance
that can bring about a permanent
alteration to the physical composition
of a DNA gene such that the genetic
message is changes… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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“Root words”

•Neo- new
•Plasia- growth
•Plasm- substance
•Trophy- size
•+Oma- tumor
•Statis- location… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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“Root words”

• A- none
• Ana- lack
• Hyper- excessive
• Meta- change
• Dys- bad, deranged… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• The rate of tissue growth in normal &

cancerous tissue depends on three
1. The duration of the cell cycle
2. The number of cells that are actively
3. Cell loss… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Cancer characterized by
neoplasms, abnormal growth of
new tissue.
• Neoplasms can be benign (not
progressive, and thus, favorable
for recovery) or malignant
(becoming progressively worse
and often resulting in death).… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Uncontrolled growth of Abnormal
• 1. Benign
• 2. Malignant
• 3. Borderline… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Characteristics of Neoplasia

• Well-differentiated
• Slow growth
• Encapsulated
• Non-invasive
• Does NOT metastasize… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Characteristics of Neoplasia

• Undifferentiated
• Erratic and Uncontrolled Growth
• Expansive and Invasive
• Secretes abnormal proteins
• METASTASIZES… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Nomenclature of Neoplasia

Tumor is named according to:

1. Parenchyma, Organ or Cell
• Hepatoma- liver
• Osteoma- bone
• Myoma- muscle… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Carcinoma – originates in the epithileal
tissue ex. Skin & lining of body tissue
(squamous cell Ca – surface epithelium)
• Adenocarcinoma – originates in
glandular tissue like in the breast &
prostate gland
• Sarcoma – originates in connective &
supportive tissue like in the bone &
nerves..… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Embryonal – originates in
embryonic tissue
• Lymphomas – originates n the
lymphatic system
• Leukemia – originates in the blood
forming organs ( RBC< WBC, bone
marrow) ( more on WBC)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Nomenclature of Neoplasia

Tumor is named according to:

2. Pattern and Structure, either
• Fluid-filled CYST
• Glandular ADENO
• Finger-like PAPILLO
• Stalk POLYP… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Suffix- “OMA” is used
• Adipose tissue- LipOMA
• Bone- osteOMA
• Muscle- myOMA
• Blood vessels- angiOMA
• Fibrous tissue- fibrOMA… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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1. Glandular, Epithelial
• Use the suffix- “CARCINOMA”
• Pancreatic AdenoCarcinoma
• Squamos cell Carcinoma… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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2. connective tissue origin
• Use the suffix “SARCOMA
• FibroSarcoma
• Myosarcoma
• AngioSarcoma… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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1. “OMA” but Malignant
– HepatOMA, lymphOMA, gliOMA,
2. THREE germ layers
3. Non-neoplastic but “OMA”
– Choristoma
– Hematoma… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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3 types of cells
1. PERMANENT cells- out of the cell cycle
• Neurons, cardiac muscle cell
2. STABLE cells- Dormant/Resting (G0)
• Liver, kidney
3. LABILE cells- continuously dividing
• GIT cells, Skin, endometrium , Blood
cells… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Cell Cycle
- Is the coordinated sequence of events
resulting in duplication of the DNA &
division into 2 daughter cells. The 4
Phases of the cell cycle are:

1. G1 or Gap1– lasts from hours to days

or longer, RNA and protein synthesis
occurs in preparation for DNA
replication.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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2. S or Synthesis – lasts approximately 10 to 20
hours, DNA synthesis occurs in preparation for
3. G2 or Gap2 – lasts 2 to 10 hours;DNA replication
ceases while RNA replication continues;
Premitotic phase
4. M or Mitosis –30 to 60 mins; cell division occurs;
G0 – resting phase, the cells perform all functions
other than those related to proliferation… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• M Phase is further subdivided into 5 stages:
• Prophase
• Prometaphase
• Metaphase
• Anaphase
• Telophase
• = after mitosis, the daughter cells enter the
G1 phase & begin the cell reproductive
cycle again or redirect themselves into a
resting phase G0… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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AMOEBA SISTERS… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Cell cycle time

= is the time required for one tissue cell to

divide and reproduce two identical
daughter cells
• Doubling time… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• It may take 10 years for a tumor to reach 1 cm in size.
In only another year , that same tumor may grow to 8
cm.Factors that affect doubling time are cell cycle time,
growth fraction, & cell loss by either cell death ,
differentiation or metastasis.
• A tumor is usually clinically undetectable until it has
doubled 30 times & contain more tham 1 billion cells.
At this point, it is approximately 1 cm in size & equals 1
gm in weight. With only 10 more doublings , the tumor
contains more than 1 trillion cells or weighs 1 kg which
is enough to cause DEATH.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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ETIOLOGY OF CANCER… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Radiation
• Exposure to irritants
• Exposure to sunlight
• Altitude, humidity… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Smoking
• Dietary ingredients
• Drugs… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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3. Genetics and Family History

