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Mercury – emissions and


Lesley L Sloss

February 2002

Copyright © IEA Coal Research 2002

ISBN 92-9029-371-3

Recently there have been some major moves towards implementing emission limits and/or emission control technologies for
mercury emissions from coal combustion in several countries, especially in the USA. This report draws together the latest data on
mercury emissions highlighting, where possible, inaccuracies and disagreements between studies. It addresses the legal
requirements which are likely to be set for coal-fired power plants. The available technologies for mercury control and those
currently under development are then reviewed in order to determine the most cost-effective ways of achieving the required
reduction in mercury emissions.
Acronyms and abbreviations

acf actual cubic feet ox-MGA oxidative membrane gas absorption

AFBC atmospheric fluidised bed combustion PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon(s)
AHPC advanced hybrid particulate collector PCB polychlorobiphenyl(s)
BAT best available technology or technique ppm parts per million
CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments, USA ppmw parts per million by weight
CATM Center for Air Toxic Metals, USA PRB Powder River Basin coal
CCAP Center for Clean Air Policy, USA PSI Physical Sciences Inc, USA
CCME Canadian Council of Ministers and the RDF refuse derived fuel
Environment SCR selective catalytic reduction
CEC Commission for the European Community SMPS scanning mobility particle sizer
CFBC circulating fluidised bed combustion SNCR selective non-catalytic reduction
COHPAC compact hybrid particulate control STP standard temperature and pressure
technology [0°C (273K), 101.3 kPa]
CVAAS cold vapour atomic absorption th% percentage by thermal (energy) input
spectroscopy TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied
ECO electro-catalytic oxidation Scientific Research
EERC Energy and Environmental Research TRI toxics release inventory
Center, ND, USA UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for
EPA Environmental Protection Agency Europe
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute, CA, US DOE United States Department of Energy
USA US EPA United States Environmental Protection
ESP electrostatic precipitator Agency
EUREKA a political initiative to encourage the trans- UV ultraviolet
national development of technological VOC volatile organic compound(s)
research and development in Europe VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
FBC fluidised bed combustion WESP wet electrostatic precipitator
FGD flue gas desulphurisation
GSA gas suspension absorber
HELCOM Helsinki Commission
Hg0 elemental mercury
Hg2+ oxidised mercury
Hg(p) particulate mercury
ICR Information Collection Request, USA
IGCC integrated gasification combined cycle
LRTAP Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution
M2P2 Michigan mercury pollution prevention
task force, USA
MACT maximum achievable control technology
MEPOP atmospheric cycling of mercury and
persistent organic pollutants (EUREKA
METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
(previously the Ministry for International
Trade and Industries, MITI), Japan
mils US$0.001
MSW municipal solid waste
MWe megawatts electric
MWth megawatts thermal
NARAP North American regional action plan
NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory,
NOx nitrogen oxides (NO +NO2)
NPI National Pollutant Inventory, Australia
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development
OSPAR Olso and Paris Commissions

2 IEA Coal Research


1 Introduction 5

2 Global and regional mercury emissions 6

2.1 Global 6
2.2 Regional 6
2.2.1 Europe 7
2.2.2 China 9
2.2.3 USA 9
2.3 Comments 10

3 Global and regional legislation 11

3.1 International legislation and agreements 11
3.2 National legislation and action plans 11
3.2.1 Australia 12
3.2.2 Canada 12
3.2.3 Japan 13
3.2.4 The Netherlands 13
3.2.5 Sweden 13
3.2.6 USA 13
3.3 Comments 14

4 Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants 15

4.1 Effect of fuel type 15
4.1.1 Mercury in coal 15
4.1.2 Coal cleaning 16
4.1.3 Cofiring 17
4.2 Behaviour during combustion and gasification 17
4.2.1 Pulverised coal fired units 17
4.2.2 Fluidised bed combustion systems 18
4.2.3 Gasification systems 19
4.3 Effect of pollution control technologies 20
4.3.1 Low NOx burners 20
4.3.2 Particulate controls 21
4.3.3 FGD 22
4.3.4 SCR and SNCR 23
4.4 Interactions in emissions control 24
4.5 Mercury in by-products 25
4.5.1 Fly ash 25
4.5.2 FGD residues 25
4.6 Comments 26

5 Specific controls for mercury 27

5.1 Enhanced particulate controls 27
5.1.1 Flue gas cooling 28
5.1.2 Electrical discharge 28
5.1.3 Ultra-high efficiency ESP 28

Mercury – emissions and control 3

5.2 Sorbents 29
5.2.1 Activated carbon 30
5.2.2 Fly ash sorbent 31
5.2.3 Other sorbents 32
5.2.4 In situ sorbent generation 33
5.2.5 Sorbent residues 34
5.3 Enhanced FGD/oxidation 34
5.4 Economics of mercury control 36
5.5 Comments 36

6 Conclusions 38

7 References 39

4 IEA Coal Research

1 Introduction

Mercury is present in trace amounts in coal, waste and other

materials and is released as a gas when these materials are
burned. Whilst a significant fraction of the mercury may be
recaptured on ash particles or by downstream control
equipment, much of it may also be released into the
atmosphere. The growing concern over mercury emissions
and effects is reflected by the move towards establishing
emission limits for sources such as coal combustion.
According to the current timetable, mercury controls for coal-
fired power plants will have to be installed in the USA by
2007 (Berkenpas and others, 2001). This requirement for a
reduction in mercury emissions, possibly of up to 90% from
some plants, is being reflected in a rapid increase in the
amount of research and development in to mercury behaviour
and control. In the USA, the Information Collection Request
(ICR) organised by the US EPA has resulted in a large
amount of new data on mercury behaviour in coal-fired
power plants becoming available. The data released from the
ICR should assist in speeding up the development of
appropriate control technologies.

This report complements the recent Clean Coal Centre report

on trace element emissions (Sloss and Smith, 2000) and a
previous report on mercury (Sloss, 1995). Details on
continuous monitoring systems for mercury were given in a
separate report by Sloss and Davidson (2001). Global and
regional sources of mercury are summarised in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 reviews the legislation which has been set
internationally and nationally and discusses any resulting
reductions in mercury emissions. Chapter 4 concentrates on
emissions from pulverised coal fired power plants and
includes data, where available, on emissions from other coal
utilisation systems. It also discusses the effects on mercury
emissions of standard pollution control technologies for
particulate, SO2 and NOx emissions. A short summary of
mercury in waste materials such as fly ash and solid FGD
wastes is also included. Chapter 5 then concentrates on new
techniques being developed specifically for the control of
mercury and the estimated costs of these systems.

Mercury – emissions and control 5

2 Global and regional mercury emissions

Mercury is emitted to the atmosphere from a number of estimates. Fitzgerald and others (1998) warn that ‘inaccurate
human activities as well as from natural sources. The results plague the Hg literature’ and that ‘critical information
recycling of mercury from soils following enhanced is lacking concerning natural and anthropogenic emissions,
deposition by human activities makes estimating mercury chemical speciation and reactivity of Hg in the environment.’
budgets more complicated than simple estimates of emissions
from individual source sectors. Porcella and others (1997) Although accurate data on mercury emissions are not
emphasised that many sources of mercury have not been currently available, crude estimates have been made with
characterised adequately and consequently the global budget regard to emissions from different regions and countries. The
is incomplete. Emission estimates are produced based on following sections briefly review the available data on trends
emission factors. Since mercury emissions from many in mercury emissions in different areas of the world.
sources are not well characterised, emission factors are
known to be inaccurate.
2.1 Global
Zevenhoven (2001) cites an emission factor of ~0.5 kg/MWe
capacity/year for uncontrolled mercury emissions from coal- Total global mercury emissions from both human activities
fired power stations used for electricity generation. This and natural sources are thought to be somewhere in the range
would mean that a 500 MWe plant would emit 250 kgHg/y. of 2–4 kt/y, with the higher end of the range being more
Table 1 shows emission factors used by Pirrone and others likely to be accurate. Of this total, 20–33% are thought to be
(2001) for estimating regional and global emissions of from natural sources (Lee and others, 2000). Schindler
mercury from different sources. The emissions were (1998) estimated emissions from human activities alone at
calculated based on coal type, combustion system, flue gas 5 kt/y and those from natural sources at 2 kt/y.
treatment methods and total fuel use. An average 50% control
efficiency was assumed for the combination of all standard Although mercury is a global problem, some areas of the
pollution control systems (ESP, baghouses and FGD). world produce more mercury than others. It has been
Developing countries included North Africa and the Middle estimated that over half the global emissions of mercury from
East but not Israel. Developed countries included all human activities are produced in Asia (Pacyna and others,
European countries and Israel. 2001). It is likely that emissions from these regions will
continue to increase in the foreseeable future (see
Pacyna and others (2001) emphasise that emission factors Section 2.2.2 on China).
have an associated uncertainty range. For coal combustion
the error range is ±25%, and for cement and non-ferrous
metal production it is ±30%. The estimates for waste 2.2 Regional
incineration have an even larger range of error due to lack of
information and the variability of material combusted. Table 2 shows estimates for the contribution from coal
Estimates for waste incineration vary within a factor of five. combustion to mercury emissions in different countries. Each
Schindler (1998) also suggests that emissions from chlor- estimate comes from a different source and is therefore likely
alkali plants have been estimated incorrectly and that actual to be calculated from a different emission factor. The
emissions from these sources in the USA may be at least four emission totals should therefore not be compared directly but
times greater than those reported. Miscalculations and rather taken as an indication of the relative importance of
emission factors based on gross assumptions and dated coal combustion as a source of mercury in different countries
information lead to great inaccuracies in mercury emission (Sloss and Smith, 2000). The value for the USA is being
updated as a result of new data from the Information
Collection Request (ICR). Currently the total emissions from
Table 1 Emission factors for estimating global
coal-fired units are estimated to be around 41 t/y. This is
and regional emissions of mercury,
lower than earlier estimates. However, the overall percentage
g Hg/t (Pirrone and others, 2001)
contribution from coal to the total has not changed
Fuel Emission factor
significantly as estimates for emissions from other sources
have also been decreased (Pavlish, 2002). As shown in the
Developed Developing
table, the contribution from coal combustion varies from as
countries* countries†
high as 34% and 46% in countries such as Mexico and the
Coal 0.05 0.12 USA to as low as 9% in Austria and 12% in Sweden.
Distilled and residual oil 0.06 0.065
Solid waste 0.08 1.0 For all countries for which data were available, total
Cement manufacture 0.09 0.5 emissions of mercury are decreasing. In countries such as
Sweden the decrease is quite dramatic (6.7 t/y in 1987 down
* include all of Europe and Israel to 1.7 t/y in 1995). In the same period in most countries the
† include North Africa and the Middle East, but not Israel
contribution from coal has either remained constant or been

6 IEA Coal Research

Global and regional mercury emissions

Table 2 Estimates for mercury emissions*

Country Year Total mercury Emissions from coal, Source

emissions, t/y t/y %

Austria 1995 4 0.36 9 Klemm (1998)

Canada 1996 47 <4† <9 Pacyna (1997)
Denmark 1995 0.42 not available not available Weick-Hansen (1998)
1997 0.23 not available not available Weick-Hansen (1998)
Finland 1987 3-5 not available not available Mukherjee (1998)
1992 2 0.46 23 Mukherjee (1998)
Former FRG 1982 68 20‡ 29 Jockel (1998)
1995 30 8‡ 27 Jockel (1998)
Netherlands 1985 8.6-10.6 2-4 not available Meij (1998)
1995 3 0.3 10 Meij (1998)
Mexico 1996 13-83 <4.4† <34 Pacyna (1997)
Sweden 1987 6.7 0.3 4 Hovsenius (1998)
1995 1.7 0.2 12 Hovsenius (1998)
USA 1994-95 144 47 33 US EPA (1997)
1995 230 65 28 Pavlish and Mann (1998);
US EPA (1997)
1996 154 <65§ <42 Pacyna (1997)
1998 143 65 46 Pavlish and Mann (1998);
US EPA (1997)
2002 41 See text in Section 2.2

* these estimates have been collated from a number of different sources who have based their estimates on different assumptions. The
estimates are therefore meant to give an idea of relative emissions and not to be taken too literally
† values are from total emissions from combustion, therefore the contribution from coal will be less than the total value shown
‡ total from power stations burning all fuels
§ values are from all coal combustion sources, therefore the contribution from utility boilers will be less than the value shown

reduced. In West Germany and the Netherlands the relative lower than in previous years in some areas. Data from
contribution from coal to the total emissions of mercury have Sweden and the UK suggest that mercury levels reached a
decreased. Despite reductions in emissions from coal peak around 1960 and have been decreasing since (US DOE,
combustion, the relative contributions from coal to total 2001a).
emissions in Sweden has increased due to greater reductions
from other sectors (Sloss and Smith, 2000). Data on mercury emissions from different sectors in Europe,
calculated from emission factors, are shown in Table 3.
The following sections concentrate on regions and countries Russia (the European part) contributed the largest proportion
for which the most complete data on mercury emissions are of emissions, being responsible for around 25% of the total
available. European emissions. Other countries with relatively high coal
dependencies, such as Poland, Germany and the UK, were
also responsible for major contributions to total emissions.
2.2.1 Europe
Coal combustion in power plants contributed 26% of the total
Pacyna and others (2001) have estimated that total mercury European emissions and coal combustion for residential heat
emissions from human activities in Europe in 1995 amounted also contributed 26%. In total, coal was responsible for just
to 342 t. This was a decrease of 45% compared to emissions over half (52%) of the total mercury emissions from human
for 1990. In 1995, emissions from Europe contributed around activities. The next largest sources were caustic soda
13% of total global emissions of mercury. Mercury emissions production (12%), non-ferrous metal production (8%) and
in Europe have been decreasing since the late 1980s and this cement production (8%). Pacyna and others (2001)
was reflected in a 16% decrease in average total gaseous emphasised that, apart from one chemical plant in Germany,
mercury measured over Scandinavia in the early 1990s. The coal-fired power plants were the main point sources of
use of coal and the contribution from coal to mercury mercury in Europe. It was also suggested that on average,
emissions in Europe have remained constant during this time. 50% of the mercury released from coal-fired power plants in
Emissions from industrial sources such as chlor-alkali Europe is in the form of Hg0, 40% as Hg2+ and 10% as
production from the mercury-cell process have been reduced particulate mercury, although the value for particulate
significantly and are responsible for the overall decrease in mercury seems high as values of below 5% are more
emissions. Emissions of mercury from natural sources in representative for most coal-fired power plants.
Europe are lower than those from human activities but, at
250–300 t/y, are still significant. Concomitant with the Pirrone and others (2001) have estimated mercury emissions
decrease in mercury emissions in many countries in Europe from Mediterranean countries. For 1998, the total
there are some indications that mercury deposition is already emissions amounted to 110.7 t/y and are predicted to

Mercury – emissions and control 7

Global and regional mercury emissions

Table 3 Total mercury emissions from human activities in Europe in 1995, t (Pacyna and others, 2001)

Country Coal combustion Oil Cement Total metal smelting Caustic Waste Other Total
Power plants Residential combustion production (Pb, Zn, pig and iron) soda disposal

Austria 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.40 0.90 2.2

Belgium 1.70 0.20 0.60 0.70 0.10 3.3
Denmark 0.70 0.20 0.20 1.00 0.30 2.4
Finland 0.10 0.40 0.10 0.40 0.50 0.10 1.6
France 1.50 0.10 2.50 2.80 7.20 1.90 1.60 17.6
Germany 5.70 4.40 1.20 5.60 8.31 3.00 3.00 0.09 31.3
FRG* 4.10 1.50 1.20 1.66 7.20 2.00 3.00 0.04 19.7
GDR* 1.60 2.90 3.94 2.11 1.00 0.05 11.6
Greece 0.70 0.60 1.20 0.30 0.20 3
Italy 0.50 2.80 3.00 1.40 4.00 1.00 0.50 13.2
The Netherlands 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.20 1
Poland 20.60 11.30 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.40 33.6
Portugal 0.20 0.70 0.50 0.10 1.5
Russia† 16.00 33.00 5.00 3.80 3.70 8.00 18.20 87.7
Spain 2.60 2.10 2.70 1.90 2.40 1.50 13.2
Sweden 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.10 0.9
UK 7.80 1.40 0.60 0.70 2.20 7.40 20.1
Rest‡ 30.50 32.70 0.80 7.50 6.30 12.50 0.10 18.70 109.1

Total 89.20 89.30 7.00 28.70 27.11 41.30 9.70 49.49 341.8

* FRG: Former Republic of Germany

* GDR: Former German Democratic Republic
† European part of Russia
‡ including Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey, Yugoslavia

increase to 123.7 t/y by 2005. However, different scenarios

Table 4 Total mercury emissions in Poland, t/y
can be assumed in relation to future mercury controls which
(Suwala, 2001)
can affect the predicted emissions. If mercury controls are
not improved in the Mediterranean countries, mercury Sector 1995 1997
emissions could increase to over 180 t/y by the year 2023. A
25% increase in control efficiencies would reduce this to Power generation 14.9 15.0
around 140 t/y by 2023. A 50% increase in control Local heat and power generation 4.4 4.7
efficiencies would reduce the predicted total further to Other burning processes 11.4 11.5
around 90 t/y, less than the current value of around 110 t/y, Other processes 1.6 1.7
despite increases in population and associated energy and Waste treatment 0.0 0.1
product needs.
Total 32.3 33.0
Poland is one of the most coal dependent countries in the
world with coal providing 66% of the primary energy supply recently, both in total emissions and in relative contribution
in 1998 (US DOE, 2001b). Polish coals can be high in to the total.
mercury. Typical mercury contents for black coals as mined
were 1.78 mg/kg as compared to 0.25 mg/kg in Australia and Sweden has a sweeping action programme which
0.1 mg/kg in the USA. A study of six coal-fired power plants encompasses mercury from all sources from coal-fired plants
in Poland showed an average mercury emission of almost and waste incineration systems down to mercury use in dental
6 t/y. This is high compared with 0.05 t/y estimated from the fillings. As a result of this, significant reductions are already
average coal-fired plant in the Netherlands (fitted with ESP being achieved, as shown in Table 5. As in several other
and FGD). However, a programme to install FGD on at least developed countries, although the reduction in emissions from
48 plants could have a significant effect on mercury coal combustion are significant, coal is becoming more
emissions (Sloss and Smith, 2001). important because of more major reductions in emissions
from other sectors. Around 65% of the total coal-fired
Total mercury emissions in Poland decreased from 38.8 t/y in capacity is fitted with flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)
1980 to 31.9 t/y in 1992. They then began to rise slightly to systems and 85% with flue gas control for NOx. Sweden still
reach 33.6 t/y in 1996 before dropping again to 33.0 t/y in has major problems with mercury pollution 10,000–15,000 of
1997. The contribution from the different sectors to the total its lakes. A large percentage of the mercury deposition is from
emissions are shown in Table 4 (Suwala, 2001). Emissions other countries and therefore significant improvements will
from each of the sectors have remained largely the same require action on a more international scale.

