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Free LEED AP Exam Prep
Find members with green
Whether you are already a LEED Green Associate building and green
looking for a specialized certification that fits your business skills and
expertise or a green building professional looking for an experience.
opportunity for LEED accreditation, you can enhance your
career as LEED AP. Want to be listed on this
page? Join Poplar
LEED, short for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is
Network for only $99.99
the most popular green building rating system the most
popular green building rating system in the U.S. and globally. per year!


mohammed alzghool
Facility Manager
According to USGBC, we use 1.5 Earths to meet the resource needs madina
of everyday life. By the year 2030, we will need two planets. As of
2016, “more than 72,000 projects are participating in LEED across james mulhearn
150+ countries and territories, comprising over 13.8 billion square Project Manager
feet.” In fact, 88 of the Fortune 100 companies are already using Rancho Cordova, CA
LEED and “leaders around the world have made LEED the most
widely used third-party verification for green buildings." Compared to Kevin Gill
the average commercial building, LEED Gold buildings in the General Activist
Services Administration’s portfolio consume a quarter less energy East Brunswick, NJ
and generate 34% lower greenhouse gas emissions.” Read more
about the benefits of LEED here More »

As a LEED Accredited Professional, you will gain more specialized

knowledge of green principles and practices that will help increase
profitability while benefiting the environment. You can also help
project gain additional points in "Innovation Credit LEED Accredited
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LEED in India: Building

LEED AP Exam Basics a Greener Future

Register: Create an account on If you are an employee

of a USGBC member company, you should register through your Free LEED AP BD+C
employer to receive a discount on the exam. Once you have created v4 Exam Sample
your account, you can register here. Questions

Cost: For each full LEED AP Exam which includes LEED Green Free LEED AP v4
Associate domains as well as concepts specific LEED AP costs $400 Exam Study Tips
($550 for non-USGBC members). If you already passed the LEED
Green Associate Exam, you pay $250 ($350 for non-USGBC
More »
Scheduling: You can schedule the LEED GA exam at any time.
There are no pre-set dates because the exam is delivered to you at a
computer terminal at a local Prometric testing center. Prometric Q&A.
testing centers are available throughout the U.S. and globally.
Practice Questions for
Passing Score: You must answer 100 multiple choice questions with LEED AP BD+C
a passing score of 85% (170 out of 200). If you have not already
passed the Green Associate exam.
Content: It is a two Green Associate
(2) hour exam with
100 questions, as
described above. LEED AP ID+C Exam
However, the preparation
LEED Green
Associate exam
can also be part of More »
the more advanced
four hour LEED AP LEED AP Exam Prep
with Specialty
exam. For LEED LEED BD+C Exam
AP with Specialty Prep
exam takers, the LEED GA exam is the first two hour portion of the
four hour LEED AP exam process. If you are taking the LEED AP
exam and you are not currently a LEED Green Associate credential LEED ID+C Exam Prep
holder, you'll take the LEED Green Associate exam first. (Note: If you
do not pass the LEED Green Associate portion of the test during the
four-hour period, you will not earn the LEED AP credential).
LEED O+M Exam Prep
Language: The exams are available in English, French, Spanish,
Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic and Chinese.

Prerequisites: You must either currently be a LEED Green Associate

or plan to take both exams back-to-back. While you can take both
exams simultaneously on the same day, we actually recommend
avoiding this option. It may be information overload and extremely
overwhelming studying for two exams. Therefore, you should focus
on passing the LEED Green Associate Exam prior to studying for the
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LEED AP exam preparation process.

Moreover, a LEED AP, once accredited, must maintain 30 continuing

education credit hours for every two-year reporting period. Read
more here.

Questions: If you have any questions about preparing for or

registering for the exam, email us.

What's on the LEED AP Exam?

