A.) Preschool As Personal Social Enrichment

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) Preschool as Personal Social Enrichment

This programme avoids academic skills, but is designed to develop personal skills. An implicit

assumption is that if the are allowed to actualize the potential of present development of

children such as habit formation, toilet training, they can tackle such demands when the need

arise (developing capacity to adjust in future). Advocates of personal social enrichment uphold

the view that there is ample time for academic work later in life. Now the child is allowed to

learn to appreciate art, nature, people and themselves (Mitchell, 1980). A programme which

solely focuses on social interaction of the children not giving detailed scrutiny of other

developmental features of a child will not provide quality improvements that will necessitate

quality education in subsequent years ahead, which the present study intends to investigate.

Learning experience should not be limited solely to social interaction but moral and academic

activities inclusive.

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