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A Critical Review of Pentazocine Abuse


FOR almost a century, medical unpredictable and violent halluci-

sion to Sterling-Winthrop Labo-
science has sought an anal- natory effects on some patients, ratories of New York to market
gesic with the relative effective- these early research efforts stimu-
pentazocine under the trade
ness of morphine, yet one which lated the investigation of other name of Talwin. Talwin was al-
would not expose the patient to antagonists. most immediately praised in the
the possibilities of addiction. The Researchers at the Sterling- popular press as a "new pain-
early reports on pentazocine, a Winthrop Research Institute, killer" as effective as morphine,
benzomorphan analgesic, sug- New York, began an intensive as a drug which did not produce
gested that such a drug had been study of a family of compounds a tolerance requiring ever-increas-
developed. Unfortunately, subse- known as benzomorphans, and ing amounts, and as a nonaddict-
quent reports indicated otherwise. by 1961 had synthesized and ing drug that couild be safely in-
The development of pentazo- tested pentazocine (3,4). The cluded in emergency medical kits
cine can be traced to the early first empirical evidence of a defi- in such accessible places as fall-
1950's, when various researchers nite abstinence syndrome in out shelters and lifeboats without
demonstrated that the morphine human subjects during a direct danger of theft by drug addicts
antagonist, nalorphine, had anal- addiction study appeared in the (7-9). Almost as quickly, re-
gesic effects in man (1,2). Al- literature during 1964 (5). The ports began to accumulate con-
though the use of nalorphine as syndrome was, however, labeled cerning adverse reactions induced
an analgesic was abandoned al- as mild. During its 1965 session by this drug (10).
most immediately because of its in Geneva, the World Health Or- There is no question as to pen-
ganization's Expert Committee tazocine's analgesic properties.
Dr. Chambers is director of re- on Dependence-Producing Drugs Pentazocine apparently has a
search and Mr. Inciardi is deputy considered the available evidence more rapid onset of analgesic ef-
director of research, New York and concluded that there was lit- fect than does morphine but with
State Narcotic Addiction Control tle likelihood of abuse of penta- shorter duration (11). In tests
Commission. Dr. Stephens is stafl zocine, that pentazocine pre- for dosage effectiveness, the fol-
sociologist of the National Insti- sented no significant risk to pub- lowing characteristics have been
tute of Mental Health Clinical lic health, and that there was no reported when the drug was ad-
Research Center, Lexington. need at that time for narcotic ministered intramuscularly: a
Tearsheet requests to Dr. Carl D. control of pentazocine interna- 40-mg. dose of pentazocine has
Chambers, New York State Nar- tionally or nationally (6). In the analgesic effect of 10 mg. of
cotic Addiction Control Commis- July 1967, the Food and Drug morphine (12); when adminis-
sion, 1855 Broadway, New York, Administration of the Public tered orally, three times the intra-
N.Y. 10023. Health Service granted permis- muscular dose is required to have

