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Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 M.agh Year lPart ry/[ Time 3 hrs.

S u bi e c t : - Crr onnd W ater Engineenng (C E 765 0 9) (E I e c t iv e II)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
,/ Thefigtres in the margin indicate Full Marhs.
{ Assume suttable data ifnecessary.


2. (a) Starting from general expression of Darcy's law for groundwater flow; derive 3
dimensionalform of groundwater equation. 171

(bl A futly penetrating welt is pumped at a constant rate of 9OO m37hr from a confined aquifer
of 30m thick and average grain diameter 1mm. What is the domain around the well for which
Dards taw is apptlcabte? Assume that Darq/s law is valid up to Reynold's no. (R") = 5 and
kinematic viscosity of water = 1 centistoke. 171

3. (a) Explain how the water table contour maps are prepared and state their uses. [3+5]
(bl Two rivers are separated by a homogeneous unconfined aquifer of 5km. Compute the
seepage flow per unit length of the river if K = 13m/day. Also give the equation of phreatic line.'

Unconfined 12m


4. (a) Discuss the Theis solution for unsteady flow into a well in a confined aquifer. Atso write
down Theis's assumptions. [4+3t
(b) A 30cm diameter well penetrating an unconfined aquifer of 25m thick betow water table is
pumped at a uniform rate of 5S0lltr/min, till the water level in the well becomes steady. Two
observation wells dritted radialty at a distance of 30 and 90m frorn the ienter of the wetl, show

tl) Determine the drawdourn at the main well.

lll) At what distance from the wellthe drawdown is insignificant?


5. (al Explain Cooper and Jacob method for the determination of storage coefficient and
transmissivity of aquifer using time-drawdown data. I7l
(b) During a recuperation test conducted on an open wetl in a regiorl, the water level in the well
was depressed by 2.75mand it was observed to rise by 1.5m in 8O minutes. [3+4]
l) What is the specific yietd of open wells in that region?
ll) What could be the yield from a well of 5m diameter under a depression head of 2.3m?

5. (a) Explain electrical resistivity method for the exploration of groundwater. [51
(bl Explain the working principle, advantages and limitations of centrifugal pump used for lifting
groundwater. I5l
(cl Discuss abotrt the aquifer sptem of the Kathmandu valley of Nepal. t4]

06A TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. OId Back (2065 & Earlier Batch)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2070 Chttra Year lPart IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Dynamics of Structure (EL104CE) (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questions. t.':1.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

I. fuerAe stiftGsx Etrinfor ttre smrcarl! dfficm in Fi$nc l."TakE E=2{HGPa, I=,*,0 x ld nrma.
fid ec forpc vocts in dms offu dirylacerrcnt * G coordin*cs you defire. (16)

2.Oa 2.On

figure I

2. Perforn a firne vibrdior urbryis as a part of tte ovcrall struchnal fuigrr, of a singlc bay famc
oomiSiqg of a uuihrmly di*rihrort lmd of 30 k!.l/m. Ths scctioa ofthc framc is 250 mnr x 250
rrrm, E * 2.0 x ld MP& ThG furc conri*s of a bcm of rynn 5 m ud ! 6 high columas. Sherc
cm we uce thc outcsme$ ofthc aaalysis? (14+2)

3. A surmne ic noddd o n darypd osiltsor with ryriry om$aot k - 5.5 x ld tiltlfu and
r..d'nnsl arnnrl &aglffit w = 25 rnd/rcc. gnpedmcdally it wne fomd tb* a ftrcc 4,5 *i{
ercducd a rdativc vclodty of 25 nm/s in lho drmping clemcnt Fhd: (e) thc damping r*io &
0) ec dmpd pcriod To (c)tu togdfui, docrm 6 , urd (d) 6G rdo bctnrccn to
comffiiliw mdiauocr (?+3+3+3)

4. Aomcrcfieftamcsryportsarffitingmchireurhichccrcrtsahoiaffilfonrlcrfhcgirdslcvct,
F (t) * 900dn 5.31 N. esmiB 5oA of criticat dmeing; tulns (a) fu snpady- strto
rylit& of vibruion d (b) tlr rnmimrrrr $'namic sbc6$ in &e columns.rnqAssmae thd the
gnisr-is ridd. Tts ftmc ie rdrrryIe bdy, hss s cotrmn size 250 m x 250 E = 2.1 x 10?
H{/nt' and a hcieftt 3.0 u. Wbigh dea srwfirc 67.5 kIrI is tumpcd d its floor lcircl. ( 16)

5. Estimdc tlp pnximrur rcspmse oftb frane shou/n in Figure 2 subjected to the loads sholrrl
Ne,gl€st dmpine. (tCy
I 15 kl,[
:'' I 100

230 ktil 50fi)lltt/h

+2 50 kl,I

8000 kt{/D
0.1roe 0.

Figur€ 2
6. a) A displacemeirt pffie'm was found from static analysis as shown in Figrre 3. Estimate the
fitrdmental ratural fuuency ofthe system? Employ the Rateieh method. (8)

irug ioo*e sO*g

0.8 1,00

Figur 3

b) Dstine thc mrmd fimctims for &ee longittrdinat vibruion of a bar of length I and
unifom crcss soction. One ead ofthe bar is fixed and ths oth€r i$ free. (8)

06r' . TRIBHUVAN LJNMRSTTY Exam. Resular / Back

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

ioee Baishakh Year / Part tV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Dynamics of Structures (Elective I)

,/ Candidales'are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt any ruLquestions Question No. 1 is compulsory.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuA Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Derive the 4x4 stiffrress matrix [K] for the structure shown in figure below. lt0l
I 3

For simplicity
take EI: L: 1 L

b) In the 4x4 stiffness matrix [K] generated in 1(a), compute the reduced 3x3 stiffness
I matrix for the structure shown in figure below. [10]



2. a) For the system shown in figure below, mass m:91,000 kg and v(o):30mm. If the
maximum displacement on the return swing is 20mm at 0.5 sec., determine: [10]
i) The damping ratio
ii) ?he damping constant
iii) The spring constant
K v(0


smooth surface
Figure: Mass-spring system of modelling of SDOF system
b) A machine of 200kg mass is supported on four parallel springs of total stifftress
750N/m has an unbaianced rotating component which results in a disturbing force of
350N at a frequency of 2121 rpm. If the damping ratio is 0.2, determine: ll0l
i) Amplitude of motion due to the unbalance
ii) Transmissibility (TR)
iii) Transmitted force

3. a) Determ.ine the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the shear building as shown.
Draw the mode shapes and write down the modal matrix. t1/
L' r


Kr:600 KN/m

fr: 1ZOO KN/m


Kr = 1800 KN/m

b) Demonstrate numerically that the computed mode shapes satisfy the orthogonality
conditions with respect to mass only. tsl
4. a) Determine the steady - state response of the given system under the ground excitation
asiir(t):Acoswt. U2)-'


tie(t): A coswt
b) A SDOF system is subjected to a triangular pulse load of amplitude Po and duration
't1' as shown in the figure below. Determine the response of the undamped system. I8l



5. Write in brief with necessary relationships: (any four) [ax5]

a) Equations of constraints and dependent measurements
b) Dynamic magnification factor and response ratio
c) Improved version of Rayleigh's method
d) Duhamels integral and its solution
e) Equations of motion for transverse vibration of a string, transverse vibration of a
beam and axial vibration of a rod with associated boundary conditions
f) Mode superposition method

'+ ;\- i ()5B TRIBHWANTJMVERSITY Exam. Reeular/3ack

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2067 Ashadh Year / Part Iv/I Time 3 hrs.

of Stuctures
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt any Wquestions. Qaestion No. is compuhory. l I
/ Thefigures in the rnargin indicate Full Marks.
/ (Jse proper and consistent unit system
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Generate the stiffrress makix [k] for the structure with the coordinates indicated in the
figure given below. u2)


EIr h

b) In the 4x4 stiffrress matrix generated in #1(a), put EIz

ft] :2,h=
l,L1=l,I+= 2 and,
EI2 = 1. Then derive the reduced stifAress coefficient k considering only coordinate L
defined for the skucture using the 4x4 stiffress makix [k] generated. t8l
2. a) An elevated tank is mounted on a hollow shaft. The tank is pulled by a horizontal
force of 36 KN. The tank is pulled by 6cm and the cable is cut suddenly to enable the
tank to vibrate freely. The free vibrations are recorded. At the end of 10 complete
cycles the time was recorded as 4 seconds and amplitude as 1.5cm. From this data
determine the followings [10]
i) damping ratio, (
ii) natural period of undamped vibration
iii) effective stiftress
iv) effective weight
v) damping coefficie,nt
b) the frame shown in the figurebelow has a reciprocating machine put on it. The mass
of this is to be allowed for. The machine exerts a periodic force of 8.5 KN at a
frequency of 1.75I{2. Determine: tl0l
1) the steady-state amplitude of vibration if l:4o7o
ii) the steady-state amplitude if the forcing frequency was in resonance with the
= 4,000 kg
: 5,000 kg

w2 c 3m k:4x106N/m
) .I:
3. a) The single storey structure shown below may be modeled as a SDOF system with the
roof as a rigid slab. Detemrine the response of the building when the base (ground)
undergoes a horizontal motion defined by ir(t) = Vro sindt u21



b) What is dynamic magnifisalisn factor? What are the factors influencing dynamic
l magnification factor? Explain with suitable curves plot. t8I
4. a) A two-storey building is rnodeled as a shear building as shown in the figure below.
The weights of the floors are W1 = 19.62 KIt{ and Wz: 9.81 KN. The total stiffness of
the first floor columns is kr = 175 Klrl/m, while the total stiffness of the second floor
column is k2 : 148.75 KI.{/m. Determine the natural frequencies and natural vibration
mode shapeS of the building. Sketch the mode shapes. Lt2l
:9.81 KI.[ 1
V", 3.60m
Wr:19.62 KN

b) Describe, in detail, without calculations, how to determine the response {"'} o, *.

structwe given in #4(a) due to the load vector "l} t8l
5. Write in brief with necessary relationship. (any four) [4x5]
a) Equations of conshaint and dependent measurements
b) Eigen value problems
c) Inversion of matrices (Stiffness or flexibility) by partioning
d) Staodula's method of practical vibration analysis
e) Partial differential equations of tansverse vibration of a string and beam, and aldal
vibration of a rod
D Mode superposition method

l., t n*"..rination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

r* ' t' *, 2065 Bhadra Year / Part tt lr Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Dvnamics of Structures (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their orrn words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Four questions. Question No.4 is compulsory.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
,/ Use proper and consistent unit system.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.
t. a) Find the inverse of the stiffness matix [k] for the structure shown in the figure given
below. What does the resulting matrix signrfy? t10l

For simplicity
L, EI EI: L: 1

b) Consider only co-ordinate (1) defined forthe structure of Q.N. 1(a) in above figure,
derive the reduced stiffrress coefficient K using the 3x3 stiftress matrix of the same
structure. u0l
2. a) A platform of weight W: 18 KN is being supported by four equal columns which are
clamped to the for.rndation as well as to platform. On testing, it was found that a static
force of 4.5 KN applied horizontally to the platforrr produces a displacement of
2.5mm. If the damping of the structure is of order of 5%o of the crifical damping,
' determine the followings for the structure, [10]
i) Undamped natural frequency (w)
ii) Absolute dampine coefficient (c)
iii) Logarithmic decrement (6)
iv) The number of cycles and time required for the amplitude of motion to be reduced
from an initial value of 2.5mm to 0.25mm.
b) A machine part of mass 1.95 kg vibrates in a viscous medium. Determine the damping
coefficient when a harmonic exciting force of 24.46N results in a resonant amplitude
of l.Z7cmwith a period of 0.20 seconds. [10]
3. a) A steel rigid frame, as shown in figure, supports a rotating machine which exerts a
horizontal force of 50,000 sin 1lt N at the girder level. Assuming4Yo critical damp_ing,
what is the steady state amplitude of vjbration? I for columns : 1500x10-'*0,
E : 2.1x10thtlm2. Also calculate the transmissibility of motion of the girder. The
girder may be assumed to be rigid. ltz)



b) -Define,unit impulse and unit impulse response function. Write down the expression '

r\ I =i
t for. Duhamel integral for damped and undamped system of vibrations. Also
enumerates the limitations of Duhamel integral. i

r\ I

4. a) Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system as shown in figure

two storey shear frame building. Sketch the corresponding mode shapes. u2+41
for I


=m I



k k i

m1 :2m

b) Write down the fundamental principles and procedures of the mode superposition
method for analysis of MDOF system. t6I
5. Write in brief with necessary relationships (any four only): : r"s}.{- i

a) Orthogonality properties of mode shapes

b) Transverse vibration of a sfring
c) Lnproved version of Rayleigh's method
d) Vibration isolation and transmissibitty
e) Dynamic magnification factor and response ratio
D Principle of superposition of displacements
. *+t



I ^_/



Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Chaitra Year / Part ry/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (Elective D GE725)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questions.
r' TheJigures tn the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume surtable data if necessary.

l. (a) What gre the objectives of wateshed management? t3]

(b) Design a |arabolic shaped grassed waterway to carry a flow of 2.0m3ls dowu a slope of 3Yo.
The u.aterway has a good stand of, grass and a velocity of 1.75mls can be allowed. Take
2. (a) Differentiate between 'erosion
rill and sheet t4l
(b) Explain sand dams with sketch. t6j
(c).The data obtained ftom a fietd plot ufiere no soil conservation practice has been used is as
under: t4I
A 'J l0 tlhalyeat,R : 40, C : 0.35, LS : 1.2. hermine tlre value of K using USLE equation.
3. (a) Dcscribe con'tour cultivatiur and stip cropping technique for soil conservation. t6I
(b) In a hilly reglorl a bench tcmam is proposed for cultivatiou purpose. The general land slope
is 2O%. Average soit d@ is abott lm- Riser is to bc taid on l:I gradicut The intcnsity of
raiqfatl of the area is lscmrhfcttc durdion oqual to timc of coroe,ntdion. Design fte inqlad
. slopilgbenohtemaoa (fakeC=0.O. ttl
4, (a) Dwribcbrie,flyttediftncottypcs ofyldcr conscrrnrirnmctrds forcmplaod. tEl
(b) nacrmirrc fitc dqil[ of flow in a srrplusing serxctrse, hwiqg dcsign l€ogft oqual to 1.7m.
Stuplus uffis is dnc to 73mm/hr ninfrlt ftom 0.9 hn2 txcbmct As$mc noccssary de
tr ndtably. t6l
i: 5. (a) Define check dles and cxplain diffcr€nt gpes o.f &cm with sk€tch 16I
(b) Catculce the minimum bouom width required for a dam of lreigbt 6.5m. Maximum depth of
water impoundod is 5.8m the fare in contact with water is vertical. Take top width:
1.5rr, density of masonry: 2.Zgr/le* and density of water = lgm/cc, coefficient of friction
between masonry and earth:O.S. t9]
6. Write slrortnote on: (any tltree) pxal
(a) Stueam bank pnotection
(b) Wattling and mulching
(.c) Carses and consequences ofwatershed deterioration
(d) t"and cairability classifi cation


O6D TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Old Back (2065 & Earlier Batch)

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Chitra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Soil Conservation and Watershed Management (Elective 0 @Lll2CE)

Candida(es are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margtn indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. (a) Exiiltu trE'ttiff ffiffiSiliitfi influenco warcrshed manasegrent. t8l

o) The data fromaficld where no soil conservation practice has been used is as under:
Season Aftltnlwl R cl LS
Winter t5 35 0.3s l.l
Spring m 350 r0.51 l.l
Summer 20 7s0 0.4 I.l
Fall I 10 02 I
averagevalrrcof K. tEI

2. (a) Determinc ftc dcp& pf flow in a srplusnag stncfirrc, hayftrg dosign lcnefr oqual to 1.4m. |*
S0rirr/tr ninfrll fr'm 0.91 km' cotrmcot Asm ncccssrry de nrihbly-
water is drrc to t6l
(b) Ditrerentie bctu/c€n oohr hmd.nd gndcd hrnd. t4I
(c) Bplain gulty qosion md ritl cmioo. t6l

3. (a) A mesoqr.drn b'tu'tiEb lu vi<b u thc tdp ffi-4iii dflff€ bofior& iild hrs ;'vdttual cder faoe.
Thc dam impounds we
b e hcight of 33m. Cahrlme thc mrgniude of rcsultant force and ib point of
applicuion wiflr drc ba$ wh flrc rescrvoir is firll urd urhm it is unpty. Take .density of mrsonry =
2.Zgnlacand density of w&r = tgnr/cc. t8l
O) Describe different q,pes of scmi-pernanent measures for conrolling gully. t8I

a. (a) Desigrr a parabolic sluperl grassed watqrway to carry a ftow of 2.6 m% dovm a slope of 3%. The
waterway has a good stand of grass and a velocity of 1.75mls can be allowed. Take Manning's n = 0.04. tEI

O) Bplain any thrcg vegstativo msasures for conserving soil.

5. Writc shortnotes (any four)
(a) Degraded land rehabilitrtion
O) RechargB of groundwaler
(c) Causes ard co4pgge,ngg of watershd-deteiiontiotr,.
lli} Smatl eartfldams
(e) Land capability classification

!f !8*


Examination Control Division. Programme BCE Passltllarks 32

2069 Ashad Yeal- lPart ry/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Soil Conservation and Watershed Management @lective D @G735CE)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questions.
r' The/igures tn the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data tf necessary..

1.. a) Calculate the minimum bottom width required for a dam of height 6.0m. Maximum
depth of water to be impounded is 5.2 m and the face in contact with water is vertical.
Top width of section is to be 1.5m. The density of dam material equals to 2.5 gmlcc
and the coefficient of friction between dam and earttr equals to 0.55. t8I
b) Why Land Capability Classification is necessary? Which classes are recognized as not
suitable for agricultural purposes? Describe briefly. 12+6)
2. a) Design a contour bund for a watershed having lateral slope of 27%. Duly marimum
rainfall in the area is 90 mm. Assume top width of bund equal to 0.7 m and side slope
1.5:l(H:V). Also compute area lost due to bunding and earthwork for bunding, if the
irea under bunding is 5.5 ha. 14+41
b) Describe briefly all types of gully contol structures with neat sketches. t8I
3. a) Design a grassed waterway of parabolic shape to carry aflow of 3.5m3/s down a slope
of 2.5%. The waterway has a well-established sod of excellent quality (n:0.042) and a
velocity of 1.7 m/s can be permitted. - t8I
b) Design an earthen dam having fetch of wave equal to 20 Km. The reduced levels of
river bed and full resenroir level are 848 m and 866 m respectively. Assume
saturation gradient equal to 3:1, upsteam dam slope 2.5:l anddownstream dam slope
3:1. t8l
4. a) Design a concrete chute spillway for a flood of 3.5 m3/s and drop of 3.2 m. The
chanuel width and depth in upsffeam are 3 m and lm respectively.The ground slope
at drop is 1.8:l (H:V) t8I
b) Describe tlpes of bench terraces with neat sketches. t8I
5. a) Estimate soil loss from a 25 tn catchment having contour farnring (P:0.5) in l0 ha
and strip cropping (P:0.3) in 15 ha. Crops are muze and cabbage. Consider average
Crop factor = 0.55, Rainfall factor : 1200 (tn/tra)*(mm/ha) per year, soil f,actor :
0.35 t/halR and Topographic factor = 0.15 t41
b) Design a surplus weir for a catchment of 40 ha and intensity of rainfall equal to
l.2mmlmin. Assume flow depth over the crest 45 cm and runoff coefficient equal to a
0.45 t4l
c) Briefly describe vegetative techniques for soil conservation with neat sketches. t8I
6. Write short notes on: (any four) Pxal
a) Need and scope of soil and water conservation in Nepal
b) Fomrat of watershed management plan
c) Types of soil erosion and land slides
d) Recharge and extraction of ground water
e) Sediment retention stnrcture
D Protection of developed infrastnrcttue

.fii ;:: ;:5 11ii:qi'1i:i-ii ' \i:


\L?,i rrrtj


i) For thtf following:rainfall data in It

4 /s, = 0.3%, Side

coefficient (n) = 0.0+.
5. a) List the different vegetative
, thep, i:.


.3)- Sheet erssion and

--b)"Obj ectives of watershed management
c) Consenration pond
-c) Factors governin g I and levellin g
1 rail imfiror*,rr.iit
j) -"Aclvantages and limitations of graded bur:d
TRIB TiI.]'/
},iS'J TITJTE CF E.].ICNIEE:RING 'f,El'el, .,,,'-

Exarnination Control Division BCE,

2068 Baishakh ear / Part

Sublect; ^S ConS erv:ation

Cantlidartes are required to give their.answers in their own wotcis as Ig

.l il :r n i ti .4 II r.; t r' s.
r t

'{iii: ii.r,:i,t'r.-t iii iitr: nttrgi.71 itzdit:;ie llt!1.

- j.'r; 1r,,1t t: :: i,r i i., r. i': ii ; r; i i.t i i-t i7:' t le cd.(,f ,: : i.r

1. a) Why Land Capability Classification is Which

Itural purposes ? Describe briefly


of 3.2 m3/s;

land. t8I

I r\ I ':,' :l a c,vrc.rete ctrute spillur:ry {or a floocl of 3 m3/s and drop oi3 rn- Tne channel width anrl depth in
r-tp:,.;i ffr€: i!5y.1 artd,lnr resp$cl.ivsrl"/.
grourrcl slope at drop is 2:'l t8I (i*:V)- i

5. :.t) engineerirtg mea$irr*$.adopted for erosion control in agric.'ifu:al land. t8l I


ir; iir i clescribe v'.:getative tel:itnirrr-res for soil ccnservation with ne=t ske'cilss.
- {at i

{) i:ihor[ rrr:tes on any farr c{ the follouring: :1X41
,tl {:-.ed eiild $ccpe of Soil i:r-lrj't"I?#ier Conservaticn in Nepal
ii) f irt'ice
i:i triveii:;:l Soil t-oss Equal.ic.rrt
) e
i; {ii;rbie;ri Chncl< llam
O6E TRIBHUVA}.I I.'NIVERSITY Exam. l),,,,,!,,
Examination Control Division Programme BgE lwvn*r t2
2070 Chaitra Yeor/Part w/I Time 3 hrs.

Subjeet: - Rock (Elective 0 G8725)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Anempt All questions.
r' TheJigures in the margtn indicate Full Mailw.
y' Assune suitable data if necessary.

1. Define rock mass. What are common methods that are used in rock strength test? Define
briefly. 12+61
2. a) Write down the different stability problems due to stresses? t4l
b) From the parameter given below. Find the magnitude of tangential stress at roof and
wall ofunlined pressure shaft. t8I
Roof factor = 3.5
Wall factor:2.5
Vertical stress 12Mpa
3. Calculate the hydraulic conductivity of an array of parallel fractures in the direction
parallel to the plane of a rock mass with a fracture frequency of one fracture per meter
and with fracture apertures of 0.01 mm, the hydraulic conductivity is 8.3x10'10 m/s. [6+2]
4. What are the different stages of geological investigation for an rmderground stnrcture? At
what stage firnnel mapping is done? Explain the tunnel mapping with neat sketch. uzt
5. A rock mass classification system is required for assessing the suitability of different rock
formations for storing compresses domestic gas in unlined rock caverns along the route of
a main gas fiansmission line. Describe the rock parameters that you would use in a rock
mass-rock engineering classification scheme for this objective. uzl
6. A 15 m high rock slope has been excavated at a face angle of 65o and is horimntal at the
ground surface. The rock in which this cut has been made contains persistent bedding
planes that dip at an angle of 32" in to the excavation. The 5.85 m deep tension crack is
4.5 m behind the crest, and is filled with water to the height of 4 m above the sliding
surface. The srength parameters of the sliding strrface are as follows: cohesion is 25kPa,
friction angle is 37'C, take the unit weight of rock as 26kltlm3 and the unit weight of
water as tO *Jrllm3. (a) Calculate the factor of safety of the slope for the conditions gven
above. (b) Determine the factors of safety if the tension crack were completely filled with
water due to run offcollecting on the crest of the slope. [6+61
7. a) Describe briefly the rock support methods that are commonly used in underground
structure. t4I
b) What are high pressure tunnels and shafts? Why are these structures developed? t4I
8. Find mode of failure, direction of failure and angle of potential failure if slope face is 65
degree in the dip direction 185 degree from the three discontinuity set given below: t8I
Table: Discontinuity set
Joint set number Dio i Dip direction
Jr Foliation 4s195
Jz Joint 75t240
L Joint 201t90



Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass IVIarks 32

2068 Chaitra Year lPart ry/I Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Rock (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
y' Necessarv figures are attached herewith.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.
1.a) Write the main goals of engineering geological investigation. List the acrivities which should be

cmried out during preconstruction and construction phase investigation. (tl)

b) Calculate the water flow into a tunnel in lit/minute for following situations. (8)
Length oftunnel =350 m
Specifi c permeability I 0'l s m2
Active head = 3Mpa
Equivalent radius = 4.0 m
Distance between the length axis of excavation and ground water table =20nr

2.a) What is slope subility analysis? Briefly explain about the factors influencing the slnpe stability.
f)iscuss support methods which are commonly used in underground structures ( l0)
b)Estimate the magnitude of tangential stress at a roof and wall of an unlined pressure shaft using
following input parameters

Roof factor =3
Wall factor =2.5
Vertical stress *18 Mpa (6)

3. a) A 15 m dianreter of underground chamber is to be excavated in medium inflow condition (J"d.5).

The rock mass contains one joint sets (Jn=1.5). The joint are unduling, rougtq and unweathering and

clwn (1r2.5,J,:t).'RQD is'in the range of 7O9o .E*imate the rock support reguirement for the given

stnrcture .Assuming stre$s rcduction factor =15 and excavation support ratio =1.4 ( l0)
b) Explain stress surrounding circular underground opening. (6)

4.a) Describe the main engineering design procedure lbr underground openingAlso Briefly discuss desigrt
criteria for unlined high pressure tunnel and shall (two rules of thumb). (I 0)

b) Explain the common msthod used for streng& testing of rock mass (6)

5.' Write shod notes on: (4i4)

a) Q- method for rating of the rock mass quality
b) Component of Virgin suesses

c) Rock stress measurement

d) Hydraulic conductivity and permeability of rock mass
6.a) Ttre tluoe discontinuity sets represcnts an area (ref. table 6.a) . Find mode of failure and angle of
potential faiture plane if angte of slope face is 600 in the dip direction of 3?20 (8)

Tabh 6.a Discontinulty sets

Joint set number Dip/Dip direction Joint spacing (cm) Roughness

Foliation (Jr) 58/168 t-2 Planar to undulating

Joint (Jz) s2t342 l8-40 undulating

Joint (J3) s8/276 8-30 undulating

b) Draw the joint mapping of discontinuities (ref table 6.b ) in the hydropower pfoject (8)

Table 6. b Dip/dip direction

35/300 55107 t5t290
401025 70t075 781340 A,
75129 1s/330 65/08
20n65 251280 22t285
301280 t21280 83/09

60/100 70/08 7slt40

85107 751200 75/190
80/r90 301290 80/340
8st200 2U33A 20/3;J!0

75t060 681070 78t460

651240 25n90 78t200
$n90 82n60 221280

781090 301290 80/r t0

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2065 Bhadra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Rock EngineerinE (Elective I)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt any Five questions. Question No. 6 is compulsory.
All questions carry equal marks.
Necessarv equal area net and tracing paoer (A4 sizel are attached herewith.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. What is difference between shallow seated and deep seated opening for underground
structures? Ekplain the design procedures for underground opening.

2. What are the main purposes of slope analysis? Write the factors winch influence the
slope stability. Discuss the methods which are used for rock slope stability analysis.

3. What are the various factors which may influence the stability of underground
structures? Discuss the support methods which are today most commonfy used in
underground structures. Describe the approaches which are used for evaluation of
rock support requirement and support design.

4. a. Describe the main Rock Engineering design considEration (Geological and

Topographical) for unlined hijh pressure tunnel and shaft.'Briefly discuss' design
criterion for high pressure tururel and shaft.

b. Draw the distribution of tangential stress surroundmg the circular opening of a

tunnel for following conditions and critically discuss the iqfluence of rock stess
anisohopy for above plarured structure.

Major Principal Sfress/ Minor Principal Stress = 161L2 (lv[Pa)

Major Principal StresV Minor Principal Stress: 16/ 8 (MPa)
Major Principal Sfress/ Minor Principal Strdss = 16/4 (MPa)

.5. Write short notes on:

a. Pre-Conskuction phase investigations for underground structr:res
b. Q-method for rating of the rock mass quality
c. Basic Flow Theory to estimate potential water leakage in tururel
d. Methods for strength testing of rock and rock mass

6. a. The three discontinuity sets represents an area (ref. table i). Find mode of failure and angle
of potential failure plane if angle of slope face is 65 degrees in the dip direction of 185

Table i .rers
I Foliation
2 Joint (J)" 70/23s
3 Joint 12/19s

b, Plot the Joint Rosette with following agitude (in degrees) of discontinuities:

direction 55, 070 30,290

75,'190 70,072 80, 000
80,020 15,290 78, 090
83, 100 25,025 85, 170
30,290 '75,070 65,017
40,060 70,075 80,090
82, 150 78r 340 70,090
85, 100 20,290 65,110
30, 19'0 75,190 80,205
70,165 75,200 82,040
27,280 15,330 80,210
82,,260 80, 190 30, 330
85, 190 50,290 70,080
40,300 30,290 70,085
65,090 80,340 70,065
75,165 65,200 12,290
25,280 20,330 83, i60
22,285 20,320 73,330
10,280 75,060 40,270
12,280 68,070 .45,290
80, 170 '78,060 42,280
83, 090 75,240
80, 100 25,290
70,090- 78,200
10,010 15,290
76,140 82,160
65,070. 22,280
100 7 190



Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Chaitra Year / Part rv/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Bio- Engineering (Elective I) (C8725)

,/ Candidales are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
{ TheJigures in the margin tndtcate Full Markl
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. What is the present status of erosion from mountainous axea of Nepal? Write down the
problems encountered in hill slope and engineering functions to be performed to address
them. t8l
2. What do you mean by landslide mapping? Enlist the steps for preliminary landslide
mapping in site. t8l
3. Write down the field method for slope stability based on orientation of rock fractures. t8l
4. What is aplant community? Write doum the role of plant community in the establishment
ofplants at the site. t8I
5. What are the roles of vegetation in Bio<ngineer? Explain Hydrological function ofplant tSl
6. How does the moisture availability affect the selection of ptant species? Writc down the
considerations to be made for maintaining the plant commrmity. t8I
?. What are the 'r,"g"t tin" stabilization techniques? E:Elain suitable constnrction mefhods
of vertical line of grass plantation. Mention itslimitation t8l
8. Many retaining walls have boen failed on the road side. What are its major causes? V/rite
down the general guideline for the selection of type of retaining stnrctures. t8I
g. What is the process of general assessment of the site? Write down some examples of
solving the problem of solpe failure on the basis of general assessment. Mention the
activities ofthe Bioengineering works that are dependent on the season. 12+2+41
10. What are the advantages of small nursery? Write down the factors that should be
incorporates while selecting ntrsery site. t8l

. o6D TRTBHUVhi{tyxuVERsmv' r.i:;L
Level BE Full Marks 80

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marl<s 32

2070 Chaitra Year/Part :lV/l l lme J h rs.

,s - Bio- E neering (Elective I) (C8725)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own r.vords as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
'/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. What is the present status of erosion from mountainous area of Nepal? Write down the
problems encountered in hill slope and engineering functions to be performed to address
them. t8l
2. What do you mean by landstide mapping? Enlist the steps for preliminary landslide
mapping in site. t8l
3. Writedown the field method for slope stabitity based on orientation of rock fractures. t8]
4. What is a plant community? Write down the role of plant community in the establishment
of plants at the site. I8l
5. What are the roles of vegetation in Bio-engineer? Explain Hydrological function of plant. t8]
6. How does the moisture availability affect the selection of plant species? W'rite down the
considerations to be made for maintaining the plant community. t8l
7. What are the vegetative stabilization techniques? Explain suitable construction methods
of vertical line of grass plantation. Iv{ention its limitation. t8]
8. Many retaining walls have been failed on the road side. What are its major causes? Write
down the general guideline for the selection of type of retaining structures. t8l
9. What is the process of general assessment of the site? Write down some exalnples of
solving the problem of solpe failure on the basis of general assessment. Mention the
activities of the Bioengineering works that are dependent on the season. [2+2+41
10. What are the advantages of small nursery? Write down the fa0tors that should be
incorporates while selecting nursery site. t8]

O6D TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSI-IY Exam New Reck (2066 & LaterBatch) ;

INSTITUTE O F ENG TN EER I I .-N G Level BE Full Marks 80

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2071 Sharvan Year / Part ivii I rme 3 hrs.

Subject: - Bio- ElSi ne_eri

\e_ IE 7 2
0 4) (Elective [)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Alt questions carry equal marks.
',/ The Jigures in the margin indicate Full Marks,
,/ Assume suitable data i,[ necessary.

l. Define Bio-Engineering. Illustrate the engineering function of plants.

2. What is weathering? Differentiate the slope materials based on the weathering grade.
3. How is a landside different from mass wasting? Mention the repair priorities of the
landslide based on its history.
4. What is plant community? Why is it nraintained in Bio-Engineering?

5. A site has been treated with tree plantation with root characteristics given as below-
Estimate the increase in the shear strength of the slope material by perpendicular root area
method if the angle of internal friction of the slope material is 30"and the area of root
coverage is 4m2.

Diameter of No. of Tensile strength of Average Angle of shear

roots, mm o
roots root fiber, MPa distortion in the shear zone,
l0 62 47 18
r3 37 4t 35
t7 29 37 25
2t 8 32 37

6. How can you select appropriate plant species for bio-engineering works in a particular

7. Where can the diagonal lines of grass plantation be implemented as a vegetative system?
Write down its implementation procedure.
8. Define Small Scale Civil Engineering Structure. Explain particular features of checkdam
in its construction.
that should be incorporated
9. Explain the importance of bio-engineering programming. Write down the physical
requirements of seed bed.
10. You are planning to establish a Nursery. Prepare a checklist of materials, tools and
'- equipments to be purchased for this purpose; Draw a typical section of a bamboo bed in a:
nursery and mention its genera requirements.
O6G TRIBHWAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Old Back (2065 & Earlier Batch)

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Chaitra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

- Bio-Engineering (Elective D @L102CE)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questtons.
{ l,A questions carry equal marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a. lt&at do you. understand by geomorphology? Write doum different

of potentiality of landslides in theslopes.
b. Write dorrryr the characeerisdcs of a slo,pe tba.c t"ad to the plane fiilure. Describe it
wi&anu<amPla : " '

2. a. What ae the basic requiremffits of plant? Writc down the mimals tlrd arc laok
in'acidic and alkalino soil. lftite doum the mineralization psocess.
$. How does the soil stnrcture atrect the plant growftr? Write down the methods of
improving the soil fertilify.
3. a . What are the site requiremegts for the implenrentation of live check dam as a
bioengineering system? Writc doum the method of operation, implerne,lrtation
procedure andlimit$on of live check {am. j

b. What is a bioengineerirqg nursery? Write down the physical features of different

componenb of aurnsery that should be considered as design require,ments.

4; a. What are the hydrological rolos of vegetation on the slope! How can the loss of
soil be sffected. witlr the percentage canopy cover of plant, heigfut of the plant and
size of tho loavo*?

U, Why dg ffio bloongineers accept to use compost in bioengineering sites? Writo

dounr fftt prgpm$sa pocodure of compost

5 . a. what is bioengineering calendar? How can it te prepared and maintained in the

process of implernentation of bioengineering activities?

b. What,is bamboo crib wall? Write down the site requirements, procedure and
problems for the implementation ofa bamboo crib wall.

6. Wri+e short notes on (any four):

.a. Role of plant roots in the stability of slopes.

b. Seed collection for bioengineering implementation

' c. Role of soil water relationship in bioengineering
d. Bolster as a small-scale civil engineering syst€m
e.. Combinationof civil and bioengineering systems
!f **

Bxamination Control Division Pass N'{a rl<s

2070 Ashad I
, 3 hrs.

Subject: - Bio- ng (Elective I) (c872s04)

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicab.le
/ AttemptAll questions.
'/ TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume .ruitable data if necessary.

I Define Bio Engineering. Write down the application and scope ot

bioengineering in the civil Eneineerins field. ? t8l
2 What are major metamorphic rocks available in Nepal Himalaya?
Mention the potentiality of slope failure orr the basis oI lithological
factor of rock. t8l
i What is a landslide? How can it be mapped in the field? Write dorvn
its procedure. t8t
4 Hor.v can the plants be classified based on its root structr.rre? Write the basic characteristics of a plant communitl,. t8l
5 Calculate tlre amount of increased shear strength of a Bioengineered
site rvhich composes of the material with the angle of internal flriction
of 350 The roots r.vere observed in a cross section area of five m2. The
details of the roots are as lollorvs: t8l
DiameLer No. of Tensile strength Average Angle of shear
o I roots, roots of root f rber, distortion in the shear
mm MPa zong,
t2 40 52 t2
t5 32 43 r8
t8 24 32 22
20 t5 22 24

6 What are the lactors that lead to distribution oI plant species in

Nepal? Write dorarn the selection procedure of plant species based on
the drought factor of the slope. t8l
7 What is palisade? Write down the process of site prtiparation, method
of operation, limitation, materials and site requirements and function
of Palisade construction as a bioengineering system. t8l
8 How can the sizes of a retaining wall fixed for the slope stabilization
work? Write down the factors to be considered in the implementation
of Retaining wall. t8l
9 What are the techniques that can be taken in to account for the general
assessment of the site for its further treatment? Give some examples
of site treatment after the general assessment of, tlre site. Prepare a
annuat program for the impleinentation of bioengirreering work rvith
the tbllowing activities: lZ+2+41
Nursery establishmenr., purchase of land for rlursery, seed coliection,
transport oI
seedling to
the site, qrass plantation, palisade
construction, breast wall construction. slip clearance
l0 \\ihat is a nursery? Drarv a typical section of a grass bed and rnention
its general requ irements.
INSI'ITU-|E OF F.NG IN EI;ll. INC l,eve l RE ,It ull Ma rlis B0

p ass VIa rlts

Examination Control f)ivision Pragrurmrnc BCE

:- 2069 Chaitra L ]-gll I llilr,t I lirs.

Subjee t; - Bio-l-'ngineering (Elective l)

.,/ Caldidates are required to,e their ass\vers in their orvn r.r,ords as far as practicable-
/ AtteftTpt All questions.
,,/ All questiot"ts carry equal ntarks.
',/ Assume suitable data if necessary

I . V/hat is the scenario of soil erosion in Nepal? 'Write,dovvn'the.'

advantages and limitations of bioengineering as a tool for slope
2 - Horv can the effectiveness of the root be evaluated based on slope
material type'/ Mention them. Write down the different causes and
mechanism of failure in different types of slope materials.
I ' How can the seriousness of the failed site be evaluated? Write down
the factors that lead to finalization of priority to repair the site.
4 - What are the different types of plants that are used in bioengineering?
Write down the basic requirements of the plant. Mention, how the
compost serv'es the soil to improve its quality.
5 . Calculate the amount of increased shear strength of a Bioengineered
' site which composes of the material v,1ith the angle of internal friction
of 300 The roots rvere observed in a cross section area of eight m2.
The details of the roots are as follows:

Diameter No. of Tensile strcngth Average Angle of shear

of roots, roots of root fiber, distortion in the shear
mm MPa zone,
8 l5 60 8
t2 20 55 t2
r8 25 45 r6
24 30 35 24

6 How can the plant types be divided based on the climatic zones?
Write down the process of final selection of plant type.
7 What are the site requirements for the brushlayering? Write down the
implementation procedure, materials required for the implementation
and limitations of Brushlayering.
8 Why are the catch drains discarded in the bioengineering
implementations? Write down the construction procedure of wire
bolsters at the bioengineering sire.

9 what are the technical characteristics of the site that are incorporated
in the preparation of the guideline for the selection of optirnal
technique? write dorvn the hurdles ro be faced in bioengineering
projects because of the fiscat ycar sysrem of Nepal. Write your
suggestions to solve these problcms.

10 what are the major components ot'a nursery? Draw a typical cross
section of a seed bed and write its general requirements.


Examination Control Division Programime BCE Pass IVIarks 32

2068 Chaitra Year/Part w/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questtons.
r' AA questions carry equal marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

I a) What is the scenario of soil loss from Nepalese territory? Mention the problems on slopes
and write down the engineering functions to be performed to solve these problems.
b) How can the slopes be classified depending upon its impact on the stability? Mention them.

I 2 a) Write down the diagnostic properties of any 4 sedimentary rocks that are available in Nepal
Himalaya? Write down the causes and mechanism of slope failure with debris, soft rock,
altemative band of hard and soft rock and hard rocks.
Wtrat is the role of weathering on the stability of slope? Write down the types of the slopes
depending upon the weathering grade of the rock.

3 a) What is the hydraulic role of vegetation? How can it be proved that vegetation pertbrms the
hydraulic role? lllustrate it with examples.
b) How do the slope types play the role in the selection of plant species? Write down selection
criteria of plants based on the degree of community'participation.
4 a) What are the site conditions where the horizontal line of grass plantation can be
implemented? Write down the method of implementation of Brush layering on the slope.
b) What are the problems encountered in the drainage systems in bioengineering? Write down
5 a) What are the criteria for the selection of optimal techniques in bioengineering works? Write
down the techniques of using the general assessmeht criteria for the selection of
a bioengineering techn iques.
,t b) What are the general requirements of a nursery? Draw a neat sketch of a seed bed.

6. Write short notes on:

a) Conditions leading to wedge failure
b) Fascine construction
c) Seasonal programming
d) Effect of logging from the slope
* *rt
TRIBHWAN UMVERSIIY-'- Regular/Back Regular
Pulchowk Campus marks 20
I Departrnent of Civil Engineering Civil PaSs marks E
Internal assessment examination
Year: fV Time 2 Hrs.
Subject: Bio- Engineering

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt any S(five) questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

A. What are the problems related with slope instability? Mention them and list out
the engineering functions to be performed for their solution.
B. How can the seriousness of the instability of slope be assessed depending on the
lithological factor of rock? Describe the procedure of prioritization for landslide
repair works.
A. What is a landslide? Write down the steps of landslide mapping technique.
B. Define plant community. Write down its importance in the selection of piant
a No.3
A. What is a check dam constructed for? Mention. how they sliould be:paced far.
B- It is necessary to cut a slope -with sandy material to a slope anglr'of 65'. What
small-scale civi! englneering Eystena c.rn be irrc;r-porated witii the ranciom pattern
of grass plantation at the site? Write down the limitation of that system.
A. What dc you mean by the interaction betrveen civil and vegetative sl"stems?
Mention the factors to be considered for the combination of civil and veqetative
B What are the bases for selection of optimal Bioengineering techniques? Give an
A What is a small scale civil engineering system? Write down the practical features
that should be considered while designing and constructing the retaining
B What is Brush layering? Write down the materials required. consfiuction
procedure of its implementation and the suitable sites.
Write short notes on:
l. Basic requirement of plants
2. Weathering grade of rock
3. Causes and mechanism of slope failure
4. Maintenance of bioengineering system
: . .i.. o2D jBIBn:-rvaN uuvrlisrv
Level BE
FullMarks .80 .
Programme BCE PassMarks lf . ,,,::..:_-, Ii

2065 Shraran Year / Part rV/I Time 3 hrs.

Bio- D
'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questions.
./ All questions carry equal marks.
/ Assume suitable data dnecessary.