8 IEA Coal Research

Global and regional mercury emissions

Table 5 Mercury emissions in Sweden, kg/y (Hovsenius, 1998)

Process 1960 1985 1987 1995

Chlor-alkali plants 10,000 400 400 120

Mining 4,000 200 50 10
Waste incineration 2,500 1,500 1,000 90
Sulphide ore smelting 2,000 800 300 74
Steel production 1,000 700 700 110
Cement kilns 700 500 500 3
Coal and peat combustion 400 300 300 210
Crematoria 100 200 250 280
Deposits NA NA 800 800
Dentists, hospitals, laboratories NA NA 800 negligible
Other industrial activities NA NA 1,600 negligible

Total 6,700 1,700

NA not available

2.2.2 China Table 6 Mercury emissions from coal use in

different sectors in China in 1995, t/y
China is the country with the largest coal consumption in the
(Wang and others, 2000)
world. A total of 1380 Mt of coal was consumed in China in
1995. Because of this high dependency on coal, China may
Sector Emissions Emissions
be a major contributor to global mercury emissions, possibly to air to solid waste
5% of the global total (Wang and others, 2000).
Electric power generation 72.86 25.26
Mercury emissions from coal use in different industries in Mining and quarrying 13.88 7.81
China are shown in Table 6. These emissions were calculated Manufacturing industry 98.78 40.10
based on the average mercury concentration of Chinese coals Residential use 19.05 10.72
and assumed emission factors for each sector. No information Farming, forestry, fishing 2.61 1.47
was available on emissions of mercury from sources which Other miscellaneous 6.65 3.73
were not coal-based. Coal combustion for power generation
Total 213.83 89.09
was responsible for 34% of the emissions from coal.
Residential coal use was responsible for just under 9%.
Manufacturing industries (such as smelting and the (32.6%, 57 t) of the total US mercury emissions (180 t) in
production of raw chemicals) produced 46% of the emissions 1994-95 arose from utility boilers, mainly coal-fired power
from coal use (Wang and others, 2000). Mercury emissions in plants. The next largest single source was municipal waste
China have increased steadily since the 1970s. It is suggested incinerators (18.7%). The other sources major sources were
that China’s mercury emissions are continuing to increase at medical waste incinerators (10.1%), chlorine plants (4.5%),
a rate of around 5%/y (Wang and others, 2000; Science hazardous waste incinerators (4.4%) and cement plants
News, 2000). (3.1%). Of this 180 t total, 158 t arose from combustion
sources, according to the US Environmental Protection
Wang and others (2000) also estimated mercury emissions Agency’s (US EPA) Mercury Study Report to Congress (US
from coal combustion in different Provinces in China. The EPA, 1997). Of the combustion total, 52% was from the
greatest emissions, 29.9 t/y, were from Shanxi and then combustion of coal, 39% from waste incineration, 8% from
22.6 t/y from Guizhou. Coal from Gizhou, China has a high oil and 1% from other sources. It was predicted that, by
average Hg content (0.53 mg/kg) and less than 10% of this 2000, the contribution from coal would have increased to
coal is cleaned by physical coal cleaning processes. Mercury 80% of the combustion total. No data have been found to
emissions from Guiyang, the capital of Gizhou, have been determine whether this prediction was correct. However,
increasing at a rate of 7.1%/y and the mercury pollution in predictions from the new Information Collection Request
the air and water in the region has been increasing at a (ICR) data suggest that annual emissions of mercury from
similar rate. coal-fired power plants would amount to around 45 tons/y
(40.8 t/y; CATM, 2001).

2.2.3 USA In the USA the reports to Congress have indicated that,
despite the emissions of mercury from coal combustion
It has been estimated that the USA is responsible for around remaining constant at 65 t/y between 1995 and 1998, the
3% of the global mercury emissions. According to the US relative contribution from coal to total emissions from human
Department of Energy (US DOE, 2001a) almost one third activities during this time has increased from 28% to 46%.

Mercury – emissions and control 9

Global and regional mercury emissions
This is due to more significant reductions in emissions from
other sectors.

The total mercury emission for 1997 (180 t/y) was

significantly lower than the total given for the early 1990s
(260 t). The decrease in emission was achieved largely by the
reduction of mercury in uses such as batteries, fungicides and
paints. The number of chlor-alkali plants has also been
reduced from 20 in 1990 to 12 in 2000. Emissions from
municipal waste incinerators have been regulated by the EPA,
with an aim to reducing emissions from municipal waste
units by 90% from 1995, from medical waste units by 94%
from 1997. New regulations for hazardous waste units were
introduced in 1998 which will reduce emissions further
(US DOE, 2001a).

Individual states within the USA may have their own

regulations for species such as mercury as long as they are at
least as stringent as those set nationally. For example,
Minnesota and Wisconsin have their own mercury reduction
plans (Pavlish, 2002).

Estimates for mercury emissions both globally and regionally
are known to be inaccurate due to the lack of valid data and
emission factors which have large associated error ranges.
Despite this, it is apparent that emissions of mercury in most
developed countries are either being stabilised or even
reduced. The same is true for mercury emissions from coal
combustion in many developed countries – the emissions
from this sector are either remaining relatively constant or
decreasing. However, the relative importance of coal
combustion to total emissions is still increasing in some
countries despite reductions in actual emissions simply
because the total reduction in emissions from other sectors is
greater. That is, emissions from sources such as chlor-alkali
plants and waste incineration systems are easier to control.
Emissions from coal combustion are therefore becoming
more important.

Little is known about mercury emissions from developing

countries such as China other than that they are significant
(probably 5% of the global total) and are likely to increase in
the future.

10 IEA Coal Research

3 Global and regional legislation

Legislation, guidelines, standards and action plans have been definition of ‘best practices’ is open to interpretation and
established in many countries and internationally in an effort does not necessarily equate to ‘best available technology’
to reduce emissions of mercury. Legislation relating to (BAT, UK) or ‘maximum achievable control technology’
emissions of trace elements, including mercury, from coal (MACT, USA). All of these agreements, projects and
combustion were reviewed in a separate report by the Clean protocols are initially targeting mercury in waste products
Coal Centre (Sloss and Smith, 2000). This chapter and the chemical industries as these are areas where large
summarises the legislation applicable to emissions of reductions can be made with minimum cost. The UNECE
mercury from coal-fired power plants. It does not include agreement has the most detailed requirements with respect to
legislation on atmospheric concentrations, limits for leachates controlling mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants
from waste or for human exposure. in that it suggests lower baghouse filter temperatures to
enhance mercury capture. It also requires the use of BAT on
all new stationary sources including coal-fired utilities but
3.1 International legislation and adds that ‘no best available technique is identified for the
specific purpose of removing mercury’ (UN, 1999).
There are a number of international agreements and action These agreements rely on the individual governments of each
plans which aim to co-ordinate the actions of individual country to produce a successful strategy to reduce emissions.
countries towards reducing mercury emissions. Those which As a consequence agreements cannot guarantee results nor
are currently relevant can be summarised as follows (Sloss can any action be taken against countries which are not as
and Smith, 2000): successful as others in reducing emissions.
● UNECE: The United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Although these protocols do not currently require any action
Pollution (LRTAP) for heavy metals was published in by coal-fired utilities to reduce emissions, the increasing
1998 and is signed by Canada, Europe, Russia and the importance of coal in regional and national emission budgets
USA. This protocol applies to mercury, cadmium and (see Chapter 2) is likely to result in more specific legislation
lead and sets emission standards for sources such as in the future. Mercury is one of the pollutants listed for
waste incineration but not coal-fired power plants. It consideration under the European Commission’s Air Quality
requires the installation of BAT for new stationary Framework Directive (Directive 96/62/EC) and will become
sources but does not define the BAT (best available incorporated at a future (unspecified) date under a Daughter
technology) which would apply to coal-fired plants. Directive. When it becomes incorporated, all member
● OSPAR: The Oslo and Paris Commission’s programme countries will need to consider the actions they will be
on reduction of land-based pollutants transported to the required to take under their own air quality strategies (Lee
North Sea. and others, 2000). The USA is required to set and apply
● HELCOM: The Helsinki Commission programme legislation pertaining to mercury emissions from coal-fired
covering the North Sea. power plants within a matter of years (see below).
● Barcelona Convention: A programme similar to
OSPAR and HELCOM covering the Mediterranean Sea. Recently, new legislation has been introduced in Europe
● MEPOP: A study project on the atmospheric cycling of which applies to waste incineration (Directive 2000/76/EC).
mercury and persistent organic pollutants within the An appendix is included in this legislation which applies to
EUREKA European political initiative. the cofiring of waste with coal, a common practice in
● Nordic: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have a countries such as the Netherlands. A limit of 50 µg/m3
co-operative project to achieve a reduction in emissions mercury at 6% O2 is specified for units cofiring waste.
of several pollutants including mercury. However, if ‘clean biomass’ is used (vegetable and cork
● Arctic: The Arctic Council has established an Arctic waste) then there is no limit. This 50 µg/m3 limit will apply
Environmental Protection Strategy which includes to all member countries of the EU, unless more stringent
mercury. limits are set. The Netherlands plan to comply with this
● NARAP: The North American Regional Action Plan legislation from January 2003 (Meij, 2002).
between Canada, the United Mexican States and the
USA aims to reduce mercury fluxes.
● Binational Toxics: The Binational Toxics Strategy 3.2 National legislation and action
between Canada and the USA includes mercury in its
level 1 substances and concentrates on cleaning up the
Great Lakes Basin area. Although individual countries are not yet required to set
legislation on mercury emissions from coal-fired power
None of these agreements includes guidelines on how the plants, there are a few countries which are already in the
proposed reductions in emission or concentrations should be process of doing so. Details of these standards are given in
achieved other than by recommending ‘best practices’. The Table 7. The legislation which applies at the moment has not

Mercury – emissions and control 11

Global and regional legislation

Table 7 National guidelines and legislation (IEA Coal Research, 1999)

Country or region Type Species included Limit Applicable to

National guideline Hg and compounds 3 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
National guideline Cd and compounds 3 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
National guideline Ni and compounds 20 mg/m3 utility plants
National guideline Sb, As, Cd, Hg, Pb, V and compounds 10 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
ACT* standard Hg and compounds 3 mg/m3 any process
ACT standard total Hg, As, Cd, Pb, Se and compounds 10 mg/m3 any process
NSW† standard Hg and compounds 1 mg/m3 any industry or process (new plants)
NSW standard Cd and compounds 1 mg/m3 any industry or process (new plants)
NSW standard total Sb, As, Cd, Pb, Hg and compounds 20 mg/m3 existing plants (prior to 1986)
NSW standard total Sb, As, Cd, Pb, Hg and compounds 10 mg/m3 existing plants (>1986)
NSW standard total Sb, As, Be, Cd, Co, Pb, Mn, Hg, Ni,
Se, V and compounds 5 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
NSW standard total Hg, As, Cd, Pb, Se, V and compounds 10 mg/m3 any process (seeking approval >1972)
Queensland standard total Hg, As, Cd, Hg, Pb and compounds 20 mg/m3 utility plants (existing)
Queensland standard total Sb, As, Cd, Hg, Pb and compounds 10 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process (new)
Queensland standard Cd and compounds 3 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process (new)
Queensland standard Hg and compounds 3 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
Queensland standard Ni and compounds (except nickel carbonyl) 20 mg/m3 any trace, industry or process (new)
Queensland standard nickel carbonyl 0.5 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process (new)
South Australia standard Sb and compounds 10 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
South Australia standard As and compounds 10 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
South Australia standard Pb and compounds 10 mg/m3 fuel burning equipment
South Australia standard Cd and compounds 3 mg/m3 any trade, industry or process
South Australia standard Hg and compounds 3 mg/m3 fuel burning equipment
South Australia standard total of Hg, As, Cd, Pb, Se and compounds 10 mg/m3 fuel burning equipment
Tasmania standard total of Hg, As, Cd, Pb, Se and compounds 10 mg/m3 any installation operating after 1975)
Victoria standard total of Hg, As, Cd, Pb, Se and compounds 10 mg/m3 utility plants
Canada guideline As, Cu, Pb, Sb, Zn (individually) 7 mg/m3 new or recently modified utility boilers
guideline Cd and compounds 2 mg/m3 new or recently modified utility boilers
guideline Hg and compounds 1 mg/m3 new or recently modified utility boilers
Germany standard Class I Cd, Hg and compounds 0.2 mg/m3 processes over 1 g/h
Class II Se and compounds 2 mg/m3 processes over 5 g/h
Class III Sb, Cr, Mn, Pb and compounds 10 mg/m3 processes over 25 g/h
Italy standard same classes and limits as for Germany
Switzerland standard same classes and limits as for Germany

* ACT – Australian Capital Territory

† NSW – New South Wales

required the installation of any additional pollution control Emission sources are required to quantify their emissions
equipment to any coal-fired utilities. The average mercury using emission estimation techniques which are based on
emission concentration for coal-fired power plants in Europe codes issued by the OECD (Organisation for Economic
without flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) is between 3 and Cooperation and Development). In addition to this, the EPA
11 µg/m3. All the limits set so far (around 3 mg/m3 or above) (Environmental Protection Agency) in New South Wales has
can easily be attained by efficient coal combustion systems. proposed a Pollution Control Regulation based on pollutant
weightings. Mercury has a high weighting, second only to
In addition to these emission standards, several countries pesticides and PCBs. The proposed system will introduce
have their own action plans and reduction strategies. The load-based fees which will apply to all industries, including
sections to follow summarise details for a few countries coal-fired power plants. Power generators will soon have to
which have legislation or action plans which are particularly pay a fee for a licence to emit certain loads and comply with
interesting with respect to mercury control. new reporting requirements which are being introduced by
the NPI.

3.2.1 Australia
3.2.2 Canada
Environment Australia (a Commonwealth Government
Authority) has issued a draft National Pollutant Inventory Canada has already reduced mercury emissions by 50% since
(NPI). This is in the form of an internet database which can 1988 through regulations and voluntary efforts in the major
be accessed on industrial sectors (CCME, 1999). As shown in Table 7,

12 IEA Coal Research

Global and regional legislation
Canada has set provisional emission standards for mercury had been set by local authorities. However, new rules are
which apply specifically to coal-fired power plants. These being proposed whereby the limits applicable to municipal
will be finalised in 2002, based on the conclusions from the waste incinerators (0.05 mg/m3 Hg at 11% O2 or 0.075 mg/m3
ongoing ICR (Information Collection Request) under way in at 6% O2) will be applied to the extra emissions due to the
the USA. The standards will be set on a provincial level combustion of waste (Meij, 1998). At the moment the
rather than a national level (Valupadas, 2000). The interim proposed rule is such that cofiring must not increased total
standard for mercury for new and existing utility boilers, mercury emissions by more than 30 kg/y. In order to stay
1 mg/m3, is easily obtainable at most large coal-fired power within this limit the mercury content of the waste material
plants. Over and above this limit, the North American Free may not be more than 0.4 ppm, up to 10% cofiring on a mass
Trade Agreement Commission for Environmental basis, assuming a mercury removal of 75%. If cofiring more
Cooperation has called for control of emissions from coal- than 10% on a mass basis then the mercury content must be
fired power plants which would represent a 90% reduction in lower. However, licences are granted by local authorities
emissions from this sector by 2007-10. No indication was which may allow plants to exceed the limit on a case by case
given of how such a large reduction in emissions could be basis (Meij, 2002).
achieved (Curtis, 1999).

3.2.5 Sweden
3.2.3 Japan
As mentioned in Chapter 2, despite drastic reductions in
There are no emission limits for mercury on coal-fired mercury emissions in Sweden, mercury pollution as a result
plants in Japan as yet. However, METI, the Ministry of of long-range transport is still a problem. There is now a
Economy, Trade and Industry, issued a protocol in 1987 Swedish programme which aims to reduce mercury from all
which required the monitoring of mercury and other trace sources including (Hovsenius, 1998):
elements from all new plants and that the mercury content ● shifting from coal to biomass fuels;
of the coal be analysed. Atmospheric mercury ● flue gas treatment requirements (condensation working
concentrations must also be monitored prior to the at low pH values);
construction of new plants and for three years following the ● a systematic use of best technologies;
commencement of commercial operation. FGD has been ● the prohibition of mercury in applications where
fitted on coal-fired units in Japan since the early 1970s and alternatives exist;
over 70% of the total coal-fired steam-generating capacity is ● changes in dental practices.
currently equipped with FGD.
The aim was to stop all use of mercury by the year 2000 and
The Agency of Natural Resources and Energy has started a to develop deep rock storage facilities to remove the mercury
five year project (2000-05) on the development of trace from the environment permanently.
element measurement techniques and pretreatment
technologies for coal utilisation. The next five years
(2005-10) will concentrate on trace element abatement 3.2.6 USA
technologies (METI, 1999).
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) started by the US EPA in
Japan currently has an activated carbon system on a full-scale 1997 required coal and oil-fired plants to report chemical
coal-fired unit. The 350 MWe Takehara No 2 atmospheric releases of a number of substances including mercury. In
fluidised bed combustion (AFBC) unit has a combined 1997 the US EPA delivered a Mercury Study Report to
SOx/NOx control system based on activated carbon. Congress which indicated that coal combustion was the major
Although the system has been shown to efficiently reduce source of mercury emissions in the USA.
mercury emissions, the design of the system was such that the
used carbon was recycled to the boiler, thus reintroducing the Within the North American Regional Action Plan (NARAP)
mercury to the flue gas. A similar system is planned for the the USA is seeking a 50% reduction in the deliberate use of
600 MWe pulverised coal fired unit at Isogo No 2 during mercury and a 50% reduction in the release of mercury from
2002 (Sloss and Smith, 2000). human activities by 2006 (NACEC, 1998). The Clean Air Act
Amendments (CAAA) contained several provisions which
could potentially be used to control mercury emissions from
3.2.4 The Netherlands coal-fired power plants (CCAP, 1998):
● the MACT (maximum achievable control technology)
Current emissions regulations for coal-fired power plants in requirement which applies to any source emitting at least
the Netherlands do not include a limit for mercury. However, 10 tons of one pollutant or 25 tons of a combination of
practically all the coal-fired plants in the Netherlands cofire pollutants;
secondary fuels such as waste and the amount is increasing to ● the Great Waters Program which required further
reach a 15% replacement of coal by biomass (on an energy research into control options for the future;
basis) by 2010 (Meij, 2002). If the contribution from waste is ● the specific reports on Mercury and Electric Utilities
less than 10 th% (by thermal energy input) then the emission which concluded that ‘. . . on balance, mercury from
limits for coal-fired power plants still apply. This would coal-fired utilities is the hazardous air pollutant of
mean no emission limit for mercury unless a specific limit greatest public concern.’

