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Where’s our shadow PM?

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
A prime ministerial candidate ought to head the organisation or lead the party in Parliament
talent-spotters among this category.
And of course, the third variety is the
erudite parliamentarian who knows

At the crossroads the ins and outs of parliamentary

practice and can become an asset to
the party in government.
Cong impasse far from over even as it needs a boost Rahul has not defined his area of

expertise yet. He has resigned from
OR the first time after he quit as the Congress president on May the organisational position without a
25, Rahul Gandhi met chief ministers of the five Congress-ruled RAJESH RAMACHANDRAN
replacement, something unthinkable
states on Monday but the roadmap to have emerged out of it still for an organisation-builder. India for

remains unclear. Predictably, the Congress CMs asked him to recon- AHUL GANDHI must be a long was led by the Congress, whose
sider his decision to step down as the party president and discussed terribly unhappy man. It is organisational core was the Nehru-
what went wrong in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh not easy to suffer unsolicit- Gandhi family. If the transition from
where the Congress triumphed in state polls last year, but there is no ed advice from all around this arrangement is cosmetic, the ide-
indication that Rahul Gandhi is willing to change his mind. after a debacle, that too from people al candidate for the Congress presi-
The anguish and sense of responsibility that Rahul has shown in who have never fought the good dency is the universally acceptable
deciding to step aside and prod the party to look for an alternative to steer fight. Well, he doesn't need to be told TRANSFORMATIONAL POLITICS? It is an opportunity to rebuild a party and be an scholar Manmohan Singh. Instead, if
it at a time when the BJP seems to be riding the crest should be seen in what to do. But the voters, the partic- effective parliamentarian, not just ride a three-month wave in 2024. Rahul wants a younger, energetic per-
perspective, but it remains unstated in which direction he wants the par- ipants of this great democracy, have son, who will revive the organisation
every right to know where the Con- and make it fighting fit for the next
ty to head. Office-bearers have put in their papers in ‘honour and
gress party is headed. His actions He owes it to the crores of voters of the Congress to general elections five years hence,
respect’ of Rahul Gandhi and a spate of resignations has taken place to
express solidarity and give him a chance to reorganise the party. The Con-
give no hint as to what he is up to. explain what his party’s destiny is. then he should understand that this
And that is no way to do politics at the successor ought to be the Prime Min-
gress has a precedent when under the Kamaraj Plan, senior leaders were highest level. What does his resigna- isterial candidate as well.
expected to resign and devote their energy to inject vigour into the party. tion from the post of Congress presi- instead he anointed Mallikarjun Rajiv Gandhi and PV Narasimha Rao A person who is not the leader of
But it also attracted criticism for it was felt that the move was aimed at sti- dent mean? Is it merely an admission Kharge as head of the Congress par- became leaders of Opposition after the party in Lok Sabha and is not the
fling criticism of Nehru. The parallel ends here. The Congress is not in of defeat or a larger course correction ty in Lok Sabha. Kharge could not they demitted the office of the Prime Congress president does not have the
power and Rahul Gandhi is not yet the PM. But the aim of rejuvenating for the organisation, implying that it retain his seat this time, so a five- Minister. AB Vajpayee was LoP before moral authority to be the party's
the party cannot be denied with the saffron surge resulting in his defeat needs a better leader? Even today's time MP and a Congress strongman he became Prime Minister and so was prime ministerial candidate. Politics
in the family pocket borough of Amethi, an early indication of which headlines scream at us with a lot of from Bahrampur in West Bengal — Manmohan Singh, the leader of the cannot get reduced to performance
made him contest from the relatively safe seat of Wayanad in Kerala. ambiguity about the five Congress Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury — sud- Opposition in Rajya Sabha before his during poll time. A three-month long
Rahul's decision will serve to buttress the claims of furthering inner par- chief ministers beseeching Rahul to denly became the lucky substitute. party chose him to become the Prime campaign at times can bring in
ty democracy but he has to remember two things. First, even Indira make a U-turn and to remain the Con- The LoP is the shadow Prime Minis- Minister. Sonia Gandhi too was LoP regime change. It has happened in
gress President. ter. Technically, the Congress with just for five years. YB Chavan, Jagjivan 2004 and later during many assembly
Gandhi tasted defeat from Rae Bareilly in the Janata wave of 1977 and
His second important action after 52 seats may not qualify for that posi- Ram, Sharad Pawar, LK Advani and polls, shorter campaigns have creat-
secondly, the example of Manmohan Singh, who despite being the PM,
his resignation was a bigger let- tion, but for all practical purposes, the Sushma Swaraj were all stalwarts, ed shock results as in Madhya
was seen to have played second fiddle to party president Sonia Gandhi. down. In our parliamentary democ- leader of the Congress in Lok Sabha is who occupied this position. Kharge or Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattis-
Indeed, Congressmen are unanimous when it comes to reposing trust in racy, the Leader of the Opposition is indeed now the leader of the Opposi- Chowdhury cannot be counted garh recently. But YS Jagan Mohan
the Nehru-Gandhi family. It seems unlikely, therefore, that an alternative the voice of the voiceless. The Oppo- tion, who has a big role to play in the among them, though their light- Reddy's two-year long campaign or
to Rahul will be able to break away from this tradition. sition makes parliament relevant. appointment of the chiefs of CBI, CVC, weight status seems to be their quali- more, aptly the BJP's idea of being in
Even in the early years of our young CIC and Lokpal, even as an invitee. The fication to lead their party in the Lok a perpetual campaign mode, is what
Republic, when the Congress-led senior most and the best parliamentari- Sabha. If that is so, this attitude would fetch real political power. In
governments refused to accord the ans ought to adorn this position. By ask- towards our democratic traditions this context Rahul's actions do not
status of the Leader of the Opposi- ing Chowdhury, a virtual nobody out- smacks of insecurity. make sense. And he owes it to the

