Spread-Spectrum Communication Techniques: by Tsui and Clarkson

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communication techniques
by T.S.D. Tsui and T.G. Clarkson
Spread-spectrum modulation can be used In spread-spectrum systems, the notions of ‘processing
in a radio system t o reduce the gain’ and ‘jamming margin’ are of importance as these are
performance measures of the system. Processing gain can
likelihood of intercept, as well as
be described in any spread-spectrum system as the
providing some protection against improvement gained by the system process, i.e. by
jamming and interference. These anti- bandwidth spreading, over conventional modulation
jam, anti-interference and low- techniques. Therefore at the receiver, the processing gain
probability-of-intercept properties are can be expressed as the ratio between the signal-to-noise
highly desirable in secured ratio (SNR) at the receiver output. where the signal has
been despread, to the SNR at the receiver input where
communication systems. In addition,
spread-spectrum signal appears. Thus.
spread-spectrum techniques have been
proposed t o combat spectral congestion SNR at receiver output
processing gain = (1)
by improving the efficiency of spectrum

SNR at receiver input

utilisation. Spread-spectrumtechniques
are also widely used in ranging systems In practical systems, a more convenient measure of
processing gain is the ratio of the spread RF bandwidth to
and in local-area networks (LANs) or
the information rate of the system,’ i.e.
other multiple-accesssystems. In this
article, the three main spread-spectrum
techniques are outlined and then
applications of frequency-hopping
systems and some of the techniques used However, this does not imply that the system can operate
in the presence of interfering or jamming signals whose
are described.
energy levels are in the order of the intended transmission
1 Introduction energy multiplied by the processing gain.
The figure of merit, or jamming margin, J is used to
In a spread-spectrum radio system, the information to be describe the capability of a spread-spectrum system to
transmitted is spread over a wide bandwidth such that it operate in such an unfriendly environment:
cannot be decoded by a conventional radio receiver. Only
those spread-spectrum receivers using the same code jamming margin = J =C,-SNR,,,,,, (3
sequence as the transmitter can despread the wide-
bandwidth signal back into the baseband, where the where SNR,,, is the minimum signal-to-noise ratio
desired information can be retrieved. Although a spread- acceptable at the receiver input.
spectrum transmission is more difficult to detect and to For example, consider a system with a processing gain
receive, privacy is not guaranteed by this modulation of 10 dB and a receiver demodulator requiring a minimum
process unless the codes used for spreading are input SNRof 10 dB so that an acceptable data error rate can
crytographically secure. Even more security can be be obtained. The maximum interference that can be
provided if further encryption coding is applied to the tolerated is therefore 10 dB over the message signal. Any
message. noise or interference levels higher than 10 dB will disrupt
Spread-spectrum communications may be defined’ ‘-‘as the communication link.
systems that possess these two characteristics:
2 Time hopping
the transmitted signal is spread over a frequency band
much wider than the minimum bandwidth required In the time-hopping (TH) spread-spectrum technique.
for the information to be sent, and signals are transmitted in short pulses whose intervals are
0 the spreading of the signal is achieved by encoding it determined by a pseudo-random code sequence. This
with a pseudo-random code sequence, otherwise technique seeks to accomplish uncertainty in the
known as pseudo noise (PN), which is independent of communication channel for any unintended receivcrs by
the information itself. varying the time intervals between transmissions.


modulating the message signal by a
pseudo-random spreading code
whose ‘chip’ rate is much higher
than the bit rate of the intended
The duration of a chip is therefore
equal to the period of the clock
which generates the pseudo-
random spreading code (Fig. 2).
The pattern of the chips is
determined by an information-
independent pseudo-random
s(r)= spreading pulses spreading code. The chip rate is a
I t function of the length of this pseudo-
1 -