Mercury – emissions and control 13

Global and regional legislation
In response to the Mercury Report to Congress and the higher than actual emissions and therefore did not require any
increasing concern over mercury emissions, the US EPA specific action to be taken. However, new legislation is
authorised an Information Collection request (ICR) to gather coming into force in countries such as Canada and the USA
more information on all coal-fired installations, the mercury which may require that coal-fired power plants retrofit
in the coal combusted, and examples of flue gas emissions specific technologies for the control of mercury. The
from selected plants. Information from the ICR is now European Community and countries such as Australia and
available on and up-to-date reviews by the Japan are setting up programmes in which the mercury
US EPA on the results are available on emissions from coal-fired power plants are being monitored
ttn/atw/combust/utoxpg.html. A large amount of work is more closely with a possible view to setting standards in the
currently under way at the US EPA, the US DOE and other foreseeable future.
research institutes to evaluate the data from the ICR to best
determine what action can and should be taken to reduce Action plans to reduce mercury have proven extremely
emissions of mercury. successful in countries such as Sweden. These programmes
concentrate on sectors such as industrial, dental and
The USA has introduced a new National Energy Plan which laboratory uses of mercury and on screening mercury from
recommends reductions in mercury emissions from coal-fired waste prior to incineration The success of these actions is
power plants as part of the multi-pollutant reduction strategy. resulting in a relative increase in the importance of coal in
As a result, the US EPA may propose a flexible, market- national emission inventories.
based programme that would establish mandatory reduction
targets for emissions of mercury, SO2 and NOx. In the
meantime, the US EPA has until December 2003 to propose a
rule specific for coal-fired power plants. The rule must be
issued in final format by 2004 and then utilities would have
until December 2007 to comply with the new legislation. The
Bush administration has proposed the establishment of a
‘flexible, market-based program to significantly reduce
sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and mercury from electric
power generators’ (US DOE, 2001a). A regulatory approach
which allowed mercury trading under a cap on total mercury
emissions would minimise costs by exempting plants with
low emissions from further control while targeting plants
with relatively high emissions and low unit control costs.
However, the controversial issue of trading an air toxic would
need to be addressed. A trading approach would mean that
certain sources would not be required to fit any controls.
Since there is no single best technology that applies broadly,
it would appear that a technology-based standard would be
difficult to implement. An alternative approach could be a
percentage reduction requirement, most likely up to 90%. A
multi-pollutant approach is also gaining support as it could
achieve greater overall improvement in environmental quality.
Strategic trade-offs could be part of a multi-pollutant
approach, for example, regulations which favour the
installation of additional scrubbers to control both sulphur
and mercury emissions (CATM, 2001).

Individual states within the USA may also set their own
control requirements and standards. For example, Michigan
has the Michigan Mercury Pollution Prevention (M2P2) task
force which includes electricity generators, calling on
reductions in mercury emissions within set time scales. Two
electricity generators have already issued reports in
compliance with this recommendation but have achieved
mercury reduction within non-combustion sources at their
facilities (gas regulators, switches and other equipment)
rather than boiler or flue gas controls (CCAP, 1998).

In the past, emission standards for mercury which could
theoretically apply to coal-fired power plants have been

14 IEA Coal Research

4 Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants

The chemistry of mercury during combustion is of particular combustion system. Trace elements in coal and the effect of
importance for the development of control technologies. The coal quality have been covered in detail in earlier reports
two main forms of mercury, oxidised and elemental, behave from the Clean Coal Centre (Davidson and Clarke, 1996;
very differently. Oxidised mercury (Hg2+) is soluble in Davidson, 2000). This report will concentrate on mercury in
aqueous solutions and easily captured in pollution control fuels and the effect of fuel type on the behaviour of mercury
equipment such as flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) systems in the combustion zone.
(see below) whereas elemental mercury (Hg0) passes through
such systems and is released from the stack. Particulate Mercury concentrations in fuels can range over several orders
mercury [Hg(p)] is not released from coal combustion in of magnitude. Zevenhoven (2001) cites mercury ranges in
significant quantities. Data from the US EPA’s Information fuels as follows, mg/kg (ppmw) dry:
Collection Request (ICR) indicate that, on average, coal 0.02–3.0 MSW <15
approximately 40% of the 75 tons (68 t) of mercury peat 0.07 RDF 1–10
contained in the coal burned in the USA is captured in the heavy fuel oil <0.01 wood 0.01–0.2
ash and scrubber residues and 60% is emitted to the waste paper 0.08 sewage sludge 0.5–10
atmosphere. However, the percentage emitted from different
plants varies from 10% to 90%. In some cases, as for coal, the concentration range spans over
an order of magnitude. It therefore follows that emissions
Mercury emission concentrations from full-scale coal-fired from different combustion sources can also vary greatly, even
power plants are commonly in the range of 1–10 µg/m3. This when burning the same fuel.
means that emission concentrations are around the detection
limit of the most sophisticated measuring equipment.
Speciating mercury and studying its behaviour at this 4.1.1 Mercury in coal
concentration can be difficult. The Clean Coal Centre has
published a complementary report on rapid and continuous Meij and others (2001) compared mercury concentration in a
emission monitors for trace elements, especially mercury range of imported coal samples. The lowest mercury
(Sloss and Davidson, 2001). As the methods for monitoring concentrations were found in coal from Australia, Colombia,
mercury emissions improve, the availability of data to Indonesia, New Zealand and Russia (average 0.04–0.08 mg/kg).
enhance the understanding of mercury from coal combustion High average concentrations were found in coal imported
will increase. from the eastern USA, China and Germany and the highest
concentrations were found in Polish coal (average 0.35 mg/kg).
The behaviour of trace elements during coal combustion may The weighted average for coals used in the Netherlands in
be simplified by categorising each element according to its 1999 was 0.11 mg/kg.
behaviour. Mercury is defined as a Class 3 element which
means that it is highly volatile and emitted totally or partially Wang and others (2000) measured mercury concentrations in
in the vapour phase from coal combustion systems. coals mined in China and found them to vary greatly with
Zevenhoven (2001) lists the five most important factors location and coal type. Average mercury concentrations
affecting any trace element behaviour in combustion: ranged from 0.03 mg/kg for Xinjiang coal to 0.34 mg/kg
● mode of occurrence in the fuel; from Beijing coal. The concentration ranges for each
● temperature and pressure; individual coal were large, often over at least one order of
● oxidising or reducing conditions; magnitude. Despite the large variation in mercury
● the presence of halogens, most importantly chlorine; concentrations, Wang and others (2000) found the following
● the presence of compounds that can act as sorbents, such relationship in the distribution of mercury in Chinese coals:
as calcium. thin coal > lignite > coking coal > anthracite > long flame
The following sections review the behaviour of mercury in
coal-fired power plants, from its release from the fuel, According to Wang and others (2000), the mercury
through the combustion zone, through the most common concentration in Chinese coal, on average, is 0.22 mg/kg.
pollution control systems to emission from the stack. This is higher than in coal from Australia (0.08 mg/kg) and
Columbia (0.05 mg/kg) and the USA (0.1 mg/kg). Feng and
Summarised data from the US EPA’s ICR on mercury are others (2000) studied coal from Guizhou in China and found
included. More detailed information on data from individual the average mercury content to be 0.53 mg/kg, significantly
plants included in the ICR are available at higher than the average mercury content of coals burned in
other countries.

4.1 Effect of fuel type Although the concentration of mercury in coal can vary
greatly, in practice the variation is not as large as the ranges
The fuel itself is the main source of trace elements to any quoted in the literature. This is because most coal combusted

Mercury – emissions and control 15

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
in large coal-fired power plants is more homogeneous, after contain, on average, significantly lower levels of mercury,
shipping, blending and pulverising, than samples taken at the chlorine and sulphur than either eastern Appalachian or
mine. interior bituminous coals, as shown in Table 8. Western coals
and lignite also have much higher calcium contents which
A previous report, also by the Clean Coal Centre, reviewed can influence mercury behaviour and a lower calorific value.
trace elements in coal and their partitioning behaviour According to the EERC, Western bituminous coals contain
(Davidson and Clarke, 1996). It is reported that mercury is around half as much mercury on a weight basis (ppm) than
mostly in solid solution in the pyrite, although conflicting interior or Appalachian bituminous coals but emit almost as
data suggest an organic association. A more recent report by much on a kg/GJ basis when burned. The proportion of
Davidson (2000) reviewed data on the modes of occurrence elemental mercury in the flue gas leaving the combustion
of trace elements in coal, including mercury, and the zone tended to drop sharply from over 85% to about 10% at
interested reader is directed to this report for further coal chlorine contents greater than 150–200 ppm, which
information on the problems associated with the methods distinguishes western coal from eastern bituminous coal.
Since oxidised mercury is easiest to capture and since
According to Zygarlicke and others (2000), pyrite (FeS2) and bituminous coals tend to produce more mercury in the
cinnabar (HgS) are the dominant mineral hosts for mercury oxidised form, plants firing bituminous coals will be easier
in coal. At combustion temperatures (>1400°C) these targets for mercury control. Coal switching or blending may
minerals decompose completely releasing elemental mercury. be an option to reduce emissions from some plants. The
importance of mercury oxidation in its control is discussed in
Unlike some other trace elements, the mode of occurrence of more detail in Chapter 5. The effect of coal chlorine on
mercury does not affect the initial combustion mechanism. mercury oxidation in the combustion zone and downstream is
However, it has been suggested that the speciation of mercury discussed in Section 4.2.1.
during combustion may be affected by the coal type. The
oxidisation state of mercury depends on combustion
conditions and other flue gas components which, to some 4.1.2 Coal cleaning
extent, depend on coal characteristics. A report by the US
EPA (1997) suggests that bituminous coal produces 94% of The effect of coal cleaning on mercury in coal is also
the mercury in the oxidised form whereas subbituminous coal included in a separate report by the Clean Coal Centre on
produces only 32% in the oxidised form. Whereas this may opportunities for coal preparation to lower emissions (Couch,
be true for some coals, the ranges are still large (20–100% 2000). A US DOE study showed that around 37% of mercury
oxidised) and overlap. Northern Appalachian bituminous can be removed during standard coal cleaning processes (US
coals such as Blacksville and Lower and Middle Kittanning DOE, 2001a). However, the amount of mercury which can be
show greater proportions of oxidised mercury and mercury removed varies from coal to coal. Irons and others (2000)
adsorption as the carbon content of the fly ash increases. The studied mercury removal by washing from coals used in the
same effect, but to a lesser extent, has been noted with UK. The highest mercury removal, 66.7%, was obtained for
Illinois Basin bituminous coals such as Illinois No 5 and 6. El Cerrejón coal (from Colombia) whereas with Harworth
Coals from the Powder River Basin and subbituminous coals (from the UK) coal the removal efficiency was an order of
such as Absaloka, Comanche and Bowler, show greater magnitude lower at 4.3%.
oxidation of mercury absorption at a minimal carbon content
(<1–2%) in the fly ash (Brown, 2000). Feng and others (2000) measured mercury contents in coal
from Guizhou, the most polluted area in China. The average
The Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC), coal mercury content was 0.53 mg/kg which is an order of
ND, USA has reviewed the data from the ICR and concluded magnitude higher than that in coals burned elsewhere (see
that mercury emissions from western coals appear to be Section 4.1.1). The mercury in the Gizhou coal was found to
difficult to control with conventional technologies because exist mainly in the pyrite and, as such, would be largely
they are largely elemental. Western subbituminous coals removed by traditional coal cleaning. However, at present,

Table 8 Regional summary of ICR data on mercury in utility coal (CATM, 2001)

Region/rank Mercury, Emission factor, Cl, Utility coal Mercury in Utility coal
ppm ppm produced, Mt utility coal, t used, Mt
(dry basis) lb/Btu kg/kJ (dry basis) (as received) (dry basis)

Appalachian (Eastern) bituminous 0.126 9.5 4.07 948 310 38.2 302
Interior bituminous 0.086 6.6 2.99 1348 60 4.9 57
Western bituminous 0.049 3.9 0.19 215 68 3.2 65
Western subbituminous 0.068 5.7 2.74 124 305 16.7 246
Fort Union lignite 0.088 8.3 3.56 139 21 1.2 13
Gulf Coast lignite 0.119 12.5 5.37 221 52 4.1 34

Total 817 68.3 717

16 IEA Coal Research

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
only 7.8% of the coal produced in the area is treated with coal combustion systems. A section is also included on
physical coal cleaning processes. Since the mercury mercury behaviour in gasification systems for comparison.
emissions in the area are increasing, Feng and others (2000)
suggest that coal cleaning be used as a simple and efficient
method of reducing the mercury pollution in the area. 4.2.1 Pulverised coal fired units
The US EPA’s original emission factors for mercury ranged
4.1.3 Cofiring from 41% to 94% for pulverised coal fired boilers. However,
more recent data suggest that very little mercury is retained
If coal is cofired with other fuels, such as waste, then the in the furnace or bottom ash of a coal-fired boiler and that
mercury content and behaviour may change. Meij and others emissions are generally nearer 100% in most plants (CATM,
(1999) have modelled the effect of co-combusting coal with 2001). Data from Japan also suggest that only 0.5–1.9% of
waste on trace element emissions, including mercury. On the mercury is retained in the coarse ash (Yokoyama and
average the effects would be as follows (based on 10% dry others, 2000). The average emission factor for cyclone-fired
mass basis of cofired material with coal): boilers was lower at 66% (CATM, 2001). No data was
paper sludge +22% available for emission factors for other boiler types.
municipal sewage sludge +318%
waste wood +10% The behaviour of mercury during combustion is not entirely
biomass mix –0.7% understood. According to Zevenhoven (2001), mercury
release from fuels such as coal starts at temperatures of
It is clear from these data that coal combustion is relatively around 150°C, mainly as elemental mercury, HgCl2 and HgS.
clean, with respect to mercury emissions, compared to waste The release of all the fuel mercury is usually complete by the
materials. The cofiring of waste materials in coal-fired plants time the temperature reaches 500–600°C. At this temperature,
is already common in The Netherlands and the cofiring of and above, elemental mercury is the thermodynamically
sewage sludge is being considered in Germany. This may stable form of mercury in flue gases.
require the installation of dedicated cleaning systems for
species such as mercury (Cenni and others, 1998). Several researchers suggest that the chlorine content of the
coal is the most important factor with respect to mercury
Kuovo and others (2001) studied the mercury emissions from oxidation. Under oxidising conditions and in the presence of
the co-combustion of wood (4% of fuel energy input) at a HCl and Cl2, the elemental mercury is oxidised to HgCl2 at
315 MWth pulverised coal fired unit in Finland fitted with an 300–400°C, by reactions such as:
ESP and a wet FGD system. The inclusion of the wood 2Hg0 + 4 HCl + O2 <=> 2 HgCl2 + 2H2O
resulted in a 20% decrease in mercury emissions. This was Hg0 + Cl2 <=> HgCl2
largely due to the lower mercury content of the wood but also
due to enhanced oxidation of the mercury. It was suggested Elemental mercury may also be oxidised by NO2:
that mercury oxidation was promoted by the increase in the NO2 + Hg0 <=> HgO + NO
unburnt carbon produced during co-combustion of wood with
coal. which can then react with HCl at temperatures below 450°C.
HgO + 2HCl <=> HgCl2 + H2O
Coal and petcoke may be used as fuel in the production of
cement. Mukherjee and others (2001) studied the change in Zevenhoven (2001) suggests that over 50% of the mercury is
mercury emissions from the Finnsementti Oy cement kiln in in the elemental form when the chlorine content of the coal is
Parainen, Finland, when some of the coal/coke mixture was <0.1% wt. Less than 20% is elemental when the concentration
replaced with scrapped car tyre material. When firing coal of chlorine is over 0.2% wt.
and coke the cement plant emitted an average concentration
of 27 µg/m3, well below the 50 µg/m3 emission limit. When Zygarlicke and others (2000) have reviewed the chemical
10% of the fuel was replaced with car tyres the emissions pathways for mercury speciation during combustion.
were reduced to 3 µg/m3. The reduction was due to the lower Theoretically, chlorination should be the dominant conversion
mercury content of the tyres and also due to a much greater pathway, as shown above. However, this has been difficult to
proportion (almost 100% compared with almost 0%) of the confirm in practice. Cole and others (2000) suggest that a
mercury being released in the particulate form, which is mercury oxidation by chlorine species occurs in the optimum
much easier to control with existing pollution control temperature range of 700–900°C and that there is a rate-
systems. limiting step which relies on the presence of chlorine
radicals. At temperatures below 700°C elemental mercury is
oxidised and HgCl2 is the most likely form of mercury.
4.2 Behaviour during combustion Above this temperature, elemental mercury is the dominant
species. Again, this theory is based on thermodynamic
and gasification calculations and has not been proven in practice.
As mentioned above, the oxidation state of mercury is
important in determining its fate. The oxidation state is According to the EERC, ND, USA, ‘the high chlorine
influenced by many factors within the combustion zone. The content characteristic of eastern bituminous coals has
following sections discuss mercury behaviour in different consistently been shown to increase the fraction of the more

