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ulangan bahasa inggeris 1


. Roni: Do you like this island? Nana:…………there’s a lot beautiful scenery

1 here. Yes it’s fascinating

Mr. Winata:……….May your wife rest peace. Mr. Margono: Thanks a lot, Mr
2 Winata. I like your wife so muc

Maya: What’s wrong, Rio? You look terrible. Rio: I feel……..I don’t think I can
3 finish this task on time Exhausting

Lala: I can’t leave now. My car can’t run well. Andika:……….why don’t you
4 can a taxi? It’s terrific

Nanda: I hear that the police officers come to her house to arrest her. How does
5 she feel right now? Ruri: She’s……. Delighted

Rangga: I heard that you have lost all of your money. Nino: Yes, the thief stole it
6 last night. Rangga:………. That’s terrific

Mira: I can’t accept this. How could this happen to me? Rindu: Don’t
7 be……….you will have another chance later. Scared

Nirina: I lost my job. It will be at disaster for me. Amel: I was sorry to hear
8 that. May you get a job soon. Nirina:………….. I hope not

She is very happy to

9 Rudi: How does your mother feel after Lina got the accident? Ani:…………. hear that

Marini:………… to hear you don’t pass the final exam. Rara: Thanks. I hope
10 I’ll do it better next year. I was upset

Yes, she is very

11 Talita: What’s happening to her? She looks unhappy. Ruby: ………… pleased

Lidia: Selina is not listed here. Does it mean she doesn’t pass the audition?
12 Mario: Yes, it does. Rina:…… Please pray for me

Boni: What do you think about this place? Rianti: I like it a lot because the
13 beach is so……….. Fascinating
Rahmad: ……… surprising me. Joko: Yeah, I really want this come true. I But you can sing the
14 have dream it for a long time. song very well

Bobby: Congratulation, Arman . I’m glad you won the competition. Arman:
15 ………… I’m excited too

February 18th, 2012

16 She is Nina’s sister
Dear Nina
It was a great sense of loss when I heard of your father’s. I wanted to let
you know that you have my greatest symphaty and my heart is truly saddened.

You father was more than just a wonderful person: he was always w so
kind an considerate to me that I always welcomed seeing him at every
opportunity and I know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives,
but in the hearts of all those who knew him. You father will always remain with
him my hearts and I have included your father and you in my daily prayers. May
god give you strength.

If there is anything that I can do to help you in anyway, please do not

hesitate to call us at anytime. You can phone me even if it is only to talk.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With my deepest symphaty


Who is the writer?

February 18th, 2012

Her father has just
17 passed away.
Dear Nina
It was a great sense of loss when I heard of your father’s. I wanted to let
you know that you have my greatest symphaty and my heart is truly saddened.

You father was more than just a wonderful person: he was always w so
kind an considerate to me that I always welcomed seeing him at every
opportunity and I know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives,
but in the hearts of all those who knew him. You father will always remain with
him my hearts and I have included your father and you in my daily prayers. May
god give you strength.
If there is anything that I can do to help you in anyway, please do not
hesitate to call us at anytime. You can phone me even if it is only to talk.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With my deepest symphaty

. What has happened with Nina?

February 18th, 2012

18 It’s letter of simphaty
Dear Nina
It was a great sense of loss when I heard of your father’s. I wanted to let
you know that you have my greatest symphaty and my heart is truly saddened.

You father was more than just a wonderful person: he was always w so
kind an considerate to me that I always welcomed seeing him at every
opportunity and I know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives,
but in the hearts of all those who knew him. You father will always remain with
him my hearts and I have included your father and you in my daily prayers. May
god give you strength.

If there is anything that I can do to help you in anyway, please do not

hesitate to call us at anytime. You can phone me even if it is only to talk.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With my deepest symphaty

What kind of letter is it?

February 18th, 2012 To ask about Nina’s

19 feeling
Dear Nina
It was a great sense of loss when I heard of your father’s. I wanted to let
you know that you have my greatest symphaty and my heart is truly saddened.

You father was more than just a wonderful person: he was always w so
kind an considerate to me that I always welcomed seeing him at every
opportunity and I know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives,
but in the hearts of all those who knew him. You father will always remain with
him my hearts and I have included your father and you in my daily prayers. May
god give you strength.
If there is anything that I can do to help you in anyway, please do not
hesitate to call us at anytime. You can phone me even if it is only to talk.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With my deepest symphaty

Why does the writer the letter?

20 February 18th, 2012 Happy

Dear Nina
It was a great sense of loss when I heard of your father’s. I wanted to let
you know that you have my greatest symphaty and my heart is truly saddened.