A. What are the features of different land units of Nepal Himalaya? How do these land units express
the stability of the slope? Illustrate it with sketches.
B. How do you decide whether the slope failure occurs by wedge failure mechanism? Describe it with
an exarnple
Q. No. 2
A. What is mineralization process? Write down the importance of compost in the enhancement of soil
qualiry-. What is the significance of acidic and alkaline Joil on the soil qualityt
'-8. What are the scientific justifications to prove that vegetation performs the hydraulic role? How do
the size of canopy, leaves and the height of vegetation affect the hydrological role of the vegetation?
A..ryhat are the site requirements, materials and method of implementation of wire bolsters as a small-
scaJe civil engineering system? Write down the hazard that is expected after the bolster construction.
.B/What is the difference in the factor of safety of a slope with and without the vegetation? Write down
frre circumstances that lead the change of the factor of safety of the slope with and without vegetation.
.Arrril/hat are the different methods of bamboo propagation? Write down the features of a bamboo bed
irfthe nursery.
P..Write doIE the site requirements, procedure and problems for the implementation of live check dam
AJa bioengineering system. What can be achieved after its constnrction?
"r A. What are different activities that should be carried out to achieve the required perforrrance of
bioengineering systems in the long run? What is difference between the maintenance of
bioengineering works in comparison with other civil engineering works?
,JBi How can the bioengineering plant species be selected based on the drought factor of the site?
Q.No.6 Write short notes on (any four):
of small qurseries
p/Scope and limitation of bioengineering
C. Role of soil water relationship in bioengineering
p Bamboo crib wall in bioengineering work
,$. Bioengineering programrning work

,' .-.-.j
' ''''
Exarrrination i Resuiar,,Back Rezular
T\ STITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level: B.E. Full marks 20
Internal assessment examination
Prograrnme: Civil i Pass marks 8
i Year: fV I lTime l:r*.
Subject: Bio- Engineering

C;rdidates are required to give their answers in their own words as iar as aracticable.
-r.trempt an"v- S(five) questions.
Ail ouestions carry equal marks.

a ),,'i
w/ .\. Write down the advantages and limitations of Bioengineerine. I{orv'can ;iou
convince the traditionally trained engineer about the relevancy- oi cir-'engineerin-u?
Describe it.
B. What are the different D?es of slopes based on the impact cf bioensineering
uorks in its repair activities? List our the factors that shoulci be considered for rhe
prioritization of repair works.
A. \!hat are the different types of siope material depenciing upon r.he rvearhering
grade? Write down the factors that iead to failure of the slcpe.
B. \ltrat are the characteristics of rock rhat should be incorporated tbr:he anaiy'sis of
.r' siope stability in rhe fieid? Mention the rcle oi.minerai r-vpe in ihe :riope stabiiity.
Clitt. i
q. Wtat is a live check dam? Explain the fimction, method of operation. sire
requirement and limitation of palisade con-<truction.
B. How is the site prepared tbr the implementation of grass planting in horizontal
pattern? Write down the hazards of horizontal line of gra$s pianiation.
V.- \u.T \

A. \\'hat is the jute net used for? Write down the practica,"r itarures ihat should be
considered while impiemenring the jute net in &e site. i
B Vhat are the different drainage sy$ems in bioengineerilrg? Fxciain how surface
water is drained out trom the landslicie zone. Can the catch drain co it? Why?
W-hat are the criteria for the selecdon of optimal techniques in bioengineering
works? Explain how plant species is selected based on the draught i'actor.
B What system do yourprefer for the repair and maintenance of iancislicie area?
why? Illustrate it with examples.
Write short notes on:
1. Stability analysis based on the orientation of rock fractures
7. Selection of plant species based on morphological characteristics
I. Stabililv analysis of slope incorporating the effect of vegetation
+. )Iethod of barnboo crib wall construction

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 C\aitra Year / Part ry/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Solid Waste Management (Elective I) (CE725)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt All questions.
r' The/igures tn the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a) What are the basic information needed for ISWM design? Give the history of
development of solid waste management in the context ofNepalese society. tSl
b) What are the factors affecting solid waste generation in Nepal. What is biological
conversion of solid waste? t8I
2. a) What is landfill? How many tlpes of landfills are there for solid waste management?
Describe in briefthe sanitary landfills and its uses in the context ofNepal. U+3l4I
What is the area required for land filling of Janakpur city if the per capita waste
generation is 240 g and average projected population is 5,00,000.00 for a decade.
Calculate the alea required if 2A% of the waste produced per capita is added for
commercial and other wastes and 8CIlo of the waste is expectod to reach the land filled
site. The density of waste after compaction in the land fiIl is orpectd to be 500
kgfur3. It is estimated that there will be 5 cells in I lift of 5 m ircluding daily cover
height of 15 c,m and intermitent aover of 30 cm. Thc landfill allows maximum of 5
lifo. The landfill site is run for 6 days in a week t8]
b) Dettrmire the ratio of waste to cover materiat (volumc basis) as a fiurction of the
initial compacted specific weight for a solid waste sfieam of 70 tones per day to be
placed in 10 ft with a cell width of 15 ft. The slope of the working faces is 3:1.
Assume ttrat the waste is compacted initially to an average specific weight of 600, 800
and 1000 lb/yd3. The daily cover thickness is 6 inch. t8I
3. a) Describe different tlpes of collection services used. What is on site management? 141

b) Composition of 100 kg MSW sample of community given bellow and estimate the
energy content and chemical formula for MSW with and without sulfur. U21

Perc€nt by mass dry basis

Component \ilet mass Ash
Food wastes 30.0 70.0 48.0 2.6 0.4 5.0
Peper r5.0 6.0 43.5 6.0 44-00 0.3 0.2 6.0
(.ardboard s.0 5.0 44.0 5.9 44,60 0.3 0.2 5.0
Plastics 8.0 2.0 60.0 72 22.80 0.0 0 10.0
Textiles s.0 10.0 s5.0 6.6 3t.20 4.6 0.15 2.5
Rubbpr 10.0 2.0 78.0 10.0 0.00 2.0 0 r0.0
[.eather 7.0 10.0 60.0 8.0 I1.60 10.0 0.4 10.0
Yerd Wastes 7.0 60.0 47.8 6.0 38.00 3.4 0.3 4.5
Wood 6.0 49.5 6.0 42.70 0.2 0.1 1.5
Tin cans 7,0
4. a) What are the different design considerations for the materials recovery facilities? t6I
b) Determine the number of container that can be emptied per day using the hauled a
container collection system for Balaju lndustrial District Kathmandu. The data
available for analysis are as follow: tl0l
Time to drive from garuge to first container (t1):20 min
Time to drive from last container to garage (t2) : 25 min
Total time required to pickup loaded container and unload empty container:0.4hrltrip
Average time required to drive between container: 8 min
Onepay distance to disposal site:25 Km (speed limit4Okm/hr)
S : 0.12 hr/trip, a: 0.16 Utrip, b : 0.011, W : 0.2
Length of work day: 8 h/day

5. Write short notes on: Px4l

a) Crmpooiting
b) Resowce necovery
c) Solid waste management practice inNepal
d) Transfer and tansport of MSW
!F rf r$
068 TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY Exam. Old Back (2065 & Earlier Batch)

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 Chitra Year / Part Iv/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Solid Waste Management (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questions.
r' TheJigures in the margtn indicate Full Marks.
/ Necessarv Tvoical Properties of MSllt DATA table attached herewith.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l) a) What is solid waste management and etaborate its devetopment phases in Nepal? Discuss the waste
management issues in rcfercnce of ISWM. t8l
b) As a planner; where and when transfer stations should proposed? Explain. What are the consideruions to
bc fulfilhd in thc constnrctiqr oframfer station? t8l

2) a) What is collection servicc and collcction system? The chemical formula of popytenc is CH3CHCH2.
What would bc thc hcat value ofpropylcne? tSl
b) Btimate the theoretical amount of air requircd to oxidize comptetely One tone of waste having the
composition CeoHrzo O so N:. t8]
3) a) Poor management of solid wast6 has consequence of health impacts; how you evaluate the practices of
organic waste rrcycling in Nepal, regarding the above issues, explain. t6l
b) A $/pical distribttion of wastc componcnt rapid biodegradabte portion of MSW gcnerated by a
rcsidential community is as follows: ,, [lOJ
Detemrin€ the: ComponenP/o by weight
i. Ovcrall moisture content waste
Food 60
i. Ovcrall dcmsity-ofwastcsample paper l0
i. Approximatc chcmical formula Cardbosrd 4
Yard waste 6

4) a] What is the impo,rtancc of waste generation rate? lVhat are the factors affecting waite generation? Explain
different mcthod ofdetermining waste generation rate. 161
b) A total of I I apartnent complexes and commercial establishment have entered into a contact with a
solid wasrc collection firms to collect their solid wastes. The discarded volume of solid wastes to be
collected is 96 m3 per collection day. Determine the number of trips requircd on cotlcction day,
(optimize trip if possible), the size of collection vehicle and the sizc of the container to be provided.
Assume following assumpion and for simplicity I I sources contributes the same quanttty of solid
wastos. Number of containcrs emptied p€r rip = I I containem per trip; container number in eadr
location =1, Compaction ratio =2. 5, Time for driving between container = 0.09 h, Time from garage to
first container = 20 minutes; Timc fronr the last container to garage = 25 minutes, at site time= 0. I hours,
Inadingand rurloddingtime =0.llrours,; landfill site is 30 km away, offroute factor=O. 15,working
hour- 8h, vehicle spoed 56 km/hcr and haul time constant a= 0.034 hours/trip, H). 0l 8 hour/km I l0]

5) a) Whc are diffcrcnt component involved in planning, designing and operation of landfill? What arc *
criteria for landfill site selection. ,r,
b) Gompute the total rrolume of gas of a landfill that generate in first three years where the 80 tons of
waste deposit daily and the gas generatlon rate from RB and SB is 0.92 m3 / kg and 1.16 mr 7 kg. Gas
generation starts after one year of deposltion. t8l

6) Wrlte short notes on any four: [4x21

a)Final Cover Configuruion Of Landfill Site.
bl Vermi{omposting
cl On Site Management
d, Lcgislation Provision Of SWM ln Nepal
el Material Recovcry Facility (MFS)
Component specificwsight ' :, ,'611i6$fu ye;.9$!i,tg'iit
of waste ,1kglm3;r, ,(%,brwetght) ' (ktlffi:
Ranoe " uuicalj: ,:Ran.sor;.'.,r .,, 'i; i ,, ; rililitrooefi, ,,'sulolrer Ash
- ,a:14,0.
Food waste 130"480 290 , :'s0i801. ,:34fffi89E0, : ,' $Si
' i{8ri ,', i-,: t',6;4 ,r ,gr$' 2:6 i0.4,
Paoer 40-{30 ,4-f0 t"t' t 4,* '0.3 0.2,
Card board 40.80 5 ,s3:88*fft{i{5, 1,6280 5.9 0.3 o.2 5
Plastics 40-{30 , ,32535. 7.2 22,8 10
n' ," .
Textiles 40.100' 6s' :-.'5;1i5:t {5rtrt ii4,$8:t0i 1V*45 55 6.6 4.6 0.15 2;5
Rubber 1-4 2 2090.{tr}2t9.{0,, ,23280 2
; Leather I {60 .-
=- tO=,ffi,&,f, ",1 1,6 0.4
6A-225, 'l'00
.Eiffirie66- 6 0.3 r 4,9
Wood 130-320 r 240 15-40 186{0 4$5 6 &v .0.2 0.1 1.5
Glass 160-480 1,95 14 ,2 1,40, ,r0:5 0.1, o.4 0.1, 98.9
Tin eans 50-160 90 24 3 '230'i114.60 700
Alurninum s5-240 160 2
Other rnet*ls 1 i 3 '"e$rfI'60 700 4;5 0,.6 ,h$' 0.{ t,U.t)
ashes 320.1000 480 8,12 I 23*d.11,830 GEm 26.3 3 2 0:5 0.2 68

. :.. i
O2O TRIBHWA}.ITiMVERSITY Exam. Reeular/Backo
X'xamination Control Division. Programme BCE Pass lVlarks 32
2069 Bhadra Year/Part ry/tr Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Solid Waste Management (EG7SSCE) @lective II)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any Five questiotu.
{ Thefigures in the margtn indicate Full Marks.

y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Discuss tlr dorelopmcnt phases of solid nash managemcnt What do yur undeirtand by ISWM? 8
Disctsthe frrncional dcmcnB of ISWM.
b) What is solid wastc? Wlrat arc various metho& of collecting solid wastc? Dcscribe anyurc of thcnr. t
2. a) As a planner; whcrc and when ransfer stations should be proposed? Explain. Wh* arc the oonsiderations 8
to be fulfiUod in the oonsrlction of tra$fcr station?
b) Estimatc the theorctical amount of air requircd to oxidize qomplaely ()ne tonneof waste having the 8
ootnpoeition Co HnoO mNr.
3. a) Wtrat are diffmrt oomponent involved in planning desigring and operation of landfill? What are the I
criteria for land fill sitc seloion?
b) Tlre authoritics ueplanning to puchasc a compadion tnrck for solid nastc disposal fon a mechanically 8
loaded stationary contaitrcr syst€flr. lVtnt is ttre sia of compoctor truc* if trc container sirc is 0.6 m3?
Following infonnation are uailablc :
Contairrf utilization far:tor =O.7 Containgr unloading time = 0.05 hr/ coilainer
Average conteiner numba in each location = t2 [hiving time lturycn oqttaincr'0.lhr/ locatio:t
Compadion ratio = 2 One uoy haul di*anoe =/29 km
TIme fronr garagp to first oonainer = 20minutes S@ limit =tS krrhr
r'ime from last oonuiner to gamge = 15 mirurcs
Tripe per day to dispossl sitc = 2
Of routc facnor = 0.15
working hours = t hr
At site time = 0.1 hr
' TakG haul time constant a= 0.016 hr/hip; b= 0.01lhr/km

4. a) Dcscribe in ddail abotrtthc diffaart pluscs of gcneration of landfrll gascs in ttre landlill ritc. l0
b) ThG Ghcrnicst formula of PVC is QHC! . tr4r* would be tre approximde enogt content of PVC"? 6
5. a) What is MRF? Discuss tlre differcnt rccov€ry processes adoptcd in community 8

b) LDC counuies facing poor mansgement of solid wastcs has gorsequenoe of healtr impssts ; horrdoyou 8

eraluarc the practiccs of oganic nase rccycling in Nepal, regnding 0re aborre issues?Erplain.

6. Wrtte short notc on any fou: 1'4

a) Vennioomposting d) On site managcment
b) lrgislation prcvision of SWM in Ncpal e) landfill botottt liner configuraion
c) Resoupesrcoovery
Component ,
Specific Weight Content Energy cont{n T.yplcal daia on the ultilnate andlysis of thp combustible
of waste' ((glmQ) ' ' (% by Welght) (x,ltkg) ln MSW
I I j r :ti |

::,: Raribe .'. Tvoical Ranqe

Tvoical Rariqe itt"a" I Carbon
Hvdrooerl O:orsen Mtrooen Suloher Ash
Foddwa$te : 130-{80 290 70 3490- 4650 6'..4 37.6 2.6 0,,1 5
.44 0.3 $2 rI
-: Pater .40-130 90 4.10 6 1{'630-1.8tli 16750 43.5 6
.r i ,l6280 44 5.9 M,6 0.3 5
.Card boatil 40-80: 50 4-8
..' i
Plhstlcs ' 40-{30 65 14 2 279103721 32A05 60 7.2 22.8

g rTextiles '. :i : 40.{00 65 6.15 {0 ' {5120-1861, 17M5 55 6.6 31|2 +.6 . 0.1! 2.5
, 'Rubber .:
'100-200: igo 1-4 2 20930-2791 23260 78 2 10-
't00r26t} .t60 8-12 10 15120-1 17445 60 .8 11.6 .10 0.4 1'0
: .'l waSte : 60-22i' r00 30-80 60 2325-1860 65,t0 47^8. 6 38 3;,4 0.9 '4.5:
ll Wbod '130-32d 240 ,l540 20 ' {8610 49,5 E 42.7 0,2 0:l .J.5.
: it ;:
Glass, do+eo" .195 14 2 116-23 .140 0.5 0;1 0.4 0.{ = 98.9
, SO-teCl, g0 24 t3
'. i)
?: Tln:cins 230-l { 6 7oo -
Aluminurir : eb-zlO 160 24 2
- !:.

Other metals {80:1,l50- 320 24 3 700 4.5 0.6 4.3 . 0.'l g0$
Diif. ashes 3201{000: 480 E-12 I 2325-{163 6E[f'] 26.3 3 2 0.5 68

and data materia ln Fl

3 and ustrial solid
Type of wastq, ' Energy'sontent (kJ/ksl
Moisture Volatile matter ' '
_ltb.t Non-combustible
nxediaroor{l As colleited Drrl' ,Ert's$h-tree "
F<iod waste '' 79 . 21.4 5 '4180 13916 : j' *' 16700
i ,19734 r:'.;::i tg73g
Gard board
- Ilb:+
6 .
{6380- 17278 .rj ;ir. . 18246.
Plastics 0,2 95.8 -lll z 2. 32799 33471
a ,i: ii*I
Textiles . {0 66 6.5 22881,:
Rubber 1.2 . 9.9 25330
" ,10
68.5 ----11.s flF,s
{E.s 9 174/,5
60 30 '0.5 15126 -
t Wood 20 . .'68.,1 0.6 is+Zs-T .{9343 1949s.
Gthss and mineral 2' tll 96-99 '195 200 146.
'i"'.".: ; ,. .. --:!' 'rt-700 ' .-ra=- ;E- -1; !:ril1::1i'"." 737.
'Metal,'tfn,'caris. -
lfrffiferrotGl '. 5
2 -
rill 96-99 & ':. .:l

Metal. iibn.ferrous i 2. 94-99

,'i .r:
'r:i. *.:
: I
1l I
,:t I
Examination Control Division. Programme BCE Pass IVIarks 32
2069 Bhadra Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrb.

Suhject: - Solid Waste Management @GTSSCE) (Elective II)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questions.
{ TheJigures in the margin indicate Fall Marlrs.

y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

i. a) Discus the dorelopment phases of sotid \ryaste management What do you understand by ISWM? 8
Discus the firnctional elcments of ISWM.
b) them.
What is solid wsstc? What are various metho$ of collecting solid waste? Describe anyone of 8
2. a) As a planner; where and when tra,nsfer stations should be poposed? Explain. What are the considerations 8
to be fulfilld in the constnrction of tursfer station?
b) Estimate the theoretical amount of air requirod to oxidize qompletety One tonneof waste having the 8
composition Co Hrzo O ro Nr.
3. a) What are diffcrcnt @mponent involved in planning, designing and operation of landfill? What arc the 8
criteria for land fill site selec-tion?
b) The authoritiesareplanning to purchase a compaction truck for solid wase disposal for a mechanically 8
loaded stationary container syst€m. What is the size of compacton truck if the container size is 0.6 m3?
Following informatiom are available :
Conainer utitization factor =0.7 Containgr unloading time = 0.05 hr/ container
Average container number in each location = 12 Driving time bgween containcr = 0.lhr/ locatio:t
Compaction ratio = 2 Oneway haul distrnce=29 km
Time fmm gsrage to first container = 2Ominutes Speed limit =E8 km/hr
Time from last container to garage = 15 minutes
Trips per day to disposal sile = 2
Of route factor = 0.15
working hours = 8 hr
At site time = 0.I hr
' Take haul time c,onstant a= 0.016 hr/trip; b= 0.0ltrhr/km

4. a) Describe in detail about the different phases of generation of landfrll gases in the landJill site. l0
b) The chcmical formula of PVC is QHCI . What would be the approximate enogy content of PVC? 6
5. a) What is MRF? Discuss the different recovery processes adopted in community. 8

b) LDC countric facing poor management of solid unastes has consequence of health impacts ; howdoyou 8

evaluate the practices of organic waste recycling inNepal, regarding the above issues?Explain.

6. Write short notes on any four: 4f4

a) Vermicomposting d) On site management
b) Legislation provision of SIUM inNepal e) landfill bottom liner configuration
c) Resourcesrecovery

Compongnt r
Specific Weight Content Energy iont{r fyplcal data on the ultiinate analysis of the
ef vuaste
(fisrmQ)' , (% by weighQ (X,llt<g) ln'residdntiat MSW
'!r:, :.i ! |

:lr: Raribe . {. Tvpical Ranue Tvpical Rafiqe Tvpical Carbon Hvdrooert O:nroen Niirooen Sulpher Ash
'i ' 50.80 4650 .48 37.6 2.6 0,4 5
Fd6d.'JvaSte 130-480 290 70 3490-698 6',.4

r .40.130 90 4.10 6 1,1'630-18611 16750 43.5 6 .M 0.3 o.2 b.

.Caid bodtil 40-80: 5{tl i 4-8 5 43955-4744 16280 44 5.9 44,6 0.3 02
. .rr;
... i Plabtlcs i 40-13O 65 14 2 279104721
.-tEtzo-t8oti 325.05 60 v,2 22.8 10
40-'t00 65 6-15 10 17445 55 . 6.6 31|2 4.6 , 0.15 2.5-
'riubtrer ,iso 14 23260 78 ,t0 2 10-
'{0b-2od: 2 209.30-279,1
'100"26d I .10
160 8-12 10 15120-19.7i 1 1,t.6 0., 10
ii. .Y waste , 60.226, {00 30-80 60 2'325-156C 0 6 38 3.4 0.9 '4.5:
q Wbod ,1S0-32d 240 {540 20 17445:1977 f 96,10 49,5 6 42.7 a.2 0:1 ..1 .5,
: .i.
: tt
Glass, *l r60-480" .r95 14 2 115-23 .140 0.5 .0:1 0.4 0.{ 98.9
'r rl ..
'. ::
Tin:cins ' '
, SO-teCi' qil 24 t: a
3 230-1 I 6 700
: ,"1
Aluminurir ; eb-z+O {60 24 2
I ,.i;|.

Other metals.' {30i1150- 320 24 3 na-1tt 700 4.5 0,6 4.3 | . 0.,1 '90S
':iil ri Dih. ashes 32011000.:' 480 .E-12 I 2325r116i 6980 26.3 3 2 0.5 llo.2 68
;i] ,t{
:;l 1. :h.

an r.l, and data in resid and ustrial'i'otid

Type of waste, ane ' Energy'qorttent (kJ/ksl
Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbor{l Non-combustible As colleited Dw
Food waste '' 70 21,4 !!lb.e 5 '4180 13916 16700
P.aper i ,io.z
75.s l!h:+ 5.4 {5815. 4s7s4 i..".i::,i tg73g
Gard boaid 5.2 77..5 tE.e 5 i6s8o' 17278 + t;h. . 1824A..
Plastics 0.2 95.8 :lllz 2. 32799 33471 :.. r:, 37271.
Textiles .{0 66 li..s 5.5 , 1851'5 '20572.
I Rubber 1.2t 83.9 . 9.9 25637 28;,494;
Leather 10 68.5 lih,.s I '17445
18701' 2o8si
'Yard irvaste 60 30 ilp,5 0,5 6050 15126 1'5317.
Wood 20 . -llk.s.
:- {lt,g 0,6 .15445 '19343 19499.

rrl-T- ._
Gfdss and mineral 2 -".. ril 96-99
: :.
-.,.:?. ,,..700 "
"'''':''.:-'i42 r '' .+ !:,i;1:;11'";'
Metal.'tiii. caris 5 fll 94:99 ftT

l . _rll_-l
Metal. fer.rots: 2 l,ll 96-99 4 :-: .

Metal. iibii.ferrods i 2, 94-9.9

t. '.i I
1l !:.. I
02o TRTBHWANLTNTV_E-RSrIY Exam. Resulu /"Back

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2068 Bhadra Year / Part rv/ tr Time 3 hrs.

Subject:. Solid Waste Management @lecttve II)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five questions.
_\/ {.
. Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Ma**
/\ Necessaru Tvoical Prooerties of MSW Data are attached herewith.
a/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) What is solid waste? Describe the factors governing the solid waste generation rate in
a municipality area. t8l
b) Discuss the development phases of solid waste management in Nepal. Sketch the
various stages of wasle management hierarchy. tp]
2. a) Where and when tansfer stations should be proposed? Explain. What are the
conditions to be fulfilled in the construction of tansfer station? Explain. t8l
b) A typical distribution of waste component of MSW generated from a residential
community is as follows: t8l
Components Wetweishtbf/o
Food waste 59
Paper 13
Plastic 6
Fabric 8
Wood 10
Glass I
Dirt 3
Total 100

Determine the approximate chemical formula.

3. a) Elaborate.different tlpes of waste collection services. How does these collection
services differ from the collection system? Explain. t8l
b) The theoretical landfill gas generation from readily biodegradable @B) and slowly
biodegradable (SB) fraction of the SW is glven as below. Using triangular metho{,
the quantity of gas produced for first six years, if annual waste deposition is
1000 tons and 750 tons of RB and SB respectively. Gas production by RB is lm'Ps
kg; Gas production by SB is 1.5m3 per kg; specific weight of methane :0.71kdm';
Specific weight of carbon-dioxide: 1.97 kglm'. t8l
Determine the amount of air required"'to cornpletes oxidise one ton of sotid waste
having the chemical equation CoeHrzoOsoN.
4. a) 'What is a landfill? Descnibe.tkoriteria for land filI site selection. t8l
.i t

/ptcal I of residen I MSM

.Gomponent Specific Weight Moisture Content Energy cont{n
of waste' (kg/m3) . ' l% bV weight) (rutg)

Ranoe Tvoical Ranoe Tvoical Ranoe Tvpi,

wa3te 130-480 290 s0-80 70 3490-698r I

Paoer 40-130 ET' 4-10 6 {{630-{8fii 1 67

.Card boatd 40-80: s0 , 4-8 5 13955-.|.744,
Plastics 40-130. 65 14 2 27910-3721 322
{extiles , 40-t00 65 6-15 10 15120-1861,i 174
Rubber 100-200. iao 14 2 20930-2791 23'.
{00-260 {60 8-12 10 15120-1977 ' 17t
) 60-225, 100 30-80 60 2325-186(
Wood 130-32d 240 {s-40 20 17445:1977 18e
Glass, I60480
,: 195 14 2 115-23
Tin cans , 50-{60: ffl 24 3 230-116
Aluminum 65-24A {60 24 2
Other metals {30-r{50- 320 24 3 230-1rd
320r{G00.. 480 6-12 I 2325-{163

and data r tnr

Type of waste
Moisture Volatile matter Fixed carbofll No,
Food waste 79 . 21.4 iitB.e
P.aper i 10.2 75.9 iilB:+
Gard boaid 5.2 77.5 lE.t
-\r-'\1./ Plastics 0.2 9s.8 iill e
Textiles 10 66 l[.s
v Rubber
Yard kaste 60 30 i'19.r
Wood 20 68,'1 {h.s
Glass and mineral 2' i,ll

Metal, tin, cans 5 iill

ferrous ,2 ill
Metal. non ferrous ' 2. :iill

I i
Typical data on the ultiinate analysis of the combustible
in residential MSW
Carbon Hvdrooefl O:nroen Nitrooen Suloher Ash
i50 '48 6.4 37.6 2.6 o,4 5
'50 43,5 6 44 0.3 0t.2 ts
t80 44 5.9 M.6 0.3 0:2 5
'. . ,it
I.UC 60 7.2 22.8 10
t45 55 6.6 31.-2 4.6 . 0.15 2.5
:60 78 {0 2 {0"
M5 _ qq_ I 11.6 .10 o.4 10
tr0 47.8. 6 38 3.4 0.9 I 4.5 l

i1 49.5 6 42.7 o.2 0:1 1.5
I40 0.5 0:1 0.4 0.{ 98.9

r00 4,5 0.6 4.3 I 0.1 90.5



)s0 26.3 3 2 0.5 '..a;2 ff i,: I

:: i
esidentia and solid 'i *.lr i

Enersy' content (kJ/kq ! i

'i I

n-combustible As collected Drv' Drrr:a5h-free

418A 13s16 , i-
i:;,r" ;
E 16700 l

5.4 {5815 15731 1g73g I

t6sso -. :-;i.
5 17278 1824A
2. 32V99 33471 I
6.5 18515 2A572. 2285i: I

9.9 25330 25637 2g;,491 I

9 174/,5 18701 ;

0.5 6050 15126 153r7 I t

0.6 15445 19343 19499
96-99 '195 200 146 I
700 742 737
96-99 !,
b) The authorities are plaruring to purchase a compaction'truck for_solid waste
for a mechanically loaded slafonary container system. Wliat is the size of compactor
fuct ruquired if tle containeriize ii 0.6m3? Following information are available: t8l
'''Container utilization factor 0.7
. ., ..-C
gRtpl4Fr,Udqglifre tifne
Driving time between containers 0.lhr/location
Average container number in each location = t2
One way haul distance:Z9l<rrt
Compaction ratio:2
Speed limit: 88lsn/hr
Time from garuge to first container: 20 minutes
Time from last container to garage = 15 minutes
Trips per day to disposal site = 2
Working hours: 8 hr
Off-route factor: 0.15
At-site time: 0.1 hr
Haul time constants, a = 0.016 hrltrip; b : 0.011 hr/lnn
5. a) What is resource recovery? What are the various processing techniques used in
resource recovery. t8l
b) Describe organic waste recycling practices in Nepal. l8l
6. a) Discuss about the gas and leachate management in landfills. [10]
b) The chemical formula of Lactate is CH:CHOHCOOH. What is the approximate
energy content of lactate? t6l
7. Write short notes on: l4x4)
a) Haul container system
b) Landfill bottom liner configuration
c) Proximate analysis
d) Hazardous waste

. 6F TRIBHUVANI.JNIVERSIry Exam. Resular / Back

. Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2068 Chaitra Year / Part ry/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Solid Waste Management (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt any Five questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indtcate Full'Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) How do you explain the importance of Integrated Solid Waste Management in present
global condition of environmental degradation? t8I
b) How do you estimate the solid waste quantity in your city? Explain any two methods, t8]
2. a) Write down the procedure to calculate the heat value of chemical compounds in solid
waste. t6I
b) Calculate the size of the compaction truck required for mechanically loaded stationary
container system if the container size is 0.5m3. The container utilization factor is 0.7,
average number of the container in each location is 10, compaction ratio is 2,
container unloading time is 0.05 hrl container. The drive between the containers is 10
minutes/ location. The one way haul distance is 20 KM with speed limit of 88 KM/hr.
The time required to travel from garage to first container location is 20 minutes and
the time required to travel from disposal site to garage is 30 minutes. The truck has to
make 2 visits to the disposal site per day with working of 8 hours. UOI
3. a) State the waste collection services in practice. Recommend the suitable method for
effective solid wastemanagement. t6]
b) Calculate the land area required for a city for landfilling with following data. [10]
Average solid waste production rate: O.2Kgper capitalday
Additional waste by industries/commercial area:30Yo of domestic solid waste
Density of solid waste after compaction:500 kg/*'
Height of one lift:4m
No.of cells in alift:5
Thickness of daily cover in cell: 15 cm
Thickness of intermediate cover in each lift: 15 cm
Total number of lifts: 6
Projected population of city after 15 years of operation: 2,00,000 working days in a week:5
Assume necessary data if needed.
4. a) Explain briefly about landfilling method suitable for your city. Mention your
justification. t8I
b) Illustrate briefly about the significance of promotion of composting method for
effective management of solid waste in urban areas of t8I
5. a) State about the flow of materials in society with neat sketch. t8]
b) How did the institutional solid waste management practice start in Nepal? What were
major features of German projects in Kathmandu for solid waste management? t8l
6. Write short notes on: (any four) [4x4)
a) Management of hazardous waste
b) Physical composition of municipal solid waste
c) Transfer station
d) Leachate treatment
e) Incineration of solid waste
O4A TRIBHWANT'NWERSITY Exam. ____Begqlar / Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2066 Bhadra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Solid V/aste Management @lective D

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five,questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
r' Necessarv tqble is attached herewith-
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) What is integrated solid waste management? Describe the various activities that are
considered under ISWM. t10l
b) The chemical formula of cellulose and methane are C6 Hro Os and CHI respectively.
What would be the heat values of these compounds? {61
Following is the theoretical landfill gas generation from readily biodegradable and slowly
biodegradable fractions of the solid waste. Determine how much gas is produced each
year for first six years if annual waste deposition is 650 tons and 450 tons of readily
biodegradable and slowly biodegradable wastes respectively. Use triangular model. t16l
Gas production by readily biodegradable waste : 1 m3/l^<B
Gas productionby slowly biodegradable waste : 1.5 m'lkg

3. a) Elaborate various sources of solid waste in urban area. Discuss about hazardous wastes. .t8]
b) What is a fransfer station? When is it required? Describe about various types of
transfer stations. t8l
4. a) Determine the chemical equation of the solid waste with following composition. [12]
WetWeight kg
SN Waste Type (out of 100 ks)
1 Food waste 55
2 Paper 20
3 Yard waste 10
4 Glass 10
5 Textile 5

b) What is a hammer mill? Describe the use of hammer mill in MRF? t4l
5. a) What is triangular model of landfill gas? Discuss the use of model in the case of
readily biode gradable and bio degradable wastes.
p) Discuss various methods of aerobic composting of organic solid waste. t8l
6. Write short notes on any for:r of the following: [axa]
a) Sketch liner configurations used on the base of landfill sites
b) Material recovery facility
c) Role of grating inthe fumace
d) Time and motion suryey in collection system
e) Leachate management

Densitv. kslm3 Moisture, o/o

7o bv mass fdrc besis) Inert residue 7o

Cooponents Ranoe Tmical Raaqe Typical c H o N s Ash Rense Tvoical

Food wastes 720-480 290 50-80 70 48.0 6.4 37.6 2.6 o.0 5.0 2-8 5

Paper 30-130 85 4-fi o 13.5 6.C n2 D.T Rfi 4-8 6

Cardboard 30-80 50 4-8 5 44.O 5.9 44.6 0.3 o.2a 5.0 3-6 5

Plastics 30-130 65 1-4 2 60.0 7.2 22.8 10.0 6-20 10

Textiles 30-100 65 6-75 10 55.0 6.6 37.2 4.6 0.15 2.5 2-4 2.5

Rubber 9b-2oo 730 7-4 2 78.0 10.0 2.0 10.0 8-20 10

Leather 90-260 160 8-12 10 60.0 8.0 77.6 10.0 0.4a 10.0 8-20 10
Gardea trimmines 60-225 705 30-80 60 47.8 6.0 38.0 3.4 0.30 4.5 2-6 4.5
Wood 120-320 240 15-40 20 49.5 6.0 42.7 0.2 0.10 1.5 0.6-2 1.5
Glass 160-480 195 1-4 2 96-99 98
Ths/caas 45-760 90 2-4 3 96-99 98
Nonferrous metals 60-240 160 24 2 90-99 96
Ferrous metals 120 -1200 320 24 3 9+99 98
Dirt, ashes, brickbats
etc 320-960 480 6-12 8 26.3 3.0 2.0 0.5 0.20 68.0 60-80 70

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marls 32

2070 Chaitra Year lPart ry/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Trail Suspension Bridge (Elective 0 GE725)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ AttemptAUquestions.
r' The/igures in the margin indiiate FuA Marles.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. (a) Whatrare planning tools? Bricfly, explain dre planning process of tail bridges? .(3+3)
(b) 'How ards points of a bridge are fixed? What are the ways of measuring the distance berween the
uris points? (s+5)

2,(a) How oable geometry of a suspended bridge is controlled? Explain,with a neat diagram.,the
geomefy of' cable? (3+3)
O) In a suspcnsion bridgg both the axis points are at 100 m level. The high flood level GIFL) mark
has been found at 95.5 m. The distance between the o<is points is 140 m. Detennine the conect
span of the bridge. Accodingty, draw the cable geometies of the bridge with preliminary
calculations. (10)

3. (a) What arc.Ure tpes of fornddiotrs for LSTB and SSTB bridges? Describe them. (8)

O) Ctrock the staUiiity of anchcagp fomrlation on soil using the fottowing data" (8)
Numbcr ofmain c$les nM 2Nos
I\{ain cablctcnsion TMf 594.840k}t1
Cable inclination pf 23.l23Deg
sili;sdffdt'ttsurh 3.20ffi
Friaim angle of Sub Soil ll 35.000deg
Unit rryeigtil of subsoil yl 17.0001d.I/mr
Friction arglc of baclfilling soil i2 30.000dc9
Unit Wciglrt of bocldllling soit y2 l5.000kf.I/m3
Gmund bearing pscssurc op€rm- 250.000h.I/m2
Minimum crnbcddod Ccdlt T
Backhight Hl 3JOm
Fr.onthight lO 3.00ilt
widfr B 4.40sr
length L 6.50rxr
Active oressure hci gilrt Ha 2.00 m
Embcddcd depth T 2.00 m
Unit weight of dry stonc masonry 1d= 17.00 [N/nrm3
Unit weight of Canrot masonry Tm= 22.00 tN/mm3
Unit weight of Cemcnt Concrete "tc 22.00 kN/mm3

4. (a) What arc &e forces,to be co.usiderpd io ckck tre tows capaclty in a swpe,nsion bridge desigfl (4+4)
Hovir arc trese forces' assessed in analysis of a tower?
alermine geometry of frndguv and wind ties for a zuspended bridge? Explain it with (8)
5. (a) WtrA are the constuc$on approaches of a hail bridge? What are the critical sages of worts to be
monitored during ttre srpemision of a commurrty qail bridge constuction? (4+4)
(b) How sag setting worls of suspended and supensiom bridge is done at site? (8)

O6F TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Old Back & Earlier Batch
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2070 Chitra Year / Part ry/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Trial Suspension Bridge (EG735CE) (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Arcmil any Five questtons.
r' The/igures in the margin tndicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suttable data if necessary.

1. a) Show'tvittr sketches different types of trial bridges, existing in Nepal. What do you
understand by SSTB standard trail bridge? How and when this SSTB standard trial
bridge came in to practice in Nepal. 14+2+21
b) Write about the pre-stetching of wire ropes. What will happen, if the wire ropes used
in the bridge are found not pre-stretched? Write about the sizes of cables, used in
SSTB and LSTB bridges and their safety factors where do you use 13 mm cables? t2+2+2+21
2. a) How do you classiff soil and rock types to select the respective anchor blocks of such
bridge? Give the sketches of all types of main anchor blocks of SSTB Suspended
Bridge in accordance with soil and rock types. [5+5]
b) Why do we need to carry out a triangulation in bridge survey? Give the sketches and
describe the procedures for it. t6I
3. a) D"dI. the equation to find the relation between sag (b) and vertical distance from

lowest point to saddles (fH, fr,) , [t =

ttE*-tEl'lrr, * inclined suspended bridge,

if the design span, level difference

and the sag are known. Why do you limit the sag
inasuspendedbridge? [6+41
b) What do you understand by pretension in spanning cable in a Suspension Bridge and
when it has to be considered in the design? What is the difference between full load
calculations in SSTB Suspended and Suspension Bridge types? 12+2+21
4- a) What do you understand by Drum Anchorage in a LSTB suspended bridge? Make
their sketches. Write their differences for rock and soil types. [2+4+21
b) Check the safety of a Drum Anchorage block on rock (without anchor rods) against
sliding and toppling, eccentricity and bearing capacity. t8l
Make calculation on following data:
(Assume data and figure if necessary)
Main Cable Tension" Tna = 1200 kl.I
Handrail Cable Tension, TH = 250 kt{
Cable inclination" B 14 deg
Rock parameter
Bearing capacity 450 kN/m2
Angle of sliding friction = 35 deg
Additional Load on foundation top, A = 100 kI.{ Arm from front of block, a:6.0 m
B:6.5m }ll:2.6m
L:3.0m H2:1.2m
5. a) Calculate the length of a first suspender from the entrance (i.e near the tower) of a
SSTB Suspension Bridge (span 111.0 m, Sag 9.0 m, Tower 11.05 m). Calculate
quantities of standard and extra pieces. Calculate the total weight of that suspender. 14+2+21
b) Explain the process of hot dip galvanization. How do you check the quality of
galvanization? [5+3]
6. a) Explain how wind load is calculated in tower of a suspension bridge. Describe which
load combinations and wind loads on tower, cable and walkway are considered for
calculating the loads acting on the Tower Foundation. [5+3]
b) Describe the procedures how windguy a:rangement is fitted in a suspended
'\ bridge. t8I

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2069 Baishak Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Suspension Bridge (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any Five questions.
{ TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Marlcs.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1- a) What are the differences between Suspended and Suspension Bridges? Show with
sketches when Suspension or Suspended bridges are preferred for particular
topographic and hydrological condition of a site. 14+2+21
b) What do you understand by preliminary design of a tail bridge at site? Write down
the procedures for a topographic survey of a LSTB trail bridge at site with sketches. 12+61
2. a) Which wire ropes are used intrail bridges of Nepal? Write in detail about constnrction
type and sizes of wire ropes used in LSTB and SSTB Trail Bridge of Nepal at present
practice. 12+41
b) Why pre-stretching of wire rope is necessary in trail bridges? Describe the process of
pre-stretching wire ropes and finding modulus of elasticity in detail. 13+71
3. a) Calculate the hoisting sag of a suspended bridge from the following data. t8I
Span ofbridge: 160m dead load sag = 8m
diameter of cables:36mm Elevation difference between saddles = 0m
Assume necessary data.
b) How do you select drum anchorage in LSTB Bridge? What do you understand by
minimum embedded depth required in LSTB foundation? Are SSTB drum anchorages
similar to LSTB drum anchorages? Give sketches of these foundations
4. a) Define Hoisting Load Sag, Dead Load Sag and Full l,oad Sag. How they are
calculated in LSTB and SSTB bridges? Is the process is same for D and N type
bridges? [3+5+2)
b) Give the sketch of wind-guy arrangement for a LSTB suspended bridge. How
windguy cable size is designed? t2+41
5. a) Draw a flow chart of Hot Dip Galvanizing process. How do you check quality of hot
dip galvanization of bridge steel parts? 14+41

b) Describe how cables are hoisted in N-type trail bridges. How sag is set and what are
the necessary equipments required at site for this work. [4+2+21
6. a) Why maintenance is necessary in hail bridges? Explain different types of
maintenance of trail bridges. 12+41

b) Checkthe safety of the windguy foundation on rock with the following data. t10l
Cable tension, T = l75li.[
Cabte inclination,
F = +2.5o
Rock parameter: Bearing capacity : 400k1.{/mm2
Frictional Angles = 38 degree
Foundation size (assume sketch of block):
B: 4-5m L:3.2m Hl = 2.2m H2 : 1.6m hr = 0.8m

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2068 Baishakh Year /Part ry/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Trail Suspension Bridge (Elective I)

',/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefi,gures in the margin indicate Full Marks
'/ Assume suttable data if necessary.
1. a) How do you determine High Flood Level (HFL) in trail bridge survey? What role
does freeboard play in selecting bridge tlpe and span? Describe in which condition
suspended tlpe bridge is favorable. t2+3+3J
b) Write a note on types of cable used in Trail bridges of Nepal. Describe about pre-
stretching procedural of cable. Make a sketch to show how thimble and bulldog grips
are used in cable connection of Trail Bridge. 12+4+21
2. a) How do you fix axis points and permanent pegs in trail bridge survey? Describe in
detail, the methods to measure horizontal and vertical distance between axis points. t8l
b) IIow soil/Rock is'classified for selecting/designing SSTB D:type Bridge. Make
sketches of all tlpes of main foundation of SSTB D-type Bridge. 14+41

3. a) Deduce the equation for calculating length of a cable hanged between saddles of an
inclined D-tlpe bridge, if the span (1), dead load sag (b) and level difference between
saddles (h) are given. t8l
b) What is the difference between cable geometries of SSTB and LSTB D-t1pe bridges?
Write down the sag/span ratios, fixed in both standards of suspended bridges. What
are hoisting load sag and fulI load sag? How these sags are related to each other? t8l
4. a) How span and tower height of a LSTB suspension bridge is selected? How span,
camber and tower height is related in LSTB and SSTB N-type bridges? Give sketches. t8l
b) What are the major elements of a suspension bridge tower? How tower is erectpd at
site? Give sketches of tower erection procedures. t8l
5. Calculate the surface area of middle and first suspenders of a 148.6m span suspension
bridge in which dead load sag is 17.0m, tower height is 20.24m. Give sketches. Assume
practicable lengths of: main cable clamp, turnbuckle, connecting hook to cross beam,
extra length and standard length. u6l
6. What are the necessary safety factors to be checked for designing a safe main cable
anchorage foundation of a suspension bridge? Design a main foundation for a N-t1pe
LSTB bridge for following data: [16]
Cable tension, T:230kN
Cable inclination, F :25"
Rock parameter: Bearing eepacity = 5000kN/mm2

Foundation size (assume sketch of block):

B: 5.5m L:6.5m Hl :4.0 H2 = 3.0 B = 0.5m f:'..,
{. rkrf

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2067 Ashadh Year / Part rV/ I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Trial Suspension Bridge (Elective I)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five quesitions.
'/y' Thefigures tn the margin indtcate Full Marks
Assume suitable data if necessary.

