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Sentences Possesive and Demostrative Adjetives

Student: Yuricsa García Garay

Teacher: MG. Olivia Betty Córdova Ocaña

Los Angeles Catholic University of Chimbote. ULADECH subsidiary Piura

School of Accounting, Financial and Administrative Sciences
Student of the Accounting Professional School of the 2nd cycle, SUA

Piura 2019

1. My name is Yuricsa and I am 26 years old.

2. I have a son and his name is Diego.

3. He like play with his friend.

4. They are good Friends and their group is awesome.

5. We always go to the cinema in family and cur choice is comedy movies.

6. IS That your roomate?

7. Hir name is Bob and he is eighteen.


1. That pie was delicious!

2. This day could not get any better!

3. That house across the Street is so adorable.

4. These shoes fit me very well.

5. Those boots are too expensive.

6. This calculator is very good.

7. These cars are very fast.

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