July 1971, Vol. 86, No. 7 627

the same analgesic effect (13); that this is not universally true included the following significant
and 100 mg. of oral pentazocine (33,34). items indicative of its abuse po-
has the same analgesic effect as The Physicians' Desk Refer- tential:
100 mg. of intramuscular meperi- ence, the most comprehensive in- 1. Pentazocine in single doses
dine (14). In addition, sufficient formation guide on pharmaceuti- will produce a euphorogenic ef-
data exist to indicate that certain cal products for the medical pro- fect.
properties of pentazocine make it fession, first carried descriptions 2. Pentazocine produces a
an analgesic of choice in some of Sterling-Winthrop's Talwin in physical dependence with an ab-
situations (14-16). Other ques- 1968. Under the heading Ab- stinence syndrome that is asso-
tions concerning it, however, are sence of Addiction Liability, the ciated with drug-seeking behav-
not so easily answered. company advertised the drug as a ior.
From the beginning, the pro- non-narcotic and not subject to Little question exists as to pen-
fessional literature has contained narcotic controls. In the 1969 tazocine's abuse potential or that
a number of confusing contradic- edition, the heading was changed it produces a true addiction. Two
tions concerning the abuse poten- to Dependence Potential, but the questions do exist, however, con-
tial and adverse reactions to this non-narcotic claim was retained. cerning the abuse of pentazocine:
drug; and the drug companies, In the 1i970 edition, the heading who are the abusers, and what is
clinicians, and researchers have was changed to Drug Depend- the extent of the abuse? In the
become polarized on several is- ence, and all non-narcotic claims remainder of this paper, we at-
sues. An important polarization had disappeared (35-37). The tempt to clarify o index the
is between those who assert the contemporary advertisements by answers to these two questions.
basic nonaddictive nature of the Sterling-Winthrop for pentazo-
drug (5,9,17-21), and those cine emphasize that the drug is Abusers of Pentazocine Only
who are equally as convinced of an analgesic which may be effec- We have become aware of a
its drawbacks (22-25). There tively used instead of other nar- number of cases in which penta-
are those who insist that halluci- cotic analgesics without being zocine has been the only drug
nations rarely occur (26), and subject to narcotic controls. In- abused. Such abuse, for the most
those who present impressive evi- dicative of the widespread use of part, can be attributed to the
dence that hallucinations are in- the drug, pentazocine was re- ready availability of the drug and
deed an adverse reaction to even ported in 1970 to be one of the to the insufficient controls regu-
low doses of pentazocine 100 most prescribed drugs in the lating its distribution. The follow-
(10,27). There are reports that United States (38). ing case history of a pentazocine
the drug is free of psychotomi- Adding to the confusion and addict exemplifies this type of
metic reactions (28) and others the multiple contradictions in the abuser.
indicating that such reactions do literature is the statement that The 22-year-old white service-
occur (29). Those with vested most of the items are based upon man first encountered pentazo-
interests have insisted that al- either a vested interest on the cine in 1967 in the Philadelphia
though there are abusers of in- part of the writer or upon limited Naval Hospital, where he was re-
jectable pentazocine, there are no anecdotal experiences. A recent covering from a severe leg wound
abusers of the oral form (tablet) report of a series of controlled received in Vietnam. This man
of the drug (30). These persons experiments conducted at the Na- had received an estimated 50
are in conflict with others who tional Institute of Mental Health injections of morphine or meperi-
have presented case histories of (NIMH) Addiction Research dine or both per week during the
oral abuse and dependence (31). Center in Lexington should pro- initial 4 months of surgical pro-
And there persists a belief that vide a significant baseline for cedures to repair his leg. The
even though an ever-increasing comparing all previous and fu- narcotics were abruptly stopped
number of persons are abusing ture references to penta'.ocine after 4 months, and while he re-
pentazocine and becoming de- (39). That series of controlled portedly "wanted a shot" he was
pendent upon it, these persons experiments with human subjects in no discernible physical dis-
are somehow addiction-prone included single-dose studies for tress.
people who have misused other subjective effects, precipitation After being transferred to a
drugs (21,30,32). Documenta- tests, substitution tests, and di- ward of less intensive care for re-
tion is also available indicating rect-addiction studies. The results cuperation, he was approached