• Colon Cancer
• Premenopausal breast cancer… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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4. Dietary Habits
● Low-Fiber
● High-fat
● Processed foods
● Alcohol… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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5. Viruses and Bacteria

• DNA viruses- Hep, Herpes, EBV,
CMV, Papilloma Virus
• RNA Viruses- HIV, HTLCV
• Bacterium- H. pylori… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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6. Hormonal agents
• OCP especially estrogen
• HRT… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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7. Immune Disease
• AIDS… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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CARCINOGENESIS… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Carcinogenic Factors

• 1. Heredity
• 2. Hormonal Factors
• 3. Environmental Agents
– = Urban vs. Rural
– = Geographic Distribution… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• 4. Radiation
• 5. Oncogenic Virus
• 6. Bacteria & Parasites
• 7. Immune System Deficiencies
• 8. Age – older individuals are prone to cancer
• 9. Occupation
• 10. Stress
11. Precancerous lesions
- Pigmented moles, burn scars, benign polyps, adenoma,
fibrocystic disease of the breast
12. Obesity… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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1. Heredity
Oncogenes ( hidden/repressed genetic code
for Ca that exist in all individuals

2. Hormones
Oral contraception or HRT, Inc. incidence of
hepatocellular, endometrial and breast Ca… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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3. Environmental Factors
A. Viral carcinogens
• Oncogenic viruses
• Epstein Bar virus, burkitt’s lymphoma,
nasopharyngeal Ca, non-Hodgkin and hodgkin’s
lymphoma; Hepa B v.
• Herpes simplex Type II, cytomegalovirus and HPV
type 16,18,31,33, = Cervix Ca
• HIV = kaposi sarcoma
• H. pylori = gastric Ca… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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B. Physical carcinogen
- Ultraviolent radiation, especially in fair
skinned blue or green eyed people, ( causes
skin Ca)
- Ex. Sun, tanning beds,germicidal lights
- Radiation from x-ray or nuclear machines (
dx & therapeutic x-rays)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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C. Chemical Agents
- 75% related to environment
- Tobacco smoking, single most lethal
carcinogen, 30% of Ca deaths, lung, head
and neck esophagus, bladder pancreas,
cervix ca
- chewing tobacco, ca of the oral cavity in
men younger than 40 years old… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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4. Industrial compounds
- Vinyl chloride (plastics, asbestos)
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (burning,
auto and truck emission)
- Fertilizers and weed killers
- Dyes, (analine dyes, hair dyes)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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4. Dietary Factors
- Carcinogenic
high fat low fiber diet,high animal fat intake,
alcohol, salt cured or smoked meats, high
caloric content, processed foods; preservatives,
contaminants, additives & nitrates
- Proactive
high fiber, Cruciferous vegetables ( cabbage,
broccoli, cauliflower, brussels, sprouts)
Carotenoids (carrots, tomatoes, spinach,
apricots, peaches, dark green and yellow
vegetables), vit E, C, zinc and selenium… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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5. Genetics
6. Age: Advancing age is a significant risk
7. Immune Function:
a. Immunosuppressed individuals more
susceptible to cancer ( ex. Organ transplant
recipients taking immunosuppressive
medication; AIDS)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• 1. Initiation
- first step, chemicals, physical factors
and biologic agents, escape the
normal enzymatic mechanisms and
alter the genetic structure of the
cellular DNA
- normally these alterations are
reversed by DNA repair mechanism
or programmed cellular suicide
(apoptosis)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• 2. Promotion
- Repeated exposure
- Causes expression of abnormal or mutant
genetic information
- Proto-oncogenes, “on switch”
- Ca suppressor genes, “turn off”
- P53 gene, a tumor suppressor gene
regulates whether cells repair or die after
DNA is damaged… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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DNA repair
Bind to DNA
Normal Cell

Permanent DNA damage Cell Death

Cell Proliferation

NEOPLASTIC CELLS… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• 3. Progression
- Third step of cellular carcinogenesis
- The cellular changes formed during
initiation and promotion now exhibit
increased malignant behavior… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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What Do These Factors Have In

