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TDP (Honours) 2nd Semester Exam., 2019


Full ~1arks : 60 Thne : 3 Hours

Thf _figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidares are required to give their answers
in rhe ir own words as far as practicable.

1. .-\nswer any si\· of the following questions : 2x6=12

(a) Show that the electrostatic field of a point

charge is irrotational.

(b) E)..i,lain the mechanical pressure on the surface

of a charged conductor.

(c) Charges given to a conductor reside on its outer

surface. How can you exrplain it?

(d) \\ bat is an electrical image?

(e1 \\ llat is magnetic Lorentz force?

[ Turn Over J
( 2 )

(f) Explain why the introduction of a dielectric

medium between the plates of a capacitor
changes its capacitance.

(g) What do you mean by free current and bound


(h) Define susceptibility and permeability for a linear

magnetic material.

There are four questions from question no. 2 to question

no. 5. Answer either (a) or (b) of each question.

2. (~ (i) State and establish Uniqueness theorem in


(ti) The electric potential in a certain region of

q e-r!A.
space is given by <l>(r) = 41t e -- ,

where A is a constant and r is the

position vector. Find the electric field E(r)

and charge density p(r) .

(m) Calculate the torque experienced by an

electric dipole when placed in an uniform
electric field. 4+5+ 3= 12
( 3 )


(b) (i) A point charge of 1C is located at

(31 + 4} + sk)m . Find the electric field due

td it at the point (si + 4J+3k)m .
(ii) Calculate the potential and electric field due
to dipole at a point (r, 0) .
(rii) Calculate the mutual interaction energy of
two dipoles of moments P1 and P2 •

(i) Calculate the capacitance of a spherical

capacitor when the outer sphere is earthed
and the inner sphere is charged.

(ri) Derive an expression for electrostatic self

energy of a uniformly charged sphere of
radius 'a' charged with 'Q' .

(Iii) A p.d. of 400 V is applied across the series

combination of two capacitors 10 µF and
30 µF . Find the p.d. across the l 0 µF
capacitor and also the energy stored in it.

[Turn Over J
5/ 2 1- 190
( 4 )


(b) (1) State and Prove Gauss's law in dielectrics.

(ri) State the boundary conditions of E and
D , across the boundary surface separating
two. media.

(Iii) A grounded conducting sphere of radius 'a'

is placed in a uniform electric field
-+ ,..
E 0 = E0 k . Calculate the potential at a point
(r, 0) and dipole moment by the method of
electrical image. (2+3)+2+5=12

, / ~ (i) Using Biot-Savart law find the magnetic

field at an axial point of a circular coil
carrying a steady current.

(ii) A wire shaped to a regular hexagon of each

side 2 cm carries a current of 2A. Find the
magnetic induction at the centre of the

(m) A current flow produces a magnetic field

whose vector potential is given by
-+ " " "
A= x 2yi + y 2xj-4xyzk .

Find the magnetic field (B) at (- 1, 2, 5).

( 5 )

• -+ -+ - -
(b) (1) Show that V x M = J m . Here M is the

intensity of 1nagnetization and J ,,, is the
magnetization current density.

(ii) Explain briefly with the help of the

hysteresis loop how a ferrornagnetic
substance can be demagneti zed from its
initial state of magnetization.

(iii) Mention three essential differences between

a ballistic galvanometer and a deadbeat
galvanometer. What is meant by the tenn
critical damping resistance (CDR) of a
ballistic galvanon1eter? 4+4+(3+ 1)= 12

5. (a) (i) Write Faraday's law of electron1agnetic

induction and express it in ditlerential fom1.

(ii) Show that the equivalent inductance of two

coils of self-inductances L 1 and L
connected in parallel is given by,

IL 2 -M2
L = • . Here M is the nurtual
eq LI + Li ';f 2M
inductance between the coils.

[ Turn Over J
21- I 90
( 6 )
(iii) Explain the concept of displacement current
and write its importance.
( I+2)+4+(2+ 3)= 12


v{b) (i) An ac· circuit contains L, C and R in series.

Now this circuit is driven by a sinusoidal
voltage. Calculate the resonant frequency of
the circuit. What are meant by 'half power
frequencies' and 'Q value' in this circuit?

(ri) An ac supply of emf 50 V and frequency

lkHz is connected across an inductance of
100mH and a resistance 2kQ in series.
Find the voltage drop across the inductance
and across the resistance.

(Iii) Using Norton's theorem calculate the

current through the 60 resistance of the
circuit given below : -

2Q 4Q

l OV sn 6Q

L -_ _ _..___ _ ___ B

(2+ 1+ I )+(2+2)+4= 12

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