0 I , n I I I I
random sequence. For a code ol 16
chips per bit, the chip duration
becomes T/l6 seconds and the
bandwidth for transmission is thus
16 times larger than the original
data bit rate.
At the receiver, signal
despreading is attained by
multiplication with. an identical
pseudo-random code, reversing the
process of encoding at the
transmitter, thereby reproducing
the baseband information.
Undesired signals which are not
synchronous with the reference
code at the receiver will also be
Fig. 1 Time-hopping signals in the time domain multiplied with the local code
Fig. 1shows a signal with a bit rate of 1/T. In each period replica and therefore spread to a bandwidth equal to that
of T seconds, there are T / r subdivisions. During each bit of the unwanted signal plus the bandwidth of the I”code.
duration, a subdivision (a ‘chip’) is selected at random by An IF bandpass filter with a passband equal to the
the spreading code, which is independent of the message bandwidth will reject asynchronous signals in
information, so that the intervals between successive the band. Some techniques for achieving correlation of the
pulses are vaned accordingly.The product signalx(t) is the receiver with the transmitted signal are discussed in
desired spread-spectrum representation which is Reference 6.
modulated for RF transmission. The transmission The signal-to-noise ratio improvement gained by
bandwidth is thus T / r times larger than the baseband spreading the message for transmission is the advantage
signal bandwidth since the PN code has a pulse rate of 1 / ~ . of using DS/SS over conventional modulation
TH in its simplest form employs a carrier with a constant techniques.
frequency. The transmission link is therefore easily
disrupted if a jamming signal is transmitted at that Processinggain in DS/SS
particular carrier frequency. In this respect, TH used as a The power spectral density function of a RPSK (binary
stand-alone system does not really offer the anti-jamming phase-shift keyed) direct sequence signal modulated by a
property usually associated with spread-spectrum carrier of frequencyf, has an envelope the form [ (sinr)/x12
techniques. This is because of the dilficulties in with nulls at integer multiples off,wheref, is the frequency
transmitting a signal with an extremely low duty cycle of the pseudo-random code. In general, the main lobe, i.e.
when the average power must be comparable with that of a null-to-null bandwidth, is considered the RF bandwidth,
jammer; the peak transmitted power must be P / s where P SW,,,of the DS system and is equal to twice the pseudo-
is the average power of the transmitter. If very narrow random code rate, i.e. SW, = 2 Xf,. An IF bandpass filter
pulses are to be transmitted, then not only is the peak with a passband bandwidth of 2 xf is used to reject the
power very high, but adjacent channel interference will be unwanted signals.
high and ringing of tuned circuits will cause severe Using Eqn. 2, the processing gain is therefore
intersymbol interference.
Go= BWXI.=2xR,-
3 Direct-sequence spread-spectrum ‘b

Direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DS/SS) is achieved by where R, is the PN code rate and Rhis the data bit rate.


- - _ _ ~ I-
A multi-user link can be established using LWSS, determined by an independent pseudo-random code. At
provided that the users sharing the same bandwidth use any instant, a carrier frequency is selected from a range of
pseudo-random codes that have low crosscorrelation predetermined frequencies known only to the system
properties to minimise inter-user interference. Unknown users. The communication link is therefore difficult to
users will appear as noise in the link and only if the exact disrupt if a jammer does not have any knowledge of the
replica of the PN code is available will their receivers be frequencies used or their hopping pattern. The usual
able to demodulate the incoming signal. The process by method of baseband modulation is binary or M-ary
which DS/SS transmissions can co-exist in the same frequency shift keying (BSFK or MFSK).
bandwidth is called code division multiple access In an FH system, the range of frequencies used can be
(CDMA). large and is dependent on the pseudo-random code used.
For a 13-stage m-sequence code, the number of possible
4 Frequency-hopping spread spectrum discrete frequencies is 2'" -1 = 8191. The total bandwidth
required is the product of the number of frequency
In the frequency-hopping spread-spectrum (FH/SS) channels and the frequency deviation of the modulating
technique, the message signal is modulated onto a carrier process. For a 8191 frequency channel FH system
with a hopping frequency. The hopping pattern is employing BFSK, with a frequency deviation of 25 kHz, the

0 f

-v -

PN sequence = p(f)
1- - - - I
-- - .........

-1 - - - I

' 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1

Fig. 2 information bit divided into chips in DS/SS

signals to an IF band so that asynchronous signals can be
rejected using an IF filter. These frequencies are matched
to the hopping pattern so as to down-convertthe incoming
message to the appropriate IF band. As with DS/SS, any
unwanted signal not correlated with the frequency-
hopping pattern will be despread to a much wider
bandwidth. The use of an IF bandpass filter rejects these
undesired signals before baseband demodukation takes

Processinggain in FH/SS
For conventionalmodulationtechniques using one fxed
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 frequency channel, an interferer need only transmit at that

I frequency

Fig. 3 Spectrum of an FH transmitter. The hop rate is

particular frequency to disrupt the communication link
completely. In FH/SS, if there are N frequency channels,
the jamming of a single channel will only cause a
degradation of data error rate by a factor 1/N. Thus from
4 kHz and six channels are shown at 4 kHz spacing. The
eqn. 2, the processing gain in a FH/SS system is equal to N,
centre frequency is 10 MHz and the horizontal scale
8 kHz per division. The vertical scale is 10 dB per division i.e.