628 HSMHA Health Reports

Table 1. Incidence of pentazocine abuse in 3 pentazocine addicts with a total
narcotic addict populations of fifty 10-cc. vials of pentazo-
cine every week.
Pentazocine abusers
The patient maintained a sta-
Number Users and bilized dose of 10 cc. per day for
Group of Addicted Use only addicts
addicts approximately 6 months before
Num- Per- Num- Per- Num- Per- the pharmacist supplier ques-
ber cent ber cent ber cent
tioned the legitimacy of continu-
Total .................... 1,494 11 0.7 69 4.6 80 5.4 ing to use such high doses. The
patient was embarrassed at the
Narcotic Addict Rehabilita- confrontation and the implication
tion Act national program.... 1,096 11 1.0 61 5.6 72 6.6
Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation that he was an addict and de-
Program, Philadelphia ..... . 273 ............ 7 2.6 7 2.6 cided to reduce his daily dose.
Narcotic Addiction Control
Commission, New York During a brief attempt to de-
State ...................... 125 ............ I .8 1 .8 crease the dose, he ingested a
by hospital corpsmen to pur- was still paying $5 a day for the daily total of 650 mg. of propox-
chase a "shot" of pentazocine to increased dosage, the corpsmen yphene to alleviate any with-
drawal distress. After a few days,
reduce any residual pain and to were not always available to ad- he reverted to injections of pen-
get a "tremendous high," which minister the injections, and they tazocine at approximately the
would "alleviate the boredom of had taught him to prepare for same dose level of 10 cc. daily.
the ward." He rationalized in and complete the intramuscular While he would occasionally at-
three ways the illicit purchase injections into his thighs and
and use of the drug: (a) the arm. At approximately this tempt to replace the injections
with comparable oral doses of
physicians were no longer pre- phase, he was discharged from
scribing medication for him even the hospital for further recupera- pentazocine, the oral doses pro-
duced too much nausea to con-
though his leg still "bothered" tion at his home in a Philadel- tinue.
him; (b) he had not experienced phia suburb. At discharge, the To prevent further embarrass-
withdrawal distress from the corpsmen sold the patient a large ment by approaching the local
morphine and meperidine, and he number of syringes and vials of pharmacist, the patient began
knew both to be addicting drugs injectable pentazocine. In addi-
while he thought the pentazocine tion, the corpsmen provided him shopping for drugs at all pharma-
cies within a 30- to 40-mile
was not addicting; and (c) most with a number of prescription radius of his home. After approx-
patients sharing his ward were blanks and taught him how to
amputees who had been there for forge prescriptions for additional imately 3 months of hassling for
the drug, he finally admitted to
extended periods of time, had pentazocine. himself that he was an addict and
been using pentazocine for sev- Within 3 months after his dis-
eral months, and had reported no sought admission to a private
charge from the hospital, the pa- hospital specializing in the thera-
ill effects. tient had increased his daily dose
With this rationale, the patient peutic community approach to
to 10 cc. in 1 cc. injections. At the treatment of alcoholism and
began purchasing 1 cc. injections this level he was no longer re- all drug addictions.
of pentazocine from the corps- ceiving any euphoric effects and
men, who administered the drug was taking the drug solely to pre-
intramuscularly. Reportedly, vent the onset of withdrawal dis- Table 2. Sex and race distribu-
tion of 11 pentazocine addicts
there was no internal control of tress. He was able to obtain the at Lexington
the drug at this hospital, so the drug from pharmacists who did
drug was always available for not question his forged prescrip- Race and sex
purchase at $5 per 1 cc. tions. He was even able to find a cohort Number Percent
After 4 months of regular sympathetic pharmacist in his Total .......... 11 100.0
abuse of pentazocine, the patient local community who would refill
was injecting 1 cc. every 3 or 4 his prescription 30 to 40 times. White males ........ 7 63.6
hours during the day, but none White females 3 27.3
In fact, this pharmacist was pro- Black .......

males......... 1 9.1
during the night. Although he viding the patient and two other Black females .......0 -

July 1971, Vol. 86, No. 7 629

Table 3. Basic demographic characteristics of 11 pentazocine addicts at Lexington
Age Educa- Any Arrest
Race and sex (years) Residence Marital status tion illegal history
(grade) activity
White male .............. 19 Miami, Fla ............ Single .................. 12 Yes Yes
Black male .............. 21 Knoxville, Tenn ......... Married1 ............... 10 Yes Yes
White male .............. 25 Norfolk, Va ............ Married2.14............... 14 Yes Yes
White male .............. 27 Baltimore, Md .......... Separated' .............. 8 Yes No data
White female ............ 29 Louisville, Ky ........... Single .................. 15 No No
White male .............. 29 St. Petersburg, Fla....... Single .................. 8 Yes Yes
White female ............ 35 Richardson, Tex ......... Married' ............... 10 Yes Yes
White male .............. 37 Baltimore, Md .......... Married' ............... 14 No No
White male .............. 40 Indianapolis, Ind ........ Married' ............... 14 No No
White male .............. 46 Tuscaloosa, Ala ......... Married' ............... 10 Yes Yes
White female ............ 56 Tulsa, Okla ............ Separated' .............. 15 No No
1 Nonaddicted spouse. 2 Addicted spouse.
The patient was detoxified tempt to obtain a second supply mately 5 months and was re-
without the assistance of medica- of drugs. sponding very well to a treatment
tion. He reported his withdrawal He was arrested during this regimen that included long-term
symptoms as nausea but without second attempt. Although he was ambulatory detoxification with
vomiting, complete loss of appe- released on bail, the hospital re- small doses of methadone. This
tite, inability to sleep, constant fused to take him back for treat- technique had been demonstrated
sweating, and intermittent peri- ment. He became readdicted and, to be effective with abusers of all
ods of tenseness, nervousness, accepting the fact that he was an kinds of narcotics (40).
depression, and anxiety. After 9 addict, sought treatment at a Neither euphorogenic effects
days he illegally obtained a sup- Veterans Administration Hospi- nor withdrawal distress were per-
ply of pentazocine from a neigh- tal, where he was referred to an ceptible in this patient when he
boring pharmacy, which he in- outpatient clinic rehabilitating took the first 20 mg. tablet of
jected for 3 days until his supply narcotic addicts at the Philadel- methadone twice a day. The pa-
was depleted. He spent the next phia General Hospital. When we tient's daily dose was immedi-
4 days attempting to complete last contacted this patient, he had ately reduced to a 10 mg. tablet
detoxification before returning to been paying weekly visits to the twice a day, and again he did not
the same pharmacist in an at- outpatient clinic for approxi- experience withdrawal symptoms.