I. (a) Briefly e:cplain the standards and tlpes of trail bridges? Which tipe ofbridge is prefened?
Why? (8)
(b) How do you locato a trail bridge a:cis? (8)
2, Fix the dead load gsometry ofcables for an 80 m long trail suspended bridge based on tho
following data. Check the factor of safety in cable. Elevation difference betrveen saddles.= 2.0 m,
Deod load of bridge per meter = 0.75 kl.I/m, Full load of bridge per mcter = 4.75 kN/m (16)

Table l: Cablps Selection

Ma:cimum Span for Cable Combinations Weight of all

Wallavay Width: Handrail Walkway Cables
70om l06cm Cables Cables gh.

span [m] span [m] nos @mm nos @mm lkdml

50 40 2 26 2 26 I 0.04
60 226 232 12.62

75 226 426 I5.06

105 ',i 26 432 2A.?2

120 232 432 22.80

Table 2:
co 0)
o 0
"Cable o !) 'g Motallic Unit Min P6f-rn. Rernarks
size, d, EI-{{] fiiEFli .Breaking Load
6 o
0mm g -a
'o Load
tr{ (-). Kdm" ld.l kI.I Tensile
shength of
*x \6 wirc = 1.57
zo 73 a.64 103 34
I\ (kN/mm2)
a 292 2,51 386 . 129

32 442 3.80 58s 195

Modulus of
g\X Elastioity,
36 aa
(, -\a .4,81 740 247
t\. N
E= ll0
U) GN/mm1
40 J 69t 5.94 914 305"

3.(a) Check tlE saf€ty of a windguyttock orrfractured rock based on the following data.
Cable tension : 190 kN, Cable inc*ination = 3 deg., Bearing capacity 800 kN/m2, angle of
slidingfriction, $sl =40deg. B:1.0 m, L: 1.5 m, Hl = 3 m,H2 = 1.5 m, ht= 1.0 m (8)
(b) Briefly explain with sketches the types of anchorage blocks for different types and standards of
trail bridges? (8)
4.(a) What are the critical stages of warlcs to be monitored during the supervision of a trail bridgp
(b) ;"frHt'r""*HJr* of suspended and suspension bridge is executed? willdead toad geometry
of the bridges match the theoretical geometry after bridge erection? (#2)

5. (a) Explain the cableJroisting works fora suspended bridge? Why cable-hoisting sag is calculxrFd-hr
bridge site itself? (6+2)
(b) How a wfud bracing system is provi'&d,to resist wind loading in trail bridges? Explain with
sketches. (8)
6. Write short notes on: (any two) (8+8)
(a) Loadings in trail bridges
(b) Walkway fitting works
(c) Maintenance of trail bridges


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2067 Mangsir Year / Part rv/ u Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Trail Suspension Bridge (Elective II)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Fiv?, questions
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Markg
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Explain the scope and importance of Trail Bridge in the context of Nepal. Sketch both
t1,pes of trail bridge indicating major components. l4+4)
b) How bridge is planned in different level and what are the socio-economical criteria
for Trail Bridge. L4+41
2. a) What are the loads to be considered in Trail Bridge design, explain in brief. Why live
load on Trail Bridge vary? 13+21

b) Prepare a preliminary design for a suspended bridge of 1,72M span. Calculate hoisting
sag also. [11]
3. a) Explain the topographic survey procedure used in Trail Bridge. t8l
b) How you plas.sify soil.and rock for designing foundation in Trail Bridge. . {81
4. a) Check stability of foundation based on given data:' [10]
Types of foundation : wind guyblock
Cable tension : 114 KN
Cable inclination : 4 degree
Bearing capacity of rock : 550 KN/m2
Angle of sliding friction: 45 degree
Foundation dimension :B = 2.2M, Hl = 2.L M,Hz= 7.7m,L:2.4m, ht : 1.2m
b) What are the different types of wind guy arangement used in trail bridge. What are
the differences between wind guy arrangement system used for D and N type Trail
Bridge. [3+3]
5. a) Explain different types of Tower used in suspension bridge. What is the basic
principle of modern tower design? [4+2]
b) How tower height is calculated? Calculate the length of first suspender near the tower
of suspension bridge having following data. [3+7]
Span: 170.2M, Sag: 19.20m and tower height : 22.13m. Also calculate number of
standard pieces and length ofextrapieces,
6. a) What are the works included in major maintenance? Explain the different approaches
being adopted in conskuction of Trail Bridge. 14+4)

b) Explain the process of hot dip galvanization. How tower is erected in field? Explain
with sketch. 14+41
rl. tl. {<


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2066 ldagh Year / Part IV III Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Trail Suspension Bridge (Elective II)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five,questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marlcs.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Explain in brief about historical development of tail bridge. Sketch both types of trail
bridge indicating major components. L4+41

b) What are the technical and socio-economical feasibility criteria for long span hail
bridge? Explain. l8l
2. a) How do you classiff soil and rock in foundation design? How can you decide about
the foundation tlpe in a design? Explain. Is+3]
b) Explain the survey procedure to be carried out for LSTB and SSTB trail bridge. tsl
3. a) Calculate factor of safety for a suspended bridge of 150m span with following data:
dead.load sag (bd) = 8.5m and number and diameter of cable:4 * 40mm, height
difference:5.0m, E: 110 KN/mm2. ll0l
b) What are the major loadings considered on trail bridge? Why the live load on trail
bridge Yary? [4+2)
4- a) Check stability of foundation based on following data: u2)
Anchorage tape : Drum anchorage
Foundation : On rock
Inclined suspended : Left bank
Cable structures characteristics:
Number of main cable : 4 nos
\-, Main cable tension : 1320 KlrI
Hand rail cable tension : 257 KN
Cable inclination : 10"
Rock parameters:
Friction angle : 40o
Unit weight of rock : 19 KN/m3
Permissible ground bearing pressure : 450 KN/m2
Minimum embedded depth : lm
Foundation detail:
Front height (II2) : 2.lm
Back height (H1) : 3.2m
width (B) : 5,5m
Length (L):4.0m
Additional load A:200KN and a - 4.0m
b) Sketch the windguy arrangement system with its salient features. 14)

/\ ,I

5. a) Calculate length of third suspender from tower, if span :

131.8m, tower height
: :
(ht; 17.74m and sag (bd) 14m. Also calculate number of standard piece, length of
extra pieee, weight and surface area of suspender. t8l
b) Describe the necessity of maintenance for trail bridges? Explain the works to be done
on routine maintenance. [3+5]
6. Write short notes on: (any four) lax4l
a) Procedure for'walkway fitting
b) Construction approaches for trail bridge
c) Hot dip galvanization
d) Bridge planning
e) Principle of tower design
* rN( {.




Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2066 Bhadra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

- Trail
r', Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any ruquestions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

Assume surtable data if necessary.

1. (a) What are bridge planning tools? How these tools help in planning of trail bridges?
'.v (b) How bridge sites are investigated to locate a bridge axis? How do you ensure'high flood mark in
ttre site?
2. A 150 m long suspended bridge has to be designed to suit a site condition. Based on t}e foliowing
data, check the factor of safety of the cable.

Dead load sag:7.5 m, Diametor of cables = 2 nos. 36 mm, Elevation difference between saddles : 0m
Take E: 110 kll/mm2 , Dead load of bridge per meter: 0.75 lll/m
Full load.of bridge per meter : 4.75 k},l/m
3. Check the stability of the foundation based on the data given in the drawing in page 2. (16)

a.@) How suspender lengths are calculated? What are differences in suspenders of LSTB and SSTB N
type suspension bridges?
(b) Explain with sketches, how a wind bracing system is designed to resist wind loading.

5. (a) What are the critical stages of works to be monitored during the supervision of a trail bridge
construction? Why?
(b) Explain cable-hoisting works for a suspended bridge? Why cable-hoisting sag is calculated in

bridge site itself?


6. Write short notes on: (any two) (8+8)

(a) Loadings in trail bridges
(b) Maintenance of tail biidges
(c) Final Checking of bridges


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marlc 32
2070 Chaitra Yeer / Part ry/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Planning and Engineering (Electtve D G8725)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' AfiemptAll questions.
'/ Thetigures in the margin indicate Full Marhs.
{ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

l. Describe the basic steps in transportation planning and explain why the transportation
planning process is not intended to furnish a decision. [4+41
2. Explain the different factors that aftect non-motoriznd travel demand. What are the
advantages and disadvantages ofroad side interview survey? 14+41
3. Classifu hips. What are the different factors that affect tip production and attraction? 14+41
4. A small study area represented by six traffrc zones has the following characteristics. t8I
Zone I 2 3 4 5 6
Trip Production 600 450 900 8s0 750 290
Car ownership 250 200 7t0 615 280 130

Derive a trip generation equation and calculate R2 value.

5. Explain the issues that should be considered in making evaluation of alternatives. t81
6, What are the aircraft characteristics? Explain how they influence in airport site selection. t8l
7. The length of runway under standard conditions is 1500 m. The airport is to be provided
at an elevation of 110 m above mean sea level. The mean of maximum and the mean of
average daily temperatures of the hottest month are 32.8oC and 16.5'C respectively. The
construction plan includes the following data: t8I
End to end of runway (m) 0-300 300-900 900-1s00 r500-1800 1800-2100
Grade (%l +l -0.20 +0.50 +1.00 -0.30
Determine the actual length of runway to be provided. Apply corrections for elevation and
temperature as per ICAO and for gradient as per FAA specifications.
8. What are the different types of railway stations and yards? Briefly explain with their
functions. [4+41
9. A 600 m radius curve is intoduced between two tangent portions of a BG line
intersecting to form a deviation angle of 70o. The booked speed for goods train in the
section is 5O tmptr and the maximum sanctioned speed is 110 krnph. Catculate the cant to
be provided, manimum permissible speed, length of transition curve and cant gradient.
Limits for ma:rimum cant and cant deficiency me 165 mm and 100 mm respectively. t8I
10.Is gravity goods ropeway a viable alternate mode of transport in Nepal? Explain its
limitations t8I



tsxamination Control Divisiorr. Programme BCE Pass ll{arl$ 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part ry/u Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Planning and Engineering (EG7SSCE) (Elective II)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any fuquestions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Write down the steps of implementation of road transportation projects in Nepal.

Describe the role of Department of Roads. 16+2l
b) 'Transportation Planning is continuous process' elaborate the statement. Write down
the differences between short term and srategic planning. [4+41
2. a) Differentiate rnban and regional planning. Write down the diffrculties in the'freight
r*' demand estimation. 12+61
\- b) Define the elasticity based model. Explain the Origin -Destination Survey. 12+61

3. a) What is trip generation? Total trips produced in and attracted to the three zones A, B,
C ofa survey area in the tabulated as:
Zones Trips produced Trips attracted
A r500 1200
B 1200 2000
C 2000 1500

It is forlrd that frips between two zones are inversely proportion to the second power
of the travel time between zones, which is uniformly 25 minutes. If the trip
interchange between zones B and C is known to be 600, calculate the trip intercharge
between zones A and B, A and C, B and A and C and B. 12+61

b) Describe the initiations for the development of railways and water hansport in Nepal.
Write down the application of 'Logit model'in urban transport modeling system. 14+41

4. a) Describe the effect of 'head wind' and 'tail wind' during the landing and take-off.
Make a neat sketch of an aircraft showing its component. 14+41

b) Make a typical layout plan of an airport. Calculate the corrected length of nrnway for
the grven condition:
o Reference temperature for the airport site is lS"Celcius
o Basic length of runway is 980 m
o Altitude above mean sea level is 600m
o Runway Gradient is0.20% [2+67
5. a) Make a typical cross of single line BG railway track. Make a sketch of left hand turn-
out of railway tack. 14+41

b) Calculate the superelevation and marimum permissible speed for a2 curue on a high
speed BG track withthe following data: t8I
Ma:<imum sanctioned speed: 140 krnph
Equilibrium speed = 75 kmph
Booked speed for goods train = 45 kmph
6. Write short notes on: (any four) l4x4l
a) Factors affecting mode choice
b) Generation of alternatives
c) Wind rose, cross-wind component, wind-coverage
d) Types of gradients in railways
e) Classification of rural transport network in Nepal
O2H TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSIry Exam. Resular / Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks. 32
2068 Bhadra Year / Part tv/u Time 3 hrs

Subj ect : - Transportation Planning and Engineering (Etective II)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt any Five questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin tndtcate Full Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1a. Elaborate the statement 'Transport planning is the continuous prccess'. Describe kansportation
network and their characteristics . BI
b. Explain hat'the travel demand is dependable to the population growth & its economic activities'.
Make a sketch of Land-use and transport cycle t8l

2a. Describe the'economic location theory'. Mention the factors affecting the relative desirability of a
location of an economic activity. t8]
b. What are the major transportation problems in urban areas? How they can be solved by conventional
approach? B]

3a. On a BG route involving high speed, a 100 m transition curve has been provided and a superelevation
of 70 mm has been managed. The degree of curve is 1.5 and the maximum sanctioned speed for the
curved section is 160 kmph. Determine maximum permissible speed on the curve. t8l
b. Calculate the superelevation for 1.50 curve on a high speed BG track with the maximum sanctioned
speed of 120 kmph, equilibrium speed is 75 kmph and speed forgoods train is S0kmph. t8l

4a. Write down the factors affecting the airport site selection. Describe the use of Wind-Rose diagram in
runway orientation. t81
b. Basic length of runway is 1200 m. The airport site has an elevation of 600 m. lts reference
temperalure is 20.& C. lf the runway is to be constructed with an effective gradient oI 0.25Yo,
determine the conected length of Runway. t8l

5 a. What are the major types of transportation survey? What are the types of information to be collected
during road-side interview method? Bl
b. What are components of an aircraft? Describe them with neat sketch. I8l

6 Write short note on: (any Four) [4x41

a. Gravity model
b. Cross wind component and Wind coverage
c. Left hand railway Tumout
d. Rolling stockof railway
e. Momentum and Pusher gradient
!f r**
' o6c TRIBHUVAN uNrvERsrrY Exam. Resular / Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2068 Baishakh Year / Part tv lr Time 3 hrs.

and (Electtve I)
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own aFl far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefig4res in the margin indicate Full Marla.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.
l 1a. What is the scope of transportation planning? Define accessibility and mobility. t8l
b. Basic length of runway is 1200 m. The airport site has an elevation of 700 m. Its reference
temperature is l8o C. If the runway is to be constructed with an effective gradient of 0.15%,
determine the corrected length of Runway. I8l
2a. What is the 'travel demand'? Describe the steps of travel demand forecasting model for Urban
transportation planning? t8l
b. What is the importance of O-D study? Describe the use of O-D data in the transportation
planning? Describe the data to be collected by home interview method. t8]
3a. What is evaluation of alternatives? Mention the principles for generating altemativEs during
transportation planning? t8l
b. What are the organizations involved in planning in Nepal? Describe the role Department of
Roads as an implementing agency. t8I
4' a. What are factors to be considered during site selection of an airport? t8l
b. Total trips produced in and attracted to the 3 zones A, B, C of a survey area in the design year is
tabulated as: t8I
i'\./ zones Trips produced Trios attracted
A 1200 1400
B 1500 1200
c 1400 1500
It is known that the trips between two zones are inversely proportion to the second power of the travel
time betr,neen zones, wtrich is uniformly 15 minutes. lf the trip interchange between zones B and C is
known to be 500, calculate the interchange betu,een zones A and B, A and C, B and A and C and B

5 a. C.alculate the superelevation and maximum permissible speed for 3 degree curve on a high speed BG
track. t8l
a. Maximum sanction speed = 130 kmph
b. Equilibrium speed = 85 kmph
c. Speeds for goods train = 50 kmph
b. What are the component parts of rolling stock of railway? Calculate the material requirements
t for one Km of BG railway track. t8l
6 Write short note on: (any Four) [4X41
a. Right hand turn-out
b. Railway stations: functions and types
c. Advantages of air transportation
d. Jet engine
e. Gravity model

,: i ':.r t,


Pass Marks
Examination Control Division Programme BCE 32

2068 Chaitra Year lPart IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Transportation Planning and Engineering (Elective I)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
t 4uenil any Five.
,/ Theftgures 'in the margin indicate Full Marlrs.
7 trssufrl suitable data if necessary.

1 'LBt out lhe r*WsrsfDls ryeMEs tr Sxrfiing h] t#Fd xd rffifiton Sreir mfus tr plsnnlre. Irft0l
b. 'Swibs frm mope of taqorffion pMning h b{id. ftr#l
I a $hat is dftmrm bffi,Esr r$Wr sd @rn$ PlqrrdnS? lh$rrih fts Mnomb bcaen heorf ffi famua aftglrq
fle roHivs ffiraffi of a hcelton. [2t$l
b. t ist sut fis tn€ffio# sf turyurt srwy. Expflain t]c hffiE lnkniew me$wl. 12]-61

ii i. T.qffit{tsrcdudlnffdffif,ddb$phruemms&S,CSasffiEyacain&e&sgnyaartabulffidm:,
. !r,..

Smeo Trippnod*usd Tripsakffihd

A {000 riflil tirr
lil 3000 mxu
c 20ffi 3W
It b krffimthdtm ens arB Pq$mr efirul linre tefrflleqr
!0,16$, sni*l i$ urribm$y 20 mlnutw EUte tip lntercfiangs between eonm B ad C iB krlom b be m0, calcdab t.b U{p
in&rchaqe befrm,en nmm Aa$ E, A trd C, I snd A ffrd C #rd g. Pl
h.,,,.1ffi4 6 h{ dr$ d tjrMn TffiWt Plamirq M, Dsssrlbs tre @t of h$n m*l f} $tffi taffiort
:r['ehg$en. il]dl
* {. Y$r*meteffifipffiffisdmaftrrat?i{*eanmt*effirofma{ru#. [8l
h llr.Ifre I layurt dan d m drpffi SalH$Eb tlm mnsctsd leng$r of runway fu giwn cmdisono: frrB
r Reffirm temffi*tre &r &e airpart s*te i$ 200 C6&irls
r BShrghof rumrryis1280m
r Al$fide&owingffi *aklHisgffirn
r Ftr^rrway6radbntb0^?S% ffi
i$ a' What ae fte c*rppnts tr rolks shcle sf ndlqf Make a slcft* of &ht hand fim.wt d rqilwfiy fsck
b. Cdeid# he superehrahr md ruodmum pffinie# Weod for a 2o cune on a high Aod ffG tad ldh lhs *ilUning
data: t
max{mum *aldioned Wd = 1$S lsnph
ery$&iurn@* S0 krnph
., ii:i,; ffitd@forgoodstai*' 55 kn$r sl
, !t, ift". I

'0 lllrlb*hst robom tanyFourl rx{

t fffiffi afficffngSlpffisration
b. Qros$ whrd componont, t*rd oouarrye & wind roco
r G, *vdu#on crllsda 0f hrupork{o$ pqiscts
?. Trarryorhffirffirnilnl{Wd
r l
V .(D I,J _/- a


lrceptionrliy Ixtrenely Very tx t !xc..

'iery poor Pcer tair Good
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, il0 1 . C0lr ,0.1 ,0( Ir + lc lio 100 400 !00ii

Roui rr[ss orlAlrrY t = i{ti (,,) tJE?r




Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2067 Mangsir Year / Part ry/il Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Planning and Engineering (Elective II)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate.Full Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.

I a. What are main organizatibns involved in planning in Nepal? Describe the role of executing
agency (line Ministry)
b. What is Transport Planning? Describe the scope of Transport Planning.

2a. Describe the model connecting vehicles, infrastructure and passengers for the planning of
passenger movement.
b. What are the major transportation problems in urban areas? How they can be solved by
conventional approach?

3 a, What are the major types of transportation survey? Describe the Road Side Interview
b. Consider a zone with 300 households with a motorcycle and 200 households without
motorcycle. Assuming we know the average trip generation rate of each group:
o Motorcycle owning household produce: 6 trips /day
. Household without^motorcycle produce: 3 trips /day
Calculate the total trips after 15 years when all houses will have a motorcycle. Assume
income and population remain constant.

4 a. What are the component parts of an aircraft? Describe them with neat sketches.
b. Basic length of runway is 1520 m. The airport site has an elevation of 750m. Its reference
temperatulre is 22.5o C. If the runway is io be constructed with an effective gradient of
, 0.20yo, determine the corrected length of Runway.

t a. On a BG route invOlving high speed, a 100 rn transition curve has been provided and a
superetevation of 70 mm has been managed. The degree of curve is 1"5' and the maximum
sanctioned speed for the curved section is 160 kmph. Determine maximum permissible
speed on the curve.
b. What are the component parts of railway track? Describe their functions. Make a sketch of a
single line railway track cross-section.

6 Write short note on: (any Four)

a, Facilities for 'Airport Terminal Building'
b. Left hand railway Turn-out
c. Minimum turning radius of aircraft
d. Railway stations
e. Cross wind component and Wind coverage
{.!f {€



Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2067 Ashadh Year / Part rV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subi ect : - Transportation Planning and Engineering (Elective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attumpt any fuquestions.
r' The
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1a. Define fransportation planning. Descdbe transportation network and treircharac'teristics .

b. How land-use afiects on tre tavel demand? Descdbe Land-use and transport cycle

2a. lmportarrce of 'Center place sfudies and geography of concentration'?

b. lthat are the major transportation problems in urban areas? How they can be solved by conventional

3a. Whal are the malor types of Eansporhtion survey? What are 0re types of infurmation to be collected
dudng home interview mehod?
b. Galculate the superelevatbn for 20 curve on a high speed BG track with the maximum sanctioned
speed of 140 kmph, equilibrium is 85 kmph and speed for goods train is S0kmph.

4a. What are the advantages of air transport? Describe the use of Wind-Rose diagram in runway
b. Basic length of runway is 1280 m. The airport site has an elevation of 750m. lts reference temperature
is 20.00 C. lf ttre runuray is to be constructed wtth an efiec{ive gnadient ol 0.20Y0, determine the
conected length of Runway.

5a. On a BG route involving high speed , a120 m hansition curve has been provided and a superetevation
of 80 mm has been managed. The degree of curve is 1.5 and the maximum sanctioned speed for the
curved section is 170 kmph. Determine maximum permissible speed on the curve.
b. t/Vhat are the diffenent types of stations used in nailwaf Make a sketch of a single line railway track

6 Write short note on: (any Four)

a. Cross wind component and Wnd coverage
b. Three controls: Aileron, Elevator & Rudder
c. Lefr hand railway Tumout
d. Rolting stock of railuay
e. Airport site selection


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2066 Magh Yeer / Part TViil Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Transportation Planning and (Elective II)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any Ftvg.questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
./ Assume suitable datri if necessary.

I a. Define Trairsportation Planning. Describe'Land-use Transportation Cycle'. tSl

b. Find out the length of transition curve for a four degee BG circular curved track having a
cant of 15 cm. the maximum permissible qpeed on the curve is 90 kmph. Find out the shift
andoffsetatevery 15 m interval ofthe curve. t8l
Jz a. Write down the importance of central placc studies and geography of concentration. t8l
b. What are major types of 'Transportation Survey'? Describe the data to be collected by home
interviewmethod. t8l

3 a. Make a schematic diagram of Urban Transportation Planning Process. t8l

b. Describe the transportation systems in Nepal. What are the constraints to the development of
each modes of transportation? t8l

4a, What arc factors to be considered during site selection of an airport? t8l
b. Basic length of runway is I280 m. The airport site has an elevation of 750m. lts reference
temperature is 20o C. If the runway is to be constructed with an effective gradient of 0.25oh,
determine the corrected lenglh of Runway. t8l

5a. On a BG route involving high speed, a 120 m transition curve has been provided and a
superelevation of 80 mm has been managed. The degree of curve is l" and the maximum
sanctioned speed for the curved section is 170 kmph. Determine maximum permissible
speed on the curve. I8I
b. What are the component parts of rolling stock of railway? Calculate the material
rcquirements for one Km of BG railway track. t8l

6 Write short note on: (any Four) l4x4l

a. Advantages of air transportation
b. Jet engine
c. Railway stations: functions and types
d. Right hand turn-out
e. Gravity model

()4G TRIBHWANUMVERSITY Exam. Resular / Back

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject:. Transportation Planning and Engineering (Elective I) I

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
./ Thefigurx .in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data dnecessary.

1. a) What is transportation planning? Explain Land-use Transport cycle. [8]

b) Total tips produced in and athacted to the tlree zones A, B, C of a survey are.a in the design year
tabulated as:

Zones Trips rroduced Trips attracted

A 3000 2000
B 2000 1000
C 1000 3000
, It is known that the trips between two zones are inversely to the second power of the travel
time between.zones, which is uniformly 20 minutes. If the tip
interchhnge betweerr zories B and C is
knowr to be 700, calculate the trip interchange between zones A and B, A and C, B andAandCand

2. a).What are Component pa+s of rolling stock of railway? Describe thern ir1 short. [8]

b) Make a flow diagram of four step urban transportafion modeling system. [8]

3. a) Basic length of runway is 1280 m. The airport site has an elevation.of 1000 m, Its referenqe
temperature is 20 degree Celsitts. If the runway is to be constructed wiflr an effectivo gradient of
. 0.3Yo, determine the corrected runway length. [10]

b) What are the component parts of an aircraft? Make.a sketch showing minimum turning radius of an
aircraft. [6]

4. a) On a B.G route involving high speed, a 110 m transition burve has been provided and a
superlevation of 80 mm has been managed. The degree of curve is 1.5 and the maximum sanctiohed
' speed for the _section is 160 kmph. Dbterrnine maximum pennissible speed. [10]

b) Make a sketch of a cross section of runway showing its typical dimensions. Make a general layout
' of arport showing its parts. [6]

5.' a) Write down the six principles of development of a sei of alternatives. [8]

b) What are the types and methods of transportation survey? Describe home interview survey in
detail. [8]

6. Write short notes on (any four)

. a. L,eft hand Railway turn-out
b. Characteristics of transportation network
c. Airport terminal facilities
d. 'Railway stations
e. Transportation systems in Nepal

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

206'8 gaisnatn Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs

Subject: - Urban and Planning (Elective I)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
./ Attempt any Fivti questibns.
,/ Thefigures in the mdrgin tndicate Full Marks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

t. What do you understand by Human settlements? What are the factors responsible (6+10)
for human settlement?

2, What do you understand by urbanization? Discuss the urbanization trend in Nepal? (6+10)

3. What are the regional planning theories? Explairt the central place theory? (6+10)

4. As an urban planner, how do you see the urloan issues and problems? \Mrat shall bc (6+10)
your efforts in solving theEe issues?

5. ln the context of Nepal, how do you understand by land readjustment as an urban (6+10)
planning tool? Describe advantages and dlsadvantages of this planning tool?

5. Froject populatlon for each development reglon for 2005, 2010, 2015 from the (15)
following information by using arithmetic, geometric and exponentialfunction :

Development Populatlon Populatlqn Grounh

regton 1991 2001 rate
Eastern 4446749 53M476 2.O2
Central 6183955 8031629 2.99
Western 3770678 4571013 2.t2
Mid western 24LML4 30t297s 2.5
Far Western 1579301 2191330 3.05

Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2068 Chaitra Year / Part tV/I Time 3 Hrs.

- Urban and (Elective

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Atternpt any Five questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

:$ufft pr.oblems? :

Prqgram' {4f$#S}


S. Aran (6+10i
&@rE ,rrss.

*om tlrg:follbwing: (-Ils)



, ' .' .,tl.'; '


i rir rt j'
'n . l",i

i \'ii
lit ,feil,
'tt: ''Al
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2066 Bhadra Year / Part ry/I Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Computational Structural Mechanics (Eleictive I)

{, Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/. lteryOt any Four questions.

/ Assume suitable data if necessory.-

1. A. What do you mean by tensor? Evaluate 61;b; and 6ijFU, tlOI

B. Evaluate the lnvariants ls 12 and 13 for the stress tensor oi; given below. Find principal

stress tensor. Also show that the invariants of given tensor and principal tensor is same. [10]
/6 -3 0\
o1;={-s 6 o)
\o o Bl
2. A. A three span beam ABCD is made of rnild steel with initial modulus 200 GPa. Node A is
fixed and nodeB, C and D have vertical roller as boundaries. The span AB, BC and CD are 5 rn,4
m and 3 m respectively. There is uniformly distributed load of 40 KN/m over the span CD and
point load of 100 KN at the mid span of BC. The whole span is made up of ISMB 250 with
following properties. Analyze the beam using direct stiffness method and draw free body
diagram and bending moment diagram. [10]
B. Analyze the unidirectional collinear spring system shown below. All the springs have
stiffness 200 KN/mm. tl0l


ts c l-r.zr *-l-r.zr
3, Determine the support reaction and member end forces of the truss system shown above,
Assume supports A and C settle down by 5 mm each. [20]
Member Lencth (ml Area E (KN/mm')
AD 1.80 t200 200
BC 1.30 1000 200
CD 1.80 1200 200
4. A. List out the different methods to consider skew boundary conditions. Describe one of
them with suitable num.erical example and sketches of any truss structure. [10]
B. A simply supported beam AB 6 m long has elastic rotational spring with stiffness 0.15
El/r:adian clockwise at the centre of span C. ln span BC there is uniform load intensity of 60
KN/m and in span AC there is concentrated load of intensity 240 KN at the center of span. The
material is mild steel and section is ISMB 250 with following properties for both spans. [10]
Section Unit Area (mmz) e (Kru/mm'z) Moment of
weishtlKN/m) lnertia (cm4)
tsMB250 o.373 4755 200 s131.6

5. A. The structure shown below is symmetric. Decompose the load into symmetric and anti-
symmetric compohents and sketch the sub structures for symmetric and anti-symmetric
response. All elements have equal EA. [10]
,l KN

B. Atwo span continuous beam has thiee degrees of freedom as U1, U2 and U3 and the two
spans have total potential energy expressed as:
nt = LZlttr + LgItLItz + zou? - \IJL - 3uz
nz = 6113 + SULIlz + touS - sllz - 7Il3
Determine the stiffness equation and also the values of Ur, U2 and U3. t10]


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Chaitrz Year / Part ry/I Time 3 hrs.

t Subject: - Ropeway Engineering (Elective D G8725),

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' AfiemptAll questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marlcs.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.
l. What are the advantages of Ropeway transportation inpomparision to other modes
of transportation. t6l
2. Social and economic feasibility should precede the technical feasibility in Gravity
Goods Ropeway. Elaborate the statement. Discuss the major social and economic
factors that need to be considered during the feasibility study of the Gravity Goods
Ropeway. t8l

3. a) Draw aneat sketch of a wire rope and label its components. Explain the
firnction of core in wire rope and differentiate betw'een various types of cores. tsl

b) What does lay refer in the wire ropes? Distinguish betureen the Lang lay and
ordinaryht wiiC frff ifith neat sketcL

4. Thc'f<r[owing is &e schematic diaeram of a Gravity Ctoods noeway. Derive

equdioos to obtain the acccleration ofthe moving trollrys uft€re Ml ad M2 are the
mass ofthe dotmward and qurud moving trolley rcspectivety. t6I



5. Derive an equation fsr obtaining rope Geornetry in Ropeways. Write down the
relationship between the rope leneth and the maximum rope sag. t8l
6. Determine the maximum weight the ropeway with the following features can safely
,. ns t10l
Saddle to Saddle verticaldistance z 449 m
Saddteto saddte horizontal distance : 1010m
Diameter of the track rope : 12mm
Diar4eter of the haulage rope : 9 mm

Angle made by the track rope at the upper saddle at the dead load condition (B)
: 32 degree
The rmit weight of tack
rope and haulage ropc are 0.59kg/m and 0.301ke/m
RqppCivety. Consider the wind load corresponding to l60krnlhr
7. In the above GC& caloulate minimum height of anchorage block necessary at
bottom station if the length and breadth of the block is limited to 3.2mand2.2m
respectively. Consider that the track rope is directly anchored to the block. Assume
all the necessary data l7t
8. List major items you need to consider in the estimation and costing of Gravity
Croods Ropeway ts1
9. What are the general safety precautions to be observed in the Crravity Goods
Ropeways? 14l

10. Explain the wire rope erection procedures briefly l,sl

11. What are the major defects in wire ropes? How are the following test{ conducted?
What are their importaneT tsl
a) Reverse bend testb) Torsiontest

12. lWbat is pre stretching? Howis it carried out? Why is pre stretched rope prefened in
theRopeways? t6l
rt* *

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lltlarks 32

2072 Ashwin Year / Part tv/u Time 3 hrs.

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ AnemptAll questions.
/ All questions carry equol marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessdry.

1. What are the key factors to be considered while planning the rehabilitation and
reconstnrction works after a major disaster, refer EQ 2015 of Nepal. Mention the different
phases of disaster management.
2. Explain how search and rescue operation have to be carried out in the case of collapse of
buildings due to earthquake and landslide. Wbat precautionary measures have to be taken
inthe search and rescue schemes in case of sftuctural damages and mass movements?
3. What kinds of natural disasters are cornmon to Nepal which poses the greatest threat to
life and property?
4. Explain cluster approach for disaster risk q.nanagement. List out the assessment types anJ
techniques to mitigate the disasters.
5. How do you protect human rights in disaster sittration? How do you protect the rights of
vulnerable groups and the children? Explain the managerial aspect of land and property in
disaster situation. Also explain the possible risk to comrptions in the disaster risk
reduction activities.
6. What is disaster risk management? Differentiate DRR and DRM.
7. Define hazardrisk vulenarabilities and mitigation.
8. Distinguish disaster with emergencies. Explain the role of social economic dimension in
9. List the disaster management circle. Describe the pre disaster activities.
10. What is Risk assessment and risk analysis? Describe the different types of risk analysis
Examinatiori'Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2072 Ashwin Year / Part IV/IT Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Time Series Analysis (Elecrive IID GE7S505)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt All questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuA Marhs.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

,,4'*6lain the following terms: determlnisth process, whlte noise, marglnatdistribution, parsimony of
parameters Fx2l
NlDefinedro univariate and muhivariate time serias and stationary and non-stationary time series
J data. lz+?l
3.. ffi& duration ofa monsoon storm X is a random variable whose probability density function
is given by [2+2+21
f (x) - kxz for 0 <_y< 6h
={ olsewhere
Find the value of k. What is the probability that the duration of the storm is betweon 6h to th.
ltWhat is the probability that the duration of the storm is o*fr:u},l:n?t': that the storm
has lasted from 6h? : jtat/i,*{
)t -
a"s.m* central llfnfttheorem. tlow is time series
dat# 12+21

ffi *p'rnoualrrunofr of a stream is modeled by a normal distributlon, wlth mean = 41(X) m% and
:mandard deviation = 750 in%. finO the ranges which ls symmetrical about rnean within which tlp
runoff will lie.wtth a probability of 0.5. Also, compare the range using Chebyshet's inequality concept
and commenton tte result.
For normat distrlbutlon, take Z = 0.675 for F(Z) =O.75 and Z = -0.675 fur F{Z} =0.25. 14+41

SS,tffiffiat ls autocorrelatlon analysis? How ls it useful for the investigation of the time series data?

., [2+61
,l# lfrWttn the parameterc of AR(2) model fiom Yule-Walker equation. Also, discuss the condition
statlonarity and the nature of autocorrelation function of AR(2) rnodel with sketches. 12+2+41

that the autocorelatlon functlon for MA(m) model is

Where pl, = autocorrehtion coefffcient for lag k, m = order of modeland p = parameter of model. I8l

7. $fflxplain the Thomas-Fiering model for generating seasonal flows ttl

ffimrming an ARMA(l,l) model is a good fit to describe the norrnally distributed annual
' flows of a stneam whose msan, standard deviation, first and second serial correlation
coefficients of observed annual flows of a stream are estimated to be l2l0 Mm3, 570Mm3,
0.535 and 0.463 respectively. Generate a sequence of 3 annual flows using the following
independcnt standard normal random numbers 1.123, - 0.821 and -0.342. t10l
,,&mrerate a chain of 6 uniformly distributed random numbers in the range 0 to 0.999 using the
,#" mixed congruential generator. Take multiplier = 361, increment = 56377, modulus = lOs and
seed= 42765. I8l

O6E TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam Nerv Back (2066 & Later Batch)
Examination Control Divisiorr' Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2070 Magh Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Time Series Analysis (Elective IID GE 78505)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questtons.
{ Thefigures in the margin indtcate Full Marlrs.
/ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

1. Differentiate between deterministic and random prooess. t3I

2. What is trend in time series? Discuss two methods for the detection of trend. [1+41

3. (a) Discuss the methods for the selection of proper probability distribution. t6l
(blThe probability density function of a random variable is given by t6l
f(x)= 5x11-*1for 0ot<1
= 0 elsewhere
Findthe probability that x will take on a value within 2 times standard deviations of the mean and
compare it with the lorer bound provided by Chebyshey's inequality.

4. (a) Define autocorrelation with relevant equations? Hor is it useftrl for the investigation of
independent process ? [3+51
(b) The first serial correlation coefficient d MA{1} process is 0.27. Compute the parameter and variane
of the process. Take the variance of nndorn vadable = 1.5. 12+21

5. (at Starting from Yule-Walker equation for AR(ml model, obtain the parameters of AR{1! and AR(21
r4odel. Also explain the nature of autocorrelation function of AR(l) model with sketc?res. [2+2+31
(b) Gassifo the follot,ing process as AR, MA or ARMA and compute first four serial correlation
coefficients' [1+81
(xt - lr) = 0.7(xt-r - tt) +e1 - 0.5es-1

5. (a) Exptain the Thomas-Fiering model for generating seasonal flows. t8l
(b) The mean, standard deviation, first and second serial correlation coefficients of observed annual
flows of a stream are estimated as 450 Mm3, 130 Mm3, 0.7 and 0.45 respectively. Generate a sequence
of 5 annuat flows assuming that the flows are normally distributed and taking the chain of 5 standard
i normat random numbers as 1.235,0.596, -0.813, 0.819, -0.056. Use AR(21 modet. t10l

7. (a! Explain the central limit theorem method for the generation of normally distributed random
numbers. 16l
(b) Using the sequence of uniform random numbers in pairs given below, obtain the sequence of normal
random numbers using Box-Muller method. I8l
u1 u2
0.576 0.249
0.s88 0.322
0.470 0.570
0.157 0.3s0


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 Bhadra Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Time Series (Electiue III)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
I Attempt All questions.
{ fne Jig"ru in the margin indtcate Full Marks.
y' Assume suttable data if necessary.

1. List the applications of time series modelling in water resources engineering. t3l
2. What is stationarity? Discuss the approach for testing Stationarity of time series. u+41
' 3. a) Explain the methods for the determination of parameters of probability distributions. tsI
b) The annual rainfall at a place is found to have a mean 740 mmand standard deviation
400 mm. Find the ranges within which the rainfall will lie with a probability of at
least 0.5. Use Chebyshev's inequality. t7l
4. a) What are different of periodic series? Describe each of them in brief. t4I
b) For MA (2) proc€ss, following data are given: 11 : 0.36, rz : 4.2. Compute
parameters Fr and Fz. t6l
5. a) Discuss the .nahrre of autocorre.lation function of AR(l) and AR(2) moclel with
sketches. [3+4]
b) Classiff the following process as AR, MA or ARMA and compute first four serial
correlation coeffi cients ll+8I
CX,- p): 1.3(Xt-r - p) - 0.5(X,-z - p) + et
6. a) What is spectral analysis? How is it done? Explain with relevant equations L2+6)
'b) The --
E t*, 11, 12 of the observed annual flows of a stream are estimated as 875 Mm3,
262Mr13,0.8 and 0.46 respectively. Generate a sequence of 3 annual flows assuming
that the flows are normally distributed and taking the chain of three uniform random
number as 0.3781, 0.63702,0.98343. Use AR(2) model. uu
7. Obtain 2 normal random numbers from the sequence of following uniform random
numbers using central limit theorem method. . t6l
0.637,0.301,0.386,0.988,0.g55, 0.023,0.351, 0.949,0.665, 0.705,0.376,0.435
8. Explain the following: tel
Method of maximum likelihood for estimation of parameters, test of assumptions of AR
and Parsimony of parameters.
/w\t D'
O6D TRIBHWA}.II.'NIVERSITY Exam. Ncry B:rcli (2066 & L:rte r llatch)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
207lMagh Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective IID G878504)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
./ Attempt arry Five questions.
r' Thefigures tn the margin tndicate Full Marlw.
y' Assume suitable data tf necessary.

l. a) The term climate change and sustainable development is burning issues these days.
Explain how EIA has come forward as an effective tool to tackle these issues. t8I
b) Differentiate between IEE and EIA. What are the major environment screening
criteria in Nepal? [3+5J
2. a) Gve proper linkage of EIA and project cycle. List out the different aims of
environmental scoping. [5+3]
b) What is the objectives of scoping in EIA process. How do you prepare TOR for EIA
process briefly describe with anexample. t8I
3. a) What is the purpose of baseline studies? Describe about environmental setting for
baseline studies. [4+41
b) A cement factory burns 5 tonnes of coal per hour and discharge the combustion
products through a stack having a'physical'height of 75 m. Predict the impact of SOz
emission on environment at 1000 m downwind and at alaterul distance of 400 m on
either side of plume from chimney. Note that sulfur content on coal is 4Yo. Wind
speed at top of the chimney is 6 m/sec. Atmospheric pressure is 1000 mb. Inside
diameter of chimney is 0.9 m. Stack gas exit velocity 12 m/sec. Stack gas exit
temperature and air temperature are l40oC and 25"C respectively. Take o, = 120 m
and o, = 85 m. t8I
4. a) Discuss the impact evaluation technique. A largely poorly controlled brick factory has
a stack 75 m high, it is currently emitting 127 ls of SOz. Estimate the ground level
concentration of SOz from this sources at a distance 3 KM directly downwind when
the wind speed is 6 m/s at top of stack and the stability class is C (Take horizontal
dispersion and vertical dispersion coefficient is 280 m and 170 m respectively). t8I
b) What is EMP? Highlight the objective of environmental monitoring. What are the
different tpes of monitoring carried out in EIA? VL+2+41
5. a) Explain different types of environment protection measures (EPMs). t8I
b) It is said that 'The beauty of EIA is public participation'. Explain the statement. Who
are stakeholders involved in EIA process? [4+41
6. Write short notes on: l4x4l
a) Method of impact evaluation techniques
b) EnvironmentalAuditing
c) EIA Review
d) Project Cycle of EIA
!trt *
O6C TRIBHWANUNIVERSIry Exam. Old Back (2065 & Earlier Batch)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2070 Chitra Year lPart IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Environmental Impact Assessment (EG735CE) (Elective I)

r' Candidatep are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any fieh questions.
/ AA questions carry equal marks.
y' Assume suitable data dnecessary.

l. Describe how EIA process it is linked with the project life cycle with suitable example of
new hospital construction project.
2. Explain the various steps involved in Initial Environmental Examination of a bridge
project of l8 m long.
3. Explain the process for scoping exercise in brief when you are selected as a team leader
for EIA of hydropower projrct of 50 MW.
4. What do you understand by base line information? Explain methods of collecting the
baseline,data for road in hill areas.
5. State and discuss different methods of impact prediction and compare them briefly.
6. The sewage of Pokhara mu;ricipality area is to be discharged in to Seti river. The quality
of sewage produced per day is 2 million litters having BOD is 250m9 .If the discharge
in the river is 225Us and its BOD is l0 mgA. Find BOD of resulting mixttre. Detennine
quantity of sewage that can be safely discharge in Seti, if it is desired not to give
permission to raise BOD more than 5 mgll in Seti River?
7. Define mitigation me:lsunes. Describe various tlpes of mitigation measures to be adopted
with suitable examples from a road constnrction project in hill area.
8. Explain briefly the various activities involved in report review and decision making
process. Also mention various auditing parameters used for a water supply project.

