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Investigating Audience

Development: A Neuro
Christian Debono 16318023 What is Neuromarketing?
-"Neuroimaging as a marketing tool” (Fischer 2010, 231)
How can studies from neuroscience and marketing lead to a wider
audience of arts and culture?  -NeuroTechnologies Used:
How can past studies in neuroscience in related fields pave the way (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional
to potential studies in audience development through magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), eye tracking,
neuromarketing?  electrodermal response.
Elements of  Analysis:
Methodology Attention, Perception, Memory                      Valuation Circuit  
I. Analyzing the notion of neuromarketing and its relatio Example: Emotional Response leads to Consumer Choice
 to arts and culture through literature. 
-This contextualized the field while also delving into how -"Overall, neuromarketing has important implications for academic-industrial
it could be related to arts and culture through past studies. partnerships, the responsible conduct of research, and the public
II. Framing studies of neuromarketing related to arts and culture by understanding of the brain."  (Fischer 2010, 230).  
linking it to the notion of audience development. 

Emotions & A Strategy for Empathy Neuro-Studies &

Neuro-Studies Art
Art &
Mirror Neurons -The film industry is resorting to neuromarketers to test trailers.
“Empathy enables our work to forge emotional connections
These promote the notion of shared emotion as they fire when one -A debate in which is the most fitting testing technology is
between your audience and your brand.” (Olson 2013, 64)
acts and observes the same action from another. currently in the rise.
-Neuromarketers acknowledge that through empathy they can
-Sound is known to be a promoter of mirror neurons as they -MindSign & Neuro Focus: companies with a focus on movie
achieve brand loyalty.
and trailer neuro testing.
can trigger reaction. -Neuroscience proved that empathy stimulates humans.
-Online platforms play a crucial role in brain response related
For example , the sound of a tuning orchestra, in an advert -It reflects the importance of establishing an emotional
to trailers/movies due to their real-time dimension.
promoting an orchestral concert could potentially illicit relationship between consumers and the brand.
-Through this analysis, a link to neuro-aesthetics emerges - the
emotions related to orchestral music.   -Thus, we need to show that we understand our costumer -
field that explores beauty through cognition.
 "we feel for you factor."
-In it EEG and Skin Conductance are used to identify, which
paintings elicit the most positive emotions.

Link to Audience Development - Conclusion -Olson, Gary. 2013. Empathy Imperiled Capitalism, Culture, and the Brain. New York:
-Berns, Gregory S. 2011. “A neural predictor of cultural popularity” Journal Of Consumer
-If cultural organizations had to explore this dimension through neuro-marketing strategies they would have to Psychology. (22): 154–160. 
analyze the particular cohort or audiences they are particularly aiming to develop. Through this, brand -Fischer. Kurt W. 2010 “Defining Neuromarketing: Practices and Professional
effectiveness attracting audiences prior to a project could be tested. Challenges”. Harv Rev Psychiatry.18(4): 230–23.
Metrics of brand effectiveness that are already available should be also considered, as it helps with which -Mauri, Maurizo. 2018 “Integration of traditional and neuroscientific techniques in the
questions and products could be presented during an fMRI scan. study of consumer behaviour: the contribution of Neuromarketing” Paper presented at
Measuring Behaviours, Manchester, June 2018.
-How can we do this through marketing in an era where people are exposed to 4,000 ads everyday? Arguably, "by
taking a personal interest in them; show genuine curiosity about their lives; Ask them questions about their
hobbies, their challenges, their families, their aspiration"(Olson 2013, 66) i.e. be empathic towards our audiences
and prospective audiences as it promotes an emotional relationship.
-Both artistic and marketing teams need to focus on such aspects even if they might have opposing aims:
Audience VS Product

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