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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan

UBE Bar Review

(888) 322-7274
BARBRI recommends using the online version of the Personal Study Plan™ (“PSP”) to make sure you are seeing the most up to date content. The printed version will not update to include
personalized homework that may be assigned. Go to and log in to your BARBRI account to access your online Personal Study Plan™. For technical issues, please contact
Tech Support at (877) 385-6238 or Tech Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The Personal Study Plan™ is your study schedule. You should use the assignments as a way to gradually get an understanding of the subject matter. Memorization of details will occur as you
continue to practice.


Before each substantive lecture, you will be asked to prepare for class. This exercise will vary for each of you, based on whether you’ve had the subject in law school, how much you remember,
and how comfortable you are with the materials. One of the ways that you can prepare before the substantive lecture is to quickly skim the table of contents for that subject in the CMR (Conviser
Mini Review) (or Multistate or State outline) and see if all the items look familiar. If they do, you can quickly skim the mini outline also. If there are things that are new to you or it’s a subject you
did poorly in during law school, you should read at a slightly slower pace. When you are looking at the outline, you are trying to do 2 things:

(1) You want to be familiar with the materials and have a frame of reference for the upcoming lecture. You are not trying to memorize. Memorization happens over time.

(2) You are looking to get an initial snapshot of what you already understand at a very basic level. Note or circle the things that you do not understand, so you can come back to those items after
the lecture to confirm your understanding.


After each lecture, you’ll be actively reviewing your notes for the subject assigned. What you want to accomplish during that time is:

(1) Review your notes and make sure that you understand, at a basic level, everything that you heard. You are not striving for memorization – that’s an ongoing process – but rather self-
awareness. What do you understand and where do you need to spend more time?

(2) Check your handout against what you circled in the outline you read before class. Do you now understand what you circled, at a basic level? If not, is it something the professor didn’t
mention or went over quickly? If that is the case, it may not be a regularly tested topic, so strive to pick up a basic understanding in the time you have remaining. If it’s something the professor
spent a great deal of time on, indicating you are struggling with something that is highly testable, open up the long outline (either the Multistate or State volume) and dig into the law at a deeper
level. The Multistate and State outlines are excellent reference tools, containing explanatory text and additional hypotheticals that can help you unlock your understanding of an area of law.


After completing the lectures for each subject, you will work through a series of black-letter law questions found in your online Personal Study Plan™ focusing on the concepts that are most
important on the bar exam. For Multistate subjects, you will also be given MBE questions to see if you can translate your understanding of the rules into correct answers on the bar exam. This
will enable you to measure the depth of your subject knowledge. Our system will then create personal homework assignments as needed based upon your understanding of key subtopics within
each subject.

One of the personal homework assignments you may be assigned is BARBRI AMP. BARBRI AMP is an interactive application that uses a proven method of test-learn-retest to build your
understanding of black letter law.

Essay Architect is assigned early on during your bar review studies. It is the first and only tool that gives you on-demand, step-by-step essay instruction as well as immediate feedback. Working
the Essay Architect exercise is the first step on the road to maximizing your essay score.
Writing out answers and outlining answers to essay questions and Performance Tests will help you master your essay writing skills as well as the substantive law. Whether writing out answers
under test-like conditions or outlining answers, always ask yourself the following questions when comparing your answers to the sample answers in the essay testing volume:
-Did my answer focus on the same primary issue(s)?
-Did my answer set out the same law as the answer in the essay volume?
-Did I use all of the same facts from the fact pattern?
-Did I focus clearly on one issue at a time?
-Did my answer progress logically from issue to issue in an organized way?
-Did I come to the same conclusion?

To submit a question to a BARBRI Attorney, simply click on the ‘Information/Help Center’ icon in the upper right corner of your online Personal Study Plan™.

Please note that substantive questions must specify which material the question is based on, such as 1) The page number and outline heading for the substantive issue(s); 2) MBE question or
essay number(s) if applicable; and 3) subject and page number of the lecture handout, if relevant. Please allow up to two business days for a response.