Mercury – emissions and control 17

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
easily removable oxidised mercury’ (CATM, 2001). The mercury, in a variety of combustion conditions. It is hoped
effect of chlorine on mercury oxidation has been tested by that the information from this project will help in the
adding chlorine to flue gas from a Powder River Basin development of low cost control systems for mercury. PSI
subbituminous coal. The chlorine did not promote oxidation have combined activities on this project with several other
nor did cofiring with high chlorine biomass. However, research institutes such as the Universities of Arizona and
addition of calcium acetate to the coal increased the mercury Kentucky, the US Geological Survey, EERC, EPRI, and VTT
emission further by inhibiting the oxidising effect of the coal (Finland) (US DOE, 2001a).
chlorine. NO2 was found to promote the oxidation of mercury
in tests on high chlorine Blacksville bituminous but not for
Powder River Basin subbituminous coal. It is likely that the 4.2.2 Fluidised bed combustion
fundamentals of mercury oxidation are substantially different
for coal types owing to the differences in mercury, chlorine,
sulphur, calcium and iron contents (CATM, 2001). Few data have been published on the chemistry of mercury
behaviour in fluidised bed combustion (FBC) systems. For
And so, although it is often suggested that chlorine is the the four FBC units (unspecified type) included in the US
most important flue gas constituent with respect to mercury EPA’s ICR, the average mercury emission was 79% of the
chemistry during combustion is popular, other chemical total mercury in the coal. The average emission following the
species and factors such as temperature also play a role as baghouse was 14% (CATM, 2001). The value for pulverised
well as the overall oxidising/reducing conditions in the plant. coal fired plants is 41–94% (see Section 4.2.1).
Mercury can also be oxidised even when there is no chlorine
present in the flue gas through interactions with species such Curtis (1999) studied the Point Aconi (Nova Scotia Power
as NO2 (Sloss and Smith, 2000). Studies in the UK and USA Inc) 175 MWe CFBC plant in Eastern Canada firing high
have found little or no effect of the chlorine in the coal. Gibb sulphur, high chloride bituminous coal. The data suggested
and others (2000) at PowerGen in the UK found no that a high percentage of the mercury (>80%) was in the
relationship between mercury retention and coal chlorine oxidised form and that less than 26% of the total mercury was
content over the range 0.11% to 0.44%. They did, however, released from the stack. Further studies are necessary to
note a correlation between mercury retention and carbon demonstrate if this behaviour is typical of other FBC systems.
levels and also flue gas temperature. In the USA, DeVito and
Rosenhoover (1999) analysed the mercury speciation in flue Liu and others (2001) used a bench-scale 0.1 MWth FBC
gas and found no correlation between the chlorine unit to simulate conditions at the 160 MWe FBC system at
concentration in the coal and the observed speciation. The the Shawnee Power Plant, KY, USA. When high chlorine
chlorine contents of the coals varied between 0.11% and (0.3–0.5%) coal was burned in a high intensity vortex flow,
0.23% (dry basis). On the other hand, they found that the around 70% of the total mercury in the fuel was condensed
coal oxygen content showed a strong negative correlation and absorbed onto the fly ash. The released mercury was
with oxidised mercury removal. A weaker correlation was largely in the oxidised form with less than 0.5% of the total
identified between the nitrogen and ash content and the total mercury being released from the system in elemental form.
mercury removal. These effects may explain, partially, the Mercury emissions from the FBC system increased between
differences in mercury speciation from different coal ranks. 800°C and 920°C. However, a high chlorine coal appeared to
There may also be an effect due to the calcium content of the limit the effect of combustion temperature on mercury
coals. According to the EERC, the higher calcium content of emissions. When a high chlorine coal was used (4300 ppm),
western coals and lignite appears to further decrease the the mercury emission curve levelled off at temperatures
oxidising effect of the lower chlorine content by removing above 820°C.
part of the chlorine throughout the combustion process.
Sulphur and iron tend to have a more subtle effect on The fluidising velocity of the FBC system may affect
mercury speciation (CATM, 2001). emissions of mercury. Higher fluidising velocities correspond
to shorter residence times inside the boiler and therefore
According to Hocquel and others (2001) at the University of lower mercury removal from the flue gas. Also, high
Stuttgart in Germany, calcium based components such as fluidising velocities provide a better mixing of materials in
Ca(OH)2 and CaO deeply affect the speciation of mercury. the freeboard space which can improve the mercury capture
CaO has a major effect on the conversion of HgCl2 into in fly ash. However, these effects of changes in fluidising
elemental mercury in combustion processes. Al2O3, SiO2 and velocities only influence mercury emissions slightly
TiO2 in fly ash also influence the mercury speciation. compared with temperature effects. Mercury emissions were
found to decrease significantly with an increase in the
Understanding and predicting the oxidation state of mercury secondary/primary air ratio, as shown by a 53% reduction for
is particularly important for potential mercury control. high chlorine coal (4300 ppm) and 40% reduction for middle
Dajnak (2001) reports on continued work at the Imperial chlorine coal (2070 ppm) (Liu and others, 2001). Although
College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London, Liu and others suggest an increase in mercury emissions with
UK, to develop a model of mercury behaviour in the temperature, at temperatures of 800°C and above, all the
combustion zone of coal-fired boilers. Physical Sciences Inc mercury should be vaporised and, theoretically, any changes
(PSI), MA, USA received $3.4 million of US DOE funding in temperature should not change this. Further work on the
to conduct a fundamental investigation to predict the effects of temperature and fluidising velocity in FBC systems
distribution and fate of several trace metals, including are required to confirm these results.

18 IEA Coal Research

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
FBC systems with fabric filter systems gave the highest increasing the pressure in the gasifier, this is unlikely to
mercury removal efficiencies in the US EPA’s ICR study, reduce mercury emissions (Helble, 1996).
ranging from 66% to 99% and averaging 86%. This is
thought to be due, in part, to the high carbon content of the Before it can be combusted, fuel gas from gasification
FBC ash (CATM, 2001). systems must be cleaned of contaminants which may
damage the gas turbine, especially metal species. Reed and
The circulating ash in CFBC systems has been shown to others (2001) carried out studies on a pilot-scale coal
enhance the removal of mercury. This capture can be gasifier (a pressurised CFBC system at the University of
enhanced by the addition of activated carbon and the use of British Columbia, Canada) equipped with hot-gas filtration
other sorbents to control acid gases (Berkenpas and others, at 580°C and found that all the coal mercury was carried
2001). away by the fuel gas. Modelling studies confirmed that there
was little potential for removal of mercury in the hot gas
A draft report from VTT, Finland, suggests that mercury filter at these temperatures. At temperatures below 200°C the
emissions from the Värtaverket PFBC unit in Sweden were fine dust on the hot gas filter was able to capture significant
affected by the dolomite used for sulphur control. The amounts of mercury but this effect was greater in the
concentration of mercury in the dolomite material was, on laboratory-scale reactor than in the pilot plant. The
average, 0.6 mg/t, at least two orders of magnitude lower difference between the systems was thought to be due to
than the mercury concentration in the coal (64–182 mg/t). A shorter contact times and due to a large proportion of the hot
large fraction of the mercury in the flue gas was found in the gas filter fines being collected by gravity separation rather
particulate phase, although further tests were planned to than by filtration.
confirm that this was not due to the sampling method used.
The mercury emissions from the plant were around The study by Reed and others (2001) also suggested that
2–4 µg/m3 (VTT, 2000). gasifier fines from coal could be used as a sorbent to remove
elemental mercury from fuel gases. At the mercury loading
capacity attained in the bench-scale hot gas cleanup reactor
4.2.3 Gasification systems studied (30 µg/g), around 10% of the hot gas filter fines
would have been sufficient to adsorb all of the elemental
Trace element behaviour (including mercury) in gasification mercury from the fuel gas produced by the gasification on
systems was reviewed in the complementary report by Sloss Pittsburgh No 8 coal. Design modifications could be made to
and Smith (2000). Worldwide capacity of gasification for improve the collection efficiency in the hot gas filter.
power generation amounted to around 12,000 MWth with a However, the capture of mercury in such fines or in a
further capacity of 11,000 MWth planned. There are three separate fixed bed would only be beneficial if the mercury
main types of gasifier: were recovered from the trapped material or the sorbent were
● entrained flow slagging gasifiers (for example, Texaco, disposed of separately rather than subsequently burned,
Shell); which is often the case. Otherwise the mercury would simply
● fixed bed gasifiers (Lurgi-dry ash, British Gas Lurgi); be re-released.
● fluidised bed gasification (air blown gasification cycle
and hybrid PFBC, under demonstration). Results of ICR emissions tests on the two IGCC plants
operating with coal in the US suggest that around half of the
Data on trace element emissions, especially mercury, from mercury in the fuel may be emitted, and that almost all of the
gasification systems have high associated error ranges emissions (93% and 99%) were elemental mercury.
because of problems with sampling and analysis. Mass Considerable uncertainty about IGCC emissions still exists
balances can range from as low as 7% to as high as 375%. because of the limited amount of data and the quality of the
This is making the understanding of mercury behaviour in data reported. The coal mercury analysis given in the ICR
gasification systems difficult (Sloss and Smith, 2000). database for one of the two plants was reported on a ‘less
than’ basis, which causes the calculated emission percentages
Most of the trace elements are trapped in the gassy slags to represent at best a lower bound. In general, little is known
from gasifiers or in the bed offtake from fluidised bed about the mercury speciation and capture in different types of
combustors. However, mercury is completely vaporised and gasifier equipped with cold- or hot-gas cleaning modules for
this vaporisation is independent of either reaction or coal removing particulates and sulphur, or about the fate of
parameters (Sloss and Smith, 2000). The concentrations of mercury in gas turbine combustion. Conditions that are
mercury and water vapour are higher in gasification flue absent in direct fired coal plants, but are characteristic of
gases than in flue gases from pulverised coal combustion IGCC units, include the chemically reduced gaseous and
systems and the speciation is different. The reducing mineral species present in the gasifier and the nearly
environment of the gasification favours the formation of complete removal of chlorine, sulphur and particulates from
elemental mercury (Reed and others, 2001). Although other the flue has prior to its own combustion – both of which
volatile trace elements may condense or react to produce would be expected to favour the occurrence of elemental
condensible products, mercury remains in the vapour phase mercury. However, it appears that the cold-gas cleaning
throughout the gasification processes and it is predicted that modules used at the two plants tested may have contributed
almost 100% of it would be released from the stack. to mercury oxidation and capture. More testing is needed
Although the emissions of other trace elements from before technically and statistically supported conclusions can
gasification systems could be reduced by cooling or be drawn (Pavlish, 2002).

Mercury – emissions and control 19

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
Data from the 161 MWe entrained flow, slurry fed IGCC at
Plaquemine, LA, USA, suggest that a Selectamine™ 4.3.1 Low NOx burners
scrubber could reduce mercury emissions. The mass balance
closure was not complete (outside the 70–130% objectives) Primary measures for NOx control usually comprise low
but it appeared that the concentration of mercury in the NOx burners with overfire air. Low NOx burners operate at
turbine exhaust was lower than would be expected. It was lower combustion temperatures than conventional burners.
suggested that mercury may have been accumulated in the Theoretically, low NOx burners may affect mercury
scrubber solvent but this stream was not analysed as solvent emissions by altering the ratio of oxidised to elemental
regeneration occurred during the test (Chu and others, 1995; mercury. Further, some low NOx burners cause an increase in
Williams and others, 1996). unburnt carbon in ash which can increase the mercury
capture efficiency. However, few data are available to confirm
Tests at a Shell entrained bed, dry feed gasifier with dry or refute these theories.
particulate collection and wet scrubber using Sulfinol™
sorbent suggested that elements including mercury would Brown and others (1998) produced Table 9 which shows the
have been retained in process equipment (Orr and Maxwell, variation in mercury emitted, compared to emission of all the
1999). Once again, conclusions could not be drawn as the mercury in the fuel, for different boiler configurations with
mass balance closures were poor. and without low NOx burners. For most configurations the
effect of the low NOx burner was only marginal. However,
It is possible that increasingly stringent emission limits will for cyclone-fired wet bottom boilers the introduction of low
be required for mercury. Although research is under way on NOx burners could reduce the relative emissions from 0.93 to
the use of sorbents such as sulphur impregnated activated 0.54. No reason was given for this reduction.
carbons, there is doubt as to whether such sorbents would be
successful under post-gasification conditions (Mitchell, Gibb and others (1998) studied the effect of the increase in
1998). KEMA and Foster Wheeler are developing a hot gas unburnt carbon from NOx burners on mercury capture. The
cleanup system for desulphurisation in IGCC which may retention of mercury in solids increased from below 20% at
achieve some trace element control. However, no data have 1% carbon to almost 100% at 8–9% carbon in dust. They
been published relating to mercury control in this system suggested that low NOx burners may reduce vapour phase
(Meijer, 1998). mercury emissions. Butz and others (1999) studied the
capture of mercury on fly ashes from several coal-fired plants
in Colorado and noted that those with low NOx burners
4.3 Effect of pollution control produced ashes with greater quantities of unburnt carbon.
They also suggested that this unburnt carbon was at least
technologies partially responsible for the increased mercury capture
Most coal-fired power plants are fitted with some form of efficiency of these fly ashes. The mercury capture efficiency
control technology to reduce emissions of harmful of some of the ashes are being investigated for re-use as
pollutants. All plants have particulate control systems and an mercury control sorbents in other plants (see Chapter 5).
increasing number are being fitted with control technologies Although the increased mercury capture efficiency for these
to reduce emissions of SOx and NOx. The following ashes is proven, it is unclear whether this is due entirely to
sections review the effect these systems have on mercury the increased unburnt carbon or some other feature of the fly
emissions. ash.

Table 9 US EPA mercury emission modification factors for coal-fired power plant configurations (Brown
and others, 1998)

Emission modification Mercury emission modification factor*

Without NOx primary measures† With NOx primary measures

Front-fired dry bottom 0.94 –

Tangentially-fired dry bottom 0.81 0.92
Opposed-fired dry bottom – 0.81
Vertically-fired dry bottom – 0.78
Opposed-fired dry bottom 0.41 –
Cyclone-fired wet bottom 0.93 0.54
Particulate matter scrubber 0.96
Cold-side ESP‡ 0.68
Baghouse‡ 0.56
Flue gas desulphurisation scrubber‡ 0.66
Spray dry absorber/baghouse‡ 0.70

* compared to 100% of mercury entering the plant leaving the flue gas. These factors are subject to a degree of uncertainty (unspecified)
† details of primary measures were not given but are assumed to mean low NOx burners (overfire air)
‡ these factors show the stand-alone effect of the installation of pollution control units or sub-units

20 IEA Coal Research

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
DeVito (2000) studied the effect of low NOx burners on appreciable amount of elemental mercury but that this only
mercury emissions from an unnamed utility boiler occurs at coal chlorine contents above 200 ppm.
(~1350 MWe) fitted with ESP and FGD. Mercury emissions
were measured before and after the installation of low NOx Several studies have indicated a correlation between the
burners. The blend of coal (all eastern bituminous coals) mercury removal efficiency of particulate control devices,
changed slightly during this period with mercury both ESP and baghouses, and the coal type. Sjostrom and
concentrations being, on average, 0.19 ppm prior to the others (2001a) noted that only poor mercury removal
installation and 0.13 ppm after. The chlorine concentration (average 9%) was possible even with cold side ESP with
was only slightly lower (0.125 ppm) prior to installation than subbituminous coals and only 2% was possible for lignite
after (0.132 ppm). Following installation of the low NOx coal. Higher mercury removal (35%) was achieved for
burners there was no noticeable increase in the amount of bituminous coal and good mercury removal (61%) was seen
carbon in the bottom ash and only a slight increase in the on units firing a blend of coals, including bituminous.
unburnt carbon in the fly ash (from 0.05–0.16% to
0.14–1.55%). The increase in carbon in the ash was deemed Sjostrom and others (2001a) studied data from the USA and
insignificant with respect to the utilisation of the ash. Total Canada and noted that increased carbon in the fly ash
mercury removal through the plant did not change correlated with higher mercury removal in cold-side ESP for
significantly (from 64% to 72%). Although an increase was both bituminous and subbituminous coals. They also noted
measured, it was concluded that the low NOx burners did not that the size of the cold-side ESP (specific collection area)
have a significant effect on mercury emissions. This was due correlates with higher mercury removal on lignite coals,
to concern over the incomplete mass balance data and the although the highest mercury removal was only 7%. For
possible effects of other differences (such as changes in the subbituminous coals there appeared to be an inverse
coal mercury content). correlation between the size of the ESP and the mercury
removal but this was deemed unlikely and it was suggested
The effect of low NOx burners is therefore still open to that other factors were playing a greater role. Sjostrom and
debate although it does appear that, in the situations where others (2001a) did not see a correlation between the coal
the burners cause an increase in unburnt carbon, they may chloride content and the mercury removal for any type of
also increase mercury capture on particles. coal other than bituminous. However, according to a review
of data from the US EPA’s ICR by the EERC, ND, USA,
mercury removal is consistently lower for low-chlorine coals
4.3.2 Particulate controls and, therefore, for western US coals. For example, mercury
removals across an ESP averaged 35% for bituminous coals
Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) can typically remove compared with 10% for western low-rank coal (CATM,
between 0–30% of the mercury in flue gases, although up to 2001).
60% removal is possible. Mostly this is the oxidised mercury
but some elemental mercury can also be captured (US DOE, Table 10 shows data gathered from the ICR on the mercury
2001a). Mercury capture in ESP is temperature sensitive, capture in different pollution control systems in the USA
with the capture efficiency being higher at lower firing different types of coal. On average, cold-side ESP are
temperatures (Meij, 1997). Cold side ESP have been noted to more efficient at capturing mercury than hot-side ESP and
capture more mercury than hot side ESP although 16% baghouses are most efficient overall. There were less data on
mercury removal is still possible with hot side ESP (Sjostrom the effect of FGD systems which may explain why these
and others, 2001a). Most (>70% of existing units) of the systems seemed less efficient, on average, than baghouses at
particulate control devices on coal-fired plants in the USA removing mercury. The mercury removal efficiency varied
are cold-side ESP (Afonso and Senior, 2001). greatly with the rank of the coal. Afonso and Senior (2001)
noticed that the efficiency of mercury removal in all
SO3 is sometimes used in ESP to enhance particulate capture. particulate control systems increased with the coal chlorine
Sjostrom and others (2001a) found no correlation between content. For coals with a chlorine content greater than
the use of SO3 and the mercury removal efficiency. 200 ppm, most of the mercury was found in the particulate
phase at the particulate control device inlet. Fabric filters
Baghouses can remove both oxidised and elemental were found to oxidise 40–85% of the elemental mercury,
mercury to some extent, their effectiveness being affected highest for bituminous coals. ESP appeared to oxidise only
by the type of filter and other factors such as fly ash 25–40% of the elemental mercury and negligible oxidation
properties and temperature. Baghouses have been reported was seen for low rank coals.
to provide better mercury capture efficiency than ESP
because of the higher residence time and therefore the Many studies have shown a relationship between the capture
longer absorption time provided by the ash in the baghouse of mercury in ash and both the ash carbon content and the
(Zevenhoven, 2001). temperature. The effect of temperature seems to be more
important as cooler baghouse temperatures capture more
Sjostrom and others (2001a) noted that baghouses gave good mercury in the ash even at low ash carbon contents (Hower
(average 70–84%) mercury removal for bituminous and and others, 2000).
subbituminous coals but poor (average 0%) removal for
lignite coals. According to data from the ICR, baghouses are It is well recognised that carbon can adsorb oxidised
the only particulate control devices to remove any mercury. Unburnt carbon in the ash can also have this effect.