Direct Damage & Deletions
(e.g., CANCER
Chemical Base Mutations
Mutagens & Substitutions
pollutants, Membrane damage
additives,drugs causing internal mutagens
and hormones) Miscellaneous to form
Mutagens (dietary
fat and free radicals)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Immune response
• T lymphocytes = recognize tumor associated
antigens, possesses cytotoxic abilities
• Lymphokines= capable of killing and damaging
Ca cells
• Macrophages = disrupt Ca cells
• B lymphocytes antibodies = defends the body
against malignant cells
• Natural killer cells = directly destroy Ca… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Tumor spread throughout the body can occur

by direct extension or local invasion of
adjacent organs, metastases by
implantation or serosal seeding, &
metastases to distant organs by the lymph
or circulatory system.
Factors affecting tumor spread:
1. rate of cell growth
2. degree of differentiation
3. location… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Metastatic Process
1. Local invasion – is the first step in metastatic process &
may occur as a function of direct tumor extension.
Mechanism important in local invasion includes:
A. Tumor growth
B. Mechanical pressure
C. Tumor-secreted enzymes
D. Decreased cellular adhesion
E. Increased motility
** Serosal seeding occurs when tumors, which have
invaded a body cavity from surrounding tissue, attach
to the surface of an organ within the cavity. (most often
the peritoneal cavity)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• - is the spread of cancer cells from a primary tumor to

organs & distant sites in the body
• 1. Lymphatics
= the most common route
Ex. breast tumors, axillary, clavicular, and thoracic LN
Metastatic Cascade:
• Growth & progression of the primary tumor
- rapid growth of the primary tumor. Most tumors must reach 1
billion cells or 1 cm in size before metastasis is possible… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• 2. Angiogenesis at the primary site – extensive vascularization is
necessary for the tumor to exceed 1 mm in diameter. The release of
angiogenic factors by tumor cells is necessary to stimulate new
capillary formation. The growth of the tumor & the rate of spread
are correlated with tumor vascularity.
• 3. Local Invasion – to reach blood vessels or lymphatics, tumor cells
must break down the tissue stroma & the basment membrane
• 4. Detachment & Embolization – millions of cells are shed into the
circulation daily from locally invasive cancer, but fewer than 0.01%
successfully survive to grow into a metastatic lesion. Once into the
circulation, tumor cells are vulnerable to destruction by the host
immune cells.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• 5. Arrest in distant organ capillary beds –
• 6. Extravasation –
• 7. Proliferation -… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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DETECTION… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Cancer Diagnosis & Staging

• Diagnosis:
1. Tumor Markers –
a. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) can be found in prostate cancer
b. S-100 – can be found in melanoma cells
c. Thyroglobulin – protein made by the thyroid gland
d. Estrogen & Progesterone Receptors – elevated in breast CA
e. CA 15-3 & CA 27-29 – specific test for breast Ca
f. Carcinoembryonic Antigen ( CEA) & CA 19-9 – elevated in colorectal
cancer , condidered “golden standard” tumor marker for colorectal
Ca… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• G. CA-125 -elevated in women with epithelial ovarian
cancer ( most common ovarian cancer )
• H. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ( HCG) & Alpha-
Fetoprotein (AFP) – ovarian & testicular cancer
• I. Beta-2-Microglobulin (B2M) – elevated in persons with
multiple myeloma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) &
some lymphomas as well as some types of kidney disease
• J. HER-2/neu - elevated in breast cancer. Used to predict
response to therapy
• K. CHROMOGRANIN A (CgA) – produced by
neuroendocrine tumors including carcinoid, neuroblastoma
& small cell lung cancers. It is the most sensitive tumor
markar for carcinoid tumors.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Cancers in which markers
Tumor Markers maybe found
• 1. Carcinoembryonic Antigen • 1. Colon – rectal; breast; lungs
• CEA)
• 2. Alfa-feto protein ( AFP) • 2. Testicular; liver; lungs,
gastric; pancreatic; colon
• 3. Prostatic Acid Phosphatse
• 3. Metastatic prostate
• (PAP)
• 4. primary & metastatic prostate
• 4. Prostate – specific Antigen
• (PSA)
• 5. Ovarian cancer
• 5. Cancer Antigen 125 ( CA)
• 6. Pancreatic
• 6. Pancreatic Oncofetal
• 7. Medullary cancer of the
• 7. Calcitonin
• 8. throphoblastic tumor, germ
• 8. HCG cell; overy… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• BRCa1- large gene located on chromosome 17 . BRCA1
may be responsible for as much as 90% of hereditary
breast & ovarian cancer. Persons carrying a BRCA1
mutation have up to 85% lifetime risk of developing breast
cancer, compared to a 12% risk in the general population ,
& a 40% lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer
compared to 2% risk in the general population.
• BRCA2 – is a tumor suppressor gene & is inherited in an
autosomal dominated fashion
• BRCA2 mutations are responsible for about 35% of all
inherited breast cancers . The lifetime risk of developing
breast cancer in a woman with a BRCA2 mutation is 50%
to 85%. However, the lifetime risk of developing ovarian
cnacer is 10% to 20% (lower than BRCA1)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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American Ca Society recommendation