Peril on roads tion to the head of the single largest

party in Opposition, AK Gopalan,
the leader of the Communist Party
side Bengal, to stand in for him, Rahul
is shirking his responsibility and limit-
ing his role to that of a performer instead
Largely, there are three aspects of
activism that determine a political
career. One, grassroots level transfor-
crores of voters of Congress to
explain what his party's destiny is. In
one-to-one meetings, Rahul comes
Spate of fatal bus accidents has no impact of India, remained a towering fig- of becoming a patient planner, guide, mational politics of nurturing a con- across as a well-meaning, well-read
ure, who took on Prime Minister philosopher and mentor of his party. stituency — electoral and ideological; man who talks about transformation-

NFORTUNATELY, the spate of fatal road accidents that come at Nehru and the government. The Forget about the ennui of the some might even add caste and com- al politics. This is an opportunity to
the cost of life and limb has shown hardly any sign of improve- position of the leader of the party in unending meetings during the ses- munity also while defining con- rebuild a party, to transform Amethi
ment in the country. After the initial shock expressed — as at the Lok Sabha is not something that sions, Rahul by nominating Chowd- stituencies. Two, an ability to create and Wayanad and to be an effective
two buses tragically rolling down the hills, one in Kishtwar and another in could be passed on to a retainer. hury is exhibiting a certain disdain an organisation as a theoretician or a parliamentarian. Instead, if he
Shimla, on Monday — and some compensation announced for the victims Last time in 2014, Rahul Gandhi for the institution of Parliament. The practitioner setting up smaller units believes that he can ride a wave in a
or their kin, the general tendency is to forget and move on till another set refused to take up the responsibility prime ministerial candidate ought to to build them into a large structure — three-month campaign in 2024, he
of unfortunate road users reaches homes in coffins. In a new undesirable of leading his party in Parliament; lead the party’s charge in Lok Sabha. there could be demagogues and shy might be in for a greater shock.
trend, a mob took out its frustration by beating up a man present in the
ill-fated Shimla school bus that claimed the lives of two young girls.