Mercury – emissions and control 21

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants

Table 10 Average mercury removal across various pollution control devices for different coal ranks (Afonso
and Senior, 2001)

Control device Temperature, Bituminous coal Subbituminous coal Lignite All coals
°C Hg removal data* Hg removal data* Hg removal data*

Cold side ESP 130-170 56% 9 12% 4 47% 1 42% 14

Hot side ESP 250-400 27% 3 9% 2 20% 3
Baghouse 130-170 85% 7 75% 2 58% 1 82% 10
Wet scrubbers 130-170 26% 2
Wet FGD + cold ESP 130-170 51% 7 27% 3 48% 4 45% 14
Wet FGD + hot ESP 130-170 35% 3 35% 3
Wet FGD + baghouse 130-170 73% 2 73% 2
Wet FGD + wet scrubber 130-170 12% 1 18% 2 16% 3
Spray dry FGD + ESP 130-170 53% 2 53% 2
Spray dry FGD + baghouse 130-170 83% 5 22% 2 25% 3 53% 10

* number of plants studied

Hargis and others (2000) recorded baseline mercury removals Sjostrom and others (2001b) note that ‘poor’ mercury
by ash in a 500 lb/h (227 kg/h) pilot coal-combustion facility removal was achieved in COHPAC systems. However,
firing low sulphur coal. They concluded that negligible activated carbon injection into COHPAC systems is proposed
mercury removal is seen when the unburnt carbon level is as a promising method for mercury control (see Chapter 5)
below 1%. However, above this level, fly ash carbon can
affect mercury removal in baghouses, as shown in Figure 1.
Other variables will also play a role, such as the oxidation 4.3.3 FGD
state of the mercury and the baghouse temperature. The
US EPA’s ICR did not collect data on carbon in ash contents Wet flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) and similar wet
and so was not able to provide data on this effect (Afonso scrubbing systems can typically remove 75–99% of the
and Senior, 2001). oxidised mercury present in flue gases. Total mercury
removal efficiencies average around 55% (US DOE, 2001a).
Hower and others (2000) studied mercury capture in different Meij and others (2001) reviewed data on the effect of FGD
particulate controls under different conditions. The coal used, and found that studies in the USA, Canada, Japan, Germany,
a high volatile bituminous coal with a high mercury content Austria and Denmark all agree that wet FGD systems remove
(>0.2 ppm compared to an average US coal value of at least 50% of the mercury.
0.01 ppm). The mercury adsorption of the fly ash was found
to increase as the flue gas temperature decreased and, at each Afonso and Senior (2001) reviewed data from the US ICR
temperature, increase with the content of fly ash carbon. and concluded that wet FGD systems in the USA remove, on
There appeared to be a complex relationship between the average, 90% of the mercury which is in the oxidised form.
mercury adsorption and the proportion of different Weilert and Randall (2001) also studied the data from the
petrographically-recognisable carbon forms. The carbon in US EPA’s ICR and noted that the mercury removal efficiency
the ash was prone to saturation, both with mercury and with of FGD systems varied with coal type. In general, the
other inorganic phases. greatest mercury removal in FGD systems was in those plants
firing bituminous coal. This is due to the tendency of these
coals to produce greater proportions of mercury in the
oxidised form. There was also a tendency for greater mercury
Hg removal efficiency, %

removal in wet FGD systems as the sulphur content of the

coal increases. The moisture and ash content of the coal did
not affect the performance of the FGD system with respect to
10 mercury capture. The chlorine content of the coal was found
5 to be most important with the highest mercury removal
0 efficiencies being found with the high chlorine coals. All the
-5 high chlorine coals were also bituminous coals.
-15 Senior and others (1999) suggest that the mercury absorption
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 in wet FGD is strongly correlated to the mass transfer in the
Baghouse solids carbon content, % scrubber, the composition of the scrubber liquid and the
design of the scrubber. There are clear differences between
limestone and magnesium-enhanced limestone scrubbers. In
Figure 1 Mercury removal efficiency in a
limestone systems the liquid to gas ratio has an effect on
baghouse versus carbon in ash (Hargis
mercury removal (mercury removal increasing with
and others, 2000)
increasing liquid to gas ratio) whereas this is not evident for

22 IEA Coal Research

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
magnesium-enhanced lime systems. Under some conditions, 16
limestone scrubbers have been observed to reduce adsorbed
oxidised mercury back to elemental mercury giving rise to 14

Mercury concentration, µg/m3

higher elemental mercury at the outlet than the inlet. This 12
effect may be related to the liquid/gas ratio in the scrubber
(Afonso and Senior, 2001). 10

Spray dry scrubber systems can remove both oxidised and
elemental mercury with total removal efficiencies of as high 6
as 90%, when coupled with a baghouse (US DOE, 2001a).
Data from the ICR suggest that spray dry scrubber systems 4
remove between 0% and 99% of the mercury with an average 2
removal of 38% (CATM, 2001).
Bypass In Out Bypass In Out In Out In Out
4.3.4 SCR and SNCR Baseline NH3 injection SCR

Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems can be fitted to Hg0 Hg2+ Hgp
coal-fired power plants for greater NOx reduction than can be
achieved with primary measures (see Section 4.3.1).
According to Zevenhoven (2001), elemental mercury is
Figure 2 Mercury removal across SCR and ESP
oxidised by SCR catalysts. Studies in the Netherlands have
systems for Paradise bituminous coal
shown a decrease in the proportion of elemental mercury
(Chu and others, 2001)
from 51% upstream of an SCR system to 28% downstream.
Studies in Germany have indicated up to 60% mercury
oxidation across an SCR process (Richardson and others, 12
Mercury concentration, µg/m3

Licata and Fey (2001) also cite studies in Germany

suggesting that high dust SCR in plants firing bituminous
coals substantially reduced mercury emissions. They suggest
two mechanisms for this action:
● mercury is oxidised (by flue gas oxygen) to mercury
oxide which then reacts with HCl to form mercury
chloride; 4
● formation of free chlorine from HCl and subsequent
reactions with metallic mercury to form mercury 2
EPRI have funded a study at the EERC, ND, USA on the
Bypass In Out Bypass In Out In Out In Out
effect of SCR systems on mercury. The tests have been
Baseline NH3 injection SCR
performed on pilot-scale units firing several eastern
bituminous coals and one western bituminous coal (Powder Hg0 Hg2+ Hgp
River Basin). The results are shown in Figures 2 and 3. For
the Paradise (eastern) bituminous coal (3% sulphur, 350 ppm
chlorine) with the ammonia injection (without SCR) the
Figure 3 Mercury removal across SCR and ESP
ammonia appeared to increase the amount of particulate
systems for Blacksville bituminous coal
mercury at the ESP inlet, compared with the baseline, as
(Chu and others, 2001)
shown in Figure 2. The SCR also appeared to increase the
amount of particulate mercury. This particulate mercury was
not captured efficiently in the ESP, although more efficient US DOE are ongoing at seven power plants in the USA and,
capture may have been possible with a baghouse. For the from preliminary results from two of these plants, the results
Blacksville (eastern) bituminous coal (2% sulphur, 750 ppm seem to suggest that coal type appears to be the key variable.
chlorine) the ammonia and SCR had only minimal effects on
the mercury speciation (Figure 3). Chu and others (2001) Richardson and others (2001) report on further EPRI funded
concluded that the potential effects of SCR and/or ammonia studies on the effects of different SCR catalysts on mercury
on mercury capture may be coal specific. The EERC, ND, oxidation at both pilot- and full-scale coal-fired units. At flue
USA also have limited field data which suggest that SCR gas temperatures of around 700°F (370°C) most iron and
systems may be effective at oxidising mercury but only with titanium catalysts showed between 7% and 17% mercury
high chlorine coals (CATM, 2001). Chu and others (2001) oxidation. One commercial Ti/V-based catalyst of wash-
warned that tests would need to be repeated on full-scale coated honeycomb and also as powder, a fresh sample, gave
plants to confirm these results. Tests co-funded by the around 27% oxidation. By far the greatest oxidation (95%)

Mercury – emissions and control 23

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
was achieved with a commercial Ti/V based SCR catalyst, high at coal chlorine contents above 900 ppm. For spray dry
extruded honeycomb with a 10 mm cell pitch. When the scrubber systems used in conjunction with ESP, the average
catalysts were tested at different test sites, the same catalyst mercury removal was 18% and did not appear to vary with
gave consistently high results. The addition of ammonia to coal chlorine content (CATM, 2001). Since bituminous coals
the flue gas immediately upstream of the catalyst generally produce higher proportions of mercury in the oxidised form,
resulted in decreased mercury oxidation. It was suggested spray dry scrubber systems on plants firing bituminous coals
that the ammonia was inhibiting the reaction between the show the greatest capture efficiencies (Weilert and Randall,
mercury and the catalyst. It was also noted that the ability of 2001). In their study of FGD systems through the ICR data,
the catalyst to oxidise mercury was decreased over the Weilert and Randall (2001) concluded that the best
catalyst lifetime. The catalyst activity was also affected by combination (with respect to mercury control in both wet and
the space velocity with a lower oxidation rate as the flow rate dry FGD) is bituminous coal in a plant fitted with spray dry
across the fixed catalyst was increased. However, these tests scrubber FGD but the worst combination was lignite with
at pilot-scale were not confirmed fully at full-scale plants and spray dry scrubber FGD. Thus the fuel characteristics are the
more tests are planned. dominating factor in the mercury control of these systems.

No data were found on any effect on mercury due to SNCR, Berkenpas and others (2001) have prepared a model to
selective non-catalytic reduction, for NOx control. Three predict the interactions between pollution control equipment
plants with SNCR were tested under the ICR in the USA but in mercury control. The results are summarised in Table 11.
the results were inconclusive. The table also includes the predicted effects for different coal
types. ESP and SCR systems, alone or combined, show the
same level of mercury control (31%). ESP in conjunction
4.4 Interactions in emission control with wet FGD has the potential to reduce mercury emissions
further, especially for bituminous coal. The combination of
Data from the US EPA’s ICR suggest that, on average, all three systems, SCR, ESP and FGD could reduce
mercury removal across a wet FGD downstream of a cold- emissions still further, again especially for those plants firing
side ESP doubled from 30% to 60% when the coal chlorine bituminous coals. The combination of spray dry scrubber
increased from 50 to 1000 ppm. Downstream of a hot-side systems with baghouses, with or without SCR systems,
ESP the removal by the wet FGD increased from 20% to shows moderate potential for mercury control (39%).
50% when the chlorine increased from 200 to 1000 ppm.
Removal for a wet FGD downstream from a cold-side ESP As suggested in Table 11, the type of coal is important.
averaged 49%, where the ESP contributed 27% removal and Figure 4 shows the amount of carbon injection which would
53% of the mercury entering the FGD was in the oxidised be required for 90% mercury removal in different plants
form. Removal averaged only 26% for FGD in combination firing different fuels. Carbon injection is discussed in
with a hot-side ESP, where the hot-side ESP contributed only Chapter 5. In those plants firing eastern bituminous coals, the
4% removal and 34% of the mercury entering the FGD was combination of ESP, FGD and SCR is enough to control
in the oxidised form. Total removal in the FGD was around mercury emissions without any additional need for activated
88% downstream of a baghouse, where the baghouse carbon. This is not the case for Wyoming Powder River Basin
contributed 58% of the mercury removal and 77% of the coal or North Dakota lignite.
mercury entering the FGD was in the oxidised form (CATM,
2001). Berkenpas and others (2001) studied the interactions in
emission controls using a computer model and suggested that
The mercury capture in spray dry scrubber systems is a those plants already fitted with both SCR and wet FGD
combination effect of the removal across the spray dry systems may provide enough mercury capture to avoid the
scrubber and the downstream particulate control device. The need to use activated carbon. However, plants with SCR and
efficiency of spray dry scrubber systems in conjunction with no FGD system would probably show little or no increased
baghouses was found to depend strongly on the coal chlorine mercury control. Each plant must be studied in detail with
content (Afonso and Senior, 2001). Mercury removal with respect to coals combusted and existing control technologies
spray dry scrubber/baghouse combinations were found to be before any decisions can be made with respect to what
very low at coal chlorine contents below 100 ppm and very actions should be taken to control mercury emissions further.

Table 11 Baseline mercury removal for various plant configurations (Berkenpas and others, 2001)

Technology Baseline mercury removal, %

Bituminous Subbituminous Lignite

ESP 31.0 31.0 31.0

SCR + ESP 31.0 31.0 31.0
ESP + wet FGD 79.3 48.3 48.3
SCR + ESP +FGD 96.2 54.3 54.3
spray dry scrubber+ baghouse 39.0 39.0 39.0
SCR + spray dry scrubber + baghouse 39.0 39.0 39.0

24 IEA Coal Research

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants

125 ESP only potential release of 2.00 g of mercury per year. This is
considered almost negligible.
Carbon injection, g/100m3

100 ESP + FGD + SCR

It was suggested that, in the absence of biological activity,
75 mercury would be released from ash in the elemental form.
Organomercury compounds have low vapour pressures and
would not be released. Heebink and Hasset (2001) emphasise
that, although current concentrations of mercury in fly ashes
are low, the move towards enhanced capture of mercury will
mean increased mercury concentrations in ash in the future.
More study is required on this and on the potential release of
Eastern Eastern Wyoming North mercury from sorbents. More study is also required on the
bituminous bituminous PRB Dakota potential release of mercury in landfill sites or ash ponds and
(low sulphur) (high sulphur) lignite
on the potential release of mercury from the utilisation of fly
ash in products such as concrete.
Figure 4 Carbon injection requirement (with
CSIRO Energy Technology in Australia is conducting
humidification) as a function of coal type
research on the management of trace elements within the ash
and control technology for 90% mercury
dams of coal-fired power plants. The research is
removal (Berkenpas and others, 2001)
concentrating on selenium, arsenic, molybdenum, vanadium
and boron as these are the most soluble species. Other trace
elements, presumably including mercury, are not considered
4.5 Mercury in by-products such a threat with respect to leaching from the fly ash
(Interface, 2001).
If the mercury does not leave the coal-fired plant as a gaseous
emission then it must be present in waste material from the Keating and Chaisson (1999) reviewed the potential for
plant. It is important to consider how this affects coal wastes mercury release from different coal wastes and by-products.
with respect to utilisation or disposal options. The emission potential for coal piles, mining wastes, landfills
and surface impoundments would depend on the extent of
weathering, the surface temperature and exposure to sunlight.
4.5.1 Fly ash There have been no studies published on mercury release
under these circumstances. Leaching is also possible as well
Meij and others (2001) reported average mercury as overflow to other receiving waters. Ecological effects have
concentrations in bottom ash of <0.3 mg/kg and 0.28 mg/kg been shown from water discharge but no effects have been
in fly ash. Around 50% of the mercury present in the coal is noted from air emissions.
found in the fly ash at Dutch coal-fired power plants. This
capture is higher than that reported in countries such as the Fly ash from coal-fired power plants is often used in
US (<20% of mercury captured in the fly ash) and this is construction materials. The process temperatures used in the
because ESP in the Netherlands are operated at lower preparation of cement, concrete, grout and wallboard
temperatures than in the USA. Dutch ESP are operated at manufacture may be high enough to volatilise mercury. If fly
lower temperatures because the coal has a lower sulphur ash is used for agricultural uses, for example in fertiliser,
concentration and does not cause sulphuric acid condensation there is the potential for sunlight and elevated temperatures to
problems which may be encountered in the USA. volatilise the mercury. Although Keating and Chaisson (1999)
suggest that releases of mercury may be possible, they
Hassett and others (1999) measured mercury emissions from emphasise that few of these coal products have been tested
a range of coal fly ashes and found that none leached for mercury release and that further research is necessary.
mercury above the detection limits within the four-week test
period in a synthetic ground-water leaching procedure test. In
further work, Heebink and Hassett (2001) studied the 4.5.2 FGD residues
released of mercury from various fly ash samples. The
samples included fly ash from US eastern bituminous coals, Studies, now dated, have shown that the trace element
South African low rank coals, Powder River Basin coal content of gypsum and sludge from FGD systems is
blended with petroleum coke and Powder River Basin coal influenced by the solubility of the element, the settling
ash mixed with FGD waste. The mercury content of the behaviour of the solids in the thickener and the waste water
samples ranged from 0.112 µg/m3 in the fly ash/FGD blend volume. In the waste water cleaning plant, the solubility of
to 0.736 µg/m3 in the fly ash/coke ash blend. The samples the trace elements is decreased by increasing the pH to the
were tested at ambient and near ambient temperatures. There range of 8.0–9.5 so that the waste water contains only very
was no correlation between the mercury concentration of the small amounts of the elements. The concentrations of
ash and the concentration of mercury released. An average of mercury in waste sludge are reported to be low (around
30 mg Hg/t ash/day was released. Extrapolating this value to 6 ppm for mercury). Dual collection FGD systems, which
the situation in a full-scale plant (unspecified size) producing combine fly ash with the FGD waste, produce waste material
200,000 tons (181,490 t) of fly ash per year, there would be a which is similar to fly ash in its trace element content.

Mercury – emissions and control 25

Mercury behaviour in coal-fired power plants
Meij and others (2001) report average mercury concentrations Existing pollution control systems can remove as much as
in FGD sludge (from the waste water plant) of 4–26 mg/kg 90% of the incoming coal’s mercury content in a few cases
and in the waste water effluent of 0.4–10 µg/l. In the whereas very little mercury is removed in others. Oxidised
Netherlands FGD sludge was cofired with the coal and mercury is far more easily captured. ESP are less efficient
therefore the mercury is reintroduced to the combustion zone. than baghouses for mercury control. The mercury removal in
This resulted in an increase of about 10% in the mercury in baghouses depends on the flue gas temperature, the amount
the other streams leaving the plant and most of the mercury of carbon in ash, and the coal type. The tendency for
ended up in the fly ash and the gypsum. Concentrations of bituminous coals to produce more oxidised mercury means
mercury in this ash and gypsum are reported to be low and that particulate control devices are more effective for mercury
cause no environmental problem. However, at the moment control on plants firing bituminous coals. Similarly it has
this practice is no longer permitted in the Netherlands (Meij, been shown that the coal type is more important than the type
2002). of FGD system for mercury capture and may also be the most
important factor in SCR effects.
DeVito (2000) studied the stability of mercury in FGD wastes
from an unnamed coal-fired plant in the USA. Untreated It is possible that, for some plants firing bituminous coal, the
FGD waste from the plant contained 0.70 ± 0.3 ppm mercury. combination of particulate controls, FGD and SCR systems
Leaching tests showed that any mercury released was below may be sufficient to reduce mercury emissions by as much as
the detection limit in most cases and below any specified 90%. However, this effect can in no way be assumed and
leaching limits in all cases. The practice of fixating the each plant must be evaluated on a case by case basis.
sludge solids with fly ash and lime was shown to reduce the Although standard pollution control systems can remove a
mercury leaching from all samples to below detection limits. significant amount of mercury from the flue gas, this is not
The FGD wastes were exposed to elevated temperatures (up what they are designed to do. Chapter 5 discusses how to
to 140°F; 60°C) for 11–12 weeks and still showed no losses improve mercury capture in existing pollution control
of mercury. equipment and also reviews new techniques being designed
specifically for mercury control.
Mercury in the waste water from FGD systems can be treated
with a chelating agent to produce a stabile product which is
safe for disposal (Miyata and others, 2001).