While each LEED AP Exam focuses on concepts specific to each
specialty, all of the LEED AP exams cover the same Credit

Credit Categories
• Location and
Transportation (LT)

The Location and

Transportation category
rewards project teams'
decisions about building
location with credits that
"encourage compact development, alternative transportation, and
connection with amenities, such as restaurants and parks" accoring
to the USGBC. The USGBC encourages project teams to utilize
existsing infrastructure and place the green building in an area that is
easily accessible by biking or walking to reduce CO2 emissions from
other forms of transportation. The project space should also become
a practical resource to the surrounding community and add to
community productivity.

• Sustainable Sites (SS)

The Sustainable Sites category rewards decisions about the

surrounding environment. The credits emphasize relationships
among "buildings, ecosystems, and ecosystem services." The project
site should become an efficient part of the existing ecosystem and
preserve the natural systems. Project sites are assessed for their
sustainability and should be developed to meet the SS standards.

• Water Efficiency (WE)

The Water Efficiency category focuses on indoor, outdoor, metered

and specialized use of water. The emphasis is on efficiency and the
need for water conservation. A reduction in potable water use is
rewarded and recognizes the use of nonpotable as well as alternative
water sources.

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efficient buildings that rely less on traditional energy sources and

more on clean, renewable sources.

• Materials and Resources (MR)

The Materials and Resources (MR) category focuses on reducing the

use of "embodied energy" and the impacts of "extraction, processing,
transport, maintenance, and disposal of building materials." This
credit requires improvment of overall resource efficiency in a life-cycle
concious approach.

• Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ)

The Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) category rewards project

teams for quality indoor air as well as thermal, visual, and acoustic
comfort. Green buildings with great indoor environmental quality
increase the health and comfort of building occupants which in turn
increases productivity.

• Innovation (IN)

The Innovation category focuses on the constant change and

imrpovement of design strategies. Building design strategies are
constanly improving and becoming more efficient. This caegory
recognizes innovative building design that helps improve the overall
condition of the space and environment.

• Regional Priority (RP)

The Regional Priority category encourages project teams to focus on

envrionmental factors and issues within their specific community. The
project should address issues within their community and help
improve the environment.

What's on the LEED v4 BD+C Exam?

exams along with
the LEED Green
Associate Exam is
comprised of two
key domains: Task
Domains and
Domains. Task
Domains reflect
tasks required to
implement LEED effectively and safely, including project and team
coordination, LEED certification process, analysis of LEED credits
that may be appropriate for a specific project, and the importance of
advocating for the LEED rating system. Knowledge Domains reflect
specific LEED credit categories, and what is necessary to know
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professionals and allows LEED APs to be directly involved in the

improvement of our current and future building standards. This
credential integrates technical and living systems, allows teams to
achieve high building performance, increased human health and
performance, and environmental benefits.

You can review exam detail in the USGBC LEED v4 BD+C Candidate
Handbook. Each part of the exam contains 100 randomly delivered
multiple choice questions based on the following Task and
Knowledge Domains.

Task Domains
LEED Project and Team Coordination (22%)
• Assess the applicability of a LEED rating system to a project
• Provide leadership to help determine applicability of specific LEED
credits to a project
• Match expertise of project team members to specific credits
• Identify the LEED-specific baseline project parameters from the
respective rating system (e.g., Full Time Equivalent, project area)
• Develop preliminary scorecard relative to project sustainability goals
• Support and encourage integrative design processes
• Be a resource for LEED credit achievement (e.g., provide
resources, training, tools, demonstrations of sample credits)
• Coordinate amongst multiple disciplines when attempting LEED
credit achievement
• Monitor and review project and team progress at appropriate
• Identify opportunities for integrative design and/or credit synergies
• Identify potential for costs incurred through LEED process

LEED® Certification Process (32%)

• Ensure compliance of minimum program requirements
• Select the appropriate LEED rating system for project scope
• Identify Regional Priority Credits
• Register the project using LEED Online
• Identify ownership (responsibility) for meeting prerequisites, credits
and/or strategies
• Access credit forms and templates through LEED Online
• Manage LEED template(s)/certification process in LEED Online
(e.g., review for completion)
• Identify the need or the roles for third parties, if necessary, to
complete the submittal process (e.g., commissioning agents, homes
provider, landscape architect, planner)
• Ensure production of documents necessary for LEED compliance
(e.g., drawings, policies, specifications, contracts, protocols)
• Coordinate and disseminate Addenda
• Submit technical questions to USGBC®
• Maintain the LEED scorecard
• Suggest and promote use of innovation credits
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• Manage a project’s LEED review process