Table 4. Patterns of drug abuse of 11

Age Age at Years Primary drug of abuse and

Race and sex (years) first First drug of abuse Medical onset of method of use
abuse abuse

White male ....... 19 15 Codeine cough syrup ...... No .......... 4 LSD, oral.
Black male ....... 21 13 Methedrine .............. No .......... 8 Heroin, intamuscular,
White male . ... 25 16 Marihuana .............. No .......... 9 Morphine, intravenous.
White male ....... 27 13 Marihuana .............. No .......... 14 Cocaine, intravenous.
White female ..... 29 19 Phenmetrazine ........... Yes .......... 10 Codeine, oral.
White male ....... 29 16 Atropine ................ No .......... 13 Ritalin, intravenous.
White female ..... 35 18 Codeine ................. No .......... 17 Talwin, intramuscular,
White male ....... 37 22 Propoxyphene ............ No .......... 15 SeconaL oral.
White male ....... 40 32 Codeine ................. Yes .......... 8 PlacidyL oral.
White male ... . 46 34 Meperidine .............. Yes .......... 12 Dolophine, intramuscular,
White female ..... 56 50 Chlorpromazine .......... No .......... 6 Thorazine, oral.
' Lysergic acid diethylamide.

630 HSMHA Health Reports

At the daily dose level of 10 mg. pentazocine abuse is reminiscent and July 1970 in two facilities of
of methadone, the patient re- of the patterns of abuse which the New York State Narcotic
ported no drug craving and ex- have also been documented for Addiction Control Commission
hibited no drug-seeking behavior. propoxyphene, glutethimide, and (NACC).
Attempts to further reduce the meprobamate (41-47). Narcotic addicts of both sexes
daily dose resulted in both reac- were represented in the NARA
tions. Total abstinence, however, Abusers of Multiple Drugs and the NARP populations, but
remained the therapeutic objec- We were able to determine the the NACC population contained
tive, and this goal was reinforced prevalence of pentazocine abuse only male addicts.
by individual psychotherapy and in three divergent populations of The incidence of pentazocine
supportive counseling sessions, narcotic addicts. Specific ques- misuse among these known nar-
which his wife also attended. tions regarding any misuse of cotic abusers was found to be very
This patient reported that sev- pentazocine and the extent of low (table 1). Only 5.4 percent
eral wounded veterans in his hos- misuse were addressed to the fol- of the combined addict popula-
pital ward had used pentazocine lowing persons: tion had ever abused pentazo-
as much or more than he and that 1. All 1,096 narcotic addicts cine, and less than 1 percent had
he also knew several pentazo- consecutively admitted during the become addicted as the result of
cine-only addicts on the streets, period May 1967 through July this abuse.
but we had no means of ascer- 1969 to the NIMH Clinical Re-
taining the prevalence of this search Center in Lexington as Pentazocine Addicts
type of pentazocine abuse. As part of the Narcotic Addict Re- Eleven pentazocine abusers re-
demonstrated in this case exam- habilitation Act (NARA) na- ported that they had become
ple, the facts that the drug has a tional program. physically dependent on the drug.
euphorogenic effect, that there 2. All 273 narcotic addicts The data did not include the
exists a mistaken belief that it is undergoing detoxification or abuse doses that resulted in de-
nonaddicting, that there is a high methadone maintenance treat- pendence. Physical dependence
degree of accessibility, and that ment during December 1969 in was recorded for a patient when
there are inadequate regulatory the Narcotic Addict Rehabilita- he reported experiencing with-
controls on its distribution are all tion Program (NARP) at the drawal distress upon cessation of
combining to create a population outpatient clinics of Philadelphia use. All 11 addicts were in the
of addicted persons who will General Hospital. NARA population at Lexington.
probably become visible in the 3. All 125 narcotic addicts un- Addiction to pentazocine, at least
near future. As such, this type of dergoing treatment during June among these multiple drug abu-