Being with yourself...and in love

Rather, such mishaps should spur the stakeholders — the drivers, the pas-
sengers, even pedestrians, road safety officials as well as the government
agencies concerned — to concentrate on ensuring the making and
enforcement of rules so that the rate of accidents is brought down.
The hazard is multi-pronged. An innocent commuter’s life is vul- Anirudh Dhanda love permeates the whole. huge window facing the west. From dow. Cool breeze mixed with the spray
nerable to injury or death from all possible quarters: it could be an I get up and gingerly walk the nar- here, I watch the slow slide of the of rain drops sends a shiver down my

illiterate driver who is unaware of traffic rules or one with a sense of ow I wish I have a farm with row pebbled pathway to my small dying sun. It makes my heart twinge. spine. The effect is magical. I pull a
entitlement violating the law with impunity. Another time, it could be sprawling greenery and dwelling amidst the crawling and The day's job is finished and now is cane chair and carry it out to the terrace
a potholed or unlit or badly engineered road. Then, there are umpteen some cheerful animals… climbing vines, their delicate nascent the time for some much earned rest. I and sit facing thick dark clouds from
cases of rash or drunk driving; even passengers don’t realise the dan- cows, buffaloes and their young tendrils knocking at my window sit in a thickly cushioned chair and far off lands. I am getting drenched
ger as they jostle to find a foothold in overloaded vehicles. The use of ones whom I can distinguish by panes. The place is drenched in a pull out a book. But I am not in a with heavy drops of clean fresh god-
mobile phone by drivers is fast joining the race to top the list of major their looks and they respond to heady mix of fragrance of flowers. mood to read. I can smell the aroma of sent water. It's heavenly to be. To just
causes of accidents; we think nothing of stray animals perilously pop- being called by their names, chew- There are four mango trees on my coffee being brewed from freshly exist, to only feel and think no more.
ing the cud with satisfaction and left. Many other fruit-bearing trees ground beans. I start preparing for 'Love' that the Masters talk about must
ulating our roads. Only stricter rules and their implementation will
mirth on their faces. And there go a dot the boundary and the grapevines the ritual of choosing cookies. There be this. The bliss is unparalleled. The
lead to a U-turn of the notorious safety standards of Indian roads.
couple of fawns, joyously jumping flow freely from one to the other. The is a row of jars just beneath the book ecstasy has no comparables. It is blank.
However, the government seems to be more interested in appeasing and playing in the open — fearless, fruit primarily belongs to the birds rack. I put the book back. How we go on thinking that we are 'we'
a certain section as it recently mooted an amendment in the Motor Vehi- free, agile and happy. And dogs and squirrels. It is a joy watching A mild drizzle has started again. as we perceive ourselves to be, or that
cles Act that is geared towards disaster. In the name of boosting employ- laze on the grass, attentive to them taste the fruit and throw it down Shy jasmine flowers giggle as if hav- what the world sees us to be. Foolishly,
ment, it has decided to do away with the eligibility criterion of having every little sound and eager to half eaten, if not to their liking. Their ing a face wash. And water trickles we forget that we are 'that within' and
attended class VIII for transport vehicle drivers. Haryana, too, has respond to a call from me. One of chirping and elated calls form a dif- down their stems on to the soft grass. not that as observed without. The
sought the education qualification waiver for drivers in Mewat. them crawls to put its chin on my ferent musical composition. Coffee finished, I climb up to the ter- whole existence is related to each oth-
knee. I tenderly move my fingers I open the door and can smell home. race. The sound tells me the rain has er and we are nothing but pure souls
on its head and ears. The glow of My room is on the extreme left with a grown in intensity. I open the side win- originating from the same source.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
The world does not belong to leaders. The world
Keep core values alive the RSS, is to create a 'Hindu Rash- threatened to sever ties with India if J&K may yield some political divi-
belongs to all humanity. — Dalai Lama Refer to 'Dodging US sermons' (July tra', and it is trying to inch towards these special Articles were to be dends for the BJP, but it will not
2). Observations made by US Secre- this goal. The BJP is attached to the scrapped. Also, Shah's blaming serve national interests.
tary of State Mike Pompeo and for- RSS by an umbilical cord and they Nehru for the partition is historically PS KAUR, VIA EMAIL
mer President Barack Obama regard- are inseparable. The success story correct. Special status for Jammu and
on this day...50 years ago ing the contraction of religious at the hustings should be seen in Kashmir, if not agreed to by Nehru,
freedom and space to the minorities this light. US Secretary of State would have merged the state in the Death in water tank