Please feel free to contact our office at 1-888-322-7274 or
BARBRI recommends using the online version of the Personal Study Plan™ (“PSP”), which will adjust daily based on your personal progress. For technical issues, please contact Tech Support
at (877) 385-6238 or Tech Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Personal Study Plan™ is your study schedule. You should use the assignments as a way to gradually get an understanding of the subject matter. Memorization of details will occur as you
continue to practice.

Please visit the Information/Help Center which can be accessed through the blue “i” icon in the upper-right corner of your Personal Study Plan (PSP). This page is updated constantly throughout
the course. Please make sure you check back frequently.

To submit a question to a BARBRI Attorney, simply click on the ‘Information/Help Center’ icon in the upper right corner of your online Personal Study Plan™.
Please note that substantive questions must specify which material the question is based on, such as 1) The page number and outline heading for the substantive issue(s); 2) MBE question or
essay number(s) if applicable; and 3) subject and page number of the lecture handout, if relevant. Please allow up to two business days for a response.

Please feel free to contact our office at 1-888-322-7274 or

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Handout Book
MEEH = Lecture Handouts
Outline Books
MEE = Outlines for MEE
CMR = The Conviser Mini Review for MEE - MBE
MS = Outlines for Multistate
Testing Books
MEET = MEE Testing
MPQ = MBE Practice Questions
MSE = Simulated MBE
MPT = Multistate Performance Test Workbook

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Monday, May 20 No Class

Tuesday, May 21 No Class

Wednesday, May 22 No Class

MBE Immersion - Day 1 Morning

Thursday, May 23
MBE Immersion - Day 1 Afternoon (Online Only)

MBE Immersion - Day 2 Morning (Online Only)

Friday, May 24 MBE Immersion - Day 2 Afternoon (Online Only)
Prepare for Torts

Saturday, May 25

Sunday, May 26

Monday, May 27 Holiday - No Class

Torts I Lecture
Tuesday, May 28 Power Advantage: How to Review Your Lecture Handout and Notes
Review lecture notes for Torts

Torts II Lecture
Review lecture notes for Torts
Wednesday, May 29 Torts Supplemental Topics Lecture
Prepare for Federal Civil Procedure
Rest and Recharge: Don’t Get Stuck

Federal Civil Procedure I Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Federal Civil Procedure
Torts Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
Thursday, May 30 AMP Torts: Negligence: Duty of Care
AMP Torts: Negligence: Breach & Causation
AMP Torts: Intentional Torts
AMP Torts: Negligence: Damages & Defenses

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Federal Civil Procedure II Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Federal Civil Procedure
Power Advantage: Why Use Essay Architect?
Friday, May 31
Essay Architect Torts: Complete online exercise
Torts Learning Questions Set 1 (8 Qs)
Torts Learning Questions Set 2 (8 Qs)

Essay Writing Workshop (Online Only)

Review Essay Writing Workshop notes, focusing on areas for improvement
Civil Procedure Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
AMP Civ Pro: Diversity Jurisdiction
AMP Civ Pro: Federal Question Jurisdiction
Saturday, Jun 1
AMP Civ Pro: Removal Jurisdiction
AMP Civ Pro: Pretrial Matters
Torts MBE Approach Tutorial
MPQ: Answer MBE Torts Workshop (25 Qs)
MBE Torts Workshop (25 Qs) Analysis Lecture

Rest and Recharge: Bar Review is a Marathon, Not a Sprint!

MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Torts Essay 2
Power Advantage: How to Review Essay Model Answers
Sunday, Jun 2 Torts Learning Questions Set 3 (8 Qs)
Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 1 (8 Qs)
Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 2 (8 Qs)
Prepare for Evidence

Evidence I Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Evidence
Torts Learning Questions Set 4 (8 Qs)
Monday, Jun 3 Torts Learning Questions Set 5 (8 Qs)
Civil Procedure MBE Approach Tutorial
MPQ: Answer MBE Civil Procedure Workshop (25 Qs)
MBE Civil Procedure Workshop (25 Qs) Analysis Lecture

05/28/2019 © BARBRI Page 5

2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Evidence II Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Evidence
Tuesday, Jun 4 MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Civil Procedure Essay 2
Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 3 (8 Qs)
Prepare for Contracts & Sales

Contracts & Sales I Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Contracts & Sales
Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 4 (8 Qs)
Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 5 (8 Qs)
Power Advantage: Why the First Graded Essay is Open Book
Wednesday, Jun 5
MEET: Write out & submit Torts Essay 1 for grading - Complete as an open book exam
Evidence Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
AMP Evid: Hearsay
AMP Evid: Character Evidence
AMP Evid: Impeachment of Witnesses

Contracts & Sales II Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Contracts & Sales
Thursday, Jun 6 CMR: Review the Torts Mini Review Outline
Evidence Learning Questions Set 1 (8 Qs)
Evidence Learning Questions Set 2 (8 Qs)

Contracts & Sales III Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Contracts & Sales
Torts Learning Questions Set 6 (8 Qs)
Friday, Jun 7 Torts Learning Questions Set 7 (8 Qs)
Evidence MBE Approach Tutorial
MPQ: Answer MBE Evidence Workshop (25 Qs)
MBE Evidence Workshop (25 Qs) Analysis Lecture

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Contracts & Sales Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
AMP Contracts: Offer & Acceptance
AMP Contracts: Conditions
AMP Contracts: Discharge of Duties
AMP Contracts: Performance & Breach
Saturday, Jun 8
AMP Contracts: Remedies
CMR: Review the Federal Civil Procedure Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write out and Self-Grade Evidence Essay 1
Evidence Learning Questions Set 3 (8 Qs)
Rest and Recharge: Remember to Get Some Sleep

Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 6 (8 Qs)

Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 7 (8 Qs)
Evidence Learning Questions Set 4 (8 Qs)
Sunday, Jun 9
Evidence Learning Questions Set 5 (8 Qs)
Contracts Learning Questions Set 1 (8 Qs)
Contracts Learning Questions Set 2 (8 Qs)

Contracts MBE Approach Tutorial

MPQ: Answer MBE Contracts Workshop (25 Qs)
MBE Contracts Workshop (25 Qs) Analysis Lecture
Torts Learning Questions Set 8 (8 Qs)
Monday, Jun 10
Torts Learning Questions Set 9 (8 Qs)
MBE Practice Questions Set 1 (9 MBE Qs) [EJT]
MPT: Read part 1 "Multistate Performance Test Skills"
ONLINE PDF: Review the MPT Primer

MPT Workshop (Online Only)

MPT: Review your MPT Workshop work, focusing on areas for improvement
MEET: Write out and Self-Grade Contracts Essay 1
Contracts Learning Questions Set 3 (8 Qs)
Tuesday, Jun 11
CMR: Review the Evidence Mini Review Outline
Power Advantage: Purpose of Answering Some Essays in Outline Form
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Evidence Essay 2
Prepare for Secured Transactions

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Secured Transactions Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Secured Transactions
Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 8 (8 Qs)
Civil Procedure Learning Questions Set 9 (8 Qs)
Wednesday, Jun 12 Contracts Learning Questions Set 4 (8 Qs)
Contracts Learning Questions Set 5 (8 Qs)
MEET: Write out and submit Civil Procedure Essay 1 for grading
MBE Practice Questions Set 2 (9 MBE Qs) [EJT]
Prepare for Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law I Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Constitutional Law
Secured Transactions Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
Thursday, Jun 13
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Secured Transactions Essay 1
Evidence Learning Questions Set 6 (8 Qs)
Evidence Learning Questions Set 7 (8 Qs)

