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Name: Era Mae S.

Barrios Schedule: 10:30-1:30



Education is an important medium of acquiring essential knowledge and skills. It is more

than just learning from books. It is an effort of the older generation to transfer their life wisdom to
their offspring.

In the sentence “Education is not filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”, I could say that
in traditional teaching-learning process, the teachers use the same learning strategies for all
students though they are different individuals who possesses different intelligence— the chalk
and talk, and basing the student’s assessment through one or two strategy tool and for me, that
is an example of filling a pail. Filling a pail with incompatible liquid to the students’ mind. Though
it is about education, the mind of the learners is attuned with different learning styles. According
to Howard Gardner, we have 8 different multiple intelligences, that’s why a learner could find
the traditional learning process effective or ineffective.

The overall sentence— “education is not filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire”, explains
that an effective education is not about putting all the needed information to the learners, it is
not enough. It is about making those information burning up to the students, giving life to the
student’s education. Inspiring them with learning until they reach the reality life, and that is what
this new curriculum is doing right now. Today’s curriculum is giving credits to those students who
not only excels in the traditional setting but also in different levels and that is making the learners
more inspired with education, and that is giving them light.

It means education is not just filling an empty bucket with water like matter or subject
which can be done by rut or reciting frequently but it should be sharp like a match stick to lit a
fire which in no time can engulf the litter of ignorance. The light drives away the darkness
instantaneously. The existence of darkness is merely the absence of light. Similarly, the illiteracy
is merely absence of the fire like sharp education which is driven away with literacy based skillful
& real education. Without fire no light can be created. That fire is created in a student by a
sharp & intelligent Master. So let us evolutionalise the pattern of education to create thunder
like students not log like inactive burden to the society. On the other hand, we have to produce
creativity minds not the dull heads with stock of subject piled up in the mind without common
sense or lateral thinking.

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