transmission bandwidth - N x baseband bandwidth --

baseband bandwidth baseband bandwidth

Jammingsignals in FH
Consider an FH system with N = 100 frequency
channels. For an interferer to jam the transmission link
completely, its bandwidth will have to cover a significant
proportion of the frequency channels in use. By doing so,
the interferer’s effective power at any single frequency will
be decreased proportionately. In other words, a 20 dR
increase in power is required by the interferer if it is to
maintain the same level of interference at each of the 100
frequency channels. On the other hand, a narrowband
I l l l l l l l l l J
jammer in one channel can cause a relatively high error
rate of lo-’ for simple BFSK systems. The chip error rate
(CER) can be described as:
Fig. 4 Spectrum of an FH transmitter. The hop rate is
4 kHz and a six channel group at 8 kHz spacing is shown (4)
with the third channel suppressed. The centre frequency
is 10 MHz and the horizontal scale 8 kHz per division.
The vertical scale is 10 dB per division where C,is the number of jammed channels, i.e. where the
interferer’s power level is higher than the message signal
minimum bandwidth required would be over 200 MHz for power.
non-overlapping frequency channels. Fig. 3 shows the The power spectral density function of a narrowband
spectrum of a frequency-hopping transmitter using six jammer is shown in Fig. 5. The simplest way to combat this
channels at 4 kHz channel spacing and a hop rate of 4 kHz. kind of continuous wave (CW) jamming is by using a
The horizontal scale is 8 kHz per division and each vertical narrowband filter tuned to the jamming signal band,
division represents 10 dB. There is some frequency thereby providing a reasonable amount of noise rejection.
modulation on the transmitted signal as can be seen from Another countermeasure is to remove the jammed
the spectral lines spaced at approximately 0.8 kHz. Such a frequency channels from the frequency set.
system, where the hop rate and channel spacing are In the light of the above interference scenarios, some
similar, may be expected to suffer from greater adjacent other processes for transmission must be used to imprcve
channel interference than would an FH transmitter using the data error rate. One solution is to increase N, the
wider channel spacing. Fig. 4 shows the spectrum of a number of discrete frequencies used, so that the
transmitter using the same hop rate but with 8 kHz channel degradation due to a narrowband interferer will be reduced
spacing. but a wider bandwidth for the communication link will be
At the receiver, an identical PN sequence to the one at required if the channel spacing or frequency deviation
the transmitter is used by the local frequency synthesiser remains the same. In practice, noncontiguous, overlapping
to reproduce the carrier frequencies for down-conversion. frequency spacing can be used to increase the number of
Additional offsets are used to translate the synchronous channels within a limited bandwidth.


__ ~

Another way to improve the error rate is to increase the
number of hops per bit. For example, a bit of information
can be conveyed over three hop frequencies so that a
decision on the bit is only taken on the majority being
correct, i.e. 2 out of 3 bits are correct. Using this method,
the chip rate will have to be increased if the same
information rate is to be maintained. The limitation here is
the switching speed of the frequency synthesiser.
Another jamming scenario is that of an intelligent
jammer following an FH transmission by first detecting
which frequency is being used and then transmitting
interference at that frequency. The follower frequency Fig. 5 Narrowband jamming in an FH system
detector needs to cover a relatively wide band so as not to
miss out on the spread signal. Having found which hopping frequency carrier. As bandwidth spreading in a
frequency is in use, the interferer amplifies the received DS system is limited by the rate of the PN code, further
signal, mixes it with noise and retransmits it to the spectrum spreading can be accomplished by use of FH so
intended receiver. This is an effective jamming strategy in that when the DS signals are modulated onto the hopping
slow FH/SS systems. To combat this kind of jamming, a carrier, the signal energy would appear across a very wide
fast FH/SS system can be employed so that the frequency band. The spectrum of a DS transmission appears to be a
carrier will have hopped to another channel before the wideband pseudo-noise signal. The frequency spectrum of
jammer follower manages to detect and retransmit the a hybrid FH/DS system is shown in Figs. 6 and 7, where
signal. the horizontal divisions represent 100 kHz per division. In
For example, consider a FH system operating at 10 000 Fig. 6, a hop rate of 4 kHz is chosen over three channels
hops per second the distance covered by the transmission with a channel spacing of 100 kHz; the DS chip rate is 200
in each hop period is therefore approximately 30 km. If the kbit/s. For comparison, Fig. 7 shows the same transmitter,
follower jammer is situated 30 km farther than the but with 200 kHz channel spacing for the FH carrier.
intended receiver from the transmitter then, even if the One application of a hybrid system is to vastly increase
jammer is able to detect and respond to the transmission the spread bandwidth. Suppose a SS system intends to
instantly, the carrier used will have hopped to another spread the bandwidth to 500 MHz. Employing a single SS
frequency before the interference arrives. From this technique, it would re,quire either a 250 Mbit/s DS system
viewpoint, the faster the FH/SS system can operate, the or a FH system with 50 000 frequency channels at 10 kHz
more difficult it is for the transmission to be disrupted. spacing, for example. By incorporating both DS and FH
spread-spectrum techniques, the same bandwidth
5 Hybrid systems spreading can be achieved by using a 50 Mbit/s code
sequence and ten frequency channels at 50 MHz spacing.
Hybrid systems are used to overcome the shortcomings of It is clear from these figures that the hybrid designs do not
a single SS technique in certain applications. place the same demands on circuit speed as does a single
In frequency hopping and direct-sequence hybrid SS system of similar performance.
systems, the direct-sequence signals are modulated onto a Time and frequency hopping hybrids tend to be used

