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IIT Delhi

APL 102

Strengthening mechanisms
Concepts: Sessile disl., flow stress, grain size- & solid soln.- hardening, Hall-Petch relation

Lecture 36
IIT Delhi Fracture toughness Strengthening Mechanisms

y1 large hardening
y0 small hardening

Sessile dislocation in an FCC crystal
IIT Delhi

 Energetically favourable reaction

Imagine two Frank-Reed (FR) sources

1 are operating on two
[1 1 0]
1 2 non-parallel planes
[ 0 1 1]
[10 1 ]
(1 1 1) Leading dislocations from
( 1 11) 2
two FR sources meet at [110]

( 001) [110]

(001) not a favourable slip plane (CRSS is high)

The dislocation is immobile or sessile
Sessile dislocation a barrier to other dislocations
IIT Delhi

creating a dislocation pile-up

Sessile dislocation (barrier)
Leading dislocation

Glissile dislocation Trailing dislocation

(1 1 1)

( 1 11)
Piled up dislocations
Pile up creates back pressure on FR source which could also cease at some point
Empirical relation for strain hardening or
IIT Delhi

work hardening

 0  A 
 is the shear stress to move a dislocation in a crystal with
dislocation density 

o and A : empirical constants

o is base stress: stress required to move dislocation in absence of any
other dislocation
Flow Stress behavior during strain hardening
 ,  , , T
IIT Delhi
Variables in plastic deformation
K → strength coefficient
n → strain / work hardening coefficient
Cu and brass (n ~ 0.5) can be given large plastic strain more easily as
compared to steels with n ~ 0.15
When true strain is less than 1, the smaller value of ‘n’ dominates over a larger value of ‘n’

¶ ln   ¶
n 
‘n’ and ‘K’ for selected materials ¶ ln   ¶ !,T

Material n K (MPa)
Annealed Cu 0.54 320

Annealed Brass (70/30) 0.49 900

Annealed 0.5% C steel 0.26 530

0.6% carbon steel
0.10 1570
Quenched and Tempered (540C)
IIT Delhi
Question for thought

Imagine a case of HCP crystal for strain hardening

Higher hardening?? Lower hardening??

Only one slip plane, dislocation motion will not be

interfered by dislocations on other planes: A case
of parallel slip planes
Key ways of improving the strength of materials..
IIT Delhi

Strengthening Mechanisms

 Work hardening or strain hardening or dislocation hardening

 Grain size strengthening or grain refinement

 Alloying or solid solution hardening

 Precipitation hardening or age hardening

IIT Delhi
2-D Defect: Grain Boundaries

Single Crystal Polycrystal

No Grain Boundaries Many grain boundaries

IIT Delhi
Grain Boundary
Grain 2

Grain 1

Grain boundary
Separates grains of different orientations
IIT Delhi Question for thought

How do grain boundaries contribute to strengthening?

Grain size Strengthening
IIT Delhi

 Grain boundary acts as a barrier to slip:

Discontinuity in slip plane across the boundary

 A dislocation cannot glide across a grain boundary:

Barrier “strength” increases with mis-orientation

 By decreasing grain size, we put more barrier in the path of moving

dislocations thereby the strength should increase
IIT Delhi
Discontinuity of a slip plane across a grain Boundary

Slip plane


Grain Boundary
Grain Size - Dislocation motion in Polycrystals
IIT Delhi 

 Slip planes & directions change from one crystal to


 τR will vary from one crystal to another

 The crystal with the largest τR yields first

 Other (less favorably oriented) crystals yield later

300 mm

Slip Lines on a polycrystalline piece of Cu

IIT Delhi
Question for thought
Which among the two will provide higher strengthening?

