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It is sometimes difficult to know which laboratory tests are necessary and then how to
interpret them.

Laboratory investigations in obstetrics and gynaecology prac-

tice have much in common with those in other medical disci-
plines. However, there is a range of laboratory tests which are
requested more frequently and one should be familiar with
these ‘panels’. Patients with a family history or past history of
various medical conditions, or those with complications on
presentation, will obviously require specific and additional lab-
oratory tests which must be discussed with the relevant patholo-
T PADAYACHI gist and gynaecologist.
MB ChB, MD (Chem Path)
Chemical Pathologist
• Full blood count
Lancet Laboratories J MOODLEY • Urea and electrolytes
Honorary Lecturer MB ChB, FCOG (SA), FRCOG • Glucose
Chemical Pathology (UK), MD • Lipids
University of KwaZulu-Natal Head • Calcium
• Liver enzymes
Durban Department of Obstetrics and
• Vitamin B12 and folate
Gynaecology and
• Iron profile
Dr Thevan Padayachi is a chem- Director • Thyroid function
ical pathologist in private prac- MRC/UN Pregnancy • HIV diagnosis and monitoring.
tice at Lancet Laboratories. He Hypertension Research Unit
also participates in the chemical Nelson R Mandela School of These ‘universal’ tests are often requested as screening labora-
tory tests in asymptomatic patients. The advantages lie in the
pathology lecturing programme Medicine
ability to detect asymptomatic abnormalities. The choice will
at the University of KwaZulu- University of KwaZulu-Natal
depend on various factors, e.g. age, risk profile, dietary histo-
Natal. His interest in reproduc- Durban ry, associated diseases and current therapy.
tive biology earned him a doc-

toral thesis, and subsequently a

Professor Jack Moodley has a
year’s research fellowship at special interest in high-risk
• Pregnancy tests
• Full blood count
the MRC Reproductive Biology obstetrics, particularly in the
• Rubella
Unit in Edinburgh. aetiology and management of
• Blood groups
hypertensive disorders of • Rapid plasma reagin (for syphilis)
pregnancy. Other interests • Hepatitis B
include perinatal HIV, mater- • HIV
nal mortality, and audit in
• Alpha fetoprotein and Down’s screen (α-fetoprotein, β-human
chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and unconjugated oestriol)
obstetric practice.
• Glucose tolerance test
• Midstream urine
• Papanicolaou cervical smear.