Analyses Required for LEED Credits (32%)

• Verify technical work products of project team meet the intent of
LEED credits
• Identify synergistic credits
• Research green building products and strategies
• Identify project-specific strategies
• Understand value of energy modeling as a tool in the design

Advocacy and Education for Adoption for LEED Rating

System (14%)
• Communicate the values and benefits of green building (e.g. project
quality, consistency, building performance, staff retention, improved
user outcomes, marketing/branding opportunities) to stakeholders
(e.g., clients, regulators, employees, public)
• Communicate the benefits using LEED®
• Understand potential trade-offs for sustainable building strategies
• Identify basic categories of incentive-types for clients to implement
sustainable building practices
• Identify the need(s) for environmental and economic analyses for
green buildings (e.g., return on investment, triple bottom line, value
proposition for implementing strategies)
• Educate others (and self) knowledge Domains (BD+C specialty)

Knowledge Domains (BD+C Specialty) LEED Process

(8 Questions)
• Different avenues to achieve LEED goals (e.g. developing credit
interpretation rulings/requests, Regional Priority Credits, innovative
credit submittals, use of pilot credits, etc.)
• LEED system synergies (e.g., energy and IEQ; waste management)
• Project boundary; LEED boundary; property boundary
• Prerequisites and/or minimum program requirements for LEED
• Knowing the evolutionary characteristics of LEED (e.g. development
cycles of the rating systems, continuous improvement)

Integrative Strategies (9 Questions)

• Integrative process (e.g., energy and water discovery items)
• Integrative project team (as applicable per project type and phase -
architect, engineer, landscape architect, civil engineer, contractor,
facility manager, etc.)
• Value of collaboration (e.g., meeting on integrative green strategies)

Location and Transportation (9 Questions)

• Site selection
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• Access to quality transit - knowledge of access and quality

concepts/calculations ( e.g., accessibility to multimodal transportation
choices; quality transit; bicycle network)
• Alternative transportation: infrastructure and design (e.g., parking
capacity; bicycle storage and shower rooms; alternative-fuel fueling
• Green vehicles (e.g. fleet management, knowledge of
regionalization of energy sources for electric power
generation)Sources (e.g. central plants; distributed energy
(cogeneration); alternative fuels such as biodiesel, H2 fuel cells,
wood-chip gasification)

Sustainable Sites (9 Questions)

• Site assessment (e.g., topography, hydrology, climate, vegetation,
soils, human use, human health impacts
• Site assessment; site as a resource (Energy flows)
• Construction activity pollution prevention (e.g., soil erosion,
waterway sedimentation/contamination, airborne dust)
• Site design and development
– Habitat conservation and restoration (e.g., on-site restoration or
preservation; off-site habitat restoration; off-site habitat conservation;
native or adaptive vegetation; disturbed or compacted soils)
– Exterior open space (.e.g., amount of space and quality of
services; vegetated outdoor space, biophilia
– Exterior lighting (e.g., exterior light trespass and uplight;
consequences to the development of wildlife and people)
– Rainwater management (e.g., historical rainfall conditions, natural
hydrology, lowimpact development
– Heat island reduction (e.g., heat island effect; green roofs; solar
reflectance; roof and non-roof strategies)
– Joint use (such as joint parking, etc.)

