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Class: Culinary

Unit: 8

Lesson Title: FCS Careers

Content Standard Alignment:

- Strand 4 - Students will identify various careers and professional standards in the Hospitality and
Food Industry.
- Strand 4, Standard 1 - Identify various career opportunities and educational requirements.
- Strand 4, Standard 2 - Apply employability skills as they relate to culinary professionalism.
- Strand 4, Standard 3 - Demonstrate or explain the various steps necessary to gaining

Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes:

- Student will design a brochure discussing the different careers available in the food and
hospitality industry.
- Students will understand the procedures when applying for jobs in these industries.
- Students will examine the skills needed for the jobs they might be interested in, in these

Relationship to Unit Structure:

- This semester we have been learning all these skills that are needed in foods kitchen, now we
are going to take those skills and talk about careers that we can use with what we have learned
thus far and ones that are available in the food industry.

Instructional Materials/Resources:

- Chromebooks


- Students can use possibly a STAR event for this, or a career exploration would be better would
help as well. In FCCLA it helps to know where you want to go to get an idea of where you should


- When students learn these skills, they will be able to explore the possibilities available to them
as they continue on in their learning in in FCS or other CTE programs with jobs available when
they are old enough to work. How can I make this better if possible or connect this to innovation
and entrepreneurship? How can we go and explore these jobs to see the application?


- Students will use chrome books to look up different careers.

Methods and Instructional Strategies
(Framework Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy)

Anticipated Student Misconceptions:

- I am not old enough to work, so why do I have to worry about what I want to do with my life

Concept Prerequisites:

Job applications

Workplace skills

Job interview skills

Thank you letter – follow up

Critical thinking/problem solving skills

Introduction- Anticipatory Set:

- Hello class, I need you to just take a seat and do the bell ringer quietly, you can take amongst
yourselves quietly after you are done but not until then while I do roll.

Lesson Activities:

- What are some things you are passionate about? What do you want to do with your life?
- What are some skills that we have learned in this class that can help you with your passions or

Careers Project:

- It is important that we know certain skills to help us as we get older and are beginning our
search of what we want to do.
- We will be doing a project with the chromebooks where I want you to look up a career you are
interested in that I have provided, and you will do some research on it and then make a
brochure and then present on it to the class later on in the week. I will give you this class period
to work on it and we will be working on it in class for one more as well.

Careers to research:
- Food stylist
- Food manager
- Food lawyer
- Health coach
- Restaurant designer
- Nutritionist
- Dietitian
- Food labeling specialist
- Food scientist
- Professional Chef
- Food writer
- Dietary Manager

If there is nothing here you don’t want to do, then you can go the more innovative entrepreneur route
and think of the many more opportunities that are available in this industry.

Wrap Up-Synthesis/Closure:

- It is important to know these skills not only for your future, but also because these are skills that
you will carry with you as you interview, and search for your true passions and find what it is
that you really want to do with your life as you continue forward. It may be in CTE, and it might
not be, and that is fine.

Assessment (Formative and Summative):

- Students will create a project that they will present talking about the careers available as well as
the jobs that they go and get when they are old enough to do so, and what it takes skills are

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