and frequent lynching of their mem- Mike Pompeo and earlier President mainstream. But the BJP should In the incident in which four workers
bers may not be appreciated by the Barack Obama warned the present refrain from denigrating Nehru just to died while cleaning a pump in
Indian government that may view it dispensation not to tinker with the garner political points. Let history Rohtak, an FIR was registered against
as unwarranted interference by the existing social fabric which may judge him as the first prime minister the XEN, SDO, superintendent engi-
Ambala,Thursday, July 3, 1969
US in the internal affairs of the coun- prove to be disadvantageous for the of of independent India. neer and a junior engineer of the Pub-
try. But the observations are not out minorities. Encouraging hard-core PRAKASH HANSPAUL, VIA EMAIL lic Health and Engineering Depart-
SACHAR FORMULA SCRAPPED of context. When this era of globaliza- Hindu activists may send a wrong ment. The incident could have been
CHANDIGARH, July 2-The Punjab Cabinet today decided to supersede the tion, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, signal to the discerning mind. avoided had precautions been taken
Sachar Formula and the PEPSU Formula with the three-language formula environmental pollution, famine, Unless the RSS and the BJP come Kashmir’s special status before cleaning the tank like use of
which will apply to 8,000 Government schools in the State with immediate effect. floods and wars invites the concern forward to show concern and care Apropos the editorial ‘Contentious proper safety devices by the cleaners.
Under the decision, Punjabi would be the first compulsory language and the and worry of almost all countries, why towards the minorities, we shall be Article 370’ (July 1), Union Home The Punjab government should
medium of instruction at all stages in Government schools. Hindi would be the can't religious intolerance, bigotry losing face at international forums Minister Amit Shah, has made no ensure that accident cover is taken for
second compulsory language from the fourth class, while English would be the and persecution be a matter to be and in the Muslim world. secret of the fact that Article 370 is a each cleaner which hardly costs Rs
third compulsory language from the sixth class. addressed and criticised, even if it BM SINGH, AMRITSAR temporary provision and needs to be 120 tentatively against a coverage of
An official spokesman told reporters that the issue of medium of instruction in comes from the US? Keeping the cen- done away with. This was also the Rs 2 lakh for accidental death.
the privately-run primary and other schools of the State, over which there are turies-old core Indian values of toler- promise made by the BJP in its KK MITTAL, BATHINDA
sharp differences between the Akali Dal and the Jan Sangh (the two ruling ance and accommodation alive and Let history judge Nehru manifesto. It seems there is an
parties in Punjab), did not come up for consideration of the Cabinet. pulsating will keep us proud of our Reference to ‘Article 370 temporary: impression in the ruling party that
cultural heritage. Shah’ (June 28); during the 2019 Lok doing away with Article 370 and 35A Saffron tinge to cricket?
4 UAR MIGs Downed, Claims Israel CHAMAN ARORA, FEROZEPUR CITY Sabha election campaign, the BJP will resolve the lingering Kashmir Our cricket team sported a strikingly
TEL AVIV, July 2 (AP & AFP)-Isreali lest should down four Soviet-built MIG-21 president had promised that if the problem once and for all. It should saffron attire, particularly while play-
fighters in a dogfight over the Gulf of Suez today, the Army announced. The NDA returns to power, Article 370 and not be forgotten that doing away ing against England. Needless to say,
Army said the Israeli aircraft encountered the MIGs while on patrol. Care and concern 35A will be done away. But even after with this article may result in break- this may end up raising more queries
The Israeli jets pursued the MIGs and four of the Egyptian planes were seen to APROPOS, ‘Dodging US sermons’ the massive mandate, he seems to be ing a bridge between Kashmir and than the game's administrators would
fall in Egyptian territory, the Army announcement said. The Israelis now claim by Vivek Katju, India's much glori- wriggling out of his promise of scrap- the rest of India of which J&K is an like to answer. That the Men in Blue,
to have shot down 25 Egyptian warplanes since the 1967 war. The Israelis claimed fied and talked about secular cre- ping Article 370 and has started call- integral part. The moderates among who won the earlier matches, lost the
they shot down two MIG-21s on June 26 and downed another two days before. In dentials is under a planned strate- ing it as temporary. Probably, Shah is Hurriyat have expressed their readi- one against England wearing a saf-
all, they now claim to have downed 13 of the Soviet-made fighters. The Israelis gic threat. The sole agenda of the again eying an alliance with the PDP ness for a dialogue and rejecting fron outfit, could be a case in point.
confirmed yesterday that some of their jets flew over Cairo last June 17 in an BJP, the unofficial political wing of that under Mehbooba Mufti had that to pursue a divisive agenda in THARCIUS S FERNANDO, CHENNAI
audacious move that was followed the firing of the UAR Air Chief.
Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:


