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NAME: Joel Díaz Castillo.

CAREER: Ing. En Mina.

SUBJECT: Ingles.

TEACHER: Ada Isabel Viza Quispe.

1 introduction

In the following report I will present the problems that are constantly present in mining in the area of
transport, which are the tire cuts and cuts of high-tonnage trucks, which often suffer through the adversities
of our country.
2 Body

Daily the tires of trucks of high tonnage are in constant movement and friction with different surfaces
under extreme pressures, for which these conditions cause an increase of temperature in their interior and
pressure, since it affects their performance, wear and increase the risk of suffer cuts for any eventuality in
their berms.

Therefore, the above leads to a problem that has not been solved at present, which is specifically the
temperature where sometimes exceeds 80 °C inside.

In addition, in some tasks of our country the temperature lasts up to 3 hours a day at a high temperature
especially between the months from September to April. To lower the temperature and avoid the risk of
explosion and acceleration of tire wear. There are mining sites such as Minera Escondida that stop trucks
between 20 to 30 minutes daily when the temperature measurements exceed the safety limits, another
service is to water the tires constantly.

Likewise, the arrests of the extraction trucks have a significant financial impact, since every minute that
these teams are paralyzed directly affects the transported production and the operational income. In some
mining sites such as Hidden Mining the mere fact of having the trucks paralyzed reflects an important loss
of annual income of up to around $ 200.000 million dollars, if one controls the temperature and eliminates
the loss of air pressure, the tires improve their structural capacity, increases its useful life and avoid arrests
and their associated cost.
3 Conclusion

In this project, I managed to conclude that one of the factors to control is the
temperature, since it is an important variable on the wear and easy cause of cuts of high tonnage
truck tires, which measures have advantages and disadvantages, a of my most important measures
to control the temperature, is to stop the trucks for a certain period of time of twenty to thirty
minutes, which produces a financial impact, which affect the production costs and income that are
reflected in the long term in its annual costs, but when doing this measure the tire's useful life
increases and it is less likely to suffer cuts often.

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