Water Efficiency (9 Questions)

• Outdoor water use reduction: irrigation demand (e.g., landscape
water requirement; irrigation system efficiency; native and adaptive
• Indoor water use reduction:
– Fixture and fittings (e.g., water use reduction through fixtures
such as toilets, urinals; faucets [kitchen, lavatory]; showerhead)
– Appliance and process water (e.g., equipment types [i.e., cooling
towers, washing machines])
• Water performance management:
– Water use measurement (e.g., water meter(s); submeters; types
of water sources to measure; data management and analysis)
– Types and quality of water (e.g., potable, nonpotable, alternative
water sources)

Energy and Atmosphere (14 Questions)

• Building loads
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• Energy efficiency
– Assemblies/components (e.g., building envelope, HVAC,
windows, insulation)
– Operational energy efficiency (e.g., schedules, set points,
interactions between systems)
– Commissioning (e.g., commissioning authority (CxA); owner’s
project requirements (OPR); basis of design (BOD); monitoring-based
commissioning; envelope commissioning)
• Demand response (e.g., grid efficiency and reliability; demand
response programs; load shifting)
• Alternative and renewable energy (e.g., on-site and off-site
renewable energy; photovoltaic; solar thermal; wind; low-impact
hydroelectricity; wave and tidal energy; green power, carbon offsets)
• Energy performance management
– Advanced energy metering (e.g., energy use measurement,
building automation controls)
– Operations and management (e.g., training of staff, operations
and maintenance plan)
– Benchmarking (e.g., metrics used; proposed building
performance rating/ baseline building performance rating; comparing
building energy performance against similar buildings or historical
data; tools and standards [ASHRAE, CBECS, Portfolio Manager])
• Environmental concerns: resource and ozone depletion (e.g.,
sources and energy resources [oil, coal, and natural gas]; renewable
and nonrenewable resources; chlorofluorocarbons [CFCs] and other
refrigerants; stratospheric ozone layer)
• Energy model as a tool
• Process loads (e.g. elevator, refrigeration, etc.)
• Iterative optimization

Materials and Resources (12 Questions)

• Reuse
– Building reuse (e.g., historic building reuse; renovation of
abandoned or blighted building)
– Material reuse (e.g., structural elements [floors, roof decking],
enclosure materials [skin, framing], permanently installed interior
elements [walls, doors, floor coverings, ceiling systems]) Transit
oriented development (e.g. access to train, bus, multi-modal
• Life-cycle impacts
– Life-cycle assessment (e.g., quantify impacts; whole-building life-
cycle assessment; environmental attributes used in environmental
product declaration
• (EPD), Product category Rules (PCR); design for flexibility)
– Material attributes (e.g., bio-based, wood products, recycled
content; local, extended producer responsibility (EPR), durability)
– Human and ecological health impacts (e.g., raw material source
and extraction practices, material ingredient reporting)
• Waste
– Construction and demolition waste management (e.g., waste
reduction, waste diversion goals; recycle and/or salvage
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glass, plastics, and metals]; safe storage areas for batteries and
mercury-containing lamps)
• Environmental concerns of materials (e.g., where materials came
from, how they are used/exposures, and where they might
• LEED® Professional Candidate Handbook

Indoor Environmental Quality (11 Questions)

• Indoor environmental quality:
– Ventilation levels (e.g., natural vs. mechanical, outdoor air,
regional climate conditions)
– Tobacco smoke control (e.g., prohibiting smoking; environmental
tobaccos smoke transfer)
– Management of and improvements to indoor air quality (e.g.,
source control, filtration and dilution, construction indoor air quality,
airtesting, ongoing monitoring)
– Low-emitting materials (e.g., product categories [paints and
coatings; adhesives and sealants; flooring, etc.]; volatile organic
compound (VOC) emissions and content; evaluating environmental
• Lighting: electric lighting quality (e.g., tradeoffs [color, efficiency];
surface reflectance, types of fixtures)
• Daylight (e.g., building massing and orientation, glare, human health
impacts, illuminance)
• Acoustic performance (e.g., exterior and interior noise, background
noise, dead vs. live spaces)
• Occupant comfort, health, and satisfaction: controllability of systems
(e.g., thermal, lighting)
• Thermal comfort design (e.g., strategies to promote occupants’
productivity, and comfort, values of occupant satisfaction)
• Quality of views (e.g., connection to outdoor environment; direct line
of sight to outdoors)

