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Streptococcus identify test : camp catalase hipuric

Pregnancy false positive result: 1.ketonuria 2. Glycosuria 3. Haematoria

Ca 3 ,t.protein 6 ,na 139 ,k hemolysis , cl 102 ,calculation anion gap ?
Upper uti different lower uti ?
Rbc cast ?Which disease
Which antibody les reaction ?
Which Antibody reaction are same ?
Which antibody reaction AHG?
Which immunoglobulin antibody are highest? Alpha 1 alpha 2 beta gmma
0.25UL dilution total d/w volume 1ML and 1.50ML d/w what are the dilution
factor ?A.1:5 B.1:10 C.1:15 D.1:20
Camp test is doubtful- do other test (hippurate)
Decrease cd4 ? 1.high infected opportunistic pathogen 2.high immunoglobulin
4 hr chest pain ck-mb normal myoglobin normal troponin high ?
Progressive metamyolocyte ?
Intrinsic factor test ?
Pco2 80 ph 7.22 hco3 normal ?Respiratory acidosis
Gram stain after decolorization what seen ?1..gram positive pink
Hairy cell pic .
Na 110, k4.3,cl 105 ? Emergency call physician ,rerun na , no option
Pic calcium monohydrate acidic urine
Westgurd rule
Sudan 3 stain ?
10%koh use for ?
Aptt pt high, tt fibrinogen result -Dic
Normal csf result .
Different sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait ?
Bacitracin positive ,catalase coagulase camp bile esculin nacl negative ?
Multiple myeloma blood film pic .
Which test different between iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia minor?

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