Practical Guide To Get Your Work Done Without Paying Any Bribe

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Practical guide to get your work done without paying

any bribe
Government babus (officials) use different tactics to extract bribe. You may take the following
action to counter those tactics. These are very simple & useful. I have tried them with very
successful results.
(1) Indefinite Delay: They keep on delaying your work until you go to them & offer bribe.
Solution:  Don’t visit government offices. Follow up your pending work through letters. You may
send letters by courier, registered post or speed post. Local speed post costs only Rs 12/-.
Local couriers are available at Rs 5/-. You may also use RTI Act to know status of your work. In
this case you need to spend another Rs 10/-.
(2) Demanding unnecessary papers: Sometimes they demand unnecessary papers & give
hints that work can be done without those papers if you bribe.
Solution: If they can offer to do your work without additional papers with bribe, it means that
those papers were definitely unnecessary.  (i) Ask babus to demand those papers in writing and
record the conversation. (ii) Write a letter stating that you demanded these papers. Are they
really mandatory as per law?  You can also use RTI Act here. (iii) Use RTI Act to find out
whether he demanded those papers from other applicants. (iv) Whatever paper he demands,
send by post. Never deliver anything without receipt. 
Remember no officer will complete your work without mandatory papers. He will keep his file
perfectly clean.
(3) They advise you to pay bribe so that you pay less tax / penalties. Many times they
demand higher amount for penalties than prescribed under laws.
Solution:  (1) Check laws if you can (2) Record conversation & tell them that you are going to
report to Anti-Corruption Bureau.  (3) Use RTI Act to find out how much was paid by others
under similar circumstances.
(4) When the babu is not available in office.
Solution: Write a letter that I came to your office on say, 1st August at 11 AM but you were not
available. Your assistant Mr. Rama Rao told me to come again on 5th August.  This letter will
make him take special care of your work.
(5) If nothing works, try this.
When you don't have any option, record the conversation, pay money & get your work done.
After your work is completed, meet that babu and demand your money back. Tell him that you
are going to complaint, if he does not return your money. Tell him about Jago party. Take some
Jago pamphlet or advertisement copy with you. This will most likely make him return your
(6) Develop  the habit of complaining.
Whenever you see crime & corruption, send written complaints to head of that department, ACB
/ CBI, local newspapers & Jago Party.
(7) Don’t be submissive.
Call babus by their names. Don’t call them "sir". Be polite but don’t show unnecessary respect. 
Be firm and confident. Talk about RTI Act & Jago party. Babus are always afraid of
knowledgeable people. 
These methods may sound unbelievable but try it at least once to discover their power.
Remember: Smallest action is much better than the noblest intentions.
Please forward this email to all your friends.
Deepak Mittal
Jago Party
A Movement Against Crime, Corruption & Reservation  
Phone: 040- 6633 0575

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