9. Describe benefits and flaws of public involvement in EIA process. Discuss diffrculties
and constraints in public involvement and stakeholder consultation.
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass ll[arks 32
2069 Bhadra Year / Part tv lll Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Environmental Impact Assessment (EG785CE) (Elective II)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt any Five questions.
{ TheJigures in the margtn indicate Full *Iarks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a. Explain about the types of impacts in the environment with examples due to execution
ofprojects. (8)
b. How do you link between the project cycle and EIA? fllustrate. (8)

2. a. Assume that a housing project is being planned in your locality. What typ€s of baseline

information Co you need to collect? Enlist the major environmental paramsters of the project
area for which baseline information require to be assessed. (4+4)

b. What type of environmental assessment is needed (as per EPR) for a hydropower project of
installed capacity of 6 Mega watts? Differentiate between IEE and ElA. (3+5)

3. a. Mention the content of public notice during scoping in Environmental Assessment. Enlist the
componenrs of ToR. (3+5)

b. Define screening process. Describe its importance and criteria. (8)

4. a. State various methods of impact prediction and discuss briefly any three methods. (2+6)

b. Describe about the Environmental Evaluatton System (EES) with examples. (8)

5. a. Why public participation is one key factor during EIA? How is it conducted? (4+4)

b. Describe about the Environmental Monitoring with its pmcess and stages. (8)

6. a. A factory burns 4 tons of coalArr and discharges the combustion products through a stack
with effective height of 80 m. The coal contains sulfur content of 5.5o/o, and the wind
velocity at the top of stack is 7.5 m/s. The atmospheric conditions are moderately to
slightly unstable, Consider oy and G.as720mand 185 m respectivety. Predict maximum
G.L. concentration of SO2 at 1500 m downwind and 600 m crosswind direction. (S)

b. Write short notes on any two. $x2)

i. EIA Review
ii. Environmental Protection Rules
iii. Scoping in EIA
* {.*

Examination Control Division Programlme BCE PassMarks 32

2068 Chaitra Year / Part TV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective I)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questions.
r' The/igures in.the margin indicate Full Marles.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Define EIA. Describe the function and limitation of EIA in brief. 12+61
b) Differentiate between IEE and EIA process on the basis of their objectives and
\-/ Nepalese legal process. t8I
2. a) What are the methods of
analyzrng alternative proposals? Also, illustrate about
unranked paired comparison technique, both simple and complex. tsI
b) Describe about the methods of impact prediction, and also discuss about methods of
impact identification with suitable examples. t8l
3. a) Describe the objectives of environmental monitoring. What are the types of
monitoring carried out in EIA? t8I
b) What is environmental auditing? Describe the various activities involved in auditing. t8I
4. a) A proposed paper processing mill is expected to emit Yztowre of HzS per day from a
single stack. The nearest receptor is a small town 1700m northeast of the mill site and
the southwest wind is expected to occur 15% of the time. The stake at the mill must
be sufficiently high so that HzS concentation in the town will not exceed 28 pglm3 on
mass basis at the grgund. The physical characteristics of the emission and the ambient
atnosphere are: Gas exit velocity 20mlsec, Gas exit temperature :
l22oC, Stack
I :
diameter at the top 2.5m, Ambient air temperature :
l'loC, mean wind velocity =
Zmlsec, Take oy 80m, cz: 30m and the atmosphere is slightly stable. Determine
the ground level concentation at the point, downwind distance, 1700m and crosswind
distance:500m. tr0I
b) What are the basic principle of public involvement in EIA process? Discuss, in brief,
about types of public involvement in EIA process and its needs too. t6l
5. a) State and explain the types of the mitigation measures that have been brought in
practice in EIA and also illustate about mitigation measures hierarchy. t8I
b) Explain the importance of scoping and TOR. Also explain the main content of ELA
report. t8l
6. Write short notes on: (any four) l4x4l
a) Environmental Management plan
b) Base line data
c) Evolution of EIA
d) Direct and indirect impacts of land clearing and road construction activities
e) Geographical study area for EIA study.
O2B TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSIry Exam. Resular / Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2068 Bhadra Year / Part rv/ u Time 3 hrs.

Subj ect : - Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective II)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questions.
r' TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Marks
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

a) What are the major functions and benefits of EIA? Describe the various steps
involved in EIA prccess. (3+5)
b) Write short notes on (i) Selectioh of geographical study area for EIA and (ii)
Linkage of EIA and Project cycle (4+4)
2. a) Define scoping process. Describe the steps involved in carrying out a scoping
exercise. (2+6)
b) Illustrate the meaning of baseline information. Describe is importanoe, purpose
\-/ & list the various physical and socio-economic information that needs to be
collected for a new project. (2+6)
3 a) Define environmental impact. Describe physical, biological and socioeconomic
impacts. (2+4)
b) A brick factory burns l5 tonnes of coal per hour & discharges the combustion
products through a stack having an effective height of 85 m. Predict the impact of
SOz emission on environment at l00O m downwind & at a crosswind distance of
400 m from the chimney. (Note: SOrconcentration over l20ltgtmt will increase
the risk of bronchitis to human receptors.) Take following data:
Sulphur content of coal: 6o/o,Wind speed at top of chimney: 5 m/sec, o, = 175 m
and o. = 120 m. (10)
4. (a) Describe the importanCe of impact identification in EIA process. State various
methods of impact identification and describe one method which is most
appropriate forNepal. (2+4)
(b) A new factory is to be located near a stream flowing through an urban area.
The characteristics of the stream & factory wastewater are as follows:

Items Streem Wasteweter

Flow. m'/sec 6 2
'\/ DO. mn/l 6 4
Temoerature. t 22 32
BODs atz0oC,mp/l 4 225
Take K1.26(base 101 = g.2t per day, Kz-zo (base l0) = 0.45 per day, Or : 1.05 & e2 = 1.02, Saturation DO at
20 and 30oC are 9.17 &7.63 ms/l respectively.
Predict the allowable BOD5 value of the wastewater that should be permitted to be discharged
in the stream so that a minimum DO of 5 mg/l could be maintained. (10)

5. (a) lilhat do you understand by environmental protection measures? Mention the

hierarchy of environmental protection measures and write about the types of
environmental protection moasures considered in EIA. (2+l+5)
(b) Describe the types of environmental audis. What are the activitics involved in an
auditing process?'Explain. (4+4)
6. Compare the followings: (ax4)
(a) Direct and indirpct impacs
(b) Magnitudc and Extent of impacs
(c) Checklist method & Lropold Matrix method
(d) Project lwcl EIA & lrgislative EIA
!t tf {.

06I . TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSIry Exam. Reqular / Back


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2068 Baishakh Year / Part ry/r Time 3 hrs.

Sabject: - Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective)

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
,/ Thefigures ii the margin indicate Full Marks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Describe the role of project level EIA in achieving sustainable development and its
linkage with project cycle. t8l
b) Describe briefly about the objectives and the importance of ToR and scoping in EIA
2. a) Explain the importance of baseline data collection in EIA, and also discuss about the
impact identification methods. t8l
b) Discuss about the type of impacts and importance of impact prediction, and also
describe briefly the methods used in impact prediction. t8l
3. a) Define Environmental management action plan (EMAP). List out the principles and
procedure to be followed while preparing EMAP. t8l
b) What are the basic principle of public involvement in EIA process? Discuss iit brief
about type of public involvement in EIA process and its need too. t8l
4. a) A thermal plant power burns coal at the rate of 10 tons/lu and discharges the
combustion products through a chimney having effective height of 100m. The coal
has sulphur content of lUYo, the wind velocity at the top of the stack is 7mlsec and the
atmospheric condition is slightly unstable. Determine the GL concentration of SOz at
a downward distance of l20m and at a crosswind distance of 250m. Take o, = I l0m,
/ \^/ o.:70m. Also determine the GL concentration in horizontal direction. t8l
b) Explain why impact evaluation is essential in EIA process, and also describe briefly
about the methods to be used while carrying out comparative analysis. t8l
5. a) State and explain the tlpes of mitigation measures in practice in EIA. . t8l
b) 100 cumecs of sewage of a city is discharged in a perennial river which is fully
saturated with oxygen and flows at a minimum rate of 1250 cumecs with a minimum
velocity of 0.15m/sec. If the 5 day BOD of the sewage is 260mgllit, find out where
the critical DO will occur in the river. Assume:
i) The coefficient of purification of river as 0.4
ii) Coefficient of DO as 0.11 and
iii) The ultimate BOD as l25yo of the 5 day BOD of the mixture of sewage and the
river water. What should be the allowable BOD of sewage if a minimum DO of 5
mg/l is to be maintained in the river? t8l
6. Write short notes on:(any four) $xa)
a) EIA process
b) Screening criteria
c) Evolution of EIA
d) Environmental monitoring and its tlpe
e) Environmental auditing and its tlpe
',,,.r*rr*04C TRJSHWAa.J,IEII.VER-S*$Y" Exam. :"'" K0*ulitr / Baek {'lt'i.v#na
INSTITUTE OF ENGINEffidE{G Level BE f,'ullMarks 80
Examination Control Division Programme BCE, Pass Marks 32
' 2067 Mangsir Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subi ect: - Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective II)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
'/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. (u) EIA has emerged as an effective tool for project planning and appraisal.
Discuss this statement. (8)

(b) Write a note on (i) Environmental impact and its type and (ii) Types of EIA
2. (a) "Scoping process is an important part of EIA process". Describe this
statement highlighting scoping's objectives. (8)

(b) State the different methods of impact identification. Describe any two
methods of impact identification. (8)
3. (u) Differentiate IEE and EIA process on the basis of their objectives and
Nepalese legal process. (6)

(b) 155 gm/cc of SOz is likely to be emitted from a new proposed industry close
to a suburban area in Kathmandu valley. The wind speed in a winter
morning is 6 m,/sec. The effective height of the chimney emitting the flue
gases is 55 m. Predict the ground level concentration of SOz at a downwind
distance of 500 m from the chimney using Gaussian Plume Model. The value
oforando,atthisdistance areS7mandLgmrespectively. (10)
4. (a) Describe the conceptual approach of predicting impact on surface water
environment. (8)

(b) State and explain various gpes of mitigation measures. (8)

/> 5. (u) Define auditing and briefly write about types of auditing in EIA. (4)

(b) A new industry is proposed near a streamflowing through a city. The

characteristics of the stream & induskial wastewater are given below:

Items Stream Wastewater

Flow, ma/sec 12 8
DO, msll 5 2.5
Temperafure, oC 20 30
BODs at2}oC,rns.ll 3.5 265
Take Kr-zo(base 10) = 0.2V per day, Kz-zo (base 10) = 9.43 per day, Ai*'t:047 & Oz = 1.0L6,
Saturation DO at 200 C and 25oC are 9.17 &.8.38 me/l respectively.
Predict the allowable BODs value of the wastewater that should be permitted to be
discharged in the stream so that a minimum DO of 5 mg/l could be maintained. (12)
- 6. Write short notes on: (any four) ( xa)
a) Geographical study area for EIA study *
b) Types of monitoring
c) Methods of Public participation **:,;
,o:**.,..-.-,., d) Environmentalmanagementplan i* <;;L'io.-.'- :.,..

e) Screening criteria '*:i='

^--. -'. \

O4I TRIBHWANI.'NIVERSITY ! Exam. Resular / Back


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2066 Bhadra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

- Environmental Assessment
/ Candidates are rgquired to give theit answeis in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any !@questions.
,/ Thefigures in the margin.indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

L a) Write a note on political awakening and emergence of EIA. Also describe the benefits
and tunctions of ElA. t8l
b) Define screening process. Describe objectives of screeging and criteria used for
screening. t8l
2. a) What do you understand by scoping process? Describe the objectives of scoping and
activities that you carry out during scoping exercise. tl0]
b) What is baseline information? Describe the purpose and method of baseline data
collectioninElA. ; . , t6l
3. a) Compare between the checklist and matrix pethod of impact identification. Which
,, fH;:::#T":#::'li,ooo- from a proposed site or brick ractory rt
consumes 120 tonnes of coal.per hour and discharges the combustion products
through a chimney of effective height of 95m. The sulfur content of the coal is 4%.
Predict the ground level concentration of SOz in and around the settlement. The
horizontal (or) and vertical (or) plume standard deviation at 1000m downwind
direction is 120m and 75m respectively. The wind speed at the top of the chimney is 4
m/sec. If the recommended ambient SOz concentration is 150 pglm3, will there be any
impact on the health of people. I8l
4. a) Define mitigation measures. Describe their objectives and the types of mitigation
measures generally considered for new development projects. t8]
b) Explain the various sources of air pollution. Describe the conceptual bpprohch of
predicting impact on air environment. t8l
5. a) Define environmental monitoring. What are the objectives of monitoring? Explain
types of monitoring and activities carried out in monitoring [10]
b) A paint factory is proposed to be constucted near a relatively clean river flowing
through a clty. The average daily flow from the factory is SOnn'/day and the average
concentration of C, in the wastewater is expected to be around 25 mgl!,. The C,
concentration in the river is 0.6 mglL. and flow rate of river is 3500 m3/day.'il/hat
would be the average concentration of C, in,the downstream of the proposed site? t6]
6. Write short notes (any four): pxal
a) Geographical Study Area
b) Public Participation
c) TOR and its main comPonents
d) EnvironmentalAuditing
e) Types of impacts
INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level r.Ii Futl trflarks 80

Examination Control Division Programme BCE .Pass Marls 32

2065 Baishakh Year / Part IV/tr Time 3 hr.s.

'Subject: - Environmental Impact Assessment @lectiye)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questtons.
r' Ail questtons carry equal marlcs.
/ Assume suitable data ifnecessary.

l. a) Explain different types of EIA. What are the functions of EIA?

b) Write a note on (i) geographical study area and (ii) time frame, budget and
organization and personnel involved in EIA.
2. a) What are the various environmental impacts to be considered in EIA? Explain
biological impact.
b) Why scoping exercise is necessary in EIA sflrdy? Explain. Describe the steps involved
in scoping process.
3. a) What do you understand by baseline information in EIA? What are the major
environmental parameters of the project area for which baseline information required
to be assessed?
b) A brick factory is proposed near a settlement which is situated at a 900m downwind
direction. The factory consumes 225 tonnes of coal per hor:r having sulphur content of
5%. The effective height of the chimney is 85m. Predict the ground level
concentration of SOz in and around the settlement. The horizontal (or) and vertical
(or) plume standard deviation is 95 and 150 respectively. Will there be any significant
health impact to the residents if the recommended concentration of SOz is 200 mgimi.
Take u- :6 m/sec.
4. a) What do you understand by magnitude, extent and druation in relation to impact
prediction? State various types of prediction methods and explain expert judgment
b) Define mitigation measures. Explain various types of mitigation measures considered
in EIA.
5. a) What do you understand$y TOR in EIA? Explain its objects and main components.
b) Define Environmental Management Plan. What are the aims of EMP? Describe the
composition and responsibilities of construction phase environmental management
6. Compare the following:
a) Strategic EIA and Supplemental EIA
b) Social impact and Cultural impact
c) Checklist method and Ad-hoc method
d) Baseline monitoring and Impact monitoring
7. Write short notes on: n
a) Screening Criteria
b) PublicParticipation
c) Auditing Process
d) EIA

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2064 Poush Year / Part rv /tr. Time 3 hrs.

S ublect : - Environmental Impact Assessme nt (El e ctiv e)

/ Candidates are required to give tlsir answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt any Five questions.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicote Full Marks.
/ Assume suttable data tf necessary.

1. a) Explain how EIA has emerged as an effective tool for project planning and selection. f8I
b) Explain the various stages involved in carrying out EIA of a new project. t8I
2. a) Describe how EIA process is closely linked with the project life cycle. t8l
b) What do you understand by IEE process? Explain the methods used for IEE study. t8l
3. a) A tanning factory is.proposed near a relatively clean river. The characteristics of the
river and wastewater discharge are as given below: IU
Items Unit River Wastewater
Flow m'/s 5 3
DO mefi a
..1 2
Temperafure 33 20
BODs at20"C mefi 450 3

Minimum DO to be maintained in the river is 5 mg/t.Assume Kr-zo:0.15 days{ and

Y-z-zo= 0.33 days gl = 1.047,02: 1.015. Estimate the marimum BODs value of the
wastewater from the factory that should be allowed to be discharged in the river.
Saturation value of DO at25oC and 30oC are 8.38 mgll and7.63 mgll respectively.
b) What do you understand by geographical study area of EIA? Describe the various
criteria used to select the study area. tsl
4. a) Describe the importance of impact identification in EIA process. State the different
methods used for impact identification and describe impact sunmary matrix method. t8l
b) Define environmental monitoring. Describe the types of monitoring to be caried out
during a project life cycle. t8l
5. a) Describe the various components of an Environmental Management Plant. AIso
mention the formation of operation phase environmental management team and its
responsibilities. - t8l
b) What do you understand by environmental auditing? Describe types of audits and
auditing procedure to be adopted. t8l
6. Compare the following: Pxal
a) Physical impact and Biological impact
b) Network method and Matrix method
c) Predictive technique audit and Project impact audit
7. Write short notes on: l4xal
a) Environmental prediction inNepal b) Impact prediction methods
c) Public participation in EIA d) Baseline Data Collection

INSI'ITUTE OF ENG Level Full Marlis 80

Examination Control Divisio Programme. BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 Bhadra Year lPart ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Earthquake Resistant DesiEr of Structure (Etective II) (C876501)

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Auempt any Four quesfrons.
./ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
./ Use of I.S. 1893 (Part 1) - 2002 is allowed
/ IJse proper and consistent unit systetn.
/ Assume suitable data if ne-cessary

1. a) Write down the Gutenberg-Richter Recurrence law. What would be the mean amual
' rate of exceedence of earthquake of magnitude M4.5, for a fault with the values given:
a:5.2andb:1.0. tsI
b) How the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard 'Analysis (PSHA) is different from the
Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA)? t5l
c) What would be the return period for the 2Yo probability of excoedence in 50 years,
and2%o probability ofexceedence in 500 years? t4l
g4frfii"athe seismic moment (IvIo) of a moment magnitude M* : 7.5 of earthquake. t6l
2. a) What are the principal ground motion parameters? Describe in brief how they are
determined or represented. t6]
b) What is response spectrum? Write down the relationships between Duhamel lntegral
and dififerent fomrs of.structural responses due to ground motion. t8l
c) ,Write down the relationship between energy releexed and the magnitude of an . .

earthquake. Illustrate the increase in energy due to increase in magnitude. "' ' [6]
3- A 3-storey shear frame is shown in figure below witlr the indicated lumped weights.
Assume the following mode shape mdtrix and modal frequencles as,the result of the free
vibration analyiis: If the psiudo-velocity response corresponding to the modal
frequencies (natural time periods correspondingly) is as given below: [201
a) Deterrnine tlre bZue shear for each mode by using the design response spectrum.
b) Determine the lateral load at each level for each mode.
c) Determine the base shear due to all modes using SRSS method-

Wr:1800 [ I

tot=[o.oar z.3to -4.160l 6 io tsl

a 238
:7200 kips ' 10.350 -1.s22 2.s84 )
+2-' ,.

HIr+: 1or1=.1:s.s [ *ar.""

Pseudo-velocit5r response: {S,} = inct/sec.
J ;f
'E-erncuare lespcirse rJlttrgiars l'ur Llr.e ur.rcu rtruuc> 4rtr I v\r/rJ - -
I "_rt, l'
L 0.75 I


4- a) Describe in a stepwise procedure how to determine the lateral seismic loads on a : Candic
building to be designed using seismic coefficient method using IS 1893 : (Part 1) - i
2002.Youmaygiveanexamplewithoutparametriccalcu1ations $tetnp
'/ y'rh. {i^

b) The figure given below shows the plan of an one-storey building which could be ' Use oJ
considered as composed of 2-D frarnes along the orthogonal directions. The roof 1 Use pr
diaphragm is rigid in its own plane, and the mass of the roof is uniformly distributed. i Assum
The building is subjected to a lateral load of 600 KN, due to earthquake, in y-direction
and passing through the center of mass of the building. Calculate thb lateral forces in
Ae Z-p frames atong X and Y directions. t8] :a)il
i t) t'1,
{urt1} = tPf {}'tr 1 Y
Stiffuess of frame 'lt # na
4m I

4m 't
2t >x "l
4m - ". -,- - : -' I


+ r ^. -r\

600 KN
- h
Y,,rk): \nlk) I r'1
Stiffiress of frame 2k 4k 4k 2k Mnrr$n :

--\81 E rsl q5(drtrt :

= Emf,
5. Write short notes on: (any four)
^u1 (.^.tr= L*i irt{ffi$i-\
Eeo.,-lr. ..,.A
a) Torsionally coupled systems
' b) Response spectrurn analysis for earflrquakes ,i' f,,ll
c) Approximate lateral load analysis of frames
d) Shearwall and lateral stiffiress gr*1191
e) Seismicwaves
D Seismic hazard curvqs
{s.,.., =
; ffi
i ifi;
i roc
i del
-t I str

O2E, TRIBHUVAN U} :RSITY Exam. / Back r ,'''\
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2069 Bhadra Year / Part Iv/IT Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering (EG785CE) (Elective.Il)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt any Four questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Use proper and conststent unit system.
EtilIrrrrxll, { Use of I.S.I 893 ,s
,/ : .. .j;Sggfri$r!6ilA,{lrs"

l. a) Whatis Explain in brief the Elastic Rebound Theory

b) A maximum trace amplitude of 390mm is recorded by a standard Wood Anderson
' seismograph that has a natural period of 0.8 second, a damping faotors of 80%o and a
magnifrcatiot'factor of 2800; the seismograph was locJted-on,finn ground at.a
distance of exactly l00Km from the epicenter of the earthquake. Based on these
assumption, determine the Richter Magnitude. What would be the Richter Magnitude
if the amplitude is 9300mm? t8I
c) During a major earthquake, the depth of fault rupture is estimated to be 20Km, the
length of surface faulting is determined to be 450 Km, and the average slip along the
fault is 2.4. Based on these assumptions, determine the seismic moment and the
moment magnitude of the earthquake. Use shear modulus equal to 3.125x1010 N/m2. t8I
2- a) What is a fault? Describe with neat sketches different types of faults. t6l
b) What are seismic waves? Write the salient features of different types of seismic wave. '
What are the approximate typical velocities of these waves? t6l
c) Using a
deterministic Seismic Hazard, Analysis, Compute the Peak Ground
Acceleration (PGA) at the site shown in the figure below. The site is located in the
vicinity of 3 independent seismic sources, the locations of which with respect to the
site are also shown in the figure. The maximum magnitudes of the earthquakes that
have occurred in the past for the sources are recorded as: t8l
Source Maximum Magnitude
I 7.5
2 6.8
3 6.0
It is assumed that the attenuation relationship given by cornel et al., given below is
valid for the region.
In PGA (gal) : 6.74+0.859m-1.80 h(r+25) where r is the epicenhal distance in
kilometers and M is the magnitude of earthquake.
r t -. r-:,.: :.,>r;:l-.:.,.,.-:t,.ii!Lr:,:.; ..
{-5Or?5} tu,?s)

Serco I SiE

Figure l: Sources of earthquake near the site

3.. A 2-storey shear frame is shown in figure below with the indicated lumped masses and
storey stiftresses. The acceleration response spectnrm given in figure 3 is applicable to
the frame. Determine, for the frame: pal
a) The marimum displacement distribution under the acceleration spectruur,
b) Modal force vectors, and
c) Modal base shear forces
Also calculate
' " d; The m[idfi''iiiflidipation factors,
e) The effective modal masses and '
0 The total maximum base shear by SRSS melhod.
The results of eigenvalue (free-vibratio4) analysis are also given below.

s (t)
m2 aJa


V! o.-.

kt ,t I 1r'
a, trl as I t.J

Fig.2 Fig. 3

kr=kz=k=4x 106N/m rzl =5000kg; m2 = 3000 kg.

lql={,.;J {pzl =
a4:2A.6 rad/sec ar2:50.1 rad/sec
Ii:0.305 sec 12: 0.125 sec

4. a) Determine the design horizontal seismic coefficient for a special rehforced concrete
tl moment resisting frame (SMRF) hospital building without infill panels for a daurping
of 5%. The building is situated in seismic zone V according to IS 1893 (part l) 2002.
Ttre height of the building is l9m and it is resting on soft soil. Also write down the
expressions for the base shear and the vertical distribution ofthe base shear. t6l
b) The figure given below (figure 4) shows the plan of an one-storey building which
could be consideted as composed of 2-D frames along the orthogonal directions. The
roof diaphragm is rigid in its own plane,,and the mass of the roof is uniformly
disnibuted. The building is subjected to a lateral load of 1200 KN, due to earthquake,
in y-direction and passing through the center of mass of the building. Calculate the
lat€fal forces in the 2-D frames along X as well as Y directions. [14]

* { * {
3.0m 3.0m 3.0m 3.0m stiffness of frame

1.5 k

".r,r:l!1r.ri,lrr r r. :, : ir:iJfl!"{SrE.yrt}q,riffi". . llr' .r,lj:-,:+]ElrI: "I{i{,i{$&s."


3.0m i'

stiffness of frarne LS k 1.5 k 2k 2k

re00 kN
Figure 4: Plan.of the building

5. Write short notes on: (anY four) [ax5]

a) Factors influencing ground motion parameters at a site.
b) Center of mass, center of rigidity and torsionally coupled system
c) Lateral stiffiress of a solid shear wall
d) Faih:re mechanism ofreinforced concrete frames
e) Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete frames
D Response reduction factors

t Q i i
:,iFl .

"."iixamination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2066 Magh Year / Part rv /il Tinre 3 hrs.
- Fundamentals of (Elective II)
'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt any Four questions.
.:'!,.: .,

/ Thefigures in the margtu indicate Full lvtnrks. ,i,4,$tit'

r 1.'11.'. I
'/ Use of IS 1893 (Part I) - 2002 is allowed.
'/ Usc prolter and t:otrsislent unit svslcm.
/ l.ssturc suilublc &ttu if nccessary,
.., i
the main hazards due to an ea(hquakc. Explain thc tectonic. ttrdd#6f
,\--'/)) List
Why a seismic hazard analysis is caried out for a site? "ortlrquakc. /,
b) Write down the principal components of a Deterministic Seismic I{azard Analysis
\/ with necessary sketches and explanations- ,t l
.-- Find the spectral pseudo-velocity and spectral acceleration of a structure, which ha$ a
natural fiequency of vibration 3 Hz and a darnping ratio of ( = 0.05, corresponding to
a spectral displacement of 0.0276m t4l
Z.-For the building frame shown in the figure below, the vibration properties, aird the
v acceleration response spectrum values for the four mocles are as given below: ' t20]
600 - 600 00 4.50

lkl =
600 t2oo -600 0
KN/m; {W"} =
/ sec
0 - 600 1400 -800 16.85
0 0 -800 1800 20.81

I r.000 1.000 1.000 I fo.toazl o.z47s - 0,8e2s - 1.88i0
I I 0.3e73I
{s"''} =]0.*roi* I secz
rol=l 0.6126
-0.6e05 -r.0e6l s.6740 i; i\
L0.2eel -0.61s6 1.862s -0.374!l |.0.s886J
Calculate, for each mode of vibration, the ruaxiruum clisplacetnent, shcar force and
overturnipg moment at each storey level. Also detennine approxirnate total maximums
for each ofthese response quantities.

-..-+ I
4m kr :600 KN/rrr \
mz = 4000k9

4m kz = 600 KN/nt /
m3 = 8000kg

4m ki = 800 KN/m
mq = 8000kg

4m k.a = 1000 KN/rn '

3. a) $/hat are the limitations for use of sc ,smic coefficie rt method in the design of a rnu!ti-
-..' storel'od building? What is the code :rovision ftrr tt e storey rlrili? [3+2]

-.n4'd-'- *
ffi, ,,ffi,
three-storey reinfbrscd concrete p'.iblic building rvith
a total fueight of i2m anti a
b) A 'fl'e
Moment Resisting F'rame'
storey height of 4m each, has to be designed in Spicial
proposed building is locaied in seismic zone V and the soil
conditions are medium"lhe
12 KN/m2 on roof' The
lumped weight due to dead loads is tO tiN/m2 on floors and
4 KN/m2' If the floors and
floors are subjected to a live load of 5 KN/mz and the roof to
load c'l) the structttre as
roof at each level have area of 300m2. determine design seismic
perIS: 1893 (Part l)'-zooz.Take zone factorz:0.36 and irnportance tactor.I.= 1'0'
The fundamental naiural period of vibralion (T") in seconds may be estimated
by the
expression: T": 0.075h07s. wherc h is the hcight of the building in nteter.
[Jse the
response spectra as shown in thc figurc below. Il :

I (Roclq ot }ltd
I z.g I (U.dlut! SoO
ll {soi tol}

I 20

{I '., i*

! ''o

o ao
0,0 0.3 i.rr t.5 2.0 2.5 t.o 1.5 ..0
prdod(r) .

Ra.Ponr b, Ro<t rrd Sor Srs b. ! ,.E l Dmolry

4. a) A two-storey building, shown in the figure below, is subjected to the dcr;ign

earthquake load in X-direction with 400KN at the roof and 200KN at thc floor..
The building could be considerr:tl as ccirrposcd of 2-D frarncs along the orthogonal
directions. The roof and floor prr-'r,ide rigid diaphragm aition, and the nrass of the roof
' and the floor is uniformly distril.,uted. Thc lateral stiffhess matrices f6r the frarnes in
X-direction are: I1j
Itoo -uol*i0{,N/rn: il..]. I so iOl
=l__;; 35 J
, I =I
,ul, =L_; ,; j"'c6|.r'ir,
Carry out an exact lateral loar! clistrihution arrd find out tfic clesign latcral lirrt:es in the fiarrrc:

.t f --'-4()u[.1.;
4m -)ln l.

----+ 200K ll
x J I

4m 4m 4m

Plan Blevation
b) Obtain the bending rnoment diagranr fi'om Frame 2 of the above f-rgure
(Question # a(a)) u.sinlr the cantilcver rnctlrrl<l. Ilse the lateral lbrce <!ct,;rnrincd l'ronr
the above problem for tne analysis ol'thc liarne. itji
5. Write short notes on: (any four) [4 ,jl
a) Principles of seismic,iesign
h) Duhartrel integral, ear.hquake responsc intcgrll and response spectrum
, l) I;tcr::! stlffil:ss of s:,,liid si:ear waii
,d) Torsionally coupled r;,,stem
e) Beha..,iourof brick ilr,sonry rvalls c:: latcrn! k:rd:: '
t) Ductile detailing of t,inforced concre1e,friryl,,.

'* Examination Control Division Progremme BCE Pass Marks 32
2064 Poush Ycer / Part w/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering (Elective)

/ Candidates are rcquired to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Ftve questiot*.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Fall Ma*s.
r' Use of IS 1893 (Part I) - 2002 is allowed.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Define magnitude of ancarttrquakc, as given by Richter. What ismoment magnitude,

and how is it
different from local magnitude (Richter)? What is the diffcrence in
energy released due to earthquakcs of magnitude 6 andTl [2+3+2)
b) Describc in brief elastic rebound theory. What is the mechanism of earthquake? List
the t1ryes of faults. Describe different tlpes of seismic waves in terms of their
propagation speed. [2+3+3+5]
2. a) What is response spectrum? Find the specftal displacement and spectral pseudo-
velocity of a structure, which has a natural frequency of vibration of ZHz and a
damping ratio of f = 0.03, corresponding to a spectral acceleration of S, = 12.57
m/sec". [2+31
b) The acceleration respome spectrum values for a two-storey shear building, as shown
in the figure below, arc given as [15]

S- = i[o.ssol|m/s"
Calculate for each modc of vibration, the maximum displacement, shear force and
overturning moment at each storey level. Also determine total maximums for each of
the response quantities ofthe above.

:60KN sec2/m V1

t.2l t.2l
m2 = E0KN sec2/m Y2

2t 2I 3m

3. A four-storey reinforced concrete public building, idealized version of which is shown in

the figure below, has to be designed in special moment rcsisting frame. The proposed
building is located in seismic zone V and the soil conditions are soft. The lumped weight
due to dead loads is 8 KN/m2 on floors and 10 KN/m2 on the roof. The-floors are
subjected to a live load of 4 KN/m2 and the roof to 2 KN/m2. If the floors and roof at each
levil have area of 320m2, deterrrine design seismic load on the structure as per I.S. : 1893
(Part l) - 2002. For seismic zone V, the zone factor Z = 0.36, and the importance factor
I 1.5. The fundamental natural period of vibration (T.) in seconds may be estimated by
the expression: T" = 0.075 h0'7s, where h is the height of the building in m. Use the
response spectra as shown in the figure below. [20]

l(RocI, orH.d
E 2.5 ll (l,t dhrm So[)
3.3m .3
Xl (Solt So[)

to 2.0

w ! t.0
3.3m t 0.t

0.0 0.5 t.0 r.5 2.0 2.6 3.0 3.5 ..0
Idealized building F.rlod(.)
R..pon$ Spcclrl fDr Rod. md SoU Sbr br 5 pront D.mplng

4. a) The figure shown below presents the plan of a one-storey building, which may be
considered as composed of 2-D frames along the orthogonal directions. The roof
diaphragm is rigid in its own plane, and the mass of the roof is uniformly distributed.
The building is subjected to an earthquake load of 250KN in y-direction and passing
through the center of mass of the building. Calculate the lateral forces in the 2-D
frames. (The lateral stiffness of 2-D frames are shown in the figure.) tlsl


4m 4m 4m I
Stiffiress of frame 2k 3k 3k k


b) Describe the salient features of analysis of a multi-storied building with moment

resisting frames in terms of global coordinates, if the stiffness matrix of plane frames
in local coordinates are given. tsl
5. Write short notes on (any four only) [axs]
a) Seismic hazafi, analysis
b) Response of a SDOF structure subjected to a ground motion with Vg(t) = vroSin-wt
c) Modal analysis of structures
d) tn-plane and out-of-plane behaviour of masonry structures
e) Portal method of frame analysis
0 Lateral stiffness of a solid shear wall



; Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lWarks 32

2072 Ashwin Year / Part ry/il Time 3 hrs,

Subject: - Rock Slope Engineering (Electtve ID G876507)

r' Candidates are required to gtve their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt AII questions.
/ Thefigwes in the margin indieate FulI Msrhs.
{ Nec*sary liguresare dtached herewith.
r' Asswte silitable data if necessary.

I . Erplain the aims of slope stability analysis. t4l

2. Enumerate the methods for rock slope stability analysis. E:qplain deterministic method of
slope stability analysis with suitable example and figrne. 0+T
3. What the effect of ground water in slope stability? Describe protective measures with
exanrple. t4l
4. a) Define shear strength for planar and rough mck surfaces. I4I
b) Brylain the empirical method to determine the sher of rough rock surface proposed
by Barton (1971). Also explain the advantagcs and its limitation. t4+21
5. Describe the steps of seismic hazard analysis. t4l
6. List out the advantages and disadvantages ofequal area net with rcspect to equal angle
uet. Describe the procedures for evaluation of potential slope problems. t6+ql
7. a) Explain the technique to measure the surface roughness suggested by Fecker and
Rengers with suitable figurc. Also explain the photographic mapping of exposed
structr:res. [4+4J
b) List out the geological information from discontinuity required for proper
presentation. 141

8. a) A 14 m high rock slope has been excavated at a face angle of58o. The rock in which
this cut has been made contains persistent bedding planes that dip at an angle of38o
into the excavation. The 4.35-m dcep tension crack is 4 m behind the crest, and is
filted with water to a height of 3 m above the sliding surface. The stnength parameters
of the sliding surface are as follows' tel2l
Friction angle,0 = aS'
Unit weight of the rock, y. = 26.5 kN/m3
Unitweight of water,T, = 9.81 kN/m3
(i) Determine Faetor of safety
{ii) Determine the tension required in rock bolt, installed normal to the sliding plan€, to
have a f-actor of safety of L.5.
tb) the factor of safety for following wedge geometry. I12I
Plane Dip " Dip Diregtion' Properties
A 48 104 0r =3ff, cr = 12 kPa
I 66 236 da =35", cr = 46 kPa
Slope face 62 188
UBper surface 15 L94
Unit weight of rock = 28
Unit welght of water = 9.81 kN/m3
Height of wedge, H = 25 m.

9. What are the differcnt stabilization measures? Explain in brief about the shotcrete. [2+41
1.8 I
t.6 :
















I e

Examination Control Division. Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2069 Bhadra Year/Part Iv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Rock Slope Engineering (EGTSSCE) (Elective il)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practieable.
r' I
Attempt any Ftve questions Question No, is compulsory.
/ All questions carryl equal marks

{ Asswne suitable data if necessary.

1: Calculate the Factor of Safety of a potential unstable slope with following input
Joint Set* 681132 degrees (dip/dip direction)
Joint Set 2: 76t271degees (dip/dip direction)
Slope angle =851225 degree (dip/dip direction)
Upper Slope angle = TUZZZ degree (dip/dip direction)
Slopeheigtrt:45 m
Unit weight of rock mass = 26 kN/m3
Unit welght of wdter = 10 kN/m3
f.obesive strenglh :0.15 MPa
Basje friction angle :28 degree

2: Write short notes on:

&Strcar shength of Planar and Rough surface of rock mass
b. Porosity and Permeability of rock and rock mass

i. HtHlJrT.lT":HHll'"T*[I*ack and Reinrorceinent to prevetrt sriding

3. Explain Toppling Failure in rock mass. Discuss the conditions for sliding and
topplingof a block on an inclined plane- Briefly discuss the types of Toppling failrrre and
meltods to control tfte rock falls.

r4. Define the Circular Failrrre in rock mass. State the various aszumptions which are
madc in deriving the circular failure charts. Discuss the steps to usi the charts to determine the
Factor of Safety of a potential unsable slope.

,5. ExplainSasic aspects of Eartlrquake. Briefly diseuss mettrods for quautification of

Seisnic load for rock slope stability analysis and basic metbods for improving the stability of
rock slope.

16'. The geometry of the potential failure slope is given in Figue below. Find the Factor
of Saftty if basio tiction angle is 28 degrccs and cohesive stuength is 0.1 MPa Asnrrne thd
slope having e t€nsion crack in its ,rpper surface, and depth of water is eguivalent to depth of


Schematic sketch of potential slope stabillty problem (plane failure)

ln Figure;'

H Slope height = 50 m
Vr Slope angle = 54 degree
Vp lnclination of potentialfailure plang = 32 degree
W Weight of potentialty slldihg rock (kN/m)
Tt Unlt welght of rock mass = 24 kNlm3
T' .Unit welght of water = 1O kN/m3
U Water pressure resultaut (kI.I/m)
F. m. o = Eartlquake load (kN/m)

Exam Final Assessrnent
Dhapakhel, Lalitpur Programme Civil Pass Merks 32

2072Bhadra Year / Pert ry/II Time 3hr

Subject: Elective II (Rural Road Engineering)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt ALL questions.
{ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

I a) Explain the green road approach in the context ofNepal? Also discuss the t4l
technical issues regarding rural road planning in Nepal?

b) Define DTMP? Write down the goal and objectives of DTMP? Write down
the steps of planning process in rural roads based on DoLIDAR approach? t8I

2. Design the total length of the valley curve at the junction of the descending tl0]
gradient of I in 20 and an ascending gradient of 1 in 20, if.the design speed is
4Okmph in rural district road to fulfill head light sight distance for night driving.
Calculate the lowest point and the end of curve point too, if the elevation of the
beginning of the curye is 1000m above sea level. Assume other necessary data
reasonably based on NRRS-20554{RRS -2069.

3 Enlist the design parameters of hairpin bend? Also write down the design t10I
parameters of cross sections of rural road including traffic volume? Briefly
outline the rural road classification, traffic and loading in rural road?

4 Why decentralized institutional arrangement is arrange in rural road? Outline t10]

the different parbrers, their roles and responsibilities on such decentralized
institutions? State the function of technical support, management support and
social mobilization support in the rural road implementation?

5 What do you mean by natural compaction? What are the tools and equipment , [10]
used in rural road construction? State the use of flexible retaining and cross
drainage structures? What should be considered for selecting a technically
optimum alignment; Enlist main features?

6 Define bio-engineering? How can bio-engineering conserved the enviionmerit? t10l

What are the measures are taken for water management of rural roads?

7 What are the general economic consideration in rural roads? What is the cost of [10]
green road? Define the term construction cost, maintenance cost, rehabilitation
cost in rural roads? Define public auditing? How can you conducted the public
auditing in rural roads?

8 What are the minimization of maintenance requirements? Define the term and 18]
state the function of rehabilitation and upgrading in rural roads?
OsC TRIBHUVAN I.]NIVERSIry Exam. l{cgul:tr i l}:rcli

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2071 Bhadra Year / Part ry/il Time 3 hrs.

- Rock (Elective II)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions-
r' Thefigures in the margin indicde Fall Marls.
/ .Assume suitable dato if necessry.