Site Gender Age Evaluation Frequency

Breast Female >/-20 y/o Clinical Q 3 yrs

BE, Q month
>40 CBE Q year
BSE Q month
Mammog Q year
ram… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Colon/rectum M/F >/- 50y/o Fecal occult Q year
blood starting at age
and Flexible Q 5 years

or Colonoscopy Q 10 years

or Double Q 5 years
enema… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Prostate M >50 or < 50 if PSA and DRE Q year
high risk

Cervix F >18 or Pap smear Q year

younger if Pelvic exam
Endometr Women at active
menopause Report
ial menopaus
e bleeding or

Cancer M/F >20-39 Other Ca Q 3 years

related check >40 types Q year
up… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 88 of 176
• B. Staging – determines
the size of the tumor
and the existence of
• TNM Classification:
T – tumor size
N – degree of involvement
of lymph nodes
M – absence or presence of
distance metastasis… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Primary Tumor (T)
TX – primary tumor cannot be assessed
TO – no evidence of primary tumor
Tis – carcinoma in situ
T1,2,3,4 –ascending degrees of increasing size or
local extent of primary tumor

• Regional lymph nodes (N)

NX – regional LN cannot be evaluated
NO – no clinical evidence of regional LN
N1,2,3,4 – increasing involvement of LN… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Distant Metastasis (M)
MX – Distance metastasis cannot be assessed
MO – No evidence of distant metastasis
M1,2,3,4 –ascending degrees of distant
metastasis, including lymph nodes
• Grading
- Classification of tumor cells
- Grade I – IV, define the type of tissue which
the tumor originated… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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2. Histologic

a. Grade 1 - well differentiated

b. Grade 2 - Moderately
differentiated more abnormal
c. Grade 3 - Poorly
differentiated, Very abnormal
d. Grade 4 - Very immature
cells, undifferentiated ;
anaplastic hard to even
determine the tissue of origin… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Normal T0, N0, M0

• Stage I T1, N0, M0
• Stage II T2, N1, M0
• Stage III T3, N2, M0
• Stage IV with metastasis… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Staging:
• Stage 0 : Carcinoma in
• Stage I : tumor limited to
the tissue of origin;
localized tumor growth
• Stage II: limited local
• Stage III: Extensive local
& regional spread
• Stage IV with
metastasis… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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a. Early detection and treatment are the

cornerstones of cancer survival
b. Educating the public about a healthy
lifestyle and early detection… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Warning signs of Ca in Adults:

• C – change in bowel or bladder habits

• A – any sore that does not heal
• U – unusual bleeding or discharge
• U – unexplained sudden weight loss
• U – unexplained anemia
• T – thickening or lump
• I – indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
• O – obvious change in wart or mole
• N – nagging cough or hoarseness of voice… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Cancer warning Signs in
• 1. Weight loss ( unexplained)
• 2. Anemia ( sudden )
• 3. Weakness… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• 1.Marked change in bowel & bladder ; nausea &
vomiting for no apparent cause.
• 2. Generally run down condition and increased
susceptibility to infection
• 3. Spontaneous bleeding episodes like epistaxis ( failure
to stop bleeding in a normal time period)
• 4. Swelling or lump or masses anywhere in the child’s
• 5. Persistent crying or pain when there’s no apparent
• 6. Any change in the size of a mole or birthmark
• 7. Unexpected stumbling or lack of coordination in the
child… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Early Detection:
• Mammography
• Papanicolaou ‘s ( “Pap”) test
• Stools for occult blood
• Sigmoisdoscopy, Colonoscopy
• Breast self – examination
• Testicular self – examination
• Skin inspection… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Health education
1. Reduce and avoid exposure to
known carcinogens
2. Eat a balanced diet of
vegetables, fruits and whole
grains, reducing fat and red
smoked and cured meat.
3. Limit alcohol beverages
4. Exercise regularly… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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5. Reduce stress and encourage adequate rest
and relaxation
6. Follow screening recommendations
7. Know the warning signs
8. Seek medical attention… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect Cancer:

