Infoblox CSV Import Reference: NIOS 6.5 For Infoblox Core Network Services Appliances

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Infoblox CSV Import Reference

NIOS 6.5
for Infoblox Core Network Services Appliances
Copyright Statements
© 2012, Infoblox Inc.— All rights reserved.
The contents of this document may not be copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
written permission of Infoblox, Inc.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Infoblox, Inc. shall not be liable for any
damages resulting from technical errors or omissions which may be present in this document, or from use of this
This document is an unpublished work protected by the United States copyright laws and is proprietary to Infoblox,
Inc. Disclosure, copying, reproduction, merger, translation, modification, enhancement, or use of this document by
anyone other than authorized employees, authorized users, or licensees of Infoblox, Inc. without the prior written
consent of Infoblox, Inc. is prohibited.
For Open Source Copyright information, refer to the Infoblox Administrator Guide.

Trademark Statements
Infoblox, the Infoblox logo, Grid, NIOS, bloxTools, NetMRI and PortIQ are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Infoblox Inc.
All other trademarked names used herein are the properties of their respective owners and are used for identification
purposes only.

Company Information
Infoblox is located at:
4750 Patrick Henry Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1851, USA
Phone: 408.625.4200 
Toll Free: 888.463.6259 
Outside North America: +1.408.716.4300 
Fax: 408.625.4201

Product Information
Hardware Models: Trinzic 800, 1400, 2200, and 4000 series; Infoblox-250-A, -550-A, -1050-A, -1550-A, -1552-A,
-1852-A, -2000, -2000-A, -4010, and -4030
Document Number: 400-0463-000 Rev. A
Document Updated: July 23, 2012

Warranty Information
Your purchase includes a 90-day software warranty and a one year limited warranty on the Infoblox appliance, plus
an Infoblox Warranty Support Plan and Technical Support. For more information about Infoblox Warranty information,
refer to the Infoblox Web site, or contact Infoblox Technical Support.
This preface describes the document conventions of this guide, and provides information about how to find
additional product information, including accessing Infoblox Technical Support. It includes the following sections:
• Document Overview on page 4
— Documentation Conventions on page 4
• Related Documentation on page 4
• Customer Care on page 5
— User Accounts on page 5
— Software Upgrades on page 5
— Technical Support on page 5

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 3


Document Overview
The CSV import reference provides general guidelines and file format information about CSV import. It was last
updated on July 23, 2012. For updated documentation, visit our Support site at

Documentation Conventions
The text in this guide follows the following style conventions.

Style Usage
bold Indicates examples of the field names.
data Signifies the data in a CSV file.

Related Documentation
Other Infoblox appliance documentation:
• Infoblox NIOS Administrator Guide
• Infoblox IBOS Administrator Guide
• Infoblox API Documentation
• Infoblox CSV Import Reference
• Infoblox Installation Guide for the Trinzic 800 Appliances
• Infoblox Installation Guide for the Trinzic 1400 Appliances
• Infoblox Installation Guide for the Trinzic 2200 Appliances
• Infoblox Installation Guide for the Infoblox-4010 Appliance
• Infoblox Installation Guide for the Infoblox-4030 Appliance
• Quick Start Guide for Installing vNIOS Software on Riverbed Services Platforms
• Quick Start Guide for Installing vNIOS Software on Cisco Application eXtension Platforms
• Infoblox Installation Guide for vNIOS Software on VMware
• Infoblox Installation Guide for vNIOS on Microsoft 2008 R2 for Hyper-V
• Quick Start Guide for Installing vIBOS Software on VMware Platforms
• Infoblox Safety Guide
To provide feedback on any of the Infoblox technical documents, please e-mail

4 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Customer Care

Customer Care
This section addresses user accounts, software upgrades, licenses and warranties, and technical support.

User Accounts
The Infoblox appliance ships with a default user name and password. Change the default admin account password
immediately after the system is installed to safeguard its use. Make sure that the NIOS appliance has at least one
administrator account with superuser privileges at all times, and keep a record of your account information in a safe
place. If you lose the admin account password, and did not already create another superuser account, the system will
need to be reset to factory defaults, causing you to lose all existing data on the NIOS appliance. You can create new
administrator accounts, with or without superuser privileges. For more information, refer to the Infoblox Administrator

Software Upgrades
Software upgrades are available according to the Terms of Sale for your system. Infoblox notifies you when an
upgrade is available. Register immediately with Infoblox Technical Support at to maximize your Technical Support.

Technical Support
Infoblox Technical Support provides assistance via the Web, e-mail, and telephone. The Infoblox Support web site at provides access to product documentation and
release notes, but requires the user ID and password you receive when you register your product online at:

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 5


6 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Chapter 1 CSV Import Reference
This chapter provides general guidelines and file format information about each supported object type for CSV
import. You must follow the format and syntax described in this section to ensure a successful data import.
This appendix includes the following sections:
• Guidelines for CSV Import on page 8
— General Guidelines on page 8
— Data Specific Guidelines on page 8
• CSV File Format on page 9
• Supported Object Types on page 12

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 7

CSV Import Reference

Guidelines for CSV Import

You can create a data file using a text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad, or an application that supports CSV file
format, such as Microsoft Excel.

General Guidelines
Follow these rules to start a data file:
• Do not use UTF-8 characters in the CSV file name.
• Specify the version number in the first line of the data file. For example, enter “version 1.0” in the first line.
• Use a new line to enter data for each row. Separate each data field with a supported separator, such as a
comma, semicolon, space, or tab.
• Do not include blank lines in the data file
• Field names: Specify the field names in the second line. You can include multiple rows of field names as long as
you define the fields before the data. The first column in the field name row must be defined as “Header.” The
rest of the columns are field names of the data. Columns without a field name are ignored. If multiple field
names are specified, the latest field names are used to import the data.
• Use the overwrite function, not the merge function, to overwrite existing data. When you use the merge function,
the appliance does not overwrite existing data, even if the data file contains new data.
• When you import a small file, the appliance processes the import quickly. Under this circumstance, the
appliance may generate an error message when you try to stop the import because the import is completed
before you can stop it.
• When you stop an import, the appliance finishes importing the data row that it is currently processing before it
stops the import.
• The error files of the last two imports are stored on the appliance. You can download these files using the API
import_id method. For information, refer to the Infoblox API Documentation.
• When you use Microsoft Excel to create or view a data file, ensure that you review the settings of the file. Some
data, such as dates, may show up in a different format depending on your settings.
• All operations triggered by a CSV import are recorded in the audit log.

Data Specific Guidelines

Follow these guidelines to enter data:
• The appliance uses double quotes (“) as the escape characters in CSV import. If you want to include supported
separators in a field, you must enclose the data in a pair of double quotes (“ “). This applies to the field names
and data. For example, if you want to use the field name ADMGRP-CSV ,; Import, you must enter “ADMGRP-CSV
,; Import” as the value. Otherwise, the import fails. When you enter “123””123”, the imported data is
123””123, and when you enter “\\”, the imported data is \\.
• If you have an empty value in the last field, you must still include the separator at the end of the data row.
Otherwise, the corresponding column and all its data are not imported, and the appliance generates an error.
• For each supported object type, you must include all the required fields in the data file. For information, see
Supported Object Types on page 12. Note that all required fields are marked with an asterisk (*) in an exported

Note: If you want to modify a required field XXX (for either the overwrite or merge function), you must add a
corresponding field, _new_XXX, to include the new value. For example, “fqdn” is a required field in an A
record. If you want to update this field, you must include a new field “_new_fqdn” and define the new
value here. The appliance overwrites the existing data in the required field using the values you specify in
the new field.

8 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

CSV File Format

• When you perform an overwrite function, you must define all boolean and integer data types in each supported
object type in order for the appliance to overwrite existing data.
• You can perform a CSV import of an object even if it has been scheduled for addition, modification, or deletion.
• Inherited fields: The appliance uses the following conventions to override inherited fields:
— When a value is specified in a field, the appliance overrides the inherited value with the new value.
— When a value is set to “ “ or an empty value, the appliance does not override the inherited value.
— When a value is set to a string with a value of \<empty\>, the appliance overrides the inherited value with an
empty value.
• Extensible attributes: A field name of EA-XXX indicates an extensible attribute, where XXX is the attribute name.
The value of an extensible attribute can be a string, a list, an integer, an email address, a URL, or a date in
YYYY-MM-DD format. Note that extensible attributes do not support time zones. Following are some examples:
• “EA-Site” is a predefined string type for locations. It can have a value of “Santa Clara”.
• “EA-User” is a user defined list type for employee types. It can have a list of values, such as
“Local,Remote,Temp”. Note that only one value can be specified when importing the extensible attribute.
• “EA-Building” is a predefined integer type for building numbers. It can have a value of “5”.
• “EA-TechPubs” is a user defined email address type. It can have a value of “”.
• “EA-IB” is a user defined URL type. It can have a value of “”.
• “EA-Date” is a user defined date type attribute. It can have a value of “2010-11-20”.
• Admin permissions: A field name of ADMGRP-XXX indicates the admin permission of a specific admin group,
where XXX is the name of the admin group. The value of an admin permission can be a string or a list of strings
with subtypes. If there is a single value in the permission, use RW, RO, or DENY. If there is a subtype in the
permission, use a list format, such as “RW, ARecord/RO”.
• DHCP options: A field name of OPTION-XXX-nn indicates a DHCP option, where XXX is the vendor name of the
option and nn is the option number. If the option is of the DHCP vendor class, you can omit -XXX in the field
name. For example, OPTION-1 implies vendor class = DHCP and option number = 1, and OPTION-CISCO-122
implies vendor class = CISCO and option number = 122.

