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July 15, 2019

Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10

I. Objectives
a. Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to a theme of a particular
literary selection.
b. Express appreciation for sensory images used
c. use intensive pronouns in meaningful discourse

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Building Up Defences
Materials: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature pg. 44-49
Values: Learn how to build defences
Competency Code: EN10LT-Ic-2.2

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Prayer

____________, please lead the prayer. In the name of the father……….Amen

2. Checking of Attendance

Class monitor, kindly check the attendance of Yes Ma’am

your classmates, thank you.

3. Review

Who can recall the lesson that we had last

(Various answers)

Very good. It seems that you already understand

our lesson.
July 15, 2019

4. Motivation

Who is/are you heroes in life? And why? (Various answers)

Well said.

We can consider our parents also as a heroes, Exactly Ma’am.


How could you say so?

(Various answers)

Very good. So this morning, our activity is related

to our topic for today. HEROISM.

5. Lesson Proper

(Show a picture)

1. What is the cartoon all about?

2. What kind of discrimination is shown in (Various answers from the students)
the cartoon?
3. What would you do if you were in the
shoes of the one discriminate against?

Since we are done analysing the Story entitled

“The Gordon’s Head” and the difference

between intensive and reflexive, we will have our
activity this morning.

Activity 1

Kindly refer to page 44 of your book and answer


Please prepare ½ crosswise.

Any questions/clarifications? None Ma’am

July 15, 2019

Activity 2 Continuation……………..

For our next activity, from the story “The

Gorgon’s Head”, please get another 1 whole
piece of paper and answer TASK 14 TRIPLE TREAT
A, B and C.

6. Generalization

Again what is reflexive and intensive? (Various answers)

What are the difference between the two?

7. Evaluation

Activity 1

Open your books on page 46 and kindly answer

the following task A HERO IN ME, write it down
on a 1 whole piece of paper.

Any questions? None Ma’am.

Are you done class? Yes Ma’am.

Activity 2

In this activity, as a group, you will identify the

specific scenarios where discrimination is present
or evident. Accomplish the chart on the next
page of your books.

Am I clear? Yes Ma’am

(After the activity)

Let’s give a hand to each and every one of you (Students clap their hands)
for a job well done.
July 15, 2019

So any questions? Clarifications? Violent None Ma’am.


Okay very good.

IV. Assignment

For your assignment, please refer to your boks

on page 50. This would be your output for this

Okay, that’s all for today, goodbye class. You are Thank you and goodbye Ms. Seguera.
now dismissed.


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