Constitutional Law II Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Constitutional Law
Friday, Jun 14 MBE Practice Questions Set 3 (9 MBE Qs) [EJT]
Power Advantage: Tips on Performance Tests
MPT: Write Out and Self-Grade March v. Betts

Constitutional Law Knowledge Check: Answer online questions

AMP Con Law: Freedom of Speech & Assembly
AMP Con Law: Substantive Due Process & Equal Protection
AMP Con Law: Judicial Review
Saturday, Jun 15 CMR: Review the Contracts & Sales Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Contracts Essay 2
Evidence Learning Questions Set 8 (8 Qs)
Evidence Learning Questions Set 9 (8 Qs)
Rest and Recharge: Leverage Your Support Network

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

CMR: Review the Secured Transactions Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Secured Transactions Essay 2
Contracts Learning Questions Set 6 (8 Qs)
Sunday, Jun 16 Contracts Learning Questions Set 7 (8 Qs)
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 1 (8 Qs)
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 2 (8 Qs)
Prepare for Real Property

Real Property I Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Real Property
Monday, Jun 17 Constitutional Law MBE Approach Tutorial
MPQ: Answer MBE Constitutional Law Workshop (25 Qs)
MBE Constitutional Law Workshop (25 Qs) Analysis Lecture

Real Property II Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Real Property
Tuesday, Jun 18 MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Constitutional Law Essay 1
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 3 (8 Qs)
MBE Practice Questions Set 4 (9 MBE Qs) [EJT]

Real Property III Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Real Property
Contracts Learning Questions Set 8 (8 Qs)
Contracts Learning Questions Set 9 (8 Qs)
Wednesday, Jun 19
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 4 (8 Qs)
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 5 (8 Qs)
MPT: Write out & submit In RE Mistover Acres LLC for grading
Prepare for Criminal Law

Criminal Law Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Criminal Law
Real Property Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
Thursday, Jun 20 AMP Real Prop: Transfer of Title by Deed; Recording
AMP Real Prop: Land Sale Contracts
AMP Real Prop: Mortgages
Prepare for Criminal Procedure

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Criminal Procedure Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Criminal Procedure
Friday, Jun 21 Real Property Learning Questions Set 1 (8 Qs)
Real Property Learning Questions Set 2 (8 Qs)
MBE Practice Questions Set 5 (9 MBE Qs) [EJT]

Criminal Law & Procedure Knowledge Check: Answer online questions

AMP Crim Pro: Arrest, Search & Seizure
AMP Crim Law: Homicide Crimes
AMP Crim Pro: Miranda Rule
AMP Crim Law: Inchoate Offenses
Saturday, Jun 22 CMR: Review the Constitutional Law Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Constitutional Law Essay 2
Real Property MBE Approach Tutorial
MPQ: Answer MBE Real Property Workshop (25 Qs)
MBE Real Property Workshop (25 Qs) Analysis Lecture
Rest and Recharge: Find a Way to Manage Your Stress

Rest and Recharge: No Need to Panic!

Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 6 (8 Qs)
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 7 (8 Qs)
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Real Property Essay 1
Real Property Learning Questions Set 3 (8 Qs)
Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 1 (8 Qs)
Sunday, Jun 23
Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 2 (8 Qs)
MBE Practice Questions Set 6 (9 MBE Qs) [EJT]
AMP Torts: Products Liability
AMP Torts: Defamation, Privacy, Economic Torts
Read MS: Torts - Chap. IV.; Chap. VI.; Chap.VII.A.,B.
Prepare for Family Law

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Family Law Lecture
Review lecture notes for Family Law
Real Property Learning Questions Set 4 (8 Qs)
Real Property Learning Questions Set 5 (8 Qs)
Monday, Jun 24 Criminal Law MBE Approach Tutorial
Criminal Procedure MBE Approach Tutorial
MPQ: Answer MBE Criminal Law & Procedure Workshop (25 Qs)
MBE Criminal Law & Procedure Workshop (25 Qs) Analysis Lecture
Prepare for Wills