CSV File Format

A CSV file is typically created and edited using a spreadsheet, though you can create a CSV file in a text editor using
any supported separator. You can include more than one object type in a single CSV file when you add or modify data.
For information, see Supported Object Types on page 12. You can also organize field names and data in a CSV file
using different formats, as shown in the following examples. For additional information about how to create a CSV
file, see Guidelines for CSV Import on page 8.
You can create one CSV file to update data of multiple object types (Network and Host Record), as illustrated in CSV
File Example 1. In this example, you define the field names you want to modify for the two object types in rows 1 and
2. You then include the corresponding data as shown in rows 3 to 6.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 9

CSV Import Reference

Table 1.1 CSV File Example 1



2 HEADER-HostRecord configure_for_dns* FQDN* ADDRESSES



5 HostRecord TRUE

6 HostRecord TRUE

In CSV File Example 1, the field name HEADER-NETWORK identifies the first row as a header row for the Network
objects. The field names ADDRESS, NETMASK, EA-Gateway, and EA-Secondary Address (in rows B1 to E1) tell NIOS
how to interpret a row of network data in the CSV file. Each row of data that begins with “Network” in column A is
identified as a network data row. Therefore, NIOS interprets rows 3 and 4 as network data rows, in which column B
contains the network addresses, column C contains the network masks, and columns D and E contain extensible
attribute values for gateway and secondary address.
Similarly, the field name HEADER-HostRecord identifies the second row as a header row for the Host Record objects.
This header declaration tells NIOS that for each subsequent row of data that begins with “HostRecord” in column A,
column B contains the FQDN of the host, and column C contains the host address. Therefore, NIOS interprets rows 5
and 6 as host record data rows that contain the FQDNs of the hosts in column B and the host addresses in column C.
Alternatively, you can organize the information in CSV File Example 1 so that the data rows immediately follow the
header rows, as shown in CSV File Example 2.

Table 1.2 CSV File Example 2





4 HEADER-HostRecord configure_for_dns* FQDN* ADDRESSES

5 HostRecord TRUE

6 HostRecord TRUE

10 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

CSV File Format

You can also specify multiple header declarations for the same object type, as shown in CSV File Example 3. In this
example, you specify the field names (in row 1) and data (in rows 2 and 3) to modify the extensible attributes
(EA-Gateway and EA-Secondary Address) of two network addresses. You then specify the field names (in row 4) and
data (in rows 5 and 6) to add new extensible attributes (EA-Gateway and EA-Host Range) of two other network

Table 1.3 CSV File Example 3








The examples in this section are illustrated using tables that resemble spreadsheet layouts. However, all other
examples in this appendix use the comma separated value text file format. For example, the following is the CSV file
notation equivalent of CSV File Example 2 on page 10.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 11

CSV Import Reference

Supported Object Types

This section describes the supported object types and their corresponding fields for CSV import and export. It also
includes examples of how to create data files. Ensure that you review this information before you import or export a
data file.

Note: All inherited fields follow the override conventions described in Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

Table 1.4 Supported DNS Object Types

DNS Object Type Required Fields & Syntax

Authoritative Zone Authoritative DNS Zone on page 13.
A Record A Record on page 17
AAAA Record AAAA Record on page 18
CNAME Record CNAME Record on page 19
DNAME Record DNAME Record on page 20
MX Record MX Record on page 22
NAPTR Record NAPTR Record on page 23
NS Record NS Record on page 25
PTR Record PTR Record on page 26
SRV Record SRV Record on page 29
TXT Record TXT Record on page 27
Host Record Host Record on page 30
IPv4 Host Address IPv4 Host Address on page 32
IPv6 Host Address IPv6 Host Address on page 34
Rulesets NXDOMAIN and Blacklist Rulesets on page 36
NXDOMAIN Rule NXDOMAIN Rule on page 37
Blacklist Rule Blacklist Rule on page 37
DNS64 Synthesis Group DNS64 Synthesis Group on page 38

Table 1.5 Supported DHCP Object Types

DHCP Object Type Required Fields & Syntax

IPv4 Network IPv4 Network on page 39
IPv6 Network IPv6 Network on page 42
IPv4 Shared Network IPv4 Shared Network on page 44
IPv6 Shared Network IPv6 Shared Network on page 46
IPv4 DHCP Range IPv4 DHCP Range on page 48

12 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

DHCP Object Type Required Fields & Syntax

IPv6 DHCP Range IPv6 DHCP Range on page 52
IPv4 Fixed Address and Reservation IPv4 Fixed Address/Reservation on page 53
IPv6 Fixed Address IPv6 Fixed Address on page 56
DHCP MAC Filter DHCP MAC Filter on page 58
MAC Filter Address Item MAC Filter Address on page 59
Option Filter Option Filter on page 61
Option Filter Match Rule Option Filter Match Rule on page 62
Relay Agent Filter Relay Agent Filter on page 64
NAC Filter NAC Filter on page 65
IPv4 Option Space IPv4 Option Space on page 66
IPv6 Option Space IPv6 Option Space on page 67
IPv4 Option Definition IPv4 Option Definition on page 67
IPv6 Option Definition IPv6 Option Definition on page 68

Table 1.6 Other Supported Objects

Upgrades Required Fields and Syntax

Upgrade Groups Upgrade Groups and Schedules on page 69
Distribution Schedules
Upgrade Schedules

Authoritative DNS Zone

Required Associated Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/N0) GUI Field Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-AuthZone String Yes

fqdn FQDN Yes Name name Example:

zone_format String Yes Valid values are FORWARD, IPV4,and IPV6

view String No DNS view views If no view is specified, the Default view is used.

prefix String No prefix Prefix is used for reverse-mapping RFC2317

zones only. If you include a prefix in a
forward-mapping zone, the appliance ignores
the prefix. No error message is generated.

_new_prefix String No Add this field to overwrite the prefix field when
you select the overwrite or merge option.Use
the hostname of the grid member in this field. 
Example: infoblox.localdomain

grid_primary Grid member No Grid Primary primary

grid_primary_stealth Boolean No Stealth stealth Example: FALSE

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 13

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/N0) GUI Field Method

external_primaries Server list No External primary Data must be in the following format:
Primary “name/ip/stealth/use_2x_tsig/
tsig_key_algorithm”. 
Only name and ip are required fields. If no
value is specified for stealth, use_2x_tsig, and
use_tsig, the default value FALSE is used. If
either use_2x_tsig or use_tsig is TRUE,
tsig_name and tsig_key are required. If no
value is specified for tsig_key_algorithm, the
default value is HMAC-MD5. If both
use_2x_tsig and use_tsig are TRUE, only
use_tsig = TRUE and the tsig key name and key
are imported. 
Example: ""

grid_secondaries Member No Grid secondaries Data must be in the following format:

server list Secondary “hostname/stealth/lead/grid_ replicate”.
Only hostname is required. If you do not
specify values for stealth, lead, and
grid_replicate, the default value FALSE is used.
Example: "member1.localdomain/FALSE

external_secondaries Server list No External secondaries Data must be in the following format:
Secondary “name/ip/stealth/use_2x_tsig/use_
tsig_key_algorithm”. Only name and ip are
required fields. If no value is specified for
stealth, use_2x_tsig, and use_tsig, the default
value FALSE is used. If either use_2x_tsig or
use_tsig is TRUE, tsig_name and tsig_key are
required. If no value is specified for
tsig_key_algorithm, the default value is
HMAC-MD5. If both use_2x_tsig and use_tsig
are TRUE, only use_tsig = TRUE and the tsig key
name and key are imported. 
Example: "

ns_group String No Name server ns_group Example: name-ns-group1


comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

create_underscore_ Boolean No Automatically create_underscore_ Example: FALSE

zones create zones

allow_active_dir List of IP No Allow enable_ad_server The Valid value is a list of IP addresses.

addresses unsigned Example: “,”
updates from
these domain

soa_refresh Unsigned No Refresh soa_refresh When you modify this field to override an
integer inherited value, you must include values for all
SOA timer fields. The appliance updates all the
SOA timers when you update any of them.

14 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/N0) GUI Field Method

soa_retry Unsigned No Retry soa_retry Ensure that you include this field when you
integer override the soa_refresh field.

soa_expire Unsigned No Expire soa_expire Ensure that you include this field when you
integer override the soa_refresh field.

soa_default_ttl Unsigned No Default TTL soa_default_ttl Ensure that you include this field when you
integer override the soa_refresh field.

soa_negative_ttl Unsigned No Negative- soa_negative_ttl Ensure that you include this field when you
integer caching TTL override the soa_refresh field.

soa_mname FQDN No SOA MNAME soa_mname Example: infoblox.localdomain


soa_email Email No Email address soa_email Example:

address for SOA
MNAME field

soa_serial_number Unsigned No Serial Number soa_serial_number


disable_forwarding Boolean No Don’t user disable_forwarding Example: TRUE


allow_update_ Boolean No Allow updates forward_to Example: FALSE

forwarding from

update_forwarding ACL No Allow updates forward_to Data must be in the following formats: 
from... ip address/permission
Permission network/network cidr/permission
table ANY/permission
Permission can be ALLOW or DENY
If the first value is not Any or TSIG-, it is
assumed to be an IP or network address.

allow_transfer ACL No Allow zone allow_transfer Example: ",1234::/64/Allow"

transfers to

allow_update ACL No Allow updates allow_update Example: “”


allow_query ACL No Allow queries allow_query Example: “”


notify_delay Unsigned No notify_delay This field specifies the seconds of delay the
integer notify messages are sent to the secondaries.
The valid value is between 5 and 86400
Example: 10

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and examples,
see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

EA-Users List No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user defined

attribute attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 15

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/N0) GUI Field Method

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an admin

Admin permission of a specific admin group. For
Group/Role information about data format and examples,
see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for DNS zones. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding DNS Zones

This example shows how to add a forward mapping zone,, with a grid primary and a grid secondary,
where the gird secondary = hostname/stealth/lead/grid_replicate.
This example shows how to create a data file to add an IPv4 reverse mapping zone,, with a grid primary
and an external secondary, where the external secondary = name/ip/stealth/use_2x_tsig/use_tsig/
This example shows how to create a data file to add an IPv6 reverse-mapping zone, 1234::/64, with an external
primary and a grid secondary, where the external primary = name/ip/stealth/use_2x_tsig/use_tsig/

Overwriting DNS Zone Data

This example shows how to overwrite a comment from “USA” to “Japan” and remove the grid secondary.
This example shows how to overwrite a grid primary from “” to “”.