pentazocine addicts at Lexington

Drugs other than pentazocine abused
Opiates tives Tran- Anti- Anti- Mari- Methe- Other Other
(not or quil- depres- hista- Heroin huana drine stimu- LSD' psychot- Glue
heroin) hypnot- lizers sants mines lants ogens
Yes. Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... No.. Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... Yes
Yes. Yes.... Yes.... No. ... Yes.... Yes.... Yes. ... Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... Yes
Yes. Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... No.. Yes.... Yes.... Yes. ... Yes.... Yes.... Yes. ... Yes
Yes. Yes.... No..
Yes.... No.. Yes... . Yes.. Yes.... Yes.... Yes. ... Yes.... No
Yes. Yes.... No..
No. ... No.... No. ... No.. No.. Yes.. No.. Yes.... No
Yes. Yes.... No..
Yes.... No. ... Yes.... Yes.. No.. No.. No.. Yes.... No
Yes. Yes.... No..
Yes.... Yes.... No.... No.... No. No. No. Yes.... No
Yes. Yes.... Yes.... No.. No.. Yes.... No.. No. No. No. No. ... No
Yes. Yes.... Yes.... No.... No.. No. ... No.. No.. No.. No.. Yes.... No
Yes. Yes.... Yes.... No. ... No.. No.... No.. No. No.... No. No. No
Yes. Yes.... Yes.... Yes.... No.. No. ... No... . No.. No. ... No.. No.. No

July 1971, Vol. 86, No. 7 631

sers, was overwhelmingly asso- onset age of 22.5 years (median, admitted trying heroin. All 11
ciated with white persons (table 17.0). While a legitimate medical had abused the sedative-hypnot-
2). onset was recorded for only three ics, 10 had abused tranquilizers,
In addition to the predomi- (27.3 percent) of the 11, a le- eight had abused a psychotogen,
nance of whites among pentazo- gally manufactured and distrib- four reported the use of LSD,
cine addicts, residence in the uted drug was the onset drug for five had smoked marihuana, five
South, above-average education, eight (72.7 percent). had abused some stimulant, three
above-average age, and intact All 11 addicts experimented had abused an antidepressant,
marriage were outstanding char- widely in the use of various three had inhaled glue, and two
acteristics (table 3). Four ad- drugs. Three addicts had abused reported that they had abused an
dicts denied ever having engaged seven of eight classes of drugs, antihistamine (table 4).
in any illegal activity, and the and all had abused at least three Both age of the abuser and age
lack of arrests tended to substan- separate classes of drugs. The at onset of drug use were asso-
tiate this denial. eight classes of drugs were nar- ciated with extent and type of ex-
The ages of these addicts cotic analgesics, sedative-hypnot- perimentation. The younger the
ranged from 19 to 56 years, with ics, relaxants-tranquilizers, stimu- addict at the time of this study
a mean of 33.1 years. Eight of lants, psychotogens, antidepres- and the younger at onset of drug
the 11 were or had been married, sants, antihistamines, and inhal- use, the greater was the number
and only one, a 25-year-old man ants. of drugs abused and the greater
from Virginia, had a spouse who Although the 11 pentazocine the abuse of the illicit drugs.
was also addicted. Formal educa- addicts had extensive careers in Detailed information was ob-
tions ranged from 8 to 15 years, experimentation, the primary tained about (a) the first drug
with a mean of 1 1.8 years. drug of abuse for eight or 72.7 and the first narcotic used, (b)
As drug abusers, the addicts percent was a legally manufac- the drug and the narcotic most
had been abusing some drug for tured drug. Only one addict, a preferred by the pentazocine ad-
an average of 10.5 years. The 21-year-old black man, reported dicts, and (c) the drug and the
age at onset ranged from 13 to heroin as the primary drug of narcotic most frequently abused.
50 years (table 4), with a mean abuse. Six of the 11, however, Pentazocine was not reported
Table 5. Drug histories of 11 pentazocine
Onset drugs Most preferred drug and method of use Most frequently
Race and sex Age
(years) First drug First narcotic Of all drugs Of the narcotic Of all drugs
White male.... 19 Codeine cough Codeine cough LSDi, oral....... Opium, smoked. . LSD', oral.
syrup syrup
Black male ..... 21 Methedrine ...... Codeine cough Oxymorphone, Oxymorphone, Heroin,
syrup intramuscular, intramuscular, intramuscular,
subcutaneous. subcutaneous. subcutaneous.
White male..... 25 Marihuana .. . Heroin .......... Morphine, Morphine, Morphine,
intravenous. intravenous. intravenous.
White male ... 27. Marihuana .... . Codeine cough Cocaine, Heroin, Cocaine,
syrup. intravenous. intravenous. intravenous.
White female... 29 Phenmetrazine .. Meperidine ...... Codeine, oral Codeine, oral.... Codeine, oral.
White male ... 29. Atropine ........ Codeine ......... Meperidine, Meperidine, Methylphenidate,
oral. oral. intravenous.
White female... 35 Codeine .... Codeine .... Pentazocine,. Pentazocine Pentazocine, J
intramuscular, intramuscular, intramuscular,
subcutaneous. subcutaneous. subcutaneous.
White male ... 37. Propoxyphene .... Propoxyphene .... No data ......... No data......... Secobarbital,
White male ... 40. Codeine ......... Codeine ......... No data ......... No data ......... Ethchlorvynol, oral
White male ... 46. Meperidine ...... Meperidine ...... Hydromorphone, Hydromorphone, Methadone,
intramuscular, intramuscular, intramuscular,
subcutaneous. subcutaneous. subcutaneous.
White female... 56 Chlorpromazine . Meperidine ...... Chlorpromazine, Pentazocine, Chlorpromazine,
oral. intramuscular, oral.
Lysergic acid diethylamide.