Project Surroundings and Public Outreach (4

• Regional design (e.g., regional green design and construction
measures as appropriate)
• Cultural awareness, impacts and challenges, historic or heritage
• Educational outreach, public relations for the building

What to Expect from the LEEP AP Exams

The Tier II LEED
AP credential
affirms your
knowledge in green
building as well as
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are Building Design

+ Construction (LEED AP BD+C), Homes (LEED AP Homes), Interior
Design + Construction (LEED AP ID+C), Neighborhood Development
(LEED AP ND), and Operations + Maintenance (LEED AP
O+M). Before taking any exam on the previously listed topics, you
must have already passed the LEED Green Associate exam. As
mentioned, you can gain multiple specialties, but we recommend
studying for one at a time.

Compared to the LEED Green Associate Exam, the LEED AP exam

questions tend to be more challenging and requires more
memorization of content from the 800+ page USGBC Reference

Studying for the LEED AP exams is different from that of the LEED
Green Associate exam. As we have established, the LEEP AP exam
is more difficult than the LEED Green Associate Exam. It covers more
specialized information and requires you to memorize more material.

While we recommend studying about 30-40 hours for the LEED

Green Associate Exam, we recommend you take double the amount
of time for the LEED AP exam. Note, however, that this is an estimate
and may vary depending on your prior knowledge regarding the
subject matter and how fast you can retain the information.

Since the passing score is 85%, we recommend studying until you

can pass the practice tests with a 95-100%. Being able to pass a
practice exam with a score above 95% will almost guarantee your
success on the actual exam. Being able to score this high means that
you not only mastered the key concepts for your LEED Specialty but
you are also acclimated to the style and format of the test questions.

Also, for detailed tips on how to pass the LEED AP v4 exam,

see LEED AP study tips.

Sourch Material for the LEEP AP Exams:

When studying for the LEED AP Exams, it is beneficial to use
different strategies to help you learn new information and memorize
concepts. Study Guides, flashcards, visual and audio material as well
as study groups are helpful strategies for studying for the LEED AP

Source Material for the LEED BD+C Exam: 

Ultimately, the LEED v4 BD+C
exam tests your knowledge and
abilities to participate in the design
process, support the process of
green building, and help lead a
team towards certification. Even if
you are only planning to take the
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Associate exam material is heavily

weighted toward the LEED v4
Building Design and Construction
Reference Guide ($249.00), which is over 800 pages.

While you could review the 800+ page USGBC BD+C Reference
Guide, we also provide extensive study material which covers the
above Knowledge and Tasks Domains. Our LEED v4 BD+C Super
Study Pack with Project Experience ($129.99) includes a focused
LEED v4 BD+C study guide, 200 BD+C Exam Questions in Exam
Simulator format with detailed feedback, and LEED Project

LEED AP Super Study Packs

Our study material is designed to focus your attention on the sections

of the Reference Guide where 98 percent of the questions will come
from and will provide sample question similar to the actual exam.
Using an affordable, focused study guide will save you hours of time
and keep you from sorting through material that you won't be tested

Below you’ll find information about our Super Study Packs for LEED
BD+C, ID+C and O+M which include useful guides, full length
practice exams, and project experience information that will help you
prepare. For more information, click the icons below.

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If you are using one of our Super Study Packs mentioned above, we
recommend spending about 60% of your time using the Poplar Study
Guide, videos, flashcards and MP3s and 40% of your time taking
practice exams before test day. When taking the practice exams,
make sure to allot two hours to take the exam. This will prepare you
for the actual exam.

24 Concepts you Should Know

While the Task and Knowledge Domain lists are extensive, there are
key concepts that we have consistently found on the LEEP AP
exams. This list is essential to know for every LEED AP exam.

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Free LEED AP Practice Test Simulator

Practice tests are one of the most effective ways to
prepare for the exam. The passing score on the
LEED AP exams is an 85%.