Merging DNS Zone Data

This example shows how to merge the extensible attribute “Site” = “HQ” and add the RW permission to an admin
group “DNS_admins”.
This example shows how to add an external secondary with these values:

16 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types


A Record

Required Associated GUI

Field Name Data Type Associated PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field

Header-ARecord String Yes Example: ARecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Name name This field combines the A record name
and the zone name to form the FQDN.

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is

address IP address Yes IP Address ipv4addr Example:

_new_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the address

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information,

integer see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 7200

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users List No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user defined

attribute Users attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see
Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for A records. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an A Record
This example shows how to add an A record,, with the extensible attribute Site = Infoblox, and
the permission, DNS_Adams = RO.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 17

CSV Import Reference


Overwriting A Record Data

This example shows how to to modify the permission of the admin group DNS_Adams from RO to DENY in an existing
A record,

Merging DNS Zone Data

This example shows how to merge the TTL value = 1280 to an existing A record,

AAAA Record

Required Associated GUI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Associated PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-AaaaRecord String Yes Example: AaaaRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Name zone This field combines the AAAA record
name and the zone name to form the
FQDN. Example:

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

address IPv6 address Yes IP Address ipv6addr Example: 100::10

_new_address IPv6 address No Add this field to overwrite the address

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disabled Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information,

integer see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 7200

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users List No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user defined

attribute Users attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see
Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

18 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI

Field Name Data Type Associated PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for AAAA records. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an AAAA Record

This example shows how to add an AAAA record,, with a comment = add by superuser, and
TTL = 3600.
aaaarecord,1234:1234::1,,add by superuser,3600

Overwriting AAAA Record Data

This example shows how to modify an existing AAAA record from address 1234:1234::1 to 1234:1234::2, and TTL
from 3600 to 3800.

Merging AAAA Record Data

This example shows how to disable an existing AAAA record.

CNAME Record

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-CnameRecord String Yes Example: CnameRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Alias zone This field combines the CNAME record
name and the zone name to form the
FQDN. Example:

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

canonical_name Domain Yes Canonical Name canonical Example:


comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disabled Example: FALSE

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 19

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information,

integer see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 28800

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for CNAME records. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a CNAME Record

This example shows how to add a CNAME record,, to the Default DNS view.

Overwriting CNAME Record Data

This example shows how to override a canonical name from to

Merging CNAME Record Data

This example shows how to merge the following data: admin group DNS_Admins with RW permission and extensible
attribute Site = New York.
cnamerecord,,RW,New York

DNAME Record

Required Associated GUI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Associated PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-DnameRecord String Yes Example: DnameRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Alias zone This field combines the DNAME record
name and the zone name to form the
FQDN. Example:

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

20 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI

Field Name Data Type Associated PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field

target Domain Yes Target target Example:


comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disabled Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information,

integer see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 28800

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for DNAME records. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a DNAME Record

This example shows how to add a DNAME record,, with target =, extensible attribute Site = HQ, and disabled = TRUE.

Overwriting DNAME Record Data

This example shows how to enable the existing DNAME record,, and add admin group
DNS_Adams with RO permission.

Merging DNAME Record Data

This example shows how to add a comment to the existing DNAME record,, and change
the TTL to 3860.
dnamerecord,,,Add by DNS admin,3860

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 21

CSV Import Reference

MX Record

Required Associated GUI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Associated PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-MxRecord String Yes Example: MxRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Mail zone This field combines the MX record name
Destination and the zone name to form the FQDN.

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

mx Domain Yes Mail Exchange exchanger Example:


_new_mx Domain No Add this field to overwrite the mx field

name when you select the overwrite or merge

priority Unsigned Yes Preference pref Example: 10


_new_priority Unsigned No Add this field to overwrite the priority

integer field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information,

integer see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 28800

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user defined

attribute attribute. You can add other user defined
Country attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see
Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for MX records. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

22 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Adding an MX Record
This example shows how to add an MX record,, with a mail exchanger,
and priority = 20.

Overwriting MX Record Data

This example shows how to overwrite an existing MX record with a new fqdn,, and a new mail

Merging MX Record Data

This example shows how to merge data to the existing MX record,, by adding inherited TTL
value and extensible attributes Site = USA.

NAPTR Record

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Object Usage and Guidelines

Header-NaptrRecord String Yes Example: NaptrRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Domain name This field combines the domain name and
the zone name to form the FQDN. 

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

order Unsigned integer Yes Order order Example: 10

_new_order Unsigned integer No Add this field to overwrite the order field
when you select the overwrite or merge

preference Unsigned integer Yes Preference preference Example: 20

_new_preference Unsigned integer No Add this field to overwrite the preference

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

flags String Yes Flags flags You can leave this field empty. 
Example: U

_new_flags String No Add this field to overwrite the flags field

when you select the overwrite or merge

services String Yes Service services You can leave this field empty. 
Example: SIP+D2U

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 23

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

_new_services String No Add this field to overwrite the services field

when you select the overwrite or merge

regexp String Yes REGEX regexp You can leave this field empty. 
Example: http://([^/:]+)!\1!i

_new_regexp String No Add this field to overwrite the regexp field

when you select the overwrite or merge

replacement String Yes Replacement replacement Example:

_new_replacement String No Add this field to overwrite the replacement

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned integer No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information,
see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 28800

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_attrib EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site utes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible_attrib EA-Users is an example of a user defined

attribute Country utes attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for NPATR records. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a NAPTR Record

This example shows how to add a NAPTR record,, with order = 10, preference = 20, and
replacement =

Overwriting NAPTR Record Data

This example shows how to overwrite the FQDN of an existing NAPTR record from to
header-naptrrecord,fqdn*,_new_fqdn order*,preference*,replacement*

24 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

This example shows how to override the preference of an existing NAPTR record from 20 to 25 and replacement from to
naptrrecord,,10 20 25,,

Merging NAPTR Record Data

This example shows how to merge Service = http+E2U and TTL = 3600 seconds to an existing NAPTR record.

NS Record

Required Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Associated GUI Field Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

Header-NsRecord String Yes Example: NsRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Zone name This field combines the domain name
and the zone name to form the FQDN.

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view
is used. Example: Default

dname Domain name Yes Name Server nameserver Example:

_new_dname Domain name No Add this field to overwrite the dname

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

zone_nameservers Server list Yes Name server list addresses Data must be in the following format:
Example: “,,”

This section contains examples of how to create data files for NS records. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an NS Record
This example shows how to add an NS record in the Default DNS view with DNAME (name server) =, name server address =, and TRUE for adding a PTR Record.
This example shows how to add an NS record in the Internal DNS view with DNAME (name server) = and two name server addresses: with TRUE for adding a PTR Record and
with TRUE for adding a PTR record.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 25

CSV Import Reference

Overwriting NS Record Data

This example shows how to overwrite the DNAME of an existing NS record from to
This example shows how to overwrite the zone name servers of an existing NS record to and

Merging NS Record Data

This example shows how to merge zone name servers and to an NS record.

PTR Record

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Field Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

Header-PtrRecord String Yes Example: PtrRecord

fqdn FQDN No Domain Name name This field is required if you do not use
zone the address field. Either the IP address
or FQDN is required. Example:

_new_fqdn Reverse FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn

field when you use the overwrite or
merge option.

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view
is used. Example: Default

address IP address No IP Address ipv4addr This field is required if you do not use
ipv6addr the fqdn field. Either the IP address or
FQDN is required. Example:
If the PTR record belongs to a
forward-mapping zone, this field is

_new_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the address

field when you use the overwrite or
merge option.

dname FQDN Yes Name ptrdname Example: ss.dd.ff

_new_dname FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the dname

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field.

integer Example: 28800

26 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Associated GUI Field Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

EA-Site String No Extensible attribute extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file.
For information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions Admin permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Group/Role admin permission of a specific admin
group. For information about data
format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for PTR records. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a PTR Record

This example shows how to add a PTR record.

Overwriting PTR Record Data

This example shows how to overwrite an existing PTR record with a new FQDN,
This example shows how to overwrite an existing PTR record with a new IP address,

Merging PTR Record Data

This example shows how to change the DNAME of a PTR record from to, and to
add comment = East Asia.
ptrrecord,,,East Asia

TXT Record

Required Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Associated GUI Field Object Usage and Guidelines

Header-TxtRecord String Yes Example: TxtRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Name name This field combines the record name and
zone the zone name to form the FQDN.

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 27

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Associated GUI Field Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

text String No Text text You can leave this field empty.

_new_txt String No Add this field to overwrite the txt field

when you select the overwrite or merge

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information,

integer see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 28800

EA-Site String No Extensible attribute extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions Admin permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Group/Role admin permission of a specific admin
group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for TXT record data import. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a TXT Record

This example shows how to add a TXT record,, with text = this is a TXT record and TTL set to
3600 seconds.
txtrecord,,this is a TXT record,3600

Overwriting TXT Record Data

This example shows how to overwrite the text field of a TXT record.
txtrecord,,this is a TXT record,this is a new TXT record

Merging TXT Record Data

This example shows how to add comment = USA and disabled = TRUE to an existing TXT record.
txtrecord,,this is a TXT record,USA,TRUE

28 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

SRV Record

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Object Usage and Guidelines

Header-SrvRecord String Yes Example: SrvRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Service name This field combines the service name and the
zone zone name to form the FQDN.

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field

when you select the overwrite or merge

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

priority Unsigned Yes Priority priority Example: 10


_new_priority Unsigned No Add this field to overwrite the priority field

integer when you select the overwrite or merge

weight Unsigned Yes Weight weight Example: 20


_new_weight Unsigned No Add this field to overwrite the weight field

integer when you select the overwrite or merge

port Unsigned Yes Port port Example: 80


_new_port Unsigned No Add this field to overwrite the port field when
integer you select the overwrite or merge option.

target Domain name Yes Target target Example:

_new_target Domain name No Add this field to overwrite the target field
when you select the overwrite or merge

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information, see
integer Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 28800

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin group.
Group/Role For information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 29

CSV Import Reference

This section contains examples of how to create data files for SRV records. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a SRV Record

This example shows how to add a new SRV record.