A. Common Dx Cancer studies:

➢ Breast
➢ Colon
➢ Lung
➢ Ovarian
➢ Testicular
➢ Prostate cancer… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
➢ Neurologic
➢ Pelvic
➢ Abdominal
➢ Thoracic cancers… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect
➢ Neurologic
➢ Pelvic
➢ Abdominal
➢ Skeletal
➢ Thoracic cancers… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect
➢ Skeletal
➢ Lung
➢ GI… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect
➢ Pelvic
➢ Abdominal… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect
➢ Bronchial
➢ GI… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect
➢ Bone
➢ Liver
➢ Kidney
➢ Spleen
➢ Brain
➢ Thyroid… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Aids used to detect
➢ Lung
➢ Colon
➢ Liver
➢ Pancreatic
➢ Head and Neck cancers
➢ Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin
Lymphoma and Melanoma… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Diagnostic Surgery:
B. Biopsy – is the definitive means of diagnosing
cancer & provides histological proof of malignancy
- only true diagnosis of cancer
- it involves the surgical incision of a small piece of
tissue for microscopic examination
1. Excisional biopsy
- is the complete removal of the entire tumor
- provides the pathologist the cells and the entire tissue
- decreases the chance of seeding the tumor… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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2. Incisional Biopsy
- used if the tumor mass is too large to be
- a wedge of tissue from the tumor is taken from
a larger mass
- This may be done for staging the disease level
3. Needle Biopsy
- Aspiration of cells
- done on suspicious masses that are easily
- fast, inexpensive and easily performed… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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4. Endoscopic biopsy – direct
biopsy through an endoscopy
of the area ( GIT, GUT,
respiratory ( bronchoscopy)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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a. Depends on the location and type of
b. May need to be on NPO if sedation or
contrast is used
c. Inform the client about the procedure… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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a. Control bleeding
b. Monitor for infection
c. Manage pain
d. Inform the client how to
obtain the results… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Client Reaction during Diagnoses
• Client will use coping strategies to his anxiety
level such as:
• Denial-
• Rational inquiry-seek more information
• Affect Reversal-make light of the situation
(laughing etc.)
• Mutuality-share concerns and talk with other
• Suppression-conscious forgetting
• Displacement or redirection-do other things… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Points to Remember

• Most clients fear of death upon

confirmation of Cancer
• Clients usually ignored cardinal signs of
• Most often cancer is detected during
routine exam
• Questions that need to be answered:
Example (Is the disease curable or not?)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 116 of 176
Nursing Diagnosis

• Ineffective coping
• Anticipatory grieving
• Disturbed body image
• Fatigue
• Impaired elimination
• Hopelessness
• Impaired oral mucous membrane… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Nausea
• Impaired nutrition less than body
• acute pain
• Impaired skin integrity… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Signs and symptoms of malignant neoplasia:

• Proliferation of Ca cells
➢ Pressure
➢ Obstruction
➢ Pain ( late sign of Ca )
- Pressure on nerve endings
- Distention of organs/vessels
- Lack of O2 to tissue and organ
- Release of pain mediators… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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➢ Pleural effusion and ascites
➢ Ulceration and necrosis
- As tumor erodes BV and pressure on tissue
causes ischemia, tissue damage, bleeding
and infection
➢ Vascular thrombosis, Embolus,
➢ Tumors tends to produce abnormal
coagulation factors… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Paraneoplastic Syndrome:
1. Anemia
- Ca cells produces chemicals that interfere
with rbc production
- Iron uptake is greater in the tumor than that
deposited in the liver
- Blood loss from bleeding
2. Hypercalcemia
- Increases and accelerates bone breakdown
and release of Calcium… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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3. Anorexia –
-Final outcome of unrestrained Ca growth
-Ca deprive normal cells of nutrition
-Protein depletion, serum albumin decreases
-Tumors take up Na
-Act in the satiety center causing anorexia
-Taste sensation diminishes… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 122 of 176
• Take pain seriously, recognizing that only the
person in pain knows how it feels.
• Provide information and resources for pain
• Communicate with genuineness, accurate empathy,
and nonpossessive warmth.
• Encourage sufferers to share their feelings and
network with other survivors.
• Respect culture norms and wishes of sufferers,
maximizing their control
• Encourage release of energy through joy-
producing activities.
• Monitor pain medications, effectiveness, and
adverse effects… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 123 of 176
• Take pain seriously, recognizing that only the person in pain
knows how it feels.
• Provide information and resources for pain control.
• Communicate with genuineness, accurate empathy, and
nonpossessive warmth.
• Encourage sufferers to share their feelings and network with
other survivors.
• Respect culture norms and wishes of sufferers, maximizing
their control
• Encourage release of energy through joy-producing activities.
• Monitor pain medications, effectiveness, and adverse effects… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Page 125 of 176
Goals of Therapy:

1. Curative :
- Patients will be disease free & live a normal life
expectancy… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 126 of 176
2. Control surgery

• Is a “ debulking procedure” that

consists of removing part of the
• Surgery decreases the number of
cancer cells & increases the chance
that other therapies will be successful… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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3. Palliative Surgery
- when cure is not possible, the goal of
treatment is to make the patient as
comfortable as possible and to promote a
satisfying and productive life for as long as
- Performed to improve quality of life during
the survival time… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 128 of 176
4. Prophylactic Surgery