I 1 I I I 1
I I I l l 1 i' i i i i i i i i 1

Fig. 6 Power spectrum of a hybrid FH/DS system. The Fig 7 Power spectrum of a hybrid FH/DS system. The
hop rate is 4 kHz with channels spaced 100 kHz apart hop rate is 4 kHz with channels spaced 200 kHz apart
and the DS chip rate is 200 kbivs. The centre frequency and the DS chip rate is 200 kbiVs. The centre frequency
is 10 M H z and the horizontal scale 100 kHz per division. is 10 MHz and the horizontal scale 100 kHz per division.
The vertical scale is 10 dB per division The vertical scale is 10 dB per division


Fig. 8 Maximal length
sequence generators

most widely in situations where a large number of users false synchronisation and, if required, a long repeat period
with widely variable distances or transmitter power are to to make it difficult for non-authorised users to acquire
operate simultaneously using a single link. Simple coding synchronisation.
is usually used in these circumstances for its addressing The term pseudo-random is used to describe codes that
capability rather than for spectrum spreading. Although appear to be random but can be reproduced by
plain TH is easily disrupted, when used in conjunctionwith deterministic means. Pseudo-random sequences can be
other spread-spectrum modulation techniques in a hybrid broadly divided into two main categories: secure and
system the effectiveness of the overall system is nonsecure.
significantlyincreased. Maximal length sequences, more often called m-
When using direct-sequence modulation in a code sequences, are nonsecure codes and these have been
division multiple access (CDMA) environment as shown to be decipherable when a number of contiguous
described in Section 3, there may not be sufficient access bits (at least twice the number of stages in the shift
for each user due to the crosscorrelation properties of the register) in a sequence are known. Although m-sequences
codes used. Time hopping may then be used to create extra are nonsecure, they are often utilised for their linearity and
channel slots by time division multiplexing. bandwidth spreading properties in spread-spectrum
communication and ranging systems. Transmission
6 Pseudo-noise spreading code and security can be provided only if the message is also
synchronisation encoded with a cryptographicallystrong code.
Fig. 8 shows a simple configuration of a binary m-
APN sequence is used to encode data in a spread-spectrum sequence generator implemented using shift registers
system. An offset in the PN code between a transmitter and and modulo '2' adders. The outputs from selected delay
a receiver will dislocate the system completely until elements are added before being fed back to the first
synchronisation is acquired. The receiver will not be able stage. A '0'or a '1' at the multiplier determines which
to despread the incoming signals into the correct outputs are added. Since the generator relies on modulo
bandwidth, therefore they will be rejected by the IF filters '2'additions, the sequence will stay at zero if all the outputs
as noise. Therefore all spread-spectrum systems require are zeros, so this is a condition that should not be allowed
an initial synchronisation period to align the code to happen. An 'OR gate at the first stage input can be used
sequences. The pseudo-random code sequence used to inject a one to the sequence if required. The outputs
should therefore have low autocorrelation to minimise taken from each delay element therefore form an n-tuple
number which can be used, for cxample, in
channel selection of a frequency
synthesiser. For an n-stage sequence
generator, the number of n-tuple
combinations is therefore 2"-1, excluding
2"- 1
peak value = 2"- 1 Y L the all-zeros output.
In Fig. 8, the output of the sequence
generator forms a series of '0's and '1's. For
I j I ' A
an m-sequence, the longest code produced
1 bit 0 + 1 bit sequence offset at this output is 2"-1 bits, thus referred to as
a maximal length sequence.This code is also
periodicwith aperiod of (2"-1)xT, where Tis
the clock period of the shift register.
The autocorrelation function describes the
Fig. 9 Autocorrelation function of an ideal rn-sequence similaritybetween the sequence being tested



