Target Ovarian Cancer Symptoms Leaflet 1 PDF

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Ovarian cancer symptoms Worried about your symptoms?

If you regularly experience any one or more of

these symptoms, which are not normal for you, it is
Persistent bloating
important that you see your GP. It is unlikely that your
Bloated symptoms are caused by a serious problem, but it is
tummy? Feeling full quickly and/or loss important to be checked out.
of appetite
Prepare for your GP appointment
Always Pelvic or abdominal pain (that’s your
• Track your symptoms using
feeling tummy and below)
our free ovarian cancer
full? Urinary symptoms (needing to wee more
Symptoms Diary (available in
print or as an app). Find it at
urgently or more often than usual)
• Find out about your family history. Tell your GP if
Occasionally there can be other symptoms: two or more relatives in your close family have had
• Changes in bowel habit (eg diarrhoea or constipation) ovarian or breast cancer
Tummy • Extreme fatigue (feeling very tired) What tests might your GP do?
pain? Needing
• Unexplained weight loss • If your symptoms are frequent and persistent your
GP should order a CA125 blood test
to wee Any bleeding after the menopause should always be
• They may also order ultrasound scans of your
investigated by a GP.
more? tummy and ovaries
Ovarian cancer symptoms are: What next?
• frequent – they usually happen more than • Ask your GP what the next steps are
12 times a month • Be persistent! Return to the GP or seek a second
• persistent – they don’t go away opinion within a couple of weeks if your symptoms
• new – they are don’t go away
not normal for you
Worried about © Target Ovarian Cancer

the symptoms of
This edition: July 2017
Next planned review: June 2020
To access our list of references please contact us.

ovarian cancer?
Target Ovarian Cancer is a company limited by
guarantee, registered in England and Wales (No.
6619981). Registered office: 2 Angel Gate, London
EC1V 2PT. Registered charity numbers 1125038
(England and Wales) and SC042920 (Scotland).

Remember Contact us

Target Ovarian Cancer is the UK’s leading

Cervical ovarian cancer charity. We work to improve
screening tests – early diagnosis, fund life-saving research and
sometimes known provide much-needed support to women with
as smear tests – ovarian cancer.
will NOT detect Our nurse-led Support Line provides confidential
ovarian cancer. Most cases
of ovarian cancer are information, support and signposting for anyone
diagnosed in women concerned about ovarian cancer.
“My tummy had become who have gone through
increasingly bloated over some the menopause. But
younger women can
months and I needed the toilet more. also get ovarian Support Line
cancer. 020 7923 5475
I finally visited my GP when I could only
The sooner
eat half a sandwich because I felt so
full. I had honestly thought there was
ovarian cancer is
detected, the easier
Just 20%
nothing wrong, I’d explained away each it is to treat. Survival
can be up to 90 per
symptom as a minor problem. cent for women in the of women are able to
UK diagnosed at the name bloating as a
My message is to know what is normal
earliest stage. potential symptom of
for your body, be symptom aware and ovarian cancer
visit your GP to get checked. It could
Other conditions Help us raise awareness
be nothing but that visit could such as irritable bowel by ordering and sharing
save your life.” syndrome (IBS) have
symptoms similar to
copies of this leaflet.
ovarian cancer but new Support Line: 020 7923 5475
Sue cases of IBS are very
unlikely in women over
the age of 50.



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