632 HSMHA Health Reports

Trade Names of Drugs Mentioned physically or psychologically de- among the 1,494 narcotic addicts
in Tables 4, 5, and 7 pendent on any other drug. (4.6 percent) who reported
Generic name Trade name Three of the 11 addicts named abuse of the drug, but extent and
Chlorpromazine .. Thorazine injectable pentazocine as the nar- duration were insufficient to be-
Ethchlorvynol........ Placidyl cotic they most frequently come addicted. While the abuse
Hydromorphone...... Dilaudid
Meperidine........... Demerol abused. Among the 11 addicts, of pentazocine among these pa-
Methadone........... Dolophine the incidence of injectable penta- tients was incidental to the domi-
Methylphenidate . Ritalin
Oxymorphone ........ Numorphan zocine as the most frequently nant patterns of abuse, some
Pentazocine.......... Talwin abused narcotic equaled that of characteristics of these abusers
Phenmetrazine........ Preludin
Propoxyphene ........ Darvon meperidine and was greater than warranted our attention. For ex-
Seco barbital .......... Seconal that reported for any other nar- ample, pentazocine abuse was
cotic. Regardless of which nar- not a local problem but occurred
cotic was abused most frequently, in 24 States and the District of
by any of the 11 addicts as either Columbia. The abuse of pentazo-
the first drug or first narcotic the intravenous technique of
they had abused (table 4). A injection was the exception cine was not equally distributed
among these 11 subjects. Only within race and sex cohorts but
56-year-old woman from Okla- was more frequently associated
homa (table 5) reported injecta- three patients had histories of ad-
ble pentazocine as the narcotic ministering their drugs intrave- with certain cohorts (table 6).
nously (table 4). We do not assume that the distri-
that she most preferred. A 35- butions in table 6 are fully repre-
year-old woman from Texas Most of the 11 pentazocine
(table 5) reported injectable addicts began the use of drugs sentative. All the New York State
during or after late adolescence NACC population, for example,
pentazocine as the narcotic drug were men.
and as the non-narcotic drug she with one of the legally manufac-
tured and distributed drugs. Only The study data suggested that
most preferred, and as the drug white male narcotic abusers,
she most frequently abused. This two patients had experimented
woman was the only pentazocine with marihuana as the onset drug much more frequently than any
(table 4), and only five had ever other race-sex cohort, also had
addict who had never become histories of pentazocine abuse.
tried marihuana. None of the 11
began drug use with heroin, al- Within the three addict popula-
addicts at Lexington though five (40.9 percent) tions studied, white males made
abused a narcotic as their first up almost half (47.8 percent) of
abused drugs and method of use drug. Two reported heroin as the the total pentazocine-abusing
Of the narcotic
narcotic they most frequently population. White persons of
abused, only one reported heroin both sexes more frequently were
.......... .Pentazocine, J as the most frequently abused of abusers of pentazocine than their
intramuscular, any drug, and only six (54.5 per- black counterparts.
Heroin, intramuscular, cent) reported that they had ever Ages of the 69 pentazocine
subcutaneous. used heroin. In fact, five of the abusers ranged from 18 to 56
Morphine, intravenous. 11 patients had never experi- years, with a mean of 29.1 years.
Heroin, intravenous. mented with marihuana, heroin, With reference to drug histories,
methedrine, LSD, or any sol- 39.1 percent began by smoking
......... ...Codeine, oral. vent-inhalant. This, however, was marihuana, 5.8 percent by sniff-
Meperidine, oral.
not so with the legal drugs. All ing glue, and 2.9 percent by
Pentazocine, J had abused the sedative-hypnot- "snorting" heroin. The remaining
subcutaneous. ics, and 10 (90.9 percent) had 52.2 percent began by abusing a
Meperidine, abused the tranquilizers. drug that was legally manufac-
subcutaneous. tured and distributed (table 7).
......... ...Meperidine, oral.
Abuse Among Narcotic Addicts Analysis of the first narcotics
intramuscular, The incidence of pentazocine ever abused by these 69 patients
subcutaneous. abuse that did not lead to addic- suggests a rather unique pattern
Pentazocine, J
intramuscular, tion also was ascertained within of onset. For example, 34.8 per-
subcutaneous. each study population. There cent began abusing narcotics with
were 69 users of pentazocine codeine or codeine-base cough