You father was more than just a wonderful person: he was always w so
kind an considerate to me that I always welcomed seeing him at every
opportunity and I know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives,
but in the hearts of all those who knew him. You father will always remain with
him my hearts and I have included your father and you in my daily prayers. May
god give you strength.

If there is anything that I can do to help you in anyway, please do not

hesitate to call us at anytime. You can phone me even if it is only to talk.

My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.

With my deepest symphaty

How does the write feel about the news?

21 ….. Come to Yogyakarta every month I

22 …..spends the weekend playing guitar his

23 I am going to wash……hand me

24 Do you like…. Pen pals? you

25 She is sixteen and…….school is in Minneapolis her

26 pen pals pen kawan

27 mother tongue ibu tiri

28 half sister/brother saudara ayah

29 Preservation pelarian

30 ecotourisme ekoturisme

Taj Mahal , an epitome of love, is actually a mausoleum. Standing majestically

on the bank of river Yamuna, The Taj Mahal is synonymous to love and
Romance. Taj Mahal was constructed by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the
memory of his beloved wife and queen. Taj Mahal derived from the name of
31 Shah Jahan wife Muntaz Mahal which means the crown of palaces a park
What is Taj Mahal actually?

Taj Mahal , an epitome of love, is actually a mausoleum. Standing majestically

on the bank of river Yamuna, The Taj Mahal is synonymous to love and
Romance. Taj Mahal was constructed by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the
memory of his beloved wife and queen. Taj Mahal derived from the name of
32 Shah Jahan wife Muntaz Mahal which means the crown of palaces just for fun
Why did the king construct Taj Mahal?

33 the body of a dead person or animal dead

34 Having eight angles and eight side trigonal

Santi : So,what about you Bayu?Do you have any plans? Bayu:Definitely!My talking about home
35 dad and I are going to go fishing work

What are Bayu and Santi discussing?

Bayu :………..bake choco chips cookies like the last times? Riri : well,yes.That
36 is my favorite. Are you going to

Orang Utan is the main reason why people come to Tanjung Puting National
37 Park. People from foreign countries come because of its exotic nature. urang Utan
What is the special animal in Tanjung Putting National Park?
To go to Camp leakey we should take perahu klotok down the Sekonyer river.
38 The travelling by perahu klotok gives interesting experience. By motorcycle
How can we reach Camp Leakey?

39 Snout hidung

40 the Synonim of SNOUT nose


Yes it’s annoyed Yes it’s embarrassing Yes it’s boring its nice A

Your wife
I express my deep cond She is a good wife better soon god bless B

Hopeless impress excited help me A

It’s honorable It’s terrible excited It’s great C

Imprest scared happy interested C

I’m happy to hear can you give I am sorry to

that How awful! me a favour? hear that E

Disappointed scaring happy sad B

I appreciate your I’m pleased to

I don’t think so sympathy hear that I don’t know C

She is still
I’m not interested in stunned and I’m pleased to
that Her feeling is not good sad. hear that D

Her feeling is
It’s pleasing How embarrassing It’s amazed not good D

She is receiving the Her cat just

She has got the prize scholarship money died It’s amazed D

That’s too bad good luck wish her luck good bye B

Confusing fascinated embarrassing It’s amazed A

That you
failed in this
So you are in hospital you eat lot contest good job D

I’m amusing
I’m uninterested too I'm unhappy too too embarrassing A

She is Nina’s She is Nina’s

She is Nina mother She is Nina’s best friend best enemy aunt C

her mother has

Her father punished Her father leave the Her parent just passed
him. house. divorced away A
It’s letter of
It’s letter of sadness It’s letter of apology complain letter of intent A

To show that she is a to remind her about her to express her to show her
good friend father condolence. eyes D
Sad disappointed angry madness B

me I am You Him A

he him they we B

he my they we C

your yours she he B

she sheis we they A

pen tulis sahabat pena ibu bapak C

ibu asli ibu bapak bapak bahasa ibu E

saudara tiri saudara ibu paman tante B

pelestarian perhatian pemergian alam B

alam lingkungan turis turisme A

a mausoleum a nation a country just name B

just for happy because his rich to memory his bto show his wea D

great goods book remains

pentagon polygon octagonal three sides D

talking about their talking about

parents talking about their plans test kidding C

How are you? Good bye What are you? Good morning C

chimpanzee gorilla monkey ape A

By perahu
By planes By bike Using ojek kelotok E

mata telinga kaki tangan A

eye ear leg hand A

Ulangan Kimia Kelas 10 semester 1

Helium, asam cuka, alkohol, tetes tebu,
1 dan tempe merupakan contoh dari. . . . Campuran Materi Senyawa Unsur
Perhatikan wujud beberapa materi
2 berikut: 1, 5, 8, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 4,
1) Glukosa
2) Air kelapa
3) Platina
4) Neon
5) Pupuk urea
6) Adukan semen
7) Amonium sulfat
8) Air murni
Yang merupakan golongan senyawa
adalah. . . .