and its phase-shifted version. It can be expressed as the the scqucncc, then the receivcr continues to detect a signal
number of bits that agree minus the number of bits that each hop period.
disagree between the two sequences being compared. Fig. This technique has some drawbacks, however. The
9 shows the autocorrelation function for an n-stage ni- signal detected on the waiting frequency might be derived
sequence. The triangular form represents linrarity in the from a jammer. be random noise, or it might mean that the
function up to +1 bit shifts. The peak magnitude at zero transmitter has used this frequency -hut at some other
shift is 2”-1 because all 2“-1 bits of the two m-sequences point in the pseudo-random sequence. In these cases, the
agree. Because of the periodicity of the m-sequence, the receiver starts to hop. bur there is no correlation with the
autocorrelation will peak again at 2”-1 shifts when the transmitter. This is soon detected as the receiver will find
sequence repeats itself. that it is receiving no signal during many of the hop periods.
Since the autocorrelation function of an m-sequence In this case, the receiver will select another waiting
reaches a maximum at zero shift, not only can a spread- frequency and attempt to obtain synchronisation again. A
spectrum receiver easily detect whether the incoming more severe drawback is that the synchronisation of the
signal is genuine, but also the chances of talse transmitter’s and receiver’s codes might be missed if a fade
synchronisation are minimal. occurred at the critical moment on the waiting frequency.
To improve the acquisition performance of the system in
7 Synchronisation of FH systems the presence offading. another approach is used where the
receiver anticipates the transmitted sequence but, instead
It is generally undesirable for there to be any special of waiting for a single frequency, the receiver hops slowly
preamble in the modulation or the hopping pattern through the sequence until a signal is detected (a ‘hit’),at
otherwise system security may be compromised. ‘Therefore which point the receiver hops at the rcgular hopping rate.
acquisition techniques for the synchronisation of a If a number of ‘hits’ are detected in succession then the
frequency-hopping transmitter and receiver have been probability that the receiver is synchronised with the
derived. transmitter is high.’ If the correlation between incoming
One technique anticipates the transmitted hopping signals does not hold, then it is likely that the signals
pattern at the receiver, which waits for a frequency in the received were spurious and the receiver reverts to slow
set which is expected in the near future. In this way the hopping in order to acquire synchronisation.
receiver is preset to a future point in the pseudo-random
frequency sequence. When a signal is detected on this FH system iwzplemepitatioii
channel. the receiver starts to hop, continuing the The latter acquisition technique above has been
sequence from the preset point. If this received signal irnplemenled in a 16 khop/s system (Fig. 10). This is
coincides with the transmitter being at the same point in illustrative of many of the problems which need to be