Attari exposes scale of Punjab drug market

■ Most common opioid drug — Heroin whopping duty increase would contin- toms. This superb seizure was made
(53.35 per cent) ue to be imported and not show a pro- by Customs but what is significant is
■ Using drugs through injecting route portional price rise. That is why it is that opinion of all other departments
— 33.35 per cent logical to assume that the real profits is being taken except that of Customs!
■ Most common reason for starting were being made by smuggling hero- No reliance on the United Nations
opioid use — Peer influence (75.35 per in. Look at the opportunity. On an Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC)
cent) average, about three or four trucks efficiency as a cure-all agency should
■ Ever tried to quit? — 80.35 per cent each with 1,600 bags of rock salt come be placed. It has not been successful in
ROMESH BHATTACHARJI ■ Ever received any help for quitting? to Attari. Further, in a move helpful to reducing illicit cultivation and produc-
FORMER COMMISSIONER, CUSTOMS, — 35 per cent smugglers, the rock salt traders of tion of drugs, and of trafficking and
As soon as this enormous and Amritsar had objected to thorough drug use anywhere in the world. The
unprecedented 532-kg seizure was checking of their consignments. UNODC has supported Pakistan with

CCORDING to the Punjab made, prophets of doom — from the In the three months of the duty infinitely much more investment and
Drug Dependence Survey police to the Punjab Government and being increased to 200 per cent, smug- expertise than it has India, which is not
done in 2015 by the All-India newspapers — started worrying glers must have had several success- keen on such expertise. The UNODC
Institute of Medical Sci- about Pak narco terror. As if drug es. As rock salt from the Khera mines has been a failure in Pakistan which
ences, New Delhi, and supported by the addiction in India, and especially in of Pakistan was the only import from has more addicts than ever before. Not
Department of Health, Punjab, there Punjab, had been cultivated and pro- Pakistan, astute traffickers — on both only has illicit opium production in
were 2,32,856 dependent (i.e. serious moted by Pakistan. sides of the border — used its cover for that country increased, but so have
and regular) users in Punjab. On page If there is demand, there is bound to UNPRECEDENTED: 532 kg consignment of drugs was seized by Customs at Attari. their profit. The heroin and black salt facilities for converting it into heroin
4 of this report is a portentous com- be supply. On January 17, 2014 at the were all in one kg packets. and brown sugar, and the UNODC has
ment: “....the estimates for opioid users
in Punjab could be around 8.6 lakh….”
Trade Facilitation Centre, Uri, Kashmir,
114 kg of brown sugar was seized from
The enormous and shocking least 50 per cent success. The brazen-
ness and size of this operation suggests
The off-white colour of the seized nothing to say except enter it as a sta-
heroin indicates that it could be brown tistic in its latest world drug report.
There are not enough de-addiction a consignment of almonds headed for seizure of 532 kg also has that this could not have been the first sugar, though purity results will take In 2012, under the RTI Act, I had
centres in Punjab to help these users Amritsar. Brown sugar use is common large consignment. Before such mas- time. The rock salt and heroin were all asked the Punjab Police for details of
to recover. And there are plenty of sup- in Punjab. After the seizure of 114 kg of an Amritsar connection. sive consignments start, many test in 1 kg packs and then kept in sacks. arrests and seizures from 2001 to 2011.
pliers to keep these users hooked. brown sugar in Uri, it seemed likely After the Pulwama blast, runs of increasing amounts are done. There could not be a more convenient I was informed that 25,003 people
Instead of addressing the health that in some opium-growing areas of Trade across Attari is since March camouflage than rock salt. The heroin were jailed in that period under the
needs of users, the government is Pakistan, brown sugar was being made India imposed a duty of 200 restricted to only black salt from Pak- would merge with the powdered rock NDPS Act of 1985. Nearly all of them
unleashing brute force to impose a law especially for India's Punjab. istan and dry fruits from Afghanistan. salt and would not be detected by the were users or users-cum-peddlers. A
that has not reduced demand or con- This enormous and shocking seizure
per cent on all imports from After the Pulwama blast, India X-Ray that the Pakistani Customs few couriers, but no traffickers. And
sumption. This can diminish only if of 532 kg also has an Amritsar connec- Pakistan. Only black salt imposed a duty of 200 per cent on all have at Wagah. X-Ray machines are the problem is worse now.
proper and long treatment is given tion. Investigation of both cases imports from Pakistan. Only black salt useless if heroin in powder form is car- It is high time to change the focus of
and future users are kept away from should be worked on for common continues to be imported, continues to be imported, which is baf- ried along with other granular sub- this severe Act by which only the low-
drugs by the many means that the links, which are bound to exist. fling. The retail cost of black salt in stance — like this one of rock salt. est in the chain are being punished.
bureaucracy already has devised but Smuggling of heroin is always to be
which is baffling. That is why Amritsar was about Rs 7 per kg till Feb- To blame Pak Customs of laxity, col- There are several countries which,
not implemented. expected, considering the rising it is logical to assume that ruary when there was no duty on it. lusion or inefficiency is not right. despite objections from the UNODC,
On page 2 of this report is an inter- demand in Punjab and north India. But After the imposition of 200 per cent Many times, heroin has been seized have decriminalised drug use and
esting box showing the drug-use pro- this record-breaking impudent and the real profits were being duty, it is only Rs 16. down the road from Attari in Punjab have been quite successful in reduc-
file of Opioid Dependent individuals defiant attempt must have been based It's against all business logic that a and even in Delhi, but no one had ing drug-related problems, including
in Punjab: on the assumption of a chance of at
made by smuggling heroin. product even after suffering such a doubted the integrity of Attari Cus- use and arrests.