On your actual exam day, you will take the exam at

a Prometric Testing Center. You will not be allowed
to bring anything into the testing center with you.
However, the exam proctor will provide you with a
pencil or pen and something to write on, such as a
small whiteboard tablet or a piece of paper. You can
use this material to write down certain information that you need to
remember during the exam.

Once you have completed the sample exam below, you will receive a
copy of the answer key from us via email. It is recommended that you
keep taking the practice exams until you are comfortably scoring
between 95-100%.

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Memorization Strategies
Memorization is key in any of the LEED exams... Indeed, if you plan
on taking both exams in one sitting, you will have to memorize data
from hundreds of pages of information in the LEED Green Associate
and LEED AP specialty material.

To help you prepare, we have put together a handful of proven

strategies from our Memorization Guide that may help you retain as
much information as possible.

Learning Styles
While people can memorize things in a
variety of ways, you may prefer audio over
reading, or watching over listening, or a
combination of each. Considering how you
prefer to learn the LEED material will help
you make the most of your study time:

• Auditory: Auditory learners retain

information best by listening to others or
themselves recite subject matter.
• Visual: Visual learners retain information
best by viewing pictures, videos and graphs.
• Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic learners retain information best by doing
“hands-on” activities.

We offer study materials from study guides to mp3s and videos that
will benefit learners within each category.

Mnemonic Devices
Mnemonic devices can be silly and even illogical, but their main
purpose is to help you memorize information. The following examples
will help you memorize important and difficult LEED concepts.

ASHRAE 90.1: Energy and Lighting: LEED candidates are tested on

the ASHRAE standards on the exam but often struggle memorizing
each standard and its number. Here is an easy way to memorize this
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ASHRAE 55-2010 provides HVAC system performance requirements

that ensure thermal comfort for occupants. It is important for LEED v4
EQ Credit: Thermal Comfort.

When it is 55 degrees outside, it may be chilly in your home. You may

want to increase the temperature of your home’s heating system and
bundle up in your best winter gear to make sure your family stays
warm at night.

Both mnemonic device reference the ASHRAE standard number and

the topic of that standard while using information that you may be
familiar with and is easy to remember.

Acronyms are a specific type of mnemonic device that involves
creating a word or phrase out of a list of ideas, concepts, or things.
For example, Roy G. Biv stands for the colors red, orange, green,
blue, indigo and violet.

This can also work for memorizing fixtures and their baselines for the
Water Efficiency Prerequisite: Indoor Water Use Reduction Credit.

S.T.U.F.F 2.0: Showerheads (2.5 leq), Toilets (1.6 gpf), Urinals (1.0
gpf), Faucets (gpm for private /1.5 gpm for public), Fixtures. This
acronym standards for each fixture and 2.0 helps you remember that the
fixture must use 20 percent less water than the normal baselines for each

Memory Palace
The Memory
Palace is a
technique used by
experts to
associate known
ideas with
unknown ideas.
The "Palace"
comes from the
fact that people
naturally and subconsciously memorize spatial information.

For instance, think about how well you know you know every detail in
your home or office space. The Memory Palace utilizes this effortless
ability to remember spatial information by associating unfamiliar items
with a place you are familiar with. For example:

LEED requires the recycling of paper, corrugated cardboard, glass,

plastics and metals. You can memorize LEED requirements for
recycling using the Memory Palace. Imagine you are sitting in a
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figurines. Then, a person dressed up in a bear costume holding a

sign for a local toy store pulls a metal bar stool out to sit and takes off
his bear head.

The more bizarre your imagined scenarios within your memory

palace, the easier the information will be to remember.

Brain Dump
Brain dumping is a
useful technique
that you can do
right before you
begin the exam.

During the actual

LEED Green
Associate and/or
LEED AP exams in
the Prometric
testing center, you
will be given a
pencil and scrap paper. You will also have approximately 5 minutes
prior to the test to write things down. Use this time to write down any
topics you want to remember (e.g. ASHRAE standards 90.1, 52.2,

The information will be there for you to reference, and you will not
have to worry about forgetting the information during the exam.

Free LEED BD+C Practice Test

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