data out


of day

data gale

Fig. 10 A fast frequency-hopping radio control system. Three functional control systems are shown (- - -): DSP,
Controller and Sequence Generator, the latter two using RlSC (reduced instruction set computer) processor boards
(ARM = Acorn RlSC machine)
overcome in building such a fast frequency-hopping of the ladder be reached, the receiver is deemed to be out
system. One major difficulty in a fast hopping system is the of lock and therefore is unsynchronised with the
potential intersymbol interference created in the receiver transmitter. In this case the acquisition cycle is rcstarted.
by narrowband filters. A narrow-bandwidthfilter will tend A separate system generates the hopping sequence and
to ring when the receiver's local oscillator changes this also implements the timing adjustments in the
frequency. Signal shaping takes place at both the receiver. The sequence generator generates a pseud@
transmitter and receiver to minimise this effect.The filters random sequence which, in this case, will not repeat for
used in the IF stages have to possess a carefully selected many days, It is possible to instruct the sequencegenerator
bandwidth in order to trade adjacent channel performance to pass channel numbers to the frequency synthesiser
against intersymbol interference. In the 16 khop/s system, startingfrom any chosen time. In this way the receiver may
the filter bandwidth selected was approximately three be made to anticipate the transmitter, by being set to a
times the channel spacing of 25 kHz. In spite ol using such point in the sequence which is ahead of that in the
a bandwidth, the delay imposed on the signal passing transmitter. Small timing adjustments are enabled by a
through this IF filter represents about one half a hop period special timing circuit which allows the modulus of a
and this reduces the time available for processing the counter to be changed during its operation. This timer
received pulse. Eenerates a strobe to control the time at which the
To filter and detect the IF signal, digital signal synthesiser changes frequency and the timer also clocks a
processing (DSP) techniques were used.".y Since the hardware first-in first-out store (FIFO) which is filled with
signal received is of finite duration (one hop period) it is the sequence numbers output from the sequence
treated as a causal system. Multiple samples of the signal generator.The use of a hardware FIFO is cssential in order
are taken during one hop period of the receiver. These are to achieve accurate control of the synthesiser; interrupt
processed to determine whether a signal has been latencies in a software solution would not allow the system
received and, if so, whether that signal is early or late with to funclion correctly.
respect to the receiver's timing. In this way, not only can It is highly desirable that the signal received during one
the output of the filter be used to control the acqu hop period be used to determine the length of the next hop
synchronisation, but it can also be used to generate an period. In this way the maximum acquisition performance
early/late signal for fine synchronisation and to maintain is obtained, otherwise timing adjustments will have a
synchronisation once the receiver is correlated with the latency of one hop period or more. It is difficult to update
transmitter the receiver's timing each hop but Fig. 11 shows the
In the system shown in Fig. 10,dual-processorfilters (for relationship between the input and output signals of the
I and Q signals) based on the AT&T DSPl6A devices processors which enables this to be performed.
sample the IF signal at a rate of 125kHz. A2-bit result from The IF filter imposes a delay of approximately half of a
the DSP section describes the signal received as hit, early, hop period. Thus the processing time available to
late or miss. determine the length of the next hop is reduced as shown
to the controller which in Fig. 11. Not all the IF samples have been received by the
algorithm. This controller DSP processor when the next hop period starts.Therefore
determines the state of the receiver, which is either in-lock the signal from the next hop period is already being
or unsynchroniscd. If thc rcceivcr is in-lock, then only received by the RF stages at the point when its duration is
small timing adjustments at the receiver are allowed to being decided. The shaded area in Fig. 11shows that the
keep the received signal centred in the receiver's timing hop length may be decreased by 1%or increased by 1%or
window. These adjustments are necessary because of 20%from its nominal value for early/late and acquisition
clock drift and relative movcment of cithcr the receiver or modes, respectively. All timing adjustments must be
the transmitter. If the receiver is unsynchronised, then the completed before the shaded area is entered.The software
controller scts the hop rate to be 20%slower than normal in each subsystem and the hardware interfaces between
whilst no signals are received. Should a signal be received subsystems have been organised so that the time between
which exceeds a thrcshold,then the controller sets the hop converting the last DSP sample and changing the modulus
rate to the nominal value. The control of the rcceivcr's of the hoplength counter is minimised. In this system,that
hopping rate is governed by a ladder alg~rithrn.~ If a signal interval has been reduced to around 20 ps.
is received, the receiver's state is moved one place up the
ladder, otherwise the state moves one place down the 8 Other spread-spectrum applications
ladder. Thus, when a signal is received in successive hop
periods, the lop of the ladder is quickly reached and the GPS
receiver is said to be in-lock. It can be seen that a small One application of DS/SS is in ranging systems, for
number of signal misses can be tolerated whilst the ladder example the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System
is being climbed and this improves the performance of the (GPS).'' In the GPS system,anumber olsatellitesare used
acquisition algorithm in the presence of fading, noise or to achieveglobal coverage. Each satellite transmits a signal
jamming. Should the receiver encounter a number of hop which gives the time of transmission (GPS time) and the
periods in which no signal has been received, thc satellite's position. The receiver is passive and receives a
receiver's state descends the ladder. The ladder is of signal from four satellites,from which three co-ordinatesof
auficierit length to allow for long fades. Should the bottom position and one of time difference are computed. The