February 2004 Vol.22 No.2 CME 83


Pregnancy tests pregnancy either to monitor the titre of patients with untreated asymptomatic
The biochemical diagnosis of early a known irregular antibody (commonly bacteriuria. It is estimated that a
pregnancy is now taken for granted anti-D) or to detect the development of reduction (4 - 0.8%) in pyelonephritis
with the advent of the monoclonal anti- an irregular antibody. in pregnancy can be achieved by a
body technique. There are numerous policy of routine prenatal screening
rapid home kits that detect HCG in A screen for irregular antibodies in with urine cultures and treatment of
urine or whole blood. Few practition- those who are rhesus positive can also asymptomatic bacteriuria.
ers are aware that only four decades be of value in detecting obstetrically
significant irregular antibodies, e.g. Serological tests
ago the test was based on injecting a
patient’s urine into frogs and noting its Kell antibodies. • Rubella antibody titres
effects on egg or sperm production • Syphilis serology (RPR)
Screening for infectious • Hepatitis B surface antigen
stimulated by the presence of HCG in
diseases in pregnancy • HIV antibody (ELISA).
the sample.
Although not always possible, the
ideal time to assess and manage Alpha fetoprotein and
The current assays have excellent sen-
potential pregnancy complications is Down’s screening
sitivities and specificities for HCG.
in the preconception period. Down’s screening is the commonest
However, it is recommended that these
Prevention of infections during preg- prenatal genetic test requested.
rapid tests have both positive and neg-
nancy is important for both the mother Although the risk of trisomy 21
ative controls incorporated in the
and the developing fetus. increases with increased maternal
assay. Serum-based laboratory tests
age, 80% of all affected babies are
for HCG have the advantage of offer-
Available vaccines that should be con- born to women under the age of 35
ing quantitative levels (usually at the
sidered include measles, mumps, years. The triple test (α-fetoprotein,
same cost to the patient as a qualita-
rubella, varicella and hepatitis B. β-HCG, unconjugated oestriol), ideally
tive test) and the option of performing
Mumps in the first trimester may be performed between 16 and 18 weeks’
additional assays (e.g. progesterone,
associated with fetal death, while gestation (range 15 - 20 weeks), will
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH),
measles may lead to preterm birth and detect up to 70% of affected pregnan-
prolactin) that may be required on the
possible miscarriage. The congenital cies. The major disadvantage of this
rubella syndrome (deafness, cataracts, test is the high number of false posi-
Haemoglobin (anaemia in cardiac defects and mental retarda- tives, which lead to uneccessary
pregnancy) tion) may occur in 20 - 85% of infants amniocenteses. The α-fetoprotein com-
Apart from an altered physiological in women with rubella during the first ponent of the test will provide informa-
state in pregnancy characterised by trimester. Vaccines are best adminis- tion on the risk of neural tube defects
an expanded plasma volume and tered before conception. In addition, (NTDs).
reduced blood haemoglobin concen- preconception treatment of HIV, tuber-
tration manifesting as a normochromic culosis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Recently, screening even earlier in
normocytic anaemia, the mother is at Chlamydia trachomatis and pregnancy (10 - 13 weeks and 6
greater risk of a nutritional anaemia of Treponema pallidum will help to days) has become possible with the
especially iron (microcytic anaemia) decrease complications during preg- first trimester screening programme
and folate (macrocytic anaemia). nancy. Screening for cytomegalovirus (free β-HCG and pregnancy-associated
and toxoplasmosis may also be indi- plasma protein A). The sensitivity and
Other incidental findings on routine cated to avoid risk factors in specific specificity of the test are improved
antenatal full blood count screening settings. dramatically with ultrasonographic
could include, for example, a thalas- measurement of the nuchal translucen-
Prenatal screening cy (a sonolucent space at the back of
saemia or sickle cell trait or hereditary
spherocytosis. Later in pregnancy a The following are considered basic the fetus’s neck in the first trimester)
haemolytic anaemia may be found in antenatal tests: and the identification of the nasal
pre-eclamptic and eclamptic mothers bones. Measurement of the nuchal
Urine culture translucency is a very specific tech-
as part of the HELLP syndrome
Asymptomatic bacteriuria — defined nique that was accredited by the Fetal
(Haemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes
as the presence of more than Medical Foundation prior to its inclu-
and Low Platelets).
100 000 colony-forming units (> 105 sion in the risk calculation programme.
Antenatal blood group and CfU) per ml of urine in the absence of
irregular antibody screening urinary symptoms — occurs in 6 - 7% Glucose tolerance tests

ABO and rhesus grouping can be of pregnant women. The significance Approximately 7% of all pregnancies
readily obtained if not already known. of this finding is that acute are complicated by gestational
pyelonephritis, with its associated com-
A pregnant rhesus-negative woman plication of poor pregnancy outcome,
needs regular testing throughout the occurs in 20 - 40% of pregnant