Since spray dry scrubber systems are reported to have greater

mercury capture efficiencies (see Section 4.3.3), it would
follow that the waste material from these systems would
contain more mercury. No data have been found to confirm

Recent data from the US EPA’s ICR have resulted in a large
amount of new information on mercury behaviour in coal-
fired plants. The retention of mercury within the plant
depends largely on its oxidation state. Oxidised mercury, the
type of mercury which is most easily controlled with existing
pollution control systems, accounts for between 30% and
70% of the total mercury in the flue gas, depending on the
amount of mercury in the coal and the combustion conditions
and chemistry. Chlorine can play a major role in mercury
oxidation but other species, such as NOx, oxygen and
calcium, may be equally important in some situations. There
appears to be a relationship between coal type and mercury
oxidation. In general, bituminous coals produce more
mercury in the oxidised state than subbituminous coals and

FBC systems may have lower mercury emissions than

pulverised coal fired units because of the increased contact
time with any sorbents and unburnt carbon in the ash,
especially in CFBC systems. The few data that are available
for gasification systems suggests that most of the mercury
will be released in gaseous elemental form into the gasifier
gas and will not be affected significantly by any acid gas
cleaning systems present.

26 IEA Coal Research

5 Specific controls for mercury

Specific technologies for the control of mercury emissions ● adaptation of mercury controls for waste incinerators for
are already proving successful in some countries on sources coal-fired units, Consol Inc, Library, PA;
such as waste incinerators. However, these controls cannot be ● calcium based chemicals (such as lime and silica lime)
easily transposed to coal-fired power plants as the flue gas for mercury oxidation, Southern Research Institute,
conditions are different. Flue gas streams from coal-fired Birmingham, AL;
power plants are much larger than those from incinerators ● electrical discharge system for mercury and other
and the mercury concentrations are much lower (0.01 ppmw pollutant oxidation, Powerspan Corp, Durham, NH;
in coal-fired plants, at least an order of magnitude lower than ● carbon-based and other sorbents, Apogee Scientific Inc,
incinerator flue gases). The chlorine:mercury ratio in coal- Englewood, CO.
fired power plants is also lower. This, and other differences in
flue gas chemistry, generally results in a lower fraction of the The US DOE also has two field-testing projects for mercury
more easily captured oxidised form of mercury in coal-fired removal from coal-fired systems. The first is being carried
power plants. Also, many waste incineration systems have out by ADA Environmental Solutions on sorbent injection
acid scrubbers for HCl control which can enhance mercury and the second is being carried out by Babcock and Willcox-
capture. Another distinction is the longer residence time of McDermott Technologies on scrubber enhancement.
the flue gases in the air pollution control systems of waste
incinerators. In Europe, the Commission for the European Communities
(CEC) has two ECSC projects relating to mercury emissions:
As discussed in Chapter 4, some plants in the USA firing ● 7220-ED/089: optimal utilisation of coal in modern
bituminous coal appear to be able to achieve up to 90% power plants with respect to control of mass flows and
mercury control with a combination of existing pollution emissions of VOCs/PAH and mercury. The work is being
control systems. However, the actual level of mercury carried out by VTT in Finland;
controlled at each plant varies significantly and most plants ● 7220-PRO88: mercury removal through reactive
will have to consider some form of specific control for adsorption under flue gas conditions, carried out by
mercury, if 90% reduction is required. There is a large CINAR, UK.
amount of work under way to design and develop new
systems for mercury control from coal-fired power plants. There is clearly a large number of different possible methods
However, according to the Energy and Environmental being evaluated and developed around the world and, for the
Research Center (EERC), ND, USA ‘. . . there are new moment, there is no clear indication of any obvious single
technologies under development, but to date none has been solution. As mentioned in Chapter 4, the behaviour of
shown to provide widely effective control at acceptable cost’ mercury from different coals may play a major role in
(CATM, 2001). deciding the most appropriate control methodology.
Preliminary work suggests that plants firing Eastern US
In 1995, eleven projects were selected by the US DOE for bituminous coals will not have the same mercury problem as
further research into mercury control from coal-fired boilers. those firing western coals. With this in mind, the EERC, ND,
By the second phase of the programme, five of these projects USA has set up a three year programme to identify and
remained active. These included (US DOE, 2001a): evaluate mercury control technologies specifically for electric
● ultra high efficiency ESP, ABB Power Plant Labs, utilities burning western coals (Pavlish, 2001).
Windsor, CT;
● Mercu-RE sorbent-based technology, ADA Technologies, The following sections review the different technologies
Englewood, CO; currently being developed for mercury control from coal-fired
● combustion chemistry research, Physical Sciences Inc power plants. Where possible, data are included on the
(PSI), Andover, MA; projects listed above.
● carbon-based sorbent injection, Public Service Company,
Denver, CO;
● new wet FGD processes, Radian International, Austin, TX. 5.1 Enhanced particulate controls
Directly supporting the President’s May 2001 National As discussed in Chapter 4, existing particulate control
Energy Plan, the US DOE selected six new projects for the systems, especially baghouses, can capture a large proportion
development of innovative technologies for mercury control of the mercury in flue gases. The amount of mercury
from coal-fired power plants. The six new projects are as captured depends on numerous factors including the
follows (US DOE, 2001a): oxidation state of the mercury, the carbon content of the ash
● AHPC, advanced hybrid particulate collector, EERC, and the operating temperature. The following sections discuss
Grand Forks, ND; ways to enhance the capture of mercury in existing
● chemical catalysts for mercury oxidation and subsequent particulate control devices and also new systems which are
removal by wet scrubbers and particulate controls, URS aimed specifically at controlling air toxics, including
Group Inc, Austin, TX; mercury.

Mercury – emissions and control 27

Specific controls for mercury
kilns. Work is under way to determine whether this
5.1.1 Flue gas cooling technology can be transferred successfully to full-scale coal-
fired units (Altman and others, 2001).
Mercury capture on fly ash or sorbents is easier at lower
temperatures. Work at Consol, PA, USA, in 1999
demonstrated that fly ash alone can remove a substantial 5.1.2 Electrical discharge
portion of the flue gas mercury when the gas is cooled below
typical exhaust temperatures (from 300°F down to 220°F; Powerspan Corp, NH, USA, are testing a multi-pollutant
150°C down to 105°C). At the lower temperatures the removal system based on electrical discharge to convert
mercury is absorbed directly on to the fly ash and is removed mercury to mercuric oxide, NOx to nitric acid and SO2 to
by the ESP. The use of fly ash as a sorbent in discussed in sulphuric acid. The mercury can then be trapped with small
more detail in Section 5.2. When the flue gas was cooled to particulates in an ESP (US DOE, 2001a).
200°F (93°C), 80–90% of the mercury was removed.
However, reducing the temperature in this area of the power A similar ‘radiation-chemical’ conversion system for mercury
plant can cause back-end corrosion as a result of SO3 using electron beam treatment is being investigated in Russia.
condensation. Therefore this system needs to be run in The radiation method was designed originally for the removal
conjunction with a sulphur control technique such as the of SO2 and NO from flue gas but the removal of Hg is also
injection of alkaline sorbent. Alkaline sorbent injection can possible. Gerasimov (2001) has developed a mathematical
reduce SO3 concentrations by around 80%. model of the liquid-phase chemical reactions which can
convert elemental mercury to oxidised mercury in flue gases.
As a result of this research, Consol are constructing a pilot- During electron beam treatment, the gas phase oxidation of
plant coal-fired facility comprising an air pre-heater, an SO2 is promoted and a liquid phase of aerosol particles is
ESP for fine particles and an alkaline-sorbent injection formed by the condensation of water and this sulphuric acid
system to control sulphur condensation. The alkaline vapour. Other species such as HCl, NH3, O3, OH and
sorbent is injected into the air pre-heater at 200-250°F (93- elemental mercury also dissolve into the liquid phase
121°C) for sulphur control. Mercury will be collected with simultaneously. The oxidised mercury compounds formed in
the fly ash in the ESP at this lower temperature. The the liquid phase can be adsorbed onto particles. The
project will take 36 months as is funded by $1.83 million concentration of elemental mercury in flue gases is normally
of US DOE money and $599,650 from Consol. The project so low (<50 µg/m3) that it has no effect on the SO2 and NO
will evaluate the use of alkaline injection and the air pre- removal efficiencies of the system.
heater and will also evaluate the possibility of using the
option of spray-cooling to lower the temperature. Since Gerasimov’s model suggests that an increase in temperature
alkaline sorbent is significantly less expensive than and HCl concentration leads to a decrease in the oxidised
activated carbon, this process has several economic mercury attached to particles. This is due to the effect of
advantages over carbon use. Further, a reduction of 90°F temperature on the liquid phase state of the system and the
(32°C) in flue gas temperature is equivalent to a 2% partial transfer of HCl to HgCl2. In the conditions commonly
increase in efficiency. This equates to a 2% decrease in fuel encountered in flue gases from coal-fired power stations,
use and pollution production. Since a typical 600 MWe 90% conversion of elemental to adsorbed oxidised mercury is
coal-fired power plant fires 1.4 Mt/y of coal, a 2% fuel possible at a radiation dose of D>10kGy. This requires a fly
saving is equivalent to 27 t of coal (>$600,000 in fuel ash concentration of 100 µg/m3 and a flue gas temperature of
costs). This will reduce SO2, NOx and CO2 emissions by 70–80°C. If the fly ash concentration is lower and the HCl
2%. The alkaline-sorbent injection will also cause a concentration in the gas is greater than 50 mg/m3 (at STP)
reduction in SO3 emissions. SO3 plays a role in visible then HgCl2 is formed and reduces the efficiency of the
plumes and the formation of undesirable ammonium salts process. There were no data to suggest that the model had
in NOx control technologies such as SCR/SNCR. been tested on any coal-fired systems.

Cooling flue gases to 230°F (110°C) by injecting a fine

water mist is reported to have the same mercury removal 5.1.3 Ultra high efficiency ESP
efficiency as injecting around 1 lb/million acf carbon into
300°F (1.6 g/100 m3 into 150°C) flue gas. The extra ABB Power Plant Labs, CT, USA, received funding from the
mercury is trapped on the native fly ash which acts like a US DOE in 1995 to develop an ultra-high efficiency ESP for
sorbent (Butz and others, 2000). Although gas cooling can air toxics control. The project cost $1.3 million, including
be achieved with gas conditioning using water, FLS Miljo $300,000 cost sharing by ABB, and took over 30 months.
in Denmark has experience with this on both incinerators The project evaluated novel improvements to ESP to allow
and coal-fired systems and does not recommend this more efficient capture PM2.5 and toxic metals associated with
approach on coal-fired power plants (Felsvang and others, these particles. The flue gases are cooled using moisture or
2001). heat exchangers. PM2.5 emissions were cut from
0.03 lb/million Btu to below 0.01 lb/million Btu (14 g/kJ to
Croll-Reynolds Clean Air Technologies are developing a wet below 5 g/kJ). For mercury control, fine carbon particles,
ESP system, known as WESP, to control several pollutants along with moisture, are injected into the flue gas. The
including mercury. So far, this technology has only been reported mercury capture efficiency was over 90% (US DOE,
applied to industrial applications such as incinerators and 2001a).

28 IEA Coal Research

Specific controls for mercury
EERC, ND, USA, in conjunction with W L Gore and particulate load in an ESP or baghouse. In some cases a
Associates Inc, is developing an advanced hybrid larger ESP or a second collector such as a baghouse may
particulate collector (AHPC) with the potential to remove need to be installed to cope. Since the sorbents used are
90% of the flue gas mercury (US DOE, 2001a). The project, generally very fine, in order to maximise the active surface
covering 24 months, will cost the US DOE $1.17 million area, they may pass through particulate controls to some
with $293,000 being invested by EERC. Until recently, the extent. Rubin and others (2001) suggest that the use of
work has been mostly at bench-scale. However, field testing activated carbon for mercury control would increase
is planned for the Big Stone power station operated by Otter particulate emissions by 9%. The total cost of using activated
Tail Power Company (US DOE, 2001a). carbon (including humidification and waste disposal) is
estimated to add 24 $/kW to the plant capital cost and would
The AHPC system combined features of both ESP and increase the cost of electricity in the USA by 23%.
baghouses and gives ‘ultra-high’ collection efficiency. Unlike
conventional ESP, the AHPC system captures fine particles. The amount of sorbent needed can be reduced by water
Also, the re-entrainment problem encountered with injection in to the flue gas. This is due to the cooling effect
conventional baghouses is avoided. The AHPC can be discussed in Section 5.1.1. In the model prepared by
retrofitted to ESP-equipped plants, installed on new plants or Berkenpas and others (2001) it is estimated that, for 90%
applied to industrial boilers. mercury removal, over 65 lb/million acf (104 g/100 m3)
would be required. If water injection were included, this
Previous work on AHPC systems by Miller and others (1997) requirement would be reduced to just under 40 lb/million acf
indicated that an AHPC system can reduce mercury (64 g/100 m3).
concentrations in the flue gas from 5.5 µg/m3 to 3.6 µg/m3,
that is a reduction of almost 35%. When a sorbent such as Meserole and others (2001) used a computer model to
activated carbon is added, the mercury reduction is increased estimate the potential cost for sorbent use in ESP and
to over 60%. baghouse systems. Ultrafine sorbents have the potential to
reduce predicted sorbent (activated carbon) control costs by a
COHPAC, compact hybrid particulate control technology, factor of two or three. This is largely as a result of the lower
is an EPRI (CA, USA) patented system which includes a high quantities of sorbent required. The impact of the use of
air-to-cloth ratio baghouse downstream of an existing ESP to mercury sorbent on fly ash sales may also be improved. The
improve overall particulate collection efficiency. The COHPAC use of fine sorbent material (below 5 µm) has also been
technology has been used on over 1700 MWe of combustion shown potentially to lower the cost of injection upstream of
applications and shows filtration rates of 2–3 times higher an ESP below that predicted for a baghouse. Figure 5 shows
than normal jet air-to-cloth ratios (Miller and Morris, 2001). a model prediction for the cost of sorbent injection for ESP
Although, theoretically, the high particulate capture efficiency and baghouses for theoretical sorbents of different size and
of the COHPAC system may increase the capture of mercury cost. This estimate is still theoretical and needs confirmation
and other trace elements associated with smaller particles, no with more real data.
data were found demonstrating this effect. However, activated
carbon injection into a COHPAC system can result in up to Dry sorbent injection into the COHPAC system (see
90% mercury control (see Section 5.2). Section 5.1.3) has been tested under a US DOE NETL
(National Energy Technology Laboratory) programme at the
Gaston Electric Generating Plant in Wilsonville, AL, USA.
5.2 Sorbents The plant has four 270 MWe balanced draft and one
880 MWe forced draft coal-fired boiler. The plant fires a
The injection of a sorbent such as activated carbon appears to
be one of the most favourable options for mercury control.
The sorbent would be injected upstream of existing 14 Conditions
particulate control devices such as ESP or baghouses. ESP, 15 µm
Total levelised cost, $ million

500 MW
12 Temperature = 135°C 0.11 $/kg
Mercury capture by an injected sorbent depends on the
Capacity = 2000 µg/g
sorbent capacity and mass transfer to the sorbent surface. The 10 ESP, 2 µm
0.45 $/kg
capacity and reactivity are affected by temperature and 8 ESP, 15 µm
mercury concentration. When the temperature is too high or 0.11 $/kg
the mercury concentration too low, overall removal will be 6
ESP, 5 µm
governed by the sorbent’s limited efficiency (Butz and others, 4 0.23 $/kg
2000). The efficiency of a sorbent to capture mercury
depends on a number of variables including:
● sorbent average particle size and size distribution; 0
● sorbent capacity with mercury speciation and at different 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
gas temperatures; Mercury removal, %
● residence time in the flue gas;
● type of particulate control (ESP or baghouse);
Figure 5 Comparison of costs of injection with an
● inlet mercury concentrations.
ESP and baghouse (Meserole and others,
The addition of a sorbent would obviously increase the

Mercury – emissions and control 29

Specific controls for mercury
variety of low-sulphur, washed, Eastern bituminous coals. carbon has been used very successfully for mercury control
The COHPAC system is a pulse-jet cleaned baghouse made in waste incinerators. However, this level of success is not
of Ryton. Preliminary tests with activated carbon show that a currently possible in coal-fired power plants where the
significant increase in cleaning efficiency of the COHPAC concentration of mercury in the flue gases is typically one or
baghouse occurred with the injection of activated carbon and two orders of magnitude lower than in waste incinerators.
the maximum acceptable cleaning frequency and pressure Also, activated carbon is expensive, has a poor capacity, a
drop limited the amount of sorbent that could be injected low applicable temperature range and has slow regeneration
(Bustard and others, 2001). and adsorption rates (Lee and others, 2001).