,y What are the Rock Slope Stab'ilizdisr and protection works? Explain the deterministic
method of Rock Slope Stabilig analysis. [4+8]

,7 List the effects of groundwater oa slope stability. How the shear strength of rough surface
be quantified? Explain it. 14+61
3. Write down the process of determination of shear strength of rock mass. How can the
earthquake magnitude be determined? [4+4]
4rtrWhat are the graphical techniques for data problems? Explain, how can the potential
rf,z slope problems be evaluated? [4+6j
is geological investigati.E? Write down the process of mapping of
? -What
$A 12 m high rock slope has been excavded at a face angleof 60". The rock in which this
\f cut has been made contains pesistert bedding plane that dip at an angle 30" into the
excavation. The 4.25 m deep tension crack is 4 m behind the crest and filled with water
upto 3m. ll0I
Cohesion C:25 kPa
Friction angle, 0 :30"
Seismic acceleration, u: 0.08 g
The rmit weight of rock is 26 kN/m3 and the unit weight of water is 9.81 kNim3.
Calculate the factor of safety of the slope for the conditions given for critical depth of
tension crack.

n72r{onsider a 6.5 m high slope with an overhanging face at an angle of 75". There is a fault
-1 dipping at an angle of 15" out of the face at the toe of the slope that is weathering and
undercutting the face. A tension crack wider at the top than at bottom has developed
1.8 m behind the crest of the slope indicating that the face is marginally stable. The
fiiction angle of fault is 20o and the cohesion C is 25 kPa. The slope is dry. [12]
a) Calculate factor of safety of the block against sliding if density of rock is 24 kN/m3.
b) What stabilization measure would be appropriate for this slope? What is shotcreting? Write down the methods of support and lining in rock slope. [3+s]
*,t +
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PasslUarks 32
20'65 Baishalch Year / Part ry/tr Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Rock Slope Engineering @lective)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt arry Five questions. Question No. I is compulsory.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

y' Assume suitable data if necessffiy.

1. Define the mode of failure and calculate the factor of safety (FS) for following input data: 1201
Plane Dip (Deeree) Dip Direction (Deeree)
A 45 105
B 70 235
Slope Face 65 18s
Upper Surface t2 195

0e = 30o, 0a 120" @asic friction angle of plane A & B)
Ce = 500 lb/ff, Ce = 1000 lb/ff (Cohesive strength of plane A & B)
Unit weight rock mass (y) = 160 lb/d
Unit weight of water (y,") = 62.5 Lblff
Total height = 130 feet
2. Discuss the deterministic method in rock slope stability analysis. [1s]
3. State and discuss 'porosity' and 'permeability' of rock and rock mltss. Briefly discuss the
possible effects of pressure of groundwater in rock mass. t1 sl
4. a) Give analysis for sliding due to gravitational loading on an inclined plane surface. Ie]
b) Define effective "Stress Lavf'. t6I
5. Explain the term "shear strength of planar strrface and shear strength of rough surface". [1s]
6. Write short notes on: [3x5]
a) Groundwater pressure *Jdrh
b) Slope de-pressr.risation
c) Conditions and types of toppling failure

a o ..r\



0t 1?0

a :- o8l

150 -o5l



I c
F xamination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2063 Falgun Year / Part Iv/II Time
/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
.Anempt any fuquestions. Question No. 6 ts compulsory.
All questions carry equal marks,

suitable data if neczssary.

1. Discuss the gfound water effects on slope stability. Explain (i) models of water pressure
diitribution along potential'sliding plane and (ii) slope drainage and de-pressurization
measures to increase the stability of rock slopes
2. Explain toppling failure. Diicuss the various conditions and types of toppling failure.
What are the recommendations for coatrol the rockfalls? :

3. Wri.te notes on:


a) Planning of slope ,
b) Field estimate of Joint Ronqhness Coefficient (JRC) and Joint Compressive Strength (J
c) Determination of earthquake magnitude in rock slope stability analysis
d) Probabilistic medrod in rock slope stability analysis
4. Calculate the factor of safety of a potential unstable slope with following input data:

Slope height (II) = 6Om

{ Slope angle (Vr) = 50 degrees
Inclination of potential faitrue plane (yr) = 30 degrees
Unit weight of rockmass (y)=26KN/m3
Unit weight of water (T*) = 10 Kl.l/#
Active friction *gf. iO"j: a8 degrees , r

Seismic acceleration = 0.309 ,

5. Define circular failure in rock mass. State the various assumptions are made in deriving
the circular failurg charts. Discuss the steps to use the charts to determine the factor of
safety of a potential nnstable slope.
6. Calculate the factor of safety'of a potential unstable slope with following input data:
a) Slope height (H) = 60m
b) Basic friction angle (0u) = 30 degrees
c) Cohesive strength (C) = 0.15 MPa I

d) Rock density (T) = 26 KIrYm3

e) Water density(T*) = 10 KN/m3
0 Joint mapping data and geometry:
Dip (degrees) Dip direction (degrees)
Plane A 46 106
Plane B 68 236
Slope Face 68 184
I Jooer Slooe Face l4 196
** tt

' Examination
Control Division' Programme BCE Pass Marla 32
' 2069 Bhadra Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Hill (EG785CE) (Elective

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt any Ten questtons.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suttable data ifnecessary,

1. Describe about the types of drainage crossings used in HIS. Which of them is most
suitable in remote hills and explain why? t8I
2. Describe briefly the mountain zone classification with neat sketch. Why the classification
is need? t8I
3. Enumerate important guidelines to be considered for the success ofhill irrigation systems. t8I
4. Calculate 80Yo reliable april flow for an ungauged catchment A us+g the data of
hydrologically similar catchment B. A has main april flow equal to 4.1m'/s from-3 years
of measurement. B has mean april flow for the same 3 year period equal to 4.8mr/s. The
long term mean april flow and standard deviation for B is equal to 4.4 m3/s and 1.25
respectively. t8I
Determine half monthly values from 80% reliable monthly rainfall data (mm) for 12
months. t8I
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aue Sep Oct Nov Dec
5 15 l8 36 68 151 320 22s 140 30 t2 9

5. What is participatory approach? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of

participatory approach with reference to hill irrigation system in Nepal. 12+61
6. Define the rate of sprinkler application for a crop having root depth 70 cm and
consumptive use 6 mm/ day, if the sprinklers can be operated 12 hour in a day. Assume
that available water in the soil is 25%. t8I
7. Determine the scour bed slope of a settling basin for a HIS having medium intake site.
Design discharge 450 lps. The average settling velocity of the sediment particles to be
trapped in the basin is 0.02 m/sec. Critical bottom velocity in the settling basin to prevent
rescouring of settled particles can be taken as 0.25 m/s. Assume scour velocity for
sediment flushing equal to 1.85 m/s. t8l
8. Determine the dimensions of a steel rack for a bottom rack intake of HIS. Flow rate
upsheam of the rack :420 lps; flow rate downstream of the rack = 170 lps; rack opening
: :
l5mm; bar diameter 30mm; plugging coefficient = 0.02. Assume coefficient of
discharge = 0.5. t8I
g. Estimate concentration of sediment by mass during monsoon in the absence of local data
for a catchment of 381 sq. km. Assume density of sediment equal to 2 tlm3 and the river
transports 50o/o of the annual sediment load in 3 months of the monsoon. Assuming a
mean mon.soon discharge of the river be 3.5 m3 / sec. t8l
10. Describe with neat sketches, the layout patterns of distribution system appropriate to hill
irrigation canals. t8l
11. Design a cascade drop to lower the water level in a canal by 3m. The canal discharge of
500 lps, U/S and D/S canal bed width 0.85m and water depth is 0.65m, the existing
ground slope at the drop is l:2 (H:V) t8l
12. Describe about the use and advantages of gabion construction in remote hill areas with
sketches' t8l

Examination Control Division. Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part tv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Hill Irrigation Engineeritg (EG785CE) (Elective II)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Ten questions.
,/ TheJigures in the margin indicate 'Full Marks.
,/ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

1. Describe about the types of drainage crossings used in HIS. Which of them is most
suitable in remote hills and explain why? t8I
2. Describe briefly the morurtain zone classification with neat sketch. Why the classification
is need? t8l
3. Enumerate important guidelines to be considered for the success ofhill irrigation systems. t8I
4. Calculate 80Yo reliable april flow for an ungauged catchment A using the data of
hydrologically similar catchment B. A has main april flow equal to 4.1m3/s from 3 years
of meastrement. B has mean april flow for the same 3 year period equal to 4.8nr'/s. The
long term mean april flow and standard deviation for B is equal to 4.4 m3/s and 1.25
respectively. t8I
Determine half monthly values from 80% reliable monthly rainfall data (mm) for 1.2
rnonths. t8I
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aus Sep Oct Nov Dec
5 l5 18 36 68 151 324 22s 140 30 t2 9

5. What is participatory approach? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of

participatory approach with reference to hill irrigation system in Nepal. 12+6)
6. Define the rate of sprinkler application for a crop having root depth 70 cm and
consumptive use 6 rnm/ day, if the sprinklers can be operated 12 hour in a day. Assume
that available water in the soil is 25%. t8l
7. Determine the scour bed slope of a settling basin for a HIS having medium intake site.
Design discharge 450 lps. The average settling velocity of the sediment particles to be
trapped in the basin is 0.02 m/sec. Critical bottom velocity in the settling basin to prevent
rescouring of settled particles can be taken as 0.25 m/s. Assume scour velocity for
sediment flushing equal to 1.85 m/s. t8l
8. Determine the dimensions of a steel rack for a bottom rack intake of HIS. Flow rate
upshearn of the rack:420 lps; flow rate downstream of the rack: 170 lps; rack opening
: :
l5mm; bar diameter 30mm; plugging coefficient = 0.02. Assurne coeffrcient of
discharge:0.5. t8l
g. Estimate concentation of sediment by mass during monsoon in the absence of local data
for a catchment of 381 sq. km. Assume density of sediment equal to 2 tkr.3 and the river
transports 50Yo of the annual sediment load in 3 months of the monsoon. Assuming a
mean monsoon discharge of the river be 3.5 m3 / sec. tS]
10. Describe with neat sketches, the layout patterns of distribution system appropriate to hill
irrigation canals. t8I
11. Design a cascade drop to lower flre water level in a canal by 3m. The canal discharge of
500 lps, U/S and D/S canal bed width 0.85m and water depth is 0.65m, the existing
ground slope at the drop is 1:2 (H:V) t8l
12. Describe about the use and advantages of gabion construction in remote hill areas with
sketches. t8l

Exf,mination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarlrs 32

2065 Baishalch Year/Part rv/tr Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Hill Irrigation Engineering @lective) t

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indtcate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

1. a) Compute dripping hours for a 16mm dripline with 3 lit/hr dripper, if lateral spacing of
the dripline is lm and dripper spacing is 0.7m. The crop has 60cm rooting depth and
extractable water from the soil is 0.15 fractions. Also check the presswe variation in
the dripline of 70m length, if drippers are operated at a pressure of 2 atnosphere.
Assume pressure loss equal to 6m per 100m of dripline and c = 0.356 for required
number of drippers tt0I
b) Determine the storage volume of a gravel trap having a discharge of 550 lps and
marimum sediment concentration of 1.6 kglm'. Assume ttrat the gravel will be
trapped at a rate of I .3 kg/m3 having bulk densit y of 2 t/m3 . t6I
2. a) Design a cascade drop to lower the water level in the canal by 4m. The canal is
carrying a discharge of 400lps, having bed width 65cm. The existing ground slope at
the drop is 3:1 (H:V). t8l
b) What is the design criteria of diversion flow for irrigation projects in Nepal? How this
flow can be assessed in the context of Nepal? t8]
3. a) Which alternative methods of irrigation to canal irrigation are appropriate and cost
effective in the hills of Nepal? Why they are sustainable? [8]
b) Determine half monthly values from monthly ETo data (mm/day) for 12 months. t8l
1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2
1.5 2.6 3.9 3.8 4.8 5.3 4.3 3.6 3.1 2.5 2.4 1.8

4. a) Design a settling basin for a HIS having good intake site. Design discharge: 500 lps;
size of silt to be trapped 0.4mm. Take Q/As = 0.015 and critical bottom
velocity = 0.25 m/s. Assume scour velocity for flushing = 1.8 m/s. u0l
b) How engineering and vegetative measures are used in the canal construction of a
HIS? Describe with neat sketches. t6l
5. a) List out the main problems that the FMIS are facing in the hills of Nepal. Also
mention their respective solution. t8l
b) What are the areas of drop stnrctures vulnerable to cavrty erosion? How drop
structures can be used to control erosion and water level of canal in HIS? t8l
6. Write short notes on any four of the following: Pxal
a) Institutional development of WVA's
b) Advantages and disadvantages of participatory approach
c) Use of level crossings in HIS
d) Characteristics of fill material in gabion structures
e) Flow division stnrcfire used in HIS



Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lVlarks 32

2064 Poush Year / Part ry/tr Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Hill Irrigation Engineer rng (El e c tive)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
r' The figures tn the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) What are the desigr-principles of a setfling basin? List out the physical features needed to fulfill the design
requirements of a settling basin. tSl
blDetermine haff monthly values fronr8O% reliable monthlyrainfall data (mm) for 12 montls. t8l
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1I t7 20 32 64 1s6 324 260 140 50 t5 t2

2. a) Give stepwise procedwes fs1 designing the distribution layout for a new hill inigdion system. t8l
b) Define the rate of a sprinkler applic4tion for a crop having root depth lm and ET"* equal to 4.5 mm/day. Ihe
spri*lers are decided to be operated half day. Assume that the extractable water from the given soil condition is
0.25 fraction r8l

3. a) What czul go wrong with aqueducts and what are the preventive measures for that?
b. Design a cascade drop to lower the water level in the canal by 2.5 m. The canal is carrying a dischmge of 25O lps,
having bed width 50cm. The existing ground slope atthe drop is 2:1. t8I

4. a) Estimate concentration of sediment by mass during monsoon in the abseace of local data for a catchment of 381
sq. lm. Assume densilr of sediment equal to 2t/m' andthe river transports 50% of the annual sediment load in 3
months ofthe monsoon- t8]
b) Desip a steel rack for a bottom rack intake tf HIS. Fiow rate upsteam of &e rack = 400 lps; flow rate
downsteam of the rack = 200 lps; rack opening: 15 mrn; ba diameter:30 mm; plugging coefficient = 0.,02.
Tarke C6 = 0.5. t8l

5 a) Flow measurement made on 21't April on a river stream was 400 lps, drained from a catchment of 40 sq. km.
Estimate the mean monthly flow and E0% reliable flow from this catchmeng if predicted 80% April flow is 40%
of April mean monthly flow. MIP non-dimensional regional hydrographs for mean monthly and 80% reliable
flow of the FI'T' below:
Floum'/sMonth Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jrur Jul Aus Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mean monthly 2.42 1.82 1.36 1.00 0.91 2.73 11.21 13.94 10.00 6.52 4.55 3.33
80% retiable 2.38 1.77 1.35 1.0( 1.08 2.23 6.15 13.85 to.77 6.s4 4.42 !.27

b) "Sprinkler and Drip inigation q:e sustainable methods in the hills of Nepal". Justfi this statement. [8]
6. short notes on any four of the following: 14*47
a) Instihrtional Development of WUAs
b) Need of escapes in HIS
c) Disribution boxes and Sancho.
d) Vegetative measures in filling area
e) Seepage problems in hilly sanals 21d their solutions

*{. *
'' Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass IVIarks 32
2069 Bhadra Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Design of Bridges (EG785CE) @lective II)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questtons.
r' Ail questions carry equal marks.
{ All IRC codes including IS 800, IRC 06, 21, 22, 24, 78 and 83 are allowed to use.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. For the following loading find equivalent loads at standard positions to be used for Morrice-
little method.

L.5 nt 3m

75 nr
0.75 m I 2

3 girders @tlm c/c

2. For the following the cantilever slab given that the dead load of all
RCC Bridge deck slab, design

elements including deck-slab in the cantilever portion gives SF of 2O kN (per m widthl and
Bending moment at the edge of Girder 1 of 15 kN-m. Assume suitable girder width and select
appropriate loading class.

1 m rvrde herb

3 4 m
1.5 m 1 2 5

5 girders @ 2.5 rrr c/c

3. Atruck and Trailer combinatlon having an axle loads as shown in figure rolls across simply
supported span of 30 m. Compute the position of Maximum BM.

L20 KN 5O KN 350 KN

9m 5m Bm


4. Design an Exterior Longitudinal Girder of RCC Slab-Girder bridge if the design moment is 15fr)
kN-m and design shear force is 600 kN. Assume other suitable information. ,
5. Calcutate the stresses on foundation of the pier shown below from the following data (You may -,
neglect effect of water current).
Bridge span: 20 m
Loading on Span: IRC Class AA
Design dead load from superstructure:7000 kN
Longitudinal force at bearing level = 150 kN
Top width : 1.5 m
Height of peior upto bearing level: 10 m
clc of bearing on either side: t.Om
Side slope of pler is 1in 10
HFL - 1 rn below bearing level
Concrete: M25

6. ln a Steel Plate Girder bridge designed from BM 5500 kN-m and SF 1200 kN, Check whether the
following section is safe for bending stress and Shear Stress or not.


l2mm a

Thick plate

7. Write short notes on anytvuo
a. Bearings in Bridges
b, Maintenance of Bridges
c. Classification of Bridges

O.2L TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Reqular / Back r

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass l[arks 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part Iv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Design of Bridges (EG7S1CE) @lective II)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practieable.
{ Anempt any Five questtons.
{ AA questions carry equal marks.
r' Ail IRC codes including IS 800, IRC 06, 21, 22, 24, 78 and 83 are allowed to use.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. For the following loading find equivalent loads at standard positions to be used for Morrice-
Little method.

L.5 nr 3m

f5 nr
0.75 m .1 2 3


2. For the following RCC Bridge deck slab, design the cantilever slab given that the dead load of all
elements including deck-slab in the cantilever portion gives SF of 20 kN (per m width) and
Bending moment at the edge of Girder 1 of 15 kN-m. Assume suitable girderwidth and select
appropriate loading class.


4 1.50 rn
1.5 m L 2 5

5 girders @ 2.5 nr clc

3. Atruck and Trailer combination having an axle loads as shown in figure rolls across simply
supportqd span of 30 m. Compute the position of Maximum BM.

120 KN 50 KN 350 KN

9m 5m 8m

4. Design an Exterior Longitudinal Girder of RCC Slab.Girder bridge if the design moment is t50O
kN-m and design shear force is 6@ kN. Assume other suitable information.

5. Calcutate the stresses on foundation of the pier shown below from the following data (You may
neglect effect of water current).
Bridge span:20 m
Loading on Span: IRC Class AA
Design dead load frorn superstructure:7000 kN
. Longitudinalforce at bearing level = 150 kN
Top width : 1.5 m
Height of peior upto bearing level: 10 m
clc of bearing on either side: 1.0m
Side slope of pier is I in 10
HFL- 1m below bearing level
Concrete: M25

6. ln a Steel Plate Girder bridge designed from BM 5500 kN-m and 5F 1200 kN, Check whetherthe
following section is safe for bending stress and Shear Stress or not.


l2mm a

Thick plate

7. Write short notes on any two
a. Bearings in Bridges
b. Maintenance of Bridges
c. Classification of Bridges
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2066 Bhadra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Bridge Engineering (Etective I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt any Four questions.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ IRC: 6-1966, IRC: 21-1987, IRC: 5-1985 are allowed to use.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

Write fhe limitations of the Courbon's method of lateral load distibution
^ inbridgedeck. t5I
b. Find maximum bendiug moment at the mid span and shser forse at the end
of the slab bridge of effective span 7m due to olass AA tracked load Slab
is 200mm thick and wearing cottrse is 60nrnn thick. t15l

7500 mm

300 firl

o. Find reaotions on the girders, v&en the center of class AA tracked load
coincides with the center of bridge deck. Use Courbon's Method to find
the reactions. [15]

8.5 m
Cross sectign
4O0O mm'
FI 2500 msr

b. IVrite the characteristics of frame and archbridees. [5]

a fim tte stresses deadload of pier, brdki,ug fsreo. sf 7CI R eacked
loa{ -buoyancy and f6rces.due to water"eurrent at the base of solid pier.
'PiEr is made upof cemef,t concrste.
Take velocity of water current - 2.6 n/sec, dead load frour each
span = 400 Ktrl and reastion due to live load on ofle span = 500 KIrI:
T bea,ms
of 16m
go rnnr sPau


6000 7000

Section ofpirr ettop

b. Draw a neat skotoh of abrinnent showing all its oomponents? Briefly

describe .ttreir'fu nctions.

4. a. Arrapge wheel loEds ftom Class B 'load in the longitudinal direction of the
girder to fixd the maximum bendiug mometrt at the mid span and
detemfne nroximum bending mome,nt due to tris load. Take effective
spanof girder.ZE.m.
h Desoribe how impact load-is considered-ir,rthe designof bridge by RC
5. a. Design a RC oantilever slab of T- Beam Bridge subjected to olass A load
Widthof ksb is 03m and thickuess of wearing colrse is mm. ft

1.5 m --->

b. How the restrained slab is analyzedby Pigeaud's Me.thod? t5I




Examination Control Division Programmc BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 Bhadra Year Part IV/il Time 3 hrs.

- Traffic and (Elective II) 1A

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their ovun words as far as practicable.
{ AttemptAll questions. : I

/ AU qvestions carry equal marks.


Assume data if necessary.

1- In a traffic study experiment, density values obtained are 160, l2O, 40, and T2 vehlkm
corresponding to speed values of 3, 18,55, 32 kmph respectively. Calibrate Greenshields'
modcl using above values. AIso find the ma:<imum flow and speed corresponding to
35 lrrrph. '', i '' I .., ,

2. Discuss ttre methods of traffic measurement over a short section of highway.

3. An observer wishes to determine the time headway between successive vehicles on a
section of highway and counts 400 veh/h. Determine the number of headways greater
than or equal to 6 seconds, and less than 12 seconds; Assume tbat headways are

4. A six lane r:rban freeway is on rolling t€rrah with 10 ft lanes, obstructions 3 ft from the
right edge of the traveled pavement and 1.25 interchanges per mile. The traffrc strearn
consiss of primarily commuters. A directional weekday peqk hour voltmre of 2200
vehicles is observed, with 700 vehicles arriving in rnost congested 15 min count. If the
stream has l0% large trucks and buses ard no recreational vehicles, determine the free
flow speed and LOS. ,,i,; i
5. The width of approaches for a rotary iLteilectio:r is 15 m. The entry and exit width at the
rotary is l0 m--table below Aves tUe','S-nmc from ttre four approaches, traversing the
intemection. Find the capacrty oftherotagy.
Approach LT TH RT
Norttr '415 643 3s0
South 358 424
East 402 450 408
West 4s0 423 493

6. An intersection approach at an isolated pre-timed signal with a cycle length of 80 sec has
a saturation flow rate of 3,000 veblh. The length of the green is 24 sec. The v/c ratio is
0.95. Determine the LoS, if control delqy is measured over a 15 min interval?
7. What are the characteristics qf multilane highway? Explain the different parameters of
congestion measurement.
8. What is ramp mclering? Discuss traffic flow ranking on TWSC inersection.

Table 4

Intcrchangps HerML qpeedrfap(hi/h)
<o.50 0s
o.75 r-3
1.50 $'Q,r "
1-75 8.3'
2-@ 75'

Table 5 , .., l. .,1,:

Ilpe oflhrrain
Eactor Lerel Ro[ing

F+ 1.5 L5
Ei 1.2 LO

l ',
i ]'

i... ii:i:,i' ,

6t$rh l




0 400 800 um, ff00 2000 zA0o

FIowRarc fpcnnrl

Table 0

Irvcl of Sewice ConholDelay (s&eh)

A =10
B >to-zd
C >20:35
D >35-55
E >55-80
F >80

I-aneWldtfr (ft)
>L2 o.o
11 1.9
10 6-6

Table 2

Risht $!eeil'frc(utilh)
Shor*tler Dfireetion
Latcral t
(fr) 2 4 E5
>6 o.0 o.o 0.o 0.0
5 0.6 0.4 o2 0.I
4 l2 {L8
0.4 o2
3 r.8 o.6 o3
2 2.4 1.6 o.8 o.4
I LA :eO 1.O 0.5
o 3.6 2,4 l2 0.6

Table 3

Nurntrer of LaUeS Rcduclio* in Eree-Flory

(ia one direction) Speed, fN(Enh)
>< o.0
4 1.5
3 3.o

l+ Gpi"*,

9. Table below shows the traffic flow for a four legged intersection. The lost time per phase
is 2.0 seconds, saturation headway is 2 seconds, amber time is 3 seconds per phase.
Assume critical volume to capacity ratio as 0.90. Find the cycle length, and green time.
Draw the phase diagrams.
Form To Flow (vet/tr)
North South 750
South North 450
West East 650
East West 500
arrive at an entrance to a toll booth, There is a single gate at which all the
must stop, where a booth attendant coUects the toll fee. Vehicles arrive at an
of 250 vehlh. if the time required to collect the toll is 10 seconds, compute
length ofthe queue, average waiting time inthe queue, average time spent in
:. the system and percent of server idle time. Assume boS,arrival and departure of vehicles
,:' to follow Markovian process.


' .-.!4J
Level BE
f,'ull Marks 80
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2066 ldagh Year / Part ry/II Time 3lrs.

Subject: : Design of Frames and Shells (Elactive il)

'/ Candidates are required to grve their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Four questions. Question No,4 is compulsory.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Mailrs.
r' IS 456; IS 3370; IS 785; IS I t6I; IS 875; IS 806; and IRC 21 is allowedfor design reference
values and design data necessaryfor calculations.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

I. Define Ferro-cement as per ACI Committee 549. l,ist all .possible applications of F'erro-cement. Writc
down the differences and similarities between Ferro-cement and Reinforsed Concrete. I20l

2. An elevated water trank has a raft fodndation circular in plan with diameter of 11 m measured at
cenler line of tlre circutar RC girder over it. It has 8 symmetrically ptaced columns resting over the
girder. 'l'he UDL on the girder from foundation raft as reaction is 375 KN/m. The materials usecl are
M25 and Fe415. Design the girder with appropriarc geometry for critical section for ma:<imum shear
and torsion. Show reinforcement details of the section.

n(columns) Kr (-ve B.M.) Kz(+ve B.M.) Kr (Torsion) 0 (for Torsion)

8 0.0083 0.0041 0.0006 gu30'

3. Design an RC pole 8 m long to carry 4 conductors of 6.5 mm diameter each spaced at 400 mm
intervals. in a cross arm fixed at 450 mm f,rom the top. The depth of embedment is I.5 m below
ground level. Spacing of poles is 45 m; wind prassure is 1.2 KN/m 2 ; horizontal seismic coefficient is
0.I2; Ioad factor is 2.5; tension in conductor is 2.75 KN; concrete M25 and reinforcement Fe500,
Prepare all possible toad combinations-. For design load combinations you may usc either one of the
critical horizontal loading$. Show reinforcement details for the design. [20]

4. Horu can box culvert be modeled for finite element based structural stress analysis? List all the
possible load patterns for the analysis of single chamber box culvert in a cut-and-covered section.
You are required to demonstrate (numerically or conceptually) the entire load cases with
corresponding loading diagrams. [201

5. Skerch the design bridge loading for AASTHO HS-20-44 Loading (standard truck loading). Calculate

the maximum rnoment on the slab bridge having an eflective span of 5.0m; spanning in one direction
for a concentrated load of 72 KN dnd it is distributed over the perpendicular direction of the span to a
distance of 3rn.Calculato the maximum bending moment due to the live load and dead load. The
wearing surfacr of the slab is 75mm and the thickness is assumed to be of 400mm. t29I

6. a. An RC circular tank has its top covering as a portion of spherical dom6. 'fhe tank cylindrical
has diirmeter l0 m. Concrete is M20 and reinforcement is Fe4l5. Design the dome confirming to
standard codes. tlOt
b. Design a rectangular water tank walls. The tank rest on ground. The inside dimension is 8 m x 6
m in plan and 6 m high including 0.5 m freeboard. Concrete is M20 and reinforcement Fe4l5'

Examination Control Division Programme BEL, BEX PassMarks 32

2064 Poush Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Micro-Hydro Power (EIective)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Five questions.
/ Thefigures in the margin tndicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1 major components of a micro- hydro scheme. Explain in detail about their

. Describe the
functions and criteria needed to consider during design. [16]

2. (a) What are the four stages recommended approach to design a micro hydro scheme? [8]

(b) A 20 kW plants supply power to 100 HHs ( 200 W /ttHs) for 6 hours for lighting at
night and 12 kW for Agro mills for 8 in day time. If the Capital Cost of the scheme
is NRs. 3,600,000.00 and annual O+M cost is 5% of total capital cost then find following
( considering 15 years economic life of the plant and 12% discount factor):
i. Plant Factor
ii. Unit Energy Cost
iii. Net Present Value ( if Revenue is 360,000.00/ annum) t8l

3. (a) Explain various methods of the head measurement . Discuss the method in detail which
I better represent the bend on the way. t8l

(b) What do you mean by part flow efficiency of a turbine? Explain with charts which
turbines have better part flow efficiency? t8I

4. (a) Explain, why there is a need of AVR in addition to ELC in synchronous generator? [8]

(b) Describe voltage regulation, how it can be improved in Induction generator? [8]
(c) Explain protection system needed in Micro hydro scheme. t8l

5. Differentiate between (any four) 14*4)

(a) P1ant Factor and Load Factor
(b) Desilting and Forebay
(c) Anchor block and Slide block
(d) Impulse and reaction turbine
(e) Synchronous and Induction generator
(f) ELC and IGC

6. (a) What are the major issues in Micro- hydro sector in Nepal. Describe the govemment
subsidy policy for micro and pico hydro. t8l

(b) Let us suppose a 60 kW hydro set power a tea factory requiiing 3-phase, 50Hzand the
factory is 350 m distance from generator site. The worst power factor measured was 0.5 .
According to manufactr.uer alternator is 420 V phase to phase and tea owner wants
voltage drop up to 380 V. Assuming an overhead line of aluminium conductor ( 714.9,7
strand with each strandbeing 4.9 mm diameter and resistance of 0.21,7 C)/ km. Calculate
whether the voltage drop is within the limit or not? t8l
I Note: L:A* 6+46 Log ,, (ilr)) * 10{8 IV phase,make necessary assumptions if needed ]
O6C TRIBHWAN UNTVERSITY Exam. l{csulrtr / llaclt

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pasr Marks 32

2071 Bhadra Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Procurement Management @lective IID GE7850i)

r' Cfrdtdadcs are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Anempt All questions.
r' Thefigwes in the mwgin indicate Full Marlrs.
r' Ass-wte saitable data ifnecessary.

, I. S)/Wfutdo you mean by procurement? Exptain procurement cycle. [2+s]

rv!) What are the impbrtances of procurement planning? .Write contains of Master
Procurement Plan and preparc a format. [3+4]
2, Open Competitive Bidding method of pmcurement is mostly used in public
V procurement? Differentiate National Bidding (NCB) and International
Competitive Bidding (ICB) method of procurement. [2+3]

\_y yb* is cost reimbury'able contract? Explain. I4l

g/Wlrtare the objectives of community participation? Discuss force accormt. 12+31
3 gfDefineContract and classifu them. lr+21
Price Conhact and Lump Sum Contract with their adrraotages
ffilrrum$:Unit tsl
BOOT Contract and its use in Nepal.
;/Oi*,r* t4I
a.;)Nennon the basic procedures for the selection of consultant by public entity. t4I
Write down the Eligibility criteria and Ranking criteria for the short listing of
consuttants. t4l
ToR is the document prepared by the client which is to be provided to the consultants
"Y to be participated in the procurernent process. What are the matters to be included in
the ToR? t4I
is also a part of bid document. lvhat are the purposes of specification?
v Write the general
-cfpecification principles of specification writing. [3+3]
5. a) What Qualification Criteria would you consider while preparing bid document for a
4lc,onsawtion project having cost estimate NRs. 60 inillions in the Post - qualification
system? Write downthe pumose of pre-bid meeting. [2+2]
How do you evaluate the bids which are submitted for a construction project having
cost estimate NRs. 60 millions in the post qualification system. l4l


b) liscuss activities during closing of contact. t4l B

uoR I

What are the factors to be considered for time extension in a contract? t4] I

;fi DefineAltemate Dispute Resolution (ADR).What are the benefits of ADR? Explain
aboutArbitation. [1+2+3]

6. a) Write importance of standard contract documenr V/rite the general features of FIDIC
RedBook. [3+3]
Discuss different methods of hiring of consrltad as per ADB Guidelines. t6l
bf\lzhat are the objectives of Teclmical ]rdit? WHe the methodology of Technicd
\,1 Audit generally practiced in the context of our couorry. 12141
* {.*


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Paca nfiarks 32
2065 Baishakh Year lPart Mfr fime 3 hrs

Subject: - GIS (Electtve)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt any Five questions.
{ ,llt questions carry equal narlcs.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.
I .:-

1. What are the fout main fi:nctions of GIS? E*pl^ir bdefly.

2. a) !7hat is the difference between DEM and DTM? E"pl"in the weighted avemge
method for interpolation of DEM.
b) Explain potential applications of DEM in civil engineering

3. a) Explain the principle of diffetential GPS.

b) !7hat are the advantages and disadvantages of using GPS survey compared to
convend.onal methods?

4. a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of taster data model compared to the vectot
data model.
b) Explain the relation database model used in GIS.

5. a) !7hy is geometric couecdon needed in remote sensing? Explain the use of GCP for
this purpose.
b) !7hat is false color composite? Explain why fotest appears red in most FCCs.

6. Explain how you would carrF out a study on rubanization of Kathmandu valley in the
past rwentF years using GIS and femote sensing.

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2064 Poush Year / Part rviu Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - GIS (Elective)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
/ Attempt any Five questions.
r' Ail questions carry equal marks.
y' Assume suttable data if necessary.

1. a) Btiefly explain the main data sources in a GIS.

b) SThat is the diffetence between GIS,Remote Sensing and GPS?

2. a) Explain the three main coarponents of a GIS system

b) !7hat is the difference betqreen a DEM and DTM? E*pl"io the concept of weiehted
average rrrethod in interpolation.

3. a) Explain how you can make a map of yor:r carrpus atea usi.g x simple hafld held
GARMIN GPS and also discuss the accuracy of such mapping.
b) How does the diffetential GPS imFrove the accutacy?

4. !7hy do we need map proiection in GIS?

") Explain the difference between cylindricd, conical and azimuthd
b) ""4p ptoiections.

5. a) Explain the difference between spatial, spectal and tempotal resolution in temote
b) What is a false color composite? Explain how it could be useful in temote sensing.
6. Explain how you would make a map of ruban expansion of Kathmandu valley in the last
five years using GIS and temote sensing.
'O2D TRIBHWAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Resular / Back r

Examination Control Division. Prggramme BCE Pass Marks 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part tv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Geographic Information System (EG7SSCE) (Etective II)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questions.
r' Thefigures tn the margin tndicate Full Marles.
{ Assume suttable data if necessary.

1. E*pl"in bdefly maior areas of GIS application. 5

2. Compate between taster and vector model. Compress the following Ester using quad tree
method. 5+5
F F l-31 B E E E E
D D D D C c D D a
D D D D c c D D

How do you apply GIS & Rcmote Sensing to identifi a best suiuble atea fotlandfill site in
IGthmandu Valley? Mention the data sorrces and analysis forit. 10

3. Describe briefly any four: 10

a. Advantages of topology b.Terrain fcanres c. Hicrarchical database model
d. Merits and demerits of raster model e. TTN

4, a.What are the idcal characteristics of a distortion frce map? Explain a map proiection that 6ts
for Nepalese context. 2+8
b. What are the cases of geognphic ransformation from one to another? 5
c. Desctibe the importance of tangent and secant in map projection. 5

5. Mention thc minimum harduare & softrrare requirement for ATcGIS 9.3. 5

6. a. Describe the processesof conversion of an irnage to land cover/use. 10

b. Explain briefly GPS & DGPS. Desctibe soutces of etrors in GPS. 5+5

7. Descdbe bdefly merge & buffer fimctions wittr applications.

8. Whatate the basic elements of map layout? Mention the role of symbolization in map layoutS



Examination Control Division. Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2069 Bhadra Yedr / Part tv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Geographic Information System (EG7S5CE) (Etective II)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
/ The /igures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suttable data if necessary.

1. Explain briefly maior areas of GIS application. 5

2. Compare between raster and vector model. Compress the following raster using quad tree
method. 5+5

How do you apply GIS & Remote Sensing to identify a best suiable atea fot Landfill site in
Kathmandu Valley? Mention the data sources and andysis for it. 10

3. Describe briefly any four: 10

a. Advantages of topology b. Terrain feanres c. Hierarchical daabase model
d" Merits and demerits of raster model e. TIN

4. a. What are the ideal chatactetistics of a distortion free map? Explain a map proiection that 6ts
fot Nepalese context. 2+8
b. \il7hat are the cases of geographic ttansformation from one to another? 5
c. Descdbe the importance of tangent and secant in map projection. 5

5. Mention the minimum hatdware & software requirernent for ATcGIS 9.3. 5

6. a. Describe the processes of conversion of an irmge to land cover/use. 10

b. Explain briefly GPS & DGPS. Describe sources of errors in GPS. 5+5

7. Describe briefly metge & buffet firnctions with applications. 5

8. What are the basic elements of map layout? Mention the role of symbolization in map layoutS




n O2A TRIBHUVAI.I UNryERSITY Exam. Recular / Back o

Examination Controt Division. Progranme BCE Pass Marks 32

: 2069 Bhadra Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Finite Element Method (EG7 8 5 C E) (Elective I I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any Five questions.
'ly' fne fiSures in the margin indicate Frill Ma*s.
Assurne suitable data if necessary.

t. Write down the basic steps for solving a strueturc using Dircct Stiffiress Mcthod. Prcpare ttrc
computer algorithmic seps for solving a plane truss using DSM with suitablc example. Why it is
said to be the most suitable method of computing. using computer algorifirm, explain.
2. Thc flexibility matrix [FJ of the structurt is given below; the displacement vector {A} due to
externgl loads in the determinat€ primsry struchxt is also given. Write tre program algoritfirtr
for using Gauss Elimination Approach and finil thc value of the redundant forces using the
approach. Hints: {A} = [R{P} [161

(tzs -)
lEl = ,781 *loz.5
_,rrrJ , rAl=

3. a) A 5 node ptane stress etement has the following geometry. Sketch a suiable setof shape
functions and write down the expression for the shape functions in terms of Natural coordinates
1l t61


b) A bar of lcngth 3m is composed of two different sections. At the oenter of the bar, the bar has
it x-section area of 3000mm2 and its tength is I m, on either side of which the k-section area is
1500 mm2 and the tength arc equal to lm each. An axial load of 1200 kN is applied at the center
of thc bar. Determine the nodal displacement at the ccnter of the bar. Take E = ?8x106 kN/m2.
4. a) Drive the exprcssion for shape function of Constant strain fiiangutar element, atso draw thc
Shape function diagram- 't8l
b) Drive the exprcssion for Strain-Displacement matrix for the constant strain triangle by using
the Jacobian transformation matrix. t8l


5. Write down the main conoept of minimum potential appoach with srritable .relations. For the
given spring system, obtain the global stiffiress matrix, displacements at each node and rwtion
at each supports, if extcmal force at node 2 is 1000N and the Stiffiess Kl=K2=K3=l0N/mm are
given. Use the minimum potential ener5/ approach. 14+t27
I 100(,N

6. Write short notes (Any Four) [4xaJ

i. Computing Perirneter of a Circle using FEM.
ii. Rayleigh Ritz Mcthod.
iii. Applic*ion of FEM.
... -. iy. Shape function for a Beam Elcmcnt.- -
v. Shape function for a three node barelement.


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2067 Mangsir Year / Part IV/II Time 3 trs.

Subiect: - Finite Element Method (Elective II)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Fouf qudstions.
'/ All questions carry equal marks.
,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Find otrt the nodal displacement at 1 and 2, where the corresponding forces Fl, and F2
are acting. Corsider the horizontal forces Fr = 20 llrl and Fz = l0 kN; the stiffrress
kr=2000 kN/m and kz = 1500kN/m.

kt kz

lkt kz

b) A reinforced concrete pastilever beam having oross-sectiomal size 250mm x 400mm has
its length 2m. the beam is acted upon by uniformly distributed downward vertical load
with the intensity of rry=40kN/m. Assurne modulus of elasticity for conmete to be
E=?,E+7 kl.l/m'1. Find out the downward vertical displacement at its free end using
method of PVP (Principle of Variational hocess) approactr"

2 a) Consider a simply supported beam having span length 6m, which is acted upon by
uniformly distributed download vertical load with intensity w=30kN/m, The beam is
constructed of reinforoed concrete section having rectangular size 230 mm x 350mm.
, Assume modulus of elasticity for concrete to Ue Fr=,E+l ldtl/m'z. Find out the
displacement at the mid span using method of PMPE (Principle of Minimum Potential
Enerry) approach.

b) Derive the shape function and stiffnessmatrix for an axi-symmetric two nodded
annular ring element with only one horizontal (radial direction) translational
, degree of freedom at each node. Consider inner and outer radius of the ring
element be20 cm and 100 crn.

3 a) Consider a bar of length 5 m is cornposed of trryo different sections. At the centre

i of the bar, the bar has its cross section 3000 ryrmz and its length is I m; on either
side of the bar, the cross section is 2000 mm2 and the length of the bars are equal.

At both the junction points between two bars, axial load of 100 klrl is applied
I along the longitudinal x- direction. Determine the nodal displacement at these
lunclion nodesl Consider the modulus of plasticity of the material 2x107 kN/m2.



b) Ifadisplacementfieldisdescribed byu=6f + 4x2y-N +jf +./ and v=4x2

+4x2y-x+y -/, determine the strain values ex ey and yo at x = 2 and y : I .

4 a) Derive the stiffness matix of a two nodded tapered straight bar element having
only one degree of freedom along its longitudinal oris at each node, and span
length L. Consider the element hes area of cross section A1 at first node varies
Iinearly, such that at the other end the area of cross section will be Az,

b) Determine the shape frmctions for nodes l, 2, 3, and 4 in the following four nodded
straight bar element haying only one dof at each node along its axial direction. The inner
nodes 2 and 3 divide the element into three divisions in the ratios of 1.5:3.5:2.

I 2 3 4

5 a) Solve the differential equation y" * 3y' - 2x2f=19 with initial value y(O)=l and
y'(0)=0 using weighted residual method.

b) Consider a sqwre shaped nine nodded element as shown in figure. Determine the shape
function for inner node 9. The interior nodes along the edges 5,6,7 and 8 divide the edge
lengthinto l:2ratios.

5 o 7

* rl.:1.



Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2066 Magh Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Finite Element Method (Elective II)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Auempt any Five.questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margtn tndicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Derive strain sFess relation for a ttuce diraensional problems of isotropic materials. Explain the different t1ryes of
problcnrs that can bc analyzed in trm dimcnsional sccss analyscs. Writc modulus rmtix for the cases.(S+4{"{)

?. A 4 m long 300 mm x 300 mm oomrctc mcmbcr is vertically hanging lrwertigate the state of deformation and stress in
the meinber subjectcd to gravity uslng one quadratic bar elcment. Verif the results with the exast solution. (12+4)
The e:ract solution can be verified by:

#l* -*], *
Dispracement : u(x) = o(x):pg(L-x)

3. A singlc span bcam is shown in Figure I. Dcterminc the member end forces and draw Bending'Moment Diagmm.
Take E=200CPa,andI= lOx l0''m'.Calcutatedisptacementat lmfmmtheleftend. (12+4)



Figure I

4. Thc thickness of the steel flat suip is 0.25 inch and loadod as slrovm in Figrrc 2. Model the stip to check the stengtt
of the plate in SAP2000. (16)

axis of

lF-4/ --.-r&r- 4" 4"

1.5" 200 {bs/in

l.- 3n

Figure 2
f L:,,.

