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THE ARMORY VOLUME 1 an KEVIN DOCKERY A COMPENDIUM OF WEAPONRY FOR GAMERS. ‘ AND STUDENTS OF ORDNANCE EDITOR ELAINE ABBRECHT * ARTWORK BY Chmis CLOUTIER ASSISTANT EDITOR BOB SCHROEDER WITH A CONTRIBUTION BY MELISSA TONDU PHOTO PROCESSING DANIEL MOORE ‘COMPUTER ASSISTANCE VINCE TESSIER and PROOFREADER SUKY MORITA, ‘TMLASKO ‘VERMIN CONTROL, COMC RELIEF, AND FELINE TOLERANCE “FOOL” Printed tn the US WITH OUR HEARTFELT THANKS TO. oss Anderson, David Price, Sue Diokineon, Carol Cleveland, Maxwel! House Coftes, Town Club Pop, and the US Army sesh ee abe coon ANI weapons Tisted in this book are neaced with an efght umber cade broken into three groups. The coding 4s for easy cation of weagons and to simplify the addition of other weapons. The coding states the weapon type, coutry of origin, and year of adoption. The First group of two nunbers gives "the genera weapon type. In 2 weapon class, with Several subtypes there is also a letter suffix. o Pistols 02 Submachtneguns 3 Riftes 0% achinoguns 05 MisceTanecus seapons 05a Shotguns 058 Flanethroners 05¢ Grenade launchers 06 Heavy seapons 06k Mortars 068 Recofless riftes 0st 200m Camon’ o Reserved for future expansion 08 Grenades 8 Seal) ares amrunition The second tiree nunber group indicates the country that the weapon is native te. The countries are encoded on the following Vist: 000 Internationa 001 Afghanistan (002 Abente 003 Algerta (008 Aagota 005 Argentina 006 austratta 007 fastria 008 Bahrain 009 Bangladesh O10 Barbados OU Belgium 012 Benin 013 bolivia 018 brazil 015 brunet 016 butgarta 017 uma 018 rnd 019 Cameroon (020 Canaca 021 has 022 cite 023 China (People's Repub tic) 024 colubta 025 congo 026 costa Rico 027 Gaba 028 Cyprus 029 czechostovatia 030 Dermark 031 Dontntcan Republic 032 Eesador 033 Egypt 034 EY Salvador 035 Etntopta| 036 Fintand 037 France 038 Gabon 039 cana 040 Gemany (KAZE or ear fer) O81 Germany (Federal Repusl¥e) 042 Gemany (Democratic Republic) 043 Ghana 048 Greece 045 Guatorete 046 Guinea O47 Guinea-Bissau 048 Guyana 099 vaste 050 Honcuras 1051 Hong Kong 052 Hungary 053 Incta 054 Indones ta 56 Iran 056 Iraq 057 Ireland . 058 Israel 089 Italy (060 rvory coast 61 darwin 62 Japan 063 Jordan 64 Kanpuchea 065 Kenya 066 Kores (iortn) 067 Korea (South) 068 Kanai 069 Laos 70 Lebanon O71 Liberte O72 Libya 973 Lexbourg 074 Macogasear 075 Matawt 076 Malaysia O77 Mat 078 Maur tanta 079 Mexico 080 Hongo sa 081 Morocco 082 Wozarbfqve 083 Hepat 034 Netherlands 058 New Zeatans 96 Wicaragua 087 Niger 088 Nigeria 089 Horvay 050 dnan (091 Pakistan (082 Panama 083 Papua New Guinea 096 Paromay 095 Peru 086 Philippines 037 Polena 088 Portugal 099 quatar 100 Rrovesta (iababve end) 101 aeraria 102 panda 103 sau rata 104 Senagat 105 Sierra Leone 106 Singapore 107 Soralta, eee 108 South Africa 109 Spain 110 Set Lanke M1 Sudan 2 Seeden Ua Suitzertond 114 Syria 1s Tatan 116 Tanzanse 407 Thattand 118 Too> 119 Torga 120 Trenskes 121 Trinidad and Tobago 122 Tunisia 123 Taree) 124 Uganda 125 Unton of Soviet Soctalist Republics (Russia) 126 united Arab Enirates 127 sou thabs 128 oubat 129 Ras a) Kanan 120 Sharjah 131 United Kingdon (Britain) 192 United States of Anmrca (America) 138 Upper Volta 134 Uraguay 135 Yenezvela 135 Vietran (orth) 137 Vietnan (South) 138 Yeren (orn) 159 Ymon (South) Mo Yupostavie 14 Zaire 142 Tata ‘The Yast three rusber group indicates the First year the