ADA Technologies are developing a portable mercury control The effectiveness of activated carbon for mercury removal is
system based on injection of a dry sorbent, such as fly ash or not linear. Mercury removal rates are reported to level off
activated carbon. A fine water mist will also be sprayed into quickly when the carbon concentration is increased, resulting
the flue gas to lower the temperature to a range where the dry in diminishing returns for incremental boost in carbon
sorbent is most effective. The cooling step can increase the injection. Butz and others (2000) also noted that significantly
formation of corrosive sulphur trioxide and therefore a higher carbon injection rates would be required to achieve
reagent injection system is included to control the build up of consistent control levels as high as 80% in ESP
sulphur trioxide, if needed. The system will be tested at each configurations.
of four plants:
● two PG&E Generating plants firing bituminous coal, Hargis and others (2000) report on the testing of several
fitted with ESP and carbon/ash separation systems; activated carbon based sorbents at the pilot-scale coal
● Wisconsin Electric Power Company plant firing Powder combustion facility at the NETL (US DOE). The 500 lb/h
River Basin coal, fitted with an ESP; (227 kg/h) plant includes a furnace, an air preheater, a spray
● a fourth plant, equipped with a baghouse, will be added dry scrubber and a pulse-jet fabric filter. Testing was
to the programme. conducted with low-sulphur (~1%) bituminous coal. This
type of coal is commonly burnt in facilities which are not
The project has received $4.5 million from the US DOE with fitted with FGD. Two commercially available activated
a further $2.2 million being provided by ADA Environmental carbons were tested:
Solutions. ● Norit Darco;
● Calgon FluePac.
EPRI, in conjunction with URS, Apogee and Meserole
Consulting in the USA, have developed a methodology for The sorbents were injected into the flue gas after the air
evaluating different sorbents for mercury control. The preheater and spray dry scrubber and before the baghouse
laboratory-scale system uses a fixed bed with simulated flue filter. The mercury concentrations before and after sorbent
gases and is reported to produce similar results to those injection were measured using a combination of wet
obtained at full-scale plants. It is suggested that the system is chemical methods and an online CVAAS system. The effect
used to screen potential new sorbents to select those with the of temperature was also studied by adjusting the baghouse
most potential for further evaluation in field tests. Since the temperature. This was achieved by changing the operation of
sorbent particle size is one of the most important factors the secondary air preheater and/or the coal firing rate.
affecting its effectiveness, size distribution evaluation should
be used in conjunction with the fixed bed tests. Model The results of this study are shown in Table 12. The mass
predictions can then be used to project the estimated mercury balances around the baghouse ranged from 77% to 136% and
removal in a COHPAC baghouse (Sjostrom and others, were considered generally good, ignoring one outlier at
2001b). 193%. The balances for the entire system ranged from 53%
to 115% and were not quite as good, but were considered
Felsvang and others (2001) have tested a gas suspension acceptable. It was suggested that part of the inaccuracy was
absorber (GSA) for mercury control on waste incinerators the 20% standard deviation in the mercury content of the feed
and also on coal-fired units. The GSA process combines a coal. There was a wide range of mercury removals under
circulating FBC system with efficient particulate collection baseline conditions (with no sorbent added). This may be due
such as with an ESP or baghouse. In the GSA a lime slurry to transient effects, such as the baghouse not having reached
or water is atomised into the FBC. Fly ash and sorbent solids a steady state condition. Some of the effect may also be due
are recycled from the downstream cyclone. GSA systems can to the absorption of mercury by unburnt carbon in the ash.
be retrofitted upstream of existing ESP systems. A GSA This is discussed in more detail in Section 5.2.2. Hargis and
system is installed on the Xiaolongtan power station in China others (2000) concluded that, as expected, mercury removal
for acid gas control. Between 42% and 90% mercury removal increased with increased sorbent-to-mercury ratios. When the
can be achieved in such a system using lime as the sorbent. injection rate was near constant, mercury removal efficiency
increased with decreasing baghouse temperature. It was also
suggested that the Darco activated carbon was more active
5.2.1 Activated carbon than FluePac but more work was required to confirm this.
According to Hargis and others (2000) 60–70% of the ash
Activated carbons are produced commercially by companies was collected in the baghouse and, even when activated
such as Norit for controlling a number of pollutants including carbon was used as the sorbent, carbon levels in the baghouse
dioxins and mercury from industrial sources. Activated ash were generally less than 2%.

30 IEA Coal Research

Specific controls for mercury

Table 12 Mercury removals and material balances in a pilot plant using activated carbon (Hargis and others,

Sorbent Baghouse Sorbent:Hg, Removal Baghouse Overall

temperature, °C mass ratio efficiency, % mass balance, % mass balance, %

146 0 12.9 103.2 79.4

147 0 31.6 84.4 67.1
152 0 -13.3 192.6 114.8
136 0 -4.2 115.2 105.1
136 0 -10.7 118.6 105.2
151 0 -5.8 117.3 83.5
118 0 2.6 116.9 65.4
133 0 20.7 102.5 53.3
Darco 135 1,800 -1.3 107.6 79.4
Darco 152 1,800 -9 117.6 78.3
Darco 147 2,600 38.8 100.6 90.8
Darco 132 2,900 58.0 103.2 86.8
Darco 147 5,400 62.9 94.7 89.1
Darco 131 6,200 31.6 84.4 67.1
Darco 118 7,600 89.3 95.8 80.5
Darco 146 9,500 84.0 77.4 78.6
Darco 129 10,300 87.9 130.1 76.7
FluePac 136 2,600 30.6 111.7 66.6
FluePac 133 5,100 38.4 104.2 84.3

Vidic and others (2000) at the University of Pittsburgh, PA, particulate control devices, especially baghouses. Dunham
USA have studied impregnated activated carbons for mercury and others (2001) tested sixteen different fly ashes in bench-
control. Virgin activated carbon has shown negligible scale tests to evaluate their potential for mercury capture.
adsorption of mercury at 140°C in laboratory studies. Temperature did not appear to affect the oxidation of mercury
Sulphur-impregnated carbon was found to be more suitable at but did affect mercury capture in the ash. Lower temperatures
high operating temperatures (above 140°C) and using fixed gave higher mercury capture implying a physical adsorption
bed technology. Chlorine-impregnated carbons were found to mechanism. There was a general trend of increasing
show almost immediate breakthrough of mercury which was oxidation of elemental mercury with increasing loss on
temperature sensitive, the sorption capacity decreasing with ignition (LOI; a value used to approximate the level of
increased temperature. Anthraquinone- and thiol-impregnated carbon in ash) and ash surface area. These effects were more
carbons worked well at room temperature but not at evident with the bituminous and subbituminous ashes.
temperatures representative of flue gases. However, there was no correlation between LOI and surface
area with the capture of elemental mercury. No conclusions
Rodriguez and others (2001) reported on the laboratory-scale could be made on the effect of ash type on oxidation or
testing of novel sorbents for mercury control at room capture of elemental mercury. Removing the carbon from
temperature. Potassium iodide in crystal form and iodine gas some of the samples by ashing eliminated their ability to
were both found to be effective for mercury capture. capture or oxidise mercury. But this was not true for all
Agglomerated KI sorbent particles produced by nebulising samples. It is unclear whether this effect was caused by the
potassium iodide solutions were found to capture up to 98% removal of the carbon or a mineralogical change in the ash.
of the mercury. The KI also worked over a filter and over a
mesh, simulating a fixed bed reactor with efficiencies ranging Galbreath and others (1999) studied the reaction mechanism
from 72.6% to 93.2%. More work is needed at larger scale. of the mercury absorption on fly ash. Coal from Powder
River Basin coals is rich in CaO which is reported to enhance
The US DOE have funded the Public Service Company mercury capture. Tests with flue gas spikes of CaO and HCl
(PSC) of CO, USA around $1.5 million to investigate the use suggested that the mechanism of action was not an acid-base
of a dry carbon-based sorbent for mercury control. PSC has reaction as first suggested. Rather the mechanism may
joined with ADA Technologies and EPRI on this project. involve other flue gas components. Further work is under
Studies at pilot-scale are concentrating on carbon or other way.
solid sorbent injection into coal-fired power plant flue gases
and the use of ESP or similar particulate control devices Several fly ashes from Public Service utility plants in
(US DOE, 2001a). No results have been published as yet. Colorado have been shown to have a strong ability to remove
mercury. The most effective fly ashes are those with unburnt
carbon contents greater than 7%, although low-carbon ashes
5.2.2 Fly ash sorbent may also have high mercury removal efficiencies at low
temperatures. Fly ash samples from four coal-fired plants
As discussed in Section 4.3.3, a significant proportion of the were studied, three fired Powder River Basin subbituminous
oxidised mercury in the flue gas can be caught on fly ash in coals and the fourth burned a Colorado mined bituminous

Mercury – emissions and control 31

Specific controls for mercury

Table 13 Full-scale coal-fired power plant survey on mercury removal (Butz and others, 1999)

Plant/unit Coal type Particulate control Carbon in ash, Mercury removal,

device % %

Comanche 2 Powder River Basin

western subbituminous baghouse 0.4 61
Arapahoe 1 Powder River Basin
western subbituminous ESP 0.90 28
Arapahoe 4 Powder River Basin
western subbituminous baghouse 14.4 62 -82
Cherokee Colorado
western bituminous baghouse 7.6 98-99

Table 14 Summary of mercury removal results for reinjected fly ash at the Comanche pilot plant (Butz and
others, 1999)

Ash Temperature, Injection rate, Carbon content, Hg removal,

°F °C g/m3 % %

Comanche 2 280 138 2.62 0.42 13

Comanche 2 (ds)* 280 138 2.81 0.26 22
Cherokee 3 320 160 0.77 7.6 75
Arapahoe 4 320 160 0.30 14.4 80
activated carbon 320 160 0.017 (100) 82
Spray cooling 260-230 127–110 † 0.42 45-75

* desorbed in hot nitrogen in an attempt to desorb any mercury present

† native ash concentration around 2.32 g/m3, no additional sorbent injected

coal. Those units which were fitted with low NOx burners activated carbon. Figures 6 and 7 show the NOx and mercury
produced fly ash with higher unburnt carbon contents which control achieved with zero, 20% and 30% reburn with two
showed higher mercury removal than those with low unburnt different types of coal. Economic estimates show that the cost
carbon. Table 13 shows the mercury removal efficiencies in of the technology per kilogram of mercury controlled is less
the plants studied. Table 14 then shows the mercury removal than half of the current costs of commercial methods using
efficiencies for the different fly ashes used as sorbents in tests activated carbon (Lissanski and others, 2001).
for mercury removal at a pilot plant doped with elemental
mercury vapour. Mercury removal efficiencies were as high
as 80% for some of the fly ashes. Mercury removal rates 5.2.3 Other sorbents
greater than 80% were maintained at fly ash injection ratios
of less than 10% of the typical grain loading in flue gases Numerous researchers are evaluating different sorbents for
from western coals for the plants studied. Further work is mercury control. For example, Apogee Scientific Inc, CO,
planned to develop the potential for fly ash as a sorbent for USA are one of the six new US DOE funded projects. Up to
mercury control (Butz and others, 1999). twelve carbon-based and other chemical sorbents are showing
promise for removing over 90% of mercury at 4–75% less
A novel technology for controlling mercury, NOx and carbon than the cost of commercial sorbents (US DOE, 2001a). The
in ash has been tested at a million Btu/h (1.06 kJ/h) pilot EERC in ND, USA are working on carbon-based sorbents,
combustion facility in the USA. The process uses fly ash various gold-coated materials, sulphides and metal oxide
formed in the Coal Reburn process to control mercury. The sorbents for elemental mercury control, especially in plants
reburn technology is a commercial system which reduces firing western US coals (Pavlish, 2001). At this stage, most of
NOx by staging the fuel injection into the furnace. In some the research is in the preliminary stages at pilot-scale and
systems gas is used as the reburn fuel. However, coal can be there is no obvious ‘best’ sorbent for mercury control.
used as the reburn fuel. This has the potential to reduce
mercury emissions by forming carbon in ash in situ. Most of Sorbtech Hg is a new product produced by the Sorbent
the coal (about 80%) is burned in the primary combustion Technology Corporation, OH, USA. Unlike activated carbon,
zone. The remaining coal is injected downstream to provide a Sorbtech is reported to work in the 300–400°F (150–205°C)
reburn zone. The carbon in the reburn coal does not burn out temperature range of flue gases. This avoids expensive
completely and therefore the amount of unburnt carbon in the cooling measures and thus reduces costs. Trials were run at
ash is increased. Mercury in the flue gas is absorbed onto this laboratory-scale which directly compared the Sorbtech media
carbon at temperatures below 400°F (205°C). Previous against Norit FGD activated carbon. At temperatures of
studies have shown that fly ash with a carbon content of 350°F (177°C) and injection rates of 3000:1 sorbent:Hg
7–14% can have comparable mercury capture to that of mass, the Sorbtech resulted in less than half the emissions of

32 IEA Coal Research

Specific controls for mercury

120 As part of the US DOE mercury programme, the Southern

Mercury and NOx in flue gas, % initial
mercury Research Institute (SRI), AL, USA is testing calcium-based
100 chemicals, such as lime and silica lime additives, for
mercury oxidisation. The calcium sorbents also capture SO2.
80 Singer and Ghorishi (2001) have investigated hydrated limes
and silicates for multi-pollutant control. Silicate sorbents
which have been enhanced with ‘certain oxidants’ have
mercury capture capabilities comparable to that of activated
carbon in a fixed bed reactor. The mercury removal was
20 dependent on the other pollutants present in the flue gas with
SO2 being involved in the removal process.
No reburn 20% reburn 30% reburn
Spongiacal is a novel calcium-based sorbent produced by the
Lhoist Group in Belgium which has high capture efficiencies
for both SO2 and mercury. Spongiacal is produced by a
Figure 6 Mercury and NOx removal in coal reburn
calcining and slaking process and has been used commercially
for Kittanning coal (Lissanski and others,
to control acid gases for almost ten years. It is part of the
sorbent sold commercially as Sorbalit. It is suggested that the
dispersability and sorbent capacity of the Spongiacal makes it
120 such an efficient sorbent that it could be injected upstream of
Mercury and NOx in flue gas, % initial

mercury ESP systems and not just used in plants with baghouses.
100 Although this may cause a slight increase in particles passing
through the ESP, it is not expected that any emission limits
80 will be exceeded. In some plants, simple ESP upgrading
using microsecond pulsing may be necessary. Tests on
municipal waste incinerators have shown that calcium
sorbents alone can achieve up to 92% mercury removal. A
combination of calcium sorbent (Spongiacal) with activated
20 carbon can achieve up to 98.6% mercury removal. Tests with
lime on coal-fired power plants, with the flue gas cooled to
0 60°C, show mercury removals between 42% and 90% when
No reburn 20% reburn
used in a gas suspension absorber (see above; Felsvang and
others, 2001).
Figure 7 Mercury and NOx removal in coal reburn
According to Rostam-Abadi and others (2001), inexpensive
for North Antelope coal (Lissanski and
agricultural by-products (such as pistachio nut shells and
others, 2001)
corn fibre), waste tyre rubber and lignite can be used as
precursors for the production of low-cost mercury adsorbents.
activated carbon. At 1500:1 sorbent:Hg the Sorbtech Laboratory tests were promising and preliminary field studies
managed to remove over 60 % of the elemental mercury. are planned for the Abbot Power plant in Illinois, USA.
Independent studies were carried out with the Sorbtech media
on a rotary kiln firing mercury contaminated soil and a Butz and others (2000) report on the US DOE-funded study
mercury removal efficiency of 94% was reported. Nelson into regenerable noble-metal based sorbents. One of the
(2000) estimates that the Sorbtech sorbent would be able to main advantages of such regenerable sorbents is that the
achieve 50% elemental mercury removal at a cost of only mercury can be collected in much smaller volumes of waste
3000 $/lb (1360 $/kg) which is significantly lower than any and no carbon is added to the fly ash. However, noble-metal
costs given for activated carbon. The sorbent itself costs sorbents have problems with reduced capacity when other
2000 $/t compared with activated carbon at around flue gas constituents such as HCl and SO2 are present. But if
5–10,000 $/t. The manufacturers of the sorbent are currently these gases are removed by scrubbers prior to the catalyst,
looking for full-scale coal-fired plants to test the new material. then the noble-metal based sorbents retain their effectiveness
much longer. Testing is under way at a pilot-scale facility at
ADA Technologies, CO, USA received around $1.1 million Consol, PA, USA and at the full-scale Hudson Station, NJ,
over 24 months from the US DOE to develop a novel process USA. Initial results suggest that impregnated monoliths are
for removing vapour phase mercury from flue gases. The suitable as they generate minimal pressure drop, have
project, in conjunction with Consol Inc and Burns and sufficient surface area and are less prone to fly ash fouling
McDonnell, concentrated on a renewable process called than packed beds.
Mercu-RE. The process uses gold or other precious metals
as sorbents to capture mercury. The gold can be regenerated
for further use and the mercury can be recovered as a useful 5.2.4 In situ sorbent generation
by-product. Initial investigations have been performed at
laboratory and bench-scale using gold in an open metal Activated carbon has been used most commonly as a fixed or
honeycomb structure (US DOE, 2001a). fluidised bed of bulk sorbent particles. However,

Mercury – emissions and control 33

Specific controls for mercury
agglomerates generated in situ by injecting gas-phase sorbent results obtained elsewhere which suggest that SO2 may
precursors have been shown to possess higher capture increase the mercury capture efficiency of CaO. Lee and
efficiencies. This process also suppresses the formation of others (2001) suggest that the difference in results
submicron particles and thus reduces emissions without emphasises the importance of the structure of the sorbent for
causing an increase in pressure drop. This is due to the higher mercury capture.
surface area provided by the larger number of agglomerated
particles. The agglomerates can then be captured in existing Lee and others (2001) tested the mercury capture of the TiO2
particulate control devices. Lee and others (2001) and with UV irradiation at 160°C which is more representative of
Rodriguez and others (2000) report on a comparison of three temperatures encountered in flue gases. The mercury capture
in situ generated sorbents for mercury control. The three efficiency varied slightly with the temperature – 87.2% at
sorbents tested were as follows: 160°C to 99.9% at 24°C. Lee and others (2001) therefore
● TiO2, previously demonstrated to be effective for suggest the use of TiO2 with UV irradiation in flue gases for
mercury capture in the presence of UV radiation; mercury control. The corona of ESP systems, found in most
● SiO2, proven effective for the capture of lead as lead coal-fired plants, could be utilised as a potential source of
silicate; UV in full-scale plants.
● CaO, currently used for sulphur control.

The test facility was a bench-scale entrained flow reactor. 5.2.5 Sorbent residues
Agglomerated particles with a high specific surface area were
generated in situ by injecting gas-phase sorbent precursors Surprisingly few data were found relating to the amount of
into a high-temperature furnace reactor. Compressed air was extra waste material which will be produced with the use of
used as the carrier gas and mercury vapour was injected into activated carbons and other sorbents. Berkenpas and others
the system at known concentrations. A photochemical (2001) estimated waste disposal costs of around 11 $/t.
reaction cell was included in the system to produce UV light. However, they warn that this cost could increase dramatically
The sorbent precursors, in the form of oxides, were fed into if the mercury-laden solids are designated as hazardous
the system through an argon bubbler into the test gas at wastes.
<24–120°C. The effectiveness of the sorbents on mercury
concentrations of around 5.5–6.5 µg/m3 were tested on their Hassett and others (1999) studied mercury leaching from
own and then in the presence of UV. The effect of SO2 was several sorbents and found that a Centaur activated carbon
also evaluated. The mercury was measured using CVAAS and loaded with HCl showed up to 2.1% leaching of the
the particle size distribution was also monitored by a mercury within four weeks during a synthetic leaching test.
scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). All other activated carbons showed leaching below 0.1% of
the mercury within the same period. Hassett and others
The formation of the sorbent particles is critical to their emphasised that the test may be misleading as the loading
performance. A high surface area/mass ratio is required and of the carbons was unnaturally high. However, if these
therefore the formation of an agglomerate structure with sorbents were used in packed beds, leaching may still be an
small primary particles is preferred. The characteristics of the issue. They suggested that much more research was
sorbent can be changed by adjusting the precursor injection necessary.
rate, the residence time and the temperature.
Unburnt carbon in ash and activated carbon injection for
On their own, without UV radiation, TiO2 particles did not mercury control impact the stability of fly ash use in
capture any mercury. The porosity of the particle is low and concrete. Activated carbon appears to have a greater effect on
the re-entrainment of mercury is high. When activated by UV the quantity of air-entraining agents needed for concrete
irradiation, electron-hole pairs are generated on the particle mixtures incorporating fly ash (Butz and others, 1999). In
surface which in turn cause the formation of OH radicals. general, if the unburnt carbon in ash is higher than 5% then it
These OH radicals can oxidise mercury and make it easier to cannot be accepted for use in cement and concrete in some
trap on the particle surface. The combination of TiO2 and UV countries (Sloss, 1999).
provides >98% capture.