5. Draw the shapc functioru with-cquations for a rectgmgular etemenl For t[e plane stress condition, E = 200 GPa,
u= 0.3 and q :- [ O, q, 0.05, 9.08, 0.15, 0.08. O glrgrm. qvatuate strcss at the center of the elcment shown in
Ficur? 3. (4+12)

4(0,4) 3(8,4)

Figure 3.

6. \Vrite short not€son (any turc) (8+8)

a) Basic steps in Finitc Elcrnent Analysis
b) Geometical Aprcximation and disc,retization -,;
c) Stiffrress Integation for a qua&ilateral element

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2054 Poush Year lP*rt rv/il Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Finite Element Method (Elective)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
t- r' Attempt arry Five questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicate jduil Marks.
/ Nrr"ttrry nr*"t o,
/ Assume suttable data if nec"stary

I Calculate displacement at the mid point of larger section of shown in Figure l. Also calculate
fixed end forces. Take E = 200 GPa, Ar :300 mm2, 42 = 500 mm2, p = 7850 kg/m'. (12+4)

2. Derive element stiffness matrix of a constant strain triangular element. (16)

J. Derive strain displacement relation of a fotn noded isoparametric element. (16)

4. A half symmetry model of a culvert is shown in Figure 2. The pavement toad is uniformly distributed
load of 5 kN/m'z. Prepare a finite element model of the structure. Discuss the solution process of ttre
structure. (8+&)

5. Write down the equations of Hermite functions for a beam element and also draw the shape functions.
Calculate vertical deflection and rotation at the quarter span of the fixed end span of the 250 mm x 250
mm concrete beam shown in Figure 3. Neglect seHweight of the beam. (4+12)

6. Compute stresses at centroid of the steel plate shown in Figr:re 4. Take thickness of the plate, t: 10 mm,
E = 200 GPa and v = 0.3. (16)

48 kN/m 48 kN/m 500mm

4m 4m 500mm
Figure 3

Figure 1.

5ld{/m2 E = 200GPa
T v=0.3 ,il
6oomm I


J 5 kll

Figure 4.

l.- 3,,, -l
Figure 2. ,


Examination Control Division Programme All (Except B. Arch) Pass lUerks t6
2072 Ashwin Year / Part tVtfi Time 1 %hrs

Subject: - Engineering Professional Practice (CE752)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Foar questions-
/ Thefigures in the margtn indicate Full Marhs.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. What is social change? What are the factors causing social change? Describe the role of
technology in social change. t8l
2. What is profession? Describe the code of ethics for engineers. Explain tort and liability. t8l
3. What is contract? Explain tendering process and contract agreement. Describe essential
elements of contract. t8I
4. 'Engineering profession always emphasizes on safety first in enginerring delivery"
Describe with typical examPles. t8I
5. Write short notes on: (anY four) l4x2l
a) lmpact of computers in societY
b) Labour and business law
c). Professional institutions
d) Conflict and disPute management
e) Brrilding codes and bY laws

03 TRJBHWA}.II.'NTVERSITY Exam. Itcgul:tr'/ lllcli
Examination Control Division All (Except
Programme Pass Marks l6
2071 Bhadra Year / Part ry/u Time l7z hrs.

Subject: - Engineering Professional Practice (CE752)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt All questions.
r' Thefigures tn the margin tndicate Full Mailcg
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Discuss on the impact of technology into the society. t4l

b) Discuss about the engineering practice in Nepal. t4l
2. a) How does a moral dilemma occur? What are the bases to solve moral dilemma? t4I
b) What are the codes of ethics for engineers according to Nepal Engineering Council? t4)
3. Sub-contactor Mr. A was severely beaten by his labors because he had not paid them for
more than seven months. Dtrring investigation it was revealed that client did not pay to
the contactor and contractor did not pay to the subcontactor. The client didn't pay
because consultant did not submit the necessary bill report. The consultant says the wor|
is defective and quality of the work is not as per specifications. While the contractor does
not agree because it was not informed on site and blames that the consultant w.ants covert
' money. Discuss the case considering contact law, .tort, liability and negligence
whatsoever applicable. t8l
4. a) Describe briefly the elements of contract? t4I
b) Define Tender, what are the essential informations to be given in the Tender Notice? t4I
5. a) Differentiate Patent right and Trademark right. Write down the characteristics of
company business organization. What are the sources of business law in Nepal? t4l
b) How the PPP model help in any development activities? What is its significance in a
developing country like Nepal? t4t
rof rz D
03 TRIBHUVAN LINIVERSITY Exam; Ncrv Back QA66 & Later llatch)
Examination Control Division All (Except
Programme Pass Marks 16

2071 Magh Year / Part lu Time l%hrs.

Subject: - Engineering Professional Practice (C8752)

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
{ The/igures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suttable data if necessary.

1. a) Define society. What are the fundamental social needs to be addressed for the survival
of everl' type of societies? t4l
b) Define moral dilemma. What are fundamental larvs of ethics to overcome moral
dilemma? L4l
2. a) Define Profession. Illustrate the characterisics of a Profession. t4l
b) What are the detail duties and responsibilities of Nepal Engineering Council (NECX
How do you differentiate professional ethics with moral behavior? t4l
3. You are working as an Engineer from a Consulting Engineering Firm. You contractor
friend Er. Hari is working as a Project Engineer from contractor office in the same
project. Mr. Hari invites you for dinner every Friday to celebrate "good Friday" and
request you to share the guest house for your accommodation. What u,ould you do in
maintaining the code of ethics and friendship relation? t8l
4. a) Define contract document. What are the priorities of contract documenls'? Explain the
rules of contract interpretation. t4)
b) Why should you be aware of Labour Law? What ivill you do if a construction worker
dies by falling from height in your site? t4l
5. Write short notes on: (any two) l4+41
a) Copyrights, Patent and Trademarks
b) Public Private Partnership
c) Liability and Negligence

1uIlz D
03 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. OLD Back & Earlier llatch
Examination Control Division Progra m me BIvIE
Pass Marks t6

2071 Magh Year / Part IV/I] Time 'l t/, hrs.

Subject: - Professional Practi ce (EG766CE)

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Four questions-
/ All questions carry equal marl$.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

L. a. Define society. Differentiate between society and community.

b. Explain the role of Engineers in developing the Nation.Be specific to ffiilr study

. area.

L a. Define Ethics. Justifu the statement 'Engineering is a Profession'

b. Define Moral, Ethics and Code of Conduct. Why codeof conduct is necFpsary for

3. a. What are the Objectives of Nepal Engineers Association? Give your ofllrion on

how NEA can establish itself as leading professional association in Nepal

b. Define tender. Differentiate between bid security and performance securii{i;
4. a. Define negligence, vicarious liability and liability of partners in Tort.
b. If you want to establish a consulting firm irnmediately after graduation?

5. d. Define copy right, patent right and trade mark. Explain the important feftures of
Trade mark in Nepal.

b. An industry was using a chemical in making a product. The storage t44k of the
chemical waste, which was hazardous to health and environment, had a leakage.
During inspection Er. X came to know leakage that had already taken'flhce that
might case adverse impact on health and hygiene of the surrounding. You
informed your boss about the event. Considering the possible social oblUetion he
requests you to be silent on the issue and also hints you that you may hdve to be
out of the job if the case would go into the hands of social reformers. Ififou were
Er. X what you would do?.

':l-;'1" .;l ,!"$,{ir,ii
j -...


Examinafi on Control Division All (Except
Programme Pasi ltllaiks t6'
2070 Bhadra Year / Part TV /II Time l%hrs-

Subiect: - Engineerine Professional Practice (cE7s2)

./ Candidates are required to grve their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All quesfions.

{ Assutne suitable daa dnecessary.

1. a) Why is society necessary for engineers? What are the roles that an engineer can play
in the society? t5l
b) What.are the job descripion of a fresh engineer that can been appointed in a public
orgauization. t5I
2. a) .What do you understand by et}rics? Why are code of conducts required for
professionals? t5I
b) What are.the detailed duties of an engineer in the profession t5I
3. a) Define tender. Explain the purpose of tender. List tlre essential inforrnations to be
contained in the tender notice. t5I
b) What kind of liability that engineers most suffer from? Explain. t5I
4. Globalization has been an eye open opportunity for developing county. It helps transfer
technology and development process but also a culture that loosans confidence on
nationality. How can people work for dqvelopment within their own with others as
guide? Explain. u0l
*,f {.

P.1 5
03 TRIBHUVAN T'NIVERSITY frarn. New Back (2066 & L:rtcr
Examination Control Division All @xcept t6
Programme Pass iVlarlcs
2070 Magh Year /Part N ILT Time I % hrs.

Professional Practice
/ .Candidates are required to give their answers in their oqm words as far as practicable.
r' AffemptAll questions-
,/ T'ltefigwes tn the margin tndicate FulI Marks.
{ Aisume suitable data if necessu-y.

1- a) Why the conflict exists between an individual's freedom and the social goal? t5l
b) How cao building codes help the people to be safe? Explain t5I
2. a) What is a profession? What are liability and negligence? V/rite down the code of
conduct to be followed by Engineerings? t5l
b) How do you mean by moral d.ilemma? Explain various ways to overcome dilenrmas. t5l
3. a) What is contract? What are the essential elements of contract? ' t5l
b) Describe the health and safety provision of labour law? t5l
4. a) What is conflict? Discuss the dispute resolution process? 15l
b) Explain the lntellecnral propertion and also explain the procedure of regestration of
copy right. t5l

P.7 6
03 TRJBHUVA}.I I,JMVERSITY Exam. Resular / Back
Examination Control Division BCE, BEL,
Programme BEX, BCT, Pass lVlarks 16
2069 Bhadra Yeai / Part ry/il Time l%hrs.

Subiect: - Engineering Professional Practice (EG766CE)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt any Four.questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicate Futl Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) What are the differences between community and society? Briefly describe the
theories ofsocial change. 12+31
b) What are the impacts of technology and its changes on society in this 21't century? [5]
2. a) How do you describe engineering profession? Explain the significant feaflres of
profession. 12+31
b) What are Factors affecting the morale of a professional engineer? Describe in brief to
justiff and satisfr yourself in the context of Nepal, to have and maintain the
professional and moral ethics. [2+31
3. a) Recently Nepal Engineer's Association (NEA) celebrated its golden jubilee years
2069. In this regard, are you satisfied with role played by NEA in enhancing and
upgrading engineering profession and welfare of the engineering till date or not?
Justi$ your thoughts. t5I
b) Elaborate the differences between void and voidable contract. Explain briefly about
general conditions ofcontract and its essential contents. 12+37

4. a) Explain tort. What are the reasons behind introducing tort law in the society? How do
you distinguish copyrigfut with paten right? [l+1+3]
b) Differentiate between public limited company and private limited company. t5l
5. Write short notes on: [2.5xal
a) Impact of engineering profession
b) Nepal Engineering Council
c) Benefits of prequalification
d) Trade mark
- Recently Samsung Korea was asked to pay compensation of billions of dollar to
Apple Inc. by an American court. What do you know about this case? Are you
satisfied with the verdict? Express your opinion clearly. t10I


i ".li:t
03 TRIBHWANIJMVERSITY Dxam. Regular / Back
Examination Control Division BCE, BEL,
Programme BE)L BCT, Pass Marks l6
1lj rr.:.i1. :'..r'' ,- t.,r t'", ;QS$$,.BhAdfat,*, r: : i ; i v., i..r r -.;.' 'Year'/Pdft, N /,r1 .,,"' Time I tl'trs:'' ilitr ! ?:

Subieci: Professional Practice

'/ Candidates are required to give their answersin their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any Four qitestions.
{ Ihefigures in the margin tndicate Futl Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Write five most important rules of conduct for a professional engineer considering
code of ethics prevalent in Nepal. t4l
b) In a telecommunication project, you are the engi:reer from client's side. The
contractor requests you fo: preparing his final bill of works done, assuring you to pay .

a handsome amount for your effort, as his e,ngineer.recently quit the job. How should
you respond? Explain your arguments. t6]
2. a) After being an engineer, what tlpe of business concem should you establish if your
team comprising of five e,ngineers wish to be a desigrr/supervision consultant in Nepal
and why? Write disadvantages of public limited company. t5l
b) Number of seVere ciacks appeared in a building designed by an engineer and also
approved by the Municipality within one yeu of its construction. The house owner
approached you for your suggestion about the course ofaction he should take to get
remedy. Explain your suggestion in view of liability and negligence. '
Assume yourself as a recently appointed engineer-in-charge of a newly established
:-a) brick factory. How do yoq regulate working hours and overtime hours? What
facilities should you provide to the laborers considering the requirements' of
prevailing labor law on Nepal? t5l
b) What is negligence? Explaih vicarious liability. t5]

2 What is copynght and patent right? Discuss their importance. Explain major features of
copynght Act inNepal [2+4+4)
I 5. Write short notes on any two. [2x5]
a) Theories ofsocial change
b) RoIe of engineers in social development
c) Nepal Engineering Council
d) IT specific crimes in the society

5 G

: 03 TRIBHUVAN L'NIVERSITY. Exam. Regular / Back

' Examiriation Control Diyision
Prggramme BEX. BCT, Pass illarks i6
.i B\,IE
, ?06? Maigsi-r Year / Fart ry/II Time l% hrs.
Professional Practice

their swn'uvords as far as practicabie.

./ As s ume'suit abl e dat a if ne cess aty.

i. a1 Define society. pescribe horv engineers can contribute in the developmenttf the rurai ,t..

,r*rentiate righr:
between copyright and patent
- '
a) Define piofession. Describe the characteristics of prot-ession. [i+4]
b) How do you jddge flre ethical standard of engineers in Nepal? Describe the role of :
Nepal Engineering C.ouncil in maintaining ethicai standard ofNepalese Engineers. [2+3]
3. a) Define cbnffact. Describe any four importance elements of contract. [1+4]

9) Explain the detailed duties and liabilities of Designers/Professionals, [.2+3]

4. During quality conhol visit in a remote village, it has been fcund that a building is being
conitructe.d on the bark of a river, and it rvill be damaged due to flood. Approximately
20% of the construction was completed. The survey rvas done by your friend with the
, consent of the local people. Horvever, the quality of construction u,as as per specification..
Your job is limrted to contol the quality of the building-only. Discuss the case'and

5. Write short notes.on: (any foiu) 'i . .12-5x|l

' '..,, .j

a) Conflict theory of social change

cj Ot5ectives of Nepai Engineers Association

d) Welfare provisions in labor law

f) Trademark ' :


A xl-LiJ J-l - i\ ' .


Exarnination Control Division ,Bop.PEL,

'1WBCI' Pass Marks 16

2066 Magh Year / Part

'- av tfi Time l%tus.

Subject: - Engineering Professional Practice

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as.far as practicable-
,/ Attempt any Four questions.
'/ Thefi,gures in the margin indtcate Fult Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if neces-sary-

1. Er. Narendra Sah was working with the contractor in a constuction project (say
construction of housing complex in Kathmandu). He was grven the responsibilities to
conhol qualify of work in the site. Incidentally; material zuppiier @amchandra) in the
construction is a friend of Narendra. Owing to the road blockade and other strikes,
itarnchandra was facing diffrculty in suaplying sand and aggregates as per the given
- specification. Sand and aggregates materials *as avai'igble inthe close proximity of the
'. ,it., but it is slightly-srUrJtLJ*d.. Ramchanara refrreSiBd Narendra to aliow this material
to be used for construction. Ramchandra convinced Narendra that 'rtre strength of concrete
shall be produced .as per specification even with the use of sub standard materiais,
Ramchandra also offereci to share 50% of the cost sa.;ed during'this process. How'do you
judge the conduct of Narendra and Ramchandra on an ethical ground? [6+4]
)'i*.a.-Y What do you understand by society, social structure and communityZ Write down the
cn- ig
elements of communiqv, [-3+2]
vou relate technoiogy with
social Describechange? briefly the fa;tors
-r" causing sociai change. [2=3]
-.r-r>-pefine profession and professigpratriSm. Describgbriefly the features.of profession.
*- € What are the facters affecting m-orale of professi6n? Desc-rjbe briefly the fundamentai
ethical values for code of
'.e$ics: ^ v [1+i+1+2]
do you mean by professional;usociation?: DesE4lbe-ibriefly the principal
objectives of a professional body. Stfe tne provisioh oI-Engineering Proiessionai
Practice in Nepal. oaFqr. Li+Z+21
inteliectual property right? Elaborate rvhat rio you understand by the terms
r-'- t'/ -Describe design an<i trade mar}.
t \- L"t' [2+3]
b) Explain the different pro:lisioujnlhe {epdesq-leeal system related
lH E rStteering Profession in Nepai.i t5]
a)-.-V'aiid, void and voidable contract
K)--O-ccupational health and safety provisions in labor law 2048 BS

}) Coif""t1crimes and comput.rrt*,


Examination Control Division Programme All Pass lVlarks L6
2065 Baishakh Year/Part rv/tr Time l%tus.

Subject: - Engineering Professional Practice

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Four.questions.
r' The/igures in the margin indicate Full Marks.

y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Define social change and its theories. Discuss on the various roles to be played by the
Engineers in the transformation of Nepalese society towards 'New Nepal'. [1+4]
b) What do you mean by intellectual properfy right? Differentiate between 'Copyright'
and 'Patent right'. 12+31

2. a) What is profession? Do you agree with the statement 'Engineers are professional'?
Give reasons. u+4I
b) Define ethics. Describe 'Utilitarianism' theory and 'Distributive Justice' theory in
making right decision. [1+4]
3. a) Wtrat do you mean by professional association? How do you evaluate the role of
Nepal Engineers' Association as a professional association of Nepalese Engineers?
Discuss. 12+31

b) Define and discuss on various conditions regarding 'Offer and Acceptance' which is
an essential element of contract. Name other essential aspects of contract. L3+21

4. a) List the information which should customarily appear in an advertisement for tenders. tsl
b) Define 'Employees' and 'Workers' as per labor act in Nepal. Discuss "health and
safety" of labors covered by Labor Act. li+41
5. You are appointed as a consulting engineer in a project wherE yor.n best friend is
supplying material. The commrmity people knew the fact and asked you to quit the job
because you cannot control the quality of the material. How do you cope with this
situation? Discuss ethical aspects related to this situation. [10]

Examination Control Division BCE, BEL,
Programme BEX, BCT, Pass Marks l6
2064 Poush Year / Part Iv/II Time l%hrs-

Professional Practice
./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Four questions.
'/ Thefigures tn the margin indicate Full Marlcs.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) What do you understand by society and community? Illustrate the characteristics of

society. Write briefly the theories of origin of society. tsl
b) What do you understand by Technology and Social change? Write down the factors
'":r r: governing social change? lsI
2. a) Define Contract. Discuss essential elements of contract? lsl
b) Define Tender, tender notice earnest money and performance bond. Write down the
contents of tender notice. tsl
3. a) What do you mean by Professional association? Discuss briefly on the principal
objectives of professional body. Introduce Nepal Engineers' Association and Nepal
Engineering Council. tsl
b) What do you mean by moral and ethics? Writb down the code of conduct to be follow
by Engineers. tsI
4. A trial-bridge (suspension bridge) over the Bheri River at Shubhaghat near Mehalkuna
bazaar of Surkhet district collapsed on 25h December, 2007. The collapse of the bridge
claimed some 18 people's life and it is speculated that about 70 persons are missing in the
Bheri river. The mishap happened while a large crowed of people (some eye witnesses
claims 500 to 500 persons) were crossing the bridge to participate in a local fair on the
other side of the bank. The bridge is located at about l0km northeast from the Chhinchu
bazaar. The span of the bridge was 187 meters and was completed construction in the
fiscal year 20631064 (July 2006 / June 07). This was constructed by DDC-Surkhet,
supervised by DTO-Surkhet and the consultant was FACE Consultant Kathmandu. The
contractor was the DC Nirman Sewa, Nepalgunj. The fabricator of all the elements of the
bridge was Hulas Steel Industries, Simara. Nepal Government has announced to conduct
detail investigation of the incident. Initially, it was assumed that the bridge failed due to
overload. Prior to the incident, the DTO technician had allegedly instructed the contractor
to tighten the nuts of the bulldog grips of the main cables. The Qhairperson of the Fair
Management Committee has been quoted to say that the contractor has not tightened the
nuts as was reqr.rired. Preliminary investigations by the SBD Englneers seem to indicate

that the bridge failed due to faulty bulldog grips. How would you judge the incident on
i, the ground ofprofessional ethics? l10l

5. Write short notes on:
ia. tl$*',. .
\J fl "t
t t
a) Health and safety provision of Labor Law 2048 B.S. I
b) Tort, Negligence, Liability and Vicarious Liability Si'*';t
c) computer crimes io,.J I-1' t.'F'

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks t6
2072 A.shwin Year / Part Iv/II Time I %hrs.

Subieet: - Technology , Environment and Society (CE753)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt All questions.
r' AUquestions carry equol marks.
{ Assume suitable data dnecessary.
of technology in
t'/lr/ What do you mean by technology? Write down benefits education

e/ Descibe the LEP Approach for the development of Nepal? Explain community
empowennent process oi I-np Approach.

.l.ztfutnt are the primary reasons for h.qlu4njnlffrcftians in the ecosystem? How natural
YTrosoutces of ecosystem is converted into wealth?
,y', Whtare the factors contributing to global warming? Outline their sources, impacts and
mitigation measures of global warming.

/ Dis"uss the major environmental issues of Nepal? What are the causes of acid rain?

, ':i\

04 TRJBHUVAN I.]NIVERSITY Exam. l{cgullr' / llacli


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks l6

2071 Bhadra Year/Part ry/II Time l%hrs.

Subiect: - Technology , Environment and Society (C8753)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuA Mar*s.
y' Assume suitable dota if necessary.

\/ technology and its impact on societies. Define appropriate technology and its
relevancy *-Lg/
3/ Wnte down in detail causes, effects and mitigation meffures of airpollution. t8l
3.p/niscuss LEP approach in infrastructure development. t4l
.b)-Discuss the role of Engineer in Community Management. t4I
t/ What is climate change? Write down its probable impacts and problems mitigation
. measures that Nepal can adopt. t6I
.;5i Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable energy. tsl
-6. Discuss intellectual revival of Europe in 13 to 15 century. t5I

- Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks t6
2070 Bhadra Year / Part MII Time I % hrs.

Subject: - Technolory Environment and Society (C8753)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
i/ Anempt 4Il questions.
/ The fintres tnthe marsin indtcate Fult Marles.
{ Assume suffible data drucessary.

1. What is "Agricultural Age', "Iodustrial Age" and *Information Age"? Explain, Write the
impact oftechnology on society.
positive as well as negative [4+41
2. Describe briefly the irnpact of .egrly prt oI industrial re-volUtion. $_scribe the irrpact of
3. #tlH;:X ,#Ji to enpowerment community in development
activity? Write some key feanres of infinstructure develofment policies ofNepal. t2+61
4. Define ecosyste,rn and ecolory..How increasing population disnrrbs to natural ecosystem
and how to minimize this disturbance? List out the major envirounental issues ofNepal. [2+3+37

What are the sources of Air and Water Pollution? Write some mitigation measures of
water and airpollution? 14+47
5. What is climate change? Describe its impacts and potential mitigation measures. Also
describe international effortsmade to address this problem [+4+3]

04 TRIBHUVA}IL'NIVERSITY Exam. New Back (2066 & LaterBatch)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass IVIarks 16

. 2470 Magh Year / Part rylII Time I % hrs.

Subject: - Technology Environment and Society (CE753)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
./ Attempt 4!!questtons.
'/ fneis*es in the margin indtcate Full Marlcs.
-;--€' '- {- Assume suitable data-if necessary. '

l. What is meant by industrial and information society? Discuss the impacts of comprtrer
and cybemetics in creating information society that makes the whole worid as a global
village. t8I
2. State the different ages of human development. Write the key developments on
technology during first and Second World War and tleir positive and negative impact on
population [3+5]
3. What are the d.ifferent key features of infrastructure development policies of Nepal? Do
participatory approaches empower community, justi& your answer [3+5]
4. Define environment and ecosystem. Describe how the disposal of sludge and industrial
waste results in pollution of river, lakes and canals? Recommended appropriate mitigation
measures to minimiz*the impacts. t8]
5. What do you mean by climate change? Write major symptorns of climate changes in
Nepal. State some national and international ef,[orts for mitigation and adaption of climate
inducedproblems' [1+4+3]

05 TRJBHWAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Reeular / Back.

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass IVIarks 1,6

2069 Bhadra Year / Part ry/il Time l%hrs.

*_____Ey!l1gt::Iechnglg_fl -B"yfo-3g91!g1!-s_gcteg_g!Ap9_
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt any Five questtons.
{ All questiora carry equal marlrs.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Define industrial revolution, industrial society and information society. Also discuss
about the transformation from industrial to information society.
2. Describe about the industrial wastewater and its treafrnent methods. And, list out the
major causes of polluting Bagmati River in Kathmandu.
3. "Technology can control price" Do you agree with this statement. Support your views
with examples.
4. How Nepalese society is impacted by technology in course of time? What is the major
environmental problem of Nepal?
5. What is climate change? Describe its impacts and potential mitigation measures. Also
describe international efforts made to address this problem
6. Write short notes on: (any two)
a) Ecology, ecosystem and its characteristics
b) Technology and shift in employment
c) Air pollution, pollutant, its impacts and control measures
d) Acid rain, its impacts and control measures

Examination Control Division Programme .BCE Pass Marks l6
2068 Bhadra Year / Part IV/II Time 7%hrs.

, Environment and S
-./ Candidates are rbquired to give their answers in their owlt as practicable.
.r/ Attempt 4!lquestions.
Thefigures in the margtn indicatb Futl Maiks.

1. Discuss briefly the characteristics of information can a

power in the modern era?-
2. briefly the difference in impact of early industrial ievolution of 1660 - 1815 AD and
. revolution of 1815 - 1918 AD.
3. ' What bre tne factors contributing to the globalclirnate change? Explain briefly the international
4. Describe how the'disposal of sludge and industrial waste resulti in pollution of rive.r, lakes and
. canals? Recommend appropriate mitigation *".rrr", to rninimize the impacts.
5. Discuss the characteristics of technology: Describe how the technological innovations can
unmask old social problems.
6. Note down allthe important environmqntal issues pertaining to Nepal. Describe briefly the
corrective interventions reguired


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks l6
2066 Magh Year / Part ff/II Time 1 % hrs.

Subject: - Technology, Environment and Society

/ Candidates are reqirired to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questtons.
r' Alt questions carry equal marks.
/ Assume suitabte data if necessary.

1. Do you agree that "Technology can control price"? Support your views with examples.
2. Describe the impact of technology on employment. Justify the educational needs to
accommodate new tlpe of employment.
3. Describe about the industrial waste and its management. Why this iype of waste needs
special heatment as compared to other wastes. Explain.
4. What is climate change? Describe the possible intervention to reduce its impacts.
5. Describe about the technological development from Stone modem era and its
impact on environment and society in the respective periods
6. Write short notes on: (any trvo)
a) Status of waterpollutioninNepal
b) Pros and cons oftechnology
c) Appropriate technology
rl. *{.

: . " r ".,...i, r,:.t-:l;- :rj.: ri * :a!. . . i r i a: -





Examination Control Division Programme BCB Pass Marks l6

2055 Magh Year /Part vm Tlme l/a hrs.

Subiea: - Technology, Environment and Society

/ Candidates are required to grve their ansyy€rs in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any fu1lquestions.
{ A)U questions carry equal marks.
r' Esime suitable dotiilrecotary.

1. What is meant by information societf Discuss how information age can affect social life.

2. List out the development strategies and discuss their relevancy in the development
prccess ofNepal.
3. Discuss how the technological irnovations reveal social problems. Also mention the pros
and cons of technological development.
4. Describe about the regional and global environmental issues. Explain, which one is the
most burning issues in the prese,nt contort and whf?
5. Describe how the indusnial wastewatsr md edission degrade the quality of aquatic and

terrestrial ecoslatems. Also recommend the prwentive m€asures to minimize their

6. What are the key national environmental issues of Nepal? Recomne,nd potential
preventive measures to minimize t1s impact of solid waste in urban area ofNepal.
*rf tt



7 C


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks t6
2065 Baishakh Year / Part rv /u Time lYrhrs.

, Environment and
/ Candidales are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Aittempt any'Fivi questions.

'/ AUquesttons carry equal marl<s.

/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

What is Industrial Revolution? Describe the major changes it brought to h-uman

"2. What can be the feasible solutions to control human disturbances to ecosystem? Give.
,! your options

3. Present your arguments in favor of the statement that "Technology is a curse".

- 4.
5. Discuss about the challenges on controlling acid rain. ,i
..6. 6irr*r about the impact of technology in Nepalese society

A2 TRIBHWANU}{IVERSITY Exam. Ile gu la r

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lWarks 32

2072 Ashwin Year / Part tvlII Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Construction Management (C8754)

r' Candidates are required to give their ansrvers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Anempt All questions.
/ All questions carry equal marks-
/ Assurne suttable data if necessary.

l. Write the various phases of project life cycle. Discuss the relation between Client,
Consultant and Contractor in a construction project.
2. Explain the importances and steps of construction planning and scheduling. Write the
application of value engineering in the procurement of construction materials.
3. Write the factors to be considered in the selection of appropriate constnrction equipment.
Explain equipment for excavation and equipment for compaction.
4. a) Define Tender Notice and write the essential information that should be included in a
b) Explain the concept of time cost trade off in determining duration of contract.
5. Explain the points to be dealt in financial management and cash flow management by a
manager in a construction project. Explain how a manager takes decision in controlling
project with "eamed value analysis'?
6. Write the responsibilities of 'site engineeC while supervising the work of a contractor.
Justifr the statement 'prevention maintenance is better than corrective maintenancel.
Explain the importance of communication in construction project.
7. a) State the purpose of specification and write the techniques of specification writing.

b) Write various methods of valuation of properties and elaborate concept of

8. Write short notes on: (any two)
i) Material handling system
ii) I€adership styles
iii) Measurement book
iv) Material productivity control

02 TRIBHWAN TJNIVERSITY Exam. lltgul:rr i llrtcl,.
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marls 32
2071 Bhadra Year /Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Construction Management (CE754)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' AttemptALquestions.
{ Thefigures in the margtn tndicate Full Marlts.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. What are the characteristics of Construction Project? Explain. t4]

2. Explain time cost trade offwith example. t6l
3. What is material wastage standard? Desoribe the application of value engineering in
procurement of material. t6]
Define economic order quantity. Calculate EOQ and reorder point if rebar required is
1000 tonnes; Ordering Cost is Rs. 10,000; Carrying Cost is liYo,rcbar rate is Rs. 90,000
per tonne; Safety Stock is 50 tonnes; lead time is 4 day and consumption per day is
50 tonnes.
4. a) Discuss the methods of tunnel excavation .-16I
b) Discuss Batching and Mixing plant. t6I
5. Classiff contract based on payment. Explain lump sum conhact and cost plus contract. 12+2+41
6. Prepare a tlpical job layout of a Building Project. t4I
7. Define work scope control. Discuss eamed value analysis with example. 12+41

8. Explain procedure to prepare Bills. t4I

9. Describethetlpesofmaintenanceinproject. t4I
10. Define leadership. What are the characteristics of good leader? Which style is better? U+3+27

11. What are the causes of accidents in constnrction project? How it can be minimized? 12+27

12. Explain the importancd of specification. Write a detailed specification of brick work in
cement sand mortar. [3+s]
13. Calculate the value of a building built l0 years ago having a plinth area of 450 sqnu
constnrcted in the land of 1000 sqm. Current market value of land is Rs. 15,000 per sqm
and rate of building is Rs. 30,000 per sqm.Assume suitable'data if necessary. t8I
02 TRTBHUVAN LjNI}'ERSITY Exam. NervBack (2
Exannination Control Division Prograrnme BCE PassMarks 32
2070 Magh Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs-

Subject: - Construction Management (CE754)

; { Candidates are required to give their ansrvers rn their own words as far as practicable.
,/ .Attempt 4!!! questions-
{ fhrig,rrrs in the margin tndicate FuE Martcs.
/ Assume suitable data ifnecessary.

1. - Define Consultant Explain the maintaininggl1sualty of.Censtructjqn_

works [1+3J
2. Why do you prefer Bar Chart as planning tool? Explain pretender Stage Planning by contractor

Glculate Minimum Cost and Minimum Duration Schedule using time cost Trade-offanatysis of

the project with foltowing detail. lndirect cost ,s Rs. 1OOO per day. Id
Activity Predecessor Normal Crash NormalCost Crash Cost
Duration Duration
A 5 7 5000 6200
i.l A 4 3 FffI0 7ljfri)
c A 3 2 5000 6500
D A 6 4 4000 440/0
E ts 5 3 15000 18000
F D 4 7 30m tlSOO
6 C,E, F 6 3 8000 1@00

3. Define A, B and C category of materials. Calculate Economic Order Quantity of Cernent with
following details; Total Quanuty = 12@O bags; Ci=15%, Co=1OOOO ; P = 750 Rs. per bag. Ig+rJ

4- What are the disadvantages of usingequipment in Construction sites? List out construction
. equipment used in hydropower and explain any two of them with sketches. [z+s+s] '
5. What is BOOT Contract? Explain its irnportance in Dtiveloping Countries like Nepal Iz++J

6. Why cash flow managernent is necessary for a contractor. Draw a typical cash flow estimate of a

contractor showiirgthe most critical stage- [2+3J

7. What are the reasons of excessiye material wastage during usage? Explain its preventive
measures. I s+E]
Periorm earned value analysis of a project with five astivities as given betow. Progress was
evaluated at the end of 5th day.

Activiw Cost I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8
A 6.000
B 15,000 +.'
C 10,000
D 4,400

At the end of 56 day 7o Complete Actual Ccst
A I 00% 7000
B 5sYo 7504
C 40.Vo 3600
D Ao/" x
AIso comment on the performances.

8. What are the responsibilities d-site-Engineer3l-construction site? Explain procedures to prepale

bi*s. [s+eJ
9. 'Prevention is better than cure' Elaborate it with reference to preventive and corrective
maintenance [4]'
10- Explain various qpes of leadership and their suitability in construction projects in Nepal. lol

11. Why insurance is necessary during construction? Explain. t+l

12. Differentiate betweEn generaland detailed specification- Write detailed specification for
brick work in t4 cernent sand mortar. [z+t]

13. Define valuation. What are the purposes of valuation? Explain the factors affecting value of the
property IZ+:+3]

Workout the vatue of a Gnema hallfrom the following data. t8l
ii Cost of Land = Rs 5 crore
ii) Gross income = Rs. 2 crcrt
,,i) Operating Cost = tlO% of Gros income
iv) Repair and Maintenance of 'machineries = 5% of Capital Cost where capital cost is Rs. 40
v) Repair of Hall = 5% of Gross income .
vi) Sinking fund for machineries whose tife is estirnated 25 years @ 4o/o afterallowing 1o%
SCIZp value.
vii) lnsurance premium = Rs 50000 per year
viii) Assume year3 purchase for 60 years at 8% anC redemption of capital at LATo.

* ,F:F


Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2Q70 Bhadra Year / Part Iv/II Time 3 hrs.

.' - Construction (cE7s4)

are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
A Ail questions.
tn the margtn indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Wr rte short notes on (Any Three only) [3x4J

(a) Tower Cranes (blTunnel excavation by Blasting
tc) C.oncrete Batching Plants (d) Road pavers
2. only)
Wr ite short notes on (Any Four [4x3J
(a) Responsibilities of Site Engineer
(b) Measurement Book
(c) Safiety Reguirements
(d) Building Codes
(e) Diagnostlc Maintenance
(0 lmportance of Maintenance
3. (a) Explain the importance of Specifications in Construction Works t4]
(b) Write a note on the art and science of writing Specifications covering followirq aspects t6l
(i) Necessity of specification
(ii) Procedure of drafting
(il[ What to write and what to avoid in wrking.
4. (a) Explain the situation where the following method of valuation will be used l3I
(i) C.ost based method
(ii) Plinth area rnethod
(iii) Development method
(b) Work out the valuation of a Cinema hall with the following data t5l
(i) Cost of land = Rs. 15,00,000
(ii) Gross income = Rs.90,00,000
(iii) Expenses undergone per yearto run the Cinema including Staffsalary
electricity cha6es, municipal tax$ stationery and prlnting etc. 30 % of
gross income.
(iv) Repair and maintenance of machinery, plant and equlpment at 5 % of their
capital cost which is Rs. 55,@,@0
(v) Sinking fund for machinery, plant and equipment whose life is estimated
as 25 years at 5 % after allowingl:0% Scrap value.
(va) lnsurance premium is Rs. 60,000 per annum.
Assume year's purchase for 60 years at 8 % and.rcdemption of capital at 4 % and
repair of hall at2% of gross income.
5. (a) Discuss on scope of construction management and Project life cycle phases. t5l
(b) Discuss on Time cost Trade-gff with examples and steps in planning. t5l
6. Write short notes on (AnyIHon[] [4x4]
(a) ABC Classification of materlals.
(bl Materialinventory.
(c) Types ofcontract
{di Financial management
(e) Prequalification of contractor
7. Write short notes on (Any three only) [3x4]
(a) Performance control using EVA
(b) tabor productivity control
(c) Leadership styles
(dl Motivating and directing
. , ,j
-., 1 :

04- 'TRIBHUVANUNMRSIry Exam. Resular / Back r


- Examination Control Division. Programme BCE Pass IVIarks 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Management of Construction and Maintenance (EG776CE)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any live questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data tf necessary.

l. a) Explain the importance of specification in construction work. Write down the main
techniques that you follow for writing specification.. 14+41
b) Write detailed specification of: [4+41
i) RCC with M20 concrete in column
ii) Brick work in 1: 6 cement sand mortar
2. a) What are the responsibilities of site engineer in construction work? Explain the
relationship between owner, contractor and consultants. [4+41
b) Explain about the process for evaluation of tender and selection of conffactor. t8I
3. a) Discuss about the different equipments for tunnel construction. t8l
b) Enlist the equipment for highway construction and explain any two of them with
sketches. 12+61

4. a) What is job layout? Discuss various factors to be considered in construction site

planning. [2+6]
b) "Preventive maintenance is better that the corrective rnaintenance". Do you agree with
this statement? Explain with suitable example. t8I
5. a) For the activities lying on the critical path of a network, the normal duration and the
crash duration along with their respective direct cost are given in the table. t8I

Activity Normal duration Normal cost (Rs) Crash duration Crash costs (Rs)
t-2 2 days 50 Iday 75
2-3 4 days 160 3 days 225
3-5 9 days 270 6 days 3s0
5-6 5 duys r00 4 days 250
The overhead indirect cost is Rs.30/- per day. Crashing is possible for I day for each
of the activities l-2,2-3,and 5-6 and 3 days for activity 3-5. Find the lowest cost
schedule by crashing step by step assuming no fresh critical path is developed on
crashing a project.
b) Among CPM, PERT and bar chart which planning tool do you prefer for building
construction? Explain. t8I
6. Write short notes on: (any four) l4x4l
a) Process of material procurement
b) Purchase or lease of equipment
c) Fayol's principles of management
d) Maslow's theory of motivation
e) Importance of record keeping
f) Balance sheet
04. TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Regular / Back r
Eiamination Control Division. Programme BCE PassMarks 32
2069 Bhadra Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Management of Construction and Maintenance (EG776CE)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Anempt any Five questions.
r' TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Mark.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) Explain the importance of specification in construction work. Write down the main
techniques that you follow for writing specification.. 14+41
b) Write detailed specification of: L4+41

D RCC with M20 concrete in column

ii) Brick work in l: 6 cement sand mortar
2. a) What are the responsibilities of site engineer in construction work? Explain the
relationship between owner, contractor and consultants. 14+41
b) Explain about the process for evaluation oftender and selection ofcontractor. t8I
3. a) Discuss about the different equipments for tunnel construction. t8l
b) Enlist the equipment for highway construction and explain any two of them with
sketches. 12+61
4. a) What is job layout? Discuss various factors to be considered in construction site
planning. 12+61
b) "Preventive maintenance is better that the corrective maintenance". Do you agree with
this statement? Explain with suitable example. t8I
5. a) For the activities lying on the critical path of a network, the normal duration and the
crash duration along with their respective direct cost are given in the table. t8I

Activity Normal duration Normal cost (Rs) Crash duration Crash costs (Rs)
l-2 2 days 50 I day 75
2-3 4 days 160 3 days 22s
3-5 9 days 270 6 days 350
5-6 5 days 100 4 days 250
The overhead indirect cost is Rs.30/- per day. Crashing is possible for I day for each
of the activities l-2, 2-3,and 5-6 and 3 days for activity 3-5. Find the lowest cost
schedule by crashing step by step assuming no fresh critical path is developed on
crashing a project.
b) Among CPM, PERT and bar chart which planning tool do you prefer for building
construction? Explain. t8I
6. Write short notes on: (any four) [4x41
a) Process of material procurement
b) Purchase or lease of equipment
c) Fayol's principles of management
d) Maslo#s theory of motivation
e) Importance of record keeping
0 Balance sheet
02 IRiSHWANTJNIWFSITY Exam. Resular /.Back

Examination Control Division Programrr.ig BCE Fass Marks .32

.' 2067 Ilangsir Year / Par! IV /II Time 3 hrs.

of Constriction and Maintenance

''/ Candidates are requiredto gve their answers in their orvn words aS far as practiiable.
' ;t'
" ,4ttetnpt any Five questions.
,/ Thefig4res inihe aargin indichte Fult Marks.
; / Assune suitable data if necessary. t .

. \1
i. .Write down thb detailed specifications for brick work in (1:4) cement sand motor in .

spp.erstructure ' t16l

2. a) I Explain the procedures fo]lowed after opening and evaluation of a in.
b) \Mhat is prequali{ication? Mention v-ario3:s steps to be lbllowed in prequalification and
what are the differences between prequalification and post qualification,. ' .
ln detait the operation and application of the following types of excavating'
with line diagiam showine the basic prt\ (i) Power shovel (ii) Fiack hoe
(excavator) (iii) steel roller (3 wheeied) [16]
4. a) Explain the main considerations necessary' in the stonng and stacking of civil
engineeringmaterials. ,LqsU-- t8l
b) Explain the iqportance.of roads and buildings and also
mention various types of maintenance. t8l
5 are the principles of management and compare administrative orineiole and
b) sheet and and loss and their functions. rql
6: Write short not-es on: (any four) laxal
4 Tunnel boring machines .

b) Batching and mixing in.concrete conitruction

' ' c) Centalization and {ecenkalization
d) B'arriers of communication
e) Building code





... Q4, Exam. I
rNsrrrure or BNcntntruNc Level Marks
ft-uii 80
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks ,

2068Bhadra : Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

of Construction and Maintenance

'/ Candidates are required to give their answe.s irrit6b-i, own words as far as practicable.
,/. Attempt any Five questions.
'/' Thefigures tn the margtn indtcate Full Marks.

l. a) Discuss the importance of specificati5ns in construction tvork. Write down detailed

specification for cement sand mortar (1:4) t8l
b) What is contractor's prequalification and why it is necessary? What are the
advantages and dis advantages o f prequalifi c ation? t8l
2. a) How does corrective maintenance differs from Ipreventive maintenance? Describe the
impdrtance of maintenance on highways. [3+s]
b) Explain the procedures for opening and evaluation of bid in construction project. t8l
GfrThe following information are available about various activities of the network.
V/ Determinb least cost schedule. Project overhead cost are Rs 2000 per.week. [10]
Normal Duration Normal cost Crash Duration Crash cost
I.2(A) 4 4000 3 7000
1-3G 8 5000 8000
.r-JtLi 3'100 i rUUU

b) Elaborate the factors to be considered to reduce.accident wirile working with machine. 16]
4. a) What is pqliyg[lg:r? [tw it is nec.essary in construction sites? Explain Herzberg's
theorY orfi6ffiatio" ( Pl' l7!T0E) i[1 L-.J

b) Explain steps of procurbrnent procedure for materials in Government offices. l8l

5. a) Discuss any two types of excavating and earth moving equipment in detail. t8l .

b) List differeqt tlpes and rock drilling equipments. Explain briefly. t8l
6. ,Write short notes on: (any four) : ' l4x4)

b) Complactingmachines
. c) Equipment fqr lifting
d) Trade unions arid relation with management
e) Importance of record keeping for construction
0 Building code -<- .

g) Safety reguldtion



02 TRIBHWAN;VERSITY Exam. Reeular / Back


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

' 2051 Mangsir Year / Part IV/U fime 3 hrs.