I -

output of
IF filler

-' filter delay -' sampled IF signal


Fig. 11 The critical timing relationships between the control signals in the fast frequency-hopping radio. The three
functional systems shown in Fig. 10 are responsible for the signals shown. CONT = Controller; SEQ = Sequence
satellites transmit on two frequencies: 1575.420 MHz (L,) 10 Hz is used with up to 100 channels, which may be pre-
and 1227.600 MHz (LJ. L, carries a civil 'clear acquisition' programmed in 100 Hz steps. Upper sideband, lower
(C/A) spread-spectrum code and also a military 'precise' sideband and CW modulation modes are supported.
(P) code modulated onto quadrature carriers; & carries Frequency hopping has also been proposed as a means
only the P code. The C/A code is a 1023 bit Gold code of making more efficient use of the frequency spectra'"-''
clocked at 1.023 Mbit/s and repeats every 1ms. The P code by re-using existing fixed-channel allocations. For
is clocked at 10.23 Mbit/s and is formed from the product example, if a fast frequency-hopping (FFH) transmitter
of two relatively-prime Gold codes each of which has a operates at 16000 hops per second and uses 1000
sequence length of over 15 million, so that the resulting frequency channels, then a receiver tuned to one of these
code does not repeat for 38 weeks. However, the P code is futed frequencies will receive interference on average 16
restarted at midnight GMT each Saturday-Sunday. times a second, but the interference lasts only 1/16 000th
The correlation of the transmitted pseudo-random code second each time. Only a sparse network of FFH
with an identical copy at the receiver allows an extremely transmitters is likely to be possible in such circumstances
accurate measure of range to be obtained in terms of the so that the service provided by the primary, fixed service is
relative time offset required to achieve correlation. With its not disrupted. Using time division multiplexing in addition
higher chip rate, the P code is capable of ten-fold greater to FFH, allows the dwell time on each channel to be
accuracy than the C/Acode. The repeat time of 1ms for the reduced; alternatively, the hop rate may be reduced for the
C/A code means that an unambiguous range can be same dwell time as an FFH-only system.
measured to the nearest 300 km, but since the code needs
to be aligned to within one chip period, the accuracy is CDMA
better than 300 m. Because the autocorrelation function Qualcomm Inc. of California have pioneered the use of
decreases linearly to t1 bit, a receiver can measure CDMA techniques in cellular radio systems and set up
distances to better than t l / ~ bit accuracy. Using trials in 1991 involving 70 mobiles in order to test fully-
postprocessing techniques, accuracies of better than loaded cells. Conflicting claims for cell capacity have
10 m are routinely claimed" using a C/Acode. frequently been made for time, frequency and code
division multiple access (TDMA, FDMA and CDMA)
Frequency hopping systems. It should be noted that it is the total Qualcomm
Frequency-hopping systems are mainly used for military system which gives the required performance and not
applications owing to the complexity involved in simply the use of CDMA alone. For example, a major
synthesiser design when a fast hopping rate is used. A hop advantage for DS/SS is that the same spectrum is reused in
rate of up to 2000 hops/s can be used in the Jaguarl'system every single cell; users are separated by the CDMA
but higher hop rates can be achieved in practical systems, operation. It is also possible with CDMA to exploit the
as shown above. Such radios usually operate in the VHF or voice activity gain whereby the transmitter is muted during
UHF bands, although HF versions are sometimes used. A periods of silence. It is not possible to exploit this in FDMA
development of Jaguar is Racal's Panther Radio System. In or TDMA systems because the necessary channel
its VHF version, Panther hops at 100 Hz within a narrow reassignments cannot be performed asynchronously. A
subband of nine outer bands, each of which is 6.4 kHz in typicalvoice duty cycle is35%,so for CDMAthe transmitter
width. Each outer band contains 256 channels. is only active for a fraction of the time and this reduces the
Alternatively, the outer bands may be 58 MHz in width, average mutual interference between users and increases
each containing 2320 channels. For HF use, a hop rate of the CDMA efficiency by a factor of 2. Cell sectorisation


