اقبال کے شعری تجربات PDF

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155 Abstract Allan Iqbal came Convard to wake his nation up ftom the deep and. perilous shurber and seved 4 fiom acute obliviousness through his life giving poetry. His portiy wes so profound with the reinvigorated message thet his neticn soon got the evercherished dream of independence materidized, Though Iqbal's main aim was to infuse a new spirit through his verses in the heart of the Musiim ofths oubcontinest, yot he did not ignore the thotorie boautise in hie peetyy. His composition is excellent from all respect of rhetotic. Iqbal wae very much familiar with mucie and he employed bie knowledge in bis poetic expression too. This article is an effert to revisit hythnie componente of labale poctry which helped make hie poetry popular among His nation, doers. vr Steet Ee PEP cen VL SNL afi agat Som E bet bgt B at 1S ee L Paw L MA ie LE Fs Sa, "a regular repeated Is Sz Fig th Burret (bey "a regular pattem of wsipattern of sounds or movements'(5) mA forLe changes or evans") “ad food SHE be F beta oF aE Fos Flay oi OY os,” wes bP? "In verse or prose, the movement or sense of movement communicated by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables and by the duration of the syllables. In verse the rhythin depends on the metrical pattern. In verse the rhythm is regular, in prose it may or may not be regulas."(10) "Rhythm in language is the natural “swing', or altemation of some quantitative differences (siress, duretion, pitch, silence) that accompany al low of meaningful sound. As emotion is manifested, the rhythm tends to grow more pronounced; the contrasts hecome more noticeably accentuated or more regular in their recurrence, tending toward maeter..."(I1) “The pattern of sounds perceived as the recurrence of equivalent ‘beats’ at more or less equal intervals. In most English poetry, underlying rhythm (commonly a sequence of four or five beets) is manifested in a metrical pattem— a sequence of measured beets and ‘off beats’ arranged verse lines end goveming the alternation of stressed and

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