Subject: - Management of Construction and Maintenance

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. I

/ Auernpt any zu.questions.


'/ ThefiBares in the ri4argin indicate Full Marks. I

/ Assutne suitable data if necessary. I
i. Write doyn the detailed specifications for brick work in (1:4) cement sand motor in ,
sgperstructue [16]
2. a) Explain the procedures followed after opening and evaluation of a tender in i
government projects. l8l I

b) What is prequalification? Mention various steps to be followed in prequalification and I


what are the differe,nces between prequalification and post qualification.

.t8l i

3. Describe in detail the operation and application of the following tlpes of exgavating I

equipments with line diagram showing the basic parts. (i) Power shovel (ii) Back hoe
. (excavator) (iii) steel roller (3 wheeled) lt6l
4. a) Explain the main considerations necessary in the storing and stacking of civil
. engineeringmaterials. l8l

mention various types of maintenance. t8],

5. a) What are the principles of matagement and compare administrative principle and
management principle. t8l

b) Describe balance sheet and profit and loss account and their firnctions. rql
' 6. Write short notes on: (any four) lax4l
a) Tunnel boring machinEs
- b) Batchingand mixing in eoncrete coustruction- .-

c) Cenhal izationand decenhalization

d) Barriers of communication

f) Cost conhol


,.?ffi::r 02 TRIBHWAI{T,'NIVERSITY r*lfil
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PessMarks 32
2066 Magh Year / Part ry/II Tlme 3 ttrs.

Subiect: - Management of Constuction and Maintenance

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt any EUg,questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marhs.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. What are Bid bond and Performance bond? Explain the procedtres to be followed in pre-
quali$ing contractors for bidding for the constnrction of a commercial complex of
Rs. 500 million estimated cost. ll6l
2. Describe the different equipments used for road-constuction. Explain the functions and

3. a) Describe in detail the relationship among Owner; Contractor and any
constnrction project. t8l
b) Explain the concept of 'time cost trade ofP with illustrations. What do you mean by
cashing of a project activitf Yqrr bss is asking pu to reduce the t'.ne schedule of
apojecTriffiy'vtAde3es"*est? tel
4. a) Interview is consifued as an iryortant step in selecting people for the job, what
dn$tktsof eaxfi&te aeviemned &Eing an idcrviewTr'-F*in t8l
b) What is material handling? Explain. What factors would you consider in material
handling? t8l
5. a) Explain maintenance needs and tlpes of maintenance. Describe balance sheet and
profit and loss account and their functions. t8l
b) What is motivation? Explain the concept of motivation using Maslow's need
hierarchy and He,ruberg's two factor theories. t8l
6. Write shori notes on: (any tbur, [4xal
a) ,Barriers of communication
t:) f'::t'i'',,]:',,lrl,^, : :,i:.1 r1ll l'-i,"..' 1 ."i1'
c) Advantages and disadvantages of trade union
d) Tunnel boringoachins
e) Batching and mixing in concrete constiuction


, .i- :..;: ;r- ri&r.


Examination Control Division Programme BCE P'ass nflarks 32

2065 Baishakh Year / Part ry/tr Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Management of Construction and Maintenarlce

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Sk questions.
/ AA questions carry equal marks.
{ Assume suitabki data if necessary.

1. a) How do you differentiate between the general specification and detailed specification
for a particular work?
- ;
b) Explain various important points which should be considered while preparing detailed
2. a) Write the names of different types of contracts used in Civil Engineering. Which type
of contract is used for Government works? Why?
b) How are tenders scrutinised and compared before the selection of the tender is made?
How'is atenderto be chosen?
3. Discuss any two types of excavating and earth moving equipment in detail. Give
What are different types of tunneling and rock drilling equipment? Explain briefly.
4. Write short notes on (any three)
a) Tower Cranes
b) Concrete Mixers
c) Use of CPM and Bar Charts
d) Safety Regulations
e) Cash Flows
5. a) Mention the various factors effecting the selection of construction equipment.
b) Explain how "Preventive maintenaoce is better than corrective maintenance".

Explain the steps iouotu.O i" d.igr"i:lg the problem affecting a structure for which
rehabilitation is to be done.
6. a) Explain the characteristics of supervisory and leadership style.
b) Describe briefly the characteristics of training and selection method.
7. Write short notes on (any four)
a) Site order book
b) Material handling system
c) Time-cost trade off
d) Balance sheet
e) Building codes
0 Communication
g) Importance of quality control
*rl.* U

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lUarks 32

2065 Baishakh Year / Part IV/tr Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Management of Construction and Maintenarlce

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt any Six questtons.
r' Ail questions carry equal marlcs.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) How do'you differentiate between the general specification and detailed specification
for a particular work?

b) Explain various importart points which should be considered while preparing detailed
2. a) Write the names of different types of contracts used in Civil Engineering. Which type
of contract is used for Government works? V/hy?
b) How are tenders scrutinised and compared before the selection of the tender is made?
How is a tender to be chosen?
3. Discuss any two types of excavating and earttr moving equipment in detail. Give

What are different types of turureling and rock drilling equipment? Explain briefly.
4. Write short notes on (any three)
a) Tower Cranes
b) Concrete Mixers
c) Use of CPM and Bar Charts
d) Safety Regulations
e) Cash Flows
5. a) Mention the various factors effecting the selection of construction equipment.
b) Explain how "Preventive maintenance is better than corrective maintenance".

Explain the steps iorootu.a i, d"igrriS:g the problem affecting a structure for which
rehabilitation is to be done.
6. a) Explain the characteristics of supervisory and leadership style.
b) Describe briefly the characteristics of training and selection method.
7. Write short notes on (any fow)
a) Site order book
b) Material handling system
c) Time-cost trade off
d) Balance sheet
e) Building codes
0 Communication
g) Importance of quality control
*,f *

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2064 Poush Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Management of Construction and Maintenance

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any Five questions.
r' AA questions carry equol marla.
y' Assume suitable data ff necessary.

L What is performance bond? Prepare a tender notice for selecting contractor for the
construction of a commercial complex of Rs. 100 mln cost. Assume necessary data as you
2. Name and discuss the equipment used for earthwork in excavation and pavement
List different types of cranes and discuss in brief with sketches.
3. a) What is cash flow? Explain the procedure how you prepare cash flow for a
construction project.
b) How you fix duration of a construction project. What is time cost trade off? Explain.
4. a) Write steps you follow in procurement of 10000 bags of cement for a commercial
b) In the selection of personnel for a project, what would you consider in the interview?
5. a) Explain maintenance needs and all types of maintenance. Prepare chart with figures,
the balance sheet and profit and loss account and explain the functions.

b) Explain the need of communication, flow, barriers and breakdown of communication.

And also explain decision making levels and stages.
6. Write short notes on (any three):
a) 14 principles of administration management by Fayol .
b) Advantages and disadvantages of trade union \
c) Centralizationand decentralization
d) Supervisory style and types of leadership
e) Equipment for tunnel boring
f) Concrete mixers
O6E TRBHUVEN UNIVERSITY Exam. Nerv Back (2066 & Later Batch)
Examination Control Divisiotr ' Programme BCE Pass Marks _rz

' 2070 Magh Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject .' - Time Series Analysis (Elective IID GE 78s0s)

.{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their o:wn words as far as practicable.
t Attempt All questions.
'/ fhe figures in the margin indicate Full Martcs.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Differe ntiate between dete rmi nistic, a ad:.fondom process. l3l

]r '''r'iri:';:
2. What is trend in time series? Disc+rss two methods for the detection of trend. [1+41 ':

(b)The probability density function of a random variable is given by ': ' I ': :" 'r"15; 'r ' ,_t..:.r:i;a:.1

f{x)= 5x11-'l for Oot<1

= 0 elsewhere
Find the probability that xwill take on a vatue within 2 times standard deviaiions of the mean and
compare it with the lower bound provided by Chebyshev's inequality.

4. (a) Define autocorrelation with relevant equations? How is it useful for the investigation of
independent process ? [3+51
(b) The first serial correlation coefficient of MA{l} prrcess isf'.27. Compute the parameter and variarrce
ofthe process.Takethevariance ofrandornvariable= 1.5. l2+Zl

5. (a) Starting from Yule-Walker equation for AR(m) model, obtain the parameterc of AR(1}and AR(21
qrodel. Also explain the nature of autocorrelation function of AR(1! model with sketctres. 12+2+31
(b) Classify the following process as AR, MA or ARMA and compute first four sedal correlation
coefficients' [1+81
(& - p) = a.T(xt-t- r) + es - 0.sej-1
5. (a) Explain the Thomas-Fiering model for generating seasonal flows. I8l
(bl The mean, standard deviation, first and second serial corretation coefficients of observed annual
flows of a stream are estimated as 450 Mm3, 130 Mmt, 0.7 and 0.45 respectively. Generate a sequence
of S'annual flows assuming that the flows are normally distributed and taking the chain of 5 standard
normat random rxrmbers as 1.235,0.596,4.813, 0.819, -0.056. Use AR(2) model. tlOI

7. (al Explain the central limit theorem method for the generation of normally distributed random
(b) Using the sequence of unif.,grmq_qnd-_9m numbers in.piirs given below, obtain th€ sequence of normbl
random numbers usir6 Box-Muller method I8I
u1 u2
0.576 0.249
0.s88 0.gzz
0.470 0.670
0.157 0.350


i t * i

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2070 Bhadra Year / Part rv/n Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Time Series Analysis (Electiu.e III) (C875505)

.. /
- -:;,.,' i"
. Candidates are required to.give their answers in theiruwn words as far as

,/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marlu. :.

{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. ,Lis!-the ryptig.ations of time,_qgries modelling in water resources engineering. t3l

2. What is stationarity? Discuss the approach for testing stationarity of time series. ll+41
3. a) Expiain the methods for the determination of parameters of probability distributions. tsl
b) The annual rainfall at a place is found to have a mean 740 mmand standard deviation
400 mm. Find the ranges within which the rainfall will lie with a probability of at
4. a) What are different types of periodic series? Describe each of them in brief. t4l
b) For MA (2) process, following data are given: 11 : 0.36, rz : 4.2. Colnpute
parameters p1 *d Pr. t6l
5. a) Discrrss ihe nature of autocorrelation function of AR(l) and AR(2) model with
sketches [3+4]
b) Classifu the following process as AR, MA or ARMA and compute first four serial
correlation coeffi cients. ll+81
(Xr- p): 1.3(Xr- r - p) 0.5CX,-z - p) + et
6. a) What is spectral analysis? How is it done? Explain with relevant equations. 12+61

b) The X, Sx, rr, 12 of the observed annual flows of a steam are estimated as 875 Mm3,
262N[m3,0.8 and 0.46 respectively. Generate a sequence of 3 annual flows assuming
that the flows are normally distributed and taking the chain of three uniform random
number as 0.3781, 0.63702,0.98343. Use AR(2) model. ' . uu
7. Obtain 2 normal random numbers from the sequence' of following uniform random
numbers using central limit theorem method. t6l
0.637,0.301,0.3g6,0.ggg,0.g55, 0.023,0.351, 0.giqg,0.665,0.705, 0.376,0.435
8. Explain the following: tel
Method of maximum Iikelihood for estimation of parameters, test of assumptions of AR
models and Parsimony of parameters.

i t
t *

Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

2070 Bhadra Year / Part tv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Ground Water Engineering (Elective II) (CE76509)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt 4llquesttons.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Ma'lw.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Dlfferentiate between confined and unconfined aquifer. I4I

2. (a) What is Darq/s law for groundwater flow? Derive it and discuss the valldity of this law,

(b) lt takes 4hour for water in an aquifer to travel from point A to point B, 30m apart. The
difference in water surface elevation between A and B is 0.6m. lf the porosity of the material is
15%, determine the permeability of the aquifer, seepage velgcity and Reynolds number. Take
a average grain size of material = lmm and kinematic viscosity of water = 0.009 stoke. [3+3+21

3. (a) Derive an expression fof the equation of phreatic line for steady 1D flow into horizontal
galleries dug to the impervious soil layer in unconfined aquifer. t8l

{b) Determine the flow into a horizontal gallery 220m long resting on an imperviots strata
(un_conf[ned! 11m below ground surface (bel]. The ground water table in the area is 4m bgl and
drops at the face of the gallery to 9m bgl in a length of 450m. Permeability of the strata is
It0m/day. Also deduce the equation of the phreatic surface. [4+4]

4. (a) Show that the discharge (Q) for steady radial flow into a well in unconfined aquifer is
given by

A =ffi where T= transmissivity, Sr and Sz = drawdowns located at rr and 12 distance

away from the maln well. t8l

(b) A wetl penetrates into a confined aquifer of 28m deep. Pumping is done at the rate of 1500
lpm. Hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is 20 m/day. Calculate the drawdown of the well at
80m away from it after a lapse of 12hour of pumping. Take storage coefficient as 0.@3. t8l

5. (a) Explain Theis solution for the determination of storage coefficient and transmissivity of
aquifer. 16l

(b) From a preliminarf fest;it isexpected that a trrbewell cih yield 1800lpm under a drawdown
of 4.3m from a confined aquifer of t}mthick,itruck at a depth of 27m below ground level. The
static water level is 11m below ground level. Determine the diameter and length of strainei.
Take permeability of aquifer materiat= 0.1cm/s. [4+4]

6. (a) Explain selsmic refraction method for the exploration of groundwater. tsl
(b) Explain the working principle, advantages and limltations of the jet pump used for lifting
groundwater. tsI
(c) Discuss about the aquifer system of the Terai region of Nepal. t4l
0 /p \t D
l' -/
Nerv Back (2066 & Later Batctr)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32
207lMagh Year I Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Environmental Impact Assessment (Elective III) (C878504)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any Five questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suttable data ifnecessary.

l. a) The term climate change and sustainable development is burning issucs these days.
Explain how EIA has come forward as an effective tool to tackle these issues. t8]
b) Differentiate between IEE and EIA. What are the major environment screening
criteria in Nepal? [3+5]
2. a) Give proper linkage -of EIA and project cycle. List out the different aims of
environmental scoping. [5+3J
b) What is the objectives of scoping in EIA process. How do you prepare TOR for EIA
process briefly describewith an example. t8I
3. a) What is the purpose of baseline studies? Describe about environmental setting for
baseline studies. [4+41
b) A cement factory burns 5 tonnes of coal per hour and discharge the combustion
products through a stack having a'physical height of 75 m. Predict the impact of SOz
emission on environment at 1000 m downwind and at a lateral distance of 400 m on
either side of plume from chimney. Note that sulfur content on coal is 4Yo. Wind
speed at top of the chimney is 6 m/sec. Atmospheric pressure is 1000 mb. Inside
diameter of chimney is 0.9 m. Stack gas exit velocity 12 mlsec. Stack gas exit
temperature and air temperature are 140'C and 25"C respectively. Take o, : 120 m
and or:85 m. t8I
4. a) Discuss the impact evaluation technique. A largely poorly controlled brick factory has
a stack 75 m high, it is currently emiuing 127 g/s of SOz. Estimate the ground level
concentration of SOz from this sources at a distance 3 KM directly downwind when
the wind speed is 6 m/s at top of stack and the stability class is C (Take horizontal
dispersion and vertical dispersion coefficient is 280 m and 170 m respectively). t8I
b) What is EMP? Highlight the objective of environmental monitoring. What are the
different types of monitoring carried out in EIA? 12+2+41
5. a) Explain different types of environment protection measures (EPMs). t8]
b) It is said that 'The beauty of EIA is public participation'. Explain the statement. Who
are stakeholders involved in EIA process? [4+41
6. Write short notes on: $xal
a) Method of impact evaluation techniques
b) Environmental Auditing
c) EIA Review
'-"' d) ProjectCycleof EIA
*,f +

.':' " ': '1''

OsD TRIBHUVAN UNTVERSITY Exam. llegular' / llacli
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2071 Bhadra Year / Part TV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Hill Irrigation (Electtve II)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attenlpt any Five questions.
/ Thefigures in the margin tndicate Full Marlcs.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

p,$Voit*out the need, scope, limituiqrs and advantages ofmicro irrigation methods irr the hills ofNepal. [10]
$O*ermine the storage volume of a gravel trrp having a discharge of 625 lps with maximum sedimcnt conccntration
of 2.l kg/m3. Assume thst the gravet is tapped at r*e of 1.6 klmr of ilow having bulk density of 1900 kg/rn3.
Assume that the gravet trap should be cleancd in every" 3O days. t6I

lglf Compute inigation interual and irrigation hours per day for a l6 mm drip line 3 lit/hr dripper, if latsral spacing of
&ip line is 90 cm and dripper spacing is 70 cm. Available water for the given soil is 0.28 fraction. Take crop water
requirerncnt equal to 4 mm/day. The crop rooting defih is 90 cm. / t81

the flow assessmslt techniques in Nepal with their data requirements and reliability. tE]

3rlfD€sign a scttting basin for HIS having good intqke sirc. Design flow = 0.4 m3/s; size of silt to be trappcd = 0.5mm.
Take Q/As = 0.02 and oritical botlom velocity = 0.25 mls Assume scour velocity for flushing = 1.8 m/s. Provide a neat
sketch showing doigred dimensions. [0]
80elo reliable April flow for an ungaugsd catrtmcnt A usingthe dn of Hydrologically Similar Catchment

oqual to 5.0 The long term mean April flow and staudtd derriation for B-ane-q$erl to 5.5 m3/scc and 125
r€spestivcly t6l
4. for 12 monfis. t8l
m Fcb Mar Apr Mav un Jul Auc Seo tu Nov Dec
1.58 2.32 3.76 4-52 4.E5 5,2E 5.28 4.27 3.47 3.15 2.46 r.86
a cascade drop to lower the watcr level in the canal by 3.5 m. llhe canal is carrying a discharge of 350lps'
bed width 0.45 m. The existing ground slope at the drop is I JJrovide a ncat t8I

p{*nnWpof intakes are suitable for hill inigation? Describe your answer with n€at sketches. t8t
with neat sk€tchcs, 0re layout patterns of distribution systems appropriate to hill irrigation canals. [8]
6. Write short 1otes on any four ofthe following: [4*4]
a) Dcsigr issues fot head worts of HIfuz
b) Appropriate drainage crossings for HIS.z
c) Vegetative memures against surface erosion and land slides
d) Diffcrence between sprinkler and drip iniption methodsv"
e) Suitable escape $ilcturas for HIS with sketch \,-
f) Appropriate and oost effec'tive methods of sedimcnt control in HIS



Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass ltdorla 32
2072 Ashwin Year/Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject : - Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering (C8751)

/ Candidates are required-to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt&lquestions.
/ Thefigtres in the margin indicate Futl Marhs.
r' Candidues shoulduse seporate swwer bookfor each group.
/ Asnnne suttable data ifnecessary. ..

Groub A
(lVater Pqrt)
1. a) Derive the expression for second order accurate explicit finite eguation for dynamic
wavemodel --) [6J
b) A of 40 m, bed slope 2Yo and Mannings n:0.03 carries a
channel with a width
discharge of If Ax is taken as 1500 meters, recommened
100 m3ls through a section.
the maximum time step for stable solution of kinematic wave routing in this
condition. Assume hydraulic radius equal to flow depth. t6I
2. a) Write an algorithm for simulation of water hammer process using me&od of
characteristics. t4I
b) If the MOC is applied for t1 = I sgc agd t2 = 2 sec, time levels for a pipe with diameter
30 cm carrying water. If Qo : 0.7 m3/s, Qg : 0.76 m3/s and Qc = 0.i4 m3/g He = 20
m,fls : 20.6 m and rlc : 20.4 m are the values at gnd points. Find the values of
Q aod H at t1 = I sec that will be required for finding Q and H at P wlren
characteristics do not lie on diagonal. Here, Ax = 1000 m, At = I sec, f = 0.02 and c =
800 m/s t4I
3 Derive e4pression for finite difference scheme for 2D grormdwater simulation in steady
state for homogeneous and isotropic aquifer. Describe about the boundary conditions and
flowcoefficients. t8I

Groun B
(Stmctune Part)

4. Describe briefly the various solution techniques used for solving civil engineering
problems. AIso give their advantages and disadvantages. t8I
5. Explain different solution tecbniques of linear equations. Write the algorithm for
conjugate gradient method. [5+3]
6. Eaplain the terms a:ri-symnretric problem with examples. Derive straindisplacement and I

constihrtive relationships that exist in plane stress problem for isofropic material. [4+6]

7. a) Determine the support reactions and deflections at mid-span for the given stnrcture.
Also draw bending moment diagrart. tl0I
30 KN 20

3m 40 KI.[m
8m 6m
E= 20xl MPa
I = 5x106 mma

b) Derive shape fimction for the element as shown in Iigure below. t6I

Lr -0 Lz:0
L4: lD ---c'2.!,, - l
: lt}
ta= lfZ
Lr=. I Lz= |

-PLr = 0

8. A steel plate of thickness 10 mm is being loaded in the structural system as shown in

figure below. Calculate stresses at the centroid ofthe plate. [10]

,:1, nrm
E = 200GPa




a. .



Examination Control Division 'Programme BCE Pass Marks 12

2071 Bhadra Year / Part Iv* / II Time 3 hrs.

S ubject : - Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering (CE75l)

r' Candidates are required to give tleir answers in their own words as fr
as practicable.
/ Auempt All questions.
{ The figures in the mugin indicate Full'Marks.
{ Candidate should ase sqamle answer bookfor each group (Watu aad Structure).
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

Group A
l. a) Derive the first order accurate implicit Finite Difference equation for kinematic wave
model in the non-linear form. t6l
b) Using the Finite Difference equation developed in question (a), compute the discharge
at I km #s of location X at time 14:00 hrs, for the followin g data: t6l
Rectangular channel, width:20 m, Bed slope :0.C01, Manning's n = 0.03
Discharge at location X at time 14:00 hrs = 14 mj/s
Discharge at location X at time 13:45 hrs: 12 m3/s
Discharge at I km d/s of location X at time 13:45 hrs = I I m3/s
No lateral flow, wetted perimeter approximately equal to width of channel.
2. Define characteristic crrve and method of characteristis ffOC). Deveiop the
characteristic equations from the partial differential form of the unsteady pipe flow
equations. 12+61

3. Explain the continuity equation used in groundu,ater flow analysis. Write down the
algorithm for simulation of seepage under a dam. [3+sI

Group B
l. List the computational techniques used in Civil Engineering. Why FEM is predorninating
others? Explain briefly the steps involved in t2+2+4)
2. a) Write the algorithm for conjugate gradient method. t3I
b) Solve the given system of equations using conjugate gradient method. ts]

3. a) Derive the constitutive relation ({o} : tD] tE}) for an elastic isotropic material. t6l
b) Wtrat are the conditions at which axisymmetric stress exists? Write the stress-strain
relations for axisymmetric condition. {41

4. a) For the given stepped bar obtain nodal displacements at nodes 2,3 and 4. Also obtain
forces developed at the supports. t8j


@ @

Take E = constant and cross-sectional areas as indicated in the fig:.ue

b) For the given beam find deflection at point B and rotations at points B and C. Take EI
as constant throughout the beam. Discretise the beam into two elements. u0l
20 KN/m

l, l_ , r-l- C

c) A thin plate is subjected to the loads as shorvn in figwe below. The plate thickness is
0.3 in and the other dimensions are shov,,n in figure. Ciwn that the Poisson's
ratio = 0.3 and the modulus of elasticity E = 30 x 106 psi. Derermine nodal load
displacements and the elemental stresses. l8l

@ 20C0 ib
2000 tb
t0 in

20 in
Examination Contrd Ilivisioa fregrrnil€ B,CE PassMarks 32
2070 Bhadm Ycer / Part Iv III Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - ComEsatioral Techiques in Civil Engineering (C8751)

r' Cedidd€s are rfuuired to gire their asr=rs in fuir oqn words as far as practicable.
{ A@ptAil
{ Tlefigqes tn tlu ttwgia iteae FruII Wx
{ A.w stitoble daa ifwcj-
{ Cs&dates, use swre as*a W fu dt gos
l. Wift tbe help of mechanicss erqldn vriqrs nurrrerical methods for solving civil
engineedng problems. Given tbeir dvatages ad disadv'amg,es. t8I
2. a) Derivetheenpressionforl-meconshts. ts]
b) Define plane sress and plane shain prroblems with necessary conditions and suitable
examples. t5I
3. a) DerivetheshapefunctionfortheelementasshownintheFig. 1. t8I
Lr iO
Lr= Ll3 Lz.=0

Lt =,1

-jlz =1
Fig I

b) Considering plane shess condition, find out the nodal displapements and stresses of
the CST elementas shown inFig. 2.E= 30 x 105 psi, t= 0.3 in, T= 4601b/in3,
u:0.3, Ts :360 psi with usual notations. ttzl

I 2


GroaDB i

4. a) Why colrjugre gradieu me$od is used in computaion over Gaussian methods? t4I

b) Solve tk following e$6io'n by using conjugate gradient method (max. 5 iterations) t81

li r ;l{l}:{j'}
5- a) Write &*tr fu cmpt* guffiing egreions describing the movement of fluid. 121

Ul noio tte kiruatic w a*guimaim for tk Eovemetrt of fluid- t4l i

c) Derive a secmd s& accur* fidte differe,nce scheme of linear kinematic wave
equation rvhich com6€s disfuge for rrrhown time and location. tSl
6. Prepare an algorithmto mpt*e dischage aod head based on the following form of finite
difference for rffidyfipe flow probtem rsing rectangular gnd. . t8I
Hpi : Hi- r - B(Qpt - Q- r) - RQ- r Qi- rl
Hpi = H;* r + B(Qr -Q+ r) + RQi* r Q* rl
Where H = head, Q : dschage, Hpi and Qp;
: head and discharge at point of intersection
oftwo characteristics, B and R = coefEcients.
7. Explain the lD implicit model to evaluate the river stage water table interaction. t8l
tt *{.

^ I


OI TRIBHWAN UNTVERSITY Exam. Ne$'Back e(r66 & Later Batch)
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lvlart<s 32
2070 Magh Year / Part Iv/II Time 3 hrs.

,SzDjecr; - Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering /CE75l,)

---.1--Caildidaresare+equired to give their enswers in their owrl uprd_s +: fatgs practicable.
/ AttemptAll questions.
t Thefig .ttres tn the mtgin indicate Falt Marks-
{ Assume suttable data if rucessary-
/ Candidates use separale on:swer bookfor each group. -*

l. Explain foundacion of finite element method. Why this method is less appropriae for large
deformdion problem? How do you choose numerical rnethod for different problems? .

Illustrate with examples. . t8l

2. Write an algorithm and a program (C or Fortran or Matlab) for fast Fourier tnansform. With a
suitable e:rample explain what parameters can bc identified with the help of time domain and
-' frequencydornain tlzl
3" (a) Derive equilibrium equations for 3D state of stress in a solid. tsl.
(b) lVhat do you understand by axisymmetric problem? Write the constitutive relations and
; strain disptacernent relation for axisymmetric condition. tsl
4. ta)Formulate stiffiress matrix for a bar element. Rotate the same bar element ano 'f,ormulate
stiffircssmatrix for 2D truss element. tl0I
ft) Determine the stiffiress matrices for the etement as shown in Fig. l. 4'=300 mm2 and
E:2.lXl0s MPa. Ir0]
40 KN

50 KN
I 500mm I

1 a) The value of flow rate Q ar four ";XI *"
space-time gnd are shovm in figme
below. At=l h, Ax:1000m and 9:0-55, calculate the vaiuei of Qld. and OQ/&r by
fourpoint implicit method.0 = weighting factor. t6l

3580ana a;rl


b) A flood of l50m3/s peak discharges passed a gagrng station at 12:00 noon on a river
There is a community adjacent to tlie river 7.2 km downstream. What will be the
value of peak discharge at that community at 12:00 noon of the v_elocity of flow is
l-2rnlsz and peak discharge at that community at 9:00 A.M is 100m3/s. Assume width
of .river as inside and use first order accurate numerical sbheme of kinematic wave
equation, Take Ax: 7.2k<rr-andAt - t hr;. t6l
2- A pipe conveys water from a reserroir as shown in the figure- Take f : 0.02,
C = I200m/s- The hydraulic grad line [HGL) at the reservoir is given as
Hpa: 100+3sin (zrt). The discharge at the downsheam end is zero at all tirnes- By using
only one reach, compute discharge from A and elevation of hydraulic grad line at B at
3Sec using discretized equation of the method of characteristics in the form of HGL and
discharge. t8l

c- C+

L=60d,nlD= 4{X}mrr

A .:

3. Finite difference equation for simulating river stage-water table interac:iors considering
one dimensional flow. 18l


Examination Control Division Programme BCT Pass Marks 32

2054 Poush Year / Part tv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Geographic Information System (GIS) (Elective)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Seven.questions. Question No. I0 is compulsory.
/ All questions carry equal marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Define GIS? Discuss on various applications of GIS?

2, What are various properties of map projections? Discuss on the Universal

Traverse Marcator (UTM) projection system

3. What are various applications of GPS? Highlight the importance of GPS in GIS.

4. Discuss the importance of layers in Digital Mapping? Identiff at least 7 layers

to develop a map of a City like Patan. Also discuss on importance classification
of a layer into strb classes with example of building for better management of
GIS data.

5. What are various steps in GIS database design methodology? Design simple ER
model of GIS database for parcel database management to assist ta:<
management for a municipality

6. What is remote sensing? How remote sensing is associated with GIS? Also
discuss on importance of reflectance and atmospheric windows in remote

7. What do you understand by cartography? Develop model of cartographic

communication. Sketch for various components of Map?

8. As a GIS professional sketch an operation of analysis model to assist decision

maker, in finding suitable location, with the given information and conditions
A local developer has apptoached'the City of Katmandu, Planning and
Economic Dev6lopment Department with plans to construct a family oriented
amusement park. The planning and economic development department would
like to assist the developer in finding suitable location for the facility. The ideal
location would meet the following conditions:
'. Agriculture or vacant land use
o Within the census block (Population) group with high concenfiation of
target age group (10-30 Years old) and target median household income
(Greater than Rs. 120,000)
. At least one kilometer away from the core city areas (downtown)
. Within 500 meters of the highway
What data sets axe required for the plartning and economic department to
perform the analysis process?

9. Discuss on importance of Geo-Spatial Data lnfrastructure (GSDD? Discuss on

various components of GSDI.

10. Write short note on any two of the following

a. Map Scale
b. Thermography
c. Digital Elevation Modeling (DEM)
d. Geo-referencing

Examination Control Division Programme BEX, BCT PassMarks 32

, 2072 Ashwin Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Optical Fiber Communication (Elective II) (EX76501)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. \4At
{ Attempt All questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicote Full Marks.
y' Assume suitable data if nbcessary.

l. Explain the historical development of optical fiber communication? List the advantage
and disadvantages of optical fiber communication. t
r . t31,l1,
I rl
2. Find the acceptance angle and numerical aperture of a fiber with a core index of reflection
of I .57 and a cladding index of refraction of I .5 I 12+21

3. Define slab waveguide and cylindrical waveguide? Using Maxwell's equation, drive wave 9t2- I
equation for cylindricalwaveguide. 12+21

4. Distinguish between phase velocity and group velocity. Discuss modes in a planax optical ltl
guide. 13+21
l+ I
5. A multimode step index fiber with a core diameter of 80 pm and a relative index
difference of l.5o/o is operating at a wavelength of 0.85 pm. If the core refractive index is
1.48, estimate: (i) The normalized frequency for the fiber, (ii) the number of guided
modes. 12+21

6. Explain the main causes of chromatic dispersion. How can dispersion be minimized in the 2+2
optical fibercommunication. t2I31
7. What are the types of optical light source? Draw energy state diagram and light ou@ut
current characteristics of an ideal semiconductor laser indicating absorption and emission
of radiation. Also draw light output as a frrnction offrequency. t2+3+27
8. Define quantum efficiency of optical detector. A photodiode has a quantum effrciency of
t tH
65% when photons of energy 1.5x10''' J are incident upon it. (i) At what wavelength is
the photodiode operating? (ii) Calculate the incident optical power required to obtain a
photocurrent of 2.5 pA when the photodiode is operating as describe above. Describe the
working mechanism of Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) laser. U+3+31
g. Why the high capacity optical fiber communication systems used digital system using 1t311
intensity modulation of the optical source. What is an Eye pattern in binary digital
transmissipn? 13+21
10. What are optical Couplers and their types? Explain the fabrication method of fused Star
Coupler. Write short notes on Fresnel loss in fiber joint. 13+4+41 ^
11. consider an EDFA being pumped at 980-nm with a 30-mw pump power. If the gun at2+2i2
1550-nm is 20d8, what are the maximum input and output power? What is Integrated
optics and what are its advantages over electronic circuit. l4+l+2j
12. Write short notes on PON and FTTH. A 622 Mbps optical transmission system is to
operate at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Apart from the transmitter and receiver, the optical
links contains an optical amplifier with 7 dB gain at 45 km of the links. The transmitter
available has a minimum coupled output power of +3 dBm. While the receiver has a
worst case sensitivity of -27 dBm. Two types of fiber with different specifications are I
available as shown in the table below. Four connectors are to be used in the system with a
loss of 0.15 dB each, while the splice loss for both fiber types is 0.05 dB maximum.
Calculate the dispersion penalty associated with the use of each fiber. Prepare a power
budget for each system and decide which fiber type should be used and why? Assume
transmitter and receiver are situated at Kathmandu and Pokhara, respectively. [5+12]

Fiber fype TotaI Attenuation Maxirnum distance tt

," i: Disoersion between snlices
"x 5 ps/km r0.3 dB/km 0.7 km
Y 7 ps&m 0.4 dB/km 0.6 km

Fiber type Total Dispersion Attenuation Attenuation

standard deviation
a. '" 7 ps/km 0.36 dB/km 0.05 dB/km
B ,'9.5'pslkrn 0.33 dB/km 0.04 dB/km

Joint type Avg. attenuation Attenuation standard deviation

Fusion;,splice 0.03 dB 0.0r2 dB
Connector 0.25 dB 0.04 dB


Examination Control Division Programme BEX Pass Marks 32

2064 Poush Year / Part w/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Optical Fiber Communication (Elective)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt 4!! questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

a) Describe the block diagram of an optical.fiber based communication system.

Illustrate some advantage of optical fiber based communication system. [4+2]
b) Find the core radius necessary for single-mode operation at 1320 nm of a step-
index tiber with core index 1.480 and cladding index 1.478. What are the
numerical aperture and maximum acceptance angle of this fiber? t5]

2 a) Describe the optical signal guiding principle in the optical fiber. What are
acceptance angle and Numerical aperture of the fiber? t3+3]
b) Calculate the limitation in hansmission length caused by fiber loss if the loss is
0.2dBlkm, mean optical launched power is 0.029 mW and mean optical received
power is 0.001 mW. tsl
3. a) What is optical fiber loss? Desqibe briefly the loss mechanism. 12+41
b)When 3*1011 photon reach with a wavelength of 850 nm are incident on a
photodiode, on average l.2xl0rl elecffons are collected at the terminals of the
device. Determine the quantum efficiency and the responsivity of tre pbotodiode
at 850 nm. t5l

4. a) What are modal dispersion and chromatic dispersion in the fiber? Describe the
demerit of dispersion. 14+21
b) Calculate the intrinsic connection losses for turo 62.51125 pm MMGI fiber
manuf'actured by Samsung fiber company caused by Diameter mismatch and NA
nrismatch [The fiber has core radius 162.5*3 pm and NA:0.275+0.015] tsl

5 Describe the photo detection principle of the optical receiver. Compare the
properties of avalanche photo diode and PiN photo diode [3+3]

6. a) D istinguish b etween spontaneous and s timulated emission radiation. Briefly

describe about distributed feedback laser diode pri'nciples. [2+4)
b) local link to be installed having the following requirernents and
characteristics. Max bit rate: l6Mbps, installation length: 4 km, operating
wavelength 850 nm, rise time of lightwave equipment: 4ns and LED spectral
width: 20 nm. Will MM 62.5/l25pm fiber support the required bit rate? The
modal BW: l60MHz;km and chromatic dispersion is 0.2lns/ is given in
the fiber datasheet t6l

7.A 560 Mb/s optical fransmission system is to operate at a wavelength of 1550 nm

over an unrepeatered distance of 5l km. The transmittq available has a minimum
coupled output power of +2 dBm, while the receiver has a worst case sensitivity of -
28 dBm. Two types of fibre with different specifications are available as shown in
Table I below. Two connectorsi are to be used in the systern with a loss of 0.5 dB
each, while the splice loss for both fibre tlpes is 0.05 dB maximum.
Calculate the dispersion penalty associated with the use of each fibre. Prepare a
power budget for each system and decide which fibre type should be used and
why. tl0l
Table 1

Fibre type Total dispersion Attenuation Maximum distance

between splices
A 8 ps/km 0.4 dBil<rn 700 rnetres
B l0 ps&m 0.35 dB/km 600 meffes

8. Write Shot notes on (Any Two) 14x2)

ii. Cut-off wavelength
iii. Optical couplers
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2068 Bhadra Year / Part w/u Time 3 hrs.

- Finite Element Methods

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Four questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indtcate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

(a) Mention various numerical methods used in civil engineering problems. Also comparc
their advantages, disadvantages. [4+'41

(b) For the given spring system shown in Fig. l, obtain the global stiffness matrix,
displacements at each nodes and reaction at each supports. ifexternal force at node 2 is
l000N.and the K1=l(3=(r==l0N/mm are given. Use the rninimum potential
cnsrBy approac.h. I l2l
1\/ l0Nlmnr

I 1000N

Fig I

2 Obtain tlrc norlal disptacements and reaction fbrces of the two-member beam structurc loacled
as shorvn in Fig. 2. Neglect anial defotmgtion. Alsodraw the shear force and beanding
mornent diagrurn for this bcam.Given that. L,:Lr:lm, P:50KN, Mo:40 KN-m, E, Ez:. :
20000 M P;.. lt '- 12 =6*td nri. lzul

1 2 3


3 (a) Write down the steps to formulate stiffness matrix for isoparametric quadrilateral
elements. I t0l
(b) Derive shape functions for 9.gg4g Uagrangian elernent as stro*n in.the Fig. 3, Il0l
Li= 0
"\=ilZ 'Lz=0


-..L2= !-

4 Find out the stiffness marices (Local and global) for the truss shown in the Fig.,4. Calculate
vertical displacement at node l. E= 200KN lm" and A=30cm'. I 15+51




5. Derive the stiffiress matrix for bar element using natural coordinate system. [20]
U2A TRIBHWAI{I.'NIVERSITY Exam. Resular / Back o

Examination Control Division. Programme BCE Psss lUarks 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Finite Element Method @G7s5CE)(Etective II)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt aW @questions.
{ The figares in the mmgin indicate Full Marlrs.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

t. Wrirc down tlrc basic stcps for solving I snrcturc using Direot Stiffness Mcthod. Prcpa$ tltc
computcr algorithmic *ps for solving a plane truss using DSM widr suitable examph. Why it is
said to be ilre most suiable method of computing using compuer algoritrm, explain.
2. Thc flexibility matrix [Et of tfre $rucart is given bolow; 0re dispbancnt w€tor {A} due b
exrcrnlt loadi in the d&irminate primary srnrctwe is also givon. Write the prognm atgoritfttl
for using Gauss Elimination Approach and fintl the valtrc of thc rcdundant forccs using the
approach. Hints: {A} = [n{P} [16l

fizs 62.5 -25

-\ fzu.ol
[F] = I/EI 3 loz.s 333.33 ; [A] = t/Er ..{ -rso }-
.37.5 to ) Lr3e J
3. a) A 5 node ptane srcss element has the following geometry. Sketch a suiable set'of shapc
functions and write down thc exptssion for dre shapc functions in enns ofNatural coordinatcs
T t6l

\\./ q

b) A bar of length 3m is composcd of two diffcrcnt seotions. At the center of the bar, $e bar has
ic x-section arca of 3000mm2 and ib lcngh is lm, on either sidc of which the i-sootion alpa is
1500 mm2 and the length are equal to tm each. An axial load of 1200 kN is applied at the ccntcr
of thc baa D*crmine the nodai Oisptaccm€nt 8t the center of the bar. Take E = 78x106 kN/m2.
4. a) Drivc the e:rprusion for shape function of Constant srain riangrlar clement, also draw the
$hapc function diagram. .l8l

b) Drivc dre exprcssion for Strain-Displacement matrix for the eonstant strain triangle by using
the Jacobian transformation matix. t8l
5. Writc down tfte main concept of minimum potcntial appoach with suitable relations. For the
given spring system, obtain trc global stiffiress matdrq displacements at Gach node and rcastior
at each supports, if external force at node 2 is t000l.l and thc Stiffiiess (l=(?=l(J=l0N/mm arc
givcn. Use the minimum potential emers/ appoach. 14+121


6. Write short notes (Any Four) [axa]

i. Conrputing Pcrinrcter ofa Circle using FEM.
ii. Rayleigh Ritr Mdhod.
iii. Application of FEM.
... -- iv. Shape function for a Beanr Elernent; -
v. Shape function for a thres node barelement.

O2J TRIBHUVANUNIVERSITY Exam. Resular-/Back --! i!,rr

Dxamination Control Division Programme BCE PassMarks 32

ZO68 nnaara / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Suhject: - Traffic and Transport Modeling (Elective II)

/ Cmdrdates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt any zu.questions.
/ Ihefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

I a) What is transportation planning? Etrplain the role of models in transportation planning. [3+5J

b) What are the base year inventories required for transport modeling? I8l

2 a) Wbat are the factors to be considered for zoning? t8l

. b) The trip rate (y) and the corresponding household sizes (x) from a sample are shown in table
below. Compute the trip rate if the average household size is 3.25 t8l
Household size
I 2 3 4
1 3 4 5
Trips per day
3 4 5 I
3 5 7 8

-, a) Classify the different types of trips. t8l
b) Athree zone have been connected by a transportation network as indicated in the figure
below. The number next to eash link represents the travel cost. Assume all intrazonal travel
cost as 1. The total tripproduction and attraction ofall zones are given in the table. t8]
Tnne Productio Attractio
n n
I 100 220
2 200 165
3 2 3 250 165

Determine the OD trip matrix using a doubly constrained gravity model using accessibility
g y s(-o'sct) as the trip distribution function. (Perform only two iterations)
Fn = f(c1i) =
4 a) What is generglized cost function?What are the€dvantages and disadvantages of growth
factor method? .- ,. i.._
b) A mode choic+i;t del for a city includes the foil6wing modes: car (C), light rail (L), buses (B)
and rapid rail (R) with utility functions (U) as shown in the table below. [5+5]
Utility Function Cost (C)
u(cF3.2-0.3*C-0.04*T 5 30
u(L)= I .0-0.2*c-0.04*T 3 25
Where C is the cost and T is the travel time in min.

i) Based on an estimate that 12,000 workers will head for downtown each morning,
how many workers will choose to take a particular mode?
ii) If the government subsidizes light rail by 3AYo, buses by 20Yo, and rail rapid by l0% and
at the same time increases car cost by l5%, what will be the new modal distribution?