84 CME February 2004 Vol.22 No.2


The biochemical diagnosis The formal OGTT protocols include a pill or medroxyprogesterone acetate
of early pregnancy is now 75 g or 100 g loading test with sam- (Provera), as levels will be suppressed.
taken for granted with the pling intervals ending at 2 or 3 hours Another common case for suppressed
advent of the monoclonal post challenge. The cut-off at 2 hours levels is early pregnancy.
antibody technique. using either the 75 g or 100 g load is
8.6 mmol/l, which differs significantly FSH levels > 20 mIU/ml are consistent
from that in the non-pregnant patient. with a perimenopausal state and
Other incidental findings should be assessed with the clinical
on routine antenatal full GYNAECOLOGY
blood count screening Of the panel of hormonal assays, The LH:FSH in polycystic ovarian syn-
could include, for example, many tests are common for more than drome of greater than 2 must not be
a thalassaemia or sickle one gynaecological disorder; howev- confused with the pre-ovulatory LH
cell trait or hereditary er, some of the assays are reserved for surge at mid-cycle. The oestradiol level
specific complaints. on the same sample will help distin-
guish the conditions.
Irregular cycles/polycystic
ovarian disease Androgen profile
A pregnant rhesus-negative
FSH, luteinising hormone (LH), pro- This is usually reserved for patients
woman needs regular test-
lactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone with hirsutism, severe acne, or virilis-
ing throughout the preg- (TSH), fasting insulin/glucose. ing features. Family history, menstrual
nancy either to monitor the abnormalities and rate of development
titre of a known irregular Hirsutism of signs and symptoms will dictate the
antibody (commonly anti-D) Testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone extent of investigations. The current
or to detect the develop- sulphate (DHEAS), androstendione, profile will assist in identifying the
cortisol, 17-OH-progesterone. source of androgens (ovary or adre-
ment of an irregular anti-
body. Menopausal screen
FSH, LH, oestradiol. Fasting insulin, glucose
diabetes mellitus (GDM) (prevalence Insulin resistance is associated with
Ovulatory status
ranging from 1% to 14%, depending polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)
Mid-luteal progesterone, LH, oestradi- (also with obesity, some
on the population group and diagnos-
ol. endocrinopathies, early diabetes), and
tic criteria). Women with clinical char-
acteristics of a high risk for GDM therapy with metformin has improved
(obesity, history of GDM, glycosuria or menstrual and ovulatory function in
The advent of ultrasensitive TSH most of these patients.
a family history of diabetes) should be
assays has enabled screening of thy-
tested on presentation. If initial
roid disease by a single test. Raised Ovulatory tests: progesterone
screening is normal, they should be
levels require evaluation of hypothy- In a 28-day cycle, the day 21 proges-
retested between 24 and 28 weeks of
roidism (free T4, thyroid antibodies) terone level will indicate whether ovu-
gestation. Women of average risk
and suppressed levels suggest thyro- lation occurred in that cycle. To iden-
should be tested at 24 - 28 weeks’
toxicosis (free T4, free T3, thyroid anti- tify ovulation biochemically during the
gestation. A fasting glucose level of
bodies). cycle (as opposed to after the event),
> 7.0 mmol/l or a random glucose of
> 11.0 mmol/l confirmed on a subse- serial LH and oestrodiol levels should
In patients in whom Sheehan’s syn- be determined.
quent day is sufficient for the diagno-
drome (pituitary disorder) is suspected,
sis of diabetes. A glucose tolerance
the TSH is of no value; a free T4 level Prolactin
test is not necessary in this setting.
is a better indicator of the hypothy- Raised prolactin levels with or without
roidism. galactorrhoea may be associated with
There are various protocols for glucose
infertility and menstrual abnormalities.
loading, which include a 50 g glucose Gonadotrophins (FSH, LH)
Galactorrhoea with normal prolactin
challenge followed by a plasma glu-
These levels vary during the menstrual levels indicates increased breast tissue
cose level 1 hour later. This can be
cycle and ideally should be assessed sensitivity to the hormone, and imag-
performed on non-fasted subjects and
on day 3 of the cycle. The interpreta- ing of the pituitary gland is not neces-
will identify 80% of GDM patients,
tion of the levels must take cognisance sary. Causes of raised prolactin
who are subsequently tested by a
of the phase in the cycle. Gonado- include stress, physical examination,
formal oral glucose tolerance test
trophins should not be measured if therapy, hypothyroidism, macropro-
patients are taking the contraceptive lactinaemia, and hypothalamic-

February 2004 Vol.22 No.2 CME 85


pituitary pathology. A raised level the potential will soon arise to perform In the face of increasing cost-contain-
must be confirmed on repeat testing in genetic testing directly on fetal cells, ment pressures from managed care
a non-stressed state. with minimal invasiveness. measures, the practitioner must bal-
ance this against the benefits of the
Future investigations CONCLUSION various preclinical diagnostic tests
Genetic tests for carrier status of vari- Laboratory tests play an important role available.
ous abnormalities are currently avail- in obstetrics and gynaecology, as in
able (cystic fibrosis, haemoglo- any other discipline of medicine. Their For more information on laboratory
binopathies, Tay-Sachs, Gaucher’s, role in antenatal screening is of partic- tests:
haemochromatosis). As the range ular relevance because many women
expands, there will be increased pres- in poor countries are attended to by
sure on the practitioner for screening. health professionals for the first time in
Techniques are available for separa- their lives during the first pregnancy.
tion of fetal cells from maternal blood;


Knowledge of laboratory tests is critical to clinical management.

Preconception and antenatal screening is essential.

Reproductive hormonal levels are influenced by factors such as stage of cycle, maternal age and therapy.


This interesting paper compared patients' perceptions of

their risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the benefits
of CVD risk factor reduction between patients with peripher-
al arterial disease (PAD), patients with coronary artery dis-
ease (CAD) and patients with no disease. All groups report-
ed that the risks of myocardial infarction, stroke and death
were higher for a patient with CAD than for a patient with

Compared with other patients, those with PAD underestimat-

ed the high risk of cardiovascular events associated with
PAD and the benefits of cholesterol-lowering therapy. This
may help to explain the low rates of CVD risk factor control
previously reported in patients with PAD.

It would probably help if the attending doctor explained

that all vessels start with the heart, and that if the peripher-
al vessels are damaged, there is a good chance that those
in the heart are also not too healthy.

McGrae M, et al. Arch Intern Med 2003: 163: 2157-2162.

86 CME February 2004 Vol.22 No.2

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