Coarse Grains Fine Grains

Grain size Strengthening
IIT Delhi

 Reducing grain size means more

barrier to slip

 Decreasing grain size not only

increases strength but it also
increases toughness of the material
IIT Delhi Question for thought

Do the yield strength depend on the grain size

of a material?
Hall-Petch relation
IIT Delhi

Hall-Petch equation - The relationship between yield strength and

grain size can be given as-

σy: yield strength

d : average grain diameter
σ0, k: constants for a particular material
σ0 : Yield strength of single crystal
Experimental Validation: Hall-Petch relation
IIT Delhi

70 Cu - 30 Zn
brass alloy

For ASTM Grain Size Number, N,

no of grains per inch2 at 100X is (n)
equal to 2N-1 i.e. n=2N-1

ASTM No. 1 would mean a grain size of 0.25 mm

Decreasing grain size

IIT Delhi
Grain Size Strengthening

IIT Delhi Question for thought
How to refine grain size--??

1. Solidification: Faster cooling rate

2. Cold deformation and annealing treatment:

Deformation in solid state and then followed by heat treatment

The above processes will be obvious when we will discuss phase

Key ways of improving the strength of materials..
IIT Delhi

Strengthening Mechanisms

 Work hardening or strain hardening or dislocation hardening

 Grain size strengthening or grain refinement

 Alloying or solid solution hardening

 Precipitation hardening or age hardening

IIT Delhi

Alloys are stronger than pure metals

Why alloys are stronger??!!

Solid Solution strengthening
IIT Delhi

What is solid solutions?

 Presence of solute in matrix/solution

 Mixture of two or more elements
 Solute atoms: a zero dimensional defect or a point defect
 Two types:
1. Interstitial solid solution
2. Substitutional solid solution
Interstitial Solid Solution
IIT Delhi

Distortion caused by a
Perfect Crystal
large interstitial atom
Substitutional Solid Solution
IIT Delhi

Small solute atom Large solute atom

Solute atom: a zero-dimensional point defect

IIT Delhi
Solid solution hardening
 Foreign atom distort the host lattice and generate the stress

Substitutional element of
Smaller and Larger size than
the host atom size
Compressive stress Tensile stress

 Interstitial or substitutional impurities cause lattice strain and interact with

dislocation strain fields thereby hinder dislocation motion

 Impurities diffuse and segregate around dislocation to find atomic sites more
suited to their radii: Reduces strain energy + anchors dislocation
IIT Delhi
Dislocation-Solute interaction

Smaller and larger substitutional impurities diffuse into strained regions around
dislocations leading to partial cancellation of impurity-dislocation lattice strains.
IIT Delhi
Factors controlling the stress required
1. Strain field intensity

1. Size difference
2. Relative elastic modulus

2. Concentration of solute

Size difference and concentration

go against each other
Example: Solid solution strengthening
IIT Delhi

Brass: Strength increases with wt% Zn

Empirical relation:  y ~ C 1 / 2
IIT Delhi
Effect of solute concentration on strength

200 Sn (1.51)
Be (1.12)
Matrix = Cu (r = 1.28 Å)
Yield Strength (Ma)

(Values in parenthesis are

100 atomic radius values in Å)

Zn (1.31)

0 10 20 30 40
Solute Concentration (Atom %) →
Solid Solution Strengthening
IIT Delhi

Solute Strains in the

atoms surrounding crystal

Strong Obstacle to dislocation

crystal motion

Alloys stronger than pure metals

IIT Delhi
APL 102
Minor 2 Solutions in Moodle

Class performance
Top mark : 54.5
Least mark : 3 !!
Average : 29.6
IIT Delhi

 Compensating Class: 31st October (Today) from 6:00 to 6:50 pm, LH 325

 Quiz 2: November 1st (Wednesday) @ 5:30 pm (Syllabus: Minor 1 & Topics

after Minor 2 till 25th Oct.)
LH 108 – Monday’s & Tuesday’s Lab groups
LH 121 – Thursday’s & Friday’s Lab groups
 Buffer lab: E-mail request to be given by 8th Nov.
- Will happen in the last week (13th to 16th Nov)
- only for students who missed due to medical/emergency reasons

 Updated Lab marks & Minor 1 & 2, Quiz 1 & 2 marks:

Will be uploaded by 3rd Nov. Last date for informing discrepancies 10th Nov.
E-mail with a picture of the mark (subject: Re: APL 102…)

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