Sifat-sifat dibawah ini yang menunjukan Mengalami Mudah Mudah Mempunya

3 sifat fisika adalah. . . . pembusukan bereaksi terbakar i indek bias

Perubahan materi di bawah ini yang

bukan merupakan perubahan kimia daun kertas kayu
4 adalah. . . lilin meleleh membusuk terbakar terbakar

Diketahui beberapa sifat materi sebagai

5 berikut: 1, 4, 6, 8 2, 3, 5, 7 1, 6, 8 1 dan 6
1) Titik didih
2) Beracun
3) Mudah terbakar
4) Massa jenis
5) Berkarat
6) Kalor jenis
7) Nitrogen
8) Kemagnetan
Yang merupakan kelompok unsur-unsur
logam adalah. . . .
Besi Aluminium
Seng batangan teroksidasi
Pernyataan dibawah ini yang tidak bereaksi digiling menjadi Pita
menunjukan proses perubahan kimia dengan menjadi aluminium magnesium
6 adalah... asam klorida serbuk besi oksida terbakar

Diketahui beberapa materi sebagai b. 1, 3, 4, 5, d. 1, 2, 3,

7 berikut: a. 1, 4 8 c. 1, 6, 8 4
1) Kuningan
2) Timah
3) Air raksa
4) Udara
5) Bijih meneral
6) Etanol
7) Asam cuka
8) Pupuk area
Yang merupakan kelompok campuran
adalah. . . .

Zat dibawah ini yang merupakan Batu Serbuk

8 campuran yaitu . . . . Udara Soda api pualam besi

Zat yang dapat diuraikan menjadi zat lain Campuran

9 dengan reaksi kimia adalah. . . . Unsur Senyawa Campuran homogen
Pernyataan berikut ini yang
menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan kimia Kawat Lilin Bensin Peragian
10 adalah. . . . lampu pijar meleleh menguap tape

Zat tunggal dapat berubah unsur dan

senyawa. Zat-zat dibawah ini yang Air, Raksa,
ketiganya merupakan senyawa glukosa, Alkohol, urea, Tembaga,
11 adalah. . . . natrium gula, karbon belerang emas, udara

Kawat Pita
Di antara perubahan berikut ini yang Pelapukan Perkaratan nikrom magnesium
12 termasuk perubahan fisika adalah . . . . kayu besi terbakar terbakar

Diantara zat berikut ini yang tergolong

13 unsur adalah. . . . Urea Air Kapur Raksa

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita sering

14 menjumpai peristiwa-peristiwa berikut: 1 dan 2 1 dan 3 1 dan 4 2 dan 3
1) Kapur barus menyublim
2) Penyepuhan
3) Es mencair
4) Fotosistesis
Yang termasuk perubahan fisika
adalah. . . .

15 Yang merupakan campuran adalah . . . . Air Tanah Gula Alkohol

Materi dibawah ini yang tergolong c. Gas

16 senyawa adalah . . . . a. Kecap b. Raksa alam d. Udara

Zat berikut ini yang merupakan Air sungai Minyak Air sungai
17 campuran homogen adalah. . . . Susu yang jernih dalam air yang keruh

8S 8S
menyatakan 8S 8S menyataka
jumlah menyatakan menyataka n melekul
atom, rumus n 8 atom S, unsur,
sedangkan empiris, sedangkan sedangkan
S8 sedangkan S8 S8 S8
menyatakan menyatakan menyataka menyataka
jumlah rumus n 1 n senyawa
18 Perbedaan antara 8S dan S8 adalah. . . . unsur melekul melekul S tungal

19 Simbol atom Belerang S Be B Bg

a. 4 atom
K, 6 atom b. 12 atom
Fe, 6 atom K, 1 atom Fe,
1. Dalam 3 melekul K4Fe(CH)6, terdapat C, dan 6 6 atom C, dan
susunan atom-ato sebagai berikut. . . . atom H 18 atom H