Violence as a tool of justice delivery

OB violence carrying politi- a situation where law would be a tool of them. It is the nature of the state playing
cal message has started mir- violence and not justice. The Constitu- a key role here, even though funds are
roring the State violence. tion was consciously drafted to a fault, overflowing via the Nirbhaya coffers.
Recently, the Delhi Police safeguarding against state violence by This June, I met a minor victim of gang-
attacked a middle-aged Sikh driver of a those who had closely encountered the rape in a theatre therapy workshop at a
three-wheeler taxi in full public view over repressive British Raj policing. Now, it far-flung makeshift shelter home within
'payment' dispute in the National Capital. is vulnerable to assaults in towns and a renowned library premises in an east-
Same week, the Eastern state of Jhark- villages and needs to be defended there. ern UP village. Awaiting filing of the
hand witnessed the latest occurrence of The Delhi episode presented a regular chargesheet against the named culprits,
FORMER DIRECTOR, NATIONAL POLICE mob lynching of one Tabrez Ansari, a scenario the law enforcement machin- she had already undertaken half a dozen
Muslim youth apprehended in the act of ery enacted against the very people it journeys to panchayats, police offices,
stealing, amidst the forced chanting of was supposed to defend, and the Jhark- hospitals, courts, dharna sites and, ironi-
The brazen advent of 'Jai Shri Ram' and 'Jai Hanuman' by him,
thus once again confirming an inevitable
hand one unveiled a picture, again not
too uncommon, of a typical indulgence
cally, the officially designated one-stop
crisis centre for the area. That is the
violent mobs dispensing build-up around politically tinted reli- of the police in the denial of access to 'State' for her!
gious logo. The periodical crowd killings justice to the victim. Any amount of chanting of 'one-stop'
'political' justice assumes with political overtones have seeped into In the remedial context, one debate in access to justice is a meaningless sound.
an unfathomable the profiling of the state, quite like the jurisprudential academics is to prioritise The case had a political mix also. She
long patronised police violence. Both pat- between institutional reforms and state belonged to the weak Chamar communi-
dimension; it has actually terns follow a common characteristic fea- accountability. The Prime Minister ty and the culprits came from the power-
ture of the Indian state, ie impunity. seemed to be addressing a political ful Muslim landlord families of her vil-
left the stakeholders The Delhi Police were alarmed by the dilemma only when he, after a long lage. It was March 2019 and the SP
clueless, most tragically. A fury of the resultant community protests prodding, chose to condemn the Tabrez (backed by Muslims) and BSP (backed by
but only to the extent to order an internal MOB JUSTICE: There is no deterrent penal law to deal with it effectively. lynching in Parliament but preferred to Chamar community) had entered into an
democratic society does enquiry against three suspended police- sidestep the issue of accountability of electoral alliance for coming Lok Sabha
men, a time-tested routine in order to set- writ jurisdiction of higher constitutional to the Indian society. Nor the issues per- his party-run state government. The elections. However, the Muslim
not deserve a situation tle down in the old groove. Tabrez was courts. In another much-publicised case meating the violent 'police justice'. Their crux is that the strong expression of jus- Sarpanch, even though accountable