July 1971, Vol. 86, No. 7 633

syrups, and only 24.6 percent Table 7. Patterns of drug use among 69 narcotic addicts who abused
were initially exposed to narcot- pentazocine without becoming addicted
ics with heroin. The third most
frequently used narcotic at onset First drug First narcotic Most frequent
Drugs narcotic
was propoxyphene. Three pa-
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
tients (4.3 percent) were intro-
duced to narcotics with pentazo- Total .............. 69 100.0 69 100.0 69 100.0
cine. In all, 75.4 percent of the
69 pentazocine abusers began Narcotic analgesics:
Heroin ................. 2 2.9 17 24.6 38 55.1
their careers as narcotic addicts Morphine .............. 3 4.3 4 5.8 5 7.2
with one of the legally manufac- Meperidine ............. 5 7.2 6 8.7 10 14.5
Dilaudid .. .1 1.4 3 4.3
tured and distributed drugs. Once Dihydrocodeinone 1 1 .4
initiated, however, heroin became Dihydrocodeine ......... 1 1.4 . 1.4 .
Codeine' .... 13 18.8 24 34.8 4 5.8
the narcotic most frequently Dolophine ..... 1 1.4
abused by 55.1 percent of them. Paregoric ............... 2 2.9 3 4.3 1 1.4
Oxymorphone .......... 1 1.4 2 2.9 3 4.3
Frequency of heroin abuse was Pentazocine. . ................ 3 4.3 1 1.4
lower, however, than that which Propoxyphene .......3... 4.3 8 11.6 .
Sedative-hypnotics ......... 2 2.9 .
would be expected within this na- Relaxants-tranquilizers ..... 2 2.9 .
tionwide sample of narcotic ad- Stimulants ................ 4 5.8 .
Marihuana ............... 27 39.1 .
dicts (48). (Heroin was the most Psychotogens ...........................
frequently abused drug for 67.1 Inhalants .....4 5.8
No data ..... 2 2.9
percent of 2,213 addict-patients
admitted to Lexington and Fort 1 Codeine category includes cough syrups containing codeine.
Worth during 1965.)
atively infrequent. Among penta- female, and one white male, all
Comments and Discussion zocine abusers, however, the ad- under age 25) only one preferred
The incidence of pentazocine diction potential has been rela- the effects of the pentazocine.
abuse and addiction within the tively high. Of 80 abusers, 11 Lack of interest in pentazocine
general population is, of course, (15.7 percent) became addicted. among heroin addicts does not
hidden, but it exists and it proba- There are strong indications appear to be shared by the abu-
bly will increase with the in- that the street addict of heroin sers of narcotic "medicine." The
creased legitimate use of the drug does not perceive pentazocine as essential characteristic of the
for its analgesic properties, and a drug of preference, as a drug to concurrent nonheroin narcotic-
with the recent availability of a supplement his heroin, or as a pentazocine abuse is strikingly
preparation of the drug to be ad- drug for temporary maintenance. reminiscent of the dual patterns
ministered orally. At least among heroin addicts, of narcotic abuse isolated by Ball
Pentazocine abuse and addic- the unpredictable hallucinogenic, (49), and of the concurrent nar-
tion even among persons who are psychotomimetic, and antagonis- cotic-sedative patterns isolated by
poly-drug abusers have been rel- tic reactions associated with pen- Chambers (50), and Chambers
Table 6. Race-sex distribution tazocine undoubtedly detract and Moldestad (51).
of 69 narcotic addicts who also from this drug's euphorogenic Most available evidence de-
abused pentazocine without be- potential. This does not suggest, scribing the abusers of pentazo-
coming addicted however, that heroin addicts will cine (for example, the specific
Race-sex cohorts Number Percent
not try pentazocine. For exam- age-race-sex cohorts most deeply
ple, although our analysis rec- involved, the drug histories of
Total .............. 69 100.0 orded only one pentazocine abu- those involved, the techniques of
ser among the 125 NACC cases, administering drugs, and the geo-
White males ........ 33 47.8 our New York City street investi- graphic distribution of the abu-
White females ....... 14 20.3
Black males ......... 18 26.1 gators detected isolated or spo- sers) suggests that the greatest
Black females ....... 4 5.8 radic abuse of oral pentazocine. potential for abuse is within a
All white abusers 47 68.1

