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How to get your dream job

Obtaining your dream job is not an easy task. It requires a lot of work and
preparation to achieve such job. The main goal of any employee is to reach their

dream job one day. some people get their dream jobs in one or two years and
some people spend their whole life trying to even get close to their dream jobs.

everyone has a different perspective when it comes to a dream job, some people
say when you reach your dream job, you don’t get tired of working because you

get to do the thing you love every day. There is a lot of doors that will allow a
person to get their dream job. Regardless, achieving your dream job requires three

main criteria. Such criteria are considered the map that leads to the ultimate goal.
the criteria are divided based on their functionality into; acknowledgment,

Preparation and presentation.

The first criterion is acknowledgment. Such standard requires the

knowledge and realization of your dream job. Easier said than done, such process

is considered to be the foundation that the other criteria build on. It might not be
the hardest thing in the world to know what you want but it sure is a tough

challenge to have a clear vision of what you may consider as your dream job.
Knowing the perfect job for you requires a deep understanding of the word
“Perfect” in terms of job seeking. The definition of a perfect job differs from one

person to another. Some people seek jobs with higher salary, other seek jobs with
higher social status while other prefer jobs with minimal commute time and less

crowded places. Such variations need a lot of studying and research to be able to
rank those discrepancies accordingly to reach the complete image of a dream job.

The main elements that shapes a dream job are: Type of work, Social status, salary,
environment, commute time, location, timings, work hierarchy and connections
How to get your dream job

with other coworkers. Rating your dream job with respect to those elements will
give you a rough idea about what you are seeking. Asking other people for help is

one of the smart decisions to be taken especially for inexperienced personnel.

Reaching out for people with similar goals would lead into a shared ideas and

objectives. Having a role model can also be a part of deciding your career as you
can get insights on what he achieved and compare it with what you seek. This can

motivate you in a certain direction or detour you from another direction. In all cases
asking others is a guaranteed win as it opens your mind to absorb more concepts

that will benefit you in the future and it will be the main key to build an image on
how you want your career to be. By defining your image on a perfect job this will

allow you to know what you’re looking for in a job and this will help you in building
a strong resume that will catch the attention of anyone that reads it, and this will

be the first step in building your dream job. Ultimately a lot of research and
knowledge are required about the field you are interested in and how you will

adapt in such field. Adaptation is a strong factor in defining the job. Hence, you
might think that you fit in one job and its all you want but when you actually try it,

you find yourself unsatisfied and displeased by the environment or the nature of
the specified job. Accordingly, the process might undergo some trial and error
situations especially when the depth of the job is not well studied, and not enough

research was conducted. Another factor that plays a role in defining your dream
job is recognizing your skill set. Such factor imposes a great significance as it shows

your qualifications and assets in a particular role. If you are not skilled enough to
excel in the job, then it’s not the one.
How to get your dream job

The Second criterion is preparation. Preparation is considered to be the

hardest part of seeking your dream job as it requires a lot of dedication and effort.

To be prepared for a certain job you need to obtain the required skills, training and
connections. Building connections with people is one of the best ways of

preparation as they enrich you with their experience and strengthen your social
skills which are important for any job. Having various internships in different

companies will help you get closer to get your dream job at a young age, by
training in different fields you become aware of the nature of the job and then you

can determine what is your strengths and weaknesses, this will be a way of testing
your capabilities. This is an important key concept on reaching your dream job as

companies offer full time job opportunities to hardworking interns. Another way
of building connection with people is by volunteering in different places and

activities and having the time to help develop the community will also have a part
in building more connections with people. All these experiences and trainings will

make you a stronger candidate to obtain a certain job. Building a strong skill set is
another strong aspect that outclasses a person from another. Taking multiple

courses and keeping up to date with the latest innovations related to the dream
job helps you to visualize the nature of the tasks and challenges that will be faced.
Moreover, it will reinforce your social circle and maintain a professional bond with

other potential coworkers. Mental preparation is also required since you need to
put up with the job routine. Mostly, jobs are accompanied with metal pressure and

stress from clients of superiors which needs a lot of preparation and awareness.

Finally, the last criterion is presentation. This criterion is all about how you
present yourself worthy for the job other than other candidates. This process starts
How to get your dream job

with your resume. If enough effort and dedication were given in the preparation
process, then you will have a strong resume that presents your assets and skills.

The resume should highlight your strengths and your capabilities which make it
easier for whoever reads it to realize your goals and ideas. Such a clear resume will

certainly impress and takes you one step forward to the job. Another park of the
presentation in the interview. impressing your audience in your interview is very

important as it gives them a good impression about you and it gives them a good
reason to hire you, the first step in preparing for a presentation is by reading about

the company and having an overview on the whole company, doing a research on
the company will allow you to be prepared for any tricky questions, you can do

your research on LinkedIn or even by asking people about the company, another
way to prepare for you interview is by identifying your assets and embrace them,

try to smile and be calm in an interview, try to be on time for your interview,
another important concept on how to be prepared for an interview is dressing

formally, because appearance can tell a lot about a person.

In conclusion getting your dream job depends on many factors and requires
a lot of work and dedication. When enough research is done and you have a clear
vision on what kind of dream job you are aiming to get, you should start working

on your skills and building connections with other people related to the field as it
will give you a sense of the environment that you will be dealing with in the work

atmosphere. Another important factor is to never give up as it is highly anticipated

to not get the job you want right away. Moreover, never take the presentation

lightly as it gives a strong impression about you as a person. Seeking help from
others is always favored. Asking others about a certain job will give you an idea on
How to get your dream job

the job description, the actual job, the company hierarchy and the company policy.
Such information might be critical and decisive in the picking process. Most

importantly don’t accept a job that you are not happy with just because you can’t
find what you want. Always keep trying harder, be patient and dedicate yourself to

reach your ultimate goal and achieve the job that makes you socially stable, more
comfortable, motivated and happier

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