(achieved by base antenna design) allows a further purity of DDS devices is not as good a s for conventional
increase in the number of u s e r s that can be direct synthesis.
accommodated. T h e pilot CDMA system operated in t h e
70 M H z region, and used a PN chip rate of around References
In o r d e r to take advantage of new and proposed spread- 1 NICHOLSON, D.L.: ‘Spread spectrum signal design’
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frequency; therefore TH is ineffective as an anti-jam Singapore. 1986)
technique. T h e benefit of a’l“ system is in the reduction of 6 POWY, G.J.R, and GRANT, P.M.: ’Simplified matched filter
receiver designs for spread spectrum communications
transmitted power. It is easy to implement and provides a
applications’, Electron. & Commun. Eng. J , 1993, 5, (3,
multi-user capability in TDMA applications.
DS/SS systems are lairly straightforward to implement 7 ZEIN, N.F., and CHAMBERS, W.G.: ‘Serial acquisition in a 16
because the direct modulation process only requires khops/s fast-frequency-hop system’, IEE P r o d , 1YY1, 138,
multiplication of a signal by t h e spreading code. A DS/SS (3), pp.141-147
transmission can b e well-hidden d u e to its energy and 8 ZEIN, N.F., CHAMBERS, W.G., and CLARKSON, T.G.: ‘Use
bandwidth spreading properties, making it difficult to of a matched filter for serial acqu
detect and intercept. DS/SS h a s good anti-jam properties hopping system’. IEEE MILCOM ‘90 Conference, Monterey
and can b e used in code division multiple access (CDMA) CA, Vol. 1,5.5.1-5.5.5.lst-3rd October 1990
systems. Fast PN code generators are possible and 9 ZEIN, N.F., CL4RKSON. T.G., TSUI, T.S.U.. and HARRIS,
the PN code rate dictates how wide t h e bandwidth of a DS RM.: ‘DSP design for a Lst-frequency-hoppiiig radio’. Proc.
Int. Symp. on DSP for Communication Systems, Coventry,
signal is.
7th-9th September 1992
T h e main disadvantage of DS/SS is its poor near-far
10 PAINTER, J.H.: ‘Satellite navigation’, in BELOVE, C. (Ed.):
performance. This is a problem when t h e r e are very strong ‘Handbook of modem electronics and electrical engineering’,
unwanted signals near to t h e receiver, which cause Uohn Wiley, New York, 1986)
blocking of weaker signals since DS signals occupy a 11 ‘Receiver survey’, GPS World, (GPS World Corporation,
continuous spectrum around the carrier. In a cellular Eugene, Oregon, January 1992)
network, mutual interference between u s e r s is minimised 12 MUNDAY, P.J., and PINCHES, M.C.: ‘Jaguar-V frequency-
by carelul power control at each transmitter. hopping radio system’, IEE Proc.-F, 1982, 129, (31,
Frequency-hopping spread-spectrum has some pp.2 13-222
properties that are complementary to DS/SS. Of all t h e SS 13 SCHILLING, D.L.. PICKHOLTZ, RL., and MIISTEIN, L.B.:
techniques described, the greatest amount of bandwidth ‘Spread spectrum goes commercial’,IEEE Spectrum, August
1990, pp.40-45
spreading is normally achieved by FH/SS. Unlike DS,
14 COOK, C.E., and MARSH, H.S.: ‘An introduction to spread
which h a s a continuous spectrum, FH can b e designed to
spectrum’,IEEE Commun. Mug,, March 1983,p p . g l 6
reside in a noncontinuous spectrum a s shown in Fig. 4 15 TAYLQR J.T., and OMURA. J.K.: ‘Spread sprctrum
This is a n advantage because it means that o t h e r technology: a solution to the personal communications
transmissions in t h e s a m e part of the spectrum can b e services frequency allocation dilemma’, IEEE Commun.
accommodated, for example an F H transmitter can be Mug., February 1Y91,29, (2). pp.48-51
made to avoid known television transmissions. FH/SS h a s 16 SCHILLING, U.L., MILSTEIN, L.B., PICKHOLTZ. RL,
a good near-far performance. F H can b e used quite KULLBACK, M., and MILLEK, F.: ‘Spread spectrum for
effectively a s an anti-jamming technique and, if operated at commercial communications’, IEEE Commun. Mag., April
a high speed, it is difficult for afollowerjammer to interfere 1991,29, (41, pp.66-79
with t h e transmission. T h e r e a r c difficulties in 17 KOHNO, R.: ‘Pseudo-noise sequences and inlerference
cancellation techniques for spread spectrum systems -
implementing highly portable FH/SS systems with fast
spread spectrum theory and techniques in Japan, IEICE
h o p rates since t h e switching speed required of the Trans.,May 1991. E74,(5). pp.108.7-1092
frequency synthesiser normally implies a complex design.
Careful shaping of the transmitted pulse is required if
First received 20th Novrmber 1992 and in final form 13th
sidebands and spurious responses are to b e minimised.
December 1993
T h e availability of direct digital synthesisers @DS) ~

m a k e s fast frequency hopping feasible SinCC switching meauthors with the Department oIElectronic and Electrical
speeds of well below 1 PS are possible, but Power Engineering,King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2L’,
consumption is high at fast clock speeds and the output UK.


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