- performed in clients with an existing

premalignant condition or a known family
history that strongly predisposes the person to
the development of cancer
- Removal of non-vital structures that are likely
to develop Ca
- An attempt is made to remove the tissue organ
at risk & thus prevent the development of Ca
-… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Therapeutic Modalities for Cancer
• 1. Surgery
• 2. Radiation Therapy
• 3. Chemotherapy
• 4. Immunotherapy
• 5. Bone Marrow Transplantation… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 130 of 176
1. Surgery
= The ideal and most frequently used
= most successful single therapy if cancer has not yet spread
= very often performed on an OPD or short stay basis
a.Diagnostic = primarily for the purpose of obtaining tissue
sample for diagnostic purposes & to determine methods of
b.Staging = performed to determine the extent of cancer
presence & location of metastatic lesions.
c.Curative =removal of cancer that are blocalized to the area
of origin; extent of ressection is determined by the type of
tumor… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 131 of 176
•D. Reconstructive = restoration of the
patient’s form, function & appearance of
the radical surgery for cancer
•E. Preventive =n for patient’s that are in
a high risk category, certain surgical
procedures that may prevent further
development of cancer… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 132 of 176
Tissue Examination:
• Following excision , a frozen section or a permanent paraffin section is
prepared to examine the specimen
• The advantage of the frozen section is the speed with which the section can
be prepared & the dx made because only minutes are required for this test
• Permanent paraffin section takes about 24 hours however, it provides
clearer details than does the frozen section
• INTERVENTION: 1. The procedure is usually done in an out patient
surgical setting
• Obtain an informed consent… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 133 of 176
•1. Bone destruction
•2. Obstruction of an organ
•3. Compression of peripheral nerves… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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2. Radiation Therapy

• Used to control malignant disease when a

tumor cannot be removed surgically
• Destroys the cell’s ability to reproduce by
damaging the cellular DNA
• A radiosensitive tumor is one that can be
destroyed by a dose of radiation that still
allows for cell regeneration in the normal
tissue… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 135 of 176
• Uses ionizing radiation to kill or limit
the growth of cancer cells. May be
internal or external
• Effect cannot be limited to cancer cells
• Cells that are rapidly reproducing are
vulnerable to the effects of radiation
• Normal healthy cells recover more
effectively from the damage caused by
radiation… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 136 of 176
• is a cancer treatment that uses high doses of
radiation to kill cancer cells and stop them
from spreading. At low doses, radiation is
used as an x-ray to see inside your body
and take pictures, such as x-rays of your
teeth or broken bones.
• Radiation use in cancer treatment works in
much the same way, except that it is given
at higher doses.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 137 of 176
Radiation therapy is used to:
•Treat cancer. Radiation can be used to cure, stop,
or slow the growth of cancer.

•Reduce symptoms. When a cure is not possible,

radiation may be used to shrink cancer tumors in
order to reduce pressure. Radiation therapy used in
this way can treat problems such as pain, or it can
prevent problems such as blindness or loss of bowel
and bladder control.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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• Cells are most vulnerable to radiation during
DNA synthesis and mitosis
• Most sensitive are those body tissue that
undergo frequent cell division. (BM,
Lymphatic, GIT, gonads)
• Tumors that are well oxygenated are more
sensitive to radiation
• Cells most sensitive during M and G2 phase… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 141 of 176

