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Chapter III

Research Methodology

3.1. Qualitative Design and Methodology

The Descriptive research design is use in the study. Descriptive Design include case studies,

survey, and naturalistic observation. The goal of these designs is to get a picture of the current

thoughts, feelings, or behavior in a given group of people. According to Holton and Burnett,

2005 this research design uses survey to gather information about organization, groups, people

And so forth to describe domain characteristic.

3.2. Research Site

The researcher conduct the study in Alicia National High School, Paddad Alicia Isabela.

Alicia National High School (ANHS) is a public secondary school in Alicia, Isabela offering

junior and senior high school education. The school is recognized by the Department of

Education (DepEd) and it currently offers Academic and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood

(TVL) strands for its Senior High School (SHS) program. It is located in National Highway

Paddad Alicia Isabela.

Plate 1: Map Showing Alicia National High School.

3.3. Selection Criteria and Participants

The student of Senior High School at Alicia National High School, Paddad Alicia Isabela

is the subject of the study, specifically 30 students from different strand (Academic and

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood or TVL) are randomly selected.

3.4. Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers asked permission to conduct a survey after approval the researchers will conduct

the survey or interview during vacant time of the respondents the researchers will randomly

select students from the different strand Academic and TVL to complete the respondents. After

the survey and interview all the gathered information was tailed, tabulated, and analyzed the

respond of respondent.

3.5. Data Collection

In this study the researcher use interview, observation, and field notes in gathering data.

Instrument Use
Interview Guide. The researcher use the interview guide to identify the situation of math

anxiety of the respondent. The interview with the key informants are held in Alicia National

High School Senior High School Department.

Survey Questionnaire. This are employ to collect information regarding to the math anxiety of

Senior High School towards the subject related mathematics.

Tape Recorder and Video Camera. The researcher utilize tape recorder and video camera to

document the interview process and photo shoot the informants. These is use to record the oral

response of the respondent to assure the correctness and authenticity of the information.

3.6. Data Analysis

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