Although SiO2 has proven useful for the capture of lead it 5.3 Enhanced FGD/oxidation
was found to be totally ineffective for mercury capture, even
when irradiated with UV. CaO captured 33% of the mercury, As discussed in Section 4.3.4, FGD systems can remove
regardless of UV irradiation. This is higher than previously oxidised mercury quite efficiently but have little or no effect
reported capture efficiencies for CaO because of the on elemental mercury. Several research groups are
enhancing effects of the entrained bed and the high specific concentrating on this effect and hope to increase mercury
surface area provided. capture in FGD systems by converting elemental mercury
into the more soluble oxidised form.
SO2 was found to interfere with mercury capture by the TiO2.
In the case of TiO2 this is due to the SO2 taking up the active Data from the US EPA’s ICR suggest that the oxidation
sites on the particles. The effect can be reduced by the catalysts are best suited for use on plants with high efficiency
addition of more TiO2. The capture efficiency of CaO was particulate control devices upstream of the FGD unit, rather
also reduced in the presence of SO2. This was different to than those using high-energy scrubbers for both particulate

34 IEA Coal Research

Specific controls for mercury
and SO2 control. As such, the project will be applicable to ● the 55 MWe Endicott Station, Litchfield, MI, Michigan
about 90,000 MWe of generating capacity in the USA. Data South Central Power Agency;
also suggest that the catalytic oxidation of elemental mercury ● 1300 MWe Zimmer Station, Cincinnati, OH, Cinergy
will be most effective on flue gases from lignite and Corporation.
subbituminous coal, where most of the mercury is present in
the elemental form. This then applies to around 28,000 MWe The project began in October 2000 and was predicted to last
of scrubbed capacity firing these fuels, with more systems 18 months at an estimated cost of $1.75 million, $1.2 million
planned. of which was provided by the US DOE. If the system proves
successful, Babcock and Wilcox will make the technology
Livengood and Mendelsohn (2001) at the Argonne National commercial for use in both existing and new wet flue gas
Laboratory, IL, USA, are developing a process for combined scrubbing systems (Milobowksi and others, 2001). Further
control of mercury and NO. The system is based in the testing of the FGD waste from this enhanced system suggests
introduction of an oxidising agent into the flue gas stream that the mercury is present as HgS and is not strongly bonded
upstream of a scrubber which then adsorbs the soluble within the fly ash or gypsum crystals and is ‘relatively easy’
reaction products. Initial studies concentrated on a to get into solution. However, the solution used in the
commercial solution called NOXSORB (18% HClO3 and leaching test (50% nitric acid) is much stronger than
22% NaClO3). The elemental mercury removal increased rainwater (Kudlac and Amrhein, 2000).
with chloric acid concentration from 9% removal at 0.18 wt%
chloric acid to almost 100% at 7.2 wt% chloric acid. The Sodium tetrasulphide (Na2S4) injection into flue gases can
mercury capture with the NOXSORB solution was enhanced promote the formation of mercury sulphide from elemental
in the presence of NO. Studies on the mechanism of mercury. This has proven successful in waste-to-energy
oxidation suggested that the elemental mercury was being plants in Germany, in conjunction with activated carbon. The
oxidised by an intermediate in the NO oxidation reactions, potential for the transfer of this technology to coal-fired
possibly nitric acid (HNO3). Livengood and Mendelsohn then power plants is currently being evaluated and tested (Licata
went on to study the effect of chloric acid injection on its and Fey, 2001).
own at laboratory scale. At 0.18 wt% atomised chloric acid,
56% elemental mercury was removed. If the chloric acid was Radian International, TX, USA have been given $895,000 of
vaporised then less was needed to provide the same oxidising US DOE funding for work into their innovative wet FGD
potential: 57% of elemental mercury was removed with only process for mercury control. The process involves the
0.036 wt% vaporised chloric acid. These tests were conversion of elemental mercury into the oxidised form using
performed at laboratory scale using synthetic flue gases with iron-based catalysts and carbon and subsequent removal
40 µg/m3 mercury. Since coal-fired power plants commonly across a wet FGD system (US DOE, 2001a).
emit mercury at a much lower concentration, around
10 µg/m3, the experiments were repeated with lower mercury Initial results from the URS Group Inc/US DOE study
concentrations. The percentage of mercury removed was suggest that lead based catalysts may show the most
found to increase as the inlet mercury concentrations promise for mercury control. Several catalysts have been
decreased. At 37 µg/m3 the Hg0 removal efficiency was 33% evaluated in small-scale, sand-bed reactors and three utility
and this increased to over 60% at 9 µg/m3 Hg0. Work is plants firing bituminous, lignite and Powder River Basin
expected to commence at pilot scale using a 1 W slipstream coals. Each plant had an ESP system and also an FGD
from a boiler in Illinois, USA before the end of 2001. It is system. It was assumed that the oxidised mercury would be
hoped that up to 100% mercury and 80% NO removal could largely (around 90%) removed in the FGD systems of each
be achieved with this system. The projected costs are plant. Based on initial results, estimates have been prepared
around 5000 $/lb (2270 $/kg) mercury removed, assuming for the economics of catalysts for mercury control on plants
that the system is fitted to a plant which already has an FGD firing different coals. For the plant firing Powder River
unit. Basin coal, 95% oxidation of the flue gas mercury would be
required to achieve 90% mercury reduction through the plant
Roy and Rochelle (2001) report on tests with the addition of (which is fitted with ESP and FGD). This could be achieved
chlorine (1–10 ppm) to an existing limestone scrubber to with a catalyst at lower costs (17% lower for 90% mercury
enhance mercury capture. Up to 99% mercury removal is reduction) than for using carbon injection in a COHPAC
achieved with 1 ppm chlorine and all the chlorine is also system. For the plant firing bituminous coal, 85–90%
captured in the scrubber. This effect has only been mercury oxidation would be required to achieve a 90%
demonstrated in a small-scale model and needs to be reduction in total mercury. This could be achieved with a
evaluated at larger scale. catalyst at a cost at least 9% lower than that for an activated
carbon/COHPAC system. The catalysts survived the six-
McDermott Technology Inc, in conjunction with Babcock month test period at the plants firing Powder River Basin
and Wilcox are developing a technique based on the injection coal and bituminous coal. At the plant firing Texas lignite
of an unspecified liquid reagent to the scrubbing solution most of the catalysts were deactivated. This was probably
with a target of 90% mercury removal. It is hoped that this caused by a low-temperature excursion. However, despite
method would cost less than 50% and possible even less than this, the catalyst activity could be readily restored. Pilot-
25% of the cost of activated carbon methods. The process is scale studies are planned with conventional honeycomb
reported to have no adverse effects on scrubber operation or structures to evaluate the potential for lower cost materials
performance. Two plants have been selected for the tests: and extending catalyst life through regeneration to make the

Mercury – emissions and control 35

Specific controls for mercury
system even more economically attractive (Blythe and to affect the disposal or re-use properties of the FGD by-
others, 2001). product (see Section 4.5.2).

URS Group Inc, TX, USA, is testing chemical catalysts for

converting mercury to the oxidised form for removal by wet 5.4 Economics of mercury control
lime or limestone FGD systems (US DOE, 2001a). The
project, over 36 months, is funded largely by the US DOE Cost will be a very important factor in deciding which of the
($897,616) although the URS Group is contributing a many mercury control options currently under development is
significant share ($286,984). EPRI are co-funding and co- chosen for application. Most estimates of the cost of the
managing the pilot tests which will take place at two utility impending mercury control in the USA assume that activated
plants: carbon will be the control method of choice. For a 90%
● Coal Creek Station, Great River Energy, TX, firing North control level, the US DOE has estimated that the annual costs
Dakota lignite; would be between $2.6 and $7.3 billion per year (based on
● J K Spruce Plant, City Public Service of San Antonio, costs for activated carbon). This is based on a cost of
TX, firing Powder River Basin subbituminous coal. 25,000–70,000 $/lb (11,300–31,800 $/kg) of mercury
removed (US DOE, 2001a). Vidic and others (2000) cite a
Both sites have existing wet FGD systems downstream of lower range for activated carbons of 14,400–38,200 $/lb
high-efficiency particulate control devices. Each of these (6530–17,300 $/kg) of mercury removed which could reduce
plants has reported ‘substantial’ concentrations of elemental costs significantly.
mercury in the flue gas. The catalysts to be tested have been
identified in small-scale research projects as being suitable Table 15 shows the estimates produced in the US EPA’s
for mercury oxidation. The oxidising species are already Mercury Report to Congress on the potential costs of
present in the flue gas and include species such as chlorine, sorbent-based control technologies compared with the
HCl and/or NO2. Tests over a 12-month period are planned to estimates produced by the US DOE. Nelson (2000) does not
determine the continuous and long-term performance of the explain why the US EPA and US DOE estimates differ so
catalysts. greatly other than to point out that both estimates are based
on modelling studies. The costs are commonly in the tens of
An oxidative membrane gas absorption (ox-MGA) process thousands of dollars range. According to Nelson (2000) the
is being evaluated for the control of mercury from coal-fired high costs are due to the expensive spray cooling and/or
power plants at the TNO (the Netherlands Organisation for fabric filters that are generally required to get powdered
Applied Scientific Research) in the Netherlands. The cost and activated carbons to work at even high injection rates on most
requirements of the system for different sources, including hot, ESP-equipped flue-gas streams. Many of the new
coal-fired power plants, were evaluated. For a 500 MWe coal- technologies being developed at the moment (see above)
fired plant between 130,000 and 640,000 m2 of membrane, claim to be cheaper than this approach. For example, the
probably PTFE based, would be required. A membrane Sorbtech Hg sorbent claims to cost only 3000 $/lb Hg
removal plant could be built around this membrane removed (1360 $/kg Hg) (Nelson, 2000).
technology. The plant may require an additional pre-filtration
stage to remove particulates and drops of liquid from the gas It has been estimated that, if utilities were required to use
stream. The predicted cost would be between $11.7 million only currently (2001) available technology to reduce mercury
and $57.6 million. The absorption liquid could be regenerated emissions by 90%, as much as $7 billion per year would be
by precipitation of mercury sulphide. The technical feasibility added to consumers’ electricity bills in the USA alone. It is
of the process has only been demonstrated at laboratory scale hoped that new technologies will reduce this figure by
and therefore more research is necessary (van der Vaart and between 50% and 75% by the end of the decade (US DOE,
others, 2001). 2001a).

A system called electro-catalytic oxidation (ECO) is being The total cost of using activated carbon (including
developed by Powerspan Corporation, NH, USA with humidification and waste disposal) adds 24 $/kW to the plant
funding from the US DOE. Pilot-scale testing of the system capital cost and increases the cost of electricity by 23%. If an
is under way at First Energy’s R E Burger Generating FGD system is already in place then the incremental cost of
Station. The system reduces emissions of SO2, NOx and fine increasing the mercury capture from 70% with the FGD to
particulate matter and also captures up to 90% of the 90% with additional use of activated carbon increases the
mercury. The process uses a barrier discharge to oxidise cost of electricity by only 4% (Rubin and others, 2001).
mercury to mercuric oxide, NOx to nitric acid and SO2 to
sulphuric acid. The products of the oxidation are captured in
a wet ESP system (US DOE, 2001a). 5.5 Comments
Granite and others (2000) have demonstrated that, in There are a large number of different approaches being
simulated flue gases at least, mercury can be evaluated for mercury control from coal-fired power plants.
photochemically oxidised by 253.7 nm radiation. More Most of these are being developed in the USA where it is
research is under way. likely that they will be required by many plants to comply
with imminent legislation. Since one of the major
Once trapped in the FGD waste, the mercury does not appear considerations for mercury control is the cost, many research

36 IEA Coal Research

Specific controls for mercury

Table 15 Cost effectiveness of control technologies for utility boilers, for 90% reduction of mercury
(Nelson, 2000)

Mercury control option Carbon usage, Cost effectiveness, Cost effectiveness,

g C/g Hg mils/kWh $/lb Hg $/kg Hg

AC* injection,
975 MWe plant 34,200 100,000 1.82 5.58 22,100 67,700 10,025 30,709

Spray cooler, AC injection,

fabric filter, 975 MWe plant 460 9,400 1.43 2.10 17,400 25,400 7,893 11,521

Spray cooler, AC injection,

975 MWe plant 460 30,000 0.40 2.19 4,940 26,500 2,241 12,202

Carbon filter bed,

975 MWe plant – – 2.70 NA† 32,700 NA† 14,833 NA†

Carbon filter bed,

high sulphur coal,
975 MWe plant – – 3.1 NA† 37,800 NA† 17,146 NA†

AC injection,
100 MWe plant 17,200 100,000 1.16 5.71 14,200 70,000 6,441 70,000

Spray cooler, AC injection,

fabric filter, 100 Mwe plant 460 12,600 2.09 3.15 27,700 38,600 12,565 17,509

* AC activated carbon
† NA not applicable

groups are working on enhancement of existing pollution

control systems rather than the development of potentially
more expensive retrofit systems. For example, mercury
capture in particulate control devices can be enhanced by
cooling the flue gases. If this does not provide adequate
mercury capture then more advanced particulate control
systems such as AHPC or COHPAC can be used. These
systems are more suited to cope with the added particulate
loading which will arise if sorbents such as activated carbon
are injected. Although previously the injection of activated
carbon or other sorbents was considered the most popular
method for mercury control, this approach creates many new
problems, such as increased solid wastes, and is generally

More recently there has been a move towards the alternative

approach of oxidation. Since oxidised mercury is relatively
easy to capture in existing pollution control devices,
oxidation techniques will enhance total mercury capture at a
reduced cost and with the minimum of plant re-structuring.
Many different approaches are under development and, since
they are all in the relatively early stages of development,
there is no clear indication of which approach is most
appropriate. Despite the considerable amount of work under
way to determine the single most promising method for
mercury control, it is likely that the best approach will vary
from plant to plant and from coal to coal.

Mercury – emissions and control 37

6 Conclusions

Elemental mercury is a relatively stable species in the It is possible that, for some plants firing bituminous coal, the
atmosphere and therefore emissions of mercury contribute to combination of particulate controls, FGD and SCR systems
a global problem. The association between mercury in the may be sufficient to reduce mercury emissions by as much as
ecosystem and potential human ingestion through 90%. However, this will certainly not apply to all plants.
contaminated fish has led to an increase in international and Many plants will require that specific controls for mercury be
national monitoring of mercury. Despite large uncertainty applied. There are a large number of new techniques and
factors, it is evident that mercury emissions from developed technologies being developed for mercury control on coal-
countries are either stabilising or decreasing. However, fired plants. None has proven to be suitable for use on all
emissions from developing countries such as China are plants or all coals. The decision on which technology to
continuing to increase. apply at each plant will depend on the individual plant
characteristics and also on the cost. The cost of mercury
In developed countries best practices are limiting the use of control will depend on what pollution control systems are
mercury and, as a consequence, emissions from industrial currently in place on each plant and whether the mercury
sources and waste treatment are becoming minimal. As a capture in these systems can be enhanced. At some plants,
result, coal combustion is becoming the dominant source of adjustments to the operation of existing pollution control
mercury emissions despite reductions in actual emissions devices may be enough to attain up to 90% mercury control.
from coal combustion in many countries. This will not be true for other plants. Each plant will need to
be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine which is
Although several international and national agreements and the most economically viable approach for mercury
related legislation include emission limits for mercury, none, reduction. For example, for those facilities which do not
as yet, require any specific action to be taken by coal-fired have FGD systems attached already, the use of a sorbent such
power plants. However, Canada and the USA are in the as activated carbon may well be the most cost-effective
process of deciding on the best form of legislation to apply option. However, there are a large number of different
directly to emissions from coal combustion. These are likely sorbents available and none has been consistently proven at
to require the retrofitting of specific control technologies for full-scale for all coals as yet.
mercury on some, if not all, large coal-fired units. The
European Community and countries such as Australia and Controls for mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants
Japan have established new programmes concentrating on will be required within the next decade in some countries.
evaluating mercury emissions with a possible view to setting The most likely approach will be a requirement for a
standards in the foreseeable future. minimum reduction in emissions (such as a 90% reduction)
or a capping of maximum emissions. Some plants will be
Prior to any decision on how to reduce mercury emissions able to comply with these limits with no further action but
from coal combustion, the US EPA sent out an Information many will be required to fit specific mercury control
Collection Request to obtain more data on actual emissions technologies. Although many technologies are being
from coal-fired power plants in the USA. The data that have developed for mercury control, including the enhancement of
been collected have allowed significant advancements to be existing pollution control systems, the variability of mercury
made in the understanding of mercury behaviour during chemistry between coals and between units will mean that it
combustion. It would appear that mercury behaviour varies is unlikely that any single technology will be applicable
with coal type. In general, bituminous coals produce more and/or successful on all plants. The decision on which
mercury in the oxidised state than subbituminous coals and technology to apply will be made on a plant by plant basis
lignite. This effect is often assumed to be due to the chlorine and will be largely determined by the type of coal burned and
content of the coal. However, although chlorine certainly the pollution control systems already in place.
plays a major role in determining the oxidation state of
mercury downstream, other factors such as NOx, oxygen and
calcium are also important.

Oxidised mercury is relatively easy to capture in existing

pollution control systems such as baghouses and FGD
whereas elemental mercury is not. The tendency for
bituminous coal to produce more mercury in the oxidised
form means that particulate control devices, especially
baghouses, are more effective for mercury control on plants
firing bituminous coals. It has also been shown that the coal
type is more important than the type of FGD system for
mercury capture and may also be the most important factor in
SCR effects.

38 IEA Coal Research

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