Answers To Quiz No.2

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Answers to Quiz #2 – Code 033 http://bit.


The Fido Dog Food Company wishes to introduce a new brand of dog biscuits (composed of chicken and
liver flavored biscuits) that meets certain nutritional requirements. The liver flavored biscuits contain 1 unit
of nutrient A and 2 units of nutrient B, while the chicken flavored ones contain 1 unit of nutrient A and 4
units of nutrient B. According to federal requirements, there must be at least 40 units of nutrient A and 60
units of nutrient B in a package of the new mix. In addition, the company has decided that there can be no
more than 15 liver flavored biscuits in a package. It costs 1 pesos to make a liver flavored biscuit and 2
pesos to make a chicken flavored one.

1. Objective function
2. Constraints
3. Extreme points
4. Optimal solution
5. Optimal yield
6. Graphical presentation of the solution
7. Is there a redundant constraint?


L = number of liver flavored biscuits in a package
C = number of chicken flavored biscuits in a package

Minimize: L + 2C
Subject to: L + C ≥ 40
2L + 4C ≥ 60
L ≤ 15
L, C ≥ 0

Extreme points: (0,40) and (15,25)

Optimal solution: (15,25)
Optimal yield: cost of 65 pesos
Redundant constraint? Yes, 2L + 4C ≥ 60
Effin’ Eff sells Furniture and Fixtures, and two of their best sellers are wooden tables and chairs. Their
tables generate a profit of 3,000 per unit, and their chairs generate a profit of 4,000 per unit. It takes 30
board feet of wood to make the table, and 20 board feet to make the chairs. Because of its simplicity, the
tables take 5 hours to make. The chairs take 10 hours to make because of its intricate design. There are
only 300 board feet of wood available per month, and there are only 110 labor hours available per month.
It is management’s policy to sell 4 chairs together with a single table, although more chairs could be added.

1. Objective function
2. Constraints
3. Extreme points
4. Optimal solution
5. Optimal yield
6. Graphical presentation of the solution
7. Is there a redundant constraint?


T = number of tables
C = number of chairs

Maximize: 3,000T + 4,000C

Subject to: 30T + 20C ≤ 300
5L + 10C ≤ 110
4T ≤ C
T, C ≥ 0

Extreme points: (0,11), (2.44,9.78), and (0,0)

Optimal solution: (2.44,9.78) or (2,10) since there must be no partial production of chairs or tables
Optimal yield: 46,440 (using 2.44 tables and 9.78 chairs) or 46,000 (using 2 tables and 10 chairs)
Redundant constraint? None

Material prepared by: Patrick Louie E. Reyes, CTT, MICB, RCA, CPA

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