Legal Profession

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Reaction on the observation on Court Proceedings

On June 23, 2016, I went to the Cebu City Hall of Justice, Municipal Trial Court in the
Cities branch 7, to observe a court proceeding that was presided by our professor in Legal
Profession, Honorable Judge Fransisco A. Seville.
While in the court room, I have observed that; there were different chairs and tables
provided for the lawyers of for the two parties, plaintiff and respondents. There was also a table
for the clerk, who was responsible for all the filed paperwork in the court. A table for the
stenographer, responsible for recording that is said during the legal proceeding. There was a
bench, where the judge would be seated when he presides on the cases. The witness stand was
located on the right side when facing the bench. There were also seats provided for the people
who, would observe the cases, at the back. Behind the bench was a room for the judge called the
chamber. Usually where the judge’s office is.
What I have observed in the process of the court proceeding is that; the clerk would
announce the cases being heard. He or she would also check the attendance of the people who
represent the cases. When the judge enters the bench, the court clerk would ask everyone to stand
up and sit down after the judge sits down. Phones should also be turned off or kept silent in the
court room. The judge, when hearing the cases, is not biased and gives everyone a chance to
explain each of their side but is also strict about the laws. Persons who have cases should never
be late because when a judge has submitted the case for decision it is usually final. Lawyers also
observe high respect to the judge, when they leave the court they ask the permission of the judge.
Overall the experience of observing a court proceeding was really eye-opening and
inspiring. It makes me want to work even harder to become a lawyer and maybe a judge
someday. It gave me a glimpse of the future and what a career as a lawyer might give me. I was
very thankful that our professor asked us to attend one of his court proceeding and that someday
I’ll be able to go back and observe more and learn from the lawyers and judges in the court.

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