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1. Name :

2. What is the average turn-around time for goods delivery from suppliers?
a) Same day b) Next day c) 3 days to less than 2 week
d) More than 2 weeks but less than 1 month
e) More than 1 months

3. Do you think you are running right on time and as per schedule and plan?
a) Yes b) No

4. What is the average turn-around time for goods delivery to customers?

a) Same day b) Next day c) 3 days to less than 2 week
d) More than 2 weeks but less than 1 month
e) More than 1 months

5. What are the factors considered while placing a purchase order?

a) Availability b) Demand c) Cost
d) Competition e) Consumption

6. From where the unit purchase its inventories?

a) Own subsidiaries b) Local Market
c) Domestic Market (National) d) International market.
7. Which of the following cost reduction measures are adopted by the company?
a) Safety Stock b) Reducing Lead-time
c) Bulky Purchase d) Others
8. Which transportation and logistics challenges are most critical to your

a) Cost Reduction b) Customer Service

c) Transport Optimization d) Vendor Management

e) Inventory Management

9. What type of transport is preferred in the company?

a) Railways b) Roadways c) Seaways

10. Does your company have an annual logistics budget?

a) Yes b) No

11. Does your company have any measurements for your logistics performance?

a) Yes b) No

a) If yes, please rank the top 3 measurements for your logistics


On-time delivery


Return on investment

Employee productivity
Accurate, complete and
damage free delivery

Data Accuracy


b) If no, rank the top 4 expenditure pertaining to your transportation cost






12. How often do you transport your goods?

a) Everyday b) 2 – 3 days c) Weekly

d) Fortnight e) Monthly

13. How was the delivery schedule of the company?

a) On time b) Before time

c) After time d) Very Late

14. How close was the branch, warehouses, booking points & delivery spots from
your place?
a) Near b) Close by c) Far d) Very far
15. How often each exporting shipment is inspected?

a) Routinely b) On a random basis

c) Selectively based on a risk analysis d) Others

16. How many carriers do you currently manage?

a) 1 – 3 b) 4 – 9 c) 10 – 20 d) 21 or More

17. How many points of contact do you currently need to manage in your supply

a) 1 – 3 b) 4 – 9 c) 10 – 20 d) 21 or More

18. Mode of Payment?

a) Cash b) Cheque c) EFT c) Other

19. During your last measurement period were SALES generally up or down?

a) 20%+ b) +15% c) +10% d) +5%

e) 0% f)-5%

20. During your last measurement period were profits up or down?

a) 20%+ b) +15% c) +10% d) +5%

e) 0% f)-5%

21. During your last measurement period did your customer base grow or shrink?
Your best guess as to how much?

a) 20%+ b) +15% c) +10% d) +5% e)0%

22. What is the duration of export clearance?
a) Less than or equal to 24 hrs
b) Longer than 24 hrs but less than or equal to 48 hrs
c) Longer than 48 hrs but less than or equal to one week
d) Longer than one week

23. My company extensively measures logistics performance in terms of cost,

productivity, customer service, asset management and quality.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

24. My company successfully utilizes time-based logistics solutions like

continuous replenishment, quick response and just-in-time with customers and/or

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

25. Manufacturing or logistics information systems in my company are being

expanded to include more integrated applications.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

26. My company has common, agreed-to policies and procedures to standardize

logistics operations.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

27. What areas are most important to improve?

Please rank these items from 1 to 7 in order of importance to you.






Customer Service

Supply Chain Visibility

28. Suggestions


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