Overwriting SRV Record Data

This example shows how to overwrite the following data of a SRV record: port from 80 to 88 and priority from 10 to 20.
This example shows how to overwrite the following data of a SRV record: target from to and weight from 20 to 30.

Merging SRV Record Data

This example shows how to merge the following data to a SRV record: comment = USA and disabled = TRUE.

Host Record
If only one IPv4 address is specified in the host record, you can add DHCP options to the host address.

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

Header-HostRecord String Yes Example: HostRecord

fqdn FQDN Yes Name name This field combines the host record name and
zone the zone name to form the FQDN.

_new_fqdn FQDN No Add this field to overwrite the fqdn field when
you select the overwrite or merge option.

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is used.
Example: Default

addresses IP address or IP No IP Addresses ipv4addr You must specify a value in this field or in the
address list ipv6_addresses field. Example: ‘’ or
“,”. If there are multiple
addresses in the host record, use HostAddress
to specify the parameters for each address. For
information, see IPv4 Host Address on page 32
and IPv6 Host Address on page 34.

ipv6_addresses IP address or IP No IP Addresses ipv6addr You must specify a value in this field or in the
address list addresses field. If there are multiple addresses
in the host record, use HostAddress to specify
the parameters for each address. For
information, see IPv4 Host Address on page 32
and IPv6 Host Address on page 34.

aliases Alias list No Aliases aliases Example:

30 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

configure_for_dns Boolean No Enable in DNS configure_for_ Example: TRUE


_new_configure_for_ Boolean No Enable in DNS configure_for_ Add this field to overwrite the
dns dns configure_for_dns field when you select the
overwrite or merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disable disabled Example: FALSE

ttl Unsigned No TTL ttl This is an inherited field. For information, see
integer Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 28800

mac_address MAC address No MAC Address mac_address This field applies to the host address. This is
required if the IP address is configured for DHCP.
Example: aA:Bb:c2:DD:E1:FF

configure_for_dhcp Boolean No DHCP check box configure_for_ This field applies to the host address. 
dhcp Example: TRUE

deny_bootp Boolean No Deny BOOTP deny_bootp This field applies to the host address. 
Requests Example: FALSE

broadcast_address String No Broadcast This field applies to the host address.


boot_file String No Boot File boot_file This field applies to the host address.

boot_server String No Boot Server boot_server This field applies to the host address.

next_server String No Next Server next_server This field applies to the host address.

lease_time Unsigned No Lease Time lease_time This field applies to the host address.

pxe_lease_time_ Boolean No Enable PXE This field applies to the host address.
enabled Lease Time

pxe_lease_time Unsigned No PXE Lease Time pxe_lease_time This field applies to the host address.

domain_name FQDN No Domain Name domain_name This field applies to the host address.

domain_name_ IP list No Name Server This field applies to the host address.
servers Example: “,”

routers IP list No Router This field applies to the host address.

Example: “,”

match_option String No match_client This field applies to the host address. Data must
be in the following format:

ignore_dhcp_param Boolean No Ignore ignore-dhcp_ This field applies to the host address.
_request_list Optionalist option_list_

OPTION-1 String No Custom DHCP options This field applies to the host address.
Options Example: ‘’ name implies
vendor_class=’DHCP’ (default)

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP options This field applies to the host address.
information Options Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, optioncode/number 200

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 31

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined extensible

attribute Site attributes attribute. You can add other predefined
attributes to the data file. For information about
data format and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an admin

Admin permission of a specific admin group. For
Group/Role information about data format and examples,
see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for host records. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a Host Record

This example shows how to add a new host record, host1, in zone and DNS view Initial.
This example shows how to add a new host record, host2, in zone with aliases =,
comment = USA, and TTL = 3600 seconds.

Overwriting Host Record Data

This example shows how to overwrite the FQDN of an existing host record from to, and to change the TTL to 128 seconds.
This example shows how to overwrite the aliases of a host record from to and
comment from USA to Japan.

Merging Host Record Data

This example shows how to disable an existing host record.
This example shows how to add additional aliases to a host record.

IPv4 Host Address

Use this object type to define parameters for each IP address in an IPv4 host record. The appliance updates an
existing host address when you use the “add” mode in an import. For information about host records, refer to the
Infoblox Administrator Guide.

32 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-HostAddress String Yes Example: HostAddress

parent FQDN Yes Example:

view String No DNS View views If no view is specified, the Default view is used.
Example: Default

address IP address Yes IP Address ipv4addr Example:

_new_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the address field

when you select the overwrite or merge option.

mac_address MAC address No MAC Address mac_address This is required if the IP address is configured
for DHCP. Example: aA:Bb:c2:DD:E1:FF

configure_for_dhcp Boolean No DHCP check box configure_for_ Example: TRUE


deny_bootp Boolean No Deny BOOTP deny_bootp Example: FALSE


broadcast_address String No Broadcast


boot_file String No Boot File boot_file

boot_server String No Boot Server boot_server

next_server String No Next Server next_server

lease_time Unsigned No Lease Time lease_time


pxe_lease_time_ Boolean No Enable PXE Lease Example: TRUE

enabled Time

pxe_lease_time Unsigned No PXE Lease Time pxe_lease_time


domain_name FQDN No Domain Name domain_name

domain_name_ IP list No Name Server Example: [,]


routers IP list No Router Example: [,]

match_option String No match_client Data must be in the following format:


ignore_dhcp_param_ Boolean No Ignore Optionlist ignore-dhcp_

request_list option_list_

OPTION-1 String No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.
Example: ‘’ implies
vendor_class=’DHCP’ (default)

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
information Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, optioncode/number 200

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 33

CSV Import Reference

This section contains examples of how to create data files for host addresses. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv4 Host Address

This example shows how to import the host address in host record with a MAC address,
enabled DHCP, and a domain name.
This example shows how to import the host address in host record with a MAC address,
and two routers with addresses and

Overwriting IPv4 Host Address Data

This example shows how to overwrite the MAC address and domain name of a host address, and to set configure
This example shows how to overwrite the router address of a host address from, to

Merging IPv4 Host Address Data

This example shows how to merge the following data of a host address: change a new address from to, change bootp to DENY, and add lease time.
This example shows how to merge the broadcast address, PXE lease time, and enabled ignore option list to an IPv4
host address.

IPv6 Host Address

Required Associated GUI Associated

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-IPv6HostAddress String Yes Example: IPv6hostaddress

view String No DNS View view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

parent String Yes Example: 2000::/64

address_type Enumeration No address_type Valid values are ADDRESS, PREFIX, or BOTH. If

no value is specified, ‘ADDRESS’ (default) is
used. Example: PREFIX

address IPv6 address Yes IPv6 Address ipv6addr Example: 1001::001

34 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field PAPI Method

_new_address IPv6 address No Add this field to overwrite the address field
when you select the overwrite or merge

ipv6_prefix IPv6 prefix No ipv6prefix This field is required if address_type is

Example: 2000:1111::

_new_ipv6_prefix IPv6 prefix No Add this field to overwrite the ipv6_prefix field
when you select the overwrite or merge

ipv6_prefix_bits Integer No IPv6_prefix_ This field is required if address_type is

bits ‘ADDRESS’ or ‘BOTH’.
Example: 32

configure_for_dhcp Boolean No DHCP check box configure_for_ Example: TRUE


match_option String No match_client Only ‘DUID’ is allowed.

Example: DUID

duid String No DUID duid Example: 0001

domain_name FQDN No Domain Name

domain_name_servers IPv6 address No Name Server Example: ‘2000::10,3000::10’


valid_lifetime Unsigned No Valid Lifetime valid_lifetime Example: 43200


preferred_lifetime Unsigned No Preferred preferred_ Example: 604800

integer Lifetime lifetime

OPTION-7 Integer No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options options information, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.
Example: ‘12’ name implies option space =
‘DHCPv6’, option code/number 7

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For
information Options options information, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

This section contains examples of how to create data files for IPv6 host addresses. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv6 Host Address

This example shows how to import an IPv6 host address to a host record in the Default DNS view.

Overwriting IPv6 Host Address Data

This example shows how to overwrite an IPv6 host address.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 35

CSV Import Reference

Merging IPv6 Host Address Data

This example shows how to merge a DUID to an IPv6 host address.

NXDOMAIN and Blacklist Rulesets

Required Associated GUI Associated

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field PAPI Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-Ruleset String Yes Example: Ruleset

name String Yes Name name Example: ruleset1

_new_name String No Example: ruleset1-new

type String Yes type You can use this field for NXDOMAIN rules or
blacklist rules. Valid value is NXDOMAIN or

disabled Boolean No Disable disabled Example: FALSE

comment String No Comment comment

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an admin

Admin permission of a specific admin group. For
Group/Role information about data format and examples,
see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for NXDOMAIN and blacklist rulesets. All examples use
comma as the separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an NXDOMAIN Ruleset

This example shows how to import an NXDOMAIN ruleset.
ruleset,NXD,NXDOMAIN,This is an NXDOMAIN ruleset,FALSE

Adding a Blacklist Ruleset

This example shows how to import a blacklist ruleset.
ruleset,blacklistrule1,BLACKLIST,FALSE,This is a blackset ruleset

Overwriting Blacklist Ruleset Data

This example shows how to overwrite the name of a blacklist ruleset.

Merging NXDOMAIN Ruleset Data

This example shows how to merge an admin permission to a NXDOMAIN ruleset.

36 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types


Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-nxdomainrule String Yes Example: NxdomainRule

parent String Yes Name nxdomain_rules This field indicates the ruleset to which the
NXDOMAIN rule belongs. Example:

pattern String Yes Pattern pattern Use this to match domain names. You cannot
use the characters * and ,, in the domain
name. Example: foo

_new_pattern String No Example: foo-new

action String Yes Action action The valid value is PASS, MODIFY or REDIRECT.
Example: PASS

This section contains examples of how to create data files for NXDOMAIN rules. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an NXDOMAIN Rule

This example shows how to import an NXDOMAIN rule.

Overwriting NXDOMAIN Rule Data

This example shows how to overwrite the action of an NXDOMAIN rule.

