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Travelers Commercial Property

Business Income Insurance

Business Income Insurance

An Essential Part of Every Business Plan

Business Income Disaster Survival Coverage Indispensable Protection

Disasters happen. Businesses temporarily Following a major loss, there are lots of Rounding out a client’s Property
close. Revenue streams dry up. things that a business can do without – insurance program with Business Income
revenue isn’t one of them. coverage reduces their exposure to
But expenses continue… and often
unforeseen loss while enhancing your
rise significantly. Most businesses underestimate the
professional image. A customer-
amount of time it takes to return
A Business Income worksheet prompts completed Travelers Business Income
to normal operations. Consider
the review of business continuity worksheet can also help to reduce your
the following:
strategies and recovery plans. Business Agent’s E&O exposure.
Income insurance is an essential part •C
 ause and origins investigations and
debris removal can span 1-2 months •C
 overage for Ordinary Payroll assists
of a company’s blueprint for survival.
in the retention of valued employees
 ecuring permits can take 2-3 months
during the Period of Restoration.
(even longer in urban settings due to
density and local authority) • F or most businesses, revenue streams
are not constant throughout the year;
 econstruction can take 7-12 months
the BI worksheet identifies Seasonal
(longer for complex operations)
Variation of revenue.
 eplacement of machinery and
 ost businesses rely on others to
equipment can take 2-18 months
either supply, sell or draw customers;
(testing can add another 2 months)
the BI worksheet guides the insured
 he EPA and other regulatory agencies
through identifying their Dependent
can create further delays
Business Income sources.
Business Income and •M
 ost businesses underestimate the
Extra Expense Worksheets additional costs associated with a loss;
Business Income coverage increases a the Extra Expense section of the
business’ ability to survive a substantial worksheet identifies expenses that
loss. Travelers Business Income may be insured.
worksheets serve as a reality check for Contact your Travelers Account
the Period of Restoration. Executive to learn more.

Business Income Benchmarks
Determining the appropriate amount of Business Income coverage for a business is unique to its individual needs and
exposures. Fortunately, operational similarities within homogeneous industry segments have allowed for the creation
of reliable “benchmarks” that can serve as a starting point for these determinations.
These benchmarks are expressed as percentages of the business’ total annual revenue and represent the amount of BI
coverage that a business within that industry would typically need to fund a 12-month BI Value. These benchmarks include
100 percent payroll and benefits expense. Adjustments to the benchmarks may be necessary based on the amount of
Ordinary Payroll inclusion or exclusion.
These benchmarks are only a guide; there is no substitute for a completed BI worksheet. A completed and signed BI worksheet
is required to activate the Agreed Value coverage option.

Manufacturing Non-manufacturing
Operations Benchmark Percent Operations Benchmark Percent
Advanced Technology 58% Architects & Engineers 82%
Clothing 50% Arts, Entertainment, Recreation
Electrical Equipment 61% & Casinos 80%

Food 44% Automobile Dealers 20%

Furniture & Related Products 47% Building Materials & Garden Supply 44%
Machinery 49% Building Services Contractors 35%
Metals 47% Educational Institutions 60%
Mineral Products 48% Furniture & Home Furnishing 58%
Motor Vehicle & Parts 37% Health & Personal Care Stores 42%
Paper 45% Hospitals & Healthcare 85%
Plastic & Rubber Goods 40% Hotels 50%
Printers 56% Publishing 76%
Soft Drink & Ice Mfg 71% Retail Goods 42%
Textiles 44% Restaurants 60%
Wineries & Distilleries 59% Sporting Goods, Hobby,
Wood 38% Book & Music 54%

All Other Manufacturing 40% - 55% All Other Non-Manufacturing 30% - 35%

• The benchmarks represent a percent of total revenue for the insured operations.
• Benchmarks include 100% payroll and benefits expense based on IRS Corporate Statistical Income data.
• Adjustments to the benchmarks may be necessary based on the amount of Ordinary Payroll inclusion or exclusion.

This material does not amend, or otherwise affect, the provisions or coverages of any
insurance policy or bond issued by Travelers. It is not a representation that coverage does
The Travelers Indemnity Company or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy or bond. Coverage
and its property casualty affiliates depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy
One Tower Square or bond provisions, and any applicable law. Availability of coverage referenced in this
Hartford, CT 06183 document can depend on underwriting qualifications and state regulations. © 2008 The Travelers Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. CP-6607 Rev. 12-08

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