All black abusers.... 22 31.9 Of six detected concurrent hero- medical-medicine context. To
All male abusers .... 51 73.9 in-pentazocine abusers (four date we have found only a few
All female abusers .. 18 26.1 Puerto Rican males, one white instances where pentazocine was

634 HSMHA Health Reports

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CHAMBERS, CARL D. (New York State Narcotic Addiction Control Commission), INCIARDI,
JAMES A., and STEPHENS, RICHARD C.: A critical review of pentazocine abuse. HSMHA Health
Reports, Vol. 86, July 1971, pp. 627-636.
The accumulated clinical experience with pen- teristics. Four addicts denied ever having engaged
tazocine (Talwin) has been reviewed and the in any illegal activity, and lack of arrests tended
abuse potential and addiction liability of the drug to substantiate this denial.
has been assessed. The incidence of abuse of pen- The ages of these addicts ranged from 19 to 56
tazocine within the general population remains years, with a mean of 33.1 years. Eight of the 11
unknown. Case examples document the abuse of were or had been married, and only one, a 25-
this drug, however, and subsequent addiction to it year-old man, had a spouse who also was
by persons with no prior history of drug abuse. addicted. Formal educations ranged from 8 to 15
These persons have been introduced to the years, with a mean of 11.8 years.
euphorogenic effects of pentazocine within legiti- Ages of the 69 abusers of pentazocine ranged
mate medical-medicine contexts. The involvement from 18 to 56 years, with a mean of 29.1 years.
of narcotic addicts with pentazocine has been rela- With reference to drug histories, 39.1 percent
tively insignificant. The addiction potential among began by smoking marihuana, 5.8 percent began
those who reported using pentazocine, however, by sniffing glue, and 2.9 percent began by "snort-
was fairly high: 11 of 80, or 14 percent of all users ing" heroin. The remaining 52.2 percent began by
of pentazocine, reported that they became addicted abusing a drug that was legally manufactured and
to the drug. Extensive analysis of the drug histo- distributed.
ries of these addicts indicated that they were not Analysis of the first narcotics ever abused by
typical heroin addicts. They most frequently were these 69 patients suggests a unique pattern of
whites who abused a variety of "medicines." onset; 34.8 percent began abusing narcotics with
In addition to the predominance of whites codeine or codeine-base cough syrups, and only
among the pentazocine addicts, residence in the 24.6 percent were initially exposed to narcotics
South, above-average education, above-average with heroin. Three patients, or 4.3 percent of the
age, and intact marriage were outstanding charac- 69, were introduced to narcotics with pentazocine.

636 HSMHA Health Reports

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