Blacklist Rule

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-blacklistrule String Yes Example: BlacklistRule

parent String Yes Name blacklist_rulesets Example: blacklist-ruleset1

domain_name String Yes Domain Name Use this to match domain names. You
cannot use the characters * and ,, in the
domain name. The domain name cannot
exceed 255 characters. Example:

_new_domain_name String No Example:

action String Yes Action blacklist_action The valid value is PASS or REDIRECT.
Example: PASS

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 37

CSV Import Reference

This section contains examples of how to create data files for blacklist rules. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a Blacklist Rule

This example shows how to import a blacklist rule.

Overwriting Blacklist Rule Data

This example shows how to overwrite the action of a blacklist rule.

DNS64 Synthesis Group

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-Dns64Synthesis String Yes Example: Dns64SynthesisGroup


name String Yes Name name Example: group1

prefix IPv6 network Yes Prefix prefix Example: 64:FF9B::/96

comment String No Comment comment

clients Access No Name clients Valid values are IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and
control list networks only. The default value is ‘Any’.
Example: 2000::/64/Allow

mapped Access No Mapped IPv4 mapped Valid values are IPv4 addresses and networks
control list Address -> only. The default value is ‘Any’.
Name Example:

exclude Access No Excluded IPv6 exclude Valid values are IPv6 addresses and networks
control list Address -> only. The default is ‘None’. 
Name Example: 2000::/Allow

disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: FALSE

This section contains examples of how to create data files for DNS64 synthesis groups. All examples use comma as
the separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a DNS64 Synthesis Group

This example shows how to import a DNS64 Synthesis Group.
Overwriting DNS64 Synthesis Group Data
This example shows how to overwrite the mapped IPv4 address of a DNS64 synthesis group.

38 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

IPv4 Network

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Comments
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-Network String Yes Example: Network

address IP address Yes Address network Example:

netmask Netmask Yes Netmask network Example:

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

comment String No Comment comment

auto_create_ Boolean No Automatically auto_create_ Example: TRUE

reversezone create reverse reversezone
mapping zone

is_authoritative Boolean No Authoritative authority Example: FALSE

boot_file String No Boot File bootfile Example: bootfile1

boot_server String No Boot Server bootserver Example:

ddns_ String No DDNS Domain ddns_ Example:

domainname Name domainname

generate_ Boolean No Generate Hostname ddns_generate_ Example: TRUE

hostname hostname

always_update_ Boolean No DNS Zones ddns_server_ Example: FALSE

dns Associations always_updates

update_static_ Boolean No Fixed Address ddns_update_fixed_ Example: FALSE

leases Updates address

update_dns_on_ Boolean No Update DNS on override_update_ Example: TRUE

lease_renewal DHCP Lease dns_on_lease_
Renewal renewal

ddns_ttl Unsigned No DDNS Update TTL ddns_ttl This is an inherited field. For information,
integer see Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 1200

enable_option81 Boolean No Option 81 Support ddns_use_option81 Example: TRUE

deny_bootp Boolean No Deny BOOTP deny_bootp Example: FALSE


broadcast_ String No Broadcast Address


disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: FALSE

enable_ddns Boolean No Enable DDNS enable_ddns Example: FALSE


enable_thresholds Boolean No Enable DHCP enable_dhcp_ When you set this field to TRUE, you must
Thresholds thresholds enter values in the
range_high_water_mark and
range_low_water_mark fields. You cannot
leave those fields empty. Otherwise, the
appliance generates an error.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 39

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Comments
(Yes/No) Field Method

enable_threshold_ Boolean No Enable Email enable_email_ When you use the merge function, the
email_ warnings Warnings warnings appliance preserves the existing value in
this field. When you use the overwrite
function, you must include a value (TURE
or FALSE). Otherwise, the appliance
generates an error.
Example: TRUE

enable_threshold_ Boolean No Enable SNMP enable_snmp_ When you use the merge function, the
snmp_ warnings Warnings warnings appliance preserves the existing value in
this field. When you use the overwrite
function, you must include a value (TURE
or FALSE). Otherwise, the appliance
generates an error.
Example: TRUE

range_high_water Integer No High Water Mark high_water_mark When you set enable_thresholds to TRUE,
_mark you must enter values in this field and in
the range_low_water_mark field. You
cannot leave these fields empty.
Otherwise, the appliance generates an
Example: 80

ignore_client_ Boolean No Ignore Optionlist ignore_dhcp_ Example: TRUE

requested_ option_list_request

range_low_water_ Integer No Low Water Mark low_water_mark When you set enable_thresholds to TRUE,
mark you must enter values in this field and in
the range_high_water_mark field. You
cannot leave these fields empty.
Otherwise, the appliance generates an
Example: 10

next_server String No Next Server nextserver Example:

lease_time Unsigned No Lease Time Example: 1100


enable_pxe_lease Boolean No Enable PXE lease Example: FALSE

_time time

pxe_lease_time Unsigned No PXE Lease Time pxe_lease_time Example: 1100


recycle_leases Boolean No Lease Deletion recycle_leases This field is set to TRUE by default. Ensure
that you use the overwrite option if you
want to change the value to FALSE.
Merging data from an import preserves the
default value.

threshold_email_ email No Email Addresses Example:

addresses address list "'','admin2@somewh'"

dhcp_members Grid member No Members members Example:

list ","

routers IP address No Routers Example: ",,"


domain_name FQDN No Domain Name

domain_name_ IP address No DNS Servers Example: ","

servers list

40 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Comments
(Yes/No) Field Method

zone_associations Zone list No Example:

OPTION-1 String No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8. 
Example: ‘’ name implies
vendor_class=’DHCP’ (default)

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
information Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

EA-Site String No Extensible Attribute extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible Attribute extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user defined

User attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions Admin permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Group/Role admin permission of a specific admin
group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for networks. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv4 Network

This example shows how to import network in the network view External with auto create reverse zone
enabled and a comment.
network,,,External,TRUE,This is comment field

Overwriting IPv4 Network Data

This example shows how to overwrite the following data in an existing network: enable the network to be
“authoritative” and to add boot files bppt_file_001 and boot server

Merging IPv4 Network Data

This example shows how to merge the following data to an existing network: DDNS domain name, enable generate
hostname, and disable always update DNS.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 41

CSV Import Reference

Adding IPv4 Networks with Zone Associations Enabled

This example shows how to add networks to a member in the default network view with zone association added as
the default. The first row adds a network “” that maps to member “” in the
“default” network view with zone association “” added as the default zone association. The second
row adds a network “” that maps to member “” in the “default” network view
with zone associations “” and “” added, where zone “” is configured as
the default zone association.

Overwriting IPv4 Network Data with Zone Associations Enabled

This example shows how to overwrite network data with zone association enabled. The first row modifies network
“” zone association from “” to “”. The second row modifies network
“” default zone association from “” to “”.

IPv6 Network

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-IPv6Network String Yes Example: IPv6Network

address IPv6 address Yes Address ipv6addr Example: 2001::

cidr Prefix Yes Netmask Example: 32

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default

view is used. 
Example: Default

comment String No Comment comment Example: This is an IPv6 network.

disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: TRUE

auto_create_reversezone Boolean No Automatically auto_create_ Example: TRUE

create reversezone

zone_associations Zone list No DNS Zone zone_ Example:

Associations associations

dhcp_members Grid member No Members members Example: “,


domain_name String No Domain Name Example:

domain_name_servers IP address list No Name Server Example: ‘2000::10,3000::10’

valid_lifetime Integer No Valid Lifetime valid_lifetime Example: 43200

Preferred_lifetime Integer No Preferred preferred_ Example: 604800

Lifetime lifetime

recycle_leases Boolean No recycle_leases Example: FALSE

42 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

enable_ddns Boolean No Enable DDNS enable_ddns Example: TRUE


always_update_dns Boolean No FQDN Support ddns_server_ Example: TRUE


ddns_domain_name String No DDNS Domain ddns_ Example:

Name domainname

ddns_ttl Unsigned No DDNS Update ddns_ttl Example: 3600

integer TTL

generate_hostname Boolean No Generate override_ddns_ Example: TRUE

Hostname generate_

update_dns_on_lease_renewal Boolean No Lease Renewal override_ Example: TRUE

Update update_dns_

OPTION-7 Integer No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option.

Options options For information, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.
Example: ‘12’ name implies option
space = ‘DHCPv6’, option
code/number 7

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option.

information Options options For information, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a

attribute Site attributes predefined extensible attribute. You
can add other predefined attributes
to the data file. For information
about data format and examples,
see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Users is an example of a user

attribute Users attributes defined attribute. You can add other
user defined attributes to the data
file. For information about data
format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of

Admin an admin permission of a specific
Group/Role admin group. For information about
data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 43

CSV Import Reference

This section contains examples of how to create data files for IPv6 networks. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv6 Network

This example shows how to import an IPv6 network 3333::/64 in the Default DHCP view.
IPv6network,3333::,64,Default,This is a comment,TRUE

Overwriting IPv6 Network Data

This example shows how to overwrite the following data of an IPv6 network: address and cidr.

Merging IPv6 Network Data

This example shows how to merge the extensible attribute State and admin group USA_admins to an IPv6 network.

IPv4 Shared Network

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-SharedNetwork String Yes Example: SharedNetwork

name String Yes Name name Example: Site Network

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name field

when you select the overwrite or merge

networks List Yes Example: “,,”

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

is_authoritative Boolean No Authoritative authority Example: FALSE

boot_file String No Boot File bootfile Example: bootfile1

boot_server String No Boot Server bootserver Example:

comment String No Comment comment

generate_hostname Boolean No Generate ddns_generate_ Example: TRUE

Hostname hostname

always_update_dns Boolean No DNS Zones ddns_server_ Example: FALSE

Associations always_updates

update_static_leases Boolean No Fixed Address ddns_update_ Example: FALSE

Updates fixed_address

update_dns_on_ Boolean No Update DNS on override_update_ Example: TRUE

lease_renewal DHCP Lease dns_on_lease_
Renewal renewal

ddns_ttl Integer No DDNS Update TTL ddns_ttl This is an inherited field.