5 a) What is trip assignment?List out the applications of trip assignment. [3+5]

b) Calculate the system travel time and link flows by doing user equilibrium assignment for the
network in the givan figure. Verify that the flows are at user equilibrium. r\ssume that the
total number of trips between two zones is 12. t8l


6 Write short notes on: Iaxa]

a) Aggregate and disaggregate modeling
b) Diversion curves
c) Different methods of travel survey
d) Urban transportation planning process


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2066 Magh Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

- Traffic and

,' Candidateb are required to give their answers in their own.words as far as practicable.
.,' Attempt any Five questions.
7 Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1 a Define Eansport planning. Describe the system approach to Transport plurning. [8]
b The Spot speeds at a particulu location on a highway are known to be normally distributed
with a mean of 80 kmph and standard deviation of 15 kmph. What is the probability that if a
sample of 100 vchicles art testcd that the mean speed observed will exceed 75 kmph? [S]

z 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40

9@) 0.99865 0.99903 0.9931 0.99952 0.99966

2t Write different t)?es traffic forecasting models, Explain travel demand function. [8]
b Classifr the trips. What are the factors aftecting trip productioh and generation? [8]

3c Balance the work tips (production and attractions. [8]

Tnne Unbnlencer work trin Bahnced work trlos

Trip Attraction Trio Production Trio Attraction Trio Production
I t00 3000
21 300 ,ItI{r)
:- r0oo
5 800 900
6 1200 1000
7 3000 500
8 grlrltl 100
9 2000 1200
l0 500 1500

ll 3m 50
t2 t{arrl 100
l3 300 25
b What is methods
of trip distribution.


4 a An origin zone A with 20 base year trips going toy, *, / numbering 4, 6, and l0 respectively,
has growth rate of 2, 3, 4 and 5 for A, j, t and / respectively in 25 years. Determine future
trips fromr4 tol, * and / in future year. E8l
A (20)

Ta-j (10)


b What are the various factors affecting mode choice? Write down different mode choice _
models. csl

5a Assuming the observable utilities Ui for a particglar group of people can be given by the
following function:
- 01 5K"* - 0.lT*,
U br,, = 0 - 01 5 K m, - 0.lTb*
U br"y"t, = 0.5 - 0.ITbi"y"t"
In this situation, I, and I(are travel time and travel cost respectively and they are having the
Car Bus Bicycle
Ii minute 5 t5 20
,I(, Rs*100 0.2 0.17
Calculate the probability that a particular travel mode will be chosen by individuals in this
group. [8]
b What is the application of trip assignment model? In order to relieve congestion on an urban
street network, an expressway is proposed to be constructed. The travel time from one zone centroid
to another via the proposed motorway is estimated to be l0 minutes whereas the time for the same
travel via existing sfeet is 18 minutes. The flow between the two zone centroids is 1200 vehicles per
hour. Assign the flow between the new motorway and existing streets. [8J

s 6 Write Short note on: (any four) [4x4]

I'r( a Four stage transport model
::- b Travel impedance and deterrence function
I c Transport generated air pollutants
,iL d Elasticity model
e Land-use transport cycle
O5M TRIBHUVANI'NIVERSITY Exam. Ngv Back (20(r(r & Later Balclr)

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2071Magh Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Traffic Engineering and Management (Elective ID GE765l3)

r' Candidates are required to grve their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
{ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Necessarv fipures are attached helewith.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. On a specific section of highway, studies show that the speed - density relationship is

, ="[,-(*)"] It is known that the capacity is 3800 veh/hr and the jam density is

140 veh/km. What is the space mean speed of the traffrc at capacity and what is the free
flow speed.
2. An observer standing at a point along a three lane roadway found that all vehicles in
Lane I tavelling at 50 kmph, all vehicles in Lane 2 are travelling at 75 kmph and all
vehicles in tane 3 are travelling at 100 krnph.There is also a constant spacing of 0.8 km
between vehicles. If spot speed data were collected for all vehicles as they cross the
observation point for 30 minutes, what will be the time mean speed and space mean speed
for the traffic stream?
3. Define acceleration noise with mathematical expression and mention its significance. In a
two lane one way stream of 1000 vph with 360 vehicles in Lane A and the remaining
vehicles in Lane B. 8% of vehicles in Lane A have gaps less than I sec and 18% of the
vehicles in Lane A have gaps less than? seconds: Compute the average waiting time for
the driver to make a lane change. Assume driver speed in Lane B is 40 kmph and stream
speed is 50 kmph.

4. A four lane urban freeway is located on rolling terrain and has 3.6 m lanes, no lateral
obstructions within 1.8 m of the pavement edges and an interchange every 3.2 km. The
traffrc stream consists of cars, buses arid large trucks. A weekday directional peak hour
volume of 1800 vehicles (familiar users) is observed, with 700 a:riviirg in the most
congested 15 minimum period. If a level of service no worse than C is desired, determine
the ma:<imum number of large trucks that can be present in the peak hotr haffic sffeam.
5. Explain the design principles of intersection channelization. What are the different types
of grade separated intersection?
6. A pretimed four phase signal has critical lane group flow rates for the first three phases of
200,187 and 210 veh/hr. The saturation flow rates are 1800 vehAr/lane for all phases.
The lost time is known to be 4 seconds for each phase. If the cycle length is 60 seconds,
wtrat is the estimated effective green time of the fourth phase? Also explain permitted and
. protected movements.

Larntlvldth {m) Rduclion in Fteeflorv S@,

3.6 0.0

3.5 1.0.

3J Ll
3.3 3.1

3.2 5.6

3.1 8,1

3.0 10,0

&dudion ln FreFFlonS@, (lqlhi

Lans in One Dirgction

2 3 1 >5
13 00 0.0 0.0 0.0

1.5 1.0 0.7 03 0.2

1.2 1.9 1.3 0l 0.4

0.9 zg 1.9 1.0 0.6

0$ 3.9 2.6 13 0.8

0.3 4.8 3.2 1.6 *1.1
0.0 5S: 3.9 1.9 1.3

03 0.0
g4 1.1
05 z1
&$ eg
t}J 5.0
&8 6.0
{tg 8.1 92
1.1 fiI2
12 lLt
I'lurnberof Lanes {Orc Dinnlion} Rdrclion in trun-Flor S@, fi{ firtlh)

>5 0.0

4 2t
3 4.8
L 7.3

fioh: tor all runl frmmy qmmtq Ir i$ 0.0.

ol Tenain
Fdor Lwel Rollinq Mountainurs
E, (truds antl buses) 1.5 2.5 4.5
1.2 z0 4.0

7. After observing the arrivals and departures at a highway toll booth over a period of
I hour, the observer notes that the arrival and departure rates follow deterr,ninistic regime,
but instead of being uniform they change overtime aocording to some function. The
anival rate is given by the function = 2.7 + 0.15 t - 0.0034 f and the departure
function: 1.3 * 0.06 t where t is in minutes after the beginning of observation period.
Assuming DtDll model compute the following
a) the time when the queue will vanish
b) the time when there will be maximum queue
c) the length of maximum queue
d) total delay
e) average delay per vehicle in minutes
8. Describe the different parameters of congestion measurement. Calculate the time gap for
a platform of 29 school children, 5 in a row, consecutive time 2 sec and width of crossing
section is 7.5 m, walking speed of children is 0.8 m/s and assume start up lost time as
3 sec.
g. Consider the EB approach of an intersection with two lane groups: EB/L and EB/TH+R.
The cycle length and green times for the lane groups are as: cycle length: 65 sec, green
time for EB/L = 12.5 sec and green time for EB/TH+R :24.5 sec. The signal is iso_lated
and V/C : 0.9 for EBIL ad 0.85 for EBfIH+k Tjhe saturation-flow can be computed from
a given headway of 2.05 sec. Assume analysis period of 15 minutes and lane group flow
asleft turn: 300 vph and TH+R = 1100 vph. Calculate
a) delay for the left lane group
b) delay for TH+R lane group
c) aggregate delay for EB approach

10. What is ramp metering? Explain in brief the factors that affect level of service of
signalized intersection.
&&da trl f
FFS = lZl krut
Malmum Cerd${pcrlfit n} I fi 16 2. 2A
lrhirnum speed ftaflr] 1A.B 1z0,8 r14.6 s.6 85J
Maimumt'c 055 g17 {tQ iln
840 132i1 1810 zflX! ?400
I ll0 tmlh
Maimum density ft,ksrl* 7 t1 16 n 28
Mlnlmum spad ftnlh) 11tltl 11&8 rtES 97r &.$
Haimumdr 033 0.51 $.14 ii*'it llxl
TIB 12!0 1741 uiFtl

' tdadmum OnStf Sflsrrln) I 1l 1E n 28

lillnirntm speed {kn h} 1{S.$ 1gr0 1fi!-O [!E_A aL1
Maimum vlc c"flI 0J8 0.7$ &sl rttr
7m 1r00 ifr-]n w:.E

Maimu m derni$ FeJknllnl 7 tl 16 2. ?8

ilhlruJm sp*d (krt/h) sto st$ gLo s-t 8{'-4
MuinumYlc fi28 8.4 $.04 &r 100
EIB {s} 144lJ {s55

Fl*flmSped,ffl =lZlMtt 13{X}

'- \-d-
It0 km/h 4
..' tifso

€ lmkrnh i \* ,-'4'r
d 90 kmrh' ii\*
t S A..' l
a,) B, \4. :,--"-
E aa """"*Y"'
,t ,t ,t'.ot-
'' ,'-?'-.' --'
4S0 F^m IM IMT rum 24{m
Fhx ftate Ye {pdhlln)
.Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2065 Magh Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt any EJ&lquestions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
r' IRC:6, IRC:21 and IRC:5 are allowed to use.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Write short note on IRC live load used in the design of bridge and sketch the followings: [10]
r IRC Class AA Wheel Loading
o IRC Class AA Track Ioading
. tu{STHO HS-20-44 Loading (Standard Truck Loading)
2. Find the effective width of slab at mid span and at support of a simply supported slab
bridge. Take t10l
Effective span = 6m
Carriage way: 7m
Kerb width:0.5m
Thickness of wearing course = 70mm
Load = Class AA track load
3. Find the ma:<imum reaction of girder 2 for the given loading by Courbon's method. [10]

35OKN 35oK]\I

2.5m 2.5m

Cross section of bridge deck with Class AA frack load
4. Find the longitudinal position of the following wheel loads so that BM will be maximum
at mid span of bridge. [10]
21.9 21.9 92.5 92.5 5s.2 55.2

1.29m .l.lm 3.2rn l.2m 4.3m 3m 0.41m

5. Explain how the restrained slab panel of bridge deck is designed by Pigeaud's method' [10]
6. Draw the influence line diagram of the reaction force (Ro) and the member (U2L3) of thg
bridge truss as shown below and find ma:<imum reaction and a,rial force for IRC Class
AA tack load. tl0l
U1 u2 Ut Ua U5

Lr L2 -L3 Ls L6
il1 3mx6=l8m

7. Describe the following components of bridge with sketches. tl0l

o Abutment
o Pier
o Bridge bearing
o Bridge foundation
o Bridge deck
8. Describe the importance of bridge maintenance. u0l
9. Describe the governing factors for the selection of bridge deck. tl0l
10. Calculate the stesses on foundation of the pier shown below from the following data: u0l
o Bridge span = 21.3m
o Dead load form each span = 2250 KN
o Reaction due to live load on one span:900 KN
. Intensity of pressure due to water current = 4.5 Ki.I/m2
e Material for pier: cement concrete M20 grade
o Assume other data if necessary.


o 2700
o o
o\ ol


\ ofl TRIBHuvANUNTvERSTY Exam. Resular/3ack

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2067 Ashadh Year / Part ry/I Tlme 3 hrs.

Subject: - Bridge (Electtve I)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
/ AA questions carry equal marks.
/ Assume suitable data ifnecessary.

1. Calculate the reactions on each Girder of the following figure by the use. of Courbon's
Method. Use eccenhicity as; e=0.7m

400 1800 1700 1800

ar 1250 2500 2500 t2s0

2. Calculate the effective width of the slab for the wheel load as shown below:



b{ =b,+zx$-l)

3. Design a concrete slab bridge having an effective span of 6.0m; spanning in one direction
for a concentrated load of 350 KN and it is distributed over the perpendicular direction of
the span to a distance of 4.0m.Calculate the manimum bending moment due to the live
load and dead load. The wearing surface of the slab is 80mm and the thickness is assumed
to be of 450mm.
4. Calculate the maximum bending moment which produces by the wheel load as shown
2t.9 21.9 n.5 92.5 55.2 55.2

1.29m .1.1m 3.2m l.2m 4.3m 3m 0.41m

5. Draw the influence line diagram of the reaction force (^no) and the member (UrZr) of tle
bridge truss as shown below:

U1 U2 U3 U4 U5

Lr L4 L, La L5 L6
il1 3m@6= 18m

6. Describe the followings with some sketches:

o Abutnent
o Pier
. Bridgq girder
. Bridge deck
7. Describe the importance of bridge maintenance.
8. Describe the lateral and lorgitudinal positiomng of the wheel load in the bridge
9. Calculate the stresses on foundation of shown pier from the following giver
. Bridge span 21.3 m
. Dead load form each span:2250 KN
o Reaction due to live load on one span = 900 KN
o Intensity of pressure due to water current 4.5 KN /m2
o Material for pier: cement concrete M 20 grade
. Also asisume necessary data



o o
o €

10. Illustate the type of Bearing used in the bridges and describe them.


Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32

2066 Magh Year / Part IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: - Advanced Geotechnical Engineerin g (Elective II)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Auempt any Five.questions.
'/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) A vibration system consists of 6 kg, a spring stiftess of 0.7 N/m and a dashpot with a
damping coefficient of 2N-s/m.Determine t8l
(i) Damping ratio
(ii) Loguithmic decrement

,:u b) Derive an expression for longitudinal elastio waves in a rod of infinite length t8l
2.a) Derive an expression for undampcd free vibration for single degree of freedom
system, t8l

b) From wave propagation test the velocity of comprcssion wave (v) was found 300rn/s. The
Poisson ratio and submerged densrty of soil was 0.25 and l000kg/m3 respectively. Deterrrine
(i) Moduhs of elasticity (ii) shear modulus [4+4]

3. a) What is geosynthetics? Explain different types of geosynthetics with its

function. 12+2+41

b) What is geotextiles? What are the main properties and test method for
geotextile.E:rplain physical and degradation properties. 12+4+27

* 4. a) Classifr the grouting materials. What are the important characteristics to be considered
in choosing a grout? Explain the process of grouting. 12+2+47

b) What is inclinometer and borehole extensometer? Explain about borehole

exteillometer 12+4+21
5. a) What is rock bolts, rock anchor and rock dowels.. Explain different types of rock
bolts and its application. [3+5]

b) What is shotcrete? What are the purposes of shotcrete? Explain dry and wet mix
process ofshotcrete. [1+2+5]

6. Write short notes on: (Any Four) [4*4]

i) Direction of wave propagation and particle movement

ii) Type of dynamic loading on soil

iii) Earth quake magnitude

iv) Mononobe-okabe dynamic earth pressure theory

v) General assumptions of ultimate dynamic bearing capacrty of shallow foundation

in sand

vi) Different types of tunnel cross-sections

rzB rnrshuvai{ uMvERsITY Exam. Resular/Back
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass IVIerks 32
2064 Poush Year / Part Iv/U Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Rock Slope Engineering

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt dny Five questions. Question No. 2 is compubory.
All questions carry equal marks.

Assnne suitabledata if necessary.

Quection 1:
(e) The three discortinuity sets r€presene aa area (rcf. table 1). Find mode of failure and angle of
potential faiture plane if angle of slope face is 42 degrees in the dip ilirectionof l5Q degrees.

Joint setaumb€r Dio/dio dires'tion (Desee)

I FoliatimQl) 20nn
2 Joint (J,)
3 Joint (J") 7tno0
4. Joint (J4) 801076

(b) The gcom€try of the potential failure slope of an arpa is given in Figure 1, n&ich shows the
inclination of etc. Find the factor
friction is0.l MPa


Figure I Schematic sketch of potartial slope stability problem

In Figure 1;
H Slopeheight= 60 m
Vr Slope augle = 50 degrces
Vp Inclination ofpoteirtial failure plane = 30 degrees
w lVeight of potentially sliding rock (kl.I/m)
T, Unit weight of rcck mass = 26 kl.I/m3
T- Unit weight of water = 10 H{/m3
U Water pressure resultant (kN/m)
o, Seismie acceleration in fraction of g (m/s21 = 92t

Assume that slope having a tension crack in its upper zurface, and depth of wder is equivalent to
depth ofcrack.
Quection 2: Find the factor of safay of a pote,ntial rmstable slope (vredge failure), *UA Affoo,iog
input data:

Dip/dip direction
A 45/105_
Planc B
Slope Facs 65/185
UppcrSlopcfu tutgs
Slope height 70m
Unit weight ofrock mass 26 H{/#
Unit weight ofwarcr 10ll{/n3
Basic frictim angle 2t degree
Cohesivo stength 0.15 MPa

Quction 3: Write notes on:

a) Planning of slope stability program
b) Probalrilistic method in rock slope stability analysis
c) Conditions and tlpes of Top,plingfailure
d) Shear strength of planar and rough strfases of rock masses
Q;$on 4: Dcfine the circular failurr in rock mass. State the various assrmptions which re
mlre in dsriving the circular frilure charB. Discuss the stops to use the charts to determine the
of safcty of a potential rmstable slope.
Question 5: Elplein empirical method for estimatim of shear strengh Psamet€rs of rock

Question 6: What are the frctorq which affect the rock slope stabiffi Discuss thedet€rministic
approach for rock slope stability analysis.
o to



Examination Control Division. Programme BCE Pass lVlarks 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part ry/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Rock Slope Engineering (EG7SiCE) (Elective il)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practieable.
Attempt any Ftve questions Qu*tionNo, I is compulsory.
All questions carry equal tnarks.
Necessary figures. eougl area net and tracinq oaaer are afrached.herewilh.
Asswne suitable data if necessary.

1. Calculate the Factor of Safety of a potential unstable slope with following input
Joint Set l:681132 degrees (di/dip direction)
Joint Set 2: 76D71degrees (dipldip direction)
Slope angle =85t225 degree (dip/dip direction)
Upper Slope angle = LU222 degree (di/dip direction)
Slope heigtrt = 45 m
Unlt weight of rock mass = 25 kN/m3
Unit welght of wuter = 10 kN/m3
Cohcsive stength = 0.15 MPa
Blsic friction angle = 28 degree

2i Writc short notes on:

a SlEo srength of Plrnar and Rough nnface of rock mass
b. Porosity and Penneability of rock and rock mass
c. Methods for rock slope stability analysis
d. The cffect of watcr pressur€ in a tension cack and Reinforccment to preveot sliding
3, Explain Toppling Failure in rock mass. Discuss the conditions for sliding and
toppliqgof a block on an inclined plane. Briefly discuss the types of Toppling failurc ud
rrre&ods to control the rock falls.

,4. Define thc Circular Failure in rock mass. Stde the various assrmrpions which are
made in dcdvrn-g the circular failure charts. Dissuss the steps to use the charts to dctcrminc thc
Factor of Safcty of a potential unstable slope.
i5. Explainbasic aspects of Earthquake. Briefly discuss methods for qumtificationof
Seistnic load for rock slope stability analysis and basic methods for improving the stability of
rock slope. . r
16; The geom€try of ihe potential failnre slope is given in Figure below. Find th€ Factor
of Safety if basic Aiction angte is 28 degrees and cohesive strEngth is 0.1 MPa Assrme that
slope having a tension crac,k in its rryper surfacc, and depth of water is equivalant to depth of


Schematlc sketch of potential slope stablllty problem (plane failure)

ln Figure;'

H Slope height = 50 m
Vr Slope angle = 54 degree
Vp lnclination of potentialfailure Flane = 32 degree
w Weight of potentlally sliding rock (kN/m)
It Unlt welght of rock mass = 24 kN/m3
Tr Untt welght of water = 10 kN/m3
U Water pressure resultant (kN/m)
Pa nL (tr = Eartlquake load (kN/m)
O6F' TRIBI{WA}.II.JNIVERSITY Exam. Itegrrlru'/ llae li
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass lVlarks 32
2071 Bhadra Year / Part Iv/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Disaster Risk Management (Elective IID GE7S506)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions. QuestionNo. 5 is compulsory.
/ The Jigwes in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Asswne suttable data if necessary.

t. A. Dcfine the terms Hazard, Vulnerability and Disaster. Write down the importance of
hazard mapping for Municipality and VDC levels. Mention the different techniques and tools
that arc practiced in hazard assessment and mapplng (3+2+3)

B. What is tte rccovery and what it covers? Write down the important lessons from past
disasters in Nepal. What would be your pnrposed principles, approaches and stategies of
disaster rccovery plan for futtne disasters in Nepal? (2+2+4)

2. A- Explain with e:emples the statqnent 'Eartlquakes do not kill people, buildinp do".
Mention the necessary steps to avoid such killings. Which option do you prefer in damaged
stnrcftrcs during earthqualccs l) repair, 2) retrofitting and 3) reconsrrus*tion and why4

B. What do you undershnd about cmergency exercises and disaster drills? Mention the :

- - cutrHtr-3Etifr$oTxaliff5-tliiiisiir"pHpiemnes for fi,itriil1'Infizdidi.'uav local knowledge is


important for disaster preparedness? Q+3+2\

3. A. What do you understand about glacial lakes and 2o72 glacial lake outburst floods in
Pokhara? How do you manage the flash flood risk? How do you interpret dozens of sinkhole
formation in the Armala Kaski? (3+2+3)
What do you understand the humanitar.ian assistanoe and disaster rcsponse. Write down the
readiness support, contracting and field support along with general contingency enginaering
practices (4+4)

B. Give your opinion on local respomes to too much and too little water in the Greater
Himalaysn Region. What would be the possible reanons of such sifirations? E:rplain the
structural and nonstructnral flood control measures that arc practiced in Nephl

4. A. What is the action plan for disaster? How do you preparc an action plan if you are
appoin&d as a disastcr manager for urban earthquake risk managemcnt? Write down the
major concerns of your planning (2+3+3)

B. How do natural disasters affect the envircnme,lrt and development? Give your opinion
whether dcvelopment inqtases or decreases the disister risk. How do you implement your
knowledge of DisasterRisk lvlanagement for sustainable dwelopmelrt? (2+3+3)

5. A- How do you explain the Sindhupalchowk Jure landslide and Sukoshi River blockage as a
student of Disaster Risk lvlanagemeilt? Give your opinions on l) upstream and downstream
thrcats in
case of bacii watei flow and flash fl6ods, i) usb ;f- Ure iantsiide tiam for
hydropower generation and 3) mitigation measures (2+2+2+2)

B. What do you understand about the early warning system? Was it useful'for
Sindhupalchowk Jure landslide? Erptain the importance of instnrmentation and long term
monitoring system in the contcxt of creeping/slow moving landslide. Write down the probable
techniques and tools that are practiced for early warning system Q+2+2+2)

6. Write shortnotes anyFof,[R (4+4+4+4)

A. Media control in disaster management/disability issues in disaster management
B. .Community resilicnce and wlne,rability reduction
C. Road extension and its impact on existing infrastructurEs in urban areas

v Eait[quake risk reduction and recovery preparedness

Cluster for Disaster Risk Management
F. Traffic
;S. Prcdisaster initiatives and postdisaster managcm€nt on earthquake disaster
ERole of engineefs trainfuE on carthquake resistant desigr of buildings/Role of meson's
training on eattquake resistant building construction
j, Disaster risk mana$ement cycle/integrated disaster risk management
J. Seismic vulnerability evaluation guideline for privatc and public buildings

Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 32
2070 Bhadra Year/Part Iv/II Time 3 hrs.

SrDiecr: - Environmental Ippact AEessnngg! (Etecttue a0 gg!!!!!)_

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Ftve questions.
{ Thefigures inthe mwgtnindicate Full Marks.
r' NeQgrsam sraph is ottached herewitll
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

@ a) What are the major functions and benefits of EIA? How do you classifu the
environment for the purpose of EIA study. (3+5)
b) State and describe the different methods of impact prediction. (E)
2. a) For what type of projects it is necessary to prepar€ a scoping document? Describe
the steps involved in a sc,oping exercise. (2+6)
b) What are diflerem types of impact considered in EIA for a new project? Desoribe
various prrdiction metlrods used to daermine the impacts. (3+5)

'Z a) Define envitonmentat setting ofa project area. Describe the necossity, and process
of baseline information collection during EIA pnocess.
A brick factory bums 25 tonnes of coal per hour & dischaqges the combustion
\7 products through a stack having a physical height of 75 m. The atmosphcric conditions
are moderately unstable. Predict thejmgact of SOa emission on envitonrnent at 1500 m
downwind & at a crosswind disance of 300 m on cither side of plumc fnom thc chimney.
(Note: SQconcentration over 120 pg/m3 will incrrase the risk of bronchitis to human
recepto,rs.) Take following daa:
Sulphur contentof coal: 6 %, Wind spced at top of chimney: 5 m/scc, Atmospheric
pnossur€ = 1200 millibar, lnside dia. of stack at exit = 0.85 m, Stack gas exit velocity =
12 m/s. stack gas exittemperature= t500C, airtempcrature =2dC.
- (t0)
@ (a) List the sontents of ToR to be pr€parcd in IEE process. What are the factors
that yor will consider while reviewing thc impact idefiification and mitiption
partsof an EIA rcport. (2+4)
(b) A new factory is proposed to be located near a river flowing through an urban
areo The characteristics of the sbcam & factory wastewater ani as follows:

Itemc slEtl Wrstewrter

Flow 2.25m"|*c 12300 m'/dav
DO- mdl 7.5 I
Tcmooraturc.'C 23 3l
BOD. at20t- msll 1.5 175
Tak€ =t tfi

BODr value of the wastewater that should be to be discharged in the

river so that a minimum DO of 4.5 mg/l could be maintained. (t0)

,@ (a) Describe the necossity of environmental protection me&sunes and explain different types
of environmental protection me&surqr sonsidered in EIA. (8)
(b) Discuss on the benefits of public participstion in EIA and methods of public
participation. (2+6)

6. Write shon ndes oo the followings: (4x4)

(a) Ervironm€nt.lauditing
(b) Mrgnitude, extent and duration of impacts
(c) Alternative analysis in EIA
(d) TypesofElA


g roo


t II lr ilr
trG lffi rffi ['ffi




'ts r'm 1600 i]m
dorrrhil drtlr. r (odwrf
01 ' TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Erom. Itr;,rtl.rr
Eramination'Control Division Progra [m, BCE Pess MarLr 32
2074 Bhadra Year / Parl IV/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Computational Techniques in Civil Engineering (CE75l)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Atrcmpt 4!! questions.
r' The ligures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
r' Assume suitable data ifnecessary.

Grouo A fiYater)
L Derive the finite diflerence equations for firll Saint-Venant equations representing the
fluid flow using second order accurate explicit scheme. t6]
2. Describe numerical dispersion, diffusion and stability oflinite Difference Schemes. The
value of flow rate Q at four points in the space time grid are shown in the figure below.
Determin€ the value of first-order derivations 0Q/& and AQ/&< by using four-point
implicit method. Given: At: I hour, Ax:600 m and 0 = 0.55 [4+41

time,l ,
95 m3/sec 92 mlsec

I 89 m3/sec
93 /sec
Distance, x
3. What do you undersland by characteristic curve? Explain, A-pipe of diameter 35 cm
carrying water has the following data at two points A and B: V1 = 6 m/sec, Vs = 6.25
m/sec, pa = 102 KN/m2, pB= 124 KN /m2, Ax = 500 m, At = 0.5 sec, f = 0.02, a = 1000

,r,lr"" l,9 = , elevation difference bet\'r'een A ro P = 2.50 m. By rhe use of finite

fdr "o))'-
difference fornrof characleristics equation, compute the velocity and pressure at point P. [2+6]
t, time


l* A* -+--Ax.-+l

Grorp B (Slructwe)

5. Describe the conccpts and applicatious nl'lirritc clcmcnt and Iirite dill'ereDce rnrlhod lvilh
their advantages aod disadvantagcs with other melhods ol'n!.nnerical computalions uscaf
in solving civil cngircering problcms. ll+i+ll
6. Describe briefly about the Discrele [irurier
'Imniform ( Dl; l ) and lrast ljourier 'l ranslirrm
(FFI). Carry out the threc itcrariols o[ conjugale Bradiert mcthod ftrr thc lblkruing
sysrcm of lint'ar equations: J4+4]

t0 -G
.-6 8.
() .-? +l{i,} {s}
7. a) Dcscribe obout the plane stress. planc strain and xis],mmelric ploblcnrs uith thcir'
exumplcs and constitutiye rclirlions lo be uscd for st! r'ss anillysis problerns. l 2 21 2l

b) Differentiatc between isotropic and anisotropic D':aterinl b(!dJ'. l)crir.c thc rxprcssiors
for Lame's constarrts for linearlv elastic isolropic nrtleriirlhod\,. [2+21
8. A proppcd canlilevcr bcanr is loadcd us shown in figurc bchrs. l)isclctizc thc hcam into
tu,o cleD'!:rts and finc deflectir'rn at poirrt IJ arrd rolutirrns ul point ll and ( . Also chcck thc
rcsull u.sing single clcnrent model. 'lake EI as constant lhloughout the' [rcnnr. 16+41


lm IDl

ll nr
- - -- ----_- -"1

9. What is isopramtrtric lirrrnulariorr? Oblain shnpc linctirrrrs n-, lirr rhc cigth-nodcrl
rcclaDgulnr elcmenl irs shorvu il ligrrrt'hclorv. II +5]

4 7

I +"


-i:: j, ,j:!]]'l'l],]j!,,.1::
10. A..s{€€l plate irf+hieknessJ{:+r+i!;-beiug.trxtlt'd as shorrn in .ligurc bclon. Considcring
thc pianc slrcss con<lition. detcrmine thc strcsses ard "strains al thc ccntroid of'thc CST'lakc I.; - ]l0x10r tr4l'a, V = 0.10 ir)il unit \\,eighl ol'stcct is 78.50 KNlnrl.
lo)glh ol each si(k : 100 nrnr. ll 0l

li r K \.'n1

'! '..
---) x

f<- 50 ntnr 5t) nnn -+l

il' :



Era mination Conarol Division Prograpme BCE j Pass Marks 32

207 4 Bhzdrt Y€ar/ Parl tv/II Time 3 hrs.

Management (CE754)
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Anempr 4!!questions.
/ The rtgures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suitahle data ifnecessary.

l-. a) Define clienl and discuss the role ofa client during pre tender stage. t4l
b) What is time-cost trade ofI? Explain the use of time cost trade-o{f with example. t6l
2. a) What do you mean by ABC classification of materials? Discuss importance of
material management. t5l
b) Discuss with examples cash-flow management during construction of project- 151

3. a) W'rite advantages and disadvanlages of using equipmenl in construction work. tsI

b) Write short notes on grader and dragline. t5I
4. a) Name types of contract and discuss the use of BOOT contracts the context ofNepal. t6l
b) What is pre-qualification ofcontractor's and why it is necessary. t4l
5. a) Describe lhe types of mainlenance in a project and explain the importance of
maintenance of already built projects. t61
b) What is communication in a project?Discuss its importance. t4l
6. a) What are different types of specification you are aware of rire the importance of
specification. t6l
b) Discuss the use of eamed value analysis's for performance control in a project. t4l
7. a) What is valuation? Write different melhods of valuation. t6l
b) Whar is material handling system and why is it useful in construction work. t4l

Discuss mosl important two roles each ofctient, consullant and contractor. t4l
8. Write short notes on: (any two) [5x2]
i) National building code
ii)_ Advantage and disadvantage of centralization
iii) Labor productivity control

Exa min ation Contio-l Divis-i0n rtmme BCE. P..p Marks [5. .

2074 Bhedre Yerr / Prrt IV/II Time I % hrs.

Subject: - Technology Environment and Society (CE753)

r' Candidates are requircd to give their answers in their ovn words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt AU questions.
r' A questions carry equal marla.
{ Assume suitable data d necessary.

1. what are the elements for the sustainable development? How can you say lndigenous
technol(gy are sustainable in case of Nepal'
2. Discuss aboutthe major environmental issues of Nbpal. How can we reduce air pollution of
3. What are the primary reasons for human interventions in the ecosystem?
4.. Describe causes and lmpacts of climate change. How canwe protect our National Parls and
Conservatlon Areas .

5-- !low deyou describetieLEP Approach-for the development of NepalT Explain advantaBes and
disadvantages of LEP Approach.,

Examinat-ion Control Division Programme Pass Marks

2O74Bhailru Ye,r / Pert IV/II Time I %hn

Subject: - Engineering Professional Practice (C E7 5 2)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt All questions.
/ The Jigtres in the margin indicate E!!LL!gb.
/ Assumc suitable data ifnecessary.

1. (a) Write down in briel the Characteristics Fealures of Sociely. What are the
elements ol Communily. {5)

(b) What are the duties and Liability of an Engineer and Architecl? (5)

2. (a) What do you understand by Negligence, Torl and Liability. \^/hat are the
elements of Negligence. (5)

(b) Define Ethics. Whaf iS moral and non-moral action? Wite briefly the perspectives
of Professional elhics. (5)

(3) (a) What are the methods of recruitmenl ofconsultanl. Explain the purpose of EOI
ANd RFP. (5)

(b) Define Conkact. What are the'essenlials elements in the Valid Contract? (5)

(4) A RCC Bridge was designed by the Designer on behall ol Consultanl. This was_
Conskucted by the reputed "A' Class contlaclor. After the Completion ol the
Conskuction, traflic was atlowd on the bridger AfterSix"Months ol operation there
were crack in the Bridge. A Probe Team was established by Road department. The
Design Procedure was Okay, but it was {ound that quality of steel malerial used was
not duly tested. The Contractor argued thal the procedule ol conskuction was in
aecordance with the hskuction of Engineer and specilicatiop..Ihere was also lack
ol proper supervision by the Consultanl. The Design load for the Bridge was 20
tons. lt was also reporied that there happen to pass more than 20 tons vehicles
also. The Consultant was good friend of Contractor. Being a member of Probe
Team, what is your judgrnent on the tailure of lhis bridge? (10)
- 54 TRIBHIIVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. llcgu la r

Examination Control Division BCE, BGE PassMarks l6

2073 Bhadra Year / Part ru/II Time I %fus.

Subject: - Technolory Environment and Society (C8753)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt any fu. questions.
r' A questions carry equal marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.
l. What is appropriate technology? How technological advancement places impact on
environment and society? Describe briefly the characteristics of information society.
2. What are the sources, causes and impacts of air pollution? Discuss about the importance
of health education.
3. Discuss about the climate change and adaptation measure from Nepalese perspective.
4. Discuss the role of an engineer in community development.
5. Explain the technology provides shift in employment.
5. What is organic pollution in water? Discuss in detail aerobic digestion and anaerobic
digestion with practical examples.
3 TRIBHUVAN {'MVERSITY Exam. Ilcgu l:r r'


Examination Control Division All (Except Pass Marks t6
2073 Bhadra Yoar I Part ry/[ Time I % hrs.

Sabject: - Engineering Professional Practice (CE752)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
{ The frgares in the margin fudicate Full Mtr*s.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. a) What are the major activities to be governed by the society for its survival? Illustrate
the impacts of computer on Nepalese society. t4t
b) Explain how individual freedom balances societal goals, t4I
2. a) What do you mean by Profession? Explain its characteristics. t4I
b) What is ethics? rilrite in short the code ofethics for engiueering profession. t4I
3. a) What are the preparations to be made before inviting competitive bidding notice?
How the contract can be interpreted in case of ambiguity? Define percentage contract
and in which category ofprocuremert, this forrr ofcontract is adopted? t4I
b) What is intellectual pmperty right? Write in briefly the working hour provision of
labour law. DiJferentiate between public and private company. t4l
4. a) Explain business law and labour law in Nepal. t4l
b) Explain glotalization and cross cultural issues. t41
.5. Write short notes on: (Any four) 12"41
a) Jurisdiction of Nepal Engineering Cormcil
b) Job description offresh graduates
c) Detailed duties and liabilities ofan engineer and architect
d) Nepal Engineers Association
e) Society and development
Examination Control Division Programme BCE Pass Marks 12
. 2073 Bhadrr - Year / Part 3 hrs.

S ubj ecl : - Construction (cE 754)

/ €andidates are required to give theii answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Aaempt All questiow.
r' The figwes in the margin indicate FulI Marlrs.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

t. a) Write down the fimction of constsuction projett management in context of Nepal as

Nepal needed more infiastructure planning and development. l4l
b) The details of a project are shown below. lf the indirect cost per week is Rs. 300, find
the srashed rcsult ofthe networ*- t6l
Activity immediate Time (Weeks) Cost (Rs.)
Predecessor{s) Crash Normal Crash
A 7 4 t800 2r0(J
trl 9 7 3500 3800
c B 5 4 2500 2625
D A E 5 4000 4225
E c 9 B 1000 3325
F iB lt ll 3000

2. a) Explain about ABC classification ofconstruction materid graphicdly. How the value
of a construction materials can be analysed on rhe basis of value engineering? Discuss
it. [3+3]
b) Write down the factors to be considercd for deciding the extent of mechmisation of
construction project. Write shorl notes on equipment uscd for highway and pavement
constnrction. 14+41

3. a) Name contract types and reimbursable contract. Write down the activities to be
carried out as preparation before inviting tendering. 14+47

b) List down the various -components for site prcparation, and prepare a typical
arrangernent facilities ofa building construction prqiect in llrban area of Nepal. t4l
4. a) Define ma*erial produetivity and write down the basic reasons for materia!
productivity control in construction project. t4l
b) Explain. afld difrerentiate between site order book and measurement book. What is
muster roll and why it is important? 12+21

5. a) Wrile down the objectives ofthe maintenance. Explain in delails about planning and
scheduling of maintenance in project maintenance. [2+3]
t) Define personnel managernent. Write down the steps of personnel selection in any
organisation. 12+41

' .e. a1. f6t6i specifiiirtion is important in construction contracts? W1it9. down., the.
, specifiration for Slone masonary work in l: 6 mortar..
b)- wliy regulatory requir€ments are needed in any construction project? llow building.
I :codes ofany. counhy hetps in effeaive urban planninq o$llur iL , ,. . 14I

Discuss aboul safety requirements in a construction site.

7. Defins value qf any property and ufiat is to be satisfred by any property to have its value.
A penon desire tosale his property having details as: Gross rent = Rs 5000 per mont!,
total outgoings = 25oZ of grosJ rent, estimated future life 35yrs, area of land = 200 m',
estimared value of knd = Rs 2000 per square mcter. Determine the far.e value of
property. Take rate of interest on capital as l00/o and rate of redempion of capital as 5%.
Assume suitablb dat4 ifr€quired. ll +6I
8. Write short notes on: (futy two)
a) Pre-bid meeting
b) Methods of valuation of propedies
c) Materiafffilingsystem
d) BooT

OI, TRIBHWA}.IT'NTVET.SITY ll e qu l:t r'
E-xamiuation Control Divisiori PrriMrrki.
2073 Bhadrr Ycar / Prrt M Timc J hrs.

in Civil t)
y Candidatcs arc requircd to g@ their ansn'crs in their own't ords as far as practicable,
y' Atrempt All qtpstions.
1 Tlu fi.gwes iitlu nargin iidieate Fall Lftiik. '
r' C -enlilhE sfuuw usesqarole diiwrbo* lor cechlruWtvqtu and Slruclute).
r' Asji{ne ruttable data if necessary. .

(Vat )
l. Explain the conccpt of finite difiercncc mcthod. What do you mean explicit and implicit
schearc in finite difrerence melhod? For the gdds giv€x, below discrctize using explicit
and implicit schcme using fornrud boclovad ad ceotal difrerence apprmc,h for space
sp{ liap,la'ivetives [2+2+2]


i-l T l+1
2. A river ufrich is geoeralized as rapeoidal chennel is SIXlrn widc with side slope 5:1, has
beti slopc l% and Mamring's n 0.04. Initilly itischatgc rhrough lhe rivcr is 100 mls. f,)ue
to a flod the disclrirge olicrved a thc upsrcur section of the river is 300m3/s, compute
disc,hargc at 2550m downstcarn from upcteam scction. Tala Ax =.2650rn srd lt = I hr.
Uslinwkfurerffirhion. t6I
3. Thc following is the characfristic form of cquation for one dimensional tmteady pipe

!11 I 9l*g5;og**l=o
- whoe v = Average velocity over a scctiorL p = density
dl pcdt 2D
= of pipe, f = friction fac-tor, D = disne{€r of pipe. Develop finite differ€nce
equatioms for abovc equarions using thc cooccpt of melhod of charaacristics (MOC).
Also, explain thc criteda frr the stsbility ofrhe MOC solrtion. 16+21

shows a 2 dimcnsioml grid with the values of potentisl fitrction $) for

simulating seepago" Calcularc vertical and hotizonal seepage into and out of &:id A i.e.
Q,r, Qs, Qc anil Qp. Transmissivity in xdirection ard-y-direction arre 2200 m'lday and
2400 trr2lday respectively, for all grids; A)( = 80rn md AY = 90m. 181

it 0 € 0

2,3 2.2 2.1 2.@

2.27 7-2i 2.6 2-01

2.22 2.12 rraE 7

3 n o 0
5. Describe briifly the different solution techniques used for nuirierical computations of
civileryinEeringpmtlems.Atso ffi:,rrdicrmirirs- t81

6. What do you mean by Banded Maaix and how do you optimize the memory? Wdle the
algorithm for Conjugate Gradient Method. t4+41
J. a) Difrercntiate the plain sress and piain staU prottera with suitable example. I4l
b) Derive the equilibrium equations for solid elemenr ard also define the afsymmetric
problems. t6l
8. Determine the nodal displacemeats and reaction forces ofthc beam loaded as shown in
figurebdow. Give that, Ll:
12= 3 m, P = 15 KN, MO = 40 KN-m, El =E2=2xl0s
MP4 11 = 1, = 5*1ge ,rr1 tl0l

1l zZ E

9. Derivctie shape fimctions Ni for the six-nod.d tR-argularD elemerf shoun in lhe figure
below. t6I


x, lt
t+- a 1<- a -{ -
10. A steel plate of thickness & mm is being loaded as shonn in the figure below. Considering
the plane stress conditiorl determine the nodal displacements and stresses of the CST
element. Take E: 210 x ld Mf4 G = 105 x 103 MP4 and unit weight ofthe sre€l is
?8.5 KtVm3. Il0l

400 mm
25 KN/mz

rF_.- a00 mm --e{

i::i:'-:::]:. j : irr..:.!:!i'::i:il

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