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FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS Frequency response anasi is 1 method used io compute surturlrespons to steady-state ry eaion, fampes of osciry exckaion inchde rotting machinery, | Fewwmey mere seers unbalanced ties, and helicopter blades. in frequency response analysis the exctation is a ert Trplty defined in he fequeney domain. A ofthe appied forces are Krawn a each forcing fremency, Forces ean be the form of appied forces andlor enforced motions (splacemen’, velo, or accelerations) | a Csitoryloatng Is sold in rate. in ts mplest case, this loading is detned as faving an amplitude ata specie equeney. The steady-state osciftlory response occurs at | the same feqsency a the ltadag, The response maybe shifted in ime due to damping inthe | System The shfl in esponse scaled a phase shit because te peak lading and peak | Pio SAE . Teaponse no longer occur le sae tne. An exampe of phase shits shown in Fig 51 i = | ‘ resone | \ <1 | Figure $1. Phase Sit The important resuts obtained from a frequeney response anaysis usually incude the éspacements, veoctes, and accelerations o pons as wal asthe laces and stesses of flames, The compued responses are complex numbers dened as magnitude and phase (wit respect tothe appt force) or as real and imaginary component, which are vector Components of the response in the realimapnary plane. These quantities ae graphically resentedin Figure 5.2 pes Mamba " maginry) | uy + (Real) as | | | Fee orn vier = magne = Ja + oP . @ = phase angle = tan" (u, /u,) % | al compone | 4, = imaginary component =u sa | “wo dint numerical methods can be used! in Hequeney response analysis. The dect ‘metnod soles te coupled equatons of motion in terms of forcing frequency. The modal Ieihod utiaes the mode shapes of the structure to reduce and uncouge the equations of ‘moton (nen moda or no damping is used); the solution fora parcuar forcing frequency is hiaines though the summation ofthe inva modal responses. The choice ofthe method epends on the problem. The two methods ae described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 CMPTER S: FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS Pac Ls In dict fequeney response anes, srucual response is computed at discret excaton ‘requencies by soking ase of coupled mai equations using complex algebra. Begin wit te amped freed vation equabon of maton wih harmancexitaton fete + (2a + [le) = Pe? ) “he load In Eq. (61) 1s intotueed as a complex vector which is comvenent for the ‘matemaial soliion ofthe problem, From a physical point of view, ie Fad canbe eal raginary or both. The sie epetaen used for esponse quarts, for harmonic mation (which is the basis of a frequency response analysis), assume a harmonic ska of he form: IH = ula ©) where ule 18 a complex dsphcement vector Taking the fest and socond devaves of a, (62), he folowing is obtained: (i = foltaye" 69) = -atulaem hen the above expressions ae sted in a, 1), the folowing isonet Filta jo“ + iol oloe + Kuo = Pollo! (4 which after cdng by espe to [-oF + a8 + K]ole| = (Po 65) The equaton of motion is soked by inserting te forcing frequency w ino te equaton of Imation. Tis expression represents a system of eqiatons with complex coetiients if {ampng is ined or the app loads have phase angles. The equations of maton at each Input tequeney ae ten soWed in a maner similar to a stabes problem using complex artnet

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