Example: 1200

44 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

enable_option81 Boolean No Option 81 ddns_use_option Example: TRUE

Support 81

deny_bootp Boolean No Deny BOOTP deny_bootp Example: FALSE


disabled Boolean No Disable disable Example: FALSE

enable_ddns Boolean No Enable DDNS enable_ddns Example: FALSE


ignore_client_ Boolean No Ignore Optionlist ignore_dhcp_ Example: TRUE

requested_ options option_list_reque

next_server String No Next Server nextserver Example:

lease_time Unsigned No Lease Time Example: 1100


enable_pxe_lease_ Boolean No Enable PXE lease Example: FALSE

time time

pxe_lease_time Unsigned No PXE Lease Time pxe_lease_time Example: 1100


routers IP address No Routers Example: ","


domain_name FQDN No Domain Name domain_name

domain_name_servers IP address No Name Server Example: ","


OPTION-2 Integer No Custom DHCP options Example: 50


OPTION-1 String No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ‘’ name implies
vendor_class=’DHCP’ (default)

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Extensible options This is an example of a DHCP option. For

information Attribute Site information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Attribute Users attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.

EA-Users String No Permissions extensible EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Admin attributes attribute. You can add other user defined
Group/Role attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 45

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for shared networks. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv4 Shared Network

This example shows how to import a new shared Network in the Default DHCP view.
SharedNetwork,Sharednetwork01,”,”,Default,This is a comment.,128

Overwriting IPv4 Shared Network Data

This example shows how to overwrite a shared network with additional networks.

Merging IPv4 Shared Network Data

This example shows how to merge the extensible attribute Site and a new admin group DHCP_admins with RW
permission to an IPv4 shared network.

IPv6 Shared Network

Note: This object is supported in CSV export only.

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-IPv6SharedNet String Yes Example: IPv6SharedNetwork


name String Yes Name name Example: IPv6Shared01

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name field

when you select the overwrite or merge

networks List Yes Select Network networks Example: “2000::/64,3000::/64”

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: FALSE

domain_name String No Domain Name Example:

46 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

domain_name_servers IP address No Name Server Example: “2000::10,3000::10”


valid_lifetime Integer No Valid Lifetime valid_lifetime Example: 43200

Preferred_lifetime Integer No Preferred Lifetime preferred_ Example: 604800


enable_ddns Boolean No Enable DDNS enable_ddns Example: TRUE


always_update_dns Boolean No DNS Zones ddns_server_ Example: TRUE

Associations always_updates

ddns_domain_name String No DDNS Domain ddns_ Example: DDNSdomain

Name domainname

ddns_ttl Integer No DDNS Update TTL override_ddns_ttl This is an inherited field.

Example: 1200

generate_hostname Boolean No Generate override_ddns_ Example: TRUE

Hostname generate_

update_dns_on_ Boolean No Update DNS on override_update_ Example: TRUE

lease_renewal DHCP Lease dns_on_lease_
Renewal renewal

OPTION-7 Integer No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ‘12’ name implies option space =
‘DHCPv6’, option code/number 7

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For
information Options options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined

attribute Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Users is an example of a user defined

attribute Users attributes attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 47

CSV Import Reference

IPv4 DHCP Range

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Object Usage and Guidelines

Header-DhcpRange String Yes Example: DhcpRange

start_address IP address Yes Start start_addr Example:

_new_start_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the

start_address field when you select the
overwrite or merge option.

end_address IP address Yes End end_addr Example:

_new_end_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the

end_address field when you select the
overwrite or merge option.

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

name String No Name name

comment String No Comment comment

is_authoritative Boolean No Authoritative authority Example: FALSE

boot_file String No Boot File bootfile Example: bootfile1

boot_server String No Boot Server bootserver Example:

ddns_domainname String No DDNS Domain ddns_domainname Example:


generate_hostname Boolean No Generate ddns_generate_ Example: TRUE

Hostname hostname

deny_all_clients Boolean No deny_all_clients Example: FALSE

deny_bootp Boolean No Deny BOOTP deny_bootp Example: FALSE


disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: FALSE

domain_name_servers IP address list No Name Servers Example: ",,"

enable_ddns Boolean No Enable DDNS enable_ddns Example: FALSE


enable_thresholds Boolean No Enable DHCP enable_dhcp_ When you set this field to TRUE, you must
Thresholds thresholds enter values in the
range_high_water_mark and
range_low_water_mark fields. You
cannot leave those fields empty.
Otherwise, the appliance generates an

enable_threshold_ Boolean No Enable Email enable_email_ When you use the merge function, the
email_ warnings Warnings warnings appliance preserves the existing value in
this field. When you use the overwrite
function, you must include a value (TURE
or FALSE). Otherwise, the appliance
generates an error.
Example: TRUE

48 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

enable_threshold_ Boolean No Enable SNMP enable_snmp_ When you use the merge function, the
snmp_ warnings Warnings warnings appliance preserves the existing value in
this field. When you use the overwrite
function, you must include a value (TURE
or FALSE). Otherwise, the appliance
generates an error.
Example: TRUE

threshold_email_ email address No Email Addresses Example:

addresses list "'','admin2@somew'"

range_high_water_ Integer No High Water Mark high_water_mark When you set enable_thresholds to TRUE,
mark you must enter values in this field and in
the range_low_water_mark field. You
cannot leave these fields empty.
Otherwise, the appliance generates an
Example: 80

ignore_client_ Boolean No Ignore Optionlist ignore_dhcp_ Example: TRUE

requested_ options option_list_reques

range_low_water_mark Integer No Low Water Mark low_water_mark When you set enable_thresholds to TRUE,
you must enter values in this field and in
the range_high_water_mark field. You
cannot leave these fields empty.
Otherwise, the appliance generates an
Example: 10

next_server String No Next Server nextserver Example:

lease_time Unsigned No Lease Time Example: 1100


enable_pxe_lease_ Boolean No Enable PXE lease Example: FALSE

time time

pxe_lease_time Unsigned No PXE Lease Time pxe_lease_time Example: 1100


use_unknown_clients Boolean No Allow/Deny unknown_client_ Example: FALSE

Clients: Unknown option

unknown_clients_ String No Unknown Clients unknown_client_ Example: Allow

option drop-down option

use_known_clients Boolean No Allow/Deny known_clients_ Example: TRUE

Clients: Known option

known_clients_option String No Known Clients known_clients_ Example: Deny

drop-down option

recycle_leases Boolean No Lease Deletion recycle_leases This field is set to TRUE by default. Ensure
that you use the overwrite option if you
want to change the value to FALSE.
Merging data from an import preserves
the default value.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 49

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

update_dns_on_ Boolean No Update DNS on override_update_ Example: TRUE

lease_renewal DHCP Lease dns_on_lease_
Renewal renewal

always_update_dns Boolean No DNS Zones always_update_ Example: FALSE

Associations dns

exclusion_ranges IP address No Exclusion Ranges exclude This field indicates the start to end
range address range. You can also include a
comment. The valid format is start
address-end address/comment.
Example: “’The
range for printers’,”

member Grid member No Served by Grid member Example:


server_association_ Sting No Valid values are MEMBER, NONE, and


failover_association String No Served by failover_assoc


broadcast_address IP address No Broadcast Example:


routers IP address list No Routers Example: ",,"

domain_name FQDN No Domain Name domain_name

mac_filter_rules List of MAC No Filter Type/Action Example: "MACfiltername1/allow,

filter rules MACfiltername2/deny"

nac_filter_rules List of NAC No Filter Type/Action Example: "NACfiltername1/allow,

Filter rules NACfiltername2/deny"

relay_agent_filter_rules List of relay Filter Type/Action Example: "RAfiltername1/allow,

agent filter RAfiltername2/deny"

option_filter_rules List of option Filter Type/Action Example: "Optionfiltername1/allow,

filter rules Optionfiltername2/deny"

OPTION-2 Integer No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: 50

OPTION-1 String No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ‘’ name implies
vendor_class=’DHCP’ (default)

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
information Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

50 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Attribute Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Attribute Users attributes attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see
Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for DHCP ranges. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a DHCP Range

This example shows how to import a new DHCP range, Range01, with starting IP of and ending IP The range is assigned to a member,
DhcpRange,,,Range01,This is a comment.,

Overwriting DHCP Range Data

This example shows how to overwrite the starting address and the name of an existing DHCP range,.

Merging DHCP Range Data

This example shows how to merge an exclusion range to to an existing DHCP range, and to
replace a member assignment with a failover association, Failover01.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 51

CSV Import Reference

IPv6 DHCP Range

Note: This object is supported in CSV export only.

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

Header-IPv6DhcpRange String Yes Example: IPv6DhcpRange

address_type Enumeration No address_type Valid values are ADDRESS, PREFIX, and

BOTH. If no value is specified, ‘ADDRESS’
(default) is used.
Example: PREFIX

parent String No Select Network network This field is required when address_type
is ‘PREFIX’.
Example: 2000::/16

start_address IP address No Address Start start_addr This field is required if address_type is

Example: 2000::1

_new_start_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the

start_address field when you select the
overwrite or merge option.

end_address IP address No Address End end_addr This field is required if address_type is

Example: 2000::1

_new_end_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the

end_address field when you select the
overwrite or merge option.

ipv6_start_prefix IPv6 address No Prefix Delegated ipv6_start_prefix This field is required if address_type is
prefix Start ‘PREFIX’ or ‘BOTH’.
Example: 2000:1111::

_new_ipv6_start_prefix IPv6 address No Add this field to overwrite the

prefix ipv6_start_address field when you select
the overwrite or merge option.

ipv6_end_prefix IPv6 address No Prefix Delegated ipv6_end_prefix This field is required if address_type is
prefix End ‘PREFIX’ or ‘BOTH’.
Example: 2000:1111::

_new_ipv6_end_prefix IPv6 address No Add this field to overwrite the

prefix ipv6_end_address field when you select
the overwrite or merge option.

ipb6_prefix_bits Integer No ipv6_prefix_bits This field is required if address_type is

‘PREFIX’ or ‘BOTH’.
Example: 32

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

name String No Name name

comment String No Comment comment Example: This is an IPv6 DHCP range.

disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: FALSE

member Grid member No Grid Member member Example:

server_association_ Sting No server_association Valid values are MEMBER and NONE. If no

type _type value is specified, None (default) is used.