• Highly sensitive
- ovaries, testes, bone marrow,
blood, intestines

• Low sensitivity
- muscle, brain, spinal cord… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 142 of 176
A. Teletherapy (External Beam radiation)
- x-rays are used to destroy cancerous cells at the
skin surface or deeper
- radiation source is outside the body ( Cobalt)
- radiation source is directed toward the area
- Client is not radioactive during treatment
- Simulation – X-ray or Ct planning session to
identify the field which delivers maximum
radiation to the tumor and minimal to normal
tissue. Involves skin markings
- Administered in fractions of the full dose, 5 days a
week for 4-6 weeks… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 143 of 176
Client Education: Teletheraphy
* Wash area with water or mild soap & water using the hand
rather than a washcloth; rinse the soap thoroughly, & pat
dry with a soft towel or cloth
*Do NOT remove the radiation markings from the skin
* Use no powders, ointments, lotions or creams on the area
unless prescribed
* Wear soft clothing over the area, avoiding belts, buckles,
straps or any clothing that binds or rubs the skin
* Avoid sun & heat exposure
* Monitor for moist desquamation (weeping of the skin). If
moist desquamation occurs, cleanse the area with warm
water & pat dry, apply antibiotic ointment or steroid
cream as prescribed & expose the site to air… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 144 of 176
B. Brachytherapy ( Implant Therapy) (Internal)
( closed therapy) Sealed source Therapy)
1.The radiation source comes into direct,
continuous contact with tumor tissues for a
specific time.
2. The radiation source is within the client; for a
period of time, the client emits radiation & can
pose a hazard
3. Brachytherapy includes an unsealed source or a
sealed source of radiation
- Client is radioactive only when implant is in place
- plan cares efficiently to minimize nurses, exposure
to implant, use shielding, wear a film badge and
maintain safe distance.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 145 of 176
3. Unsealed radiation source ( Isotope or
radiopharmaceutical )
A. Administration is via the oral or IV route or by
instillation into body cavities
B. The source is not confined completely to one
bodily area, & it enters body fluids & eventually is
eliminated via various excreta, which are radioactive
& harmful to others; most of the source is
eliminated from the body within 48 hours, then
neither the client nor the excreta are radioactive or
C. has a very short half life & because it is not
sealed, the body fluids become contaminated… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Sealed radiation source
A. A sealed, temporary or permanent radiation
source (solid implant ) is implanted within the
tumor target tissues or into a body cavity
B. The client emits radiation while the implant is
in place, but the excreta are not radioactive.
C. this delivers a large amount of radiation to a
small area of the body… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 147 of 176
Removal of sealed radiation sources:
A. The client is no longer radioactive
B. Inform the client that sexual partners cannot “catch”
C. Inform the female client that she may resume sexual
intercourse after 7 to 10 days , if the implant was cervical or
D. Provide a povidone –iodine douche if prescribed, if the
implant was placed in the cervix
E. Administer a Fleet enema if prescribed
F. Advise the client who had a cervical or vaginal implant to
notify the physician if nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, frequent
urination , vaginal or rectal bleeding, hematuria, foul-
smelling vaginal discharge, abdominal pain or distention, or
a fever occurs.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 148 of 176
Care of the Client with a Sealed Radiation
Source ( Internal Radiation )
* Place the client in a private room with a private bath
* Place a caution sign on the client’s door
A lead container & tongs should be present in the client’s
* Organize nursing tasks to minimize exposure to the
radiation source
* Nursing assignments to a client with a radiation
implant should be rotated
* Limit time to 30 minutes per care provider per shift
* Wear a dosimeter film badge to measure radiation
exposure… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 149 of 176
*Inform all people coming in contact with the
patient the specific precautions necessary.
Wear a lead shield to reduce the transmission of
* A nurse should never care for more than one
client with a radiation implant at one time
* Do not allow a pregnant nurse to care for the
* Do not allow children under the age of 16 or a
pregnant woman to visit the client… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 150 of 176
* Limit visitors to 30 minutes per day;
visitors should be at least 6 feet from the
* Save bed linens & dressings until the
source is removed, then dispose of in the
usual manner
* Other equipment can be removed from the
room at any time
*Examples of the type of radiation therapy
include uterine implant, testicular
implant; implant used in head & neck
tumor.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 151 of 176
* Utilize badges or radiation monitors for caregivers having
direct contact with the patient.
* List on the chart:
1. Type of radiation
2. Time inserted & where
3. Anticipated removal time
4. Specific precaution for the type of radiation
– Private room & bath
– Plan care so that minimal time is spent in the room
– When prolonged care is required, wear a lead shield or
apron… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 152 of 176
• Wear a monitoring device to measure
• Mark on the room & in the kardex that
pregnant women, infants & young
children should not come in contact
with the patient during treatment
• Check all linens & materials removed
from the bed for the presence of
foreign bodies that could be a source of
radioactivity… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 153 of 176
• Keep long handled forcep & lead
container in the room of a patient
with an implant in place
• Do not wash off marks placed on
patient’s body for the purpose of
identifying area for external
radiation… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 154 of 176
A Dislodged Radiation Source
*Do not touch a dislodged radiation source with
bare hands
* If the radiation source dislodges, use long
handled forceps to place the source in the lead
container kept in the client’s room, & call the
radiation therapist & the physician
* If unable to locate the radiation source, bar
visitors & notify the radiation therapist .… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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-Body fluids of clients treated with systemic
radioactive iodine are radioactive
-( flush toilet 3x)
- fluids of client with implants are not… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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4. Systemic Radiation Therapy
= radiation source is absorbed
into the circulation & travels
throughout the body… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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Care of patients receiving Systemic
Radiation Therapy
* Systematically administered radionuclitides (
radioisotope) may cause radioactive body secretions.
> wear gloves when handling patient’s body
> It may be necessary to have the linens & trash
cgecked for radioactivity prior to removing them
from the room
> keep linens & trash in room until they have been
checked for radioactivity by radiation therapy
deparment… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 158 of 176
Radiation Safety
Distance - the greater the distance the lesser
the exposure ( 6 feet)
Time - the less time spent close to radiation the
less exposure (max of 30 min per shift)
Shielding - use lead aprons and gloves
Standards - kept as low as reasonably
Monitoring device - film badge (measure the
whole exposure of the nurse)… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 159 of 176
Adverse Effects of Radiation Therapy
A. Skin: Itching, redness, burning, sloughing
1.Keep skin free of foreign substance
2.Avoid use of medicated solutions
3.Avoid pressure, trauma, infection
4.Avoid exposure to heat, cold or sunlight… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 160 of 176
B. GI Disturbances

