Module 1 - The Hands of The Blacks

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Curriculum Area & Grade Level: English 8 Teacher:

Time Required (Days or Weeks): Instructional Groupings: (Y for yes; NA for Not
JULY 1, 2019 (Monday)
Whole Y Partners Y Homogenous Y
Small Y Quads NA Heterogeneous Y
Content Standard Performance Standard
The learner demonstrates concrete The learner presents an informative and creative
understanding of the prosodic features of exhibit to show the different traditions and values of
speech, study and research skills, making selected Afro-Asian countries.
sense of unfamiliar words, using non-linear
texts to show relationships between ideas
through oral literatures of selected Afro-Asian
countries and informative texts to familiarize
oneself with the traditions and values that will
guide him/her in knowing his/her identity as an
Learning Objectives:
1. EN8LC- Ia-5.1: Listen for important points signaled by volume, projection, pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture and rate of speech.
2. Identify the changes in meaning of words as the stress changes.
3. Use words with correct stress in the discourse of speaking.
4. Appreciate the importance of speaking with the correct stress of words.
Lesson # 1 – Adjective Complement
Focus Question: How can you better understand your identity as an Asian?
1. Reference: English 8 Learner’s Material pp. 14-15
Authors: Department of Education
2. Other References/Materials - WWW.GOOGLE .COM

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routines
 Prayer and greetings.
 Checking of the room and attendance.

B. Review

 Who are the characters in the tale “The Hands of the Blacks”?
 What are the lessons you have learned from the tale?

C. Motivation/Mind Conditioning


………………….( name)
I am very ………………. ( adj.).
I am not very ………….… ( adj.)
I have a ……….. mother (adj.)
And some …………. Friends (adj.)
I like to ………….. (verb).
My favorite food is …………… (noun).
It is very ……………… (adj.)
Processing Questions:

 What was the test about?

D. Discussion and Activities # 1

An adjective is a part of speech that modifies or describes a noun. An adjective complement is

a group of words, either a prepositional phrase or a noun clause, that modify an adjective.

 A noun clause is simply two or more words that function as a noun. It should have a
subject and a verb, and, since it takes the place of a noun, it's a dependent clause and
cannot stand alone. A noun clause starts with the words "that," "how," "if," and the "wh-"
words - "what," "when," "why," etc.
 when you arrived
 that he is happy
 where Sara went

 Prepositional Phrase- A prepositional phrase starts with a preposition - such as "with,"

"about," "on," or "in" - and is followed by a noun, pronoun, noun phrase, pronoun phrase,
or noun clause.
 with the car
 under the bridge
 after the show

An adjective complement always follows the adjective it complements.

Take a look at these example sentences with the adjective complement underlined:

 She was unsure how her parents would react. (noun clause)
 My boss was anxious when sales fell. (noun clause)
 Are you afraid of spiders? (prepositional phrase)
 We were shocked by the news. (prepositional phrase)
 I was delighted that she was chosen. (noun clause)
 I am very surprised about the nomination. (prepositional phrase)
 The little boy was eager for Christmas to arrive. (prepositional phrase)
 I am curious what color you picked. (noun clause)
 It was wrong of her to leave. (prepositional phrase)
 I will be happy when I get married. (noun clause)

E. Mastery Development

Directions: Underline the Adjective complement in each sentence and identify if it is noun
clause or prepositional phrase.

1. “We were a little curious why they decided to leave.”

2. “He felt alone in the world.”
3. “The bosses are pleased with your progress.”
4. “I’m thrilled that you are coming to visit!”
5. “It’s so wonderful what he did for those orphans.”

F. Evaluation

Directions: Underline the Adjective complement in each sentence and identify if it is noun
clause or prepositional phrase.

1. It is unbelievable that she got accepted at Princeton.

2. It was very obvious that this was the murder weapon.
3. The bosses are pleased with your progress.
4. The student is bored with the coursework.
5. Her husband is keen on buying a new car.
G. Other Activities/Assignment

Read the Poem African child by Eku McGred.


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