where law would be a tool kept tied to an electric pole for hours with of lynching of members of Muslim com- prevalence in popular perception as a tice has not been matched by the under POCSO Act, pressured against
no police intervention; he was brutally munity in Jharkhand itself, the trial court tool of justice delivery in social, criminal required access to justice mechanism. approaching police and to go for a mone-
of violence and not justice. beaten and the sequence was video- had swiftly sentenced the culprits to life and communal practices is too well The violence in the state set-up hits the tary settlement to preserve family hon-
graphed for propaganda purposes. The imprisonment. known to the Indian legal system, which society consistently; and the usual apa- our. The political alliance kept mum. The
injured was escorted to the police station However, the intimidatory impact was has often failed to impose salutary deter- thy hidden under many social, adminis- police too watched from a distance before
by the same mob, where a criminal case negated as they were set free on bail pend- rence. While the concern for justice has trative and political layers can cause hav- she was lodged in the library by a public-
was registered against Tabrez only, before ing disposal of their appeal, and a junior normally remained at the root of coun- oc, irrespective of communal politics too. spirited initiative; and only aggressive
producing him to the jurisdiction of a minister in the Modi cabinet facilitated try's criminal justice system, the mob A suppressed gang-rape, for instance, protests forced the crime to be registered
magistrate and transporting him to the them under full media glare. In a UP case justice and the police justice get their would prove to be as much devastating in after a gap of one month.
hospital for medical attention. The mag- (Hapur, June, 2018), the gory communal nourishment from a turf that would not perpetuating violent submission of the Not only is the violence multi-layered, it
istrate was legally bound to enquire into killing with Hindutva overtones was support emphatic channelisation of target section in particular and society in is also well entrenched in the state set-up
the circumstances of his injuries but did deliberately registered by the police of the 'access to justice' for targeted sections. In general, as any publicised mob lynching as a crooked tool of justice delivery. What
not. Tabrez succumbed after four days. BJP-governed state as a road accident, fac- this scenario, the brazen advent of vio- with political overtones. These days the the unleashing of political mobs on this
Earlier instances have shown that in ing eventually intervention by the lent mobs dispensing 'political' justice CAW (crime against women) tops any law scenario must underline is the urgency to
the absence of a deterrent penal law to Supreme Court, leading to further inves- assumes an unfathomable dimension; it and order monitoring chart and yet the look at the structure of the state and not
effectively deal with the phenomenon of tigation under proper penal sections of has actually left the stakeholders clue- 'one stop crisis centres', the most show- just limiting to questioning the legal
mob justice, the jurisprudential void the law, but the process has lingered on. less, most tragically. cased vehicle of 'access to justice' for treatment meted out in the context of
could not be filled later by invoking the The violence of 'mob justice' is not new A democratic society does not deserve CAW victims, are proving of little value to individual violations.