specific model of weapon becane avafTable (ate adopted. On ‘Weapons that vere adopted in the same year a letter suffix 4s placed after the number group on subsequent neapons. Example: 03132-9700 This coding indicates the following: (3 The weapon 48 a rifle, 132 + The native coutry 15 the Untted states, 970a = Te weapon was first available tn 1970 and 1s the second apn show Yor that year. Pistos A pistol is generatly considered to be any hand weapon ‘that ‘can be aines and! fired. with one hand, Early. hand annons pressec ‘this defiettion with their long filers being held under the arm anc the ted of a second hard to hold the atch Indeec, the very few examples stitl in existence indicate that hand weaons were very, rere in the arly days of Firearas, With the invention of the wheeTlock, true one hand pistols were possiole to make, tut were stitl relatively a rich fan's tay. With the advent of the Flintlock, pistols necane ‘neh more comson than they had been previously. The pistols! small size anc conventence mage them very popular with travellers in the more rural areas, Pistols were sso of Great interest to the cavalry troopers, as it gave them a ‘irearm wich they could fire from horseback, allowing then to compete with the footsoldiee's muskets, The invention of the revolver greatly fncreased the popularity of handguns, especially in the Anerican est. Ine revolver, a cylinder contains te anmunttion supply and rotates to Tine up ‘fresh round each tine the henner s cocked. In the single faction revolvers, the nanner must be cocked back manually feach time the woapen 1s to be fired. In the later, double faction pistols, he hammer could be manually cocked or, & Yong pull of the trigger would Tift and fire the hanmer. ‘The self loading pistol, wrongly called an automatic, as developed at the close of the 190N century. In the self Noader, the amounition {is carried in a magazine and the force of the fired rouné operates the action of the weapon, reloading ¢ fresh rowd. True automatic pistols continue to ‘ire as Tong as the trigger 1s held. They are covered under ‘Sstmachineguns. SEES 01-000-299 NAME Tannenburg Hand Cancon MME QUTIVE) Tannenburg buchse ‘TPE Early (German) camonTock pistol UATE ADOPTED. 1399 CAL ITam Levi S2/.z7em E-FACTOR 6 WUZILE VEL 400 foe Mr (EMPTY) 12385 WT (LOADED) 1.268k9 FF RWG 20m RK RG 1260 “TYPE OF FIRE Single stot, muzzle loader RATE OF FIRE 3 rpm FEED DEVICE 1 round (ba1T and Toose powder) FEED DEVICE MT O33kg per round (289 ball, 59 powder) BASIC LOAD 50 rés (25k powder, 2g baIT) LOW0 WT kg This. 1s one of the very eerTiest “handguns® that can be ceurately dates. The weapon vas found during the 1240's tn the ruins of an infanous roober-barons castle in Tamerburg Germany. The castle vas known to have been Teveled in 129% ‘The weapon 1s effectively a small cannon on the end of & wooden shaft. The weapon would be loaded with loose poxder, Sx 33 calber Toad balls (when possible), and with wadding holding Tt alt in Loose powcer at the touchhote would be ignited with a burning cord (stowmatch), or hot wire to fire the ge. 01-000-520 AME VheeT Tock pistol TYPE Early vetioce pistol DATE ADOPTED c, 1520 AL Ina LENGTH 57.7em EFACTIR 6 HURDLE VEL 450 fos wr xT) Lang WT (LOADED) 140g EFF ANG 35m AKG 134m TYPE OF FIRE Single shot, muzzle loader PATE OF FIRE 2 rpm FEED OEVICE 1 round (balT and Toose powder)

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