A. Anorexia, Nausea & Vomiting

1.Provide small, attractive feedings
2.Avoid extremes of temperatures
3.Administer antiemetics before meals… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 161 of 176
c. Diarrhea

• Encourage low residue, bland,

high protein foods
• Provide good perineal hygine
• Monitor electrolytes, Na,K,Cl… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 162 of 176
d. Anemia. Leukopenia,
• Isolate patient
• provide frequent rest period
• Encourage high protein diet
• Assess for bleeding
• Monitor lab results CBC, WBC,
Plt… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 163 of 176
Effects of Radiation Therapy in
Long Term of treatment in a child:
1. Impaired growth & development especially from
radiation to growth center of bone during early
childhood & adolesce3nce.
2. Damage to CNS in terms of psychological,
neurologic & intellectual activity.
3. Gonadal aberration including reproductive ,
hormonal , genetic & teratogenic effects.
Decrease fertility in adolescents.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 164 of 176
4. Disturbances to other organs including
pneumonitis, pericarditis, pleurisy,
hypothyroididm, (cretinism or dwarfism)
5. Development of a secondary malignancy
especially after a successful treatment of
acute lymphocytic leukemia ( ALL – most
common type of cancer among children) ;
lymphomas, Wilm’s tumor , nephroblastoma,
retinoblastoma..… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 165 of 176

• Kills or inhibits the reproduction of neoplastic cells & also

attacks & kill normal cells
• The effects are systemic: chemotherapy affects healthy
cells & cancerous cells
• Normal cells most profoundly affected include those of the
skin, hair & lining of the GI tract, spermatocytes, &
hematopoietic cells
• Cell cycle phase –specific medications affect cells only
during a certain phase of the reproductive cycle, and cell
cycle phase non- specific medications affect cells in any
phase of the reproductive cycle… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 166 of 176
• Usually several medications are used in
combination ( combination therapy) to
increase the therapeutic response.
• Combination chemotherapy is planned to
avoid prescribing medications during the
time in which bone marrow activity &
WBC counts are at their lowest or near
the same time to minimize
immunosuppression.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 167 of 176
• Antineoplastic therapy maybe combined with
other treatments, such as surgery and radiation.
• The preferred route of administration is
• Side effects include alopecia, N & V, mucositis,
skin changes, immunosuppression, anemia &
thrombocytopenia.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 168 of 176
• Destroy all malignant cells
without excessive destruction of
normal cell
• Control growth of tumor when
cure is not possible
• Note: all rapid dividing cells
(GI mucosa, hair follicles and
bone marrow) are susceptible
to the action of chemo and
radiation therapy… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 169 of 176
Reasons for combining Drugs:
• Synergy-two or more agents works
together to enhance the effect of one
• Adjuvant-an additional treatment
• ’s malignant cell destructions, ’s
the SE
• Principle of MDT may be instituted
to avoid and prevent the SE… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 170 of 176
Chemotherapy may be given in many
1. INJECTION = the chemotherapy is
given by a shot in a muscle in your
arm, thigh, or hip or right under
the skin in the fatty part of your
arm, leg or belly
2. Intra-arterial ( IA) = the
chemotherapy goes directly into the
artery that is feeding the cancer… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 171 of 176
3. Intraperitoneal (IP ) The chemotherapy goes directly
into the peritoneal cavity the area that contains organs
such as your intestines, stomach, liver, and ovaries).
4. Intravenous (IV) = . The chemotherapy goes directly
into a vein.
5. Topically. The chemotherapy comes in a cream that you
rub onto your skin.
6. Orally. The chemotherapy comes in pills, capsules, or
liquids that you swallow.… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 172 of 176

• Infection
• Recent surgery
• Impaired renal or hepatic
• Recent radiation therapy
• Pregnancy
• Bone marrow depression… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 173 of 176
• Extravasation –
cause tissue necrosis
and damage to
tendons, nerves and
blood vessels… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

Page 174 of 176
• TOXICITY – nauseas and
vomiting usually last about 1
week… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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ANTI NEOPLASTIC… 29/11/2018, 8G00 PM

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