52 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

exclusion_ranges IP address No Exclusion Ranges exclude This field indicates the start to end
range address range. You can also include a
comment. The valid format is: start
address-end address/comment.
Example: “2000::1-2000::5/’The range
for printers’”

recycle_leases Boolean No Lease Deletion recycle_leases This field is set to TRUE by default. Ensure
that you use the overwrite option if you
want to change the value to FALSE.
Merging data from an import preserves
the default value.

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Attribute Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Attribute Users attributes attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see
Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

IPv4 Fixed Address/Reservation

Note: You can use the fixed address header to import reservations. When you import a reservation, you must specify
00:00:00:00:00:00 in the mac_address field.

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

Header-FixedAddress String Yes Example: FixedAddress

ip_address IP address Yes IP Address ipv4addr Example:

_new_ip_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the

ip_address field when you use the
overwrite or merge option.

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

name String No Name name

always_update_dns Boolean No DNS Zones always_update_ Example: FALSE

Associations dns

boot_file String No Boot File bootfile Example: bootfile1

boot_server String No Boot Server bootserver Example:

prepared_zero Boolean No Example: FALSE

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 53

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

comment String No Comment comment

ddns_domainname String No DDNS Domain ddns_domainname Example:


deny_bootp Boolean No Deny BOOTP deny_bootp Example: FALSE


broadcast_address IP address No Broadcast Address Example:

routers IP address No Routers Example: ",,"


domain_name FQDN No Domain Name

domain_name_ IP address No Name Servers Example: ",,"

servers list

dhcp_client_ String No Client Identifier dhcp_client_

identifier identifier

disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: FALSE

enable_ddns Boolean No Enable DDNS Example: FALSE


ignore_client_ Boolean No Ignore Optionlist ignore_dhcp_ Example: TRUE

requested_ options option_list_request

circuit_id String No agent_circuit_id This field is required when match_option

Example: 11

remote_id String No agent_remote_id This field is required when match_option

Example: xyz

mac_address MAC No MAC Address mac This field is required if match_option =
address Yes for MAC_ADDRESS, or if you are importing a
reservation reservation. For reservations, you must
enter 00:00:00:00:00:00 in this field.
Example: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

match_option String No match_client Data must be in the following format:


next_server String No Next Server nextserver Example:

lease_time Unsigned No Lease Time Example: 1100


enable_pxe_lease_ Boolean No Enable PXE lease Example: FALSE

time time

ddns_hostname String No ddns_hostname Example:

pxe_lease_time Unsigned No PXE Lease Time pxe_lease_time Example: 1100


OPTION-2 Integer No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.
Example: 50

OPTION-1 String No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.
Example: ‘’ name implies
vendor_class=’DHCP’ (default)

54 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP options This is an example of a DHCP option. For
information Options information, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.
Example: dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

EA-Site String No Extensible Attribute extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible Attribute extensible_ EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Users attributes attribute this is of a List type
(enumeration list). You can add other
user defined attributes to the data file.
For information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions Admin permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Group/Role admin permission of a specific admin
group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for IPv4 fixed addresses. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv4 Fixed Address

This example shows how to import a new IPv4 fixed address.

Overwriting IPv4 Fixed Address Data

This example shows how to overwrite the MAC address of an existing IPv4 fixed address from aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa to
This example shows how to overwrite the address of an existing IPv4 fixed address from to

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 55

CSV Import Reference

Merging IPv4 Fixed Address Data

This example shows how to merge a new comment to an existing IPv4 fixed address.
FixedAddress,,bb:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,A new comment here.
This example shows how to merge new routers addresses and the domain name to an existing IPv4 fixed address.

Adding an IPv4 Reservation

This example shows how to import a new IPv4 reservation.

IPv6 Fixed Address

Note: This object is supported in CSV export only.

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

Header-IPv6FixedAdd String Yes Example: IPv6FixedAddress


address_type Enumeration No Address address_type Valid values are ADDRESS, PREFIX, and
BOTH. If no value is specified, ADDRESS
(default) is used.
Example: PREFIX

parent String No Select Network network This field is required when address_type
is ‘PREFIX’. 
Example: 2000::/16

ip_address IP address No Address ipv6addr This field is required if address_type is

Example: 2000::5

_new_ip_address IP address No Add this field to overwrite the ip_address

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

ipv6_prefix IPv6 address No Prefix Delegated ipv6prefix This field is required if address_type is
prefix ‘PREFIX’ or ‘BOTH’.
Example: 2000:1111::

_new_ipv6_prefix IPv6 address No Add this field to overwrite the ipv6_prefix

prefix field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

ipv6_prefix_bits Integer No ipv6prefix_bits This field is required if address_type is

‘PREFIX’ or ‘BOTH’.
Example: 32

network_view String No Network View network_view If no view is specified, the Default view is
used. Example: Default

name String No Name name Example: IPv6FixedAddr

comment String No Comment comment

disabled Boolean No Disabled disable Example: FALSE

56 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

match_option String No match_client Only ‘DUID’ is allowed.

Example: DUID

duid String No DUID duid Example: 0001

domain_name FQDN No Domain Name Example:

domain_name_ IPv6 address No Name Servers Example: 2000::10,3000::10

servers list

valid_lifetime Unsigned No Valid Lifetime valid_lifename Example: 43200


preferred_lifetime Unsigned No Preferred Lifename preferred_lifetime Example: 604800


OPTION-7 Integer No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ‘12’ name implies option space
= ‘DHCPv6’, option code/number 7

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option No Custom DHCP override_ This is an example of a DHCP option. For
information Options options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

EA-Site String No Extensible Attribute extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible Attribute extensible_ EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Users attributes attribute this is of a List type
(enumeration list). You can add other user
defined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions Admin permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Group/Role admin permission of a specific admin
group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for IPv6 fixed addresses. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv6 Fixed Address

This example shows how to import a new IPv6 fixed address.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 57

CSV Import Reference

Overwriting IPv6 Fixed Address Data

This example shows how to overwrite an existing IPv6 fixed address from 2000::5 to 2000::1.

Merging IPv6 Fixed Address Data

This example shows how to merge a new comment to an existing IPv6 fixed address.
IPv6FixedAddress,2000::1,A new comment.
This example shows how to merge a new domain name to an existing IPv6 fixed address.


Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Field Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

Header-DhcpMacFilter String Yes Example: DhcpMacFilter

name String Yes Name name Example: MAC filter 1

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

never_expires Boolean No Never Expires Example: TRUE

expiration_interval Integer No Automatically expires default_mac_address Example: 3624

in _expiration

enforce_expiration_time Boolean No Enforce Expiration enforce_expiration_ Example: FALSE

Times times

comment String No Comment comment

EA-Site String No Extensible Attribute extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site extensible attribute. You can add
other predefined attributes to the
data file. For information about data
format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible Attribute extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user

Users defined attribute. You can add other
user defined attributes to the data
file. For information about data
format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions Admin permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of

Group/Role an admin permission of a specific
admin group. For information about
data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

58 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

This section contains examples of how to create data files for DHCP MAC filters. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a DHCP MAC Filter

This example shows how to import a DHCP MAC filter.
dhcpmacfilter,MacFilter01,FALSE,3600,TRUE,This is a comment.

Overwriting DHCP MAC Filter Data

This example shows how to overwrite the MAC filter name from MacFilter01 to MacFilter02.

Merging DHCP MAC Filter Data

This example shows how to merge extensible attributes Site and Users, as well as admin group DHCP_admins with a
RO permission.
dhcpmacfilter,MacFilter02,USA,John Smith,RO

MAC Filter Address

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Method Usage and Guidelines

Header-MacFilterAddress String Yes Example: MacFilterAddress

parent String Yes MAC Address filter_name Example: MAC filter 1


mac_address MAC address Yes MAC Address mac_address Example: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

_new_mac_address MAC address No Add this field to overwrite the

mac_address field when you select the
overwrite or merge option.

is_registered_user Boolean No Register as User Example: TRUE

registered_user String No Register as User Example: John Doe

guest_first_name String No Register as Guest: Example: John

First Name

guest_middle_name String No Register as Guest: Example: Doe

Middle Name

guest_last_name String No Register as Guest: Example: Doe

Last Name

guest_email Email address No Register as Guest: Example:

Email Address

guest_phone String No Register as Guest: Example: 408-111-1111

Phone Number

guest_custom_field1 String No Register as Guest:

Custom Field 1

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 59

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

guest_custom_field2 String No Register as Guest:

Custom Field 2

guest_custom_field3 String No Register as Guest:

Custom Field 3

guest_custom_field4 String No Register as Guest:

Custom Field 4

never_expires Boolean No Never Expires Example: FALSE

expire_time Date/Time No Expires On Data must be in this format: 

Example: 2009-02-29T10:30:00Z

comment String No Comment comment

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Attribute Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Attribute Users attributes attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see
Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

ADMGRP-JoeSmith String No Permissions permission ADMGRP-JoeSmith is an example of an

Admin admin permission of a specific admin
Group/Role group. For information about data format
and examples, see Data Specific
Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for DHCP MAC filters. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a DHCP MAC Filter

This example shows how to import MAC filter address, aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa, to MacFilter01.
macfilteraddress,MacFilter01,aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,FALSE,TRUE,This is a comment.

Overwriting DHCP MAC Filter

This example shows how to overwrite a MAC filter address with an expiration time.