Wills Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Wills
Family Law Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Family Law Essay 1
Tuesday, Jun 25 Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 3 (8 Qs)
MBE Practice Questions Set 7 (15 MBE Qs) [EJT]
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 8 (8 Qs)
Constitutional Law Learning Questions Set 9 (8 Qs)
Prepare for Trusts

Trusts Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Trusts
Wills Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Wills Essay 1
Wednesday, Jun 26 Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 4 (8 Qs)
Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 5 (8 Qs)
MBE Practice Questions Set 8 (15 MBE Qs) [EJT]
MEET: Write out and submit Criminal Law & Procedure Essay 1 for grading
Prepare for Conflict of Laws

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Conflict of Laws Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Conflict of Laws
CMR: Review the Real Property Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Real Property Essay 2
Thursday, Jun 27 CMR: Review the Family Law Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Family Law Essay 2
Trusts Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Trusts & Future Interests Essay 1
Prepare for Agency & Partnership

Agency & Partnership Lecture

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Agency & Partnership
Conflicts Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Conflict of Laws Essay 1
Friday, Jun 28 Real Property Learning Questions Set 6 (8 Qs)
Real Property Learning Questions Set 7 (8 Qs)
CMR: Review the Wills Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Wills Essay 2
MBE Practice Questions Set 9 (15 MBE Qs) [EJT]

Agency Knowledge Check: Answer online questions

Partnership Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Agency & Partnership Essay 1
CMR: Review the Criminal Law Mini Review Outline
Saturday, Jun 29 CMR: Review the Criminal Procedure Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Criminal Law & Procedure Essay 2
CMR: Review the Trusts Mini Review Outline
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Trusts & Future Interests Essay 2
Rest and Recharge: See Success In Your Future

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 6 (8 Qs)
Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 7 (8 Qs)
MBE Practice Questions Set 10 (30 MBE Qs) [EJT]
CMR: Review the Conflict of Laws Mini Review Outline
MBE Practice Questions Set 11 (30 MBE Qs) [EJT]
Sunday, Jun 30
AMP Civ Pro: Trial Matters
AMP Civ Pro: Judgments and Appeals
AMP Civ Pro: Personal Jurisdiction
AMP Civ Pro: Venue
AMP Civ Pro: Discovery

Real Property Learning Questions Set 8 (8 Qs)

Real Property Learning Questions Set 9 (8 Qs)
CMR: Review the Agency Mini Review Outline
CMR: Review the Partnership Mini Review Outline
Monday, Jul 1
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Agency & Partnership Essay 2
MBE Practice Questions Set 12 (30 MBE Qs) [EJT]
Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 8 (8 Qs)
Criminal Law & Procedure Learning Questions Set 9 (8 Qs)

Simulated MBE (MSE) -- Test Introduction Lecture

Tuesday, Jul 2
MSE: Simulated MBE 200-Question Practice Exam (1-200)

MBE Practice Question Set 13 (14 MBE Qs)

Wednesday, Jul 3 Read MS: Evidence - Chapters II. A.-D., VI. G.
Read MS: Evidence - Chapters VI.B.3., V.B., C., III., VIII.

Thursday, Jul 4

MBE Practice Question Set 14 (14 MBE Qs)

AMP Contracts: Terms & Warranties
AMP Contracts: Parol Evidence Rule
Friday, Jul 5
AMP Contracts: Consideration
AMP Contracts: Defenses
AMP Contracts: Third-Party Beneficiaries; Assignments

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

**See note below about the Simulated MBE Analysis
Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis -- Evidence
Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis -- Real Property
Saturday, Jul 6
Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis -- Constitutional Law
Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis -- Civil Procedure
MBE Practice Question Set 15 (14 MBE Qs)


The Simulated MBE Analysis lectures are an important part of the BARBRI Simulated Multistate Bar Exam. MBE Experts will review each of the MSE questions by subject and provide you with
guidance and tips on how to handle actual MBE questions. You will review frequently recurring MBE sub-topics, fact patterns, and rules.

Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis -- Torts

Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis -- Criminal Law & Procedure
Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis -- Contracts
Sunday, Jul 7
Simulated MBE (MSE) Analysis - Individual Question Review (If Needed)
MBE Practice Question Set 16 (14 MBE Qs)
Prepare for Corporations

**See note below about Book Return Deadline

Corporations Lecture
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Corporations
MBE Practice Question Set 17 (14 MBE Qs)
Monday, Jul 8
Read MS: Constitutional Law - Chapters II., III.
AMP Con Law: Freedom of Religion & Association
Read MS: Constitutional Law - Chapters IV., VI., VII., IX.
AMP Con Law: Restrictions on Power Over Individuals


In order to receive the return of your refundable materials deposit, send all of your materials (except the Lecture Handout Volume, which does not need to be returned) along with the Material
Return Form to BARBRI Material Returns,2081 Hutton Dr. Suite 103 Carrollton, TX 75006 by August 31, 2019.

The required Material Return Form was shipped with your materials and is posted under in the “Information/Help Center” of the online Personal Study Plan on Please remember
to retain proof of shipment in the event your books get lost or damaged in shipment. Your deposit can be credited to the credit card used to pay your balance.

If you did not pay via credit card, an electronic payment will be sent via Chase Quick Pay, you will receive an email including a reference to BARBRI and your material deposit return from
Chase. Please confirm your email address on the Material Deposit Return form.

If you did not pay a Material Deposit you are not eligible to receive a refund of the Material Deposit. You can check your payment charges by clicking 'My Account' on, and then
'Print Invoice' on the right side of the screen.

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

MEEH: Summer Simulated Written Exam: Write Out Answers under timed conditions
Simulated Written Exam Analysis -- Question 1 (online)
Simulated Written Exam Analysis -- Question 2 (online)
Simulated Written Exam Analysis -- Question 3 (online)
Tuesday, Jul 9
Simulated Written Exam Analysis -- MPT (online)
Corporations Knowledge Check: Answer online questions
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Corporations & LLCs Essay 1
MBE Practice Question Set 18 (14 MBE Qs)

MBE Practice Question Set 19 (14 MBE Qs)

AMP Real Prop: Landlord & Tenant; Fixtures
Wednesday, Jul 10 AMP Real Prop: Estates and Future Interests
AMP Real Prop: Real Covenants & Equitable Servitudes
AMP Real Prop: Easements, Profits & Licenses

CMR: Review the Corporations Mini Review Outline

MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Corporations & LLCs Essay 2
MBE Practice Question Set 20 (14 MBE Qs)
Thursday, Jul 11
Read MS: Crim. Law Chapters VII. A., IX.- X.
Read MS: Crim. Law Chapters II., V. - VI.
Read MS: Crim. Proc. Chapters VI.D., VII.B.-D., XIII.-XIV.

MPT: Write Out and Self-Grade the MPT Practice Exam (Section V. in the MPT book)
Friday, Jul 12
Power Advantage: How to Approach Final Review

Review lecture notes for Torts

MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Torts Essay 4
Saturday, Jul 13 MBE Practice Question Set 21 (14 MBE Qs)
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Secured Transactions
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Secured Transactions Essay 4

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Federal Civil Procedure

MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Civil Procedure Essay 4
Sunday, Jul 14 MBE Practice Question Set 22 (14 MBE Qs)
Review lecture notes for Family Law
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Family Law Essay 4

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2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Evidence
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Evidence Essay 4
Monday, Jul 15 MBE Practice Question Set 23 (14 MBE Qs)
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Wills
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Wills Essay 4

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Contracts & Sales

MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Contracts Essay 4
Tuesday, Jul 16 MBE Practice Question Set 24 (14 MBE Qs)
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Trusts
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Trusts & Future Interests Essay 4

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Constitutional Law

MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Constitutional Law Essay 4
Wednesday, Jul 17
MBE Practice Question Set 25 (14 MBE Qs)
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Conflict of Laws