Rumus empiris dari melekul C6H12O2 a. C2H3O b. C3H6O c. CH3O d. CH3O

20 dan C H
8 16
adalah... . dan C 2
H dan C 2
H dan CH 2 dan CH

Lambang atom dari selenium, arsen dan

21 kalsium adalah. . . S, Ar, K S, As, K Se, Ar, K Se, As, Ca

Zat-zat dibawah ini, yang semuanya MgSO4

22 merupakan molekul senyawa adalah. ... N2 dan F2 P4 dan Cl2 O2 dan S8 dan H2O
Suatu senyawa mempunyai rumus
empiris (CH3O)n. Apabila harga n= 8,
maka dalam rumus melekul senyawa
yang terbentuk kandungan atam C, O dan
23 H-nya adalah. . . . C8H24O8 C8 H 3 O 8 CH3O8 CH24O8

Melekul-melekul dibawah ini yang

mengandung jumlah atom O paling besar Fe2O3.7H2
24 adalah... 4H2SO4 3Mg3(PO4)2 O 2Fe(OH)2

Rumus melekul senyawa yang terdiri

atas dua atom K, dua atom Cr dan 7 atom
25 O, adalah.. . . K2Cr2O7 2KmnO7 2K2Mn7O K2Mn2O7

Neon, Neon, Neon, Neptunium,

Nama unsur gas mulia yang mempunyai krom, dan kripton, dan kripton, kripton,
26 lambang Ne, Kr, dan Rn adalah. . . . radium radium dan radon dan radium
Koefisien Koefisien = Koefisien Koefisien
Jika 3 melekul aluminium sulfida ditulis = 2, indeks 3, indeks Al = = 1, indeks = 1, indeks
dengan rumus 3Al2S3, maka pernyataan Al = 3, dan 2, dan indeks Al = 1, dan Al = 3, dan
27 dibawah ini yang paling tepat adalah. . . . indeks S=1 S=3 indeks S=3 indeks S=3

Molekul dibawah ini yang merupakan

28 melekul senyawa adalah. . . N2 H2 H2 S Co

Banyaknya atom yang terdapat pada

29 melekul CuSO4. 7H2O adalah. . . . 5 8 13 21

MgCl2 dan HCl dan Mg dan

30 Diketahui persaman reaksi: Mg(s) + 2HCl Mg dan H2 HCl Mg MgCl2
MgCl2 (aq) + H2(g)
Pada persamaan diatas yang merupakan
pereaksi adalah. . ..

Rutherford merupakan orang pertama

31 kali menemukan. . . . Atom Inti atom Elektron Neutron
30 65 32
elektron di 32 proton di neutron di elektron
32 1. Atom seng dilambangkan dengan sekitar inti dalam inti dalam inti sekitar inti
, maka ion Zn2+ memiliki.. . .

1. Diketahui unsur-unsur sebagai

33 berikut:
, dan dan dan dan

Yang merupakan isotop adalah. . . .

1. Nomor massa suatu unsur ditentukan Jumlah Jumlah proton dan Jumlah
34 oleh. . . . elektron proton elektron neutron
35 Diketahui beberapa atom : 5 dan 6 3 dan 6 3 dan 5 2 dan 4






Atom-atom yang merupakan Isobar

adalah. . . .

Teori atom modern untuk pertama

36 kalinya ditemukan oleh. . . . Dalton Proust Lavoisier Avagadro

Pasangan di bawah ini yang tergolong

37 isobar adalah. . . .
dan dan dan
Atom Na
Nomor Dalam inti Dalam inti mempunyai
Pernyataan di bawah ini yang tidak atom Na+ Na+ terdapat Na terdapat nomor
38 benar tentang unsur adalah 11 12 neutron 11 proton massa 34
adalah. . . .

Elektron Proton
lebih lebih
Inti atom bermuatan positif sebab inti Hanya Proton dan sedikit dari banyak dari
39 atom mengandung. . . . neutron neutron neutron elektron

92 proton 92 elektron 146

Atom uranium dengan nomor massa 238 di sekitar 92 neutron di di sekitar elektron di
40 dan nomor atom 92 mempunyai.... inti dalam inti inti sekitar inti

Atom B

8 saja A

Beracun D

meledak A

8 saja E
belerang B

e. 5, 6, 7,
8 A

Granit A

Campuran B
melarut D

dapur, cuka,
air E

menyala E

Amonia D

2 dan 4 B
dapur A

e. Cuka
murni E

bom A

senyawa C

Bn A

e. C3 H 6 O
dan CH2 E

Se, Ar, Ca D

Na2O dan
I2 C

2P2O7 B

K2Mn7O2 A

kripton, dan
radon C
= 3, indeks
Al = 3, dan
indeks S=2 B

S8 C

27 E

HCl dan H2 C

Proton E
28 elektron
di sekitar
inti E


proton dan
neutron E
1 dan 3 C

s A

Ataom Na
11 elektron D

Proton dan
banyak B

238 neutron
di dalam inti C

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