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PHRASAL VEIUS (5 points)

A) Fill in each blank with the correct tense of a phrasal verb which means the same as the one
in brackets,

I. Fasten your seat belts r The plane is going to .... . . . . . . o f f (LEA VE THE
1. My room has hig windows that out on the sea. (HA VE A VIEW OF)
3. We'll need to .. . offearly if we want to get there by lunchtime. (LEAVE)
4. He was furious when he . . .. out that his wife was seeing another man.
5. Could you . down the radio, please? I can't conce:1trate. (MAKE

B) Fill the gaps with an appropriate particle,

1. Remember to switch the lights. . when you go out

') Don't leave your toys lying around I You should put them when you've tinished
playing with them.
3. They decided 10 separate because they didn't get well.
4. He was reading and didn't even look when I entered the room.
5. These shoes are 100 small. I'd like to try. ...another pair, please.


Who..... that wi ndow .,

a) did broke b) broke c) is broken d) break

2. r met my boyfriend my last summer holidays.

a) while b) for c) when d) during

3. r never spend much money ..... clothes.

a) on b) for c) in d) for buying

4. lfyou want to work in England, you ..... a work permit

, a) don't have b) haven't to have c) mustn't have d) don't need 10 have

5. When I was a child m\' parents didn't .... eat sweets.

a) let me to b) let me c) allow me d) make me to

6. r joined ..... the group and we went for a barbacue ..... the beach.
a) -lin b) to/Oil c) with/on d) _Ion

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