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Real Property

MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Real Property Essay 4
Thursday, Jul 18 MBE Practice Question Set 26 (14 MBE Qs)
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Agency & Partnership
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Agency & Partnership Essay 4

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Criminal Law

MEEH: Review lecture notes for Criminal Procedure
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Criminal Law & Procedure Essay 4
Friday, Jul 19
MBE Practice Question Set 27 (14 MBE Qs)
MEEH: Review lecture notes for Corporations
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Corporations & LLCs Essay 4

MEET: Practice Exam I: Write Out Answers under timed conditions

Saturday, Jul 20 MEET: Self-Grade and Review Answers to Practice Exam I
MPT: Write Out and Self-Grade State v. Tweedy

MBE Final Prep 100-Question Practice Exam (1-100)

Sunday, Jul 21
Review MBE Final Prep 100-Question Practice Exam explanatory answers

05/28/2019 © BARBRI Page 16

2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

**See note below about the Final Review
Rest and Recharge: Keeping It Real: Tips to Get You Past the Finish Line
CMR: Review the Torts Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Torts Essay 3
Monday, Jul 22 MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Torts Essays
MBE Practice Question Set 28 (14 MBE Qs)
CMR: Review the Secured Transactions Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Secured Transactions Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Secured Transactions Essays

This final pass-through of each subject is designed to have you review the law quickly and work additional questions and essays. During the final review period, you will cycle through all
subjects and practice outlining additional essays and answering additional questions. The most important component of this final review is the substantive law review, memorization, and
essay/question practice.

CMR: Review the Federal Civil Procedure Mini Review Outline

MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Civil Procedure Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Civil Procedure Essays
Tuesday, Jul 23 MBE Practice Question Set 29 (14 MBE Qs)
CMR: Review the Family Law Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Family Law Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Family Law Essays

CMR: Review the Evidence Mini Review Outline

MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Evidence Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Evidence Essays
Wednesday, Jul 24 MBE Practice Question Set 30 (14 MBE Qs)
CMR: Review the Wills Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Wills Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Wills Essays

05/28/2019 © BARBRI Page 17

2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

CMR: Review the Contracts & Sales Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Contracts Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Contracts Essays
Thursday, Jul 25 MBE Practice Question Set 31 (14 MBE Qs)
CMR: Review the Trusts Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Trusts & Future Interests Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Trusts & Future Interests Essays

CMR: Review the Constitutional Law Mini Review Outline

MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Constitutional Law Essay 3
Friday, Jul 26 MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Constitutional Law Essays
MBE Practice Question Set 32 (14 MBE Qs)
CMR: Review the Conflict of Laws Mini Review Outline

CMR: Review the Real Property Mini Review Outline

MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Real Property Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Real Property Essays
MBE Practice Question Set 33 (14 MBE Qs)
Saturday, Jul 27
CMR: Review the Agency Mini Review Outline
CMR: Review the Partnership Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Agency & Partnership Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Agency & Partnership Essays

CMR: Review the Criminal Law Mini Review Outline

CMR: Review the Criminal Procedure Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Criminal Law & Procedure Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Criminal Law & Procedure Essays
Sunday, Jul 28 MBE Practice Question Set 34 (14 MBE Qs)
CMR: Review the Corporations Mini Review Outline
MEET: Write Out and Self-Grade Corporations & LLCs Essay 3
MEET: Outline and Self-Grade Additional Corporations & LLCs Essays
Rest and Recharge: You Can Do This!

Monday, Jul 29 Rest and relax--you will do great!

Tuesday, Jul 30 Bar Exam Day - Best of Luck!

05/28/2019 © BARBRI Page 18

2019 Summer BARBRI Personal Study Plan
UBE Bar Review

Summer 2019 ASSIGNMENT

Wednesday, Jul 31 Bar Exam Day - Best of Luck!

05/28/2019 © BARBRI Page 19

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