quick crossword su do ku calendar forecast

1 Serious attempt (6)
4 Horse-drawn cab (6) 5 1 9 2 7 ■ Vikrami Samvat 2076

9 Flattering publicity (5-2) ■ Shaka Samvat 1941

10 Establish (5)
11 Roam freely (5)
3 5 2 ■ Aashadh Shaka

■ Aashadh Parvishte
Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

12 Malice (3,4) Chandigarh 41 30

■ Hijari 1440
13 Engage in dispute (5,6)
18 Prudent (7)
2 7 3 4 Shukla Paksh Tithi 1, up to 10:05 pm New Delhi
38 30

20 Keep in reserve (5) Dhruv Yoga up to 11.42 am

Amritsar 43 27
22 Hard particle (5)
23 Apprehensive (7)
2 8 7 1 Ardra Nakshatra up to 6:36 am
Punar Nakshatra up to 4:39 am
24 Being (6) Moon enters Cancer sign 11:09 pm Ludhiana 41 27
25 Off course (6) HARYANA
Gupt Navratre start
Bhiwani 43 29
1 Go on board a ship (6)
2 Pretend (5) 7 4 5 3 1 3 9 4 8 6 2 5 7
44 26
3 To set right (7)
8 4 6 7 2 5 3 1 9 Dharamsala 33 21
5 Very bad (5)
6 Carefully thought out (7) 5 3 4 8 2 5 7 3 9 1 4 8 6 Manali
7 Interfere officiously (6) 3 7 4 6 5 9 1 2 8 JAMMU & KASHMIR
8 Made in an instant (5-6)
14 Dependent (7) 2 1 3 5 1 8 2 3 7 6 9 4 Jammu
9 6 2 1 4 8 7 3 5
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION 15 Inferior (2,5) Srinagar 31 15
Across: 1 Risible, 5 Chaos, 8 Dyed-in-the-wool, 9 Rapid, 10 Replete, 11 Cohere, 12 Lament,
15 Sabbath, 17 Verge, 19 On a small scale, 20 Sedan, 21 Earshot.
16 Culmination (6)
17 A knitted fabric (6) 3 9 2 6 4 4
Dehradun 34 22
Down: 1 Rider, 2 Sweep the board, 3 Builder, 4 Entire, 5 Cheep, 6 Above reproach, 7 19 Principle (5) Mussoorie 24 14
7 9 1 5 6 3 8 4 2
Salient, 11 Customs, 13 Adviser, 14 Shelve, 16 Amman, 18 Event. 21 Smell (5) EASY TEMPERATURE IN OC

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