Merging DHCP MAC Filter

This example shows how to merge extensible attributes Site and Users to an existing MAC filter address.
macfilteraddress,MacFilter01,aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa,USA,John Smith

60 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Option Filter

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Method

Header-OptionFilter String Yes Example: OptionFilter

name String Yes Name name Example: Option Filter 1

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name field

when you select the overwrite or merge

comment String No Comment comment

boot_file String No Boot File boot_file Example: bootfile1

boot_server String No Boot Server boot_server Example:

lease_time Integer No Lease Time lease_time Example: 7200

pxe_lease_time Unsigned No PXE Lease Time pxe_lease_time Example: 1100


next_server String No Next Server next_server Example:

option_space String No Option Space option_space Example: Infoblox_DHCP

OPTION-2 Integer No Custom DHCP option_list This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: 50

OPTION-1 String No Custom DHCP options_list This is an example of a DHCP option. For
Options information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ‘’ name implies
vendor_class=’DHCP’ (default)

OPTION-XXXX-200 Option Np Extensible options_list This is an example of a DHCP option. For

information Attribute Site information, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.
Example: ’dfdfdfd’ name implies
vendor_class=’XXXX’, option
code/number 200

EA-Site String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Attribute Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines on
page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible extensible_ EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Attribute Users attributes attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see Data
Specific Guidelines on page 8.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 61

CSV Import Reference

This section contains examples of how to create data files for option filters. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an Option Filter

This example shows how to import an option filter with boot file, boot server, and lease time.
header-OptionFilter name*,comment,boot_file,boot_server,lease_time
OptionFilter,OptionFilter01,This is a comment.,bootfile01,12800

Overwriting Option Filter Data

This example shows how to overwrite an option filter name and boot file name.

Merging Option Filter Data

This example shows how to merge to an option filter the PXE lease time and next server domain name.

Option Filter Match Rule

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

Header-OptionFileterMatchRule String Yes Example: OptionFilterMatchRule

parent Option filter Yes Option Filter filter The name of the parent option
Name filter. Example: Option filter 1

match_option String Yes Match Option num Example: OPTION-1 (option space
is DHCP)

match_value String Yes Match Value value Example:

_new_match_value String No Add this field to overwrite the

match_value field when you select
the overwrite or merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

is_substring Boolean No Value is a is_substring Example: FALSE


substring_offset Integer No Substring Offset substring_offset Example: 2

substring_length Unsigned No Substring Length substring_length Example: Doe


62 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

This section contains examples of how to create data files for option filter match rules. All examples use comma as
the separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an Option Filter Match Rule

This example shows how to import an option filter match rule.

Overwriting Option Filter Match Rule Data

This example shows how to overwrite an existing match option with OPTION-2 and add a new match value of

Merging Option Filter Match Rule Data

This example shows how to merge a substring length to an existing option filter match rule.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 63

CSV Import Reference

Relay Agent Filter

Required Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Associated GUI Field Object Usage and Guidelines

Header-RelayAgentFilter String Yes Example: RelayAgentFilter

name String Yes Name name Example: Relay Agent Filter 1

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

circuit_id_rule String No Circuit ID: Match is_circuit_id Example: MATCHES_VALUE


circuit_id String No Circuit ID circuit_id_name

remote_id_rule String No Remote ID: Match is_remote_id Example: MATCHES_VALUE


remote_id Integer No Remote ID remote_id_name Example: 50

EA-Site String No Extensible Attribute extensible_ EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site attributes extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file.
For information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible Attribute extensible_ EA-Users is an example of a user

Users attributes defined attribute. You can add other
user defined attributes to the data file.
For information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for relay agent filters. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a Relay Agent Filter

This example shows how to import a relay agent filter with a circuit ID and a remote ID.

Overwriting Relay Agent Filter Data

This example shows how to overwrite the circuit ID and remote ID of an existing relay agent filter.
header-RelayAgentFilter,name*,circuit_id_rule,circuit_id,remote_id_rule remote_id

Merging Relay Agent Filter Data

This example shows how to merge a comment and extensible attribute Site to an existing relay agent filter.
RelayAgentFilter,relayagent1,This is a comment.,USA

64 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

NAC Filter

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Field Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

Header-NACFilter String Yes Example: NACFilter

name String Yes Name name Example: NAC Filter

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name field

when you select the overwrite or merge

comment String No Comment comment

expression Option list No Match the following expression To include the option list in the Matching
rule the following rules table in Grid Manager,
you must enclose the expression in
brackets. 
AND RADIUS.ServerError="TRUE")

EA-Site String No Extensible Attribute extensible_attributes EA-Site is an example of a predefined

Site extensible attribute. You can add other
predefined attributes to the data file. For
information about data format and
examples, see Data Specific Guidelines
on page 8.

EA-Users String No Extensible Attribute extensible_attributes EA-Users is an example of a user defined

Users attribute. You can add other user defined
attributes to the data file. For information
about data format and examples, see
Data Specific Guidelines on page 8.

This section contains examples of how to create data files for NAC filters. All examples use comma as the separator.
You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding a NAC Filter

This example shows how to import a new NAC filter.
NacFilter,nacfilter01,This is a comment.,option ServerError="true",USA

Overwriting NAC Filter Data

This example shows how to overwrite the name and comment of an existing NAC filter.
NacFilter,nacfilter01,nacfilter02,This is a new comment.

Merging NAC Filter Data

This example shows how to merge the extensible attribute Users to an existing NAC filter.
NacFilter,nacfilter02,John Smith

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 65

CSV Import Reference

IPv4 Option Space

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Field Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

Header-OptionSpace String Yes Example: OptionSpace

name String Yes Name name Example: ABC-co options

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment

This section contains examples of how to create data files for option spaces. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv4 Option Space

This example shows how to import a new IPv4 option space.

Overwriting IPv4 Option Space Data

This example shows how to overwrite the IPv4 option space name with Optionspace02.

Merging IPv4 Option Space Data

This example shows how to merge a comment to the IPv4 option space Optionspace02.
OptionSpace,Optionspace02,This is a comment.

66 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

IPv6 Option Space

Note: This object is supported in CSV export only.

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Field Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Object

Header-IPv6OptionS String Yes Example: IPv6OptionSpace


name String Yes Name name Example: MySpace

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name

field when you select the overwrite or
merge option.

comment String No Comment comment Example: Custom option space

ipv6_enterprise_ String No Enterprise Number This is the vendor’s enterprise number

number that is registered with IANA.
Example: 7779

IPv4 Option Definition

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type (Yes/No) Field Object Usage and Guidelines

Header-OptionDefinition String Yes Example: OptionDefinition

space String Yes Option Space space Example: ABC-co options

_new_space String No Add this field to overwrite the space field

when you select the overwrite or merge

name String Yes Name name Example: Option one

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name field

when you use the overwrite or merge

code String Yes Options: Code code

type String Yes Options: Type type Use any of the following values: T_FLAG,
Example: T_TEXT

This section contains examples of how to create data files for option definitions. All examples use comma as the
separator. You can use other supported separators, such as semicolon, space, or tab.

Adding an IPv4 Option Definition

This example shows how to import an option definition to the IPv4 option space Space01.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 67

CSV Import Reference

Overwriting IPv4 Option Definition Data

This example shows how to overwrite the IPv4 option definition type from T_IP_ADDRESS to T_FLAG.

Merging IPv4 Option Definition Data

This example shows how to merge a new space and a new name to an existing IPv4 option definition.

IPv6 Option Definition

Note: This object is supported in CSV export only.

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object

Header-IPv6OptionDefin String Yes Example: IPv6OptionDefinition


space String Yes Option Space space Example: MySpace

_new_space String No Add this field to overwrite the space field

when you select the overwrite or merge

name String Yes Name name Example: MyOption1

_new_name String No Add this field to overwrite the name field

when you use the overwrite or merge

code String Yes Options: Code code Example: 10

type String Yes Options: Type type Use any of the following values:
'T_INT16', 'T_INT32', 'T_INT8',
'T_UINT16', 'T_UINT32', 'T_UINT8',
'T_UINT8_1_2_4_8' 
Example: T_INT8

68 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

Supported Object Types

Upgrade Groups and Schedules

Consider the following when you import upgrade groups and their distribution and upgrade schedules:
• The appliance imports a new upgrade group only when both the distribution and upgrade schedules are
• You can modify members and the comment field of an existing upgrade group only when both the distribution
and upgrade schedules are inactive.
• You can modify distribution related fields of an existing upgrade group only when the distribution schedule is
• You can modify upgrade related fields of an existing upgrade group only when the upgrade schedule is inactive.
• The Grid Master is the only member of the Grid Master group. You cannot move it to another upgrade group.
• You cannot change the members of the Reporting Member group nor move them to another upgrade group.
• When you remove a member from its original group, it will be placed in the Default group. You may notice
additional members in the Default group if you remove members from any upgrade groups.
• When you specify both dependency and distribution or upgrade time for an upgrade group, dependency takes

Note: When you import an upgrade group and its distribution and upgrade schedules, you cannot control the
activation and deactivation of the schedules. You can activate and deactivate the schedules through the GUI
after the import.

Field Name Data Type Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object/Name

Header-upgrade_group String Yes UpgradeGroup Example: UpgradeGroup

name String Yes Name Example: UpgradeGp1

comment String No Comment comment Add this field to overwrite the

comment you entered for the
upgrade group.

members Grid No Member members Enter a list of Grid members

member Assignment separated by commas. Use the
list Name FQDNs of the Grid members.
Enclose the entire string in double

time_zone String No Time Zone time_zone The value in this field applies to
both distribution_time and
upgrade_time. If you do not specify
a time zone, the Grid level time zone
is used.

distribution_dependent_group String No Name distribution_ Enter the name of the preceding

dependent_group upgrade group that this group
depends on during a distribution.

distribution_policy String No Distribute to distribution_policy Valid values are: SIMULTANEOUSLY


distribution_time Time No Start distribution_time Enter the distribution start date and
Distribution time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
(Date/Time) format.

upgrade_dependent_group String No Name upgrade_dependent_ Enter the name of the upgrade

group group that this group depends on
during an upgrade.

NIOS 6.5 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) 69

CSV Import Reference

Required Associated GUI Associated PAPI

Field Name Data Type Usage and Guidelines
(Yes/No) Field Object/Name

upgrade_policy String No Upgrade upgrade_policy Valid values are: SIMULTANEOUSLY


upgrade_time Time No Start Upgrade upgrade_time Enter the upgrade start date and

70 CSV Import Reference (Rev. A) NIOS 6.5

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