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Metacentric height The vertical distance between G and M is referred to as the metacentric

height. The relative positions of vertical centre of gravity G and the initial metacentre M are
extremely important with regard to their effect on the ship’s stability. The ship is in stable
equilibrium if G is below M, in neutral equilibrium if VCG and M are coincident and in unstable
equilibrium if VCG is above M. If the metacentric height of a ship is small, the righting arms that
develop will be small. Such a ship is “tender” and will roll slowly. However, if the metacentric
height (GM) of a ship is large, the righting arms that develop, at small angles of heel, will be
large. Such a ship is “stiff” and will resist roll. It is advisable to avoid excessive values of
metacentric height, since these might lead to acceleration forces which could be dangerous to the
ship, its equipment and cargo. The metacentric height can become negative if the centre of
gravity is too high. Even with negative metacentric height, ships with certain forms can still find
a position of stable equilibrium at an angle of heel called angle of loll. The angle of loll should
be corrected only by lowering the gravity center. The moving masses transversally can endanger
the ship

Marine Insight Soumya Chakraborty in Naval Architecture 4 weeks ago Ship Stability –
Understanding Intact Stability of Ships The understanding of a surface ship’s stability can be
divided into two parts. First, Intact Stability. This field of study deals with the stability of a
surface ship when the intactness of its hull is maintained, and no compartment or watertight tank
is damaged or freely flooded by seawater. Secondly, Damaged Stability. The study of damaged
stability of a surface ship includes the identification of compartments or tanks that are subjected
to damage and flooded by seawater, followed by a prediction of resulting trim and draft
conditions. Damaged stability, however, cannot be understood without a clear understanding of
intact stability, and the interesting scenarios related to it. Hence, we will first focus on intact
stability from this article onward, leading to a discussion of cases where the application of
concepts of intact stability come of use and then move on to damaged stability.

Intact Stability of Surface Ships: The fundamental concept behind the understanding of intact
stability of a floating body is that of Equilibrium. There are three types of equilibrium conditions
that can occur, for a floating ship, depending on the relation between the positions of centre of
gravity and centre of buoyancy.

1. Stable Equilibrium: Study the figure below. A stable equilibrium is achieved when the vertical
position of G is lower than the position of transverse metacenter (M). So, when the ship heels to
an angle (say theta- Ɵ), the center of buoyancy (B) now shifts to B1. The lateral distance or lever
between the weight and buoyancy in this condition results in a moment that brings the ship back
to its original upright position.

2. Neutral Equilibrium: This is the most dangerous situation possible, for any surface ship, and
all precautions must be taken to avoid it. It occurs when the vertical position of CG coincides
with the transverse metacentre (M). As shown in the figure below, in such a condition, no
righting lever is generated at any angle of heel. As a result, any heeling moment would not give
rise to a righting moment, and the ship would remain in the heeled position as long as neutral
stability prevails. The risk here is, at a larger angle of heel in a neutrally stable shift, an unwanted
weight shift due to cargo shifting might give rise to a condition of unstable equilibrium.

3. Unstable Equilibrium: An unstable equilibrium is caused when the vertical position of G is

higher than the position of transverse metacenter (M). So, when the ship heels to an angle (say
theta- Ɵ), the center of buoyancy (B) now shifts to B1. But the righting lever is now negative, or
in other words, the moment created would result in creating further heel until a condition of
stable equilibrium is reached. If the condition of stable equilibrium is not reached by the time the
deck is not immersed, the ship is said to capsize.

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